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Local Agency Program Agreement
.Exhibit C slat [r .::RlnanwnR'42nrr ~F rtf:w6~OrttAn:m ~} .,P.o9'O~nl LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAM AGREEMENT ~~i° ~ '"r,:cc-nrak_c:or;vr ~ ~a~u; =a~,• , i=PN: _42137'x. Funs: _. FLAIR Approp: _. _.--- Federai No: ___ __ Org Code: 55 06~~(~l ~ FLAIR Obj: ~_QoQ 1 FPN: _ _ _. _ Fund: _.. FLAIR Appr:tp: __, J. Feoeral No: _ __ Org Code: FLAIR Obj:. __ FPN: __ -_ Fund: _ FLAIR AaProp: -_ _ -.- Federal No: _ ,. ._ Org Code: FLAIR Obj: FPN: _ .___ Funa: _ _ FLAIR Approp: -- _ .-- Feoeral Ne: _ . Org Ccde: _ _ -- FLAIR Obj: ~ -- CcuniyNc:~L.atai_~ir~-i:nutaty'-ContzdN~~Fi`•i`{ ';~endorNo:~t59(+o0U3TJ.~a Data Universal Number System (Jl1N5j No: 8i1-939-/102 Cataioy of Federal Domestic Assistance fCF D.4j: 20.'~OS Highwaiy- Planning and %onsiru~tion THIS AGkEEfo1ENT, mane and entered into this j ~ day of J ilk ~ _ ,~~f by and bebveen the STATE OF FLORIDA U[P.4RTAdENT OF TRANSPORTATION, art agency of tree State of Florida: hercinaher called Yne Department, and ___ hereinafter ;tilled the Agency. Ci~y of ?•liami Fu a:.h NlITNESSETH: 1NHEREE'.S. the Agency has the aulhuriy' to enter info this Ayreemenl and to undertake the project hereinatfer described. and fhe Department ttas been granted the authority fo function adequateh+ in till areas of appropriate jurisdiction including the implerncnta6an of ar integrated and balanced trarsportalion system and is authorizes under Seciioc 339.12. Florida Statutes, to enter into this Agreertten:; NUbb', 7HEREFORF_, it consideration of rte mutual :revenants, promises and representations herein, the parties agree as folloovs Svuth teach iteirgh?xaxhm3 1.00 Purpose of Agreement: The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for Cie Depadmenfs car6cipaGcn in _ ' Flo,. J and as iurihe- described in Exhibit "A" attached herein and by this reference made a part hereof, hereinafter called the "project,' and to provide 7epartment financiti! assistance to the Agency and sate the terms and conditions upon which sucn assstan:~ Sri!! je proviocd and the understandings as to the manner in evhich the project will be unde:fakcn and completer 1.01 Attachments: Exhioit{s1 _'_ are attacher, and made a par. nereot. 2.01 General Requirements: The Agency shall cempiele lice project as deschced in Exhibii "A" with all practical dispatch, in a sound, economics!, and eiG:;ient manner, and in aa:ordtince snth the provisions herein, and all applicaule ia•,vs. The project wily be perio!meti in accordance with all appiicaole JepartTent procedures, guidelines, manuals. standards. and directives as described in Cre Department's Local .4gencv P_rparam M1Aanual, vahich by this reference is made ti part hereof as if fuhy set iortia heroin. Time is of the essence as tc: each end every• obligation under this Agrcemcrr. A full fime employee of the Agency, qualified to emote that the tvork being pursued is complete, acurrtiie, and consistent with the terms. conditions, and specificalsons of ibis .4greemenl shall be in charge of each project. Romoval of Any Unbilled Funds lr .q~c•tcy fails Iu timely Periorn-. its obligations in submifling ir!voices and documents necessary for the close out of life proje-l, and said failure results in 2 loss of the r^maininy unbillcc funding eicner by Federal veithd:aw•al of funds or less of Skate approprialian autho~ity (which may include both tedera: funds and state funds, if any ,tale funds are opine project; Agrnicq vdii' be respor:sible for the remaining unbiilcd iu:ads on lbe prq,ect. tJO other Tunes will be prcevded b}' the DeAarUnenL. P.gency waives the right ie ccn;esl sucn removal of fUfldS b}• the Department, if said reo~~oval is directly re.:aled [c 1=ederal (FHNtiAj withdrawal o. funds or loss of Stale appropruiion aulhvrily due to Loc=1 Ayency's failure o' nonperfctrman^.e.. in addition t^ h;ss of funding, the Depanmcn: wit! consider de~c:ertification o` said .4geh:a; fo: luture LAP prr>.iecs. Removal of All Funds :+"AT OF Fl rivWn Cop_Z-1,IF n' 0-TR4n5?JFIAI ION :[E 910 4f LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAM AGREEMENT ""'''`VT`'1PI"``~p 1~r O fiO- oao: =ate If all lands ar removed fro:r~ the profeot, incaudinG amrnrnis previously billed to the Depai7merl and reimbursed lc lhr. Ayency, and the protect s off Ere state highway sys[em, thgr the oepartmen! will have tg request repayment for the previously billed amounts fi'om :h:: Local Ayency. No state funds can be used on oif-s}•stem projects. 2.02 Expiration of Agreement: The Agency agrees td complete the project gn or be(or . ~B~ ~~f the Agency does not complete. the projec( within this 6me perked, tats Agreement will expire on lht: 1as: day cr the scheduled completion as provided it trris paragraph uNess an extensidr. of the time period is requested by the Agen::y and granted in writing by the Department prior to the expiration o` This Agreement. Expiration of this Agreement Trill be considered termination of the peel^.ct. l'he cost gf any wgiic perfnnned afle' the expiration date of this Agreement will ngt ge reimbursed by the ~egartment. 2.03 Pursuant to Federal, State, and Local Laws: Ir. the event L`iat an}• election, referendum, apptcvat, permit, nnti;;e or other prgceeding or' authorza:ion is requisite under applicable law' to enable the Agency to enter into Utis Agreement or to unriertake the project hereunder dr to obseve. assume or wry out any of the provisions o' the Agreement, the Ayency will initiate and consurnrnate, as provided by lav:, a!I actions negessan~ wiln respect to any such retorters so requsite. 2.04 Agency Funds: Tne Aoency shall initiate and prosecute to completion all proceedings necessary, including federal-arc requirements, to enable the Agency to provide the necessary lands fo- cornpletidn gf the project. 2.05 Submission of Proceedings, Contracts, and Other Documents: Tne Agency shall submit to the Department such data, reports, records, coniracs, and otnrr ddgumens relating to the project as the Department and the Federal Hiahlvay Agministretion (FHVVA) may require. ~~tc va -~ 3.00 Project Cost: 3.01 Total Cost: T:~ie total cost gf the project is 9r°°=="'This amount is based upon the s~h2~ul= of f~.indiny in ~xhibi! "B." The Anency agrees to gea• all expenses in excess o` the to:at cost of the proect and any deficits involved. Tne schedule of funding may be moriiiied by mutua' agreement as provided for in paragraph 4A0. 3.02 Department Participation: The Department agrees to participate, including cdntin_yencies, in ttte project cost to the extent pro'aided ir: Exhibit "B " "this amount includes federa~-aid funds which are limited to the actual amdun; of federal- aia participation. 3.03 Limits on Department Funds: Project costs eligible for Department participaiigr will be allon•ed only from the date of tats Agreement. It is understood that Department participation in eligible projec: costs is subject to: in Legislative approval of the Department's appropriaiign request in the worK program year that the pmjegl is scheduled kr be committed; b} Availabili!y of funds as slated in paragraphs 3.04 and 3.05 of this A~reemcnl; cj Approval of all plans. specifications, contracts or other obligating documents and all other terms of this .Agreement; and d7 Dr;;:artment approval o` the' project scope and budget al the 6me appropriation authority becomes available. 