LTC 034-2010 South Pointe Park North Boundary Maintenance Issues - Mr. Haberm ~~~~11AM1 BEACH
Nc~ LTC # 034-2010 LETTER TO COMMIS~IC3~f ~ ~ `' '"' `Z
ro: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission
FRC)M Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager
DATE January 25, 2010 ~ -
SUBIECL South Pointe Park North Boundary Maintenance Issues - Mr. Haber
The purpose of this LTC is to provide you with an update of the City's response to Mr. David Haber's
letter to the Mayor and City Commissioners dated November 4th, 2009 (see Attachment A) and his
subsequent follow up email of November 24, 2009 (see Attachment B).
Mr. Haber's original letter identified several areas of concern regarding maintenance issues and
responsibilities along the South Pointe Park (SPP) north property boundary, which lies adjacent and
parallel to the Portofino Towers private service road (see Attachment C which identifies the
respective properly boundaries).
On November 24, 2009, Ciry staff along with Mr. Haber and management staff from both Portofino
Towers and the Continuum South Tower Master Association performed a walkthrough of the area,
documenting and prioritizing all items that required immediate attention and correction as well as
identifying the respective agencies which would have jurisdiction over the problem.
In his email of November 24'", 2009, Mr Haber memodalized this field inspection in an outline formal
which, in the interest of consistency, is used here to provide you clarifications, an update and/or a
sper..ific plan of action.
1) Inquiry as to whether the Developer of the Continuum Tower has created unsafe structures due to
the rusted and exposedlcorroded rebar and columns in this lot.
The Chiefs of Electrical and Code Compliance inspected the site and Holed no deficiencies that
would meet the criteria to classify the site as unsafe; per the Building Department, as of January 20,
2010, the construction at the project site is not deemed to bean unsafe structure as defined by the
Miami-Dade County Municipal Code, sec. 8-5.
The permit holder has requested and received the required inspections within the time allotted by
the Florida Building Code (FBC) to keep the permit in the active status. In accordance with Sec.
105.4 FBC and Sec. FBC, work shall be considered to be in active progress when the
permit has received an approved inspection within 180 days. The permit is valid as long as there is
construction progress and an approved inspection is recorded within each 180 day period. Permit
80506353 forthe unfinished restaurant has been pursued in good faith acwrding to the inspection
requests and inspection results. The requests and inspection results can be seen through the permit
history in Permit Phrs. The permit has an expiration date of 03/07!2010.
LTC -South Pointe Park Maintenance Issues - Mr. Haber
January 25, 2010
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2) Code Compliance to investigate possible violations regarding the presence of debris and garbage
at the Continuum Restaurant Parcel.
Immediately, following the site inspection Code Compliance visited the site and issued the
Continuum a 24- hour warning to correct all noted violations priorto a follow up site inspection. The
Conlinuurn South Tower Master Association imrnedialely removed all related debris within and along
the perimeter of the abandoned site. Subsequently, Code Compliance has been monitoring the site
on a daily basis along with inspectors from the Public Works Department, to ensure that the site is
properly maintained (Attachment D: Photo taken on 11/24/09).
3) Sinking brick pavers encountered along the west side of Ciiy sidewalk easement from South
Pointe Drive to South Point Park.
Immediately following the silo visit, the Continuum South Tower Master Association, was ordered by
the City to repair this band of depressed brick pavers located within the pedestrian easement west
sidewalk. Repairs were completed. thus eliminating any potenfial tripping hazard (Attachment E:
Photo taken on 11124/09).
4) Open electrical boxes with exposed Wires along the west (sic) side of Ciry sidewalk casement
from South Pointe Drive to South Point Park.
Immediately following the site visit, the open junction boxes and exposed wires located on the cast
side of the Ciry's easement, were covered and properly secured (Allaohment F: Photo taken on
111'24109). A Fire Prevention Inspection was subsequently conducted. The inspectinn yielded nn
further action by virtue o(lhe (act that the electrical junction boxes and all exposed electrical wires
had peen already covered and secured,
5) City to contact FPL/Bell South regarding the wires hanging in the trees on the EastlWest
easement behind Portofino and the South Pointe Buildings.
