LTC 233-2009 2009 International City/County Management Association Conferencem- MIAMIBEACH
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lTC No. 233-2009 N
TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission ~ ~:~
FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager~~~/ ~ ~,,
IVY ~c
DATE: September 10, 2009
SUBJECT: 2009 International City! County Management Association Conference
The purpose of this LTC is to advise you that I will be traveling to Montreal, Canada to attend the
annual International City /County Management Association from September 12-17, 2009. This
year s conference theme is Leading Communities to Success in the New Global Economy.
This year, I am proud to share with you that the City of Miami Beach will bean important part of
this annual conference. The ICMA Annual Conference attracts professional local govemment
management from around the world, and typically attracts 3,500 to 4,000 local govemment
professionals from cities throughout the world.
I have been asked by the ICMA President, David Limardi (City Manager for Highland Park,
Illinois) to introduce the keynote speaker for the opening session on Tuesday, September 15,
2009, as well as present the 2009 ICMA Awards.
I am honored to be introducing Dr. Alice Rivlin, a senior fellow in the economic studies program
at the Brookings Institution and a visiting professor at Georgetown University's Public Policy
Institute. She is considered among the most influential policy makers in Washington, D.C.
(biography attached). The Utle of her keynote session is An Outlook (or the Economy and Loca!
Government, where she will be speaking on the changing state of the national economy, the
U.S. health system, and the state of U.S. cities. Dr. Rivlin will brief attendees on the current
oullook for the economywith a particular focus on implications for local governments. I will also
be leading a breakout session with Or. Rivlin following the keynote session.
In addition, the City of Miami Beach will be featured as one of a handful of cities as an example
of good government. A video has been produced about our city -its diversity, historic
preservation, public private partnerships, planned progress and entertainment capital -and will
be shown at the opening session for the conference. In addition, the video will be playing at the
Convention Center, as well as at all of the rooms at each conference hotel. Each conference
registrant will also receive a DVD copy of the videos produced for this year's conference.
Moreover, I have been nominated by the International Hispanic Network for the position of Vice
President for the Southeast Region on ICMA's Executive Board. I have already been
interviewed along with three (3) other City Managers from the Southeast Region, which includes
Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina,
Tennessee, Virginia. and West Virginia. The next step in the process is to interview with the
members of the Board in Montreal on Tuesday, September 15, 2009.
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It has been my goal since becoming your City Manager for our City to be recognized as an
example of good government. I am extremely proud that the 2009 ICMA Conference will
certainly showcase our City, to an audience of professional local government executives.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
FdcmgnSALL\DOLORES\LTC -ICMA 2009 Conference.doc
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Alice V1. Rivlin
Esc•lusivc~lt Rel~resrrued ht The Ff'rrslrirrgtnn Slreakere Bra•eurr
;11icc hi. Rivlin is a visiting professur at the Public Policy Institute of Gcorgetvwn
lniversity anJ a Senior Fellow in the Economic Studies program at the Brookings [nsfitution.
She is the director of the Greater Washington Research at Brookings. Before returning to
Brookings. Rivlin served as vice chair of the Fcdcral Reserve Board from 19911 tv 1999. She
was director of the Whim Flouse Office of t`'htnagcment and Budget ITOm 199# w 1996. and
deputy director (199;-9:1). She alsv chaired the Uislricl of Columbia Financial \ianagcmcnt
\ssistance .Authority (1998-20(11).
Rivlin was the I~nmding director of the Congressional Budget OlTice (19?~-1981). She
was director ol'lhe Economic Studio, Program at Brookings (1983-1987j. She aho served at the
Ueparlmrm of Health, I.ducation and \I•'cllare as assistant secretary lur Planning and f•:valuation
Rivlin received a Ivtac:Arthur Foundation Prize Fciluwship, taught at I larvard, Cicorgc
Iviasun. and'I he New Schuul Universities. has sen•ed vn the boards of directors of several
corporations. and as president of the American Economic Association. She is currently a member
of the board of directors of the Ncw York Stock Exchange.
She is a frequent contributor tv newspapers, television, and radio, and has written
numerous books. I ter books include .Svsrenuuic 'lhinkhrg fbr Soc iuf rl ctiorr (1971), RevivinY the
Ln€rican D+•eant (19927, Be}'orrd the Dut.c•onrs (w'ith Rubarl Litan. 2U01). and '!'he I:cortnntic•
YuyoJJ,Ji•atr the Internet Kevnlrrirorr (also with I.itan, 2001). Shc is co-editor (with Isabel
Sawhill) of R<rsRrriug h'iscnl.S'aniry: Ilow to 13alinux~ the Brrcl~et (2004), Kcourring F3.tical Sari!}'
3f)D~::Ilcretirrg flee Lou,K-Burt Challenges;and Re.rtr»•irt,G Fiscal Sarri!} :300': The Nealtlr
Spending Challenge (with Juscph R. Antos Jiarch 2007)•
Rivlin was born in 1931 in Philadelphia, I'ennsyhania, and grew up in Bloomington,
InJiana. She received a Bachelor of Arts in economics Isom Bryn ~4awr College. in 19>2 and a
Ph.D. ti'om Radcliffe College (Harvard University) in economics in 198, Shc is married to
cconomisl Sidney G. \\'inter, why is a professur al the University of Pennsvhania. Shc has three
children and four grandchildren.