LTC 169-2010 Cleanliness Index & Assessment ....m MIAMIBEACH
OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Llri i. ,~~ ~ ii ;;~°`i ~ ~ ~ 3
To: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission
FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager
DATE: June 8, 2010
SUBJECT: Cleanliness Index & Assessment Program Results for FY 2009/10 Quarter 2
The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to communicate the results of the award winning
Cleanliness Index and Assessment program from FY2009/10 Quarter 2 (January 1, 2010 to
March 31, 2010).
The Miami Beach Public Area Cleanliness Index is an objective measurement of performance
ranging from 1.0 (Very Clean) to 6.0 (Very Dirty) and includes assessments of litter, litter/
garbage cans/dumpsters, organic material, and fecal matter. The results of the assessments are
used to monitor the impacts of recently implemented initiatives to target areas for future
improvements, and assure the quality of services.
During FY2006/07, the City tightened the target for the Citywide and area-specific cleanliness
indices from 2.0 to 1.5 -the lower the score on the cleanliness index indicates a cleaner area.
This target continues to be the same through FY2007/08, FY 2008/09, and FY2009/10. As
important, the City also has a goal to ensure that 90 percent of assessments score 2.0 or better.
Summary of the Cleanliness Assessment Results FY 2009/10 Quarter 2
Overall, the citywide cleanliness index remained steady during FY09/10 Quarter 2 when
compared to the same quarter in FY2005/06 (the first year the program was implemented), but
increased by 9% when compared to the same quarter in FY2008/09. In general, the City's
cleanliness has steadily progressed as evidenced by the index, anecdotal information, and
results of our most recent resident surveys.
Positive and Improved Areas in FY 2009/10 Quarter 2
Beach Areas -Both City of Miami Beach responsibility and Miami-Dade County
responsibility areas improved by 7% and 12% respectively when compared to the same
quarter in FY2005/06 (base year). Also, the City of Miami Beach responsibility area
improved by 6.5% when compared to the same quarter in FY2008/09. Currently, beach
assessments are only taking place weekdays and weekends from 8:OOam-7:30pm.
Scores have remained steady over time, but Sanitation will reevaluate the need to
conduct beach assessments after 7:30pm for the part of the year when there is sunlight
after 7:30pm.
Areas of Focus
Organic Materials -Overall scores in most public areas increased when compared to the
same quarter in FY 2008/09 and appeared as an area of focus. Poor scores are due to
freeze experienced at the beginning of the year, which had not happened in prior years.
Sanitation will look into having a more proactive approach to freezing conditions similar to
those used during special event periods such as Memorial Day, etc.
Parking Lots -This area appeared as an area of focus mostly due to poor litter scores
and overFlowing trash cans. Scores affected due to peak time of year with spring break
generating increased litter scores, especially at night due to higher demand in parking lots.
In addition, scores reflected a difference between day and night assessments. Sanitation
will look at some redeployment of staff at end of late night shift to do a late night run by
entertainment area, especially between 17th and 23rd street, which currently does not
have night coverage. Also, Collins Park Parking Lot and 46th Street will be added to the
regular supplemental collection routes by crews. Additional garbage cans will be placed on
the parking lot at 46th Street. Another area of focus with parking lots is the continuous
problem with parking lot garbage collection. Sanitation will continue to work with the
haulers to reinforce their role.
Alleys -Scores appeared as an area of focus due mostly to overflowing dumpsters in the
south area and this might be related to lack of Code support in the alleys. Code
Compliance will research this to determine if this is due to other priorities, such as staff
being diverted to handle noise complaints or lack of performance. Code will look into
scheduling additional staff in the early morning to provide sufficient resources for both
noise and alleys. In addition, Code will ensure that Sanitation continues to receive daily
reports related to alley enforcement.
Cleanliness Key Intended Outcome
Cleanliness was identified in our community surveys as a key driver impacting overall quality of
life. Also, in the 2009 survey, residents and businesses rated cleanliness as the number one
service the City should strive not to reduce. Although additional improvement remains good,
since the inception of the cleanliness assessment program, the City has seen noted increases in
overall service levels and satisfaction in the community in this important service area.