The easement in question lies outside the boundaries o(Cily owned property, and within the access
road belonging to the Portofino property Easements are required for any electrical lines and
equipment on private property. FPL has advised the City that it is only responsible for pruning tree
branches away from its primary service line. The secondary lines which are leased by AT&T and
Atlantic Broadband Cable are not part of the electrical distribution system, but rather telephone and
cable service lines. Under its current lease agreement. FPL is not required to prune. Although these
individual companies conduct independent pruning, FPL has advised the City that customers should
maintain trees and other vegetation on their properties before they interfere with electrical lines and
any other equipment.
Moreover, the City's Parks and Recreation Department has communicated with Portofino Towers
and recommended that the trees along fhe servire road he pnrned by a certified Arbodst and that
Portofino Towers may be required to obtain a DERM tree maintenance permit prior to start of the
tree pruning activities.
6) Fence located along the north boundary of South Pointe Park.
The current fence is located along the established boundary belwaen the park and the access road.
The City's Operation Division will assist the Continuum South Tower Master Association with a cost
estimate from a certified fence contractor to replace the damaged lance with a new screened
charn link fence to include visual screening in order to ensure that no debris and/or alleged trash
migrates to the access road.
LTC -South Pointe Park Maintenance Issues - Mr. Haber
January 25, 2070
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7) Garbage and Debris located along the north boundary fence of South Pointe Park
The Sanitation Division of the Public Works Department was also present at the site meeting held
with Mc Haber. During the walk-through, there was no visible trash along the northern boundary of
the Park. The Sanitation Division conducts periodic inspections of the entire park, ensuring
particularly that the SPP northern boundary is free of debris and associated litter left by park visitors.
The park sanitation cleaning schedule has been adjusted so the northern boundary is serviced
every day.
8) Undergrounding of wires adjacent to the Portofino Towers, along the nodhem boundary of South
Pointe Park.
With regards to FPL undergrounding, the role of the Cify has keen defined as a facilitator with FPL.
The process for undergrounding requires the involvement of the City since FPL's current policy
requires that it rontract with a municipality, county, or similar local jurisdiction, to perform
neighborhood undergrounding projects. The other utilities, such as telephone and cable, typically
follow FPL in sequence and process since the aboveground utilities are typically hung from poles
owned by FPL.
In general, the undergrounding process starts when a petition signed by a majority of property
owners is submitted by the HOA to the City. Once the City Commission approves the petition, the
City obtains anon-binding ballpark estimate from the utility companies. Next, the HOA makes a
deposit with FPL to start design and later makes a final deposit to obtain a binding cost estimate
from FPL and all other utilities. After receipt of the binding estimate, the HOA enters into an
agreernent with Rte Cily for project management and requests the creation of a Special Assessment
Distdrt to fund the project. (It can also request the creation of a special taxing district from Miami-
Dade County).
The City can facilitate initial discussion or a meeting with FPL representatives and the Portofino
Tower Condominium Association.
Please feel free to contact me it you have any questions about the actions taken by the Cily in
response to Mr. Haber's maintenance concerns on the northern boundary of South Pointe Park.
A -David Haber's letter, response to the Mayor and City Commission Dated Novembcr4`h, 2UU9
B -Subsequent follow-up email dated November 24, 2009
C -Respective property boundaries
D -Pictures showing the presence of no debris along the perimeter on the abandoned site
E Picture of the repaired brick pavers
F -Picture of the covered and properly secured junction box
F 'a~nIAtFALLt(1j EtiiFL VVEE FOr f1FRti'k FKNANO(1 Vn/UI11-/'.I I ('tinulll Vum4~ V:i:k Nurtb M„nws:rv t:,,n>;I,nch,n: Ar::. rtramn~I d: c.
