2001-24625 Reso RESOLUTION NO. 2001-24625 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, PURSUANT TO REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) NO. 10-00/01, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH THE FIRM OF THE CORRADINO GROUP, INC., IN THE AMOUNT OF $339,689, COMPRISED OF: $117,293 FOR THE PLANNING SERVICES FEE, $115,624 FOR THE DESIGN SERVICES FEE, $8,512 FOR BIDDING AND A WARD SERVICES FEE, $74,960 TO COVER THE TRAFFIC STUDY FEE, AND $23,300 FOR THE COST OF REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES SUCH AS SURVEY, PRINTING, AND TESTING FOR THE NORTH SHORE NEIGHBORHOOD STREETSCAPE PROJECT; AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE PROJECT IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $400,885 AS FOLLOWS: $339,689 COMPRISED OF $179,516 FROM THE SERIES 2000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND, $116,983 FROM THE WATER AND SEWER BOND AND $43,190 FROM THE QUALITY OF LIFE YEAR 3 FUND TO COVER THE PLANNING AND DESIGN FEE AND REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES; AND AN ADDITIONAL $61,196 FROM THE WATER AND SEWER BOND TO COVER THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS OFFICE (CIP) PROJECT MANAGEMENT FEE. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: WHEREAS, the City has issued General Obligation (G.O.) Bonds, Stormwater Revenue Bonds and Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, to provide funding for a number of needed capital projects to be constructed in various areas of the City to upgrade and improve the infrastructure for the purpose of providing better service to residents and visitors; and WHEREAS, The Corradino Group, Inc., was selected as the top ranked firm by an Evaluation Committee and recommended by the Administration on May 16, 2001, regarding Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 10-00101 for Urban Design, Landscape and Engineering services for the North Shore Neighborhood ( the Project); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 2001-24382, adopted by the Mayor and City Commission on May 16, 20001, the Administration has negotiated an Agreement with The Corradino Group, Inc., to develop design and construction documents for the Project; and WHEREAS, the Agreement is composed of planning services, in the amount of $117,293, design services in the amount of $115,624, bidding and award services in the amount of $8,512, traffic study services in the amount of $74, 960, and reimbursable expenses in the amount of $23,000, for the Project; and WHEREAS, the Administration now requests approval of a Professional Services Agreement between The Corradino Group Inc., in the amount of $339,689, for professional urban design, landscape architecture and engineering services to perform the planning, design, bidding and award for the neighborhood improvements, including streetscape and utility improvements to the North Shore Neighborhood, and for reimbursable expenses costs; and WHEREAS, the Administration further requests appropriation of funds, in the amount of $179,516, from the Series 2000 General Obligation Bond Fund, and $178,179, from the Series 2000 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond Fund, and $43,190 from the Quality of Life (North Beach Strategic Plan) Year 3, for a total appropriation of $440,885 to cover the professional design services, and the Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Office project management fee. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and the City Commission approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Agreement between the City of Miami Beach and the firm of the Corradino Group, Inc., pursuant to Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No.1O-00/01, to provide planning services, in the amount of $339,689, comprised of: $117,293 for the planning services fee, $115,624 for the design services fee, $8,512 for bidding and award services fee, $74,960 to cover the traffic study fee, and $23,300 for the cost of reimbursable expenses such as survey, printing, and testing for the North Shore Neighborhood Streetscape Project; and appropriating funds for the Project in the total amount of $400,885 as follows: $339,689 comprised of $179,516 from the Series 2000 General Obligation Bond Fund, $116,983 from the Water and Sewer Bond and $43,190 from the Quality of Life Year 3 Fund to cover the planning and design fee and reimbursable expenses; and an additional $61,196 from the Water and Sewer Bond to cover the Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Office Project Management Fee. