ITB 59-08/09 GuaranteeRZP~ /v~y~~y .,.--.. NIELSON, ALTER & ASSOCIATES October 21, 21109 1 1t {~ I~7' ~ ll 1'/ ~ t Y ~ OCT Z 2 1QU~ ~~f EMTRA! FlOAIUAEOUI?MENTRENiAdS~ -~ ~ - -- _ Cilj• of ,'Ifianri Beach 1700 Convcntiull Center 1•h-ive Miami T3each. Pl 33139 Re: Contra! Fluridrr ~quipnlen/ RenraLc, bic. Rund no. 105 ;54 814 Project: Vr'est 44a' StrL:ct lltainage Improvemenls'~teighbvrhood Vo. 7 Nautilus (ir~hard Nark To WTlurn It Nlav C uncern; Please alle+w this kacr to serve as formal authorization for City nf'vfiami Beach tv date the captirnied bond and power of altvmey to coincide wilh the Contrnet Late. l~halrk you and if you have any questions or need additional information, please lecl ircc. to contact our oLTiL:e anvtimc. Sit a }< i`/`r' -' 1 s .. •Isuu, At[urney-in-Fact 'Travelers (_'asualty and Surety Company of America 5.46;. Vpro'norc iauen• ~c~lr: a'^ :.ur 'C" 4 <Ch Shv, VC.:~ PCri'1'F.R OF 4TTORNFY Fvrminylm, C.nanuht (nuyuu,~ 51. Pahl M1lerrnry Insm:mr.' (.mtl(IaO)' Fidelity and f, unr:uu) Insur:mrr C'rrngtam 7ruvelers C.a+ualtr anA Surety Company FnIclily wart (:uarann htnurancc linderw rilrn.. Inc. 7}ureters Casualty and Surety Company of America St. Paul Fit a and >Iarinr Inatrancc Company L'nltrd Jm1CS F'idellN~ and Gum•unty Company St. Punt Guardian Insurance Compam Alrm'nry~Lt Furt Nn. „+(ttl?(, Cerhlir„«. ~,,. 0 0 3 2 6 6 4 5 5 A\4W ALI. M11 F:N 1{Y TIICSC PRGSLN'f5:'i'ha: tit, 1'uul Frr nnC hSnnn. Inauren:r C:oatp:nr}. St. Paul I~umcum lusuruncc Connnutt and 51 Putll h•1cr.:my hlaotan:.• t_'nngr.un :nr r.nnnrerion+ duly o>ranizcd undp• the law, nl Ur• Slut, ul hhtulC::utu. !hw 1•anuwglun C.uuahr r owlxm).'I':uvrlc:r Cuwuhy uue 5°ror: Cougnnty..'ml Ttavclm~•. Ca.uahp and Surety Comp:ms of Amcricu are rotpur.:unrv dal, orpurazc;l uudel dlN Ixv.•: ul Ihr Sfalr ,d rurumcu:ml. unn !fluted $lalm. Fi:adilr :m;l 6umanw C naytalty i5 a enrxrrnbon dul)• cr€antzed under the luv:: u: !hr )IUC u. Mnryluna. Ilan f nrcfne and f uu:°+I •; b^:w aner. t: uugmuy, eu:yoralimi :Lily nt,raniixl nndn Mr. lawn nl the Star: of Iowa, anC that I`idchw and C;uuramy hr unun'r IJn~srarhn>, lur., i~. ,, n°p•nali~m thug .nc:nd zntl uudrt Ihr ::urn nl' Ihr Sl:nr nl WSernr:m .'he.-em collcctlaely rdlcd the "Compattici'i. one Uwt the Cumpt~ni..•a au toothy mnxc,,un.bltnr :unl .gq..dm Charles U. Nice>on. CnaresJ Niclcon, ktarV f ACnves Warm Zvi Nler, David R Hnnv?r, Gicede Pa,:nn, Olg; Igicsia&. ,~oria IvlcClum, and Arthur Colley of mr Cuy ut h'Iimni La~(1 e5 . Swic nf~lurldd ,their true aad lawiui Anontcyisi~m-h'act, :urn m Weu aepu:ulr cul:.trity :f mots Ihau nor n. ramel, xhoae, In xirn. execwe. Heal and acknowledge any and a!i bands, recognizance:. conditional undenakdngs sot uut:r .eaw:gv uUGgn0.ny i° Ih+ uanu r. thnenf nn behalf of the Compani:x in Iheir buainese of guarun:eeing th::idC:ip• of peseta. gua[antecmg the 11CrtoRtlanec of co:rtntct> and rxrruliul; of gnatanla+inp, Lnnds mtA underlai:ings tx,uircd or Pe:mltL-.d m an;• actions