Local Agency Program AgreementSao 7- a 6 73a
;:1.\It::=tti:illJ.\ i~rl.M1rl.1_)110'-~lii:t..:l`:::!:I.I ~A:II
> du:.
LOCAL AG=NCY PROGRAM AGREEfAFN"~ =ao:_crMO.earar:=~:Fa:.r.
>.~:. ---- --. - w:. -.- -- -.-. -1
FF i'1: __~ i l,.`? i - ~.'.. Fun:t F r, F, Ap^rop. -- - - -= ~-_
__._.•.__.r~... _... _. _.-. .-... ..-
Fede2; no: S != T _ . 1Z- Ory Ccd ~- ~.QCrJI1ir~/^ l~siS. " ,.•k OBI: _ .T ~;f=~~i ,
-_._ _ -
FederalNU: S I="L- ~%'7 Org tier'^.: --._._._
_ -
cpN.' __.__._^.j.l.:i:. •'_(^s. _.-_ Fuld' -.__ _. FL,aR Apl:rop:...
Federal No: ,..____ Jry Code: .__ _ ..-.___-__ '-L:\II't :Jt;f __._...._ ..
FPA'. __. Fund: `_.. .... FtP.IR A,pproP: -_
Federal Nu: ~,~ C-~ -- _ ~ Li,rk Ub: ~~
County Ne:, 11Ai1~ .. r ~\'* ; _ Cnn!rd h'u ;~Qy~S i 'ver:.ricr r.o ll t:. Cr1..I of>'~t•,~,;jq='~.~
DdGr lhuv,.r.,a: rvumbr:: SJsleic ,p:.:NS, Nom. c0 S'39 'r0.!
Catalog of =ederal ClomesL: Assist, n:'r.' iC.=•D.Aj: 3L205 hiighwa~ Planning and 'Jons;raoUnn
f•}ti1S ASR[ENENT, r,;ad:. and entered irtc :hs _tl Cay cf _.•'~\,•~4 _ _ ?rte by and b2:wecn ;ra L-,"~ ~ E
OF F_DRIDA DEFt~2TFAGNT O:~ 'l'tiNSPOP,Vt7iO:\, an acrrcy of :ee Staae of t-iu:iGa, r:re::~aCer oil:rd the
Deparir.~en!.anc;'i!a; of. 1•?facet. ~i~.aclt h:.r.:ina;t.e:.- ca:]ed L'he Agenc}-.
WHEREAS. the Agency Peas Ilse rutLOrity to enter into foci: Aar=errrnl artl :o n.^tl^rtake tite project hereinai ~r desc!ibed.
and the DepaM>ent has Deer'. eranled the autY.or:±; 1;; ?u: ref cn adequalety in ail areas cr! appropriate iurisdiGion includinC?
the L~:plementaGon o.` an integrated ar.? rezlancerl Vanspora:ioa syst>r~m an' is a;:huxized urdor .CJF.Ciltlri :i3S. i7,. Fiorica
Stetu:es. tc eater iota this Agreeneni;
NOYV, 7H'cREFORc, in considt:rat[on of the mu:cal ouvenaa~;, promises end r=_presenlauors herein, tiro pames;:gree as
1,110 Purpose of Agrremont: 'ih<.~ purpose of !his A,recment i^\ :c amvidE- for tYle Uepanm:?.nl's oa: 6Ci(latiy; ir: I~~•
and as f~rlher descd:~•d i^ Fxh7i: "F:" a::act;ed her_:o and cy ibis reference made a p.ui hereof, hnrrinafte: cater) the
"project: and to provide a?ailment finanrinl assislarc.;_ lc ine i,genoy and stale the :arms and conditions uaon which
such assistance will be provided and the cnderstar:di•~Igs as tc t:;o mann.^.r hi ,!:hic.'r `.7z project :rh lie undr.:Inken _nd
1.01 Attachments: Exhi'ui b'si _. 5_ are aCacned ar,C m8dr. n Ix+rl hereof.
2.01 General Requirr:menL: Tr:e A:en:;y vhlall ccmpiete fho ,rojea as riesc: ibe:i iu 'r_rhihit "A' with al: nra^,ti;;?:
dispatch, it a sound, (:ronornic2l, anc effic'!en! manner. a^.d in n^.^nrrtanrr~ with Ihr uruvisions herein, 2ne' al' gpfaicable
laws. T.•)e urcjec! wilt be cer'urned in acro:dar.::r. wit!, a1' app!icab'e Cepattment ,.r, ocedures, gu:r:eiines, rranusls,
standards, zn? directions a.=. de .c5fer. i,~. tl:e i;•sNdrlrnent's L~c?I_%~q~r ,=_('fogmrn fo:anual, uhi~h ny tF:~:; r~=`:arrnc~ is
made. a par! hewn! as ii fully se: sort!: 7:ereir.. Tune is cf the essence as lr; uacn and every obligation under ibis
A fu:! dmr. emp;oy.^.e of Ihe. A;nncy. quaC`ied w ensure Ih=~: the wort het ;, bursued is ;;u:.;piclc, accu-ale. ~nr, consislert
w9th the terms.: conditions, anC sf:eci5caribrs u'!rrs Acrecrn:^nt saol' be in c;~arge of eaoh, project.
Removal o!Any Un Uiged funds
1 Agenry tats to ±imely perbm~: its of:ir.d'mrs in `scl:milLr,ct arouices ane ducurt:res rrt:cessary for the clnsF: cut M !^,e
project, and ..^,aIC fait:xc insults it a hiss of the remaining unbllled funding cilner by rederal vrairdruwa: of tend; or''oss nr
State apprepriatiai aulhorilp (which: may tided:; t:o!`: fede:b` lunde an:, s,e:e lends, ii any 316de funds an: ;;;: hie oro;ea;,
Agency r••!II be respansible: for the rr:r::aining unbille~,S fu-c!s on !^e p:uler.:. Ne oih^: i::nric wall be Provided h}• tic
t)epartmen:. Ag^n.cv waives :he rirrh; idi crnles. suN) rcmovat o` Rinds by the Dcpartmnnt, if said remo:gal !s dr:°rlly
rC:aG.'.d to Frdura! 1Ftii:u.A`, •roi:horawal o` 41nc!s or loss of State apP'opr:ution aull':o:ity clue to Local Agency's fiilure~ o:
nonperEnr:r:nx. In add;;".ion t:i h)cs of s,:n;ling, the ;;rpartment v;iii :;onsider de~o_rlifiwlion :r said Agenc}• for future I_!'v°
.. •.rt f. „~ ::.^.2:a ~rn.nnnEa- e•^rws::a:.v~ pr, z-~~:1.-a
LOC,1L AGENCY PROGi-:Afu9 AGREEMENT rnu:eo:nuNSat,au.ra~au-r
t` all F,:nds are rep':omd from Ifrt• project, irrluQing antounls previously ::i':ee rc i~a ~eparimenl and rrs.mcursed lu flu
Awzncy, and :ne I:roic•a Is o.'f GM; slain h:gnv: ay system ;itrn u'e Ceparbnen: will have to raques^. repay: r:enl fir tna
previous+y billed amounts port the_ocal Agency. Nn stale fuaos car.:;z used nn ofl•syslem nrojecis.
2.02 Expiration of Agreement: TI':e Agency hgrees w comp~Mz Ihr.. nrajec: on o' helper f1,3~c'~; I` the Aacncy dczs not
cumplelz thz prole^! •uilhin this tSlnC p^'iod, L'tis A.g~eunent wit'. sxphc oc Iha 125 L'ay of tnc scheculec ccmpirlian 2.,
provirec in [his paraGraph ur;e5s an cxtrnsicn cRi~e tirnc pcrod is requested by L'ro Agency ant grated in welling by gnu
(1epartment prSOr to the cxrira?ion of this Agreement. i-xnira ~•o•: cr U:is Agreanert vain be cnns:derec lcnnina[i:;n of the
project. The cost o` any woC: per,`un ned attrr the ex.~iration date of thu Agre~rnent will not hn reimburse.": n., thz
2.93 Pursuant to Fedarat, State, acct I-ore! Laws: In tae :•vont Ihat any eiF-flop, rr:'erendum, approve'„ parrnil, Notice
or u'hr-r proceeding er milhcrizaliorl is requi=,itr. un:fe' aco(iuabl• f3w tr_. c~-ahlr the A~ener ;e enlo• into this Agreement b'
to undartahz Gte project :nereunder or to ob.=.erve, as::ume or carr/ out ;:ny of the pen':+isior.; of :he Agreement, lI'le Ayer.Cy
•.val 6^.rliale end ccnsurrer:ale, as provided by law, al! a~lbU;a nucessar with rr:.fiec! to .any such matters so requisite.
2.04 Agency Funds: Tfre Agency shpt' inihatu sell ptoserute :c cnrnplz:ice. al:' proceedings necessary. indsr.n^y
fr.Azra'-aid r'equiremenls, to enable Eno Agency lU DroviAe !~.c rea:asay fiends lot compielion or the project.
2.05 Subatission of Proceedings, Contracts, and Other Documents: 'ihe A;cn;.}` .,cat; suomit tc the 7eparGroent
suet; dais, rrpcrts, rr..^.ores, on6-acs. and atner noc~rner;i•~ relating io tae ci'ojecr as tee Deaalnlen( and !!:e federal
!-iigbvey A^.a.inistratir. (=k'/'J.4j may require.
3.OG Protect Cest:
2 mil.l.ior
3.0'1 Tota! Cosf: The Mal cost of the project [s 5 _. . ors a:nuua: is based anon lire schedule o.` finding in Exhibit
"B." The .Agency agrees to i;ear all expenses in excess :,.' L`le total cast of the project ant any Deficits involved. Thu
soh edule p; funding may ha r.:odified 'm; mutual agreumec:! as pro/idec for in paragreph 4.L'C.
