Michael McAllister - ATS,~ r ~- > ` ;~~ ~. €..._ , ~ ,,..,. d City of Miami Beach Office of the City Clerk 170Q Convention Center Drive. Miami Beach. FL 33139 LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM ,,~. s• . ea+:s ,i .x7bcr,5 er^(xar"Ct u! tr.:anea +rnetner pad cw n6t ~y a ..,.;:Cat •ntt.^, sre+-s !a encouracJe t".e ~asuga t~te~r: o: s-v~C L;,a* er, c~ "^y ~;','~:.ca^.::2 reSv~ut;Cdn :7GtrOt a ,:e/5tt' ~ ary C.~CI~P'dSSlOtt@i :tny i-,. ,G,~•r.;.eCG&Gt7 ;cuGm^'Rr+jairOt .^,f (hC fi:ty Marl@y~Br Or ;SRY CAj C~Dard 6: :a^~mattrz~ ur a^r attron det:turrrk ~ re~ccmntenc]amo;s Ot arty aty personn~ aursrsp true ttme penod et Lhe ermr6 deusaan-mawng praress on suc~~ actror, oeCisa3.^. a• ,e^Xtmn~e^rttr. tlsat f~rses~iy wsir ne Heard qr rga8w*sr! by the aty ~'Amrrxssw» ~ a Cty ~aatd Or o6mmrtte8 'ha term spry-tic:,~:ty m:,tutlei the Irrr~~frPe' 9s ne'.~ ax ttrsy en•.;.g5ye@ eAga~ rr. f4t$Pyc'4g S;yru+•.tt:s The twin "LODbyibts'" has Specific e7tCtt15i~4. PIeRSt r~Mi to Ordinance 2004.3433. ( -- +,t'ti= ,F l'?8i3YtS7 t.8st? (F,rst) iM t) / `~,. ~ ~~ t'%7 f' f e,~r`' t ~ f ( ~.".,,. ~,~"l' ~~llc: t ~(,-,~,[~!~'~~ rk~ ~~'~r~~ft' /~f ~~''?"rct.~ ,. a- t$1tdE~S NAy1E ANL) ApC?i?ESS T rNumbe! antl Street) ,iCity) fS e? iZtp Code) / ~ .~ ~ i ~L- ~ ~, l c ,,., it ~ =`.N ~ J `t' .i., `-'~ :. ( ~ , "~ t"~?'=~ f II /) y ? ~` ~+~' /'` ',, r , ; F~r~`?MF "tiJPASER FA. ER i;tttAii lc`' L LOBBYIST RETAINED BY: e .~ ~-i ii7r!"t~ <#t! / sal. 'f~!! ~N': A.,~t-,. C"Y~ ~ ?Vt1l~9E C'r". PRINGfPAL%GL!ENT : • !QENT#'tY ALL RERSC}N5 NC+1.©iNCs. i?iREGTLY QR iNL31RECTLY A 5°%c ~R tNC3RE OvVNERSHiP INTEREST IN SUCH C;rRp~RR"t(3N pARTNERSHip QR FRIiST E ++~S,PE"ClF{C Lt7BBY ISSUE: Fitt out this section it prineipat is a Corporation, Partnership or Trust [Section 2yt82 (e-J T ~/ V `ti.,titC ?-~~ •;:t+tE~ QFFtC:CR PARTNER ~R i3ENEFiGtARY ~lu ~~.=.plY ~ C~ rli. Ci7Y AGENCIES/iNOIViOUALS T4 BE LOBBIEI]: Pursuant to City Code Seaton 2.482{g) inclt,ds a statement of the extent at any bustnttas, financial, tamitial. professional or other relatipnahip, giving rise to an appearance of an impropriety with any City personnel sought to be lobbied •- further, pursuant to City Code Section 2- 482(ai(41 include a stateme»t of any contractual relaUo»ship (paid ar unpaid) from t2 months preeedtng said Gity petsonnaia~ cammencsment of service with the City to the present date. stating the general mature of the subject tontractuai rRWtian y.ir1 Z~ :Z ~d ~- }~~Id01aZ iv QtSCLOSURE q<: TERMS ANQ AMgUNTS qF LgBBYIST COMPENSATION (O4SCLOSE WHETkER HOURLY. FIAT RATE C3R OTHER). .s.~ , ~ ,.~ <~ IRaQui d) .... , 4 .' wn~ r .'ri 1FAP'ct~iSATit3r:! iRequired• ~~~~ The fallowing infotmatian must be answered. Parsuanr t~~ Mt,artl, Beach C+ty Code Sect+cri 2A88 Ent+tled Prot,drrrted Cafr.pargn Contnbutrons By Lc:,by+sts (;., PraC~;rem?ni issues.. present or•pendina award for goods. equipment or servit:eT a~„rsuant ;o P1t~am, $each C!ty Code 2-a9{3 Entitletl PrahPb+ted Campaign Corrtrtbuttans BY Labby+sts On Real Estate Ceve"cprrertt issues Yes l~+'Tto~ Are