or pro:eCom@5 allowed b)' law '_' Klh fN WITNFRS R'NF.RT:OT, the Cnmp~r~rtRSrhavc caused this tnstrumcnr to b. slftnce ahd tht:c cotya: aln stele le he xr•lo af:ucd, Ihr _ $cplcmbcl lllllll any of _ NarmirtKlun Crtauxll) Cmninnry St. Pnni h4errury Ltsurnure fmupanr Fidelity mrd Guunudy Lrsururcr Cumpnny 7rnrnlrrx Cn<unhe nod Surnh Company F idclil)wW Guurnaly lusunutecLndrrwritevs, Illr. Trnrelws Casunlh~nnd Snrery Cnmpan)ntAme~ica tit. YaW F•in• and ylnr'inr Lnnrnnrr Conqurny Coifed Slmac Fidelity mrd Gnnrancy Company ti(. YuW Guurdixn Llsurnncr Qnupnnr > by , m ..n+r '7~ av~ `t 1.. `~ ` : ..~~ o" rant ' t =( \ ~~ YY rm.uylu~' ~ tre 3 1977 ~~10 I i >wl fr"~ Ilatmnw ,. Sw~ .~ ~ reec f~ ~j+~ 195f ~ r s'..1./tr 1 ou« p °y~ Jas v. 8 ~ / ~ J. $L7i7. t '•~\ ~^ a~. ;~ rJ~S' I / Y.:Itc ni Connccttcm IM•: / '~ !'llr 9i HAOtnftl \S, Aeur ~1' Ibuc6'n'n:, r:aw '-< r•r^xtdent On the the 281h day of SCptemCCr 2009 . helire tnr p:r.nnairy a:!pearcd Gco;pe N' Thompson. woo uelauuwVrdgmt htmxNf ut be tnc Saner ~'IeI !'resukn: nt Yannntgwn C:ew:,h v Couu,am. I-idcliM anJ Ciwranp Insurancr Company, fidcin•: a•^,d Gunann~ Inau:un:•~ laulr•w,iln ~. Ine_ St. Paul Firc and M11anm Insurance Congr;un SI Paul Cuuuli.m Inw:ana Crnnpanp. St Paul 6icrcun Brsumnec Corynrs, ~I tavCltl Casually ana Sulc!y Company. Tmt~ Icr. Cnsuulo~ and Barely Cnugnnt) nl Anncnc.:, and l.n red elale.t. Pu.elil•. ant Gur:mn' C nn'.pany. and Ihf~t h ..n .uc6. tmu t ,_u~ve[i s•.~ li~ Act. czecule;l Ihr Ioregomg ulslnm~,^n lo: Ih.• p .gyp.. n..:n..rem aml'eina'. L' i..^.ur~. .:n nchall oI r:: u.tj•nrl~m.n. b; luuradl :r. n :bd~..t„I.,n ~ red nN'IC,,C~. . In N'Ilness ll hereol, ncleunu - m~:ru 1 t„I rLcial oa{ `~`~TM \`,',{~`\QM/G_ ~_~•"~'_"~""-'~ IvS) C'ontmusou :xpu •;; u¢• v4h ,' iw :1' I n 'DI/EL1G } `Mn L.lu:..: 1. t , r Pr.nl. ,~,~,s i844C-49'+ Pnnlcc in I_I 5 A •>< ->, This I'owu o; Atwrncy i. grantee uuJer unJ by fi+r uu0n nitt of the inl inwinr reuduuons a<i:;plcd by Ihc. Dewds N~ Uvecux.. 07 Furmingtor. C'nsu;d~.r Company. I'idclil) una Gcarlaly tosunrtl..• f'uuy=nq, Fiuriny :wd Gu:u:uav Ds•uaacc thufrrwrilera. ir.:.. .I. Paul Tire and Murme lusunwce Company. Se Poll C'wal dlaa hrsurxncc Curtµun'. 51 Yawl Mn<:arv Inuau:+orr Company. l': avclcr: Ca.aahy and Surety Corttpam'. Travclcn Caau:p arnl Cnn•It i -.nnpnuy of Au+crica. and I InilcJ 11wrx Fldeli+r :not I nl:uuurv Contpsnt, v'hich rcsolutiona nrz non Ir. ful. lorec sna e1Yca. rcadme u: uAk+ws. R F.SQIS'GU. Ihal the Chalmtar., the I'ICUdcnr. any Vlcc r_luunuun, any Laccuuvc \Ors- Ym: isrm, am Sru:nl 1'icr P: exicinn:. am, \'ia P:Cxidwl, any ticennd Vfx. Plcxltlelll, the Tfeaxnrel', a0+' A.x+6:WIt Iffrlslllr:. IIIr fJ:IfpUl:dr Cr:ar:a'v Ui ilne :\xbUlnrll Shcrl:ny +nrn' .tllOnlnl AIIU!IIr1'A-In-f':ka a11G A_L'cn:.