Additional Software License Agreement - October 1, 2009 ~P>'~ 1~ err ~ 1t'or lrl 4 ~ ~.~t'• fi,;:: :~~1 ,_ oc:r~hcr 7 -,~,ns, :~)olTlovn>_sf~rrw,ltu LicE~sLncltrr:nTFV,~' CLief Car7us Norieg?. ivliami iica(:h Yulice Dcparlnretrt 110 l~'a<hingtnn Avcnae b4iami Beach, Ff. ?3li9 Dear t,,iicf Norieca: New lVorhl Sys;ens is?h:ased ro iic::nse ycu nddilional soflwxre per yourrequesf. 17ie allzched forn>.¢ (Exhibits i.A, A, B ana Appendix I) are to he reviewed and ap?roved by you and+or your uutho:izec rcp_esentative. 'they describe the additional snflware acd service. You hove requested xleng wish the related fees. Other than for the pu:peses of internal review, we ask :hat you neat our fees as coulidential iuformztion. Tlus is due to the compuaive nature of o'ar business. Tl-:e (icaenl Tenns and Conditions from our original License Agreelnenf urc iucorpnralec. and couth:ue to apply. Arty taxes or fees imposed fnnv fhe course of this Agreement are the responsibi!i:y of the Castomer. \4b shark yon iir. ycu, cot:1L-tued'ousiness w•i:h New 1~'orld Systems. 11'c look forware to wtn-ki:tg cn the p:oja'i will you, AC1ZMriVLLllCFn.4NPAGRF.EllTOBY: .~~~.Ra-~ ,,,t•l~g NEW1i'ORT,nSISTLMS_aCORPORA'I'lO~t CI'1'YOFMTAII•ITREACIT,FLORIDA (Ne rid) , (C'ustnmer) -4~(~-~- Tarry . Loimveher, President Authurizcrl Signature Title I)v: Authorized Signature Title nate:__ ~`. ~C• %-C-~_ ._ Haft:: 10 O ~ '~ ._ Lash individual si;,ning above represents that (s)he has the requisite autboriry to execute Utis :1grcemna on behalf of the urgauization for rehich (s)he represents :uui that alI tl:c necessary forutalifies base been met. The "L-`fective llate" of des Agreement is the luster of the :~3~a dales in rile :above ~ignat.ce b;ocl:. P1t1CIN6IS \'ALIU THROIiCFT OC'T'OTTP.R ;i, 20U9. Cor;:orarr:.SVd' f P¢.l L'!g 3ruvm~ lL~n!t • J)rin• C rQ • Y'rrp • :.Lv.ir.'~ar ;SbS»-OZi 9 i Lxnnlrrpn •ro'I Al, cos7's11n7MARY' Arin PAI~h1enT sctmnli~_l._ I. '1'olal CUSts Sunnnary: i.iceused Standard tioCnsnrc,Tmplcutenratiou Services, And Thi rd 1'ar(y Yroducls UISSCItII'PION fl(r OOST COST A. L1CI4N5b:U Sl'.4NI)ARD 5OP1'tw'Al'.L• as further delai:ed in ls;iibil A 91300 B. T\"I'I iRlh1CG li\STALf.4'1'ION SERViCF.S a: funhrr desc:ibr;l is lalubil Et (i,(?t?(1 C. IMS'1'ALLA'I'IUNAND'I'RniN1NG SPR\~ICES as furthc: des:ribed i:. Es!•ibll B 2;?40 D. Tf[IRU 1'AR'IY SER\'IC:ES as ii.~her described iu ~\ppcadix 1 :l?50 L•. TRA4'EL EXPENSES = 1'(?CIO OVE. TID7E ADM'I'IONAi. COSTS: S22 79(l F. [?:SS: Casson Sof'.warc h(rrface Scn:ces datelcd ss fur?Iscr describes (42:`I+'~) iu L•saibii (i CREUIT 6.4LA.VCU.: L`EL`LliY61 71. Yavneuls for Licensed St~udard Software Tno!c::teli(dio'1 Scrviccs. and T!tird Pzi ' °rod:.,ccs Credit will reduce i.;c mi: a:onc billutg due No~~eaier, 2(T;?9 as dcscabed a the mi~iual agrrement da'rd :anuarv 23, BOOS. T.