3.04 Appropriation df Funds: The Department's pcrformarTge and obligation to pay under this .Agreement is cdntinyent upon an annual aPPrgpration by the Legislature. It the Departrnenl's funding for this prcject is is multiple ilea' years, fund:: adgroval from the Denartrnent's Comptroller must be received each fiscal }rear prior to costs being incurred. See Exhib~: "B" for finding levels Cy fiscal year. Project costs utii:zino fhe:;e fiscal y^.ar funds are ndi eligible for reimbursement if incurred ?riot to funds approval being received. The C)epar6nent will notify the Agency. in variling, when (ands arc available. 3.05 Multi-Year Commitment: In the event this Agrearnen: is in ercess of X25,000 and has a term for a perioU of mare than one near, the provisicns of Section 339.'35(6){ai, Florida StSiiates, 3r'e. tieieby iitccrporaled: "ial The departnrei'.t, durny any hscal y,^.ar, spa;' no:, erpend money; incur' any Iiabili:V, or tinier info any crr.ri~~t ~.vnich, by its b~'ms, hlvrlve_. the exnendrture o` atgnry in r:xces:; e' ac amoun!s badryded c... vi A-E.~FtfatD4 DE°3H.LhAi .=iRANY~Jr: LI'IVD: :~_. U'F-t:: LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAM AGREEMENT Hw:a=~ >~wva,;eta=re •':-ns ,t:.,::: :,u=:, available for expenditure during such fisca! yea, Any contract, verbal or vrritten, made in vioia[ion of this subsection is null and void, and no money may be paid an such contract. The department shalt require a statement from the comptroller of the Deaartmcn: that funds are avalable prior to entering irte any such caniraci a other binding commiuneni of (ands. Nothing herein contan'ted snail prevent the naakine of contrats for periods exceeding 1 year, but any wraract so made shat`: be executory only for the valet of the sen~ices lt, be rendered or agreed tc oe paid for in succeeding fiscal years, and this paragraph shell be incorpcrated vert:alim in all contracts of the Deparhner, which are for an arnounl in excess o? ~25,OOa and vrhich have a term for a period of more than 'yea;:' 3.06 Notice-to-Proceed: Nc cost may be ino-urred under this Agreement untie the Agency has received a written Natice- i to ?roceed i•c;m tnc Department. r'E~-',~i'=~" 3.07 Limits on Federal Participation: Federal-a,d (ands shall not pariciaate ie any cost which is not internee in conformity with applicaole Federal and State laws, the reg~.dalinns in c3 Coae of Federal Regulations (:;.F.R.) and :9 C.F.R.. and nolicics and prcoedures prescribed by the Division Administrator of FHVUA. Fedora; funr;s shall not be ;.aid or account o` any cost sncurrcd prior to authorizabcn by the i'Hbb'A to tine rJeparlrnent to proceed with the projeU nr part thereof involving such cost (2s C.F.R. 1.~ (a}i. If FHWA er the Department determines that am amount claimed !s not efiaible, federal participaton may be approved in the amount detenmincd to be adequately supported and the Depanmen: shall notify the Agency in writing citing lne reasons wily items and amounts are not eligible for federal participation. VVherc correc:abie non-cornpiiance with. provisions o taw o- FHVt+A requirements exists, Federal funds may :~e withheld anti'. compliance is obwined. Vdhere non ~ompfianoe is not r:orrectable, FHVb'A or the Deparfinent may deny participation. in parcel or project costs in part or in total. Foy any amounts detcrmineC to be incaigible for tederai reimbursement for whicia the Department ties advanced payment, the Agency shat', promotiy reimburse the Department for all such amounts within 9^. days o- written halite. 4.00 Project Estimate and Disbursement Schedule: ?ripe to the execution o' Ihis Agreement, a project schedule of funding shall be prepared by the Agencv ana approved by the Department The Agency shall mainta,n said schedule of funding, carry• ou'. the protect, and shall incur cbiigalions against and make disbursements o` project funds only in onformily with the latest approved schoduie of funding for the project. The schedule of funding may be revised by mutual written agreernen: between the Department and the Agenq~. If revised, a cop}• of the revision should be forwarded to the pepartmen"s Compiroter and to the Deparment's Federal-aid Prcgra:n Ofirce. No increase ar decrease shall he eEective unless it corrtplies with land participation re~uirernents of ('his lgreement and is approver; by the Depa:tmeal's Camotroller. 5.00 Records: 5.01 Establishmont and Maintenance of Accounting Records: Records cf toss in::urred ender the terms of this Agreement shall be maintained ant made available upon repues[ Lc Lne Department at alt times during the period o. this Agreement anC for v trews aher the iirat pavmen: ism Copies of these rocuments and records shall be famished is the Del:artment upon recuest. ecor s of casts incured include the Agency's general accounting rerards and the project records, together with supporting documents and records of the Agency and all subconiraclors performing wank on the project and al other records o` the Agency and subcon[racrors ronsidered necessan~ by the Departrnenl fur a proper audit of costs. If any littcafior., claim o- audit is started bolero the expiration of the 5-year period, the records shat be retained unf.i all litigation, claims or audit findings involving the records have been resolved. uC 5.02 Costs Incurred for Project: The Agency shall c:harye to the ~rojeci account all eligible casts of the project exc:ep[ rusts agreed to be borne by the Ay~ncy or its con(-actors and :;ubconiractors. Costs ir, excess of the programmed funding or attributable [c actions vrhich have not received the requimd approval of the Department shall not be considered ciiyiule Doss. 5.03 Documentation of Project Costs: All costs charged In Cte project, includinc any approved services contrinulecS by ihr. Agen::y or others, shall ae s:,pparlea by property executce payrolls, bme records, invoices, contracts or vouchers evidencing in proper detail the nature anti propriety of the charges. 5.04 Audit Reports: Rc^ipients of federal and ;fate (ands are to nave audits don.^. annually using the icllowiny ::ri.eria: T`ie arrriuistrahar Of resaurc^s aavarded cy lne Departmrn: to the F:grroc:y ntay be subje:a [o audits anaio~ monitoring oy >'IA(C OrPO'<, 1:A 1 VJ•.Q'Y.ENf Ur TRANSF~:KLRLIUN ~S. Ci]-ffJ LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAM AGREEMENT anc,rc"'•''`"'"_'•'_'' orncc ,J,.o: F >r.