Trust Fund Release and Disbursal Agreement~00~'' ~ 718` c7D1~- 9~q~9 TRtiST TIi~U RU:LP;ASF. AND DISBURSAL AGRL;~M17EN'f L Pariies 'I'bis "frost Fund Kelease And Disbursal Agreement {"pgrccment") is entered into by, between, and among Miami-Dade County, 4tortroc County, the City of Miarni, the City of llialeah, and the City of Miami Beach. the forntcr member jurisdictions of the South Florida Bmployrttent and 'training Consottimn ("SFETC") and the State of Florida Agency for ~VOrkfnrce Innovation ("Agency"). II. Preamble ~. Whereas, on July 2, 2008 the former member jurisdiction of the South Florida Employment and Training Consortium ("SFL'fC") entered into a tiettlement Agreement with tht State of Florida Agency For W`orkforec Irrrrovation ("the Agency"), a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incurpur.+tul hen in by rcforcnce hereto; and B. hl~hereas, the Agency has cettified ttutt the :agency has received ail of the sum of $343,G88AU in disailowed costs pursuant to the aforesaid Scttlcrncnt Agreement by letter dated October 21, 2008, a copy of which is auachcd hereto as T:xhibit "B" and incorporated herein by rt:ference hereto; and C. \4'heroa+s, the staff of former member jurisdiction :viiarru-Dade County has successfully obtained repayment. of the disallowed costs associated «-ith Finding CF'20U~-6 from all but one of the former sen ice providers of the SFF'TC, to ~+il, C'adwlic Charities of the. Archdiocese of A~fiarni, Inc.. in the amount of $98,967.00; and D. Wfiercas. the repaynent of the aforesaid disallo~~ed cnsts is the total sum of $305,077.50; and Page 1 of 6 ~CJ:f li. \Vhereas, the staf7 of former member jurisdiction Miami-Dade County deposited the aforesaid su m o1' 5305,077.50 in a special Miami-Dade County 't'rust 14tnd No. G43'I'SFrfi430(l l;and F. \Vhereas, this special Miami-Dade County Trust Fund No. G43'fSl'+'643001 has earned interest in the amount of $10,816.87 as of July 20011; and (i. Whereas, Iht: work of the sniff of former member jurisdiction Miami-Dada County to obtain repayment of the disallowed costs has been volurriary and uncompensated by the other four fanner member jurisdictions of the SFETC; and H. \\'hereas, pursuant to 29 Codc of Federal Regulations 97.2(1), all interest eamcd on the repayment amount of $305,077.50 is rcyuired to be: paid to the Agency; and I. \~4'hereas, the Consortium :\greentent, effective July 1, 2004 artd cspiring on June 30, 2006 was silent conccming the allocation of the repayment amount of 5305,077.5(1 among the five former ntemher jurisdictions of the SFIi'I'C and stale and federal law vtd regulations ore silent as well. III. 'T'erms And Conditions Now. Therefore, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, and obligatioru set ft~rth below tmd for other good and valuable consideration as sU+ted herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: I . Alf of the rcprescntalions [md statements in the Preamble, I <tragraphs A. through and including 1., herein, are true and correct. and all of same arc incorporated herein by rolcrcnce hereto as if fully set forth herein. 2. Miami-Dade County shall and is hereby authorized and directed to rolcasc and disburse the principal amount of $305,077.50 front Miami-Dade County Trust Fund No. Page 2 of 6 643TSFf643001 in accordamce with the percentages for financial liability set forth in the aforesaid Consortium Agreement not later shun forty-fivc (45) days alter the cffoctivc date of this "['rust Fund Release And Disbursal Agreement as follows: a. 42.2°ru to Miami-Dade County, to wit, $128,742.71; b. 33.3% to the Cit}• of hfiami, to wit, $101,590.81; c. 11.1°,% to the City of Hialeah, to wit, $33,863.60; d. (i.7°/~ to Monroe Count}, to wit, $2Q440.19; and e. 6.7°/n to the Cin• of Miami Beach, to w•it, $20,440.19. .3. ht the event Utat any of the five former memhcr,jurisdictions of the SPICfC obtain or receive rcpaymcnt of the sum of $48,967.00 from Catholic Charities of !hc Archdiocese of fw9iarni, Ina, or any portion thereof; at any time, then the fanner member jurisdiction of the SFF.TC obtaining or receiving such repayment, or any portion thereof. shall and is hereby authorized and directed to release and disburse the aforesaid sum of $4!