( Ib ufI IU! and Ub brllnll UI til. Cntrpuny and man grvr su;h uppoi uler ::ne:h authnri:y a•, r.'a: nl hr+ ;:nl litirntr ni nurhnrirv rc:av prcarihc Ir. sign wit1. the Compan+' :• :uuur uuJ r:ral .enL Ihr Company's. seal bonds, rceu~luuuux..rnnn~a~lx o'' Vndemnih•. ar,J orhea wn:ings nhlirarmy in Ihr nalurc n! a bond, rccognlzarce. or ronduxm::! uuJrl::uuu E, ::nJ :wv o: xwd nli lcea u: Ihr Ruud of Dhrebu•, at any lime may rmove any al.ch apprnnta anJ rcvoAe the puu¢•; giver. him or her, anJ u u IrUli"[HER ItF50LVE11. dear Ihr Ctauman. the Presidar., any y5cc Chairman. any' GecuUVC lSa Plcsulcnl. any .lcmu: \9ec Yrtoldrm w m+v Vl.r Prrziannl mrxv drlrpute all of any p:m of Ihr. finepnilr: aulhn:ny to onC or more utirce!s of employees of this Compxnv, prarvnlcd Ihw cwn xueh drlegnuun r.. iu wliriu?•, :+nr. a copy Iherrol rs IurJ ul the oli l: r n` the ScCrc;ay: attd II is FCIR'fHEN RESOLVkD, thal any bond. recognizonce. conlru!•: o! :nden:nhy, nr u•nang unhgxwp• m the m:mrc ul a bane, rrcug:uenunr, w rnrudirnm:C nndn raking ~h:Jl lr u;dhl and hhuiinf upon the Company when !xJ srgncil M• the Prcardcm. any Vm Chxvrtmn. any Exaulrcr vrce Yrcsra:•n;. nut Sruiu: \'i;r Nrsldrnc ur :mv \'icr. Renidrln, our Am,uxl Vicc F'rostdcnl. the "ISnasun:r. any As:::uwl lrcrsurcr. we Corpurutr Sun•tsy ur our Axslsunu Srrromly :unl Jnly am::.Ier. anA malrnl with rm. ilnuq,:mJ•. tics' in' a .incrcCr:+~ or Assistam Sccrrw: y: ur ib) Jmy ever: ulrJ lundu >ru;. r! rcyuurd} by unr rn mwr r\Ilumrv: it Fam :wd r\fentr Pun.ltanl lu the prneer prrnuihed m his n: her tefil:Cate or then cemhrntes ui nuthordy u; b} uer u: more Courpxuy ufiuxn. ~nnw:en to ;. wuneu Arlq•acam of authority: and it i.. FLIR'THER RESCILVED flat tlrc aigaamrc of arch ni the fnllnwufk o[Gcrs'. F'residcnl, any Exccuticc Vi1 Prcxldcn4 any $cnwr \9cc Pnsldrn.. arty Wx Yns:iJrax. tun .hssistuw vur Yrr•.idnrn. any Srceclary, any .Auix:ant Scretan, and the seal el" d>c Company :.^,ay be a11ixCJ h?• lacsimrir lu any Power ui Auunmy u. io o,lv arnibcnrr leluling Ihelra+nppniming Rrsidcm Vicc Presidents. Rcsidcm Assistam SCCrctarics a Almtrcys-lo-turl lur purpoxcs only a czrcuuug ::ud ur,raing. b,nut. .uni undenahiue' and nrha wrilinrn. nhli5auvy :n the nawrc rhercnl. and rn)• such Pnwr, 01 Anomcy or ccruu!•ule ttiunny such tusundr ngralbl:r m Gn:•.ur.ilr •.e:,l +.hatl he v;iGd :ua'. hindwF upon nc~ Cnmbany and any suet power ao czcculcd anJ wndicJ M• such :urs:mur stgnulure unC tucnuule xw shalt br slid nll,~ Irindinr_ nr the Company m the fumm xaith ¢xpcet le an)' bond of understardrn} ui which II as utwrrv~d. I (Cori h•1. Inhanann, the under iered, Assistant 5ecr•ler}~. u1 Fnrmwgtur. r_ usuulry r bntyun}~. Fidehty unJ Una: uuty Lnannrcr Cuwµvrv, FblcGh• and 6na: anrp I naurancr Llnderu•nters. In<., S:. Paul Frrc and Ylanne lnsuruncc Company, St Yuut tJmrtdrur, Wwrwn:r Canaan}'. SL Yaul Mrn:ufy Lnw;uu:r. Cuur.::m t, Travelrn~. Cau:a)n' un.'. Surely Company, TravclCn Cxsuahy sod Surely Compomy u1 Aurcrica, mrd lluilerl Swms FlJelily .wJ Ouxruny Cbmpnuy Ju hrmlrv cm lit} Ih:u nc~ ahrne ant forcFOinr is a true and eotn:r. copy n,. nc~ Ibwer of Auontey ezrcutrd by ::atJ Cuwpuwa., which rs in fidI iwer :md elTn•.t and hoe: unl horn rev nkrd I~ TIi5TlA9UNl WHEREUF.1 nave hcicubw sr! wy hnuJ uuJ ISzrJ dlo xraL of uunl Cuwp;nnr.:: tb:u _ -r 1• •^+t rl:ry rr ~C t Ob P Y ?0 ~~ ~~ Krr~ 1T. tohan&rgr/Axsiaana Srzrctar?' +«w~ r>i .r. : z r 111 /6 F n '~`(/`1~977' tw ~' (( 1.~'r 1, a'nw, aunvll 4+ µ~~S Y rc~' }' 19Ia ~ (x~J~ ~9$~ ~ _~ ~u fi[ ~Ff ~ $L1L~c// ` Nxx ~GM/r ~ $IL~ \\\d\\\~;~/ia `As p~ v J ~r,;./f~ ~__..... J \ ~t: ~.~.~p6 ~4 `ma'y ._i Tr• verity Ihr :unhnmcir: ni Ihrr Pawe• of Aunmey. Cali L!t0(•++-021 ~?h6!' o: conuur u> m s•;wv.~.mavclereMmd.cum. 1'irasc r. ier 0.. Ihe• Auu: ury hl Far! number. the above-nanirl individuals and mr de!aiL, ,n the hood to which the powCl is atwchCJ. M - Cttt.I .IK :q'C)R'I'I I, AI.Tt'.R, hl@L5Ut`. EUWL2JIt 8: L1VN'LIVG. [NC. 1'l1BLIC WORDS $OND IV fOUnN.In NfE N•I'rN FLORID9 31)!Tl!1'ES 255-US f I! in! [tond No 105 i54 814 Gmtractor Name CF.NTR.AT. Fl.OR1DA I:QTIIPMCNT RrNTAL5, INC. Contractor Address 9030 N.1~L'. 9?TI I TCRRACG MEDLEY, FL 33178 Contractor Phone ND. 305-888-33 T 1 Surety Company T24~'F..LERS CASUALTY .4!\L) til!KE7'Y C0f\4PANY c )F nMGRICA Surch• Address (INF. TC)WL-R SUIIAR);, ILIRTFORD, CT 06183 Surer' Phone No. 8(i0-2i7-1561 Owner Name CITY OP D~II.4i~1] BEACH Owner nddress 1700 Convention Censer Drive, Miatni Beach, E'I 33139 Owner Phone Numher Obligee Name Same as above (If contracting entity is differe nt from the owner, the contracting public cosily) Ubligee Address Ubligee Phone No. Contract No..( If Applicable) Project Nan,c \~5'cst 44°i Street i)rninane hnprm~ements Nei¢hborhood nu. 7 Nautilus - OrcharJ Park Project Location Miami 1ieach, Florida Legal Description and Sfreet A ddress Miami >acach, Florida Description oflVork E.AR1'H~ti'ORk FROATP.nCE All DlhUl bond paere(sl Nrr Jremcll aubxcyurnt wlhls page rrenrdlr5x of Unr pale number(s) that mar hr prrprintrd ihrreon. Bnnd no. lU5 3S4 814 00'tC FORM t~F pFRFORMANC= BOND BY THIS BOND, VVc Central Florida liyuipmenC ReuLala, T"fig Principal, TCaveleta _l:aaua Ly anti Surety hereinafter called Contractor ,and ('.o,r.nany c, i nmeri ca , as Surety are bound to the Clty of Miami Bea(:h, Flc;ririvr, s= _:~tr:~ac~, hereinafter (:allyd City, in the amount of Six Hundc'ed TyWlonly Slx 'I'hcusand r~2fi,1;l0.U(1 rln.. Nrrn r)rr+rl 'I'hf rtV and OUILQJfJ!afS ($_ _j f(>r lity payment Vlhere0i t:0!ItfaCtOf and Surety bind themseives, their heirs, executors, adminisirakus, successors and assigns, jointD! and severally. WHEREAS, Contractor has by written agreement entered into a Contract, Bid/Contract No.. 54-08/09 ,awarded the __ day of , 20_, with Clty which Contract Ducurnents are by reference incorporated herein and made a part hereor, and specifically inClpde provision for liquidated damages, and other damages identified, and for the purposes nr this Bond are hereaTter referred to as ?he "Contract": THE CONDITION OF TtiIS 30ND is that if Conirarlor 1 Performs the Contract bchveen Contactor and Gt~+ for construction of west 