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of October' 2001. MAYOR ATTEST: ~rp~. CITY CLERK , APPROIIEDAS 10 FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION ~ - ~~fI).;:;'" , SCHEDULE A CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA RIGHT OF WAY INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SCOPE OF AlE CONSULTANT SERVICES CONSULTANT: Corradino Group BACKGROUND The City of Miami Beach (CITY) has developed various programs to improve the quality of life of its residents. On November 2.1999, voters approved the issuance of approximately $92 million in General Obligation (GO) Bonds for Neighborhood, Parks, Beach and Fire Safety Improvements. of which $57 million is allocated for capital right-of-way infrastructure projects (Program). In addition to this allocation, CITY Administration proposes that a portion of the recent Water and Wastewater Bond and Stormwater Bond issues also are allocated for capital right-of-way infrastructure projects. These estimated $187 million of public right of way infrastructure improvement projects are to be implemented over the next six (6) years. Program elements include citywide water, wastewater and stormwater improvements; as well a variety of streetscape enhancement projects. The CITY has contracted the services of Hazen and Sawyer, P.C. to function as Program Manager (PROGRAM MANAGER). and act as the CITY's agent with regard to all aspects of this scope of services. Hence, PROGRAM MANAGER shall serve as the focal point of contact with the Architectural/Engineering firm (CONSULTANT). The CITY will retain contractual agreement responsibilities with the CONSULTANT firms. Due to the large number of projects that will be ongoing coincidentally during the Program, the PROGRAM MANAGER has developed a Program Work Plan (PWP) detailing procedures and policies for the overall Program. This PWP manual dictates the respective responsibilities and levels of authority for all program team members. Organizational structure flowcharts and team member duties are included to establish a working understanding regarding reporting and communication relationships on the Program. The PWP includes a listing of design and construction phase deliverables from the various AlEs and Contractors, along with proposed PROGRAM MANAGER duties during the planning, design and construction phases of the Program, One copy of the PWP will be given to CONSULTANT. who agrees to comply with procedures set forth therein. The CITY has prepared the City of Miami Beach Water System Master Plan dated November 1994 and the Comprehensive Storm water Management Program Master Plan dated March 1997 which identifies the preliminary investigations, analysis and recommendations to improve water and stormwater infrastructure throughout the City. Subsequent planning efforts by the CITY identified water infrastructure to be replaced and gathered data within certain neighborhoods for use in preliminary drainage assessments. Data gathered for the stormwater infrastructure includes the following: . Test Borings c-. '" . Soil permeability tests (SFWMD Usual Condition Test Method) . Existing stormwater drainage facility assessment Page 1 of 29 MBA002C001 (No.2 North Shore).doc Corradino - No. 2 There are a total of thirteen neighborhoods within the Program scope. This scope of services refers to CONSULTANT planning (Task 1). design (Task 2), bidding (Task 3), construction administration (Task 4) services and Reimbursables (Task 6) specifically related to the following neighborhood(s): 1. Neighborhood NO.2 - North Shore The North Shore neighborhood is bounded by 87th Terrace on the north. the Atlantic Ocean on the east. 63rd Street on the south and Indian Creek and Tatum Waterway on the west. The neighborhood is highly urbanized and densely populated with multifamily apartments and condominiums. The commercial district is located along Collins Avenue and 71st Street. These commercial streets were recently reconstructed; therefore, they are not expected to be included in the scope of this project. The CITY has held community workshop meetings with residents of the North Shore community to address their needs. The scope of work includes the following: . Enhanced pedestrian and vehicular streetscape improvements . Comprehensive landscaping and irrigation . Traffic calming . Sidewalks . Street lighting . Street resurfacing . Swale enhancement . Parking layout and signage . Water-line. wastewater and drainage improvements . Coordination with the North Beach Recreational Corridor to provide bicycle and pedestrian trail connections from the neighborhood to the oceanfront The work will also consist of coordination with other consultants with respect to the FOOT trafficway improvement projects and others. The following are known projects in this neighborhood that need to be coordinated: . 