~ the :~eparlrnent, as nescdbed in Utis suction. Monitoring; In addition to reviews of audds conductor. irl accordame v+ith OAdB Circular A-133 and Suction 2'5.9?, Florida Statutes, as revised see "Audits" Gelowj, monitoring procedures rt;ay uiclud::, but not be limited lo, on-site visits by Department staff, limilec scope audits as defined by Ote1l3 Circular A-133, as reviseC, an:Sior other pro::edures. By enuring into this Aorecmenl, the recipient agrees to comply and cooperate fully with any rnonitorinc oroceduresrprocesses deemed appropriate by the Department In uie event Ute Department determines that a limited scope audit o`: the re::ipieN is appropriate, the recipien[ agrees to comply evi6t any addiliana: instriclions provided by the Deoartrnent staff to the Agency regarding suet: audit. The Agenq: further agrees io comply ano cooperate; with any inspections. reviews, investigations or audits deemed necessary by the FDOT's UFGce of Inspector General {OIGj, anC the i;hief =inanclat Ufricc- fCFO; or Auditor Gene: al. / , ~ Part I - Fede:ally Funded: Recipiems of iedera~. funds (Le., state, local government or non-profit organizations as defined In OP:1B Clrcwar H-1 33, as revised] arc io -lave audits done annually using the following criteria: 1, Ir. Cue event that the recipient expends y500,000 or more in (ederal awards in its fiscal year, the recipient must nave z single or prograrcl-specific audit cond~.+oterl in accordance with the provisions of Ofv16 Ciroular ,4-133. as revised. Exhibit "?" of tuts Anrremenl indicates federal resources awarded through the Department by this Agreement. In determining the federal awards expended in its fiscal year, the recipient shall consider all sources of federal awards, including federa. resources received from the Departrclent. The determination of amounts of iederal awards expendeC should be in accordance with the gwdelines established by OM8 Circula A-133; as revised. An audit of the reclpicnl conducted by the Auditor General it axordance with fne provisions OPv1B Circular A-13's. as revised, will meet the requirements of Inis part. 2. to connection w11h the audit requirements addressed in Part I, paragraph 1 the recipien! shat' fulfil: the requirements relative to auditee responsibilities as provided in Suopart C of OMB Circular A-133, as revised. 3. I' the recipient expends less than $500.000 ir: federal awards in its fiscal •aear, an audit conducrod in accordance witn the provisions of OP>~3 Circ;~lar A-133, as reviseC, is no: required. 'riowevcr, i` the reoipier+t elects to have an audit conducted in accordance >>vith the arovisiors :,f UttAB Circular A-i33, es reviseC, fne cos: o`. the audit must be, aaid irorn non-feccre! resources fi.e., the cost of such an audit must be paid from recipient resources obtained irorn other Ulan federa+ entities;. 4. Federal awards arc to be idenliGe6 using L'te Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDAj Gtle and number, award number and year, and name ai the awaniiny federal agency. Part II • State Funded: Recipients o`. stale funds (:.e., a non-sate entity as defineC by Section 215.97(2; (I }, Florida StaWtesj are le ha~•+c audiLv done annually using the follow•inc criteria: 1. In Uie event that the recipient expends a total amount of state financial assistance equal to o- in excess of $500.000 in any fiscal year o` such recipient, the recipient must have a staL single or project-specific audit for such fiscal year in accordance v+ith Section 215.9?, FforiCa S;auiles, apo!icahle rules of the L-xe~utive Office of the Governor ano the CFG, anC Chapters 10.550 (local governmental entities; or 1C.65U (nonprofit and far-prop arcanizafions}, Rules of the Auditor G+.nera;. Exhibit "1` to this Agreement indicates stair financial assistance awardeC ihrouyit the Dcparunent by this Agreement. Ir. dctermin!ny the stale financial assistancY expended in its 'fiscal year, U+e recipient s•talt consider all sources o` state. financial assistance, including state financia: assistance re::eiveC from the Depanment, other state agen::ies, and outer non-state en:ilrvs. State financia' assistance aces -tut inoluue federal drec: or pass ~tl:roag`t awards and rer>ources re.^.MVnd by a non-stair ^ntiy for federal program matching requirements. 2. In connection with the audit requiremeo[s addresssxf in Par. 11, paragraph 1, the 'eripienl shat: enswe that the audit commies ovith the requirements of Section 1b.9?(';. Florida Statutes. This Includes submission. of a financal rc,p::rling dacxage as defined by Section ~1;i.97(2j (oj, Florid'e Slahtles, and Chapters ^.0.550 (local governmr_nla! enlili~sl or tC.35:1 (rn:mprofit and toe-prod: orUani~aGOnsj, F.utes of the Audifnr General. ::rare o= c.: ~u;.. emaHi r•+rhr or raw<::F~rnno,+ aw~noy~ LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAM AGREEMENT ~:.~:: Pour ;. If the recipient expends less loan $50,".,000 in stale financial asst^,tanre in iG fiscal year, ar. audi: tdnrructed in accordance with the provisions of Section 215.57. Florida Statutes, is no: requiroe. However, if the recipient elects to have audi: conducted in accordance wile the provisions of Section 215.57. Florida SIaP,+les, the cos of the audit must de pa+d from the non-stale entiry•'s resources {i.e., lne cost pf such an audit must oe paid from the recipienl•s resources obtained from o[ner than State entities). 4. Slate avaards are to be identified using the Caleiog of State Financial Assistance {CSFA} lid. and number, award number and year, znd name of the stale agency aw•arr'ing +t. Part III -Other Audit Requirernents: i he recipien: shall follow up and take corrective action on audit findings. Preparation o(z Summan~ Senedule o` Prior Year Audi'. Findings, including corrective action and current stalu:: o: the audit findings !s required. Curren: year audit findings require carrecUVe actior. and status of findings. Records related to unresolved audi, findings, appeals or iiligaiion shall be retained anti. Cne acP.pn is completed or the dispute is resdlveo. Access to project records and audit work papers shall be yver. to fhe Department, the Department pf Financial Services, and tnc Auditor General. Ti+is seotion does iipt limit the aulhonPl of the Deparmen; to cdnduot o: arnnye for the condos: of addripna! audit:; or evaur+Gors of =taco financial assistance or limit the au6+erity of any other stale official. Part IV • Report Submission: 1. Copies of financial -eponing packages for audits conducted in accordance witn OMS Circular A: 133, as revised, and required by Part I of this Agreement snap be submitted, when required dy Section .32p (d), Otv9B Circular A- +, 33, as revised, by o~ or behalf of the recipient directly to each of the follpw•ine: a'; ~ he Department at each o' the tollaviny address(esj: (Insert mailing adaress(es) cf office(sj responsible for program dvdrsigt:: -District LAP Administrator or person desiynated by District.) b; The Federal Audi: CI¢aringhouse desiynated in OIv16 Circular A-133, as revised ithe nurnt>er df copies regwred ~:~~ Sectidrs .32G {dY1 j and t2j, Otv1B Circular A- i 33, as revised), at tae toUow:ng address: Federal Audit Cleat inghduse Bureau o` the Census 1201 Easl 1(:°' St•eet Jeffersonville: W 47;32 c) Other federal agencies and pass-through entities in accordance vviin Seciipns .32G (e,'• and (q, OA•1B Circular A-1'33, as revised. 