{ II'Ia.il0^ and SC3llllll^a Linle OI' aC(Ual CI'aVCI CXir=nSei exee:d tae amrmts sLov~m zbo•: e, ti',e exc: s will be bi Iied weekly as iacur.+ed. G. STAIv'DARDSO?flu?4RE1v1A1N1'EN~'CCSE1tvICRS Standard 5oftwaro Ddain(enarcc Ab:cemcnl (SS1iA} fees oi'S6#O fcr I:,c above soil•a~_;c will br. adced ;o Customer's ccrrcu( SSMA fees ar,d o'iIl comnrnce au Jar.iuy 1, 2010. Subsequent year SSl`•i4 Pecs fer 'hc al;ovc caR+earc •a~;l je cmuisicat n'itli I''.:c SSP:IA rg tec:nenl currantly in clue[. :1T.I, PAYMtil\'1'S :1.RE DLRS L1"I173IK TI1lR'1'?` (71t) UAYS FRf1n9 ItI::CF•IP'I' ON INV(IICE eRIC'LNG 1'.4L1D Y'V/(OL'GII OCTOI3LR 31Jt7p9. CO"IFiDICN'1'L4L. RC\T.MD Nlix r Olodx IOO iC1S Page 2 of 10 Oily of \'lianti TicaCiq h'L raluiirr n Lrce~NSro s rArtl~,(Rn son~rwnur A~'n 1_el_s 1. Licrnsr• Frc for I:icensed St:mdnrd Sntlwara• :>qrl llocumentatinn Selertrd )ly Castonacn A~gdicalior. I'acknec-"'~ . ''x[ AllDITTOKA L MODULE 1. Addillmtol AegisiJ•ISP Snfncnrr• for Ln+v Gufiurement Recarde 1J,000 - Casc.IvfanngenaeM DI':LI:'I']3U NfOUt A..C 2. Aegis Tusiice Lick Ltferfnec Server nt n Sew Norld Sik•. (117SP) s.'i'I+ird Purly Snl't»mt•e Product or Third Ynrtl' Datebnu -5,OJ0 Teles:aff 1'olicc Rh9S 1`1116' FVORLU STelNUARU SOPT~L'AILE I:IC:LI\SE FI;kS 4,000 LESS PLi•7O[\'S'IRt1TIUN SITT I)ISCULIN'I' (3.'l1U) t ~ Li ENDNO'LES Persatn? CnmP:,dcrs must nreer the ntinix;un; hrrtin'are re-; uir,rr:enu !nr A'e:: A'7vid S;u;er+a'1dSPprorh'ct Alic''os~4 F(;"ar:invs?OGO or XP is t&e reyaind cpe%'n t;i,~ systeur j"ur' n+. c?iant rnockbaes. li'in[;on's ?f103:'?043Scnarr cuu? 5'QL .Sr.:~rs;r ?00 ~'I(,t'Jh :rre renuired for rks• oplien?ion anti Dn;nhto~e S'e: ver'(sJ. ?v'c~r 19'orTd System ~' 64SP prod::cr req;rtres :l: icrasc i :ini«daa's 2!1?3 Se+^,'er anc±.S'QL Servr<'' ? W )Jii00F ier.•?nrling regt~?rer! C?ier:! fccess IdcansES (CA`s) for nqa?ic:rlae t11ir.•rocs>,~ prod;rr.!s. SG'•-e:'s n^ts? li1CCt nrirc;n: unt karnk'nre rrtn,:riren:~:r?s prcvidt=; i!i' Pleu• M'or'id,St<clans. N:nn ffirri:l.irsturns'ii9.SPprod!~;a regnirrs nltcrrzvnrf A'otrf ar:rl G:ce?. ,4rgga~re;lm?nrrnuur: 10tP.a'DF.tGerne7Nenrorl,. lC.d',71 C.':7T_+b'rl.'^rect.kcnrorknuq'krreJesstl:or!tufeq„naa. rc:q:orsC t?nce Fm:i!e!'CO!!:Ir!lritiWln'OlrAtte!"e frrirC.q lC n.fS@3:1'O;nVteflVpl ~', I'riCes nss:r!as ?hnt ull sofM•nre i,c f?cerser_+. i!::? taxes or, `eaa inryoser; ore r?ie re.;mo!rsiLi?. ~: of lire irurGi;nsrr a.«i 'n4?. bra rerritfed u$rn iurpcaed. CUN6IDGIVI'IAI. aC\^r:~o(t nr..