3.02 Deparment ?anticipation: The uzpal~.meal ag•ees tc participatz, including conbnggncies, in G1e prgject cos: Io Gne
exlert' provirr:d irl Exhibit "6" bs amount ir!~:ies irdcai-alA funds which are iim;:ed :o the arlua! amount of fgderal-
aid panicipat!on.
3.03 Limits on Department Funds: Projr.^t ::gists eligible for DefaAmcnt participaion v:ill or, <<^.iloweo only from Gu• cafe
of this AGreernenl. It rs urderslo~A tnat Deparment paricipahon in eGgbie proecl costs is subjec! to
a) Legis!stivr.. approval o.` the Departn)er 'S aperoprialior•, reeaest ir. Os wort; pr'U4r3's year twat the prcjed is
scheculcC to he comrnil:ed;
bi Avasabiliry of funds 2S stated in paragraphs 3.Q4 artd 3.05 or t^i; Agreement;
c1 Appr^.val of all plats, spe~::ifiCali~ns..^-ontracts or other obiigeting do~Umena anC a~ ether lzrms of ibis
Agreer^ent; and
c} CeparLment approval of Inn. project scope and hr;dggt at the time appraprFatign aulnorih,• becomes avai;abie.
3.04 Appropriation of Funtls: lTtr. UCparntenYE. p?rhrnlance anC obiigauon to pay under this Ayree.•rren! is ccnlin~_nl
upon an snnual appropralign by the Legislarure. If Urz GcparerenPs `urlding for this project is in mulfple Es: a! years,
hrnAS approval from hr: Ueparlmenl's Cornptrolier must be received c::cn Gscal year arior to c^sls being incCrted. Sr.¢
zhibit "5" fur fund:rg levels by fiscal y^ar, project costs utilizing l:resz fecal year fsrlds are not clioibte fn'
re:rnburso.'^.ent it inc:m'ed prior ;c funds :+~provz', being rzc_ived. The DepaAa-ler.t wit ~atiiy the A~2ncy, in writing, v:>'•en
fJtld£: 3fa 3Vai,abl B,
3.05 MuL'i wear Commilnre;;:: .n Ih^ event lhs Agreement is in exce=s of 525,000 and has ~ lcrrn fo• e peel.^.d o` mire
t•rar. one ye.3r, tee pn7vsio^s of Scotion 539.1'5{o"1!a?, -lurida Slatulr_s, are hr_rciy iranrppraled:
"(aj The ti.^..parmsr~t, durny x•ly fi ra ea.~r, shelf rs;rt erornd cr.^.ney, incur any aability, or enter is to ar.y
ronl:act which. by its terms, i~:vrnv.^s :he erpenditum of mon_y in excess o` nle anwurls buc:grt~~J as
SIAI!. UP (1U:11C^ C _-rw4rfl[t:' n=: ffin'FrD,-Ti: •]DI tSQIU yl
LOCAL AGCNCY PROGRAM AGREFle1ENT r'•~-•,e-, ^awu7Cecw urno_
r,n. ,
avai:e?ble ter expr.:~dilure ourinf. such fE.ra ;~rar. Any :::cnlracl, vnrhal o' vr•i0.en, made in virla L:?n of lhs
suhsect:on is nut: ant vofo, ant ao rtenc:y Wrap ~:,c pafa or such txdratt. l'ne department sna1;. ;eyuire a
slatnment frc?m the Ooi~:ptroller' o' Int. fic~artrtent :hat unds at'r. ;:vaifa!ae prior to entering in!~ anv su.:i,
corr,;act or oilier bi::ding rcmmiir.~.en::,f tunas. Null:in7 berets contained shalt prevent tiw meking of
wr.trecls for ocrinds ester-deny 1 year, but anv a.?nl:ae[ so m'rde shall bc• cx^culory only for the va;ur: n:`
the service; to he rendered cr ayrecc Ic be paid tnr m sue :ceding fisca: years, Whet ihi:: par<:c~rapf~~ shall
be irrorpora!ed verbal'ni in al' contexts of thc~ Depart^ienl which are for an ~moont in =x: rss of 325,OL`0
and wltith have .^. te:m for a period o` more than 1 year."
3.06 Notice-to-Proceed: No cos: may' be incun'ed under this Acreemenl unti the ,"+grncy lies reteiverJ a written Notr:e~
to-Proceed horn the De7>ai ~ment.
3.07 Limits on Federal Participation: Feosra'=aid Lund^- ..^.n~.Il nn[ padicoafe in any cell wnicii is not incurrgt it
canfcrmily with applicable redetal and S:atc lam';, the reyu;alions in is Code of Fcdnrai Regal?.lions fC.F.R.; and ?°
C.F.R., 2nd polities and prccrdures prr.::crii?ed 'uy the C:ivis:UC .Ad:^:ini:aralcr o` FH1•'~li.. Fererat f;rnds strati not oe :;aid
c:n acx-nun: of any cost incurred prior lc auu:crizaticn by t9e Ft 161'A tc ;ire Deoartrtent to progee;i wit` tie project or pa:^,
!hereof involving sutit cos (2' C.f'.ft, .:: jalj. It FHVJR g: l'.:te Gepartmenl cetermi~.^s iliac any an~~ounl claim=.". is not
eligible, federal parlicioation gnat' be r:paroved in lbe ar,;ount oe:enrirec :o be 2deeualety supponed ant the DeuarLnenl
seal: notify the Ayer.cy in writing ::fling tie rer-sots why items end a:r.ounts are not 2ligib(e for rederal parlicipalior;.
^ihere con'eclablc eon-tomrliarre with. provisions of lava cr F~i'sNA requirzmenls exists, Fcdnral funds r.:av be withheld
until con>.oliance is ebcair.ed. Whero nornen:m.^.liance is not corre.Uabie, FHl"!A ur fire Uepartrrtent may deny participation
ir, parcel or profocf costs ir+ part or ¢, lota;.
roe any amounts de~ermin^~ 'o he inraiginie for iesera! r::imburse•nenf fo: •nhic:~ Ih_ Ue;.anmrnt has advanced payment,
the Agency s.~all promnUy reimbw se the Ueparnient for ail such a:naunts within SO days of veril:~n ne;tier..
4.110 Project Estimate and Disbursement S: hedule: f'rror to the exeudion o! Ibis Agn:cmtnf, a ~rojec'. schedaY of
sanding shall be pen?:trt:d h}• ?na. Aarncy and approves b}• as Departaert. The Agency shall ma:~tain sail scheuute c!
funding, cart' cut the ^rcject, and shall ingur cDiigations a~;fa!ns: and r.~ake Cisb~rsemenls of project h:nr.'s only ir,
conformity with the latest app'oved ytf ~nduir. at funding tar the prajecl. ' he schadu:e o' funding may be revisr;.f b;• muluat
w:illen agreement hetw•een Cne ^rapanment and the Agent:;. .f revised, a copy of tree revsirn should be torw•arded lu ltte
7epartment's Comptroller cad tc [ie vepartn:enl's Feoersl-aid Program Jlfice. No increase o: decrease shall be
effective antes=: it wrnplies vrilh ft:nd parlicipalioc requirements td Ibis Agreement and is appru•.•ec Uy [he Deparrents
5.00 Records:
5.01 Establishment anti Mainten-vnce of Accounting P.ecords: i2r'COrdS Of tCNtS IT~tTEd ucder the terms or this
Agreement shat be n:ainlaines and made available open request to tnr. C?rpartment of aII times doling lire pario;f cf this
Agreement and for 5 years af:r. the final paymrnl is made. Copts of these docurr;ents and recnrcis shat bu furnishes :c
the Depanmenl upon reGuesl. irtegords o' costs 4rt:urred include the Agen ; general a<aovnling records end the project
rncorci^., tocether with saopurting doaur.ienrs and rrcods of lie ;tacnay and all ssnc~a;tlraclo;s penomtiny work an fr~c
project and all other recores rf the Agency and s;.bcorire:ctors considered necessary uy the Ue:parlmen: 'tor a proper audit
cf costs. L` any Illicatior.. glaim o' audit !s stanc>.d bclcrt: tnc expiration c" the :;-yn<^.r prr9or', the ruuord;: shall be rrlaincd
until all litigation, Gaims tr auC:: findings fivo:vir,o the records have been resolved.
5.U2 Costs Incurred ibr Project: "'be Agency sill cnar~e to Ifie proiecl accour.! all eligible crisis of the pr~iegt excenl
g:sls agreed to be borne by the Agrnry n' ns ;.cnlrxk:rs and subconlradors. Cgsls in exoess of the proyra:n~ned
funding or attributable lu actions v:high have nut reteivea :he rrquimd apprnva! o'. ih^. Uel-,annten; slat nc:. b= consfds?rnd
eiiyible coos.
5.03 Documentation, of Project Costs: All cost: c~ar._ted to `he pr::ject, inciudiny am' approved services co•driauled by
Ute Aoency or olhrrs, shell he supponed by properly exututed payroih:. lime roarrrl:-., i;rvui::es, conhacls or vo:,ca•s:'s
evidencing in proper de ill the na:urN and pn':ori.^.ly of U:e ::han;es.