Cleanliness Index Score Per Public Area (target = 1.5)
Public Area fY2005106
Qt 02 Q3 Q4 FY Score
Overall Cit Score 2.20 1.94 2.24 2.03 2.10
Streets' 2.07 1.98 2.22 1.84 2.03
Not incwding alleys 1.99 1.85 2.16 1.74 1.94
commercial - Entertainment 1.84 1.78 2.44 1.74 1.95
Commerdal -Non-Entertainment 1.89 1.87 1.81 1.75 1.83
Residential 2.25 1.93 2.11 1.74 2.01
Alleys^ 2.46 2.69 2.75 2.49 2.60
Sidewalks 2.02 2.05 2.33 1.84 2.06
Commamial - Entertainment 1.87 1.95 2.50 1.86 2.04
Commercial-Non-Entertainment 1.97 2.15 1.91 1.79 1.95
Residental 2.28 2.11 2.35 1.83 2.14
Parks 2.08 1.53 1.93 2.04 1.90
Parki 2.25 2.26 2.30 2.01 2.21
Waterwa 2.77 2.12 2.93 2.53 2.59
Beach Areas
City of Miami Beach Rasponaibility 2,02 1.68 1.60 1.91 1.65
Miami-Dade County Rasponaibility 1.96 1.76 2.04 1.95 1.93
Not incweing arrays 1.57 1.59
Commamial -Entertainment 1.56 1.56
Commercial-Non-Entertainme 1.51 1.60
Residential 1.63 1.64
Alleys- 226 2.07
Sidewalks 1.66 1.72
Commercial-Entenalnment 1.61 1.68
Commercial-Non-Entertainmem 1.64 1.75
Publtc Area D1 Q? Q3 D4 FY Score % change
from prior FY
store % change
from base FY
Overall Ci Score 1.69 1.76 1.65 1.91 1.75 -16.6°6
Streets' 1.80 1.64 1.62 1.88 1.73 _ -14.5
Not including alleys 1.66 1.59 1.59 1.79 1.66 3.9 % -14.4
commercial-Entertainment 1.68 1.61 1.59 1.73 1.65 5.8% -15.3%
Commercal -Non-Entertainment 1.74 1.51 1.52 1.82 1.65 3.1% -10.0%
Restdenual 1.57 1.63 1.65 1.87 1.68 2.0 % •16.5%
rweys^ 2.21 1.83 1.72 2.10 1.97 -4.9 % -24.3
Sidewalks 1.77 1.70 1.61 1.82 1.73 0.1 % -16.2
Commercial-Entertainment 1.73 1.66 1.62 1.74 1.69 0.7% -17.5%
Commercai -Non-Entertainment 1.88 1.73 1.55 2.01 1.79 2.2 % -8.3
Resiaential 1.80 1.77 1.66 1.85 1.77 1.4% -17.3%
Parks 1.58 1.79 1.55 1.9 % •18.1
Parking 1.96 1.92 1.81 2.14 1.96 a.9 % -11.1
Waterway 2.18 2.06 1.96 2.19 2.10 0.6 % -18.8
Beach Areas
City of Miami Beach Responsibility 1.68 1.67 1.51 1.61 1.62 2.0 % -12.5
Miami-Dade County Responsibility 1.71 1.54 1.77 1.61 -5.1 % •16.7°
FY 2009110 change
from same
Pubilc Area Q1 ~ p3 Q4 FY Score %change
from prior Qfr % change in
prior FY G1V quarter in
base year
Overall Ci Score
Streets' 1.71
1.68 1.92
1.95 -
_. +. -0.8
-L 5 ~°
Not including alleys 1.63 1.83 '.2.4'i~ 45.2% -1.0%
Commercial -Entertainment 1.70 1.92 13.1 % 19.6 % 7.7
Commercal -Non-Entertainment 1.61 1.84 14.3 % 21.7 % -1.8
Residental 1.55 1.67 8.3 % 2.9 % -13.2
Alleys^ 1.88 2.37 26.1 % 29.7 % -11.8
Sidewalks 1.74 1.92 10.7 % 13.2 % -6.2
Commecial - Entertainment 1.82 1.98 9.1 % 19.6 % 1.8
Commercal -Non-Entertainment 1.72 1.93 12.7 % 11.8 % -9.9
Parks 1.68 1.74
1.61 3.6 %
14.6 % -2.0%
1.4 % -17.8%
Parki 2.00 2.22 10.6 % 15.3 % -1.9%
Waterwa 1.91 2.27 18.9 % 10.0 % 7.1
Beach Areas
Ci of Miami Beach Res nsibili
Miami-Dade Coun Res nsibili 1.56 1.56
1.63 1.56 •0.1%
-3.9% -6.5 %
1.3 % -7.1
' Pdvate /Business garbage dumpsters scores are not used in the calculation of this score.
" Private /Business garbage dumpsters were not assessed in FY05 04 and FY06 01.