~ nine, IC;ilU9 Aage 3 of Ifl Cil)• of D4inmi ilcnc4,1' I. ^_. [.icencc l+ee i':+vtocnl Si~.lictlule 1'or Licensed titauderd Snfh+•>.re autl Docamcnlufion The paymccs !b: Licensed Slandnra SnRu,cro 2rc covrred under :he Ce+.c'. Suanne.ro and P«yrncn; Schrdule in Hshihit .A ".. ('ONb'lU$'NTIAL ACVTADD ntixc btoAx IOC lOq Page 4 of 1U City oC blismi Ftcacl+, FL lit)J BT"1' R INS'I :ALLA'17ON AND "fR.a1N1NG Sti PPOR7 SrR\!1ClS AND Fh.6_S. 1. 1mnlenreuiHlinn_nntl'1'rninine Sunuorl Hours Recommended. It is rermnmended that appropriae r_plmC hoes are :dlocatec for all ;,i;:rrsec 5landarc Sor""Hume used in lisL•ibil A to ins:nc successful implentenlzlion of s:ad Uainin~~ on uarh application, package. Based on ihr. Licensed Sl;mdard So'lwarr, listed on Eshibil P., IG hours of Nce• World i.nplcu:rco-aion antl'raining support sevices have peen allocatr<I. Avoiding or minimizing c.istom or modified `:atcro: will aid ir: keeping d:e support costs ro tLe an!ount aJncan;d. Customer agrees :n rr.nbursc New \\'a'Id for xuppun hips caurrled by Customer less than icn (10) dzvs bc''vrc the scheduled stare aatc to eevrr Nevo \'rbrld's out-of-pocket cods cold imt revenues. The recmm~:euded in7plc~tec:ation at:d ?raining support services include: a) 9~piz:nentat!ot: of each package ol'Licensee Slancarcl Soflware; and b) Customer training and!m' assistznce in testing fm' each package eflicecscd S.xnderd Sefnvare. •"he pra. xt managemrm, in7piernc7rdioc and ;rainir•e. support services arc perfon:7ed ai Customers pren~su andior at New ~\'nrld naEoual Leadquarters in Troy, btichiEnn (e.g., porlinns o[ pvird ~nm:agemrnl me pe=on-era ir. Troyj. 2. Interface Inslalintiou Service Fees A 7lat 7eir, fee is charged fu:-the instaliatiou of scleclyd iaicrfaccs on Pshibit A. This cc dons no: inciu:le hm'dwzrc atd;or ailrc party product eesis. Whenevcn' possible, this +eerk will'or. duce remotrly, res-:d:ing !n szvic;;:: iu trzvel costs. if on-site installation at:d paining is requped, Customer ~a•i11 be rey7otxib;r, Iin the ad.tal travel cosis- Ittstal(n:ion inctudesthe fotlow•irg interfaces w :a these corresponding fees. a) 911 Intern""ace Insta'.I:aion (? Installs) 46AC•P 'I'O'TA] [N7FRFACG INSTALLATION SPRVICE F1EF5 ............................................$SeeQOQ 3. Su0nurt Service Pecs ISstimate TCc 16 ]curs oi' installation and uz:ning support services cost hzs been eaten!«le ~ using a rat= ~ f 4140 prr Hoc:. ASdit~ata! services :re also available at tl:c rate of 4140 per hour. 