yau lobbvino on a~end'mq application fgr a Development Attreement with the City or appficatian for change of zoning rnap designation or change to the Citv's Future Land Use MdpT Rurs~a~t to M+am, l3each Crty Code 2-Qt3+t a.hi Any person (except thaw exempt from the defsn+t+nn of 1^Ghyist` as set tarn, +n 5ecncn 2-~t81 abavet who only appears as a reprt;sentattve of a not-for•prof'it ccrporaican ar entity without Spec+a6 compensal+on of retmbutsement for the appEaran; e, whether direct. or nr,,reat to Express supCaR at or oppos,tron to any +te.•n shall reg,ster with the clerk as requ+red by this Se^tran b.t' shalt rrc•t be required to pay any !£'g;shat+c^ fees Yes Are you representing snot-Eor•profit coroaration or entity without special camDenSation or reimbursement. . L SIGNATJRE UNt1ER BATH: =a~'tatr.i`t ,'}t t.J.".?CIV+St j;a~latcre ei Pr+nt~pa. C+,ent ~ s~'~~i-z. /I 1~"XJ/_~~\ Vt. LOt36Y15T it?ENTIFICATtON: Pracuteo !~ _._. _ f~rrrs Ot idenbfiCetdan r ~~s:= ;~r'v >*+'r;wr+ (Labbyist~ VIi. S{GNATURE ANQ STAMP 4F NOTARY: ',tale :w~ ~ttstrda Ccu~ty c! Mean+,•€~ar~e ~~s:,,rM :.; a•`f3 s+.bs~rr~~: +x tore me _ `f ~~ T h 5 ~ ' ~ dal' Cf ~ i/~:.'~'" ~399"t~,.1',• / E_ r 1.~t `,~~ t~Uh~ .F'ji la3t 4 State Ot F3arida _ - Y Natarizatian of Lobbyist's signature PRfNC1PAL tDENTtF1CATtON: ~` ` /` r-~ ~ Ij ~c _t icC^t~fv:~tE~^ ~ P~-rs*,tr*ar v kt~pvd't ZPrincipalt ° ~ > 3 ~ ;, 3~,~~ ~ ~ 1-{ar 1 spa m n ~ ~ v ~ v ~ m w °i n m State at ~ Ctlunty of h4»-8s~ne G S t f S ~ ~ ~ ~ Wf3rrY .3„~td SU SCfti C G!@ MQ 7C T ~ ~Zj1 '`:3Y Ut 1 ~ ' Zo t ~ p~ ~ ~ ~ _ w N ~ N StgnatufL t~* . .; ,; (ti .«:... :ate of Ftor+da NatarizaUon of Princitaal's signature YO BE COMpLETEO 8Y CITY CLERK'S 5TAi:F ONLY _ _. . _.. Annuat Reg+strAtian feo ( j Yes ( j No Amount Paid S MCR s Oate Paid t•obbyist Registrdtian Form received and vartfiod by' Rewsed 02i i 1 f 20©9 :C SJ.Bnlniy s~s•Sar tr,at a[i Ot the fOrti'gc,t~g tarts are t'::~ 3!"tSY COfreCd and that I nave read pr am fam,t+af ~a'rth I11E ~;r._a~;rSiL7!5r~ CC+~t7~tlad :?'; Sect+an `-QL~a~. 01~ 14`ti:ril, i3e`~y,G.ey-evd@~nd ail repcritng tequrre771et1t5 v ~~ '_ l m City of Mitimi Beach, ~ .. ~~ C:~n+ •. anE~~-, 6euc-+ Ft~nt~tz !3?3`~ .~w . ~,.:om~ia+t3,c~~ct,at ga. - } . _ ~ C'VL_~~i~~"1116fI5:VCLiCtlft (,~Gv ,'~'? ~~ 'µ ! t'Jx 3tl~ fi 724 LflBBYlST NAME:.._... t ~~ ~~' ~~ I~~ ~ ~~"'~ ~____._____..__.__.~_____ a~.. _..... E understartci slat na later than 4cbber 1st of each year, I must File the following `arms, pursuant to ~eCtion 2-4$ of the Miami beach City Code, with the City Clerk's CAFicc: Oar all active lobbying issues. 1) ~abbyist Expenditure Farm ~ 3isclpsure Form Failure to FiiE these Forms an v timely basis will result in my name being transmitted to the ?~Jtiami-Dade County Commissian an Ethics and for code violation evaluatian. fn c>ddttican,. once an issue i have registered to tabby on has been resolved, I am required 'a immediately notify the City Clerk's C>ffice of lobbyist withdrawaM in wrising. c __ _____..._.______....._.w.___.__._____ ...__ ~____......_ Si . ture~ .ate: