Eve A. Boutsis. ~.~ ~, S f City of Miami Bead Offroe of the City Clerk 1700 Convention Cerrl~r Drive, Ar~iami E~each, FL 33139 r`oe~v~sT ~sT+a~-Traa ~ Lobbyist means all persons empbyed or retained, whether paid or not, by a prinapal who seeks to erurourege the passage, defeat or modification of any ordinance, resolution, action or decision of any canmisaioner, any action, decision, reoomrr~ndation of the City Manager or any city board or committee; or any action, decision or recommendation of any cltY personnel during the time period of the entire derision-making process on such action, decision or recommendation that foreseeaby will be heard or reviewed by the dty commission, or a city board or ~mmittee. The term speafically inductee Me prindpal as wen es any employee errgeged M lobbying ate. Ta,a term "^ Nas epee e,aduMoas, weese refer to Order 2004-a43s. Boutsis Eve A NAME OF LOBBYIST: (Last) (Irst) (M.I) 18001 Old Cutler Road, Suite 533, Miami, Florida 3315' BUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS (Number and ) (City) (State) (Zip Code) (~3D5) 235-9344 X305) 235-9372 eboutsis@fbm-law.com TELEPHONE NUMBER: AX NUG~R: EMAIL: I. LOBSV~T RETARD BY: Housing Authority of Miami Beach-Miguell del Campillo NAME OF PRINCIPAL/CLIENT: 200 Alton Road, Miami Beach, Florida ~v.7~nC.7w~ ~7MMC NP{U PiUURC~I~ ( aF1O fie() It,~itty~ ~a5tate) (~ Code) (305) 532-6401 __.(305) 674-8001 ed@mbha.orq FIII ou! fWs aectkaa q N a Cor~e>Ka21oq m TsutA >~ ~ • NAME OF CHIEF OFFICER, PAitTNEi~2, OR B€IiEFICIA~iY: • IDENTIFY ALL PERSONS HOLDING, DIRECTLY Oft CTLY, A 5% OR fr-ORE OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN SUCH CORPORATION, PARTNERSH~ OFt TidUST: City of Miami Beach purchase of 17th Street~px~ope>L~y A FWI afartlte o1 Tiros 9 irk, Fa> a Fin~ace Committee and Staff ~~ , a ` ~ 7~ X41 /~ ~Z ~~ N. DISCLOSURE OF TERMS AND AMOU#ITS OF LOBBYIST CO~NSATI011(DISCLOSE WHETHER HOURLY, FLAT RATS OR OTHER): Aj. LOBBITI5T"DISCLOSURE: (Required) /_~.!„~ C~~~ ~~'> iOF~BBYIS`i` COL~G Jul !/!'~-~ The following information must be answered: 1) Pursuant to Miami Beach City Code Sec4ion 1-bYY Entitled "Prohibited Campaign Contributions By Lobbyists On Pro~eurement Issues": ~ aresent or oendina award for goods. eaaloment or asrvlce? 2) Pursuant to Miami Beach City Code 2-490 Entitled "Prohibited Campaign Contributions By Lobbyists On Real Estate Development Issues": apAlication for change of son#rm m the Cttr's Future Land Use ~? 3) Pursuant to Miami Beach City Code 2-484 (h) Any person (except those exempt from the definition of "lobbyist" as set forth in Section 2-481 above) who only appears as a representative of snot-for-profit corporation or entity without speaal cornpensation or reur-bursemeM for the appearance, whether direct, or indirect, to express support of or opposition to arry tern, shall register with the cleric as required by this section but, shall not be required to pay any ~ fees. V. 816NATIiRE UNflER OATH: Signature of PrincipaUClient: / / ` "G~r VI. L~1/t8T It?EaTiFICAT(1011: ^ Produced ID Form of Identification Personally known (Low VII. S~IATtfiRE ~ 8TA1tM OF I~O'TMii-: Florida, County of Miami-Dade ~ aid subscribed, a rr~e ~(_daypf ~l~if .2009 COMMISSION i DO 583536 PRIAi ~ENTlFICATiO~I: 0 Producwd ID Form of Identification ~PersoneHy known (Pstr+ci~i) Stale. Fkxada, County of Miami-Dade Sworn subscribedb~ore me This day of 17Q~..2i989nv vim,«u~o an r-uu~n: rvuiary - ad Prlncioal's No Amaeal teals t ~- ~R / ~--~^ Date tad aa~ wdfhi 14-: Form 21109.doc PUBLIC-STATE OF FLORIDA Vanesa Naveros fission # DD51 010 fires: FEB. 14 co , ~~. .~ Adannc Bonding !' I do solemnly swear that all of the egoing facts are true and correct and fat 1 have read or am familiar with the provisions contained in S of the Beach City Code and all reporting requirements. A r Signature of Lobbyist: __ ~~~~~~ ~- of N6omi Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drim~e, Miami Beach, Fbrida 33139, www.miomibeachN.gov CITY CLERK Office Tel: 305.673.7411 ,Fax: 305.673.7254 CityCfer~miamibeachfl.gov ~~T Eve A. Boutsis I understand that no lafaer than 1st ~/ ~ x~. I must file the folbwing forms, pursuont b Section 2.48 of ~ Ali B1 Ci~r Cade, with the City Clerk's C1fFice for all active lobbying issues. 1) lobbyist Expenditure Forel 2) Disclosure Form Failure b fi~ these forms ~ a tira~e~- basis wik refit ~ lacy r being ~ansmi~+ed b the Miami-Dade Couaty Com>yrtission a~ Et#~+cs ark bar ~ ~, In addition, once on issue I halve ~ist~e0d !o ail ~s been r®sofysd, I oel required to immediately notify the City Clei#'s O ad lark~ti~ wia~ea) in wrifang. ~~ ~~,ov Dade: F:ICLERILOBBYIST1Lobbyist Registration Form 32708.doc