71 sl Street Charrette . Related Company development of City-owned 72"d street site . Sewer force main and pump station relocation of the 72"d street site Page 2 of 29 MB:4002C001 (No.2 North Shore).doc Corradino - No. 2 . Other sewer force main replacements which the City are planning to complete under a separate contract. One of these force mains is in nnd Street . FOOT 63rd Street Bridge repairs . FOOT 63RO Street flyover removal . FOOT 71'( Street Corridor Livable Communities study by Renaissance Planning Group and Bermello and Ajamil . Citywide Parking Study by Walker Parking Consultants with Corradino Group . Miami Beach North Entrance Gateway Project Other City projects also include shoreline stabilization. seawall repair and/or upland improvements to City-owned property along inland waterways and canals. The CONSULTANT's work effort will have to be coordinated with other entities so that work can be constructed in a sequenced manner. Total construction costs budgeted for this neighborhood approximate $5.125.300; $120.205 for the nnd Street Improvements at North Shore Park and $5,005.095 for the remaining portions of the North Shore neighborhood. The total construction costs associated with the neighborhood are funded from the General Obligation. Water and Wastewater and Stormwater Revenue Bond Series. A general map is attached as Exhibit A, Please note that the Exhibit identifies the neighborhood limits as well as the location of water main replacement. sanitary sewer replacement and areas requiring further investigation. Note that a separate Notice to Proceed is required from the CITY prior to the commencement of work on any Task. For purposes of this scope of services. the work is herein defined to include two bid packages that are to be implemented on two separate timelines. These bid packages are as follows: Bid Package Description Bid Package A nnd Street Improvements at North Shore Park Bid Package B - North Shore TASK 1 - PLANNING SERVICES The purpose of this Task is to establish a consensus design concept for the referenced neighborhood(s) that meets the needs of the community and stays within established schedule and cost parameters. Note that Tasks 1.1 through 1,5 are intended to develop a database for the performance of Community Design Workshops. The total number of Community Design Workshops to be conducted per neighborhood as discussed in Task 1.6. Based on the results Page 3 of 29 MB:4002COOl (No.2 North Shore).doc Corradino - No. 2 of the Community Design Workshops, a draft Basis of Design Report shall be developed as noted in Task 1.7. Subsequent design review committee presentations and approvals shall be as noted in Task 1.8. A final Basis of Design Report shall then be prepared summarizing the accepted design concept. budget level cost estimate and implementation schedule as noted in Task 1.10. To facilitate the implementation of a Public Information Program, CONSULTANT shall provide electronic files of all project documents, as requested by CITY and/or PROGRAM MANAGER. Planning services for the work associated with Bid Package A must be completed within 22 working days from receipt of the Notice to Proceed. Task 1.1 - Proiect Kick-Off Meetinq: CONSULTANT shall meet with CITY and PROGRAM MANAGER to review existing planning documents and results of previous scoping sessions held with affected neighborhood(s) and receive copies of available reference documents. CITY and PROGRAM MANAGER shall present general discussions as to Program procedures and direction. Based on this meeting CONSULTANT will schedule a reconnaissance visit of the Project site(s). CONSULTANT's level of effort is based upon the attendance at one (1) meeting. PROGRAM MANAGER shall prepare and distribute meeting minutes, accordingly. Deliverables: - Attend Project kick off meeting. Schedule: - Within 5 working days of Task 1 - Planning Phase Notice-to-Proceed. Task 1.2 - Infrastructure Planninq: The CITY has performed certain planning efforts that identified the location of water and sanitary sewer infrastructure replacement. The approximate location of these improvements has been identified in Exhibit A and the clarification document to the Water Master Plan dated June 29. 2001. lt is the CITY's intent to have all galvanized water mains / service connections and tuberculated cast iron mains replaced under this Program. The CITY'S Water System Consultant has recently established additional guidelines for prioritizing the recommended water line improvements to assist in the planning efforts. In general these are as follows: . All items identified as "Water Line Replacement" and Galvanized Water Line Replacement" must be replaced under the scope of the ROW projects. Hence. replacement of these lines is to be included in the project scope and costs presented at the "visioning" session. . All items identified as "Water Line Replacement and / or Refurbishing" and "Water Line Extension" are discretionary and will be replaced only if sufficient funding is available. Decisions on funding availability will be made by the CITY based on information provided by the CONSULTANT at the "Visioning" Session. If sufficient funding is found available to implement discretionary replacements. the CITY will utilize the services of its Water System