locally funded agmt w/ State & FDOTzoio-z~z4~
Attachment 2
TI[1~ LOCALE\' 1+1!VUF.1) AGR661\IGN'1• (Itet•ciual•lc,' •.-\~~rccturut'1 i~ wade and emcred inti+
this ~ daq nl ~bidr.r 'll/v. bcusrcn the <_'I'll' OF ML\Nll ftF.ACH. a municipal
corporation of llu• ti1;+0.: nt I•Inrula. herainalter called 'CLIP'. coil the tiT:\'fG OF FLUKIU.A
UIf;NAl2'I'I\II•'t\T U~ TR:\~SPURT;\TION, a c•unrponem nganc~ of the Stale aP I'lorida.
hereinattcr cztlkd the 'I)I'I';1R'l \9L\ I"
WIII:RE:AS, the IJh.P:1R'I'h9L•'~ I' has juri~s+liction o~~er and maintains the State Road (S.I2.)
A 1,\rCollins t\vettue corriilor ~~ ithin lhr corporate limits of the ('I 11'; and
\VHF;RE.AS, the CI'1.1' has rcyucstcd the L)Elr.•'1K1'ML'VI' in utstall patterned tetntred
pavcu+cut rross~calla along carious intersections on S.R..AIArCullins Aacnuc liom 63"~ StrCi3 to
7. m Street; and
\'!'HIsREAS, the l)I•,I'.AR'I"\•11;V'L has a~=reed to in,[all patterned textured pavemenr
crosswalks alon;~ tariuus intersection on S.R..AIA+'('ollins \venue from G3''~ Street. to 7i"' Street.
stth•jcct to the lrrnts and conditions detailed in llus Apn.cmcnr• and
R'IIERC:AS, the [)EPAR'I \iLN L and the Cl 1'V~ fwd it nu+hialh beneficial to allow the (7TY'
to Fund the cost up to the aggregate amount ol•N[NG'1'1' tiliVl:\ 11 It )1~S.4V1)'f1V(1 III.'NDRLL)
SIX'I 1' SIX L)C)I.I.!\RS ($97:'66.001. under Financial Project Number ~2'Ij79-1-`2-02, assurialcd
~a•ith installing patterned tcxhtrcil p:n•entent a•osstealks along variirus inlexsecliuns un S.R.
AI.Ar('ollins :\tenue I'rum 6 ~'' Su•ect to ',~'~' Street ihereinalier atllectively c;Qled the 'pRO.ILCT').
and as detailed in the attached fshibit ":\" "Scope of Sersices". ~ihirh is herein ina+rporated h)
reference; and
ir.,.,a• + ..t i +
,u'• 0r l~i•r.~...• iY^•. mrr„ acl::rrri :. ~: ~ In . 1,'•.. c.. .~...•i .
•J.,f ui: lc; u..r~h..~~, ..'r..~! .. i.'ur.r•t ~•.ur r_.•• ~.'~~ .u flJi-'i,'S'A'
R'l1t;l2EA5, the parties are authorized to enter into this .4preetucut pursuant to ticetinna
334.0~l~(7) anJ 339.12, f'lurirlrr Snnurec (F:,S.), and authorize its otiicers to du so:
)\O~i', TIICl2l?FORE, iu considci:-ttion of the premises, the mutual covzn;utts ,and o(hcr
valuable atnsidet•ations contained herein, the rixoipt and sufficiency of wfiich arc Itereb)
acknma•ledged. the parties a~sree as k,llows:
I. Nceitalc. The Recitals to this A~Tectnertt are our and correct and arc. incorporated herein
hq r~ li•rncc and made a part hereof.
2. General Reyuiremrnls.
(nl :1 true and correct cupv of the Rrsulutiou of lhi• C'1'I 1' C'onunission approving this
Agreement is attached hereto as 13xhihit "('•' 'CI'L1' Uf MIAMI Li1:'1C'H
KFSC)I.l iTl(1~('. and is incorporated herein by reference.
(h) The L)L•,F':~\It I'h1FNT will administer and construct the 1'ROILIC'T in accordance t~ith
the PRO.IEC'f plain, and the attached Fxhihit "1", 'Scope of Services,- the
DfPARTt\(FNT will cuntplctc the I'ROILCI' utilizing lluuls pravidcd by the C'I'11'.
as set tbrth in subsection te) below.
lc) The CI'l-ti• gill pruiidc lintcliup to the. Uh,p.aKl`~1FV1', for the PRC).11-,C1 in the
aegrcgate amount ol'NINI?TY SEVEN 'f1I0I iS;Ai;L) 1'\VO HUV1)R1=~L) SI;C7'Y tits
F)OI.I.ARS ($9?.?66.00), per the Financial Provisions dclaikd in Section 3 of this
A[~reement- and as outlined in [he attachment Lishibil "U'• ..financial Sununeu•v..
which is herein incorporated by reference.
(d) L!pou the receipt.:utihoriratinn and encumbrance of funding received iFom the C1Tti'
as a result of this !\grecmcnt. the DLl':\R'fNICNT Contractor will commence work un
the FRO.ICC'f.
Pace J nl ~ ~
. ~. •:!i!i<fi w, .li, .~.... ., rF f. .. a; .~!~ f . nu ,. 'I •: ~-y_!_i'_pj
(e1 The DEI?atR'1'NLL•N'I C'onnacmr Wray not connnence tvorl: on the PROJF('T until the
l"ITY llmding li+r thr PROJL:'Cl' is ou dcpasit with the I)h.I'~\It I MF.N'I`.
3. N'iuaneial Prnvisionr
(a) l he ('1TY' agrees tha[ ii will, no later than fourteen (141 calendar days alter the
D1-.1'Alt"L14F~IT's execution of this :lcrcement. tiunish the DCF:\RT\9)/1:T an
ad~aucc deposit in thr: nnunutt of NfNFTl' SFVF.T~' THO11SA1;D TWO IIIIVDRGD
SIX'1'l' SIX DULLt\RS ($')7,~'G6.0(t). representing full pn)'ment of the estimated
PROJ);CT ewl litr Le+cally Funded Project Nuutber TZ-Li79-1-i?-U"'. 'I'hr .tJtauec
deposit shall be the total estimated PROJEC"1 cost phis allow:utces. 1'hc
>I?P,4K'I'MFNT Wray ntilire this deposit for payment of the costs o1'the PRC1.piCl•.
(b) !f the accepted bid auwunl plu, ullotvtutccs is in excess ul'thc CI'1'\"S advance deposit
amount the DC{P;1RTt`91i\ L will provide the additional funding.
(c) If the accepted hid amount plus allotamtces is lea than the C'iTY•S advance deposit
amount.. the DI:P!\RLNILN 1' will prompth` refund to the CI"f Y the amount that the
advance deposit exceeds dte bid amount plus allowances.