44th Street UrainaEe lmprovemencs Pro~ecrthe Contract being made a part of this Bond by reference. at the t!mes and in the manner prescribed in the Contract; and 2. Pays City all losses, IiyuidateC damages. expenses, costs and attorney's fees including appellate proceedings. the! City sustains as a result of default by Contractor under the Contract: and 3. Performs the guarantee of ail work and materials furnished under the Contract for the tune specified in the Contract: then `HIS BOND IS VOID OTHERWISE IT REMHINS IN FULL FORCE ANU L-FFECT. Whenever Contractor shall be, and declared by City to be in default under the Contract. City having performed City obligations thereunder, the Surety may promptly remedy the default, or shall promptly: 3.1. Complete the Project in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Conhacl Documents: or 32 Obtain a bid or bids for compieting the Project in ar:cnrdanr:e with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, and upon determination by Surety of the lowest responsible Bidder, ur, if City elects, upon determination by City and Surety jointly of the Inwest responsib+e 3idder, arrange for a contract briween such Bidder and City and make available as work progresses (even Ihouyh (here should be a default or a suaession o1 defaults under the Contract CITYOf MIAMI OCACH BID NO~, 59-OS/09 79 DATE: September J9. 2009 7RN1.OF?ERF_~P.fv1ANi:FHiJNfJ i~:nntmued) or Comracts of c:omp~aticr arranged unccr :hl; paragraphl surricicni runrs to pay the r:asr of completion less the balance r th= Contract Price; but not exceeding, including other costs and damaGes for m;hi;:h the Surety may oe liahi«, her«unde: the amount set forth m the first paragraph ner_ot. I he term 'halan::« of ih« Cnntrarl Pnce," as used it this paragraph, shalt mean the tots amount payahl« by tibj to Contractor under the Gon;ract and any amendments ti,ereio, less the amount properly paid by City to Contractor. Nn right of action shall accrue on this bond to or for the use o` any person or corporation other than City named herein. I he Surety hereby waives notice of and agrees that any changes in ur under the Contract Documents and compliance or noncompliance ~.vith any fonnalilies connected with the Contract or the changes does not affect Surety's obligation under this Bond. Signed and sealed this _ day of WITNESSES: i' ~ r• n - Secretary C;aro1 C. Baer (CORPfiRATF SFAI 1 CenCral Flortdx h:quipmenC Reutsls, (Name of C rporation) loc. Qy fSignahuet RuherY Itaer, Vicc President (Pont Name and Title) IN THE PRESENC[ OF: ~~ ;~ p . _P _ INSURAN(:r MPANY' 1'ravele asualty and r Compat of -ri By Agent and At rne~//-in-Fact Charles .f. Nielauu Address: (fie 'l'ower Sq_ua ~ e _ _ (Street) HarCfurd. CT 06183 (CityrStateiZip I:.odel Telephone Nu 860-277-0111 CITYOF MIAMI BEACH BID NO: 59.08109 80 nAT'c~ September 30. 