Consultant to perform necessary investigations to identify areas were these replacements will be implemented. Under this task, CONSULTANT shall also meet with the Miami-Dade Department of Environmental Resource Management (DERM) and CITY to define the level of service required for stormwater infrastructure improvements. It is the CITY's intent that its Stormwater Consultant lead and coordinate a meeting with DERM. The intent of this meeting is to establish the regulatory drainage requirements for the entire City of Miami Beach. During the planning phase of this project. the CONSULTANT will be required to prepare a detailed traffic analysis and Page 4 of 29 MB:4002COOl (No.2 North Shore),doc Corradino - No.2 schematic design of alternatives for a proposed reconfiguration of Collins Avenue and Harding Avenue between 76th Street and 87th Terrace (please refer to the RFQ, Appendix B 1994 Duany Plater-Zyberk Plan), Task 1.3 - Proiect Site Reconnaissance Visit and Development of Alternative Streetscape Treatments: CONSULTANT shall attend a reconnaissance site visit for each neighborhood. CITY staff and representatives will attend the site visit(s) from the project area, This will facilitate CONSULTANT's understanding of the project area needs. Based on the results of the site visit(s). CONSULTANT shall assemble three (3) reference images identifying alternative streets cape treatments that each area may follow. One of the reference images shall present proposed improvements possible under current budget limitations. The other images shall reflect additional levels of potential improvements that may be possible based.on future phases of the Program that are to date unfunded. CONSULTANT's level of effort anticipates the preparation of streetscape renderings for up to six (6) areas. Renderings will be prepared in an electronic format on digital photographs and will not be architectural grade. It is the intent of this scope of services that the CONSULTANT shall prepare alternative streetscape treatments for the various areas (single, multi family. commercial. etc.). In addition. CONSULTANT shall prepare preliminary "budget" level cost estimates (+30%. -15% as defined by the American Association of Cost Engineers) for each alternative treatment indicating opinions of probable cost. Estimates shall present costs by category types (I.e. paving. lighting, landscaping, etc.) and shall be prepared in a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet format. PROGRAM MANAGER shall provide a template for the requisite cost estimate format to CONSULTANT. CONSULTANT shall prepare and distribute meeting minutes of each project site reconnaissance visit. accordingly. Deliverables: - Attend reconnaissance project site visit(s) - Develop alternative streetscape images for each area - Develop "budget" level cost estimates for each alternative streetscape image Schedule: - Within 30 working days of completion of Task 1.1 services. Task 1.4 - Attend "Visioninq" Session: After conducting the project site visit(s) and developing alternative streetscape treatments and cost estimates. CONSULTANT shall attend a half-day "Visioning" session to be scheduled with representatives of CITY. CONSULTANT and PROGRAM MANAGER for each neighborhood. The purpose of the "Visioning" session(s) shall be to clarify project goals to prepare for the Community Design Workshops. Issues to be discussed shall include the proposed alternative streetscape treatments, budget and schedule. CONSULTANT shall prepare and distribute meeting minutes, accordingly. Oeliverables: - Attend "Visioning" session(s) with representatives from CITY and PROGRAM MANAGER. Schedule - Within 5 working days of Task 1.2 completion. Page 5 of 29 MB:4002COOl (No.2 North Shore).doc Corradino - No. 2 Task 1.5 - Review MeetinQ Prior to Community DesiQn Workshops: CONSULTANT shall meet with applicable CITY and PROGRAM MANAGER staff to ensure that any and all concerns regarding project scope, schedule and cost parameters are addressed prior to scheduling the initial Community Design Workshops for each neighborhood. PROGRAM MANAGER shall prepare and distribute meeting minutes. accordingly. Deliverables: - Meet with representatives of CITY and PROGRAM MANAGER during Task 1.1 through 1.4 work. Schedule - Through completion of Task 1.1 through 1.4 work. Task 1.6 - Communitv DesiQn Workshops: Design workshops provide an opportunity for residents of affected communities to participate in the planning process for right of way improvements in their respective neighborhoods. To this end, a series of community workshops shall be conducted. CITY will schedule, find locations for, and notify residents of all such meetings. CONSULTANT shall prepare all materials for presentation at each workshop. At a minimum these shall include "full size" graphics / renderings. a summary of cost estimates. workshop agendas and requisite handouts of each. CONSULTANT