Towing Bill of RightsTYPES OF TOWS
A public property tow ours when a vehicle is illegally parked in a city street, city parking
bt or other public right~of way. A parking citation is also issued stating the violation. The
most common reasons for a public property tow are prohibited parking (parking in fire lanes/
hydrants, cross walk, double~parkingj; restricted parking; or illegally parking in a handicap
accessible parking spot, residential parking zone or loading zone. If you wish to appeal the
parking citation, the appeal process is printed an the reverse side of the parking citation. A
successful appeal of the citation would entitle you to a full refund of the towing costs.
For private property tows, your vehicle was deemed an "unauthorized" vehicle on private
propery, such as a privately-owned porking bt. The owner or an owner's agent of that
private propery has authorized the vehicle's removal at the vehicle owner's expense.
An "Unauthorized" vehicle is a vehicle whose owner or operator has parked without the
permission of the private propery owner and/or has left the premises, leaving the vehicle
parked on the private properly for any amount of time. These areas must have posted "Tow
Away Zone" signs.
If your vehicle was towed (impounded) because of an unpaid parking violation(s), you must
first poy for all parking violations before you can pick up your vehicle. You can pay online at, by mail, or in person at Miami-Dade County Parking Violations Bureau
kacated at 22 NW First street, Miami, Florida. For more information, please call the Bureau
at 305.275.1133. Once all fees have been paid, take proof of payment to the tow facility at
the time you wish to pick up your vehicle.
The vehicle owner or their authorized ogent can pick up a vehicle. The vehicle owner must
present one (1) form of picture identification that matches the registration of the vehicle. Per
Florida Statute, a legally authorized agent must have a notarized letter from the vehicle owner.
No vehicle will be released by a towing company without the proper identification or, in the
alternative, notarized consent.
Drop fees occur when a vehicle owner arrives on the scene of a tow and the vehicle has been
engaged (hooked) by the tow truck, but the tow truck has not left the same. Although Florida
law allows towing companies to assess a drop fee (of not more than 50°rb of the posted rowing
rates), Miami Beach's towing companies have agreed to voluntarily waive all drop fees. The
same identification that is required to retrieve vehicle from a tow facility is required For drop
Fees to be waived.
For your convenience, there are ATM machines at either the towing company or within reasonable
walking distance. Towing companies must provide at least two options for payment. cash,
money orders, travelers' checks or personal checks. The towing operator may require two forms
of identification, one of which sholl be photo identification, For payments by check.
To regtrat Ihis materiel in aooessible format, sign IorguaQe inle~preNr+•
aooaranodabon b review any documer~ or parlidpale in arty cilyaP
305.673.7218 (TTY) fiw days in adwnoe b iniliale your request. Nao ~
ds bnguap de sigrxss, sokeAe intomracibn sobs aoaso paro parsaas d
The City of Miami Beach Parking Deporhnent and Parking Enforcement regulate towing on
public and private property, respectively. For any questions on public or private property tows,
please contact the Ciy of Miami Beach Parking Enforcement Hotline at 305.604.CITY (2489).
For rnmplaints about a row truck operator's driving, caH:
Un remolque en propiedad publico ocurre cuando un vehfculo estd ilegalmenhe estocionado
en urw calla de la Ciudad, en un Iota de estacionamienb de la Ciudad, u otra propiedad
o espacio publico. Tambi~n se -e lord una infraction de estacionamienb fa coal detlara
b violation. Los motivos mds comunes de un remolque en propiedad publico incluyen
estacionomienb prohibido (carriles a hidrantes de bomberos, cruces peabnales, doble
estacionomienbj, esbcionomienb restringido, en 6reas pars personas minusv6lidas, zonas
de esbcionamienb residential y zonas de cargo. Si usted dales opelar la infraction, el
proceso de petition se inclvye en la parts de atrds del documenb de infraction. Una
peticidn autorizoda, le da el derecho al individuo qua recibio la infraction, a un reembolso
complelo de los gosbs de remolque.
Vehiculos remokodos de propiedades privadas significa que el vehiculo esbba estacionado
en un drea privada o no aubrizada, Cal Como un tole o garaje de estacionamienb prir~odo.
EI dueno o agents de dueno de Cal propiedod aubrizo el remolque y asumi3 los cosbs de
remolque. Un vehicub no autorizado significa qua su dueno o la persona conduciendo, se
esbciond sin permiso del propiebrio de la propiedad, y/o que el choler del aub se ha ido
de la propiedad y ha dejada el vehiculo eshacionodo en la propiedad privada par tiempo
indefinido. Eskrs areas o propiedades privodas debars terser letreros qua lean: "Tow Away
Zone" (zany de RemolqueJ.
Si su vehiculo foe remolcado (confiscodo) debido a una violation (o violacionesj de
esbcionamienb qua no ho sido pagad~, usted dabs primero pager par Codas las
infrocciones de estacionamientoantes de recoger su vehiculo. Puede pager en lines a troves
de la pdgina cibern~tica del Condado Miami-0ade,, ppaor Correa, o
en persona en el Miami-Dada County Parking Viobtions Bureau k~calizo en e122 NW First
Street, Miami, Florida. Porn mds information, Home a1305.275. l 133. Una vez que Codas
las inhncciones est~n pagodas, lleve prueba de los pagos a b localization de remolque
pars reclamar su vehiculo.
EI dveno u agents oubrizado puede reclamor su vehicvlo. El dueno del vehkub dabs
presenbr una (I J forma de identification que corresponds con el registro del vehiculo. La
ley del Esbdo de la Fbrida especifica qua un agents autarizodo dabs terser curb de nobrio
del propiebrio del vehiculo. La Campania de remolque no enhegard ningun vehiculo sin to
identification apropiada y en el Colo de un agents, sin el permiso nobriodo.
la brifa "drop" ocurre cuando el dveno del vehiculo llega a la escena una vez que el vehicvlo
ha sido enganchado pero e! carrion de remolque no se ha ido de la escena. Aunque la ley
del Estado de la Florida permits que las componias de remolque fijen una bribe (de drop)
pars desprender su aub, (de no mds del SO% de la brifa de remolque] las companies de
remolque de Miami Beach hors acordado no cobrar esb brifa volunbriomente. La misma
identification requerido pars reclamar su aub del local de remolque es requerida porn qua
no se le cobra la brifa "drop".
Para su comodidad, existen cajeros electronicos (ATM) en las instolaciones de fa
Campania qua efechia los remolques o a una disbncia razonoble a pie. Las companies
de remolque deben de proveer par to menos dos optional de pogo: ebectivo, money
order, cheques viajeros o cheques personates. EI operador de remolque puede requerir
dos formal de identification, una de las Coates dabs terser sv fotogrofia porn los pagos
hechos con cheques.
EI Deparbmenb de Esbcionamienb y Cumpiimienb de bs Normal de Estacionamienb de
b Ciudad de Miami Beach regulars el remolque en las propieclades puWicas y privodas. Para
cue~gw~r pregunb sabre remolquss de propiedad publico o privada, par byvor comuniquese
con la lines Asbfiinica del Cumplimientr~ de los Normal de Estacionamienb de la Ciudad
de Miami Beach al 305.604.C-Tr (2489]. Para hater una queja sabre un chafer de ono
Campania de remolque y su forma de conducir, llama a:
Beach Towing 1.888.SSO.SAFE • Tremors-Towing: 1.888.550.SAFE.
Un remaique de vehieulo puede acurrr par varies mativas. Hay vorias ccrsas qua usted dabs saber,
incluyenda sus resporrsabilidades y detaches can respects a su vehicuio y pasibies motto(s).