2. m the event dial a cope of the financial reporting package required by Pan 1 of this A raernenl and conducted in accordant a witn OMB Circular A-133, as revised, is not required to be submitted to the Department (or reasons purscar,: to .cieGllDn .32C (e.){2), OMB Circular A-^33, as revised, the recipien: shall submit the required wriL•en nolihcation pursuant In Section .32G (e){2) and a cape of the reri:pient's audited Schedule of Expenditures of =ederat Awards directly to each of the folboring: (loser, mailing addresslesj of nffice(sl responsible for program oversight -District L4P P,dministrator or person designated by C)istricl.l In aUCition, pursuant to Section .320 (f). Otv1B Cir,dar A-133, as revised, the recipient shall submit a ~•ppy of the fioancia~ reporting package describes it `Sdctiai .3'LG (c): Ofo1B Cin:ular A-133, as revised, and any Faanayemenl Lepers issurd by the audrto-, to the Department a: each of the ioliow•ino addresses: {loser. maifin^ andress{es) of officers) resppnsinle for program dverstahl -District LAP Administrator or Berson desiynated dy Gistrict j ,STATE pF FI ON~Ln GEPafiiVt Ni GF TR~nI:=.FpHi lal:Jn t2`.-On'-va +O-ECT GAN-6: !a-.w( OrFICE LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAM AGREEMENT uav: ram •; 3 Copies of tae financial reportiny pact;age required nj• ~a,1 II of this Agre:~meni shall be submitted uy :>r en behaC of the rec,pient directs to ea::h o`. tng tokow•ing: a} Tne Deparlntenc at each of lne fo0cwinc aduress{esl: (Insert maii,ny address(esj of office(s;. responsible for prog:an, oversight - District L.AP Hdministrator or person des:aaated by Dislri::l. i bj The HucJiior Gene: al's Office al the following address: Auditor General's Olfice Room 4'J1, Pepper Eiuildiny 111 West Ivfadison Sheet Tallahassee. Florida 32399-5450 4. Copies of reports o• the Ivlanayemen: !_etler required by Pe,t III of This Aureemen? shall be submdted by or oc behalf of u,e recipient directlZ to: a; The Departmem. at earn of fne following address{es): (Insert matting address{esi of offirr(s responsible for program. over^,iyht -District LAP Adnrinistratx or person designated by District.; 5. Any repor!s, Ivlanagernen: Letters, or other information required cc be submiL'ed is Ute Deparlrnen[ pursuant lc this Agreemen! shall be submitted in F limeiy rc,annc- in accordance with OIo1B Circular A-+33, as reused, nori a Statutes, and Chapters 10.55C (local governmental entitles) or ;0.G50 (nonprofit and tor-profit oryanszaironsj, Rules of the Auditor Genera'., as applicable. G. Recipients, when submieir,g financial reporting packages to the Department for audits done in accordance vaith Otv1B Circular A-133, as revised, or Chapters 10.550 {local yovemmenta' entities` or 1.650 (nonprofit and for- prgfit oryanizationsj, Rules o` the ¢uditor General, should indicate the dal= ,hat the financial reporting package :vas delivered to the recipient in correspondence accompanying the financfal reporting package. Part V -Record Retention: The recipient shall retain sufficient records demorstratiny its compliance vaith the terms of this Agreement (or a period o' al least 5 year.: from the date the audit repot is issued and shall allow the Ucparl:nen[ or its dusiynec, the state CFO or Auditor Genera! access to such records upcr. request. The recipient shah: er•su[e that the independent audit documenta5on is made available to the Ucparlrnent, or its designee., the state CFO or Auditor General upon recurs! for a period of .~ least 5 years from the dale the audit report is issued, unless extended Ln writing by the Deparu:)ent- 5.05 Inspection: The Agency shall permit, and shall require is contractors to permit, the Deparlntent's authorized reoresrn:aGves and authorized agents of FHt~i.4 Io ins:pect all v+ork, workmanship, materials, payrolls, and records and to audit the bcnks, records, and accounts perL3ininc tc the financing and devclopn,ent of the project. The Deoarmen! reserves tSe right to anilrterally cancel this: Agreement for refusal by the t<yency or any r.:mtractor, sub- contractor or materials vendor to allow public access to aL documents, papers, letters or other material subject to the provisions of Chapter ' 19. Florida Statutes, atd made or received in conjunction with this Agreement (Section 2r;7A58(1 j (<:}. Flonda Stalutesj. 5.06 Uniform Relocatign Assistance and Real Property Statistical Report: For any pTojecl rewiring &ddiiinnai riant- of-way, the Agenc:}• rnusl sunrri! to file Jeparbnent an annual repo,i of is real p•operty a::yuisitioc anc relocation .assistance aciiviiies nn the projrct. Activities shall be repo3ed or, a fecerai fscal year basis,. [ton, October 1 Ihrgugr, r•,rY~ Seatember 30. The resort must be prepared usu)y the format prescribed in :9 C.F.R. Par! 24; Appendix B, and be sut~r,•.itted le the Department no later L•)an October 15 0` each year. fi-00 Requisitions and Payments: Requests for reini~~-u'semrnt for fees or other compenstlior. Igr servicr. , :tr expenses incuNed shah be subrnitleti m detail soffi~::iant for a p::)pe` pre-audit and post-audit th%sreot fSecti~:}n 2£17.~J59f1 jaj, Flurida Stan-des} $riTF rt-~uklGa OE?A4'MLN Cr TRhu:'°JFIA"L'JN 5'_501;:N.t LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAM AGREEMENT rr<cdECrnua:.:;alce-crF~e PaSn All reapients of funds from this Agreement, including lnwe conirecle:: by the .4gency, must subrni! nil's for any !ravel expenses, when authori_ed by the terms of this Ayreemenl, in accordance with Section 112A61, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 3-"Travel" of the Department's Disbursement Operations Wlanual, Topic 35C-C3G-4Ut. (Section 257:05f3(?)(b), Florida Statuiesi. If, atter project completion, any claim is made by the Uepanment resulting from an audit or for work or services performed oursuant tc this Hgreemr-;nl, the Department may oflset such amount from payments due for work or services Dune under any agreement which is has with the .Aaenc}• During suet: amount if, upor. demand, payment of the amount is not made evithir. 00 days tc the Department. Offsetting any amount oursuant to this parayraph shat, nu: t>e considered a breach o` ::oniract by :nc Department. 7.00 Department Obligations: Subject to other provision:: hereof, the Depattment will honor requests for reimbursement to :he Hyency in amounts and a: time, deemec by the Department tc oe proper to ensure the caryina out of Uie project and payment o` Lhe e6yible costs. However, nobvithstandiny any other provision of this Agreement; the Department may elect hp notice in m•ritmg not ::~ make a payment it: 7.01 Misrepresentation: The Agency shall have made misreoreseniation of a material nature in is appitcation, or any suoolemer.l thereto or amendment thereof or in o' with respect tc any document of data furnished therewith or pursuant hereto; 7.02 Litigation: There is then pending ffication with respect to the performance by the Agency of any cf its duties or ohi:yations which may jeopardize ur aeversely affect the arojoct, fhe Agreement or payments to the project; 7.03 Approval by Department: The Hgency shat nave taken any action pertaining to the prgiect which, under this Hgreement, requires the approval of the Department or has mace related expenditure or incurred reLited obiigafions without having peen advised by the GeparmerU that same arc approved; 7.04 Conflict of Interests: There has been an}• violaGec of the cortlict of interest provisions contained here in parayraph 12.06 or 12.07. 