LTC 109-2010 International Baccalaureate (IB) Implementation Status`_ ~ ~ ~ 2~~D~'I~ I5 P~fi 2:37 •
. ~ NO. LTC # ~ ~ i ~~ '~; ~, ,
109-2010 ; ~ ~ ~r<~ ~~~~, °~ ~~~f. ~c.:,_
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To: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission
From: -r Jorge M. Gonzalez f
- Gity.Manager ~ '
- ;.. a .:
Date; ~ ApriP 14, 2090 s
. _ .r
. Subject: InternatioriaF Baccalaureate (IB) Implementation Status and 201,0 IB
• Conference of the Americas Invitation to IB Community,Conversation Session
' -
' The purpose of- this Letter to Commission (LTC) is to update the Mayor .and
• Commissioners on the status of the implementation of the International Baccalaureate
. (IB) .Program pursuant to the City of Miami Beach Education Compact .agreed to on 4
January 16,2008, and to invite you to the City sponsored IB Community Conversation
Session on July 14, part of the 2010 IB Conference.
One of the initiatives of the education compact, is to .implement the International ~~ -
Baccalaureate: program throughout all Miami Beach. public schools. As of April 2010,
- Miami. Beach. Senior High School became the first IB authorized school in Miami Beach.
As a result of this authorization., -Miami Beach Senior High School may offer the IB
D,ipfoma Program startirig in Fall 2010 and refer to .itself as an IB World'School (see i
attached). ~ ; Dr. Rosann , Sidener, principal, and staff -are to be commended on this
. significant accomplishment.
. t
We .continue to support. our public elementary, middle, and' K-8 Center; currently
International• Baccalaureate- (IB) candidate schools. Both theCity and the schools are
- rimoving forward with the IB process and working together .towards becoming IB
authorized. • The Miami-.Dade County Rublic School (M-DCPS) personnel have
- requested a continuation of candidate status for_the Primary. Years Program (Grade K
• through .5) :fore three of our, elementary schools (Fienberg-Fisher K-8, Biscayne
-• Elementary, and Treasure ..Island Elementary), resulting in submission of the second
application.. in June 2011.. Two of our elementary schools (South Point Elementary and
- ~ ~ North Beach Elementary) will submit the second application in June~2010 for the Primary
' ~ Years- Program; with an-expected authorization visit in Fall 2010. `
Y. ..
• • - We have been meeting with M-DCPS personnel to discuss the submission of the second
. application for. the five-year Middle Years. Program. (MYP -grades 6-10). M-DCPS ~
personnel. have request to submit the application in June 2011 „with an authorization visit -
'in fall 2011. The .Continuation of Candidacy Declaration will be extended for one
. ~ additional -year to allow. for further development of the five-year MYP. This will ensure
our youth have access to the IB at every grade level within our City.
- -
The: City, in partnership with IB; will offer an IB Community Conversation Session on July
1,4; •2010 at 6:30 p.rn. at the Convention Center Hall allow our community access to ,
iB experts from around. the world at no cost. Please RSVP with my office by contacting
Dolores Mejia, -Special Projects Administrator, via. email at
• `or at extension 6834: ~ .
.The program.. will provide the following:.
'' ~ ~ - Overview of the IB from one of the IBO leaders
:. - Question and Answer session for the community participants
Breakout • sample lessons for the Primary Year; Program (PYP Grades K-5),
' ~ ~ ~ ~.. Middle -Years Program (MYP Grades 6-10) and Diploma Program (Grades. 11-
12) facilitated' by an JB manager or master teacher in both -English and Spanish.
. ,,. .
- The 201'0 IB_Conference of the Americas, from'July 14-1$; 2010, at the Fontainebleau
will welcome over 1,500 members of the worldwide IB community to participate. ~ The
2010 IB Americas conference .will bring. together IB coordinators, ,teachers,
• administrators,. counselors, school district officials, and school board members, ministers
r ~ ~ of education, researchers, `and... university representatives. This is the one tune each
. _ ' 'year that the entire IB community comes together; which provides a unique opportunity ~ .
' ~ ~ ~ for collaboration =among educators. The City of Miami Beach is honored to host this
`conference;. and we are excited to .provide the} educators in -our region. the unique ,
.opportunity to share lessons learned with their peers from around the .world, so close to r
_ We have made excellent progress to date in the implementation of ..this important
~.. initiative and anticipate healthy, discussion opportunities with City schools as we strive to
' meet the educational .needs of our 'children. This initiative allows teachers to -create a
continuum of access and excellence in education, giving students the .tools they need to ~ ;
- succeed academically at an early age: Implementation of the IB citywide allows schools
the flexibility to take advantage of the richness of their student base and the learning
,opportunities available. within our Cify.. Information is available on our City's website on
the Education-Tab. -
. ,Should you have any questions,. or need additional information, please feel. free to,
" ~ ~ contact me.
. ~ JIVIG/KGB/LDR ' ° . ~. "
~~~. .