2009 * NeiAhburlwud :Vu. 7- Nautilus -Orchard Park Hoed no. 105 354 8.14 707X. F~R'vf ~F PAYpitEN I LiJNJ BY THIS BOND, We Central. Florida E ui~rment Itentalc, Leas Pnnapal, Tra~clcrs ('xsux ty anci Surety heroinafter rallad Contractor ,and Company of ~Ameri ca_ _ as Surety, are bound to the City •Tf P~iiaml Cleach, Flor;da, as Ohliyee, her~mafter called ,^.iry, in the amount of Six Hundred 'Twenty Six Thousand 62ri,13U.UU Oue Iinndred Thirty anti .00 100 Drillers (5_ _j far the payment vthereot Contractor and Sarah/ bind thamsraves, their heirs, executors, edrninistrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severalty. 1r'JI1EREnS, Contrar;lur has dy written agreement ~nlxred into a Contract BidrContracY Nn ~1-08/09 awarded the day of _ 20_, with City which Contract Documen±s ere by reference Incorporated herein and made a part hereof and specifi~lly rncludc provision for liquidated aamages, and othrr damages Identrhed, and for the purposes of this Bond are hereafter referred to as the "Contract": THL CONDITION OF THIS BOND is that d Contractor: 1. Pays Clty all losses, liquidated damages, expenses, costs and attorney's tees including appellate proceedings.. that City sustains because of default by Contractor under the Contract; and 2. Promptly makes payments to all claimants as defined by Florida Statute 255.05(1 j for all labm, materials and supplies used directly of indirectly by Contractor in the performance uflhe Contract TH[N Contractor 'S OBLIvATION SHALL BE VOID; OTHERWISE. IT SHALL REP4AIN IN 1='JLL FORCE .4ND EFFECT SU6JCC1, HOW.V=R, TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 2.'. A claimant. exc:apl a laborer, who Is not in privity with Contrecanr and who has not received puyrnent for its labor, materials, or supplies shall. within folly-five (451 days after beginning to famish labor, materials, or supplies for the prosecution of the wore, furnish to Contractor a notice that hr. intends to look to the bond far protection. 2.2. A claimant who Is not m pnvib/ with Contra. for and who has not reserved payment for ds labor, materials. or supplies shalt, within ninety (90) days after performance of the labor or after complete delivery of the materials or supplies, deliver to Contractor and w the Surety, written notice of the performance of the labor or delivery of the rnalr:rials or supplies and of the nonpayment 2.3. No armor. for the labor. materials, or supplies may ite insiiuued .against Contractor or the Surety unless the notices a;atHd under the pr~ceding conditions (2.'I; and (2.2) have been given. CITYOF MIAMI REACH BID NO: 89.0809 81 UATE: September J0, 2n0A 2.4 Any action unOrr Illi~ 3ond •nust be insatutad it acandanr:r will: the Notice and Time . irrrla(ians provisions arescribed in Rn::tion 2fi5 OSi2j Florida `ija:l lies The Sulrty hereby waives noUCe of and agrees that a~°y changes in nr un;err iL•e Conharl ~;ncurnents and compliance or noncompliance ;vrlh any formalities c nurected with Ih~ :nntract or the charges does not aftert the Surety s nbfigatlor under ihs Rnnd Signed and sealea this day of ATTEST: C sy (Secretary) Carol C. Baer ~,COipOfate Seal) IM TH _ CF OF :' !