shall prepare draft meeting minutes and forward them to PROGRAM MANAGER, who shall review, provide comments, and distribute, accordingly. Each workshop is intended to address specific design issues as discussed in the following: Task 1.6.1 Community Design Workshop No.1 - The first workshop is intended to provide community residents with a review of the proposed project scope. budget and schedule and create a consensus plan with community concurrence. CONSULTANT shall prepare full size presentation graphics illustrating the Site Analysis Maps and Alternative Streetscape Treatments developed under Tasks 1.3 and 1.4. As previously noted. the alternatives shall present proposed improvements possible under current budget limitations and additional levels of potential improvements that may be possible based on future phases of the Program that are to date unfunded. In addition, graphics shall be prepared presenting a summary of probable costs for the various improvements and the workshop agenda. "Budget" level. cost estimates shall be +30%. -15% as defined by the American Association of Cost Engineers. Based on this data, CONSULTANT shall present the preliminary planning information to attendees. CITY and PROGRAM MANAGER staff will also attend these meetings, and assist CONSULTANT with responses to resident questions. as applicable. CONSULTANT shall note reasonable design revision requests from residents for review and incorporation into the proposed plan. Due to the fixed nature of funding on the various projects within the Program, budget limits must be adhered to. CONSULTANT shall be prepared to discuss budgets and the various impacts of resident requested revisions on such, accordingly. Oeliverables: - Prepare materials. attend and conduct Community Design Workshop NO.1 for each neighborhood Schedule: - Within 10 working days after completion of Task 1.4 Task 1.6.2 Community Design Workshop No.2 - The second workshop is intended to present community residents with the selected streetscape treatment concept, budget and schedule based on the input received during Workshop No. 1. CONSULTANT shall prepare full size presentation graphics illustrating the selected streetscape treatment, Page 6 of 29 MB:4002C001 (No.2 North Shore),doc Corradino - No. 2 along with a summary of probable costs for the improvements and the workshop agenda. The selected streets cape treatment shall be presented in two phases. The first phase shall illustrate proposed improvements possible under current budget limitations. The second phase shall illustrate additional levels of potential improvements that may be possible based on future phases of the Program that are to date unfunded. "Budget" level cost estimates shall be +30%. -15% as defined by the American Association of Cost Engineers. Based on this data, CONSULTANT shall present the information to attendees. CITY and PROGRAM MANAGER staff will also attend these meetings, and assist CONSULTANT with responses to resident questions. as applicable. CONSULTANT shall note that the design concepts presented during this meeting are considered "near final" and CITY will consider only minor design revision requests from residents for review and incorporation into the proposed plan. Any comments accepted by the CITY resulting from this workshop shall be incorporated during the Task 2 Design Phase. No additional workshops will be scheduled. Deliverables: - Prepare materials. attend and conduct Community Design Workshop NO.2 for each neighborhood Schedule - Within 15 working days of Community Design Workshop NO.1 Task 1.6.3 Community Design Workshop No.3 - The third workshop is intended to present community residents with the final streetscape treatment concept. budget and schedule based on the input received during Workshop Nos. 1 and 2. CONSULTANT shall prepare full size presentation graphics illustrating the final streetscape treatment. along with a summary of probable costs for the improvements and the workshop agenda. The final streetscape treatment shall be presented in two phases, The first phase shall illustrate proposed improvements possible under current budget limitations. The second phase shall illustrate additional levels of potential improvements that may be possible based on future phases of the Program that are to date unfunded. "Budget" level cost estimates shall be +30%, -15% as defined by the American Association of Cost Engineers. Based on this data. CONSULTANT shall present the information to attendees. CITY and PROGRAM MANAGER staff will also attend these meetings. and assist CONSULTANT with responses to resident questions. as applicable. CONSULTANT shall note that the design concepts presented during this meeting are considered "final" and CITY will not consider design revision requests from residents for review and incorporation into the proposed plan, Deliverables: Prepare materials, attend and conduct Community