5.04 Audit Reports: Rec~picn's ct Icderol and slat. <u ris arz: to itavc quail, done: annually us~rna Ibc: fnllowine crite•<a:
The adrninEStratio,^. of res~urg_srwardec by ?he Cepartnten: tc the Ag::n^y rra.d !tr. sub;ecf t<, ~:rdi!^ r,ndinr m:?ni,cring by
ahil'J•' P:.,iIL>. UiPfQ1Ai-f(' W 14AtaVOVfACIgN ,~~~,r,,,„
LOCAL AGENCY FROGRAA4 AvftEEMENT '~=~~~'rr•+~r)lr:~rar~--rcnc=
":mr .i
the Depatrtment, as descrioc:I in thrs s.^r.6on.
Monitoring: tr. addlfinn to revie:^•e~ cf audits cor:ducled :n a:;CC:d2r?ce wi~'1 ^iro1F? ^irr:ul.~r F:-'i^3 and blee!ian ~1bal.
'rlrtrda Statutes, as reviser) (see -':.'.:diU` h21ov:1, m;;niiorinr: ;upCeCtu es rrley includ~•, but riot he li'ni1C'e;' h, oa-~ilc vrsils
by 7epartment s;aN, lictited s,^.cpc aud'1s ns drlirrer' oy UfsIG r~i~CUlar r"; 133, as revised, an9Jor other procedures. By
f•rtenng sdo Il:r_: Agreement, the reciaienl agrees to comply and cnnpr..rate fully rf!h any ?ncniL•:ring
;:roceduresiprocesses deerned aPPI-ol'I'r~;<' by ths: ficlsarmen:. .n the everd the rJ=aarlmrnl dr.;rnnin~s :hat a lintiled
saopc audit o` the recipient is appropriate. the redpier.? agrees to remply vtidih avy Cditfana; in:anu:fi:,ns pruviued by ihc:
Ueperlmen; sluff t~ as i:gency re;;zrdnr; ~.t:ch audit The A;lency (urlher agrees to ornnoly and Coc;terate WiPI any'
inspections, reviews, invas!igntirrs or audit.^- dorm^;I nr:r:es5ary by Ih<-: PDC'-'s OfSce of Irspec:or General (OIG',. anc
the ::hic(Pinarcia[ Officer (CFV i or Pwdi1:W: General.
Part 1 - Fedeatly Funded: Recipients of federal funds (i.e., slat>, local governntont ar ncn-profit crganizaiiCns as.
defiac ~ in OA4F: Circular A-133, as rr..vised}are tc have audits daw ~nnualiy using the fcticwing criteria:
.. In the event !^at fife recipient expends 5520AG0 or rrm'e in fed!:ral award, ir. it3 fiscal year, thr: recipient cult
f)ave a single or grog: am-sae::,'ic quail conducted in accvrdarnce 'milk tha prnvisi:n'I:: of Ofv16 Circular k-13~, :-a
feVl led. E;xh;hi!'1" Of ibis :,gre;>.nenl irdic<'llee~ f~d~ral reseu:'c2s a:.ard ~c throucn the. Decarlm^nl ny this
Agreement. Sn det=.rminirg the feti-rat awards expendrd i,~, its fr,,ral y°ar, tie rECipient sha(I consider all sc:rrces
ei federa` avrares, itlduding federal resources received frerr. the Department. Tar.• deterrninaiior of a;ttouns c'
fedeal ..^,wards rxpendr,C should o^ in a1;coManr..e with t:,2 oufaelines establishes by UA4R Circular f,-133, as
revised. .Au audit o' the reCipiern! Conducted by the Nuditcr aonr:ral in acccraance wish the previsi::ns O?J:E
Circular A-33, as revised, wilt meet the reyuirernenL: cf ibis part.
2. In cunneclion With the acriit rey::,remen!s acoressrd in Part I, parayrapr. lne recipient shall fulfill the
requirements relative to auditee resportsbili;ies as provided i:n Subpar' (_: r f QIdB Cccular H-133, as revised.
3. If the recipient exprnds :^. s tta= jtii)O,iAOp in federal a:vard, in i'S fiscal gee:, art au^:i[ eenducled in accordan::e
Wllfl itle prU'disiUrlS Lf OMB' Cir.:ular A ~1'', as rev'sad, is not require C. Flo:vever, i(the recipient elects to rave an
dual; conducted in accoraarca with ;Ile provisierls of Ot•AE :;irrular i+.-133, as revised, the cos' of the auda roust
be paid t: an non-federal resources (i.E:.. ;he cost u` Su::h an audit roust be ;laid Goan reoipiertl resources obtained
from othcrthan federa~. cr.iiliesj.
4. Pederai awards ar:^. to be ioenli4ec cling the Cafaiog of Federal Domestic ,Assistance (C~-GAj tiffs and nwrrzler.
award number and year, and name of the awarding `alrr<: ag^n::y'.
Part II -State Funded: Recipiens of ..^,talc futds (i.e., :; rear-slate entib; as deGnc:,^. fly 5^CI:Un 21x97(?j Q;. F:orida
Statutes) are k> have audits done annu<Jy using the following Criteria:
.. !n l9c event that thr. recipinrt expends a Irih amount of state financial assiaanrr- egad to or in excess of
,"0500.000 is any fiscal year of such recipient, ih^. rr.:ipien: mast hav^ a slate siny!e or project-spe::ific audit for
sash fiscal ymar in accortla.~ct>. wit^ Scctiors ?15.g;. FloriJ:e Statutes, applirablr. rrhs u.' ae Exr.c'afive C)fficc• of
the Governer tend the CrQ, ::nd Chapters 1Q550 (inral ~:>vcntmenial cn6liesi or 1C.6ti0 (nonprofit and fen-nroti[
orcanizatiens), Rules of the Aaditcr Gcne-al, L"-xh:bit "1" to Ibis hyreement indicates slate financial assistanrs
awarded through the a2aar*:nent by this Agreement. In deternining too stata finarcia°: assistance exoerdec. in iL
fiscal year, the rec:oienl s`:at! consider sa sources d slate fnancial assls:ance, in,^.ludinn stale financial essis:arce
receivuc horn Ihrt Uerartrlr:nt, oL`icr state a~rnefc: :r:rl c+lhr•. nuu-state eniilies. SIaL-^ finanriai assistar.c.^, Cr.2s
no: include fecerel disci or ;lasshrouah aw•arcis and reso,:ices re::eSved by a non-stale ertily for reiia'al
pro<_tr'ant rr,atr.:^:ng re~uEreln~nls,
2. In conileCtien will: Ste au;lil require; ~:er~ls adcrossec in f'ar, It, parapra h i, tae recipient shat' !:n.^.urE: l!tal the
sudil t,ump5.35 with the recuherrtent:: of Sc•:aion 29r~.9'%;?j, ''for:da ~::aha,as. Ttis inci:rces aubm°ssicn of a
financial -epo:-ling package as dcliced i;y S:^.r.Yin .^1Ci.r;7r7; ;d), Floridz ;fatales, znd Chap:r.•'s '10.50 (local
govern;ttenlai cntitiesj v1' iC'.55p ptonprr-,fl 'roc for-pxdi~. taganizationsj, Rules o` the AucOlor venera;.
:;vrr-rr runacn ee~::at,c•.r or rn,•rs,C;;intY;v .:;•c,o_oa
LOCAL AGENCY PROGRA;vI AGREEP.9ENT run.+e:. r:,ean~G,:,,.v• ~,-r:: m
r.„~, s
3. If Lhe reripien7 ex~rends' Ir•s:; .:an »Cf i1f0 in stsLe :aancia assstance m ds isca. year, a^ aund ar.~rdccl^•_ in
acccrdanre t:•ilY: the provisions of Sechnn :%7.`:.Si, =,cri::a Stalu!es, is r,Oi requireQ I-lowever, if the rcc~piox
el>cts r have arr9a ror.Uu: tnd in acrordan::e a•itfi the Prevision^..^..:' Seclinr 715.87, Flnrda Statutes, the cos: or
the aurit must br paid from ^iv nu'rstale enidy's n~:asoe:: (r.e., the cost o'sucr, an auda must ita ~,aic trrnr L•~c
recipienC:: res~wces oUlc".fined i~orc. other tan State entities;.
4. Mate 2vrards are to be idenlifiec csinq lte C21ain, of Starr. Fir;anaat AsisWnce. (CSFA; 6Ce an6 «un:be•'. a•r~arl
nenuer and year, a-:d namr. o` tnr. stale asency a:vardinc it.
Part !!I -Other Audi: P.eGUirernants: ~Ihe rec,piert ,hall (elev. up an6 lase co:'reclive actiUn on at:dit Cr,Uings.
PreaaraUOn cfr. Sumn~~ary Sc'7c,_~4: of Ynor Yea ixrtil Findings. inclu6inc ccrrsCive 2cCon and ourren! stales of !nos
wadi; :indiays is requimc. Current year audit feu+,ngs :equirc correc-rva scUOn and st.^,tu^. cf iiadio;s.
Records rraa!ed lc unresolved audit find;^gs, appeals nr I;Ilgaticn shall he rs:a!ned un!i! It;e acEion is completed or fh^
dispute is resolved. Access to prrjrct rrccrds ana ;:u:1!': work papers shat: be givan to the Depa~menl, Llru Deparlme^t of
inanC,'at Seivixs. and the Auritor Generz:. Ths s_cli;;n does no: limit ir.e auihorit;: o+ int: Department to contiu::: or
arrange for the condu~l of a6ditieral audits ar rvalua;ion; :,` stale. fran:;ial assistance or limit fhe authnriiy o` any o'~er~
state o'ticial.