(d) Should PRC1.IbC"I' modilirtlions or changos to bid itcnts occur that incrcaso the total
PROJCCT cots IiUnt NINFI'1' SG\`EN 1'HUCS:\Nll I'\\'ct HUND1t1;U S1X1'l~' S11`i
(S97?66.00). thr Dl?I'Alt'C\dEN'f will pnlvidi• the additional Cundinp..
(~+1 Ihe. DI~:P:\IZ'114FV 1' intends to have its final and complete accowuing of all costs
incurred itt connection wish the work park+runxl hurt•under w'ithiu three hundred and
sixlV (.1601 dtrys of final pa~~nl.•nt Ili rho (_'onnacmr. 'Ihe I)F:P:AR"I \4F.1y f considers
(.ui l•.'%1'!':. ~.~ utt')'. o'!!!:%:: H:IhYS'1• Iln'f ~ ri(,t i::•..~. ~.a...~
,and rl!r 7'tnriiio l )q: ~: n'±rn ~a: ~ql lY~uty,rn foE; Ul9. ~ fnacetiC; 1Tn.: r. 11:m6r r i_'J i "(!-; _ i?.q?
ihe. PRO.IftI'T complete when the final payment hats been made to lhu Contractor. nul
when tlu• couslructiun work is cnmplete.:111 PR(LIFC'T coll. records and account;
shall he suhject lu autlit by at rcpnscntalit'e of the (_'I'I Y fur a pcrioil of three C+1 yeatx
after final close oul uC the pRC)•IL-:C•f. 'I'hc C'fl~Y will be uutilicd of the luutl cost
Roth parties agree [hat in the uvenl the lintel accounting ul' lut:d 1'R(1.IGC1' costs
pursuant to the terms of [his :lgruement is less than the CIT\"S total deposits to date.
a re.fiutd ni the excess trill he made In the DLI':\K'1T~lIN'T to the CITY.
(tl Nubvilhslandin~, suhscctiun {c1 above. iu the event the. dual accounting of total
PRO.II~:C f costs is gt•ualer lh:w the total deposils w date. the DIiPAR•C~riliN~]' will pay
the additional amount.
(g) fhc payntcul of limds under this L.acally Funded .~,~.reement will he made directly to
the Ul-.1':1RT\1L~I"f li,r depusil.
(h) \ulhiup in this Agreement shall be construc;l to violate. the provisions of tiecrion
9.1 ~?T61(a>, l•lurida tiuuulia. which provides as tnllotvs:
..Thu Duparuncnt. during unc tiu;tl veer. shall out ~~xprud utuuuv. int•ur any liability.
or cuter into any conreact which. 1?y its terms. involves the expenditure of money in
excess of the amounts budgeted as available lilt uxpentlilure during such fiscal year.
:env cuutrart. trrbal ur wrillcu, mad.. in violation of this enhccction is null and void.
and nu money nuly be paid on such a?nh•act. The Duparununt sh:dl require a statement
1'rutn the Comptroller ol~tltc LkparUucnt that such fund. arc available. prior to enrcrinl+.
into any such eimiract ur other binding commitment of funds. Noshing herein
contained sirdl prevent the ntakiup of contract; tier periods exceeding. one year, but
any contract so made shall he executory only fir lhu value oC lhr services W he
rendered ur agreed u+ be paid tia in cuccccdini+ fiscal years; and this paragraph shall
be iocorporalud verbatim itt all cunlr.,als of the Dcparuneut tahit•h uc lur mi amount in
excess of "I \VFNTY F[V1: T1fU(rS:\Nll DOLL;U2ti tti25.000.00) and whidt have a
lrrnt tin :! period of nionr ihru, one year...
I S,;•r lord
1 <., 1'iurdr:i.dyraurnr!~f Lrlui•~...•.r i'!Ir •>f !linnP 17~•drb
.t!!.t fi!i i .nl,; C. ~ 4, :.r,. r.. !.l d shat yvv;,,Lnr, ! r/ uu! l'~ ! \ ;nnLr. •; 75 ~7 ` i;
lil The F)F.P?\RTTv11.N1•s obligatiitn to pay, any increase over the C1T1"s advance
depusil. is cuntiupcut upon an annual appropriation by the Florida I.eeislnlurc.
J. Effective Ante of this Al;reement. This :\~_reement sh:dl become efl'eclive un the dale
5. Provisions Scp:tr•ahle. The provisions al' this Agreement are independent of and separable
from each olhcr. and uu provision shall be affi:cred or rendered invalid or unenforceable by
virtue of the fu•t that lin' anv reason auy other or others of them ntay hc. invalid or
unenl'urceablr in whole ur in earl.
F. :1tueoJment of Agrecmenl. This A~,reemcul may only he antcudcd by mutual a;;rccntcau of
the f)FP!\R'I YIIsV'f and the CITY. expressed in writilt~ ;utd execuletl antl delivered by each.
7. Notices. ,111 notices, requests. demands and other conununiattions reduired or permitted
untlcl this Acrcemcnt shall he in ~aritinu and shall be deemed to have I?een duly eiven, made
antl rcccivctl when delivered (pelsnnally', by courier scnice such as Federal Express. or by
olher messenger) against receipt ur upuu acdual reccipl of rc;4istcrcd ur ecrlilicd moil. postage
prepaid. rctut•n t•cccipt rcqucslcd, addressed aS scl Ibrth bclow'•
(a1 If [o the CITY: C'itr ulTiianti Beach
17Q11 Convention Center Drive
\di:uni Beach. FL, 331 39
:\tt^ \avicr P<tlconi, P.li,.'I ranspnrtation Nlanagcr
Ph: 3 tl ~-673 ~ ; OgU
(h) It to the f)FP:1T:T1`iFTyT: Florida Deparuneut of'franspurtation
1D0(1 VbV 111 :Avenue. ILoom (~''.0:?-13
hrliami. Florida 33l" SR00
AUculiun'. Iviichcllc. L.orcn Nlcau~,.ll'A Coordinator
1'h: ~pj_:170-~I I-; I'tlx: i0j-X470-i?OJ
I';i~i ? of I I
r;:rl7~ l~~.... ~. '..: r: :~.r•rt :>rnrrrr. lt;e r'r!t'r.! Il:drn~ Rcd•~L
im.I li;r! r J.. J.,. r r :'~.. ,.....n, r.' r .J. rl ld,::; e.'9-.. c; _rr~
:1ny part} map alter lltc address to \vhich comnumicatinns nr copies are to he sent by giving.
notice o1 such change of addlrss iu l•unlurntity \vilh the provisirms of this paragraph fiir the
giving of notice.
