ITB 59-08/09 Bid BreakdownGG4G8, SCHEDULE OF PRICES BID City OF Miami Beach ITB No. 59-08109 FOR WEST 44TI' STREET DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NEIGHBORHOOD N0.7 -NAUTILUS -ORCHARD PARK Our TOTAL BASE BID AMOUNT includes the total cost for the work specified ir.:his oid conslsUng or Au•usl~iing all materials, labor, egwpment suaerv+slon, mobd¢aGon denu,bilvation overhead 8 prod;, insurance. permits and taxes to complete the Work to the full Intent as shown or indicated in the Contract Do.^.umerts. NO QUANtIIV DESCRIPTION TOIAL 1. For West 44" Street Drainage Improvements Project Neighborhood No. 7 -Nautilus - Orchard park Overall Cvmrnenis __ Agency or Contact Reference Business Name Central Florida Equiywent Rentals. inc. Contact Name Robert P,aer Vice Pres [dent Contact Phone and a mail, bbacr(~centralfloridacquip.com __ Date of Services 3/.10/2009 Dollar Amount for Services. lr~2w. /?.~• ~~~ Division 1 -General Regwrements $ ~7j ~10U ~~' Divsswn 2 - Silework S Sua~ /fit . ~'~ Ulvsion 3 -Concrete S Division t -Masonry 5. Division 5 - Matals S Division 6 -Wood and Plastic S Division T~ - Thenral and Moisture Protcchon S Division B -Doors and lNindows Division 9 -Finishes S Division 10 - Spxialties S Droision 11 _ Fyl.ipmen.i S Division `2 -Furnishings 5 Division 13 Speaal Constru::Gor $ CITYOF MIAMI BEACH BID NO 59-08109 50 DATE. September 30 2009 BID TENDER FORM -SCHEDULE OF PRICES BID BID No. 59-D8l09 (Continued) Division 1c -Conveying Systems ~_ Dwision 15 - Mechanical Corstrucfion $ Division 15 - F+erlnr:al $ Lump Sum: rgase Bid? for iDivisions 1-'6?: S 2 Ailcwance for permit fees. for fhe pace of ('Base Bidj $ 22,920.00 s Lur^.f: Sum For ronsrdera[ion fog indemnification {or the lump Burr, of v 75 OG TOTAL BASE 61D AMOUNT ITEMS 1-3 S Z O~ ~' Written: S%X ~~UNA/+,,:u7a rWu-/7-y StK r(~/Ck!L#N ANd D./~ /fuva2~-o Tilie'r y Dollars and a' Cents Bidder's affirmation FIRM'S NAME (Prl~ftt ype ' C u rat Fl nri da k:auinment Rentals. Lrc. SIGNATURE'. TITLE/PRINTED NAME: RoUert Baer, vice k'recident ADDRESS. Soso N~,r 97t1r Terrace Medley, Fl 33178 _ TELEPHONE NUMBER:3o5~-sas-3344 FAX: sos-8tt7-78oa EMAIL bh~rerp~centralfloridacquip.com Bidders should nut delete or change any Items on the "Bid Breakdown" rorm However if a bidder believes that an item on the torm is not being used, you should simply indicate N.A for that dem Bidders may adtl hne Items as necessary. The following unit quantity breakdown is provided FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY Bidders shall rely on their own quantity take-offs in the development of their lump sum pares Cost component of award will he based Dn the TOTAL LUMP SUM BASE BID AMOl1Ni plus Allowances, plus nona any or all Altemales which. will be selected at the City's sole discretion and based on funding availability). Bidders must fully complete the Bid Breakdowr Form to include quantities, units of measure unit pncing, and totals, CITYOF MIAMI BEACH BID NO: 59-08109 51 DATE: September 30. 