{ ~)(i7.00, or any portion thereot; so obtained ar received, to the fivc former member jurisdictions of the SP!•°fC in accordance with the percentages set forth in 2.a., h., c., d. and e. hereinabove, not later than sixty (GO) days from the date of receipt of the repayment, or any portion thereof, by the former member jurisdiction of the Sft~:l'C. htterest earned on the aforesaid sum, or on any portion thucof, if any, shall be and is hereby authorized and directed to he released and disbursed by the tixmer member jurisdiction of the SFETC to Ute State of Florida Agency for Workforce Innovation not later [hart ninety (90) days fiom the date of receipt of the rcpaymcnt, or any portion thereot; by the former memberjurisdiction ofthe SPL•''1'C. 4. Mi.uni-Dade County shall cmd is hereby authorized and directed to release and disburse all of the interest earned on the principal sum of 5305,077.50 in fv9ianti-Dade County Page 3 of 6 Trust Fund 1\0. (i43TSF/643001 nut later than ninety (90) days after the effective date of this Trust fund Kelease And Disbursal Agreement to the Stale of Florida Agency for Vb'orkforce Innovation. 5. The parties hereto stipulate and agree that this document reprex:nls [he entire agreement by, between, and among the parties hereto cunecming this subject matter and that the provisions contained herein may not. be modified without l}te express written consent of all of [he parties hereto. 6. In the event ol• any litigation arising out of This Agreement, this Agreement shall not be canstnted in favor of or against any parts by reason of the document's process or manner 01' preparation. i. This Agreement shall be elYcctive on the date oC signature of the last signatory to this :lgrcemenf ("affective Date"). to wit, the date that all of the parties hereto have executed This Agreement. Facsimiles of signatures shall constitute, binding signatures for purposes of this Agreement. This Agreement shall he signed in counter-part originals by each and all of the parties hereto and each such counter-part orik~nal shall be deemed mi original for all purposes. F.ach such counter-part original of each oC the parties hereto shall be executed b}• the dul}• authorized officer of the respective party hereto. Page 4 of l IN WI'!'NF.SS HEREOF,'1'HF: UULY AUTHORIZED REPRESF.NT.4TlVES OF' THE PARTIES HERETO HAVF. F,XFCtiTED THIS .AGKEEMENT: FORMER MP.MBF.R JL~RISDICT[ONS OF THE SOU'I'I I FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND'I'RAINING CONSORTiLJbI Miami-lladc Cnunh~ U:1TED: _ _ _ liY )'riot Namc and 'title: Approved as to loran and legal sufficiency by County Atlomcv Mnnrnc County I'rinl Namc and'I'itle: Approved as In form and legal sufficiency by County Atlomcy _ Citv of Miami DATED: BY: Print Name :uid Tille: Approved aS N tams mid Icgal suflciency by City Attorney __ (SlCN.4TtiRF.S CONTINUE ON FOLLOWING PAGE) Pate 5 0l 6 City of Hialeah UA1~ED: DA'fliD: APPROVED /1s TO FORM dr LANOUACiH ~ FOR,f~XECtJ7iON ~~ 'vii /L i~ ~ Ly ~~ C~ ~(~ IiY: _ __ Print dame and'fitle: Approved as to form and legal sufficiency by Oily Alwrney __ .. _..... City of Miami Beach IIY Printl~amc and Title: Matti Herrera Bower, Mayor ;lpproved as to font kegal "sufficiency by City Atlotncvy"_" y~ At est: ~ /~~ ~~ obert Pareher, City Clerk I)A"fh:U: BY: BARBARA K. GRIFFR<. DEPUTY DIRECTOR Agency for Workforce Inno~~ation :approved as to li~rm and legal sufficiency^ JAMES E. LANDSBGRG, ASSISTANT GENERAL COUNSEL Page 6 of 6