Part tV -Report Submission:
1. Cooie s of Gr?anc~al repalT~g pac!<a~u; tnr aurlils : cnduclec fir, acccn'iance with OPJ.B Cirartar A-1213, ay. revise:!,
an6 required by Part I n( Ihis Aprceseat stall be subrniaed, evhen required by Section ~2L1 (U, OkdB C:rcutar A-
133, es rev:wed, by o: on beaalf of tree re::ipient Jrecty to each o:' the tcllovaing:
a} The Dapar-rne: t a'. eaa u? the rollaaag rdCress(rs)-
(Inca:" mai5an address{er`• cf : fficels; raspons-'rL•de •"or program oversiyh, -District L.AF P.dninislr,- or cr
person designated Vv District.;
C•1 Tha Federal Audi: Clea ~np~reuse designated in OPAL; Circular A-1 3, 2s reviseU (Ine number cf cories
required by Sections .32G (d)(112rd (2), CftA Circ:aar A-733, as r.^.visod}, at the Iofloevinq acdres;:
F2Ueral Auor Cicaringhousr.
9urcau of ate Census
121 East 10~" Sreet
J e f fe r s ur tv i! I c. I l 4 7:37
c} Olhar fador.~l agencies ur:d pass through entities i;t accerdar2 With 3eclicns .320 (e) and (f}, OP;16 Cirr:ular
A-133, as routs=_d.
In fhe even: tftat a ca?y o`. the finan:ia' rc:;orinq package requirec by Part I o' Liis Agreement and a:nducw:c fir.
2crordance with OIJB Circular A-733, as re-vised, is not :°.>Guirtid In be submitlcU to U`u: Del.arhnenl fur masons
pursrant to Section .32U (ej(2j, Oi/~i, Ci~cul r A-' 3, as revised, Ihe: resip;enl shall submit Qtc required written
notification pursuant to Sect:or:.3'1U (ej(Y} and :~ ectny rl the recipient's zudited Schedule, of [xpenUilures ut
Federal Awards. direch• to each of tie to!la.i;c:
{C?sert maiPng address(.^.>! t:f :dficef,i responsible fur pregr2rn overtinh*,-District LAP Administralcr ~x
person designated by Lisiriol.;
In addirlon, pursuar.: ;c Saclio~i .37~ (f), Ckft; Circular A733, as revised. U;e •'e;:ipien: shall submit a copy Oi Lie
finaiCial rrporGnq paskage dose; ibeU .a $eCNCn .32i) (rl, i)MH C:u solar A: 133, a.. -evised, and am• S4ananerne:nt
LeIIers issued by thr< audih;r, to L'x: Uepartrneni at eauY~ o' :ne talloeviny addr3sses:
(Irscr: mai'~ing aCU•eESieS; e,t of1:c.-:fsj respUnsib:e it program oversict: - Uistric: _.A? Adminisulo- or
prawn designate6 by Di::bi:::.j.
SVlkur gG3lba Of2watUEM O- O:aq~.vQRTar J`: $ai+Lli<;;
LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAM AGREEME=NT ""'"''''"``'''°''"`''' °""''=`
3. Copies of the flnar:c.al rnptirlin~: p.^.r.Raye re,xire;i try Pan II c•( this Ayreamen; shall be s,IbmitteC b'y or on behalf
of the rncipien: directly. !n each of the foilswing' .
aj The Qepartmrs ~: al eacfl of the foflcwinp acdres:;(esp
(ins°rt mailino addresslrs; of ofi;ce(sl responsible for pragram c+ver5i~itt - Dishict LAP Admitd5halor ur
person desig.mtsc by DIsViCI)
bj The Auditor :.ener<.i's i3fic.^. ^t the folloevinn aocross:
Auditcr Genera°'o OI'ioc
Room 40:, Pepper Building
11 t Viest fw:adisun Strom
Tallahassee. Florida 32398-1450
d. Copies a' reports ar the tfanaysment Letlrr recuired by Par: III of Isis Agrenrorni shat'. b' suilmftted by OY on
bchar of the recipient i:ireclly to-
~j The Llepartment at reach. of the fulbwing adcress{rsj:
(inset, mailing ac:drrssicsj o' cf5cesj :tSponsi;tle fo' f-,rogram oversiyi! - DistriG LAP Administrator or
person designated ty Jis;rict.j
5. tiny report;, iLlanagemenl Letters, cr' othe•' infnrmatcn rewired la be 5uhnliiled to the ,riepert:nenl pursuant to
Uis Agreement shall be submilteC in a'timcly mznner in accorciancr :vitn C%R•:F .^.ircular A= 3'3, as revisedt Ronda
5tafutes, and Chapters 10.550 tiocai gove:nrsenl&I entities) or 10.ESC fnr:npro5c and for-profit organizations),
Rules n' C;e Auditcr General, as apphccate.
F. Re;:ipienls, whnn st:bmiflirc financial reporting parlcagr..^. to l•IC Geps;lm2ni fur audits dune inaccordan;.e md;it
OtviB Ciradar A-133, as revised, or Chapter.^> :9.5`ifL;lo::at yovemrttental entities) ar 1f,g50 (:u:narafit ant io:-
protit oryanizaFionsj. Ryles of :be Auditor General, sho~id indicate the data that the Fnancia) reporfiny package
was deliverer :c IhE: recipient in correspunde:tce accompanying tno imanca: reporting package.
PaR V -Record Retention: The recipient shat! reta;n suF:c;enl records dernOnslr'aling it^. rolnpGancr. with the terms of
int., Agreement for e perfad of a: least 5 years from the elate th.^. audit report i:: issued a::d shall zilovr the Uepadmenl or its
desiynec, tae state CFO or Auditcr Genera; arcoss Ic such records upon request. The recipient shalt erosure It:al the
independent zudi; ;:UOUmenialiOn i^. made available to the C:opariment, ar its reslaree, this stale CF~J or Auditor Cdeneral
upor inquest for e pr..ricd of at least 5 years from Lte cafe the a:;dit rep^,rt is is::ucd. urluss ~xlunded in writino by GSr.
5.U5 Inspection: The Agency shall p=rnlit, and shall I'~:cttiro its aonlraclor:, to permit, the Departmer.Ps aolhnrl,-ed
reprrsenl2tives and authonzer ayents of Fh1'vVA to inspect al! wark, workman5hio, materials, payrolls, and records and to
audi", the Cau"rs, recorcls, and accounts parfaining la the t.rancin-e, gar development of the fi%eet.
The Ueparlrrtent resolves L`,_ right 4a uni,a;er<I!iy cancel lids Agreement for refusal by the A~~en^y or any wnlraGOr, sub-
cunhactar or rratera!s vendor :c a:iov: public access le aU ducumants, papers, letter: or nthe; mainrial subjnrt to the
orovislons of Chapxr 119, f'=larida SlalL'le£, iiad ma0re Or mf,CNCU In OCIIIU:IC!IJ!I Nllln Q7;S Agreement !Section 2ti].OSr~(1j
(c;, Florida Stalu!cs).
5.06 Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Statistical Report: For eny project requiring , ddil:nnal riglY-
o:-way, the Agency must s.~'~rnit to ho Deparirnen; an annu<d rr.?oa nt is tea': property acydisilion and relocafion
ssislance activilir..,^> on the protect. Ac:i:•aies shall bs rr:,orl^y or. s federa~ fiscal :dear Uasis, f:em October ', titrou4h
September 30. 'ne report must Le prepared usinu ;ale for^ril proscribcf. in •t9 C.F.R. fart 'L4, Appendix. B, ant' he
5ubmitled to the Departrnen± nc Eater than Uchbe: 15 of e<•c^ near "
5.UU Requisition:. nd Payments: RrGursta Inr reimburserneti fur lee:. u: olfl~~ cnr.~penszlinn for servic:e;: u:' erpersex
incurred shall to sutmiCr•d ir. detail scfhciertl IoY a peeper prv^~at~dil and pull-at:di: thoreu.` ;Scc:ioc ~8'.C~Br,'I )~:aj, Ftnrida
SLICE CP~-GRIJa[:•Ep.tf.Tr,LM1'06 L~RVgI+J %: •nrrOn ..Y,.u:etc
LO(:AL. AGFNCl' PROGRAM Av RL-c,MEN T °<o. ~-*rmoiacG,cm sr,a„
All reciuients of funds from this P.greemen;, icciudirg thoa°, ceotracu;c by Ihr: A~cnry, must suhntit bill:: for any Ir •dei
expooses, when authorized by the teens ul this !•,~treemant, in accordano: wilt: Seuicxt 1'?.~7E1, Fioridz Statutes. anti
Chapter S='Travel" of IRF. Ue,,iaflmcr.YS ~i;bur;e^±er.l Goe_artars Caanual. Tcpi;; 350.0:10-b 60 (Seclirc Ioi.ObB(1)(b).
ricrica SWtulrs).
R, afirr oro;cct completion, any ra:m is Trade by the DepaT^tec! res;:hin~ Ire°: an audit er for teork or seroic;ts perlenaed
purcc;artt to the Agrrnment, t.ir: f)epartmcn; may aEsct s:x:h amxnt `ro.•n payr,;ents due for work or service;: done under
grip agreemer.'. which it has with lne Agency owing such amount :, uocn d^^tand. F:aynient of the ertou!a is rof made
within 60 rfny^ to the DepaCment. Ofisettiug arty a:noun: purs~~an! !o this paragraph shall riot ue considered « breach of
contract by the uapa•lrnen 1.
