LTC 308-2009 Bump-outs (Future & Existing)~'
m MIAMI BEACH 2oast~ov -~ P. 3~ 3S
TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission
FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager ;
SATE: November 3, 2009
SUBJECT: Bump-0uts IFuture & Existing)
The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to provide you with correspondence (two letters)
received froJm~}th~e Transportation and Parking Committee regarding the above subject.
C: Saul Frances, Parking Director
Mark wekhom, chairman To: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission
Alan B. Rshman, Vicc•Chalnnan
FROM: Mark Weithorn, Transportat(on & Parking Committee Chair
Jo Asmundsson GATE: November 3, 2009
Scott Ddfenderfer
AI Feola SUBJECT: Bump-outs (Future)
Del Fruit
Maria Mayer
1P Morgan Dear Mayor and Honorable City Commission:
Josephine Pampanas
Marvin Silverman The Transportation & Parking Committee met on November 2, 2009, and
Scott Timm held a discussion on the installation ofbump-outs throughout the City. The
seth Wasserman Committee unanimously passed a resolution that bump-outs in congested areas
such as Miami Beach, have the following effects: impedes with the flow of
traffic; impedes with safe bicycle lanes; decreases parking; and restricts turning
radius for trucks and other large vehicles. Bump-outs should be avoided in any
future plans and should only be used in the case of overriding pedestrian safety
As an Advisory Committee, we sincerely ask that consideration be given to the
above resolution.
Transportation and Parking Committee
J`~~arr~jva~fcrfuui d' Ja~ C'umi~arflee
Mark welthom, Chatrman T0: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission
Alan 6. Fishman, Vice-Chairman
FROM: Mark Weithorn, Transportation & Parking Committee Chair
eM ethers:
to Asmundsson DATE: November 3, 2004
Scott DMfenderfer
AI Feola SUBJECT: Bump-outs (Existing)
nel Fruit
Marla Mayer
J7 Morgan Dear Mayor and Honorable City Commission:
IosepNne Pompanos
Marvin siwertnan Further to the previous letter regarding the Transportation and Parking
scoff Timm Committee's positron on the installation ofbump-outsthroughout the City, the
sethwasserman Committee unanimously passed a resolution during their November 2, 2009
meeting, asking that the Ciry review ali existing bump-outs and medians for
improvements and/or removal, as the Committee feels bump-outs should only
be used for overriding pedestrian safety concerns.
As an Advisory Committee, we sincerely ask that consideration be given to the
above resolution.
Transportation and Parking Committee