R. Entire :1~reetnent. This A~_reemenl. includin;, its attached }~xhihits. contain the sole and
entire ~1gre.:ment hehveen the parties \vith respect to such suhjcci matter and supersede any°
and all other pi for written m' oral aereements heteveen them with respect to such subject
9. BindinK EI•fecl. this Agreenu:nt shall he hindint~ upon the parties and their respective
Yf:plYtient:tU\'C5. 5llel'CS5111'S and .U511!n~.
10. Wni~•er. 1'4'aiver by either parry of unp breach of anp provision ul• this .4greunenl shall nut bc.
considered as or constitute a continuing waiver or a waiver ul• any' other breach of the same or
any other provision of this :\greemcnt.
11. ('aptions. The captions contained in this :~greemcnt are inserteli only as a matter ol•
convenience or relercnce and in no way detinc. limit. extend or describe the scope of this
.4rrcculcm Ur till' IIIIUIt( 11I any of its provisions.
12. .absence of Third Pzu•ty Beneficiaries. nothing in this Agreement, express or implied. is
iutcndal to (a) cuuli•r upon :m.' cnhty nr person other than the parties and their permitted
successors and assi;,us auv ri;~hts or rcnn:dics under or by reason of this :~grcentcnt as a third
party beneliciary or l+lhcr\aisc ~:xcept as specifically provided in this .4grecntcnt: or lhl
authorize anyone nut a parry u+ this :~prcentcnt lu maintain au action pursuant to or based
neon this :\grcrmem.
/..:.:,tir ! }:narJ I rn-rt+:•-rt hr n.een rile (~in• 01 Sit<u;u 8eaeh
;end N:dF ~ .L l.:-po~,n lna..'. '~~ibv, li+,dn :~~ JYrr,,r A,.n,!!m J. '?"1-1-J tn_
13. Olhrr Docuwents. The parties shall take all such actions and esecule all such documents
which nrty be ri~<ISOUably ncces~ary u~ carry clot the purposes irl• this ;1~rcemcnt. whether ol.
nut spccilicall~ pru~idcd lul in This Agrcenx:m.
1~1. Gtnernin;, Law. 7'llis Agrucmcnl :nut the ntterprctmion of it terms shall he pnverned by the
laws of tlx Stale ol• Florida. ~t'ilhoul application of conflicts of tat+• principles. \icnuc fur nny
•ludicial, administrative or other action to enlirrcc ur coustrur uu~ tcnn of Olin Arrceulent or
arising front or relating to [his :\greement shall lie exclusively in \gi:uni-Dade Cuunly.
,.., •. f}uvl.••d I:': r:'::u•nl hrnn•r:. ~..r i :!r ~.! Sir n!!i Nrorh
:n:7 d•r 1.r :. L Ut yorlnu•nr uJ Ra. v. r l,rlinr! rr u. ~,J ;'n A'~w!brr -.-i"9-;-~._/!p
1N \1'fl'I~N'.titi \\'HEREOP, the parties hereto have n+:+de :u+J rxecutcd ihi. r\pri~ement nn
the day anJ v~~ar lirsl nbme ~~ritten. the CITY OI' ~[I:\\4] [3 C:\CI[. ,i~nima by arul lhruulh il~ Cit)
\~lanagcr, and lhr. S'l:~\ I I-: C)1' t'I.ORfO:\ 1)RP:1R'l ~1CN'l' 0[ T[t~\1\SPORTATION. siknin!, by and
through its District Secretary, +~ach dnh' authorized to execute same.
CITY Oh ~1L\:\ll 131;:\CI1:
Matti Herrera Bow~e)r "~
a'rr~ti'1~~~~ f ~ U',t;t/~
Isrnt.> + CITY cl.rRl:
ti'fA l ): OF FI.OK11):1,
Ulsl';Ut'I'~ EVT [' TR:\NSPORT:\TION
B1': J-'Ti•~
~ ~+
ATTEST: ~ '~- ~~
(SH:A1.> r:xr:( trr ~ :sE;<:RF:rnR\
L I'.
~ 1=oR ~cunorv
#~~ : (-- cz (3~(~~
aw e~~„ Data
(~__`` ~. .1 ...
Pauc K al + ~
l,u: ~rilr J-~~:nic;: 1~r,•,vn='nr h:y~,;wr'+:hp ('r;~ of d!itn::i lirac$
,(r.f (ir,• /'lo.vda U,•, :1wi~+u nJ %:•u ~ : tcGnr., JYn::ur ivi !'rope , l'atu: .'r >_',+- %-. : ~-t)_'
I'hc I)I,I'~R'I'\r11~~T is instulling pat[rrnrd textured Pavemznt crosswalks alone; S.R. AI:a~Cullius
r\venue from 63"I Sln•cl lu 7>16 StrecJ at the tollma in~~. intersections:
• 6>'I' Snret (west and south leg ~N intetsectionl
• 6T° tiurcl (wed, north and south leu of intersectionl
• 691h 5uroc•t
• 71y` Sweet lead, wesl and south Ice of uttclsectionl
• 7'"" Street Itaresl :utd south leg of intersection)
• 7,'e Street
• 71`I' Sheet
• 7i`I' Street
PRCIJ~L' 1' L1A11 1'S: tilt. A I A/Collies Avenue from 63'" Street to 75`h Street
llEPA12'f\Ik:'N'f Financial Yrolect dumber: 124579-1-52-02
C'OI:T\TY: ~7iumi-Dade
1)f?P:1R"I'NII:N'f l'rojcct 1\lunag~r: Greniu Valid, ICI's.; 3111-a70-S;G1)
CITY Project t\lanuer: Yavier haleoni, P.C., Transportation ~1ana~cr; 305-673-7080
Pacc'1 0l ~ 1
L!rca~fr i'm:•irrf Ire: ~~•nran brru.r•n ri!.•!'i•..!1 alicr+u ~frarlr
umr !!:r l~fra'~du Uenar lurc•r; u: .': •r!r•; n>rrnlA,n !:lmnrbNlb'djr,1 ~Cumbv!~1_<~)'Y-;-!_'-0_
I'hc L)L•P~Aftl \91~'V f's Work Program allocate the ti~llowing liunling. prokrsuYUned un Pinxucial
Project ~lumbor 4:'.1;4-I-SZ-1)~. fitr PRO.IIiC'I tiuflftlellon:
~iscnl 1'rar: Auunuu: Fund Tvnc:
zout~~ziuo ~h4.ze~,.ou f.~;i;ai r•~„its ~I,ry
C7TY Of ~1t:\~1l 13LACII HIV:\1\C1;\L lil~al'U~tiIBILl7'1': ti77,2G6.1111
r:,,.; i u .,r i i
~.:,i ro, i ;.,.• !. .. ~ ... n. r(le i. ,, J rt .a.. /'!- ~ l',uu.av _'J?-r/ q. q'
l_'1'1'YOF ~11~1~11 BF..aCll I2GS'OLl'IION
fo (~e aUacheii hrrrio:uul incutpuramd herein once ruilie~ b~ the Cll'Y ('omntission.