2009 Should any bid_ der fail to fulW complete the form _the C~ wi!I request ;hat the omitted information be provided within five i51 calendar days upon reauest from the Cif. Failure to provide the Citv with the omitted mformatlon within five f51 calendar days after the bidder has received the request.. from the C~ may result in your bid being deemed non-responsive and disqualified from further consideration THE CITY WILL_NOT ACCEPT ANY REVISION TO THE BASE LUMP SUM DIVISIONS LINE ITEM TOTALS. ADD ALTERNATES. UR GRAND TOTAL BID. AFTER THE DEADLINE FUR RECEIPT OF BIDS To receive a copy of the unit breakdown form in Excel, please contact Theo Carrasco at theocarrasco(a~miamibeachfl.gov or 305-673-7000 ext. 6230. CITYOF MIAMI BEACH BID NO: 59-08!09 52 DATE: September 30. 2009 UNIT f RICE DID DRCAKDOWN The Inllowlnp unh quentlly hreaadmvn Is provhfea FOR INFORIAATIONAL PURPOSE ONLY. OMdeo shall my on 0ev own quanUly lake-alts In Ne Uavalopmbnl vl Ihmr lump man pricac. Carl congwmm~ of awaN will Uu Mamal on Ina TOTAI 1 IIMP Rllhl RASE 810 AMOUNT Phla Allnwenees, plus none, any or all Nlsmatn which may ba aalxua at iM C11>rs sole Orscrobon an0 DawG on funtlmg avatlabtltly. tlctlUen; must lolly wmplelu Ibu Unil Pncc HiU Hnraadown Form In imauna Ruanlnlea, aNlu of maasure. unn prfcln0. and toleb. SUumd :ury UIdJm tail m Iully cuugJUW Ihu Inrnr, Ihu Ely win regal-:l that Ibu nmiU1M Ininrmatlnn hr proWtleo WRMO Iwo (2)<alantlar tlaya upon rpWStfrom tha City. Fallurs to prowtls the City wIN Ne 4mlttad mtorma0on .mlbin two 111 calennar Vays attel Ihu niJAvl bue nnauvntl Ilm nnymsl from Ilm F.Ry may reeull In your bltl belnp aaamee non- rcsponslvs antl AisqutliM1etl from lunhar comioalilion, 7UE CITY WILL NUI ACCLPI ANY REVIBIUk IU INt tlASE LUMP SULt, DNISKINR, I INF ITFM TOTAI R, ADD ALTERNATES OR f RANG TOTAI. RIO AFTER THE DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF DIGS. PRn.IFCT. ITR 54-08M9-FOR WESTW STREET DRAINAGE IMPROVCM_C_NTSPROJCCTNCIGIIOORIIOOD Nod-NAUTILUS-UNCNANU VARK LUMPnNy Nn M11E. lan[fal FlOfida Lew manl NeOliK, Ina SUIl~M11nRV - -- GIVISION 1 ~ GENERAL CONDITIONS _ nIVIS10N 1 91TEVIORK _ 11IhIP SUM 80. nuowr,NCFS. FarmV r'cas (dasd P.tll ' 1 ,'.t Cnrc<tcrat!n n! Indmm~lficetinn (ease 9u11 - 1 GRAND i07~L LAMP Sl1M 810 AMOUNT I IIMP RIIM RAKF RID. ALLOWANCES - _ E BID AMOUNT 397,n9n.