~ _ c ~ _ -- S .r 0- GonL actor e tral F1-rich F:yuipmeuL flea Lals, Inc. J/ Na of Corporation) I S natur° ( 9 -1 Robert Ilaer, V].ce I're_siden_t (Print Name and Title) day of __. 26_~__. 1NSUR COPAPANY Trav ers C sua t S ety Company of eric Ey: . Ager.l and ttorney-in-Fact Charles J. Nielson Address. One Tower 8uuare (sheep IlartYnrd, CT p618S (City'State2ip Code] Telephone No.: 860-277-1111.1 CITYOF MIAMI 9F AC.H BID NO: 59.08709 82 DAT@' September 30, 2009 UU72t. CERTIFICr~Te AS TO C~7Rur~Rl\rE PRINCIPAL , Carol C. Baer :~-:aify that I am the Secretary of ?he corporation Warned as Pnncrpal in the forege~duJ Perfnrnxnce and Payment 3ond (Performance Band and Payment bond) that RuberL Baer , veno signed file Bond(s) on b,:half of the Principal, Bras thon Vice Yresident ^; saki :orporation; `hat I knove hisrher srgnatwr,, and hfslher s~gnaturo therato is genuine and that said Bond?s) was (vv-ore} duly signed, sealed and attested to on behalf of said corporation by author.?y of its governing body. ' _ (SFAI ) ecretxiy (on behalf ef} Central Fluridx EquipmenL Renlxls, inc. Cugroralinn STATE O~ FLORIDA ) ) Jj COUNTY OF MlAtvtl-UADE ) Before me, a Notary Public duly commissioned, qualfied and acting personally, appeared Charles J. Nielson to me well known. who being by me first duly sworn upon oath saves that hefshe has been authorized to execute the foregoing Performance and Payment Bond (Performance Bond and Payment Bond) on behalf of Contractor named therein in favor n; Cdv Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 21st d of OctoUer 20 09 My commission expires- = "" _ ~ _ Notary bile. S of Florida at Large _ January 4, 2013 ~~~uuruuq~ `~.~`~~GEL~EPq/O~y~~i,, gondedby Universal Surety of ~ncrica p ' fsi n r : oar i >sr7 ;' ~~ ~~. ~ rfei !.f.~'f,1 ~ ~ CITYOf MIAMI 6EAC?I 61D Ne: 5!1•nRl09 H3 DA1E: September 30, 2008 .~Ih Pt)~~`FR OF 4TT(1Rn~1' (~ {/F (~ Tr `~ • ' • ~~• `~ I • parming/mt Cnxunlly Cuwpuuy Jt. 1'anl A9ercun• Insurance Cnntpan} Pidrliry~ mui Guarwth Lram~+wax Company '1'ravclerv Casually and tiurety Conpany Fid+•liry' nod Cuuruu/r Imuranee Undersrrilers, Inc. '1'racelers Casually and Snrrtr Cnmpmty nl' Anrrricn At. Pnul Firr uud Mnrinc lusuruncc lfumpan}• Unl[rd States Fidelity and 6uarmrty Cnngmny tit. Puui Cmlydiun Iusurunct Company 4 I F .l N ' . 0 0 3 2 6 6 4 5 4 ~ ltm„+•y- n a. ~ ,~y,b C m 6rtifiratr Nn. KN0k1':kLL MI!;N Bk"IHF:tiE PRESENFS: That til. Paul Pirc and \iarinc Inwrancr. Cnnquny,.h Pahl riunuliau lusuunrcr Cuulpun,• and SL I'uul hlcrcury Inauranee Cuutpuuy :ac curyuruunns duly ory;+niz:d ondtt the law. o: the Sleet or Minm:mta, tMr Far nrlrrfdun C:rurnhr Cougmur,'1 iuvrlrrs Cusu:dty and lumty Company. and L:n elms Caau:dly and Surzlr C+!ttipnm' oI Amc[ica aK CurlxrcaL•onn duly net mired nndrr Iht laws of Iha Sl:nt of 1'wurrcr icul, non CaucJ Slu(cs hldchty and Ciuxranl}' C'umfwuy iv a ru¢.mahun duly otyanlutl under the 13'.ys ni'the $lalt nl \d:uyland, Ihat Fidelity and (iuarnnty Inan+.wce Qnup:nry is .r r'urpundxm duly urgamtcJ umttr the Inv:, ul Ilu•. Slab ul lo.au. and th:U hlMaily and Gusr:+my Innocence I: ndcncritctr., Inc... is a .nq,nrarinn duly rngm+i~r.i undr+ Ibr hews of the Slide ul 14'Iacon.an (Lrrriu cullrad rvrly •~uIIrJ the "C'umpans>"i, and That the Companies do hrrchy make..