7.00 Uepariment Obligations: S~.rtjnot fo other pr.^.:4sion~ hereof, the Gep;.nrt:ent wilt horar requests Tor reimbursement
to the Agency in ;tmnun:s and at tines deemed uy the DepaK•nent io ~e proper t, ensure the carrying nit o.` the project
and payment of the eligib a cost,. However, nnnviLi.^,:ending any efhc'r provision of this Agreement. lt:e Depadrnen! may
nlect by notice in writing nvt tc r;.a}te c payment iC
7.U1 tAisrepresentation: The Agency snae have mace misrepresentaliun of a r-.:alerial nature in is appiinaaon, nr env
supnlcment thereto nr amendment ihcrcaf or in or with respect lc ~a:;y docurnara of data furnished lnerew•tl-r or pursaant
7.02 Litigation: ~i:hr.•re is tier Deriding licicrtion with reSUec: '~' t'te performance by the Agency of any o; irs dories ui
obligaGOn^, which may jeopardize or adversely after: the prof=.:i, the AaBCntent Of pdycn_rYS *,o the projec;;
7.03 Approval r,y Department: The .Agency shad nave. taken any ac5o^ pe4ah;irr;7 to the projec; which, under this
Agreerttenl, rrq wires the approval et t•te 6eparimant or has made related expenditure or incurred related obliyalions
withaul having been advised uy the Department that same, err epprcved;
7.04 Conflict of Interests: There ha, peen any violation of the confictof inte:esl pravsions coniaiaed here in paragraph
12.06 er'2.0'.
7.05 Detauik 7ne Agency has been dele•mioec bV Gte Dep.+rlmer,. to ho in default under any of the. pravsiors of the
7.00 Fec(eraf Participation: The Dacaament r::ay suspenc or l<rmi are payment for that portion of the project which the
N'sFA, or the llepzrlment acting in he-u of FH4VA, may designers as ineligiae fcr tedera aid.
7.G7 Disallowed Coss: in drlermining fir. amiuirrt of ILu payr,en:, rite Deparlm^nt will exclude all proieds ce':
incurreU by Ore Agen;.y ;:riur tu~ Ore eEeclive date of Ihia .4gree.^tent or Ihr: data of authorization, costs inaumd aflrr the
cxpi; alion of the Hgrc;ement, costs a.•hiclt are Trot providod Ior is Ux tares; aaproved schedwe of funding in ~xCiibit "6"for
that project. casU agreed :c ne borne ny ;he Agency or its co,ttntcl~rs a: td subcnniract^rs lo; nut mr:eling the Vrojecl
ccmmencemrrt and a"na: invor..e timr.• tin^s, .met coats atlribut~,bie Ic goods or services rece,vod under a crnlract or otltur
arrutgemenis which have net been approve:: in wrihng by trio Ur:parfmenl
7.0 P, Final Invoices: The Agency must submit trio final invoice on the o;ojec: to She DepaaTent wi4tir. i2V Caps after lhr
romplrlion Of the project. ht:+oires sa:;a±itleG after the <20-day lime perioc nr.+y :u:t be paid.
0.00 Termination a' Suspension et Project:
8.01 Germination or Suspension Gcncratly: 1 hr; Depar:rnen. nay, by r.: fitter. nut ;:r. ;v the l:ge•:cy, ;:::;,ni:nc any or a!I
of ifs o_hligationc under iris Ag« :rment until soh Came as [`•'r.^. e•err•i nr ecn9ilior. resullin~ is such sus?nnSion h2s cca,ed
ar boo: wrracled or the Depart.;renl rcay ler::inale :nis Agre:nent m ~ahdc o' in part al arty lime the inlerErs!. of the
i)cpartmrn; rrquims .^.u.^.h lciminaGor:,
U the pn_parimenl oclemiines IFaI the perform.:nce of Ctc ~•.gnc,^y is not salist:actary, iPre Deoarlctenl shall nave the option
;:f (a) immerliatray terming:ing ini, Gtgreu:nevi o- (b) suspending Ibis Agreernrn: anU soli>ying rite f-~garcy o(L,e Ce6ciency
wi1L• e; require:ruert Ora; the tte'rctar:cy bG curre~cled wthin ~ s;taCifierl Gsr~, oOrervrise This i~greernant will be lcrminalvd al
the end of such taro>_. Suspension of this lvireernr:nl will nrl a:lec( the ti^te peri~ad for .ni,rtpietiu•r of Gtr' p%rct.
SIAT o~.10lt ~n LGPh<T'~C:Ir C= n!<o/SVar..,oe ;1: Jlo-iV
LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAIU AGREEtdENT r~'~'~!:'r+, ne:acur•.:~clce
• Q/~lii
Pa]u P
l` the Oepa:lment inquires le:rninaliun u' LI's Ar)mrmenf for reason other than cnsatislaulcry perfonnan::e of tor.
Agenry, the Depart) rlcnt shat noiity :he Aen^~ of sur,P, temtinalion, with insLUCtioas ~: tc Cte eftrct,ve riatr: al
termination a'sp+~.rify the slave of work a1 whit:-: th.s itgrerrnen: s to:urinated.
Ii Ihs Ayreelnem !: trrminatea before perfurrnancr is r.n.mp;e:eel, the hpeni:y shall l:~e p:aid for the uorlc satisf~crnriy
pcrfarrner'. Payment is to de nn lt:e bas's of substantiaicc cos'.::.
II.02 Action Subsequent to Ncticewf-Termination or Sust',ersion: Upon rerripl o` any final lermira5or. or s,rspersinr:
novice undo: this paragraph, the /;genay smll p!'cceed pr:empliy le awry aul the eclions required therein which may
ir~aurc an}• cr all of llte following: (aJ necess<^.ry actian :o :e^ninale or suspelt9, as llt~• Case may be, proj=ct aclivi6es and
contracts sod such ol'trr actian a:::n:ey he required or tlesirarxL^ to kc-ep to a minimum l: ;n cods upon fire basis of w•hlch
the financing is to be compiled; fbj fur: sl; a staloment of the prajrd artivlGes ar:d ccnlract:; and direr undertakiros tiro
cost of which are ofhenvise inaludabii, as project casts. The :ermiratien or su::pcrlsion shall bo carried oil in wnformih•
with Ute latest schedile, plan, and cos! as approved by tea Cieparl:nent or upcr tnc basis o` germs and conditicns
imposed o}' Ste Depaarrenl upvr: thr_ failurr. a` tor, i;oer.cy :a ?urr.isi: life scitedu!e, plan, and estimate vai!.nin a :easoreble
time. Tt:e closinc; out of federal firancia~ par!ir..pa!ion i:: )rte projec: shalt not con> irate a waiver o` cry :cairn which fhe
Deaartmenl ma}• olhennisc• have arising col cf Ibis Agreeoten!.
9.00 Contracts of Agoncy:
9.01 Third Party Ayreernents: Pxcrpt as olhenvise auPtari.:ac ir, w,iling by the Dr:parimcni, the Aoenc;i shall not
axecule any contract ar obligaic itsei? in any manner requiring thr. disburser:cot o' Depaament fund;,, including constdtani
nr censWction cenl:acts or an?c:ndmcnls ihr. ele, wtilh any third party with t'esier.! to lire pruje:a wilt!oul t'te v+rillen
ap;~r'ov.^:I of the Deparlruent. =aaurz to obtsi^, sech approvzt sha!I be suL-ican: cause for nortpaymer.: by G~c Drparlmela.
The DepartrrletY s,,^,ecificaliy reservos unto iG:eli the :i~ht lc revie.v @te qualifications of any ccnsirt:ant or canlraclor and to
2ppr ove or disapprrrve 5re ornploymer.l u` ti ~~s saner..,
9.02 Compliance with ConsulWnfs' Competitive Neyotiatior: Act: I' is un: erstcad and agreed by the parties hereto
Thal parlicipalion by thr, ~/epartmerl in a project wig, the Agency, ranrrr:• said Uro; e.^,t involves a ronsulran: ~cantrao: ter
engineering, afChlteCtnrc cr SurveVi;;y son+icec, is ccNinocnt en the Agency's corr;plying in fiU wiG'~ provisions of 5eclian
2II7.055, Florida Statutes, Consultants' Compe`itive Nrgatiaiion Act. At t:e discrelior, of U,_ Depaar.renl, the Agen•~• will
invclve the Departmer.: i~ the cor;si'tanl selection prnress for zll proj::c(s. In all cases, the Naercy's attorne}• shall certify
to the Oepaament that selection hes hi:en accmrplished in conlf+fiarce with the Constat~n!s Competitive. NegoliaPor Ac:.
10.00 Disadvantaged business Enterprise ,D6Ej Policy and Obligation: It is the polity rrt It:e Dt:paYmen! thr.: OS='s,
as derinrd h- 45 C.F.R. Part 26, a:' 2manded, shall ti:1'JF. !tlV' opportunity :i; gal lic:paie ir. foe perormance or aoruaiAs
financed in whore or in. ;art •.v:!h f3epartmenl curds undo' this Agee,,^tcnt The UUF. rrgniromeris of applfcabie felle~al aid
:ante laws and rrgulatiarts apfay t!: 11•.is Agreelttent.
7ne Agem.:y and i!s contractors afire= :n er,;:ule li:a: DCi E':, hour. the opportunely to par(i;:ipate .c Ihc: performance ei this
Agreement. in this regard, a!I recip'senls and contractors shall rake al. net:essay and reasonable steps .n accordance with
appli:able t_deral and .:ale lava cad requla:ionc: !o ensure that Ute DBE's have IDe eppcrtunily to cu:npete for a,^.d
peronn contracts. The Agency tad ifs fanL^aetnrs and sub::on:ractors si'all oat discriroin~ ~ on the basis o' race, solo ,
national origin o: sex in Ihe. aware! and per(orr.~ance of c~nlra;.l.^.., enlrr^.d purse.^.r,! to this: A,~revment.