7.05 Default: The Agency has beer. cielermined by Ote Deoarmanl to be in defeat: under am o: the provisions of the Ayreemenl. 7.06 Federal Participation: The Def:ariment may suspend or terminate payment (or that portion of the protect whicf; the r'HbVA, or the tiepartment acting in lieu o' FH'JVA, may designate as Ineligible. for federal-aid. 7.07 Disallowed Costs: In determinmy the amount of the payment, Cne Dei;artment will exclude alt projrcis vests incurred by the 6~gency prior ie the effective Cate o. to Ayre~ment or [ttF cate of aut`ux;zation ~ -n ur ~d after_the_. expiration cf the Harentent. co ' _which arc not provided For u1 L e (at@st ai>provedscFi^dule,ol fundmc r Exhibit B" for '4~proiec.~, c:osls afire°o to be borne:iy the Hgency or its co•Itraotors and sub:ontractors for not me~fmg the project commencement and fins! invoice lime Imes, and rosts atL-ibutaule to goods or services received urde' a ::oniract or other arrangements which hive not been approved in writing by the Deparment. 7.08 Final Invoices: The Ag:.>ncy must submit the tinai invoice. on Ute protect w the Departrment within ?2U day:, after the c ;xnuletion of fhe prgjcct invoices submitted after the .2C-day time P{=rind may no", be {:aid. 8.00 Termination or Suspension of Project 8.01 Termination or Suspension Generally: The Uepartmcnt may. by written noti::e to the P,gency, suspend any or all o`. its obligations under Geis Agreement until such lime as the evrn: or condition resulting in such suspension has ceased or peen corrected or the Departmen- may lermiratc• this Agreement in whom or in part at any time the interest of [he Departnw_n*. requires such termination. I` the Department determines tf:at the perfarrnance of fhe Agenc}• is not s;atistactory•. the Geoarmonl shall have the aPtiun o' taj :nunediateh~ lenttinating !~iis Agreement or Qt} su ,pending this Agr:ernent enc. notiiyir¢i the Agency of the deficiency ~n,•ith a rerruiremcnt Iha! the def•cienev 5e correctec within :a spec'iec time. otl~envise :his Ayreemenl will be tcrmir:al=d at the Bird of such lime Susp~ns,on %r this A.orer,;nrn: ~~>:ill not af`e.r,: It°.~ time pr~riod for com~l!~tiar•, c' Gie prajer:!. $: AI h n.' r_CRtDC UEY:+Higl[NL pF 1 HNWSFCK(1P.liq, '+[3J1040 LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAM AGREEMENT `i0JE0't'~4°"`'~°`~° °;io` +a9r I' It [he Depa,.mant reouires terrr:inaupn of tots Agreement for reasons other [t:an unsatisLa:aory performance of trte Apency, the Department shall notiry the Agency of suoh terminaiipn, with inslru: lions as to the effective date gf [erminatior. pr specify the stage p` vrorK at vrhich This Agreement is terminated. If this Hgreement is terminated before peiiom+ance is completed, the Ag::npy shall be p:.rid for the evprk satisfactorily peliormed. Payment is to be on the paste; of substantiated toss. 8.02 Action Subsequent to Notice-of-Termination or Suspension: Upon receipt or amp final [eH'tination or suspension notice under This paragraph, the Ayen::y shall proceee promptly to cam• out the actions required Ihereir: which may incluoe any or all of the follovair.y: (aj necessary actioH to terminate or saspend, as the case may be, project activities and contracts and surh other actior. as may be requlrcc or desirable to Keep to a minimum Ute costs upon the oasis of which the Onancinc is to be c,crmputed; (h) furnish a satement of the project aGivilies and contracts and other undertakings tyre torsi o` whicn are otherwise inclucable as project costs. The ierminalign or suspension shat; be carted out in conformity with the latest schedule, plan, and cost as approve:i by the Department or upon the oasis of terms. and conditions impgsed by the Department upon the failure of the Agency Ig furnish the scredwe, plan, and estimate within a reasonable time. The closiry out of federal financia: participation in the project shall not cersiilule a waiver of any claim witich the Def;aKment Inay othrtrwise have arising out pf Ibis Ayreemcnl. 9.00 Contracts of Agency: 9.01 Third Party Agreements: Except as o4ler.risc auttrorized in wraing by the Department. the Apency shalt ngt execute any wntrac: or obOgate itself in any manna: requiring the disbursement of Department funds, including corsultan: or construction ,ontracs or arnendmcnts t"Hereto. wish -rny LHird pam• with respect to the protect without the m•ritten approval of the Department. Failure to obtain sucf' approval shall be su:Ticient cause for nonpayment by the Department. T'ne Department specifica'iy reserves untc• itself the ngn; to review the qualifications of any consultant or contractor and is approve pr disapprove the employmcnl of [he same. 9.02 Compliance with Consultants' Competitive Negofiation Act: Il is understood and agreed by the parties berate 4Hat participation by the Department in a prcjecl with the Ayency. where said project involves a consultant contract for engineering, architecture or surveying services, is cpnlinyent on the Agency's complying in full with provsions of Section 287,065, Florica Statutes, Consullams' Competitive Negotiation Act. At the discretion of the Department, the Agency will involve the Department in Ore cprsu(tant selection process for all projects. In alt cases, the Agencv's attorney shall pertify to the Department that sescplioH has Boer accomplished in compliance vaith the Consultants' Com{>elilive Neyoliatior Act. 10.OO~sadvantaged Business Enterprise {DBE) Policy and Obli~afion: Il is dte policy of the Department that DBE's, as defined in 49 C.F.R. Part 26, as ameiuteo, s1i51I-nom th° opportu y to paliicipa[e it the p2rormance of contracts; financed it whole cr in par. with Geparlmeni funds under this Agreement. The DBc reyuiremenis pf ap:>licabie federal and state tai^s and reyulaGOrs apply to this Agreement. The Agency and its contractors agree to ensue that DBEs have the opportunity to participate in the peiiormance of fhis Agrecrnenl. In this regard, all mcipiens and comraclors shat, take all rte::essary and reasonable sfgps in acgordance with aooGcabie federal and state says and regulations to unsure that the DBE's have the oppprtunih~ to compete for anri perform contracts. The Agency and its contraclgrs and subconlractars shall not discrir,iinate on foe ::axis u` race, color, national origin or sex in lf;e aware apd pertormanc<' of contracts, entered pursuant to this Agreement. 11.00 Compliance with Conditions and Laws: The Agency 3'nall por.:ply and requim is cpntractors :end s.e~::una'a~tors to comply with all terms and conditions of this Agreement anri alt federal, stale, and local taws and regu!atlons applicaoie L: this prajec:. Exepulion o` G1i5 Agreement constitutes z certifiralior. that the Ayency is it compliance evith, and will require its contactors and subcontractoa; ;o comply with, all require^teris unposed by applicable t^.beral, stale; and local lawn: and regulalioHS, including the "Cerlificaiipr. Regarding Debamenl, Suspension, Inefiyibi!ity and \`•alunlan~ Exclusion - Lo•.vgr -ter Cpverec Transagtions,' in 49 C.F.R. Part 29, when appFcable. 