Note: Target in f-l'2005/O6 was 2.0 and was changed to 1.5 in FY2006/07
FY2005lO6 (Base year)
Publlc Area Q1 02 Q3 Q4 FY Score
Ci ide 57.5% 71.1% 56.7% 75.5% 65.2%
Streets 65.7 % 79.2 % 63.9 % 84.8 % 73.4
Commercal-Entertainment 66.1% 81.1% 47.5% 74.6% 67.3%
Commemial -Nan-Entertainment 76.7% 72.2% 82.4% 97.9% 82.3%
Residential 56.8 % 84.6 % 66.2 % 86.1 % 73.5
Sidewalks 62.6% 68.7 % 56.4 % 79.3% 66.7
Commercal-Entertainment 69.2% 71.8% 41.7% 71.7% 63.6%
Commercial -Non-Entertainment 63.5 % 56.4 % 79.8 % 87.4 % 71.8
Residendal 52.4 % 78.1 % 52.5 % 82.2 % 66.2
Alle 37.7 % 36.8 % 37.0 % 56.2 % 41.9
Parks 46.3% 68.0 % 68.2 % 63.8 % 66.6
Parkin 48.0% 59.5 % 49.2 % 69.0% 56.4%
W aterwa 42.9 % 83.7 % 34.5 % 56.8 % 54.5
Beach CMB 64.1% 83.8% 66.0% 78.5% 73.1%
Beach MDC 75.3% 78.4% 53.9% 77.2% 71.2%
Publlc Area
FY Score
Difference from
prior FY score
Difference from
Base Year
Ci ide
Commercial-Entertainment 76.2 %
80.5% 80.9 %
89.8 % 88.8 %
94.5% 78.0%
84.1 %
86.5% 61.0%
87.1 %
SS.t % 0.7^r~
- .~ i~
0.0 % 15.8°i6
Commercial -Non-Entertainment 77.8 %
~ 92.0% 77.4 % 84.6 % -3.9 % 2.3
Residential 89.7% 86.5 % 88.0 % 84.0% 87.0% 0.9 % 13.6
commercial-Entertainmem 79.7 %
82.7% 88.2% 91.8%
94.4% 80.9 %
85.9% 85.2 %
88.6% 4.4 %
3.6% 18.4
Commercial -Non-Entertainment 69.4% 82.9 % 93.2% 67.7% 78.3% 0.6 % 6.6
Residential 83.1 % 85.7% 86.6 % 80.0 % 83.9 % 5.5 % 17.6
Parks 50.0% 76.5 %
75.7 % 77.8 % 63.5%
75.7 % 67.0%
84.1 % 3.1 %
-2.0 % 25.0
Parkin 70.0% 67.9% 84.2% 69.0% 72.8% -t.6% t6.4%
Beach CMB 68.3%
80.3% 71.2%
72.6% 75.9 % 72.2% 71.9%
84.4% 2.4 %
-1.8% 17.4
Beach MDC 75.8% 89.3% 84.2% 85.8% 1.4% 14.6%
Area fY2009l70 Difference from
FY Score Difference from
prior DV Difference from
prior FY Qtr same quarter in
base year
Ci ide 80.0 % 71.7% 0-6
Streets 86.5 % 78.1 % :,.:; ;c: %:
Commercial-Entertainment 86.0% 78.8% -7.3 % -12.2 % -2.4
Commemial-Non-Entertainment 87.0% 76.9% -50.1% -14.1% 4.8%
Residential 86.8% 78.7 % -8. t % -7.7 % -5.9
Sidewalks 79.7 % 72.2% -7.5 % -16.0 % 3.5
Commemial-Entertainment 78.8% 70.0% -8.8 % -25.4 % -5.8
Commercial -Non-Entertainment 83.1 % 69.8% -13.3 % -13.1 % 13.4%
Rmidondal 77.9 % 79.5% 1.6 % -6.2 % 1.4%
Parks 71.7% 55.8 %
86.3% -t 5.9 %
-8.2% -20.7 %
10.6% 18.9
Parkin 65.1% 50.8% -14.3% -57.2% -8.7%
Beach CMB 82.8%
88.6% 68.9% -73.9%
3.8°/, -2.3%
19.8% -14.8%
Beath (MDC) 88.6% 89.7% 1.1 % 0.4% 11.4%
Next Quarter Assessments
City employees and Neighborhood Leadership Academy alumni and students are conducting
cleanliness assessments every quarter. If you or any member of your staff is interested in
participating in the City's Public Area Cleanliness Program, please contact Isabel Stillone with
the Office of Budget and Performance Improvement at extension 6354.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.