11.00 Compliance with Conditions antl Laws: The Agency shall atmtaly an6 r!•'CUtrL• II3 contractor, and subwntraaors
to comply with of terms and conditions of this Acreenwnl anu" aft federal, stale, and local laws and mgulp.Gons appiicabie
to lhi:; projec:. Execution of Il:i:> Art:eement ::nnailctes a ce: lirieediun ?Itat Iite Agency is in curnpliance •mili~„ and will
require its canlractcre and suococ:racturs ;:. r ~:r.lply wit.^., all rrcuiromenL imposed by appBCaole federal, sale. and local
laws and recR::aGOr.; ina:.rdieq ;~e °Gerlifi;;:lion Rcgarlinct L'nbarrrtan:, Susper:;:iu:t. Ineligibility and \k+luntary Exclcsion
- Lower Tier Covered T: arsacfier.^,," in .~ C.RR. Part 2E, w•her, applicable.
'12.OD Res'.rictions, Prohibition;:, Controls, and Labor P,Iovisinrc>:
12.01 Equal Employment Opportunity: In co~necticr. with :he aarryirrt,7 out of any pr;nj~.^.c:, Ilse Fran, rrr .^.^all not
disaintinate against any i:mnlcyoc c- appli:;aq Err enloieymenl t~eciuse o! race, age, :eiigion, color, Sex, naGonat adg[n,
disabifly or marital stalls. The Frlenay will lar;e affirmative ac6or< to ensure Iha: zppliaanls are rmphyr:d and that
51P IG Q'f:Of O.t c w,ei qFK: ~' nrpv5f'lr4:~Dt~ S1Snrr.m
LOCA:. HGF..NCY PRUGRAbt AORE[INENT =+<%•'=crxvoixr xpnr=r~r mars
YdOf •
empio;roes are treated rurin~ ernplcyme^. witiruut iF:ga rrt to their 'ace, age, mliyion color, y!.nder, national orignr,
disability or ma•ita! Sla::rS. S.'C'~ action Sf:a!: incb,id.^.., bU[ ^ol :iE hrnilCd fC, (h:' (oll:rWinCi: 2nlpi0yl7.8"it Upctradin~, 02nlOfi~~'1
or transfer; roc:uih~,^.nr ^r recruitn:2n[ 2wenis:rg: layoff U` c.^..rmmvlicn; ra1C5 0l pay or other forms o` con:pens:aiun; erne
sele::ion fur Irainir.g, including appmnliceshi~. "n,: A~!:rn:y shwa irs~'t trr: forec•,oiny provision nrx'ifiod on.y tc s!x:w the
particular ccrtractua` rraatie-sh. it alt ifs contr.-:cls in cunnuarior. v.'dh the.:ievelc~.r..rcnt or rpcrafion o; the projca;, rxccpl
contrails for the standard commercial su::pi,es or rnw• maC~•rials, an:: shat' •egrrire all scch c::ntaicters lu it ~e-t a si;n:iar
provsien in a!I subccn:rac's; e;rcep: subcontracts for standard cor.':mrrcin. ~~pplies or raw nratera!s. VJhen ?he pro;ccf
i^vulves ins:alla?ion, construction, cmotiticr., :emovaL cite irrprno•em~n; or similar e•:irk, :he Agency sr.<6, past, in
conspicuous places ova;!able k: entp'.o}'ees and applicants for c:.-n;ao}'rrer:: for pmjrnt work, notices ~.c br. provided b•r the
Departrner.: seginQ forth: Cie provisions rf the nor:dscruninal:on cause
"2.02 Title VI -Civil Rights Act of 1964: The f,~ency 'wiU c:anp!}• wits' 211 the rec,u:rements imposed by Title 'e+l u~ the
Civil Rights As: u( 196-0, the rcguialioos of the U.S. U~partmenl al TransporlaLnn !s:;ued thereunder. and the assura!~ce
Ay the Ayenc pursuant thereto.
The Agency shall include provaions it ai! conlrec(s v:iCi lhirf par[ios G:a: ensure co:npiian::e v+iU: -iL~ VI of C~:~• Civ~:
Rights .4r.? of 196G, 49 C.-. R. PaC 2<., and related :Yaiutos ens regulalim rs.
12.C3 Americans with Disabilittos Act of 1950 (ADA): '[ ne Agencg will c: n;piy with all the re~auirernents as imposed by
foe ADA, dre regulations ;;f the Fedora) govcrnnren! issued ;ircrcundcr, and assurance by :hr. Hgency pursuant IPircro.
12.04 Public Entity Crime: F•, pe~srrror atfiliatr; :vY.o has been planed nn one : onvicled vendo- list following a uunv;clion
for a aubiic enlity crime may no: submit a bid on a contrac? tc provide any Goacs or service:- tc a public entity; may not
submit a bid on z conga;:: will; a puh[ic enlity for the cens:rucGen cr repair +±f a public Uuilding or public cork; may not
submit Aids nn leases oP rea property to a puA:ic entity; may ^of b awarded n- perform wrrlc 2s a conlraslor, a:pplior,
sabc:onlracto: or consultant under a contr'acewilh any public eerily, a:.d roay no: t ansac: business v+itt: any public enlity in
excess of the thresholc amount provi,^,cd in Section 2&7,017, i'Icrida.SLr!ules, fur C.4TF:rrORY ?L?rO for; period of 36
rnunlhs from Foe date o: being placed on G ~e crrnvicird vendor list.
12.05 Discrimination: In accordance with :rector. 2II;'.134. -k,:ida .`aahs:•:as, an en6lp or afAiate who Etas hesn pieced
cn the Disrrfminala}+ Yendor Lis:, kepi by Cie Flor.;;a Dr:oarlmen? cf t+fanagenten::;crvirs, may not submit n: Aic on a
contract to provide oocds er scr.'ices to a puhlb;: rntity; may nu: submit a nrd en a conlracl wiC; a pudic enlity fo- the
cc+ru^tlt:clion or repair of a p:rb6 : bui:dirni or puAlir. work ;^.ay no: scorn=' bids ::n k=_ases of real property lc a public entil}':
may no; be awarded or oeaarni evork as a cor.Caclor, suppiirr, subcentru:':or or consultant under a contract with any
public r:mily; and may not Irarsac; bust°rss with any uuAli~ enti:~.
12.06 Suspension, Revocation, Denial 'o( Qualification or Determination of Contractor Non-Hc ;ponsibility: ;\rr
entity cr affiliate :vho has had its Oeiific:rle cf OualiCcaSon suspendeL, revrked, denird :rr As.+c furher bean (:elerrninec
by the Ueparfinent to be a nor. responsiAlr. ;anlrzckrr may no: submit a bic ur perform •rvori: for tlu:: construction er repair
pf a pukaic buiidm;l or publie w^rif on a conlracl wilt: IJV: Agenr.;.
1'L.U% Prohibited lnlerrsts Nei:hrr Lce Aces :)+ nOr gay of its co; dracWrs o' (Heir subarntrrlors shall e^.ter idle any
conlracl, subcontract Or ar:acecrnen: ir: ccrnnrction wiLr the projecr or any prr;peg ly included cr pianneC to br. iuC!t,(ted in
the, project in which any rr:eirber, o`ii~,.er o: ernplo}'ee of the Hgency cr Cre IocaC'ry during lr..nure rr for 2 years fhcr~.nc~-
has am• inleresl, di: e:;; or indver-l. If any :;uch proscnf or fosne: rnernneL nfficor cr emoioyee involur,:arily ac;uires ur had
acquirrd prior lr, Iho Acginning of tenure any such irtlerest, and if Burn i-te: eta ie: irnnredialely d closec to the Aocnc}'. h-,e
Hgency, with prior approval o` tl:e t)^.aarin:enl, raay wa;vc the crcnibilion contained i~ this pa;agra;~h provided G~ai ew
such present :nembrr, officer or employe.^. shall no`. paaicipaU .r. any aclian Cp :nc A.,orcy nr ;hr. loc.^.Iity fr.Ietirg to ;;urh
contract, subco~,tract cr arrangrmnnt.
Tics Hgencv s'rali insert in al: contracts a:nNred ir.tu iu cannec6on with Ihe. ;;r;,'~ec: .,^.r u•ry' pro, erYy ir.cl.;r;r_d o' p:anr:ed I::
P;r. ine!ude(I :n any project, and sh.-:J req.:ire its comractors to i•rsur; in each of ureic subcenlrscs, the rofov.'inu prowsinn:
'PJO rnrrohar, oiGcer cr employee of airs .4cfrnay or of the '-ocality dcrir~ his tenure ur 'o: 2 years
thcraafler shat: havr.• any intern-st, r"ireci or in::irect, ir• ti;is conlrzc! or tare p: c:~eE~ds Ihrrcof."
T::e provisions of this paragraph coal! nrt n app,l°i4AI(: fO am' agreement beP+: nor the Ag^nry an:f ds fiscal deposileries
or to any agreement for uChly coulees the rates for which ar:.• lixed cr ::cnuoied by a yavernrtentat a,cncy.
scot. ur rv..`•=.Ina nEPra:ar[I+r J= ruesre:rzrar~~e•~ eiimu •:r
LOCAL. A:yENCY PROG2Ah4 !.GRGchlEfv'f r.~o~ucrn.-.+i>.cu.rr:-o=F:c=
Fan• w
12.08 tntcrest of Member's of, or Urlvgates to, Congress: t\r; rrernber or crlrgate to tf>.e Coltgr~ss of the troll^.d
}ilale5 stra!I he aGrnilted to ar!y 31tin e cr part of this tin vCl`renl o; any bennfl! Hri::lrtU ibereh'OITI.
13.UU Miscellaneous Provisivns:
13.01 Environmental Reputations: TY.e Agency wiI! he s;viely r'esporsibhr for cornplial~,ce with III fir: opplicabtc
envimnmertal reguialions, for any iia':i;lly arising from non-compliance with thesC re,ulaticrs, and will rei•nburse the
Unpanrneat for ..^.ny Ivss inrurreo iu :.onnect'.nn lhe~em•iltr. Toe Agency wilt bC r^sponsibL; fc+r sscurino any apnlirablr.