12.00 Restrictions, Profribitiolts, Controls, and Labor Provisions: 12.01 Equal [mployrnent Opportunity: In .^.gnnection vdith he carrying out of arty proje:a. file Agency shall no: riscrirrinate araactsl any empla•,ree g' applicant kr employment because of r<r::r., aye. rehgior, i xllc)r, sox. r.aho'r+l u:igin, disability or ma•ital antic:. Thr. Agency will !aka affirmative arli:xl lg eta:u':^. thrrl applicants <ug empluygd and Ihal 3V.: C :~ FLtf0. UA L CVJdQhEl~tr i)t I RbNSVU'RUTIGA i'_s{q C•%~' LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAM AGREEMENT Pfi<i.l=::nnaw~cmau.l umi-~ „::, employees are treated during employment without regard tr. their rice, age. rcliyion. :rotor, gende', national origin. disability or marital status. Such action shall inclose, but not be limrtcd lc, the lul;owina- employment upgrading, demotion or :•ans(er; recruitrnen: or recruitment advertising; layoff or lerminatiol:; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selec0an fo• training, including apprenlireship. The Agen::y shall insert the foregoing provision modified only to show the paricula conL actual relationshia in al'. its contracts in connccGon with the deveinprnenl of operation o` the project, except ccntru;ts for the standard commercia supplies or raw materials, and sftall reouire al. such contractors tc insert a similar provision in alt subcontracs, except subcon;racls for standard commercia supplies er raw materials. \Nhen the project involves ins ally lion, construction, demclitior., removal, site improvement or similar work, lice Agency shall post, in consoicuous places available to employee:: am apoficanls for employment far project work, notices to he provided by the Uepartmcnt setting forth the ;)rovisicns o` the nondiscrimination clause. 12.02 Title VI • Civil Rights Act of 1964: The Agency will comply with ail the requiromer•; s imposed by Title VI of the Civil Riynts Act of 1964, he reGulaiions o° :he U.8. Geoarlrnenl of 'fransporiztior. issued [hereunder, and the zssurance b}• the Agency pursuant thereto. The Agency shall include provisions in al: contracs whit third parties brat ersure compliance with Title Vi o` the Civic Rights Ac! d ' 964. 4S C.F.n. ?art 21, and related statutes and reyutations. 12.03 Amoricans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADAj: The Agency will comply wi0t all L'te requirement:; as irnposeC by the ADA, the regulations of the Federal Government issued hereunder, and assurance by the Agency pursuant tnereto. 12.04 Public Entity Crime: A person or affiliate who has coon placed on the corniicter vendor list loliow~nc a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public eniity; rnzy not submit a bid on z contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public worn; may not submit bids on leases o` real propery to a public entil}; may not be awarded cr aerfonr. wort: as a contractor, eupplier. subcontractor or consultant under a contras: with an}• public entity; and r.;ay not t ansact bsiness with am public entity in excess or the threshold amount provides in Section 'L87.C1?, Florida Statutes, for CATEGORY T4VO far a period cf 3n months from the date d` being placed nn lire convictec vendor list. 12.05 Discrimination: Ir. accordance with Section 2S?.134, Florida Statutes, an entity or affiliate who hzs bean placed or the Dist riminatory• Vendor List; kept by trio Florida Jepaiment of Management Services, ntay no: submit a bid on ccrnr<+c: to provide goods or services to a public entity; may not submit a bic on a contract wife a public eniity for he construction or repair of a public building or public work; may not subrni! bids on leases of r:al property to a public eniity; may not be awarder or per"orm w•ark as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor or consultant under s contract with any public eraity; and may not iran:;acl cosiness with any public entity. 12.OG Suspension, Revocation, Denial of Qualification or Determination of Contractor Non-Responsibility: An entity or affiliate who Gas nad its ~ertiGca3te of Qualification suspended, revoked, denied or have fur!her been determiner by the Deportment to be anon-responsible contractor may not s~iomit a bid or perform evork fur he cohstruc6on or repair of a public building or public work on a o:;ntract with the Agency. 12.Oi Prohibited Interests: Neither the Agency nor any of its contractors or their subcontracl•; rs shall enter into any contract, subcontract or arraneement in connection with the project or any property included or planned ;c be ircladed in the project n whi::h any member, officer or employee of the Agency or the locality dories tenure ur for 2 years thereafter irs any interest, tlirect or indirect If amp such present or former member, cliicer or ermloyee im•oiuniarily acquires or !tad acquired prior to the 'oeeirning of tenure any such interest, acrd if such irate: esl is immediately disclosed to the Agency, the Agency, with prior approval of the Deparlrneni; niay waive the prohibition contained in this ,,^.aran~upn provided !flat any such pr sent member, olfi:.er or employee shall no: participate in any action by the Agency o~ I!ir-; Ivcality relating to such conirac:. subcontract or nranyement. Tile Agency shall insert in all aontracls enterer into in connection with trio project or any prope~h~ Incluwd or piacu'led to be inc,u:fed in any prgjast antl shall regai'e i!s contractors fe inser, in each of Iheir subconlracls, lire following provisos: "I~o rnembor, `firer o~ employee of the Hgcncy or of the IoCalliy :iuriog Ylis tenure or fur 2 years thereafter shall hav> any inlere,l, eirea: or indirect, in this contract o' thr: proceeds thereo`." T;ne prcvc;ten : d` leis Parer:ripe shall no! he apalicarte to amt 24ree:neni behveen ltw Agency err! its tisca' depositories or to tong agrernlent for I,tihh:' services the rates (o..uf-lien a'e fixed or corh'ellnd ~~; a po~•:ernmenr:tl an;~ncy. xva c cr r~omn. nrrnHi m-m~ a r0.aw>rc+~ H. ~ ~:u, sz+a.,-r~ LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAM AGREEMENT rnwsr~ mwanerraoara ~ ~e ~,c~ u: 12.08 Interest of Members of, or Delegates to, Congress: Nu member cr deieyaie to Ote Congress of the Uni!ed Slates shah. be adrnilted tc any snare gr part of this .AnreemerU o; any benefit arising Iherefrorn. 13.00 Miscellanoous Provisions: 13.01 Environmental Regulations: The Agency wit', be solel}• responsible for cgmplia.r.,e with al the applicaole erro'a-onm°nta! regulations, for any liability arising L•crn non-compliance with lirese regulations, and will reimburse the Lieparunent fo• any loss: incurred ir• c:onnector therewith. The Agency wit' be responsible for seauinc any applicable ;,e~~ni s 13.02 Department Not Obligated to Third Parties: The Department shall ng: ge obligalec or liable nereundcr to any individ.ial or entity not a party to this Gareemenl. 