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., f j
. ! International Baccalaureate
Baecalaureat International
~~~;,; eachillerato International
IBIS Number 003967-3967 -
Miami Beach Senior High School
2231 .Prairie Avenue
Miami Beach, EL 33139
3/30/2010 ..
i .
' Dear Dr. Rosahn Sidener,
1 am pleased to inform you that yourschool has been authorized to teach the International
--- Baccalaureate Diploma Programme starting Fall 2010. May ttake this opportunity to
congratulate you an this significant accomplishment and welcome you to our growing IB
community. '
w ~ Your school has been assigned the IBIS number written at the tap of this page (003967).
and another number{ 3967 to tog into IBNET. You wiil'need to use both fora few
~.; months after which only the IBIS number will be necessary. It would assist us if-you would
quote both numbers in future correspondence with arty IB office.. ^
Please note the assigned currency for your schooLis tf7e tJS doNar and we ask you to pay
- allfuture IB invoices in that currency.
• We note that you have .appointed' Mr. Andrew -Weiss as the Diploma Programme
coordinator. All queries and requests for information should be channelled through your
coordinator who is the .intermediary between :the IB Orgahizatiori and the school is the coordinator's responsibility to ensure that messages, correspondence - ,
and documents from the tB are passed on in a timely manner to the appropriate persons
' ~ in the school community, including yourself•.Programme-related accessed
on the OCC via your coordinator and teachers, while school .administration-related
information is sent directly to he head of school..
_ . I would like to draw your. attention to ~a very important document entitled General
regulations:: Diploma. Programme. This can be -found on the IB website
.: J (http:llwww.ibo:org/diplomalbecome/} and you have an obligation to Share this document
- with students, .parents and legal guardians. We also encourage you to quote this link in '.
any communications. you create about`the IB programme in your school.
The coordinator should contact OCC support at occCa~ibo•org to request that the OCC
.accounts for your candidate school code are transferred. to your IBNET school code.
Onee this Sias been done your coordinator will be able to manage your school's OCC
accounts on` IBNET: Tnis is apassword-protected site. that provides essential support for
. coordinators and teachers. delivering any of the IB programmes. You can download
' curriculum. niaterials from the online curriculum centre or purchase them from. the IB
store. You can visit the online 18 store at httpa/ for further information. '
' -, As part of your annual fee you will receive 1B World, a magazine that provides information
• . on a wide;range of activities. happening around the 1B community. Please follow this link
--.. ~ ; _ '
- `: 4u~P~dz~h1onlonsl5 Tr1+47 12 791 77 40 IntemationalBaccalaureate
' - ~ Ch 121E Grand Saumnea Fax +41 Z2 791 02 77 Etacca~aur~at International
- ~ .,~ Geneva Erroll: ibh4° Bachiiler.+to International
' A i,rrla~~d V'eb:vr;r,viboorg
http•//www ibo orglheads/documentsMSAConstitution-Dec07.pdf to the constitution of the
Heads Standing,Association to which all heads of 1B World Schools automatically belong.
As a result of this authorization you may riow refer to. your school as an IB World School.
However, we kindly- askyou to refer to the document Rules and Policy for Use of the ..
' tnteiiectual Property- of the iB Organization publi hed in September. 2007'
. ( and would like to draw your attention to the °Trademarks"
section where„ It sta#es that the #erms "IB World School'; "16", "International
Baccalaureate" or any combination are not to be incorporated in a school name. Details
- about the I6 visual identity and logo usage wilt be sent to you in the caming weeks,
If you have any further questions please refer to the Handbook of procedures for the
Diploma Programme, or contact the. coordinator help desk (help@ibo:org) or your regional
office. .
- We look forward to working with you in the future. and, again, warmly welcome you to the
IB community. ,
Yours sincerely,
.. Jeffrey R Beard
- Director General .
'~~ cc: Drew Deutsch, director, l6 Americas
Tim Sullivan, f6 Cardiff
Jennifer Wareham, IB Cardiff
'~ International Baccalaureate
t ~ 8achillerato International
ulternatwnal oaccaiaureate
• _ ~ ~ Baccalaureat International
- ~ ~,~~~ Bachillerato Iriternacional
,k .
i ~ ~ IBIS Number 003967-3967
• Miami Beach Senior High.School r
2231 Prairie Avenue •
~~ Miarr-i Beach, fL 33139
- Dear Dr. Rosann Sidener,
We are pleased to enclose here an official certificate, .property of the international
Baccalaureate Organization, indicating that your school is authorized to offer the !B
- . Diploma Programme. We welcome you to our growing family of teachers and
• students-around the world and look forward to many years of productive partnership.
Yours sincerely
Jeffrey R. Beard
Director General •
"'~~ Route decfitonllortt 15 Tc-I,-47 2~ 797 77 40 lnternational8accalaureate
CH 1218 Grand Saconnex f=a~+ 127910277 Baccalaureat lntemational
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