13.02 Department tSot Obligated tv Third P:+r1iCS: Ire Ii2p.=.rrnent :;ha:'. n.^.I ;?•.~ chGgate:.^' or liable hrrew;9er ;: aq;
individual al entity not a ;tarty to 1^.is Flgreemenl.
13.03 LYhen Rights and Remeriies Not NJaived: !r no event shall the :na:<i~r.. b}• ttr. Jr. p.-,rlmen: of any payn:en: to the
Avercy consF.htte or Ue construad as a v; :Eder vy !nr Urparlrnen: el' any breach C( cover:ant or any ueiaull which may
Ctec exist an the pa+t o' tho .9Gency and the ^tak~ng v` such paymer.: n}~ the D~parltitCnt, while any s:.rch hn:acS ul default
sttal' exist, Shai.' in nv way intoair yr prejudire any ricFd ur ntmedy <vailai?h; Iv ihi: Depnrrnent will respect :o sue^.~~ brearl-
ctr default.
13.04 How Ayreement is Affected by Provisions Being Held Invalid: Ir any pruvisicn of this Agrerm~nl is Ire,d invalic,
the remainrcr o' this Agreement snarl not bC aFected. In suds a:•. instance, the rr-_mailN,.Cr woald then wnlinue to conlorm
to fire tams anc requvemen;s of al:~f;l~cable law.
13.05 Bonus or Commission: By exer:.riian i.` t`r. Agreement. ine Agency represeras that it has cal pzic aid, also
agrees no: to pay, any bogus er Commission (or l`.e purpose cf oGiaininc an acproval of is application f:;r the Cnancire
13.06 State Law: Nothing in the i~gre..trer.; .^>ha'I regcire the Aga~~y to obs~rvF o' e~:icrce contpliana; vedh any a^.~:isicn
or perform ary act ar dv an}• vlher thine L^. coruravenlicn of ary applicable state taw. f:` any of the provsiur.:: o` <1e
Agra=chant violate any appiiCablr. slats lasv, ;he Agnnny v.~ai a; once noiif?+ ;he U~padntent ir. writing ir. order that
appropriate changes and mo:.iiGCalisns may be made oy lt:e Dr.•padmer.•. and Ihc- Agency io the er:~ Ihat Gte Age!ICy rtay
procoed as ::vor, as possible wilt the protect.
13.00 Plans zed Specifications: in the event l:-la: Utis Agreernerc Involves consUucling and equipping of facilities ul Ore
Stale Higt:way Syslrm, the Agency s:-ra!I subrnil to the hepartmerl for approvsl all approprale plays ana sped!:calico,
covering the projeIX. The beparlrnenl wit! -r:vrc:•w all pla; s and sprcifiCati:ms and will issue it the Agency ; variltcr.
apnrnval witty euty approved t~ortions or lee prejacl and eommenis yr reco•rmecdalions covering any rerrt2inuer of lfle
project deemed appropriate. i+f[er resub~;iv.^. of inrsr. rurnmenis and recemmend2tio~s tv the Uepar;menYs ,aUSfaclion,
the f)epartment will issue. to U:e Anrnry a.:vritten approval with said rem'~Gtder c( ihn projCrt. Failure Iv obtain lL•is vrillen
aaproval shall be suffcient cause of :,onpaynten'. by the Drparlrnrn:.
13.09 ftiyht-of-VJay Certification: iho:l wmpletion n.` richt-v(-:vay ac(ivilius on ilrC project, :he Agency m:at rrrti6J
cnma{iance wish al: a;:plicar.: federal end state re:.iuirelrren(s. Crarlii,ca6or iS :vquirgd prier to advrs[semen: fa o-
soiicilation o: tics for conslruclien of ll'le preleC;, Includir;g Ih^se pro;eCts far ~rohicr•. no rghi-u.`-wa}^s require7.
13.10 Agency Certification: i~he ApenCy will rerliiy in :vriling, prier to prgeCl closeout, that the pruedl was Completed in
accvedance with appccabls p!~os and spen~fic'r.!iuns, is ir. glace on, lire A;fency's far:ili~:y, aaeUUale lifie i3 in 1~`te K.g¢ncys
name, and the ; rojcrt is a::cepl2d h the Agenv,: as suitanle for tar,. ~.nlcnderi punv::e.
13.11 Agreernenl Formak: .dl words used he:r.^.in i~ fare sincu!ar foa^r shall ex:z:ro to 2:td include the plural. AI. wv^i:;
used in the plural form ..^.hali exlum; to and include IItE: sin~u,a:. A!I words a :ed in any gender shall cxlrnd Ic and occlude
a!I gen:fers.
13.12 [xecution of Agreement: ThiC Agreement I^ay Be sirnullaneutuly executed in a minima T~ o` ::+v rounlerftarls,
each of which sv Cxecutsd shall be deemed to oC nn erigina:, and suc``~ rwurrq,as toge0rer shall cut~stilule one in Ihr.
sams in3lnnnen t.
9:ArF^.r vt Olilf!h L~F:'/YYThHRT :>_ "rWIFepG~ ti:DH :2:-0IO..V
93.93 Festrictions on t.ui>bying:
Federal: The Aoen:;y agrees that nc i•crerally-apprap;ztrd fund:; ha'~;^ been pairs. or wii: be paid by ur on be :al(of !hr
Agenr:y, to a•r;: persan far i.^.tlucrcing c' at.'errpling to infiu::nc2 acy offirer o- ernnloycr o` ary federal ~genc}•, a tvlern7er
of ::ongress, an efLcs: o: em:p:ogee cf Coa~re.^s or art cr.:playo-~ o.' a t~"^rnUe' of ;;onGres in connection vrth the
awarding of any f^daral rnntrar,;, inc n~ekir.y o` any lode, a; grant, G re makiny of am+ IederaI laae:, the entenng iota ci any
cooperative agreement, and the exk: ^sior, roniirniation, rcneevai, atnenc.'me•~t u- modifralioc of &ny federaf ae^tracl.
gran!. Ican or aacperali•ee srreemer:.
6 any tunas other Ctar. i%:eertlly-appropriated is^.ds have been paic Cy the ftgen::y La any acrson Sir infh,enaing or
aAempGng lc in`luence ar! ofri::er or ertn!ayoe. at nny rercra. ag,;rcy. a 6•lem:ter vi Congress, an .^.tticer er employee of
Crnyress or an employee o(a lJ!rraber of Congress in connector •roiti: thts A:i:ee:r:ern, the undorsigred sna!I rnmpletc
and sabot Scandar'ct fortn•i_~L, •'Disc!osure Erorm to Report Labbying," .r, accordance ever its ins!nrctians.
Tire Agency shat' require It:at t:•re ,anguagr. n"his paragraph 6^. included ;r. L'te award doe:men!^..or al: suSa~n~ards a: all
tiers (including srthcontracts, svo~:r'anls, and conir,cts under yran'w-. loans, and cooper alive agreemens; and that it
subseciaients shall certify and disrlasc zccarding:y.
State: No tunr's received pursuant to thy', i:ortraa: n:ay be exaended (or:eb~•yiny ter: Lr:gisWlure, the judicial :-,ranch or a
state agency -
'13.14 Maintenan; e: The.•:~ency agr~zs tc maintain an;.' project not an the Stale Highway System constructed uncle: fhis
Agreement. Ir the Agency constructs ar!y :mprovemrnt nn Departn-:eni rghFOf-way, the Agency (~ wi(I ^ wi+I not
mairtair thr. improvements maoe~ for their useful rife.
'13.'t5 Vendors Rights: VrnGOrs (in Ibis dccu.-renl iden(ifieti a.<. the Aooncy; ,rraviding goods and service: to Ure
Deparlmert should Ge aware o` tor. to!lcvrin~ lime frames. Upon receipt, Ilse Ue~aarnent has 5 wn-king Gays Do inspect
and approve the ccods and servrces unless tie bid spiv; dicaiions, Purchase ardor or contract sp^..^.ities Mhenvisr.. 'iha
Department has 2C days tc dc:wrr a recuest fu:• payment (voo•cire!j ki +he Deparl:Taer". et Financial Services. I he 2C days
are r.,easwed fror;^. the lacer of dw dale ttre rrvoice is received ..^.r the goods ar srn•ie~s 'rre received, inspected. and
I` a payment is not avai:aSie wiihin 4fi days after receipt of tl:e invoice and Ure receipt, inspection, and approval o` goods
and services, a separate interest penally in arcardanrr with Srrlien 2t5..22(3j(Dj, Florida Statute., wit! b2 due and
payaDie ir. addition !o the invoice an:ounl to the /{yr ncy Interest prnafties of lass than one ,~'9 evil not he. enforced un:ess
the Ayenay requests payment. Invoir:es which Rave lu be returned to Cte A_rency hrcause of Agency preParaGoa errors
wii! resat: in a draay in Inr. pay ;tent. The rnvoice paontent reuuire;nens do uu: start until a properk' comol:ricd im:oice is
provided [o the Department.
A Vendor Ornbcdsmac has been esta:'dished evi:hin Gre DeparlmerA o.` Fu:arcia~ :-~erla:e.^, The c'uties cf lh ;individual
include acl:ng as as~: advocate (or Ayenci^> who m-:y be exPcricnring pron:ems in obtaining limeDr nayottenHsl hum the
^eaarlm^nt. "fhr- Vendor Ombudsman ma}' be cent. c:ed at II50-410 Jt24 or bJ calling Inc Stag Cantplroller's Hcdine, 1-
$OC-848 ~?<J'.