13.03 Whcn Rights and Remodies Not Waived: In nn event shall file making by Cre Department of any payment to the Agency consti:u;e or ge construed as a waiver by the Ucparlmcnt o' any breach of covenant or any dofaull which ma}• then exist nrr the part or the Agency and the ,^;aking of such payment by the Deparlrn::nl, while any suG: breach or default shat exist. shat: in no way impair or prejuriice. any right or remedy available to the Department evith respect to such breach or Default. 13.04 How Agreement is Affected by Provisions Being Hcld Invalid: I` any provision cf lnis Agr:erneni is held invalid; the remainder of tnis Agreement shall not be aflecled. In sucn an instance, the remainder would then continue to conform to the Terms ant requirements o(appiicaole law. 13.C5 Bonus or Commission: By execution of the Agreement, the .Agency represents lha! it has not pain and, also agrees not rc pay, any bonus or commission fcr the purpose of oblaininy an approval of its appii;,~atior for the f r;arr:;iny hereunder. 13.06 State Law: Nothing in the Agreement shall require the Agency tc observe or enforce cornpfance vaith any provision or perform any act x do any other thin. in cociraventien of any applicable sLrle law. Ii any of the provisions of flit Agreement violate any apolicabfe slate law, Lhe Agency will at once notih• the Uepartmcnt in w•rilin~ in order that appropriate changes ant modifications may he made by the Department and the Agency lu the and that me .Agency map prcreed as soon es passible with. the project. 13.08 Plans and Specifications: In the event that Geis Agreement invoh•es carstructing and equipping of (arililies on the Stale Highway System, Lre Aoency shall ^,ubmil to lne Department for apprrn~a all appropriate plans and specifications covering lfie protect. The Depa-lrnent will review all plans and specifcators and will issue to the Agency a written a{:proval with arr• aaproved portions of the prgiec; and comments or recomr.,enoations covering any remainder of the project deemed appropriate. After resolution of These cornmen!s and recommendations to the DepaiimenPs satisfaction. U,e Department wily issue Ic the Agency a wrtten approval with said remainder of the pr?rect. Failure lc chlain this written approval shall be sufficient cause of nonpayment by l;rc Department. 13.09 Right-of-Way Certification: ilpon cornoietion g` right-of-way activities on the ;,r:,ject, fife Agency must certify compliance with all applicable ieoeral and stale rayuirernents. CerliGcm;ian is required prior to adverGsernent for ur solicitation g( bid>: for construction of Crc project, including those projects for vahrch no nght-of-way is required. 13.10 Agency Certification: The Agency will certify in writin;, prior to project closeout, that the projec ~n•as completed in accordance with applicable plans and soecifioalio~ns, i:: in place or. tnc Agen::}~'s fac;ii:y, adequate Utle is in tre Age;,c:y's Warne, an:i U,e proles' r^: ancr:pted by the Agency as suitable, for the intended purpose. 13.11 Agreement Format: /:I' wgrd:; used herein in the singular fore shall extend to and ircludr Lie cturr:I. All word:; used it the purrai form shall extend to and include fne singular. All m~ords used in any gentier :;hall extend ie and include all ocnders. 13.12 Execution of Agreement: This Agreem^.nl may be simultanggusly exrculed in a ntirnmum of two counterparts. each of u•nich ::;; executed shall be deemed to be an original; and such ggrmleq,arL; locfether shall cgnsti:ute vne in lire sane mstrur,c•n:. SAT: 0=1_GRIQ~OPFA~TI/,°N'JI "RNYSr.i~ti AtION o2o O1O~J•J LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAM AGREEMENT err::JFCn.+~.v:,aent H~ o~•. ,oe rsv, + 13.13 Restrictions ort Lobbying: Federal Ttte Hgency agrees teal nc fedcrali},-appropriated funds have been paid. or wilt be paid by or or behalf of the Apenry; to any oerson for influencing or attempting to influence am; officer or employee of any feoeral agency, a Member of Congress. an otfcer or employee of Congress ar an employee of a Member o- Congrese: in conncrlion with the awarding of any federal contract, [he making of any fedrrai gran;, the making of any federal Ican. *,~e entering into of any cooperative agrcernent, and the extension, confin.+alion. renewal; amendment or modification of any fec:eral contract, orant, loan or a,operaliv:: agreement. If any funds other Lnan federally-appropriated funds have aeen paid by the Agency to any person for influencing or atlernpting U, influence an offcer or employee of any federal agency, a Ahember o` Congress, an olficer or employee o- Congress or an employee ui a tJ~ember of Congress in camection with ibis Agreement. the undersignec shall comolele and suhmil Standard Form-LU.: "DiscSCSUre Form to Report Lobbying;' in accordance with. its insiru:aiors. The Agency shah require shat he language of this paragraph be included it the award documerlls for all subawards at all liars (including s.+b;:ontracis suberants, and confra::is under grants, loans, and cooperative ayreementsl and that all suarecioienls shall ccrlif}• and disclose accxdirg!y. State: No funds recelvod pursuant Ic this confr+ct ma}• br. expended for Ioubying Cne Legislature, the puciicial br=nch or a state agency. 13.14 Maintenance: The Agency agrees to main:air any project no! on foe State Highway Systerr'~ constructed under Lois Agreement. If lire Agency constrccts any improvement on Department right-cf-evay. the Agency ~1( wifl (~ wily nol maintain the Improvements made. for their useful life. 13.15 Vendors Rights: b'endors (in this document identified as the Agency; oroviding goods and services tc the Department sh::uld be aware of 7te following time frames. Upon receipt, the Deoarlmen: has S wofKiny days tc inspect and approve the goods and services unless the bid specifications, purchase order or contract specifies otherwise. The Department has 2U days to deliver a request for cayman: ;'voucher) io the Depalment of Financial Services. The 20 nays arc measuraad from the tatter of the daL the invoice is received or the goods or services are received. htscectec, and a;:proved. I' a payment is no: available within 4U days after receipt o' the invoice and the receipt, inspection, and aporo'oaI o` goods and services, a separate interest penalh• in accordance with Section 215A22;3)(bj, Fbrida Statutes, wif be due and payable in additior: id the invoice amount to the Adency. Interest penalties of less than one S1 v+ilt not he enforced unless the .Agerx:y requests oaymen:. Invoices which have td be rebumed le L'te Agency because or Agency preraralion errors will result in a delay ir. the payment. The invdice payment requiremens do no: start until a properly completed invoice is proviried tc the Deparimen:. A Vendo• Ombudsman has Veen establshed within the Deparlcnent of Financial Services. 