LTC 327-2009 Metrobus Service Changes in Miami Beach21109 ~1~J~f' .,'~U n~t ~~~ I
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NO. LTC # 327-2009
TO: Mayor Matti H. Bower and Members of the City Commission
FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager ~~
DATE: November 24, 2009 ~'
SUBJECT: Metrobus Service Changes in Miatt~
The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to inform you of two (2) upcoming informational meetings on
Miami-Dade Transit's (MDT) Metrobus service changes. The first meeting will be held on Tuesday.
December 1, 2009. 2:00 p.m. for the Rebecca Towers residents, although it will still be open to the general
public. This meeting will be held at the Rebecca Tower North Multi-purpose Room at 200 Alton Road. The
second meeting will beheld on Thursday, December 3, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. at the Stella Maris House at 8638
~...a,.,,, n.,cn, ~a RanraSPntatives from MDT will provide a presentation on the changes to the Metrobus
MDT is changing the Metrobus routes on December 13, 2009 to improve and provide more efficient transit
service. There will be changes to the following bus routes that may affect Miami Beach residents: Bus
Routes 62, A, G, H, J. K, M, R, S. and 120 Beach Max.
In addition, MDT will announce two new bus routes that will commence on December 13, 2009. the Airport
Flyer and the Route 115, The new Airport Flyer will provide an express bus service from Miami International
Airport to South Beach. The new Route 115 Mid-North Beach Connection will provide service from 88"
Street to 17"' Street. MDT will also announce that bus-to-bus transfers will be free for passengers who use
the Easy Card and Easy Ticket for fare payment.
Please let me know if you have any questions or require additional information.
Attachments: Community Meeting Flyer
F.1a:c'~:';{ALVd.1i Et.1PLOYEE FOLDERS'.CHRISTINE UETTINT.Diviaio'+••LTC,T ransit Service UC tlcc
Please be advised that Miami-Dade Transit (MDT) is cha
routes on December 13, 2009 to improve and prop
transit service. There will be changes to the following I
Beach that may affect you: Bus Routes 62, A, G, H, J, I
Beach Max.
In addition, there will be two new bus routes added: tl
the Route 115. The new Airport Flyer will provide an
from Miami International Airport to South Beach. The ~
North Beach Connection will provide service from 88"'
A detailed presentation on these bus service changes
MDT at an upcoming public meeting. Both City of Mian
Dade Transit representatives will be present.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009 2:00 p.m.
Rebecca Tower North
200 Alton Road
Miami Beach, FL 33139
aging the Metrobus
ride more efficient
sus routes in Miami
C, M, R, S, and 120
to Airport Flyer and
express bus service
tew Route 115 Mid-
itreet to 17''' Street.
will be provided by
~i Beach and Miami
Bus-to-bus transfers will be FREE with the Easy Card and Easy Ticket.
For more information on purchasing Easleaserd call E 311 T, or ts~gor to
these Metrobus service changes, p
www. m i a m i d a d e. g o v/transit.
To request this material in accessible format, sign language interpreters, information on access for persons
with disabilities, and/or any accommodations to review any document or participate in any city sponsored
proceeding, please contact 305.604.2489 (voice), or 305.673.7218 TTY) five days in advance to
initiate your request. TTY users may also call 71 1 Florida Relay Servicesl.