Attachment - A
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M1AM[,FtARIDA 33131
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neetr . dmtia4aw.eomt
November 4,?.009
4ia.F.-mail and LS. Mail:
The Honorable Mayor Matti Heann Bowes
1700 Coavention C~tnrD~ivo
Ivfi~BeacsL,?7, 33139
Gaamm~saOner J OIIa1 VV OL1.401I
[`mmmiaci07]Ar JERy7dtlbin
Co~issicmerF.dwax>i l.Tohin
ComzmssianetDe~le Wcithom
Re: So>rth Pointe Park (`~'arl:'~ riorth Botmdary issnes; and
COniinn~L Devdopar (SHOP, SBOY II,$BOP GP and SBOP GP
1~(cnIIedivety-"SBOP"1 nnisancJr from nafmished construction
Dear MadamL: Mayer. and Cnnnaissione>a:
As yoe all may know, I raaresca: the Portofwo Tows Condo~~m -4seoeiati~
("Porcoffio"} and fhe Por6ofino(S Poimz: IvFaster .Association, Inc. ("lvtact~ Associatioa"j. My
client has writt~ m the City previously conceminq tae aorthem honndary o`_ Sout¢ Pa'inLC: Dark
iYfadmns,NayOr m~ Conmtuswn~~
November c, annv
Fage 101 3
("Pori`"), where the Part. abtns tae easement mac behind the Portoimo and South Pointe Tower
M}~ clienLS are ven~ concerned about the state of disrenair(iaci: of pmner mainiPrtan.:_ by
the City atthenortitam boffidary of the Park. As Portnuno, foe Mosier Association anc ]have
previouviy advised the City is writing the butrndary fence was ;ntned by Ste City during
conshvciion and needs complete senlacemen_ The electri~l wiwa are hang na nom the tre-.s,
ant it is the City's resnonsibilit;~ to get F°~I. m :lean the treat ant'. r~aang the wit~c. In fact,
the Cite should be demanding that FP&:L take the wires tmdergrotrnd due to tue vattrre of the
impmvemems to the Paris. There is no reason to have a 40 old wooden el-,.ctricpales when
the City hoe scent such vast saws o: public mon,~ w renovate and modernize the Park The City
should be t¢yenih~ demanding tmdergroffid wiring by FPLI..
Of equal imaorrat: e, the trash build rru a: the botmdary is atrocious, ana the City
employees nsoonsl~le to cleat the Park MUST pay attention to the btuld trp of plastic bags,
containers, class bottles, beer cans, etc. wlvcir are a^^tmzL~+±*+g a`agaiast tae fence Iirte. We all
~derstand that veaole come to the Park and "nave picnics atte otaerwise eat food and that.same
•irash can blow away or Ieave trash=ecepta^.les when racy arc too hill already; however, since the
northern bottndary fen: a pine is waeremnch of this eacrsv trash a:,csnnuletes, it ~tu^t be cleaned
and removed bytne City as part of the clean up responsibilities ofthe City to the citizens.
Fortoimo and the Maas- Association are good neighbors to fee Pori: and the owners of
the tmite m. theme llssociatiems provide silntvicant tas xw~rres to fnc City. A clean Park with a
nice visual norEncm botmda'y wits a clean fence line witho>tt rancid garbage and debris is in
everyone's best interests.
Please have the City's Public VJOrk~ L~aecmr take th:: nct~saty actione with tat ice
line, the g~bageremoval anti the d.-mmrd nponF£~I.,.
;r addition. Prntofine and the Ivfaster Association's unit owners .arc furious that the Cit},
cvntmnes to allow SBOP and Mr. Eichner m keep a nuisance at the NVi' ~m-r oftae Contimtnm
project with rusted : oiumna sod z~ebar sricldrtg out of ponr~i ~nerete - wife a ioa~ fence wiri:h
coufmnalty blows down. Portofino one tae Ivlastcr P.ssoeiation prefer teat the City enforce its
I)evelope" Agre,~ent with SBOP one either dement= completion of fhe Building found~rm o:
the tear down o_` the colttmne and tlv placmp of grass on the. lot- such titer ii is no lan~~'a
umsanee and a visual eye sore.
3f wn wish to discuss Phis m person, my clients would be plea+scrl m me °t with the elected
oi'naals; tae City Yvlannget, Mawr, z+ttblic Works Director andlor otar City staff to address this
matte;. l the mafi~ does not get addr-..ssed adequately I ws71 retltrest that the City plrrce this
mafL;: on fhe. Chy Commission ao~dz w be addrssed a: a public meeting o; the Co*mn,cMon in
taemotrthoflvov~,e: orT.~ecembe:,2UU9.
DAVIDB. unrtr~ P_4.
pee SY Thud .Avevue, $atte 182(1, Dfiaffi, PL. ~Ii1
Madamr. Mayor and Commissioners
Nowanber S. JO[!9
gage 3 0;^9
I wouidreauest ioa': phis is to he vlaW^edas az ae~da item on the Commission meeting
agenda, that it he given a time ceTfxin ec that I gad membezs v the BOTH o= both Fissociations
ctm address tip Commission and make ourselves avaiiabie far fnsme: ring.