:vi(t' l~andcri.~er•ern~rnt ~ :r~n• .• ..:v C: R' •.! ltin~ni !L,•., i!
,'ILf(.t'ir.•!•~~If~1L 1.!!d!!!Of t.v.N7StlOllifriUr!. I'rrCiW }~IYI f§L•ria'r .~J~~r/i j~ir~
Attachment 3
Si -
Th`.s AGREEMENT, entered in~G t_t!_.- ~ any r,f fir'-~J~~,
r.<,n,}'urlr:nt a'~CnC}' OL Lhe S~a~e r_= i~lUr_rid, llrrrinafl-.rr i:al le:d t`7C
DEPARTMENT, at cl L'•te CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, c. mt:nicipal corpcYation of
the Mare <_L C'7:>r i;la, het'ei!ir.tr.cr ca11Co. the CITY.
WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT I.,~ jr:ri-;r',ir.tiim c,Vi:r State Road
(S.R.) AlA/Collins Avenue, from 63L6 Street (M.P. 8.658) to 75xh
Street (M.P. 9.808) , wit.}_~tt -F.,- 1 inri I ti i,f r.hA CITY, as part of tL0
Stata cf b'1ox'_ria Iit,} w.~y r,yst rrt; ana
WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT ha;, drafted deei~7n plane `Gx
hc9auLitiCat iG11 lrtlpl OVelnent° On ~.r.. r1161j :bllicy (i\rClil_.C, ~t r_xn 63`°
~~*_°eet l:, ~5"' t>t r'fet, in accordance wiL~ DEPARTMENT •~ort"'act # T-
f?C~ r},~ :units of wnica, ;hereinafter PROJECT LIMITS), are
described in Lhe attsche_1 _~}li}:it_ "a", :•:hi::}• :,y -r~frrer::~ Ft-rrl.t~
shall ::,':come a part :lereof; ar_a
WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT arcl :-hr CITY .iri. troth cc>mmi tt.an Co
ia.E,rc>v!ny t}~:r aesthetics scitair_ LhG PROJECT LIMITS; and
WHEREAS, the CITY has x'ec]'.,e51.e;3 t}laI I_•le DEPARTMENT intital I
la:"1C1SC3:':e, lx'x i(~dt- iOII, :-.'-=.. gra CAS, al'i: i. i:Xtt:I".^_~ pa V~^T.CIIt
cress;•ra_Jc~ wiLl7in Lhe PROJECT LIMITS, axis the DEPARTMENT is wil' iuy
t0 dG .SO N'ab'ect t0 the rers!s atlt3 ..:>r,cLl- ie:n~ c:c:rit ,~ i ~r~t hr.rei'I; anil
WEiPRF.AS, I he CITY, cry 3~sclution N0.2olo-"t,-~Zgq, dated
~unuurt.f 1312010, atLacl7ed .i~'_eto aL Exhibit ... ~" , which by ~eferenc:e
)ae_e_<) -:ltd },~.^.C:9'A a }: 1'.C I_i:rOGL, dC011".",, LO enLe1" lnt0 this
AGREEMENT ano: at.thorizes iL~. o. ricrr~ Lc, d:, e<>.
NOW, THEREFORE, tGr grid il. r:~l7side~a~iGn Gf s_ne nq:;_I:-,1
}~'enCt lt~ t0 f1C'w* ear_31 t_ti L_'li'' UI-}I!=P :.I'r };a t'tIE:S COV°I'.allt and aCTCC
a9 tb_lOVr3:
L::ud.<up,~. In i+:ninu 1'¢cli: alct. :mJ l:aulrul ltinaranl Cn:4:~~'elks
V:unbnan.c \hanorandum nf:\grccmav I+dtc:ao; Florida Ikpartm:nc of l?an; punnunn Ind l7H' o; \L:uut licadl
I'a~e I of 10
,he DEPARTMENT and t~YC CITY aryroE that, by executir_g this
AGREEMENT, all 7r]11:t~1]al1Ce TeCpCl7Slbllitle8 nertair_iag I__;
*_!:c la_1d:,capz, ir'_iga=iott, Lt'ee yr:tte5, a•rd I rx' It-ail
l:;~t~: ai e~-It ..:-osswallca in:,talled by GEPitRTM6'N'1' o:i=•stist _t
PROJECT LIMITS, (hereinafter, the "Improvement3" )
purt:uant '_~; I_ }I i ~ AGREEMENT, '•ari . ! be assigned to tl:c CITY
The CITY ehaii be sole_y ret:pcxtai-lee ~t,• !-Ite nGlil~:.~nn"Ii:F and
p=-eservatior. ~f C};N 1mEa'_wemenl s w i t l° i r` I he PROJECT LIMITS, as
follows, uut ar_dlcr trim and edge the grape cr turf in
accordat:_:e w•_I_ll Lhr -atr.at ei!`.tion of tl:~ StaY.c o*_
F_orida "Guide for loadsicie !'•Jc:t.'inc3" ~rrd the left eSL
Fl?ir-ii;r, i,t t7 "Maintenance Rati.]a Fr•;,graT:".
2.2. properly prune all plants, ~+;hir_}r_nt_lutle t~zes, sFxrtl.:
and grotn:d covers, in accordance vritit tl:e latest edition
p[ }•_f. "Nla I II L.erIB nCt' (a Y.1 Il:~ '1~i,C_J. Y",-7111" al:d L11F: atr. Y"'.let li,nal
Sccizty of I•ST';?UY'1C1:1.l1S!_'. =r:tur, I-rim a:tdlt_sr eiiye tiur:}l
part:, th?reof which nay present a visual or ether safety
} a~.ard for t_hosc t:.:,ir_'~ or intcndin7 to U: e the right of
•:•:ay i'tcl:,di'ly yr<r,,,~;} arir.ma :~tra-:- :fights amp t~-attia
.'", 1.rrialS.
2.3. x:-:ci; _:,! ants aw tree a~ pccci)rle free disease and harnfu=
I'1tieC:l :~. T!:F:IilliVf: 8?ld prvp:.'"ly Q1SAGse 0= dead, d13.^.a.^icd
or other:.'_se :i~l_eri.+r'ril_e:l ja.tr: ~ 1n I }°air c=rnY fire=a.'y. A.l I
dead r,at_ria< ;;haL bz replaced, at mix?irn_un, by E%lasc_s :>f
I_llr arn~ ;i?: :7nii grade a3 ~pccificd in the PLANS AND
SPECIFICATIONS (T-6205), inCCrpCrated herein by
2.4. ?roperly ;Ir:I:..I -t1l l;lnnl i,eda a:'td trey rin~a:a.
