LTC 313-2009 Cleanliness Index & Assessment Program Results for FY 2008/09 Quarter 4m `,~1IAMIBEACH
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LTC # 313-2009 LETTER TO COMMISSION -~ ~'~
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TO Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission N
FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager/ ~~~-
DATE: November 13.2009 ~l / ~~
SOBJCCr. Cleanliness Index & Assessment Program Results for FY 2008/09 Quarter 4
The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to communicate the results of the award winning
Cleanliness Index and Assessment program from FY2008/09 Quarter 4 (July 1, 2009 to
September 30, 2009).
The Miami Beach Public Area Cleanliness Index is an objective measurement of performance
ranging from 1.0 (Very Clean) l0 6.0 (Very Dirty) and includes assessments of litter, litter/
garbage cans/dumpsters, organic material, and fecal matter. The results of the assessments are
used to monitor the impacts of recently implemented initiatives to target areas for future
improvements, and assure the quality of services.
During FY2006/07, the Ciry lightened the target for the Citywide and area-specific cleanliness
indices from 2.0 to 1.5 -the lower the score on the cleanliness index indicates a cleaner area.
This target continues to be the same for both FY2007/08 and FY 2008/09. As important, the City
also has a goal to ensure that 90 percent of assessments score 2.0 or better.
Summary of the Cleanliness Assessment Results FY 2008! 09 Quarter 4
Overall, the citywide cleanliness index increased slightly during FY08/09 Quarter 4 when
compared to the same quarters in FY2006/07 and FY 2007108. However, the overall citywide
cleanliness score for FY2008/09 has remained steady when compared to prior fiscal year
scores. All public areas achieved the FY 2005/06 target of 2.0 or better during FY 2008/09
Quarter 4; except for the alleys, sidewalk commercial non-entertainment areas, parking lots, and
In general, the City's cleanliness has steadily progressed as evidenced by the index, anecdotal
information, and results of our most recent resident surveys. Although staff continues to refine
and to focus on target areas, our overall incrernenlal improvement has become more modest.
Staff is also pursuing the possibility of improving cleanliness index scores through changes in
the City Code as well as changes in how the Code is enforced. These changes take more time
to be vetted in our public process and not all will be feasible.
Positive and Improved Areas in FY 2008109 Quarter 4
Parks -Scores remain steady and improved by 12% when comparing FY2008109 C~4
with the same quarter in FY2005/06. Also the FY2008109 overall score remained steady
when compared to the prior fiscal year score and improved by 18% when compared to
the FY2005/06 fiscal year score.
Beach Areas (Miami Beach and Miami-Dade County responsibility)-Scores improved in
both Miami Beach and Miami-Dade County responsibility beach areas by 15% and 9%
respectively, when compared to the same quarter in FY2005/06. The overall beach
scores for FY2008109 for Ciry of Miami Beach and Miami-Dade County responsibility
areas improved by 13% and 17% respectively, when compared to the FY2005/06 fiscal
year score.
Areas of Focus
• Allevs -Overall scores during FY2008/09 04 appeared as an area of focus, especially in
the South Beach area. The main factor affecting these scores was illegal dumping and
litter. Both the Sanitation Division and the Code Compliance Department will reestablish
their monthly meetings in order to provide greater enforcement around the alleys.
• Waterways -Overall scores continue to be an area of focus, especially in the waterway
hotspots. The main factor affecting the score is litter accumulation on the edge of the
water and debris coming down as a result of the high tide. Public W orks will research the
current waterway sample and data in order to determine whether the current target of 7.5
is an appropriate target for this public area and what resources are necessary to achieve
this score. The current waterway contract is based on a cleanliness target of 2.5. It should
be noted that we have consistently surpassed this contractual target for all four quarters.
• Parking Lots -This area appeared as an area of focus due to litter, especially around
garbage cans. After some research, Public Works realized that the scores increased due
to the change of companies servicing the garbage cans in the parking lots. Public Works
has already resolved this matter, and the scores are expected to improve in the next
Organic Material -This factor appeared as one of the main causes affecting scores
throughout the public areas during 04. This is a result of seasonality, and when looking at
the data, the scores during this time of year show an increase in the amount of organic
material present. In spite of seasonality, the Sanitation Division will research on what
resources are necessary to improve scores in the Flamingo neighborhood area where
scores consistently appear as an area of focus due to organic material and litter.
Cleanliness Key Intended Outcome
Cleanliness was identified in our community surveys as a key driver impacting overall quality of
life. Also, in the 2009 survey, residents and businesses rated cleanliness as the number one
service the City should strive not to reduce. Although additional improvement remains good,
since the inception of the cleanliness assessment program, the City has seen noted increases in
overall service levels and satisfaction in the community in this important service area.
Cleanliness Index Scom Per Public Area (target - 1.5)
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Re3icenbal ??f, L93 2.11 1.71 2.rii
AIny9^ 2.48 _ Y°J 2P5 cl 2.E.C
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Ccnmeresl -NOr~-cn:runmer 2.15 1.79
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SNatenva 2.77 [ 93 ? 54
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Re9lAentle 1.63 -16.9% 1.64 -17.2% _
Alu:y," 2.28 -122 / 2.07 -19.3%
Sidewalks 1.66 -19.3 % 1 7? -14.4 %
Commercial-EnteYa anent 1.G1 -21.0% L68 -14.7%
Commercial-Non-Cntertammen: 1.64 -16.0% 1.75 •10.6%
Ro~a4nm:d 1.74 _-18.7% i.7S -16.8%
Parks 1.75 -7.8% 1 S? -19.3%
Pelkin • 1 Al -17.9% 1.07 -14.6%
Waterway 2.OB •19.7% 2.09 -17.0%
Death Areas
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tdaami-Daoe COUn:y ResOOnsibiuy 1 At -1.1 % 1.70 •11.5%
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Next Quarter Assessments
City employees and Neighborhood Leadership Academy alumni and students are conducting
cleanliness assessments every quarter. If you or any member of your staff is Interested in
participating in the Clty's Public Area Cleanliness Program, please contact Isabel Stillone with
the Office of Budget and Performance Improvement at extension 6354.
If you haveany further questions, please feel free to contact me.