7ne duties of this individual inGude acting as an advxaie for Agencies a•r ma}• be experiencing problems in obtaining timely payrneit'~s) from the Departmdnl. The Vende• Ombudsman may ba contacted at E50-41U-'<i 24 or by ~aliing the State Comptroller's Hotline, 1- 8UG-&~A-3792. s-F.r r FI ogre",. oer<n-nrvH- iir rwnsrv=.I:.norr src:a::.x~ LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAM AGREEMENT Ntuv ~T PVU~hGCId?M OFFIG'c L1n`J' Ya9r L IN V'dITN[SS WHEREOF, the panics h;aye caused these presen!s to be executed the day and year first above written. AGENCI' ` STATE OF FLURIDk D=PARTI•AENT/QGF,-TRANSPORTATION 9y: ~~~ ~ - Namc !.atci Herre_3 Bawar Nana: {>,(rue ~I^q/o / Tile; ~~a}~nr /~ Titie: etc-{~rs~ ~ ~rrc..-~a ~Tiv~rs~ •~,~i~.- I / / ~ ~'' ~Ct,1 L(,L.l.~, ~,.~/off.-~~r AUesC lf~ btti~_ _ Aucst ___ Tillie: n, Tiha ~~^^ II t J FoUerr. erchex GXr..e~t+r,rr, Q.>S~S7'G^~T' Cir.}• ..^.1er~: As to fo•m: As to (orm: ~ ~~_ 1 • I ~, ~C~~ ~~ `J Attorney District AUOrney See attached ~ncumbranpe Form is date o` furdinc approval by Comptrotter. APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE ~ Fp,F~ EXECUTION / ~ lOjyUB '~ r ItrJgttorne~c i;Jr~ Oa ~ ~~{ / !~ ,.`!.-01::.40 -.,7[Pt f_GNIIk~D@~AHIn/G^!' NTr.;.LiVG'N'. Ai1:i1: I`R:J.r.'.i-M1N.ir9N=V`CFHt: CC.'(.I+.L. ,+-',vl= MGy' Pr.Ue;IF:fati. ,~<GP.t~I`ftet'.rf un. r. Pw = ~kl'4t~i 1 .'~.I ?(30J~::T DESCFt?TiDN li:ldii 'n=_S'OidS131:.: t IFS F ~tl ---921 376 - - ._ C`.rs exhiG: form<. all'n;°g:al paf: of III ~ 'LgfL-E'll?nl CieI.VE!errha Sl.a:e o` Flori~a, Clepartmeni of Transportation anri !"iated.- PFOJEC- LuC?tTION' The Drcl(c' -. is X_ is co`. ar th? hd<tiional -6ghvday Sysl?m -t-,~ projsri _ is x__'~ nor on the ;itat? I-I'a~hwar System. FRCJE~~TD=SI.FIPTI•:)ry.Neigt>rx>-hm lr,.?....v%a~ in tie Sout~FK3 `_hel_y}lkxirh~._.~1.._^ Wit„?-^ 8 COII'u""-RU75 ~'"~'-~- Ile ~:wUl"~ c~_ ()tt 1.P~ fOl, d; :t'->rI]r1~_VC: '.d175'JCl"L.dt1.C)17 c7~1Ct ~, .rtirlULll t~' C`1'+r3flC°IIYII~- SP=CIAL COtiSiD'~?.4TI.:NS 'r;Y' A~EN~.Y' -h2 audi~ repe'1(sy recuu:ad n fhe ltgruer., i t shell i I~lud= a xhedu~e o; ?ralE:c'. Assistance tha' • il'~ ~frec: ine ;J?partl"tC-~i:'S contrast i',:mber, 'he 1=1nan I I ~ I.n?Cl tVi~f2lDl.'r (~ !tN.I Ine -Edcfal AltthOfl/_atlDf f`bu nl PP. FrtNj, LYhC'e appilsabie, the amount of sia:e funairlc aclivn ffec?ip: ar:d dishu Bement o' funds;! anv feder<i o. I`.cal iundl~g aciier, an:, the funding a::aen lu;m a'Jy other snorse wi:h rer;p°c: is the prcj?c: The Aoency s maul'=!' to provie? a copy of the d?sqn plans .or lne C?e>;artmeat's review and approva :;: aicrd care pe:mi^.inq wl;h Slt? Cepartrnent, and nobly th° Depaa:nen', poor to c.o'nme~i::eircnl of and ''•lni-ot-way actit•ihes. 1'he Aoenc}~ shall cummerrse th? oro~eU's activtlies s,fis2au?n! t(i the r;xecotion o' ,Ms Ftgr=_en:?ttt ar;d sr•ali perfcrni :n ~,; coMana: tvi;h the folb:rwing schsdule: ~? Statl} to be cor;rieted by-_ - ti} D?sups tc of oo?ipi?ted by _. C;' Flghl-cil=v"v ~y fE'O,r:UB'T1Y.I'1L5 Itl°_?hJCCt 2'~C pfpvldBd i:i 1hB _yr'p2ry rnC'nt b'i__. dl Nr:~hF~t-shay Ic De : ertiiled b}' _-- - ?} Ocr,slruclion contract Ic be lei bV _~- f; '.:onslnrshor to be c'~m~lelec by ,-____-.: I` tnlS 5;:lI?dlLl C:BtI':O: j': rrRl, In? It4e"Icv w'lli npi`.'V thF. l iei anirflCllt In Yi ntlfta »91t1 ii : eVIS?d s:%I'led lt!? Of l'le Cf;;fcC! ': subject io the withdrawal o. Pdefal fundinc 3FChI•C CCKSIDE'-.ATIC~;S BY DEF:~.R' WFN"t ::dT-C^~JRIU~~pi".Y_TAf_-'.t"In4•:~:.=~>4pr ..:!LGTGdf: - IO:.At kvG N;[" PI<Y:R~:Id .AGk4.Al ErvT :AnF:p:.^.tc: i::iG"L'OS ~::HFOULL : f FVNb3 fAGtN1:Y Nn61: L L'I_L16i> AD:~F: `,5 - - --- ,,^.:i T.y of ?•liarli L~actf - Attri: P=rnando Vc;zquez~-~r, 9'Z^ 3; f 1700 CcinvelTt.i on Center Dri ~~e [°liami A__=~c'::~ ?]ori.d~_3313%.------- -----.._.. _-- ---.- =o.rc-: ~-sc:zi~non h~anc^ Sos=ti F?ea^t!_N~1._:7hborlx~_d 3i~v~lc-1'roiec:=-- -en3P.__1=, 1<ile~ _ Tarruni: _SOUt1'f v[ `%adt. 3lvd. NnT-th n'_ 5th Street --- --_-- - - zone zuo» ccu<._~,1c mal lYVt.[---_.._-_.. ..--~ -. _-_ __ 3UV+ ^. 0 i 'S.1C iVa '~ Tv1AL PDc_ Cit.^,T_- _. ..,~_ __-~ -.- _ y ns ^R,:. %01!,-0J5 t TOTAL H:i,'.1T JN•YAY CCS' _, ___ 1:J3 :+VIV (~ iG TJ'I [.OE-'aU09 ...-.....1L ?C' :-2V 11 'c.n_ es: rosl 'a(C F.G ,ICfl:Un IIEP,J!~MENI UI iNGN9^:Q1h11Jr. r pN V. p::•A0. nY. 11!G~II J~ Y1M' !.iX:!s:. ,`-'~ochJ'~ Y T`fsGF:!\tY'~~::L'•c~ T {dtJ AI~Dt?`SOiVAL Si.lG6~iT ~•F •Jtl~ : i C:En i iFICGtlifSA' ovN, ITF. i•A SECIvt-P:T X16.: ??Y37E• .. ---- _-- 41.~NnCaiNC DISTRt:1-': SiY f 6).----- - CONS". ITGM SEGIotENI' IJG. ---- -- -- 5Tl; = F:i.f~ 1: -- _ _ -- _ - _.:..~'. IJi,'.: -... _ -. __. __-_ - .-- ~ESCHIPTIGN. ~OIIt)•'i BDd!71? IV21;-JrltX~r!"1CJ0:~ ___ CCUN?": P-lia[ni--P.ai Bic';frl.e Yroje:a PF;EtERREG l !`"fTIN^. G;TE: --- ----- __ '_GCAL AGENC": C.i ty o1 P`.iami T~c:ach _ 7nis is to Cnriii}~ that nGh! ci aay for lht: abovr. oescriUaC pnjed m^eL Ule seywramenls of 44 ;;'rR, Farl 29 entl 2:i CFB, Pdrl c36.3U8. S` applicable, as v:ell as s;nwtp°~ 2nc prp:;edural reyuiremi':ns :a: Federa i:•xlstn:ellor'rcjE.r„ ~ aale F-6ghway :,,stem E+ro}ncf IVon-ieoeral Constu:;liol• rraeci ~ Ivn,~~3taie Highwa}' SYSt2a-~ ~rp.e•i © Scsrnlc f_nhanremenl FrojFct inn cors:•udiant as delaile:d beb•.v: ~;:hacr, applieaple iie:nsl L TITL";. R13nT C)~ ydAY No atl6ilional riphl of v:ay wes 'ecwwd io'th:=. FroieCt. _. RE'LOQr5 i^I?_~!RSISTktJ~~ Ne pM50n:;, busmen>es, or Cersorwt Drope't?' n:mc peen o-v/ill be Uis?laced by 4hls pro}e;.i. ~• fl!-iv4y irlw F_~N Q= ItuiPH7+~^I~1=NT~. r}~ No 5tru~lures or imprpvements hat+c be_r! <r' will be remov!:~ trurn the riynl of tN~ry fol this project. t21:,H- Cil' W.A" Ci?71FIC.ATp;)I:!-t~1~ •{E AU7HGkiZ[C~OCA~ HGENL'Y 'n'[PKESEIJTG,TIV=: ___. - :~ Uale Narne lnrnte~~; F . _ anv.[J, ~~?~"]'.IL`:,I_!'....1 _. =,r.,rl- G. r\~.r,r cr.r: t I^IG+TiGIa a7 - - - - ---°--~..------...- -- -- Dale Gissriot R'~gnt of NJ2y IJZna~~er --:.xs:atant Gu;riU *±Igut of ln; a\~ Manager RfCCt GI PbsFP '\~' Page 1 0~ 1 Witowski, Anna From: Betfin, Christine Sent: Tnursday July 30, 2009 5>03 PM To: Hoansheh.Judy Cc: Witowski, Hnna; Carlson, Carmen, Gracie, Rhonda; Falconi, Xavier Subject: RE S Beach Neighborhood Trail Great -more money!' 1'll revise the capital buds=: sheer for Fl' 09-10. ('JIA(ti~IIBEACH Christine Bettin, 'ransoortat7or. ~:oo:'ddnatnr TrarsnorlaGan Dwislou ', !00 Conw',6on i:enter Drive. ALam~ 3each, FL 33133 -er.:105-673-'O50i Fax. 756-s}la-a'Ot wow:-miamiheachfl nov pbc!Ii n~` mia mioe'~NL9o~' '.4e 3re committed Io providing excellent public set aco 3nc sablY' In as woo live, work and play m our vibrant. t'apical, nislohc commanliy From: Hoanshelt, Judy Sent: Thursday, July 30, 200° ~:59 PM To: Bettin, Christine; Falconi, Xavier Cc: Witowski, Anna; Carlson, Carmen Subject: S Beach Neighborhood Trail FDDT has advised that the correct amount for the ! AP aareement is 5349,000. not 5319.000 tv11.AMIBEACH Judy tloanshelt, Grants lda!vager :7FH~E ^F 9UDGFT kND PFRFOKtAAMJE I`A~RO`/Etvl°_NT t?UC Canvenbon Center Dnvz, Miami ReacY.. rL 31'.35 Lei. 105-6'3-.'510: Fax. 75c-3~J4-x675 w~wr_miamibeachB,gov 7uop. anshelt a7miamibeir~l?rlyoV Vrs art :rmnnrroC ro nrov:dingy ex::elienf Puhi,c service am s~iery la al, vino Hve, •,vcrv. am Atav ir, u~•" vicrem eroA!ca{ lnstonc cxvnmurnA fl?i77 ~'?(lfln