2.5. Pr:rE:=:rly ri:cr.:rn, and di=pos: of al. undevirabie vegetatic:n
in_~1'_t:.lny bul nctl i `In` tad to :oi:eding of r,_m]t L^•:d~ and
~tr,_wa= of im-aeive z:cctic plain rl.il_er ia's.
2.6. l^lr;l er and `crr.ii_zc all plants properly.
I:mQsmp<. L nguuuu, I ne Gmu•x, rma I ea Iwrd Pm: menl t. mr...:A6••
A'IaINCn ACC: \t2Atm, al PdUll1 0l :1gA•cutcul ba•hveru Plm idd I kp;n Lncnf rl 1 iau,p.ntarinn ;:m! f'ih' of trlimni ISwdl
I':lee ' of I U
2.7 . Ensure that the ilrieal_ i:as Sys em i ti fu I I y tllnct.iinla_ L^y
(SE"f:'Ft llli ilU TOllt1nG alld 2"e!?l.lldl" O~`~ET'42.t1OT1= C%_ lY''_'-_c3:{L L:>I_
'JF1`frl "?If:-l1:::!=i ':1~"lYlfl''l l'.Q C~aTauG ~.:1'.IiGr Rlaltl:.:1Ct 1OnE~
ropairillr ar_dJcr rer?=ac::rly lire>w~r z:~ mi55ira irT-iyat'_on
rr_uil;xcnt; and adjuctin~7 spray '-leads .:. elirl'narr
pve ~-~E; r<+y <->f war.er onto paved areas. A11 rosr_=.
attic: i=ted wiCh wa _r. r usr •.•: ~ 11 i7r. tnc resk:on:~ibi_ity of
.-.ia: CITY.
2.8.,naura rr:::_• grates are fully furc_ional for cledes~riau
cse 'r_ly b>erf:>rlni•ly -<nl`.ine and :cgular observations of
same, identif}%ind dau':lye anti/csr nlrl- funi:tic;ns at;d
T"epai rillR anQj Gr repluClI'i~'{ brOkeR CL'ee t]T'dl_r, Y_. _<_ $_Itit:CY
E:e:lr:~l r'an ~,ccc:~a and tr_•c 1lcaltL-_c nainta-_nEd.
2.9. Ri~movc alid properly dicpoce of litter frorl ro~dsi:9e,
roe:3:an ~I. r i f,~ r,nt t~=Kt:tre:~ k;a-.~am::nt crosswalk surtaceo.
2.10. R^move and aicpoce Ot all trircr.ir_es, roo_s, branches,
liLLrr, ~r<:., rrsul*ing from the activities described
by l.. through 'L._-? i_lr•lr:~ively .+~ de.>cT-'~r.c7 akx:veg.
2.11, 1''ialnC H_ll d[Ia Itln1C :.: rr'iln1T':i Y.;'i tlTft ti': Y.tnYCil tiAVCRlcllt
crosso-:all,: cur=aces to proven= _.afety l:aLards for I_h~>~~
Ta' ny irr nt.i:nii'_ng to usc• the pedestrian crossings.
2.12. ~m a L-•iannual basi^, the area cf each crosswal}: in the
r_,u l_ ~ iii, rra"ir. I anee sha-- ac ..Dated for tricticn
resistar:;_e iil .tccr_Irdauce wiI_L ASTM R ~7T}-05. Prir.t';>n
rG31:~ta11Ce c.'la_1 lie nc~ _eSS t113n _{:t =L\~l l:li Ol" ~?~ll Y"ci1~'nL
a:- ~17r:.:1 ii:i: In 6'X1=117.t "?i' ~ Taale 1. Fv.11:1rG- to
achieve min' m.nn t-r i i:P i rrl T-i-:~i:~tar,cr: :3ha11 rl.rnlir:-: all
iaree of the crosswalk L_} }:e ~-i:r, is :r_ I. e.~l_eu I_i>
ue:ra:inc tho cxtci:t cf t1:c ----_irnr_y. A._ deficie7t
a'aa:~ :a:TaLl be r:.movca to their full extent (lane-by-
lar_e) auci ref;la::-c wi--h ~.}"~e :iare product. in:~talled
initially. if clnre t!lin ~~p'; oL Lk:r_ lades _n Lhe
int•-:raccoon rcauire replacelr:ent, the entire
iuLer'secl i:m inat.al lat.ic:n may be reconstructed with a
different nrprlucl ::n Lilo (,A1a11, 'r_d ?r~xllu:lt - i5t-.
2.1.3. 'P}IN CITY shat. ;;cn:cuct biar_r_ual cc:iditicn curveyc of
r.h~: roXt",lrcd pavement 'or rutting, _avelir_cl, pr,t hr,les,
t]:• .-,mll'.i C-1 (il'i dlli: CTACIC lllq fCL" t."Se llie O~ the adl aCent
a) Un1rs5 r.h.F~ pavement ad~accnt to the crosswalk is
al~'•~, :3efic:iLr-- in rLittir~a, matting dcptL- of the
textured pavecl:tul. shall nr:,- ezc:c=.ec9 C.25 inches.
F.emedial wrnrk s".hall -tlr_•lude :1 e full dYl,l_lI rrlnlcrva]
of the t?xtUrEd pavecleut acrc,s.- L t'r frill. w i cll. }I ~, f
I uuJs:alp. I,tr n:uu. Ilrr to ar,~s. nua Ic.lw cd Pin eumnl f 1o~.awnas
AI:'yin:.m:n.: M1'IcnlnrnW:nu ..I :la arumul Lduccu Ilwhla f). pnilmenl nt' Ilauapnttaticn mnf (`:IV nl Aliami [Scaeh
I':19e i of I11
the =anc and crctiN~~.~al}:-
b} Jn_cyy the pavzment ix. tt,z iritereecL_ori =~ 5_t~,wiuy
un i r°:;rln Tavel ing i3i:'_-ia_encics, raveling, potilolco or
dPlam_naton of the tcx~uted :,.+verlenC ;;}-,all :tot
a:xceuC C.25 inches in d=pt1: or more than 2'_r sg'_t~tre
iuc-:} es i n :,rra. ~en':r:dial :work shall inC_llc.e the
patchir'rl of the Lexlux'r_.d _,dvrn,ent 'n ~e:ccrt3xnc:e :vit.h
the manufac~urer'e i:tetrt::ctior_s.
C} Illae~: ~' [%id :, r_'glt=flt_ dr3 •, fi Cr"it. ltl '_}t? il"1`_E:YR£-: C: Y.itin -3
deficiznt '_n crar_:;iny criteria, crackiuy wiri~_t rti
r_hu textured pavement chali net exceed 1j~ inches
f~cr In;n'e rL-an ]0' ir. mty laa~ •..-~f tl=i: crosswalk.
xe:cedial wc,rk s}_ali `ucl~_t:3r a~ a u~iriia-.;m, YhF =u11
depta removal of the textured pavement glory the
cs_>n'~[sl~tr: 'r.ngth of the cracklsi am t.r_- the width
recommended by =Yte rtariufacturer.