'Pais rote is pretcctcd Fnr ene yea- Iroc7 the dale New World csccutcs this Agreement. AEcr ene year, Gtstonrer snail pay the thin-aui:ant noway rate fo: all E:dtinii Ti .ntpport sorvice:; rendered, based mt d:c services suggcs'rtl anovc, the I:astaliadon and Tra!ning Sup;:en Services and Hticr:ace lnsls7:o for Services casts toil( be a total of 48140. (Ph+s all acmzl amt reaseeablo panel espreses uuunrd by New \Vorld divided propettionatrly benacer, aL' Ne,New N'm•Id cuslmncrs visaed nr. a single trip at:d a;:p:al einployec uavd Y:mc for las;allatior, and'1'ninira; up to but not exceeding fore (4) ]nuns per Cus[ovter nisi'-) 4. Additlatal Servieez Avnilabie Other New R`orld sen+iccs may be rcquit'ai or;eq:7esled for the lol:o•:wing; aj «dditiooal c'Iw«rc halving; 3; Tailoring o(L:ccnser' Standard Sol'at~arc by New World Icc;7nical staff audim' censuhacor. will New World tcd:nica~. sta~f; n) Nr:w R'orld co:7ss:hzlio.t tddt o:per ve;,dors or third panic;: CONN'mF.NTIAL aCn'nAD0l17iw >7oas 100109 Pate ~ of !0 (.'ita• uC ~7 inmi Rcadt, LL Exhibit ¢ : ratl.lf;cr nlnlvACrnnc~•r, InsTAI.I:A•rlor.:wn •rlL~l`~[rlc sllrroltT slelt~~lcrs nlvn FCLS d) modifying the Lfrensed Standard Softvaro; c) <les'igning and pra~ran¢ning Licouszr! Custom SoU waro, and 1;. maincairing uuxlificd Liccrszd Standard S<:flw•arc nn[Iko c~aom .xr9warc- Customer may rcqucsl Inrse addilioanl sciviccs in writing ~.igin~ 1`e+v SYorld's Rar}.iesl Por Service {RPS) procedure (or other appropriate. procecurrs mutcally agnxrt ~.q,on by Custonrcr r,,d Non' \6'orldl. 5. Pxvnrcnts for lnterbuc lastallnlimr 5ervicca T:~e pay:ncnls for Icte~r'ace Lesirllation Services arc covered under the Cos: Suntmap• and Pa}•mzm Schedule, iu Exhibit :A.A. G. Pxvmeuu 1'or lnstallnliou and Trxu,in~ Sunnm•t Sxr~•ices and Tnrvel Cusu TSe payments Ibr Instz!tation and'frsininy Su}pert Sen•ices and 71~avc1 Cos's arc ~o:•zred ~.rndcr t9c Cost Summary anc! Payu:en[ Scaedulr. in i•:zlt:bit AA. Ko:e: Any taxes imposed from the course. o'this Agn:ement are the rceyonsibi:ity ei'[hc Customer nud Customer agrees to rzmit w':re:~ imposed. If an excmphar is cfaimzd by the Customer, an exar.;nion crrliticate nna: be s;:hm-.tted to 'yew World. ALL PAS'nfEV'1'S ARF lltiE SS'ITIi1K THIRTY (30) DASB FRUbf RF:Ch:IPT OF IS VOICI CONF[llL'\TLAL gCVT:,DD Nisc Mlxd> iflC•lU9 Fagc F d lU City of nliami Bcacb, Pl.• D:.HIBIT C DitLRT1UN OIr C(Jti 1'O ~a'IGR RICC)CI!S'YL;ll CUS'PO\7 AQh'1'M`.ARL INTCRBACf~'. 1. Definition of Prniecf At Gtsaaucr's request, New' \1'orld will Aelac the atslom nioc:ficafior, tlescribcd bclow•. Dcle[ed I lurtl PnrfS' Faftw'are Pruducl (Cuslmn In(erGu:cs) lte?+ 1.332.L- l\'!un an arrest is rnafe wiici cacac< several cases. tl'+e sysl~m (S•~90) must be able to aa5criatu the arrest wilh :nuitiplc cases without haviu;, [r, rc-ct~ier t'~c a:rastea en each case. Whe;r ;earehing these efea: ed cases, the s}•slcm nras: sho;v the. arrr;:ee as being associa[ed wid: that paaicular case. Page i6, llem - The system shall proauee+prh:a the. cos:nry Arres: Poar, (G,9SGj and cnrcinuatio~ un blank pa?or if nrrricd. 