Thank you io: your stteaaon to this matte.
y~i~ y ta.
g. P.A.
~ I B. SR
cc: 3orse M. Gonzai~: S~ia F mail and u.S. Maii:
_'uli~~aL1F~~~ ~~~~~ti: Yoinrc Mmc wac.>saonr (havmi Re~r®tion~L.eCe ID °~k.DOC
DAVID S. RnRF'Ih_ p a..
Chie S~ Third Ave~me, Swite li~.'U, NFu~i, FL 3.1131
Attachment-B Page I of'i
Woodson, Demar
Subject: FW: Walk through of South Pointe Park
From: David Haber <dhaher@dhatx>>
To: Carreno, Charles; Gomez, Jorge; Gonzalez, Jorge; Rey, Alejandro; Smith, Jose
Ce: Vazques, Fernando; <manager@continuumsouthtower.rnm>; <>; Jerrold Blair <>;
kashw( <kashw(gtaoLcom>; kfolander( <kfolander(>; jacknf(
<>; <>; acelennon(
<acelennon(>; JOYCE GARRET <ROYCE803@AOLCOM>; Aaron Swimmer
<alsC~swimmedawassocia[>; Lipner, Shari; Tobin, Ed; <ed(>; Bower, Mate
H.; Weithorn, DP.P.dP.; Libbin, Jerry; Wolfson, Jonah; Exposito, Jorge; Gongora, Michael;
Sent: Tue Nov 24 18:00:13 2009
Subject: Walk through of South Pointe Park
Dear Mr. City Manager, Mayor and Couunissiuncrs (including the M=o newly c-cctcd Commissioners
whose email addresses are hvpel'ully up and running, unlike the City's 4ViFi):
Please he advised that in response [n my letters nn behalf of Continuum South Tower, Prnrtofino Towers
and Portofino/tivuth Pointe Master .Assvciatirnt, Inc. and my discussions ~a=ith C'ommissinner T.ibhin last
week, the Cily sent out Mr. Fernando ~'asyucz and his staff to address sums ul'thc issues raised iu utJ•
letter. Based upon our meeting, 1v4r. Vasyuez and his stab' are:
L Inyuiring of the Building Department and Mc t inmez M'the Planning Deparnnenl as to whether the
)eveloper of the Continuum restaurant parcel, SHOP and F,ichner, have created unsafe stntcmres due to
Utc rusted and cxpuscd,+'curruded rcbar artd cuhmuts in that tut. As 1 ant sure your cutployccs have told
you, alter receipt of my letter and demands upon the Developer they have thrown a couple vl'
cement blocks up this week to avoid their pettnit from expiring once again. This type of situation (which
is similar to what is going on at bth street and Alton road at that empty parcel j is a disgt•ace and the City
needs tv have the City Attorney find out what can be done, as w==ell as from the building and zoning
department perspective. Merely placing a nail or stake in the ground every 12 months isjust not good
enough. At least that is the position ul• my clients. My clients want those struclttres torn duevn
immediately as they are unsafe and an eyesore. As for the legal rights of the City apart and separate liom
the CitJ~'s Code, please have the City Attorney review the Development Agreement with SBOP and
SROP TI since there arc clear violations by the Developer, which include the. restaurant parcel not bciog
timely built and the Yark area al the beach that thr llcvulupcr was truing to build nut brink complcdud.
You may all remember that the Developer did not even lix the sidewalk on the eastern end of the street
on Ocean Drive across from Penrod's for so long shat the Cih had to threaten the Developer and.~or the
City fixed it themselves. Commissioner Diaz was instrumental in Betting that accomplished.
7.. Cvdc compliance is going tv the. restaurant silo to investigate possible violativus. 1'hcrc is garbage
and debris strewn all over the. restaurant parcel. an uusali: wuuck+u upcuing lacing the sidcwxlk casement
at the cast side, a low fence near Uccau Drive on Ote northeast cunwr and uuutcruus other rude.
violations by the Uwucr SRUY. '1'hc. City needs to properly cite the oflcudiug Owucr for these.
viulatious, which viulatiuus have existed for wars.