2.14. Chr, retie"tti ,r-" al i fricYic:n tzsr.:: aril c:inu3~t.il:n sut^;r:ys
ehall ire ~•.ent _r, _'te lli~.Ti::'_ '~1aittlenan.:e t;Lli::e's
D:arrat:ty Coordiratc-. with a r_cvzr litter eithz_~
r.~;crtifyir_c that the ..rv^scwalb:c ~cmply :vith the abcvo
~L,,. ze3 req:t` reme:tt:,, i,r what. rt=:n:edial act? tilt :va __ L'
taF:er: -~, restr,re Lite ^r'rl-':m ac:a3/:>r ir.~eyril-y ~;f
tL-c crc:.;.wal:~ area.
2.15. ;•;hen rernediGl action ie rz~{uirzd_a accordance with the
.,I:UVe ry+.3i~ir'+=:'r:=tr-R, thr CITY at. i:.ti c:wr~ rtr.F,F~:rl~:r: >,itall
cx:nnF,ler.Y al I n<cessary repairs wit_tin nireYy ;9~:,; daya
o` the date the deficiency i.~ ic.3~t,tiLied.
2.16. Nc nlf)ri-` I%1.-~t t~,~~i; (^) fell text.t:r~d navemenY. rel'>aira
shall ha nlar3e t<; ar: a-'tea 'or `. Lh:t.t1. f i r51. re5urfaci rty :.hN
pavzme:tt to its fr_tll _~pl.lr.
2.17. ;...~rel; I Fr r~r.:.n-iii l:avent~nt set-races i,n c:roaavrallc.;
pzriodirally _~: :•,zr,f; the;r. "i'ee <_:L debris and tr,
r.aintain an aevthetically p-:eae'_n.i condition. A light
L>r~.~-err waihing may h,t=. n^Cr.s:,at-y for ht-.avy .stain
removes= or cieanirty.
2.18. fnr ,arty routine r::pairs tr rep_acement due tc
nr,t_i':•:,~tLle r.::.;l r>r .~r.arr3t:u i:r St:rfai:ra cli~ti:ricn-atior_ cf
the t°Xt U'__zd L~~b'F'[1le ILY ~.1 L'L HCr'S, L-tt/' [)I(:C11.1 f. 1_ d'a~}1C[ I'G C:3
`.nstaLl~r shct;ld be contacted.
I:m;l.: apo t111P:A100 Tice Giaia: anA Ir~RircA Navsmcnlin.a,v:,lAs
Muiidrn:mn• \tnum::ndum.A \~.•rcon;.nt hcnrorn I'IuriJa IkPnrv ;a» ul 17anq:ortaliun ;u,d C'ile of 61ianti Ucatlt
Paac a ul IQ
'1'hi~ AGKEEMENT may be amended in r:ritiug 1L nlaLualiy ayrrrd Li,
1iy li;stlt va? tie.^,.
Tf, at c_~y ti;ne while the terns csf Lll•.~ AGREEMENT arc ir_
ef`<-.;:-, it s!;all Come to the aCtentic:n c:f I_Le DEPARTMENT'S
DISTRICT MAINTENANCE ENGINEER ttcat t lte CITY r s rN:.L,:ins i I;i I icy
as cst~-bliol:~d herein cu a paI-t I_hrtr~i,f is nr,Y. being prcpcrly
acct_:mEa i aned 1-n:rst:ar_' to tl7e teYmN of thiw AGREEMENT, sxi+.l
DISTRICT MAINTENANCE ENGINEER may, a~ hiw option, issue a
wrillen r:;r'.c<-:, i.n :-arc of the CITY MANAGER, to place the CITY
on notice =e~ardin<T ito mairae=lance ciY£icitrncies. Thereaf-.er,
the CITY axial- itavr :~ 1-:~ricsd of ninety .:C1 days within which
I•:: .<;rrect the cited deYiciency cr de'iciencies. if .~ai;l
deLicielrcl~s aye not corrected :eithin thin time perio-d, the
DEPARTMENT may, at i_~'. U_tL:Utt, L>r<r.::-:rt7 a~`tillciws:
4.1.h•7a'_ntair_ the Improvements declared deficient ::_lF
DEPARTMENT ,;nd/:>I i--s indi:f:r:rcdc^~t contractor's
I'Id l.rrial ~, 'Klt: il;m ~:nt aP_G KiC_-3^Jni:~__. TI1e c:cLUa1 co.^,t =Or
tiw~h wor:c v,=ill tte cl:a.yec3 I rs Llt~ CITY.
4.2. TIC:: DEPARTMENT reservey the ri~hL ~o replace tale LYxLure_i
1-:a~;-:ro.-::r._ svitlT _~=a:v.>ntio:,a'_ pavement ar_d bill t_le CITY Lcr
t~i^ _.at.
Al. IIU:. _t:rti, r-~:ll:r~I-.S, CIS:ITlaild9, CG:"13C:'lt~:, upprC'Jal~, end Cth2Y
ce;cr.t:,nication =which are -euu~ rid : ~: P,r Sarv~:r. i,t- given
1-~:rr:-,r_-Idcr, shall be in toritin-T and shal_ t:e 5ent by ree~_sterecl
ma i . o~ cr r t i f i rc-1 ". S . ctai 1, rotcrn receipt ='eque:,ted, pocLare
prepaid, addressed t_, I-}lN y;rxl_y I:, re~:rivr. 9tleh ncitiet<s as
f<i 1 1 o:vs
TO the DEPARTMENT: 4'lc=id~t [:ec,arl.menL. :sF TraneporT.aT.:on
l i)(i% Nc-s-tl;wcst .'_1 Avenue, Room 62C5
t~iiauri, f'lcu ilia ?3 7i.- 5900
:'-t Lenticr_: L:_.-Lricl- ~fairu_enance ftayin:i~:r
To the CITY: (:_I-y :,f tJ'ian i 1-a:=a::1:
1700 Conventica C°r_L?r Drive
Pdiatn: Ei:ach, FL 331"s
J:;.l.ant-.iris: City b:a_7aacr
I .nr~l•:ap:. In'i_•::I!un. Tnc Grals.:md rCxlurtJ PorClllvnl (7. scdAs
htnimm~ancc ?aemnnmrh:m of :1er;cmcnl b:nc.cu Ilor.Ju U:pannuul ut trm=sporLr. nv: uua t a. ul Ali:nm RracL
Pa~c 5 0l' l 11
Copies to: O i l y r. F '~ti ami ECach
~0G Co_r.~craior. •~enter Lrive
NLacII I~.rac•t, rT~ s31 9
Rtterit_.?n: P~_;1.>1iU iJ<,rk~; r'ir'r:C:tOI-
F,I. 1'_ 1ti rl Lilti?hi-•';<':~ lil^-.tWCC:I :I:C "JdrtlB.`"i _1@re ~C ~_1 _it L}iC
latidacape Improvements covered by L 11 i .~ AGREEMENT tray be
:?mO~;recl {_ fitly .!IUr-' IIl I'1P fl:CI1TE:, a3 i:illRd 11C^.CS~ary by
r.}'le DEPARTMENT, in order thnt the ar_iacect_ :;I_a,_e ~r,ad he
widened, a:tered or vtherwisµ c.:l aliy~-r3 aliil ma;n-ainr:d to
:ree'_ •,v' l It fllt_Ilr~ rritcria or planning of the DEPARTMENT.
call ci;sta associated with suca activit.iew ;ai11 be ~t,lely
at t$e expense o` I_lle DEPARTMENT.