1~ ietd $ased Reports Customirntimto (32,COI?j I:ICOrDJI'atC IS cunenr Nliami Eieac`i Norms ima New Work's provitlyd Stanehrd rcpo~s- Casc, incidcct, S': pp:emaa and Arrest Forms. Create 10 customer specific forms .~siug fora builrtr tools 2. Cnst and Pavmen[ for bfodificatious T!'.c cost 'u: are er.:~ancemrnts andlor c:tstom software. is 542.470 :,nc is to Ire paid as follow: TBe cre3: for the Cusco:u Sc1••,va:e interface Sen'ices being cde!rd arc cover::, cnoer '.L•c Cn;t Scmmar}• m:d Yavn:em S:.P,cd~lc ir. L'xhii~it AA. CONF'll)k:NTLAL 8CY't'.uro P1Isc mtoas :00;0 kagc ^ of 10 Cih' of 04intni $each, F[. r,:.. , , . ,.,~ nr•rl~:~u1s I A<:RtGMTN"1' .AND :1 C'1'110RT Z.A"PION POR I'ROC'CIRGM r ~T -~ Ol: TF3IRly I';AIYI)' PR(_)llLCTS ,aND SF.RV1CIiS TLis , grrcumn: ;Agrcwnnnl; behvceu Cily u( Mliwmi dcwch, b'loridx (Cuc(onwri ne;l Nc» World Syila•ms°' Corporalimy (New Nbrldj is 10 cnvenhe prucureurem r.:"1'i:iic Party pwducia unJ a~cvicca 6y Nen' 1YOrld fi.r Cus(u:ncr 'Ihr. at:acheJ catti(!nrrlion (Exbi:nl !) dcw+~bcx the Thinl I'ar;y pm!lur(. and scrvicrs Ilur Cuslomcr will L•r cblwin:ne lhruugh Nesr WurW. By Ihcir wrillru approval below, Cuslomcr ncthorzrs Nen• \M1'orlrl to erJe: nc~ Gxhibi: I pael..cls thr delivery m: Cily of hT.citi Uwdl AV.:c Gladys Aues~:a, I'I' DirwWr 111101VasrinyKUU i.vcnuc tdimni drncb; pL i31 19 Thr. payments far Appc~llix : Sctvire; c:c covrred unJ^.r th:c Cosl Snh;mnry a:;d Payment Schrdule in Cxhibit :4A. Cuetomcr is r~pansible tx the silt prel:nrntio-: rout rc.a:aJ assts to ies-clt the Bxh;bil I pioracls. Cusuanur is rc<poluiblc for ny ren+ara' product charges, i~m'.uding re~sfackir~ end ship(~.ng krs, fM all TLirci E'ary p: c;lucu or<Icrcd by Ne+r ~V'mid nn Ihr Customer's lx:,`'.na'. .Ach :~I :niJ reasonailc urvr.I expensrs :ncln oci L•y Nen ~s'orlA and actual c:gauyuc Cnvel tiu,r. up to bol nnr 1:; exceed fear (41 hou~s per Cusfnmcr visi!, me in l.ddinrn to the Fxhibi: 1 casun;l will be ;ailed wwkly as inuanca. .4ny taxes or fees' imposnJ from thr averse of :hi. Agreement are Ihr lesl:oasibai;i of Q:e Cuslomcr• and Qnmmrr eg-cc< b rani! when impuseJ. ]f wn rxeurptinc ix claimed by fire CusWmer; m+ exe.vpaoc ;'iY:ficale nmsl be supmi9oJ tc Nmr N'orld. Aila ~xccuLnn cd~this A>;reemenl, [tar ExLibil I veal, menu ant, :nsl rc.r:y be :hanged by nnrtual zgmerenl o'.'boUt parties. Ifa change order in live configum:iint myui:eS ardilicncL .rests, \en• world shall nutifi• Cuslomcr o: ice wddi(ionnl ersls one. with Cusomer's apgrirowl :hest eescs :hall be boars by Custmoer N'ithuut nxr appros'n., Jx etan~r ar:er will npr lac proce55a'I. Cuslomcr shall or r..ey uc requixd to cxerutc selea!a^^: Ay2ermen_: sviQr vendors nod Net+ N'orlJ si+all reel co:ainn ;as o:d:-ri ;,^ isfa.