3. 'the. City is going to lix the north south sidewalk cascnnut Crum the park at the. peak of the driveway
towards the north end of lhu catsentcnt.'1"hc brick pavers arc sinkink in at the peak oCthc driveway vn the
12,' 14; 2009
Page 2 of 3
sidewalk and the City needs to fix the arefl. presumably by adding sand and re-laying the
pavers. Fernando has htstructcd this to bc. done right away, since it creates a walking hazard and a
liability issue for the City since the pavers loll in.
4. The City needs to address the open electrical wires and electric boxes nn the east side of the
1'CSIAU(ant parCCl O^ th0 ^OI'th $Onth Ca50m0nt In 1110 WhltO plflnterS, with openjunction boxes, exposed
electric +aires clc.
~. The City is going to contact PP ~£: L and Bellsouth (and the cable company) regarding their wires
hanging in the trees nn the Gast West easement behind the Portofino and S Pointe buildings. The
hflnging wsires need to be fixed and the trees need to he cut back.
G. The. City uccds to replace. the. cast west boundary fence on the northern boundary of the Park.
which Iencc. which is half lum du+vn and which is in disrepair Frum the resident neighbors perspective,
the City can place a new chain litil: green fence with a windscreen, to prevent debris from coming
through the fence. C1P +vill have to find the money or the City ++=ill have to take same from the Park
budget, since the fence is between the Park and the northem boundary of the easement. This is an
incxpcnsicc fix. I think the City should bc. happy that the Associations arc not requiring a large white
metal truce.
7. The sanitation department will he actively picking up all trash nn the City park side of the fence line
so that it does not build up and create a worse eyesore.
K. 'I'hc Portotinu'1'uwcrs and Portofino?5 Yuintc D4aslcr Associations want all of the wiring un the
lencu line going underground. If all of the wires in the park 1•or electric are already underground, how•
can the City allow the lines on the northern boundary to be above ground and be an eyesore. "17te pole
itself must he ~0-7~ years old and the wires are all over the place hanging in the trees and bareh• off the
ground in some areas. To the extent that HP 8c I. and bell tiouth will tell the City to pay for it, the City
uccds to address Ibis is the ncif;Lburhuud C'dY budkct ur the Park budl;cl.
The neighbors, who have units +vorth hundreds of millions of dollars if not more than one billion dollars
worth of propem• (including the neighboring Continuum South Tow=er), are not happy with the lack of
landscaping on the northem boundary of the park* (*there is nonej, the dilapidated fence and the
hanging wires. These taxpayers are paying taxes to the City in the millions of dollars (probably ever $ I 0
million per }'ear in fld valorem tflxes alone), and they arc entitled to have the boundary with the Park.
kept up, fenced properly, lanilscapcd and maintained.
These citizens/voters taxpayers are also entitled to demand the City to do its job and resolve the eyesore
created by the Developer SBOP on the restaurant parcel. This parcel has sat in a ha7ardoas and unsightl}
condition for rn=er 2 vears and it is time to resolve the issue now.
Hach of these Associations looks forward to working with City staff to lix each of these probknts as
lhuy have gone un lung enough without being addressed.
Please du not hesitate to contact me su that t can assist in coordinating with the appropriate persons aL
the Purtolinu and Punolino,'South Pointe Master .Associations (AI Villaverde, Manager and Jerry Blair,
President), and?or the Continuum South Tower Association (Capin Rosenthal, Manager and Jonathan
Nussbaum, President),
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
12:'14? 2009
Pa~_e 3 of'3
David R. Hahcr, Fsq.
llavid B. Hahcr. Y.A.
Sunlrwt International Center, Suite 1820
One SL• 3rd Avenue
Miami, Florida 33131
Iclcphonc: (305) 379.24110
llirout Linc: (305) 379-5129
Fa.~: (305) 379-1 lob
Pmail: dhahcr(ii;
Pursuant to the Falr Pohl ColloUlon Pmcucos Act, please De advisod: "This is a wmmunicatlon from a deht collector. This Ic an attempt to
collocl a Uobt and any Inlorrnadon oblahrod may Oo usod for That purpose."
CIRCULAR 2a0 DISCLAIMER: The IRS now requires written advice (including electronic comma
regarding one or more Federal (i.e., United States) tax Issues to meet ccrtaln standards. Those
standards involve a detailed and careful analysis of the facts and applicable law which we expl
tes tnat may ~e Imposed uy the IFtJ. In the event you would (lice us to p
necessary for us to provide an opinion that does not require the above
se feel free to contact us directty.
17,! 14i'1.11119
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