6.2. ?•h~-_ CITY cta~r lr_ctd__ 3dd_t_r,nri1 =anri~,~•a_:,r u~ i l_ it i n t I~
PROJECT LIMITS, subiect to I_he L~,l lcm=i rua a;nc3il cniti:
a) Clans fc-_ any n«-4J and;`r_,t' +dci_I_ i•_:I'<a- u',H':_~r i,yl~ a:sall
!;r stlc`,j<-:c:t Y.:. a_proval b}r tL~_ DEPARTMENT. 1`_ne CITY
:,nnl_ not change ca' deviate =ro:r. Sa_d plans witlic:ul
written aL>l;r':;val h;y -_I'_c; DEPARTMENT.
b) All new ~ndfor {dr?it_;r~ud- r:later;.yl:s -;hall b2
:]eve Loped anti ir.pl~~mented in accordance wita
a}?prc,_,x'i~r~ r;tarr aat'r.ty and road dC:~icrti standards.
c) 7Le CITY agrCCS to ccxply with the reauire'r:ents of
tl.is AGREEMENT with rec.'-c rc, r-!ny ar3d i I. i:,nal
tn~i'_~. i.il~ ir~Ya' :ril.
ThiN AGREEMENT is s~-.1>jeCt Yi., ter'mirati^,t= 'and^t~ any Gnc of t_~e
fo=-_rJ;.=irr• _._a:_liti:_>rt~:
7.I. L, ~r ~:orilanc•r :vitli S:;Ction 28%.058 1_ i (rj , t lc,rida
StatUte~, the DEPARTMENT ., it-11 'es~s:rvc. the riallt tC•
unil_terally c~tucr- '}~i~ AGREEMENT i. tiZC CITY ro~uvev tc
nl ~ UW rllll'; i 1CJ aCCC33 tC any Gr A__ dOC'1mP_nt.~, CJd_+t'P
_etter£, px' r),_1_r r' tllrll r" ~'~.=f7;~ I'la[1P: i!1' ?'CCC1b'.^.Ci bV the CITY
;,er' in~nr. to t:iis AGREEMENT :ahir_:•i are sui?jec^_ n
pre'/lolc~rto of Chap`-- l7'-1, c>( Ilte Fl>Tirla SLatutCS.
LmAuxpc. Irrigatitn,.'I':c: Grra:.., :mJ'ktuucJ I'aceu:ru~. r rusv.ul:~:.
\f:rnlcnan:e 1lcnmrandnm nC:\grecu,enr hclueen Pktndu I,e{vuwicu, ul I r•:u••p~.laGon :nul ( it. ni \f iami Hr;:.:h
Pa_r G of 10
7.2. ':r.-rly it Inutua;ly agreed tc by k.x~th parrirrt wi-L a six ('o ,'
IlOIII }1 Vi t'1 Oli 1;Ct LCIV.
8.1. T ir: tcrm Gt thiy AGREEMENT e.}'a:_~ :)u~y ctr•u:lrrce uk:on
i,xc:u*__on by all o,:.rtiee atu} ~,_Ler '.}Ie CITY r~::>'ivas the
Notirc 7u PrGCeed litter Lrocl the DEPARTMENT. This
AGREEMENT ~:1a11 contir_ue in E)erfSetu i t y c, n'Iti l
terctit:atiOr_ as set £orl.h i_•I S_,: iin': 7.
8.2. .:~,on 1:>~~_:-lrlcr i)i rha Nc;`tcx-_ "o PrGCCCG, the DEPARTMENT
~fld ! '~'inT`h l!":- .. 14u1fCtl1l CU~l:, a 1"E`r~..13Ct8Q k'y tl"_B Clty, 1_O
_nsy'ec~ I.ile areas !-t: 1',r. maintai:icd pur3Gant t0 trie
AGREEMENT. If any de?iciencie~ d.e '_r3elll ' t" irc3, -hi:
DEPARTMENT :ei11, =t its cpti~;t:, eililer c:)rrFC:-. -fie
c::l-i::ic_1cieC, Or amend tkas AGREEMENT ~a rrf rca_ ;.'r-Ir
aCtu~l conditions at co¢uuerr_:~r~r-- i,- thr. Trrm. T~i3
is c:~'i~i:~n ahaL1 nat Lc Construed to relieve the CITY cf
ita Inaititenance reNponcihilities, except as moth=leci key ~,
wriuetl aulendrtent.
8.3. Titi t•:r~ting Cmaodie:~ tl:e entire AGREEMENT aad
'_tndCr.^~tallOlnn '..Jet4<e°r. the Ucli'tieS }'!-`Ct'l(t af1f3 t hi"H rit'F
n:5t r,-.her acrc'_tn^r_ts and ut_der:,tandinq, oz-a= nr wri-_~_en,
b:1tn t-C'^r"1E'f~::e". Y.CS l".hce S11J]i:Ct 7:1ttCY 1:C::1 CCI t}lc.t :zY° Ib=t
mer~7ed he_eir:.
8.4. '. l' _s AGREEMENT i ~ r.cm*_ranytcrc.::,lc and nGna::G_gnabl2 i rc
v: hi;li: cr it: part wit=~cut tl:e nriOr :•:rit ten consent oL Use
8.5.'ltii~ AGREEMENT, r::u:irdles~ ct r:hcrC Cxecuted, Thal: h_e
C(V ra';le=.;'} DV and Ccctot ruC sec .n ,CCOrdance ..ith .he lawti
cL the i=t ale c)Y Fl:iricJd.
I.nub.;:q>; Ir~cal'.n,l. ~reelmnes.an:172sWred l'arCntc.^.I ('rc'tsn:Rk~
Alva Ol•m:uCn Mrn1 •fdplhillt PI acruancltl I>CQMCIIt I:cf:rla I)lral'l IIlClll o: lnurr~nrluaou :Intl l_.1\ UI Alunui Itr.cell
Pace ? of 1 f1
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the ~_ arti=s _i@•'catrl ltatve c_ausec3 t irr>.~
pre~er.l s I i, n~:: •:xccu: _~3 ~Y:e day aad ye-r_ f i _ sl at_:irvr~ wr"i r.r.~n .