^.yL"-xhibillproducts',+.:houl Customer's vurboazeJ simraturr o:: the A_i eetrcnu. Custower shall :ecrive err b:nnrit r•f all •nnsaulics, sr. viws. r:c pm.idrJ fY m tar Agrscmcols. co~ru~L,vrcu. BCMfADD A1isr M<xIS lOJlo~ PagF H Ilf IO C.lh~ O(( ~'llallll {ilwCh~ ~•l• 1GRETLA'I G_N7 ,tND .4 U'1'HOR)%:AfION Olt 1'1L(1C'.IfIZP:AIliVT OR TII112U, I'AItTY 1'ttO1)IiC'I S ANA HI~:RVU=P RXII(I;IT I coririculz<~Txl mr•lrsTMrnT conlronl:~TS _ -- (31 Momnahr A1C$5')Il-PKOAKQQA?WR ^audludJ hlobily Compnu,r x4,7511 - G; inCo•a~s P+fobilc 6.1 Operati:-ig c}tem. - ! 28.'256W,`B System Slemory - Rcggclized Cuns'.ructia: . QWT;R'I'1' Kcypad - T111C1;' 21CC 802.11 ABB." ~l ~~'ll C~C'S5 - Tnteg-atcd Bluetoofh -Lnefirmed 2D In:ngcr - Cclor 3S" Q~"GA (32:)~2A0;'Cnuce Pz7cI i ~`U L>isp.a;a - Standard '_X2~0f1 b1AH riancry (3) ?f7otorola 1.52208-S1t?000?R-UR i1SB HaudbcLl Scmmcq Black 525 - Corded 1.4icf-ran~c .D Searna< - Ltacdes Tlacds-free Intel'.island,U56 Ca'^•le &Tnsia!:zti~+~t CD (3)'Lebra L~F/l'LP 2844-10300-11001 Therntal'1'r:msfer B:tr Code Printer 1,?25 4" Pr'c~t G+.`d0i - 20; dpi Print 7Lesonnlo:~, - S.2KB I'1asL ! SF <3 SURAk4 bfen[o~' Total Bar Code Hardwnrc SG,C+00 ACCESSOIilES -- -- 1NV GS'l'h4T.1\7'~ C. _. -_. q (3) Motorola CRIl55f10-100tiR I-51or. USB Cradle Iiil for \9055 S_10 (?) hln[o[rola 25-08596-01 R C'SB Client <'ommunicntion Cnble. °" (3) h•LNOrola AP-5131-4002?-Ch'lVR 1'i`ircless Access Poiut lilt '1,840 - 802.1 1r1:'R/C, lne!udes D~ai Bana Diyule An`.runas, POIi Dote-' Supply l80 (3) blotnroln HTRY-D9CSSI.4130R Stand:vd 2400'.14A19 Sparc Bnltcrv (36) Zebra 80024f1-105 A"c I"'fbermnl Transfer Lnbel Rolls 255 CONffAL~TTAL fif.:vTADD disc Mots 1CG100 Pufie d of l0 City' of 9'liami Beach, Fl. {3G) 7w:Uro U 1200G511[107 33" X 2=IA' ~\'an Ktsin 12iLLou ==` (]) 24]-UUG C'US12 Ctablc (1'rintrr Gxusccliviq•) ZO (3) dtutmvda ?38~1.00.OOR Ilti :1C Linc Cord, L8D1, NI?MA 5-15P 3U (3) Topaz Si~,+,napsrc Cem L-T-LI71C?55-BI2SR-R Si~nahvo Pad 1,51111 Tmal Accessories ;d,G$IJ '1'U'1':1L. fi ali CpI)li II:IRDA'AKL: ICiT 511-25f1 7Ir uho~•c irerrhrmc and s•+ertCu! so,(in•are costs rrsxuP!3 rAe lice!!siny r~(;\~c^.u 'r['nr rd S'ls:c'rns' np]~liratron 1 so~r~vn'e ee(i Srrp,7orr us ~nrt njn can~pleL: solu5nn. lire n; aposet: hrcrt'!rvn'a is configured ru n!r, :\'ru• S4b!:rd nppiicatio!!c ~r:.+x. ? N. ardu:nrc F;,crallariariCnn/.~grn•niirm services no: iaskaled in !hia bn~rnrare pi'oyn.cr.?. 1 Tire nUOre, cirsiamn-cosu ore s:!1ilCe7 to cnq~rnraEort prior to rGrru'uc! eJ:eCrrtiau. sen•r:v!o ]7Is<ntoa.. ; fi0 t':9 Pale JO of lU City of Miami JSeach, 1'L