^,]~ 31d1.U , 0.LTE RNATES $7T nn0 Dn YJJB,iBSAU $OOJ 185.00 599 ~;9n ~^.n 31~ cV EU26 1 ]0.00 DIV.I ITCM NO... I ~:. .,i :OESCRIPIION. .. '..- ~.. -• ~e "- - ~" •:' :g11 nlwslnNl rFNFRAI rnrdrnTlnrls -- l :; a r]v~..,ad .. . v"s ANTSTV 1 NR ~ . (,. .' NThR CE T ;' OTAL. INCL [. r`rcI/ i --_ INCL ~ aiinJ INCL 4 <iendrm Llacd M1y _ _ ~ _ INCL F ~rnihrrr: R-:k _ _ INCL U •'r jacl LfeaOmE I EA INCL 7 C•e91an Ye'olfe4 _ I$ 9`vL,l%RI':%I $55 ODV ft lu:ai:x :r 's.llu:l nhmalm Fasvur.^.: _- L$ UY CITV Y 3urvay aPy LdfJU: I R SQ9 000 DIVISIONI DIVISION ] - SITLVIUkK -GENERAL CCNIUIIIUN8 SDD1 DIAL: b7 /.UVU GCNCRAL CONSTRUTION OPERATIONS-_ _ l0 Nrr,:J V.rs:.r ::ul ~r•umbiLrulmrr I 56T,DUO,EU 567.000 _ tl ,ndncew_n:e sT_ra_ttic I s~^nnn r.C 5~7 nun EROSION CONTROL _ _ tl HDa:ln-'stn BamertlnGUOes mamteranw mlo¢aWU ao1U +comal' 25 LF y!. 00 3126 DEMOLITION 1'KMK 13 krn:mva:a uJ:: matlc(omdv.u :.JCl: burin 10 Cl. $2.0-.C 00 $20AD0 14 Fnnc: a~ol [aisUrg alOaralk _ IF '.i0 r.r~l rn r cn;tinp ;farm he 9luYalwtllm 5 elem ' :/.'~ \Y _ _ _ U_~ 370 fY.1 $YUJ,00 SSDD 52,000 1'> rnml4r~ enC Ir913 ]r91119CE_ Shll'ila'C 142' :: Jarc:: C:^-fl ::a :n .15 ~.ld CY Y.ITC dnJ gfilel 1' t4 31.bJ].UV S::,b OD t; I ..6:m.ih III ~~I IPo. :..I H l.+ ~::I o:rnn7 8 Ct, 53.h~r00 52r, tUC 'p FUflYxh an] Ir Stall afdlnage SIULIIYP IL" Nhr'] !911'nJU6e6 rrarte c^] ~r31a1 I Fn 'jS :/J:'!nn SS,SDD IE Pmnnllan~ it Mall nram:me slm u e iuYlnr Snr t Im ~nminez tmrln ;gin orninl I Fr S'[7,On0 fC: 'S nnD N' 7: rurrr4h am Ir.=1411 li' I h'~F'f ebld Sturm Ilrn (1-r ratlco vpn crxave'dx. mS.nla!rn and Cacl:ni I .. ~. ..t nr.i lr-1 .II IInpF _I:aunr lini h F r __ . p ,~ I r rcn Jac rl =nd hart Rl ~, I/V Lf ---___ _ 8. 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Y' IDLE dvefd~~ :1tltlU :iY I - 51 o.nn _ -- - SGU,FSfi Sn e.• m+-x r-~m.n~t~:~ bmemct rase t2oo sv ," so 416 oeo Ji ~ lL':hsA r:.~ni .e:.l.9 rubbnv: 1200 tiY 3:5:X1 960c0 32 :Id^w5~, r?iNmnon:<' Inl<Y. Mnrele Wiam' Desch IGO) __. tjU SV 560.00 $6.000 S0 I lr .:'4'::.r~ ~. r:um and, nl:ur • 10 IF 59000 Bean JL I as ' kELhalt daCn 'D'InI61F °n:llr rr'r ~nnllnr iTOmtlr, rod rC5loitAlOn erq I'ee dAllI51TC01 dm : or relOtaOOn; IrolWes " ISatr nO an.J nrar'er.nxe; IV '_ to - nd0 SV SSVU (x.' Bt00n E40VU 591x'] _ _. 3~ ~Cplna M.nlnwm Trann> _- LS b?.SOD OC f3-500 Pavia auJ Swelc Rmlm:LLiun -- - __ _ `.tern :unell lr: IU:inU eon:Tefe ce JS t CA }.L':Y.C'DU $121KIO :In -l.uulvi:,m•~Vc.enalrrl 1 IS Ys.nnU. V'.' YJ.DW DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SUDTOTAL: 5826.1 RR TOTAL SiI V. OF RASE BID: Y000.10S