N1aUi llerrera Qu~~•er
ATTEST:_~~ ~ P~ G~-
n'st ica Secretary
r_~` r'-_
ATTEST: (\ '-
Approved as to form, content, and legality
-- _ ~,
Alicia Trujillo, Esq., District ief Counsel
City AttdnS~,~ N Dale
I.wa~r.4~. In'icalirnl.7nc iir:ncs. and IcVUred PuvrwculCl. c:.woll.~
Muinseuuxs t, lemeramLnn al :1gr:: mcnl h:accn I In; nla U: p:nlmcul ul 1 ran;p:n tti it•n :md 1 "dv nl'Aiiami Iteadr
Pace 3 of 10
L~Bi Ot•.' zil ~' I_}Ir ~ IrltiY C_' tlrt _L;_1CISC,::L:C, 11"_"_~(2.L 1071, LY'EE ~JT3L?E: da:~
tcxturca ~dven:°ta Cros_'t~%t_.~s '. r, l:~ nle i rlt ai re:3 ;r'ICrr tiiia AGREEMENT.
State Road Number: AlA/Collins Avenue
Agreement Limits: From 63" Street (M. P. 8.658) to 75'" Street (M.P.
County: Miami-Dade
Fs F: ~i;VJ .=1''"_ tl.G 11:.,~~.:''~.'".L1~I'?E`i 9= L~c? t:?I.LLl i'r?_~ [;i V•"11r?ril 'il >ti St~.'d k~.
• 65"' Strect (west and south leg of inter>ection)
• 67" Street (west, north and south leq of intersection)
• 69" Street
• 71" Street (easT., west and south leg of intersection)
• 72°r Street (west and south ley of ittersection)
• 73r° St.rPet
• '/4`~ ~Yreet
• 75". Street
Table 1: LricLi~m Nllnl}:~r i,ilnveT'sicn-,s ~o_--- T..st Shccds Cth.:~- Thu?
4:i rl:;l-
30 n~L- Teams 'ic ~cr.:-Frt to i~~U rnptc :'est. 'L'~, C~_uroe,~:. ~~~
Speei: 40 nth Sp??fl 40 mph
Pti Results R::cu_t~ I FN A?cuitc Resul_e
x.25 Sc}~-=acl_ r~ Acid 1
;~-1 ! c: 4? sail>L_-act 2 26 :0 42 Aad 2
48 *_c r? sL:b~ract 3 Q3 .c: r0 ~i Ac3c3 s
I .unl..;,q';. hricatin^. 'rrcc Gra:cs.:ora fewm::i P:acwra <'ro:,,,'aa:.
hlnircrnane:. hlcmorawLan of :lgramcnl Lznwrn I In::Jn Ucparuncnl u: I r:cr:p:n la~.wn uud l:w ul hli;uui LSradi
Page') ut' IU
Ti; k;e I-;cr.•il: i:~ccrrcra~~d once ratiL_e( +~ _:•,e :ITY Rc:r.rt; r.I
I:ni~hcgm Ini,^:Gion I~:C(if::I:.,;r.:J ~ii\tlltcd l~:Hrnt:O: l•fOS:•+~nli:
1lainlru:ni.v Mnnour.Anm ui 1p:nnm:v hanccn flodJa Ucp:vuncu ..I lrrus pcn:a.:ni enJ (_ r..J \I rnui IASL
Pa}c 10 of I li
Florida Department of I ransportatiore
GUVtRNUIt MiCrni, FI. 33179 SCCRLTAR4'
February 1, 2010
Ms Lilia Cardillo
City of Miami Beach
City's Clerk Office
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, FL 33139
Re: Locally Funded Agreement Execution & Payment Notice
Project# 424579-1-52-02
Dear Ms. Cardillo,
In accordance with the executed Agreement, the Village shall have fourteen (14)
calendar days from February 1, 2010 to furnish the Department for deposit the amount
Payment shall be made by one of two methods: 1) by check, with Financial Project No.
424579-1-52-02 clearly visible on the face of the check, mailed to the Department for
processing at:
Florida Department of Transportation
Office of Comptroller
605 Suwannee Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399
Attn LFA SecUOn
or 2) by wire transfer, by following the detailed instructions in the enclosed 'Florida
Department of Transportation Office of the Comptroller Wire Instructions'.
The Department looks forward to continuing this partnership with the City of
Miami Beach and stands ready to assist you with any questions or concerns you may
have. You may contact me at (305) 470-5112, if you require further assistance.
Michel Loren Meaux
Joint Participation Agreement Coordinator
ec' Xaricr 1'alcoN; Chns Cu.~ell~4 Erouia vagiA. File
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Office of Comptroller ~`.
ACH and Wire Instructions ,~,~__,.
Items to be Claimed by DOT
For de sitin into a De aRmental Trust Fund)
Bank of America
- Ac^;runt # C01(YJSJi 0476
`~ Af.H ABA # 0631002?7
'~ Chief Financial Officer of Florida
Re DOT-'""
bank of Arnerca
~., Acmunt # Oa1009070476
a Wire ABA # 026009593
'~ Chief Financial Officer of Florida
Re DOT.'"' -,?.A-'S~=t-i-5.?.-~~L
1R1M1RRRRRIR}RRf1f}If}\/.\1\\1\Iliilltlf RtlftfMlRfVIMM1/r1YRYM1Nr11R1
r All wires go Into an account that DFS fDepartmenl of Financial Services)
monitors antl maintains. In orde• for DU T to gel credit fog the funds due to
the Department, the reference line mus: rnntain "DOT' antl an abbreviated
Additional Notes: pUrpnSP..
You must contact the Off~;e of CampUOller, Cashier s Offico so the funds
can be claimed at DFS.
) fN1Rl1RR1Rf 1R.111\\\\11\\li\I\\\f}1tNM\f\ffRRRRtIIIYRRRIIf R1MIfRRR}~1/
I Bank of .America
Accoum # 001DU5c~o8574
ACH AGA. ~' 06310C2~'
Chief Financial Uffr;,er of Florida
Re: DOT - Type K 11.79
~ Bank o' Americs
v Account# OOi009068974
a Wire ABA C G25C1J9593
~~ Chief Financial Otticcr of Florida
Re: DOT - Tyfk't 11?8
For wires received that are grnng lu I>e. deposited in the G`FS Treasury Cash
Additional Notes- l Deposl Trust Fund by the Bureau of Cokateral hAanagement. the reference
line must wntain: 'DOT - TVOe K 11 ~ 8'
•YIAtR1M111f}11111•R11111~~\1t111f ~~Rf YR1RI1fYT11RYf•11-\/.\If•
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