SiATF 0- FI OGI: U. rliVrRl VLp1 Of PtaNp^]R'tru^n .:u. J9
LOCALAiiCNCY F'R:)t;RAtA AGF'?LMENT rr.:.~Frccu~w.sl:ai:?.;a;:~
!N 11+1 ~hE ~ U:HEREOF, !ke parfies rlavr. ra;::Fd these arcs^nts i^ bc. exoruleri the da)r arrd yaar fiisl ab:roc mrritccn.
Name ,'!tacri 1L~riowcr, klx•.ror N=m': ~ -e .:~~
'3"iac:fl /~ ~ T. tle: /r':+ ,°.1'~J: r.n; YC~/.
~ e ((•
A!tes:: 1:.. UL~ I f~r ., i -.. Jt.. - Akcsl: _
Title: gobeLC Paulur, t:icy Clec's Title:
As to fc A; co fo; m:
At(carey f)3t: iCt Atiorncy
uee atcaohed Enambrar.re Form for da,e c;. f~n•Jny aFproval .;/ Comotro'ir:
___, es<FOR~.XECU1"ION
/ ._ ~
r I
r __
!`~.~_ . `!~-,(;.i:y'}'li moY 1' ). Y:.,' ~ Dato
i'~ 1
~~ J
f JRA1 v<5.0
~!N P!O.
E>C4!(3iT A
Project Cescription and Responsibilities
This exhbit forms an integral part of that certain Roimbursernen: Agrocmont between 4he State of Florida, D~parlnter
Transportat'on and
The City cT N.iam' Reach
The projed ~ is ~ is not on ~e National H!ghway System.
The project ~ is Q is not on the Sknln Higttvray System.
FC)f;FS 525-010-4G
A'3N::Y hL1iV~E & C:LI ING PJURFSt~ ~_...___ _ ~IN. NCT_
STATE GF f•!.GRLr1A UEI'ARfbiENT i>r-t FJirl3Pl~'!Ti+TION
City ci Rdiarr; Grach LOCF.I AGI:NCI' PRi)GRAht
AIl' I isa Botere ~A+3REEcitri•17~
Pudic :^lorks - Envir~nm^nlal :~ivis.on EY.HIi,'T "F'"
~ ~ t?OOConventicn C;e.nc'6nve ~;(;;irDUL~ C)I- =-UNUING
iUiiarni :)each, FL 33139
Name NE~RC o4t" Street to 79_" Street. _,_ ~ _ Length 'i5 blocks
Termini 64t" Street to 79th Street a~acent to the western edge of the sand dunes __
Righr-~f-tfVay c
Constructiar. i. Contract
j. Ucne- TES.
k. U:ne- 3G BQ~~L
I. U:he' 'n3sl Reserve
:7lirei Special ^:esFr:g.
C>Ihor lilt ~~_t?:
m.lbla' Cnatrac! Costs (i+j ko-l)
~' Con~ruchon Engineering
n. l:gency
o. Ol:v:r
p. pspzrlmcrt ^orces
__ ___ o~?c~a, Conslrugion Cosl ;rn-a)- - _
s. ESTI'l:A-GC 7C'iA~ C05T OF ; H
Pi2UJ cC f i:i++i~~++ri
FOitM 52`.atGS6
C)U;- G2~'G t
!~X:ILtiI; U
:rl,i411.'~tAItV~', 1'A~ hiF.TIlUL)
Ariicle 5.IX1 is expanded by ttte following:
the Deparetrcnt will pay to ti:c Agcar+, aRa rccein! o` as izrvoice, ar aawunt egtta: W the iuvoicc received by Lhe Agency frcn the
A~rncy's contractor(s) o: coasttl~nQs). itli invoices roceived from cite Agency s':ull clraziy separate the cast to the canrac[o!is) er
eocsttlt:urt(s) from the Agenry's cult biucd to the Denxrtme:~t All A.geacics' costs invoiced rsr+.st havc here nncttt:ed by the Agency
prior to the date of the invoices. Alt invoices submitted to the Dcpac~cnt ;Host provide cotaplcte doc:amcntatioq iuclurling a copy o:'
ific contractor(s) or cotssultr.^t(s) invoice, to rtbsantiate the cos: nn the iavoia. The .\gcnry :rout certify on each iuvoicc that tiro costs
unm the contrector(s) o: coasultanr(s) uc valid zud haw been incur'rs:l by the contractor(s) or comrilta:tt(s). Carh monthly ievaia
rtbsequect to the first invoice Cram the Agezxy auras: contain a ststensen: from rho Agency that dte pres:eas man:h's cosC incurred by the
contraro:(s) or cnrstltan~(s) has bern paid by the Agrnry to the eontnecot{s) nr consut~t(s).
')arr. Advance Payment Approval _
3:rceived frvmFD~T Cmrq>aollcr
FOrt6f ~ _ .
CFd; ,..
ExH1EFl' R
iricic 2.02, secorui and atird lenience are diretet! and the foilcwing a:bstitutcd:
This agreenten: slmll rontirrue is atl'ect and he binding on aII parties until (!tc project is .:nttq:ictcr'., any suhsequent:itigatior.
complete and termianted, final costs arc know^.t, and iegisEadveh'appropzialed rcimbucfrnxnts, ii apiarnved, ue rrsde by thr
Rseiclc 7.00, fvst sentence is deleted and the follou'~ g suhstimLt!~
'fhe f}epartnaent agues to reimburu the i..ocal Aaenay in accordance with SecSOn 339.1? of the Flo:-ida Sunucs art aanuotrto
exceed the total estimated cost specified ~~ Atiicie 3.0? heginoing in the Tlcpattrnettt'a F:scaI Year . if ~ Paadug is 8
ttX Fe `>rsal Highway AdminisGation (FI-I Wn)~ !1~.~ payment will be made in a lump strm ut tlr ycaz(s) the project issoli-d:iled in
Department's Work Program as of the dale of the agrcctttot if tic FF1WA 6tnding is progtamrned in the Dcparmruts Adcp
W ott: Program over a rartlti-yeas period, an aaatral ataottnt ce~tal to the amoani arogtanrmeJ will he reintbtrrsed in each of tL•
year..if the project is fer resurC:uing, is esrn Wted ovc two :mllioa dotLrn and u asset fu:ulcd, payt>xats witl.bc rod.: to sis cq
quarterty payrrrnts beginning in the year the project :vas originally progatatroed. For all outer shte funded coasG~:clioo contra
esiirrat.-d over two ttullion dollan, pa}'ments will be ~"dc in ten r.4val 4usrtel! paytrxntl begittting in ilre year t;te project
origioally progra~.d All payrncnts will be aadc ir: accord:mcc with Sccaon 6.00 of the ac,7ccrncat.
'ILe Departnten: further agrees to zec}ncst appropriation of said znrottats from ~ L„-.gjsltttr^ prior to eacF. fis:,al ycr is quacon.
iTh: F ff FtOR1Ri 9[I'n0:MC111 U-1NAlISYJI!L511UN S::N~1Ny
RM! ITE.`atlgEGM11FN- NC.: A1F^57dq ~iNG C'!S?31CT: _ $iX __._.
4UNS I'RUCT(CN.!TEtot ~FyM1AiN I N0. , Si.Ntc f?UAC?
f.A.P. fQO. {Construction): ~ U-6CRIPf1JN:
C.CUNf`.': na:,'..: D~Lde!'aLw.tu _._._...
LE1lINGDA7E: _- --.._._-_._._
The undersigned hereoy ccrlitie5 as fo!iovrs:
Title to alt property and easements needed for l'ne above construction. orciect is v~'s!ed in lFle Florida Department c'
T~nsportation (Cepartment; or a stale ur local gove;nmeni. Subicient alr!hority::as veer: obtainr•.a to construct an17
maintain the prnposed improvr.,mrnts or, F.;upurty and easeneals owned oy statr, or local gooermm~nls. Further.
(~ P.ight of way was not acqui^d for this proje~_
Q Right of way was acq,rired for t!:is project in compl;accreith appii^,: ble Stale and fe'9eraLaw.
ty~ Ne persons or businesses wero re:µlired to :Hove cr mrve persnaal property from Lne oroje:: right of way.
Q All persons and busiress~s that werr_ required to move or move personal prrprrty' from the project rigt(e''w'ay I~lave
been provid?:i relocation assistan-e i~ c::n;pliancs with applicable stale and federal law.
Q No strucures or irnprcvemeni :, inclur!i~; oncronchmortts req^irr•d remeva: from the project right of way.
O All s1;ucWMS andlor improve:mon`s. incf;rding encroachmens, have been removed from the projec', right of'.vay in
compliance v.'ith applicable state and federal law', er will br. inctudrd in the conslrucbon wrtmct.
AsbesWS Abatement
Q No structures or improvertrents r::auiriny asbes:us abalensent'Ivcre :xateU cn the projr.:! r!~h' of way.
Q Asbestos abalemen! o` buildings andlor s!ru~tures, hiciuoing these to be removed by Ule cons!roctian ecnlractor, has
been comp'.rted irl compliance with applicable stag and fnscral law, or vrill be inGuded in toe construction contract.
/ ~ -~ 1
Submilted6yLocalAgenry: l 1 ~ ' ~ 4nl ~' ~h('`,'~ ! ~ ~)~.~
~/ 1111 ~/ tJatC:
/ ~' I ~~ 99
Certified by': --~ k %='---~ t' _~~_---... ----- - ~ ~~J~~771' _. _ _
i'idc: 'JI}'i? r ~'C~Y" C7~ Eii..~ ~:(, b~~i GY jL~ Nate: r ~'j' J,~ J~