++natimtt anA appnim Charley. f) Nielson, Charles J. Nielson, Mary C. Aceves, Warren M. Alley, Davld R. Hoover, Girepe Paton. nlga Ir)Ineias. Gloria McClure, and Arlhw Colley of the City ei ~1ianki L.a~t~b _. Sunr of Flnri(la , Ihcir tme and law;ul Anomcy(slan-Fact. ach m Ihcir acpamte capacity i(mrnc than one is numnA above, ro •,ien, r>r+:ulr. ,cal auJ uoktluw•I •dge wty unJ all bonds. n:a.ymeaneca, condiuooal undertakings and other writings obligaton• in the nature thcren( nn behalf n( the Crnnprmire iu Ihri, bw.urr•:.. of guunwlrriug We Irdchly ul prrsum. guumntcciny the pettormaneC o[ atmmdY and caecuting or guaranleelnq Imndn and undrnakinrv. rnprimd w peuuifn•d 6r any »criom ur pea reJwgs allu,vrd by low. IV IGTTNFSS W HEREOF. the Cumpu~m •.. have euused this inslrumenl In he signed and their corporate sealx In Ix hereto atfrnei. rhSc 2RIh day m __ September (1~9_ -- I%anninginn Cnvmilr Cuugnur) St. Paul A~Icrcury Insurance Company Fideliry~ and Gunrmth lusuraurr Cuntyuuy 'lYuvelrrs Casually and Surely Company Fidelity and C.naranry havmmrre Ihulm~wriiers, Inc. Truvelen Cnundly and Surclr Cumpuny oL\mcrica tic. Paul Firt and Marine Inmrnnrr Cnntlurny UniRVI Sluaa Fidelil} xnd Guunudr Cumprmy tit. Paul Guardian In+uranreylnmpany (,n8t~~ !. ///rY'~~'N~ UN \ J Y+~~ ViYy tltY + cn.. ni / p V. yP a .i .F U p / 1 y ,~ a ~•Y 2M ~ i i 9n ~~glai ~..LY- :;4,I ca r Qi~pr a.+ _ t ,nan4l'y NMmY\at\~ T 11pb°^Y + S'+~ l~ ? 1 ~~ ) 1986 ~y :a~G~y'.rr'n° ~~ 1957 m V~~ , SC UL~ r :~\$SAL~~ •COxx, ~~ Qs oow,/~ G3`.bi . r. 's.,,~ 1y W' Suac of C'onnrcut'at nv: 1 Cdy' ul HanlUrtl ,,. la 1' 'I lunnpr:nu, .rn.,r +• Re.ulnn - f}u Ihi~. d:c 28th Jay of Seplemhnr 2009 • boron nu personally appcatud George W. Thompson, ,vhn acknmvled}ed hin,arlf w hr Ibr Sruia vice Ps,idrm ui 1•:Imdngum tasualty Comp;my. Fidelity and G9aranty lnsuranec Company. Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance llndtnvrilers. Im: , Si. Poml Fhr ;aril Mauur OI>uamcr Company, 51. Paul Guardian Insurance Company. St. Paul Dlercury insurance Company, Tractkrn Casualty and Surcry Congr:uq'. Tl;rvelel~ Ca.vmdly .wd 5ureq Cuulpuuy of Amenc:r. and (:nhnf titntes Fidalily tmC Guaranty Company, and chat he, as such, being authomcd w u, do, cxecutni the fnrcFninp instnmrrm for the pmpo, ', Ihrnrm ,unwmcd b•r vgumg on I_,audl of Olc..urpunntana by Mnrxh u~ a duh~ uumonzcd orfinr. In k4 ilna•» 11'hrravrf, I I::~rcocm sel mp hand aria olliciul seal. ~O•~~ ~ f \ W w" y ~. ll} l~~nnmi:•:i•... e+pnr~. rhr 1011, day N lone. LUI I } ptrgp0 i b6r.: C. "fer<uulr. N•aa^i PuFh. ~E~s bbulU 4 U9 PnntuU ur U.3.A.