Design Workshop NO.3 for each neighborhood Schedule: - Within 20 working days of Community Design Workshop NO.2 Task 1.7 - Basis of Desiqn Report (DRAFT): CONSULTANT shall prepare a draft Basis of Design Report (BODR) for each neighborhood presenting the results of the Community Design Workshops and final design plan. The BODR will include a summary of findings and a map illustrating all proposed improvements under the current phase of the project, inclusive of water. wastewater. stormwater. urban design. streetscape and landscape. Where required. CONSULTANT shall perform a corridor study to determine the most desirable routing for proposed underground improvements. A separate map shall be prepared by CONSULTANT to Page 7 of 29 MB:4002COOl (No.2 North Shore).doc Corradino - No. 2 illustrate proposed future improvements, as agreed with residents during the Community Design Workshops. that are yet unfunded. The BOOR shall include sufficient detail in plans. sections. notes and key descriptions to facilitate review by the various CITY permitting and planning divisions discussed in Task 1.8 The draft BOOR shall also include discussions and graphics illustrating: . A project implementation plan, inclusive of utility and streetscape construction phasing and traffic control details with a discussion of expected impacts to the affected neighborhood. . Proposed water, wastewater and stormwater improvements. A corridor study may be required if routing is not clearly indicated on existing planning documents. or if proposed routing is determined to be congested with existing improvements. . A discussion of existing right-of-way encroachments. including the extent and locations of such. . A "budget" level cost estimate prepared in conformance with format provided by PROGRAM MANAGER. Estimates shall be provided for both current phase and future (unfunded) improvements. Based upon CONSULTANTs cost estimate. CITY shall advise CONSULTANT if portions of the project need to be deleted, phased and/or bid as alternate bid items to satisfy existing fiscal constraints. CONSULTANT shall revise BOOR to reflect such issues accordingly. . A schedule for implementing the Project itemized phase by phase (design. bid. award, construction) including critical issues and the time period allowed for resolving each issue. The schedule shall be prepared in "Primavera Project Planner, Version 3.0" format or SureTrak and provided to the CITY and PROGRAM MANAGER. . Discussion regarding permitting authorities having jurisdiction over Projects and provide a list of permits typically retained by the Owner and/or Contractor. Unique and/or special permitting requirements shall be identified as well as permitting fees. Deliverables: - Prepare 25 copies of the draft BOOR. Schedule: - Within 20 working days from completion of the final Community Design Workshop. Task 1.8 - Review of BOOR with CITY Divisions: CONSULTANT shall meet to present and review the draft BOOR with the following review agencies: . City of Miami Beach Historic Preservation Board or Design Review Board . City of Miami Beach General Obligation (G.O.) Bond Oversight Committee . City of Miami Beach Planning Board Page 8 of 29 MB:4002COOl (No.2 North Shore).doc Corradino - No. 2 . City of Miami Beach Neighborhood Committee . City of Miami Beach Transportation and Parking Committee . City of Miami Beach Finance Committee . City of Miami Beach City Commission CITY and PROGRAM MANAGER shall attend review meetings and assist CONSULTANT. as practicable. in obtaining approvals from noted review agencies by participating in negotiations with such authorities. CONSULTANT retains final responsibility for procuring all necessary approvals. and for implementing required revisions and resubmissions as necessary. It is recognized by CITY and PROGRAM MANAGER that the time period for obtaining approvals from the various review agencies is beyond the control of CONSULTANT. except for issues concerning the acceptability of the proposed design concepts and CONSULTANT's ability to respond to review agency comments. CONSULTANT shall address and respond to comments received from the various reviews in writing. and implement requested revisions into the draft BOOR, as agreed with CITY and PROGRAM MANAGER. within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of comments. unless agreed to otherwise with PROGRAM MANAGER. CONSULTANT shall draft meeting minutes and forward them to PROGRAM MANAGER. who shall finalize and distribute accordingly. Deliverables: - Attend BOOR review meetings with noted committees. - Prepare draft meeting notes, - Address comments and revise BOOR accordingly. Schedule: - Within 17 working days of draft BOOR completion. Task 1.9 - Additional Review MeetinQs: CONSULTANT shall attend and participate in up to two (2) review meetings with those agencies/committees requesting revisions. Task 1.10 - Final Basis of DesiQn Report: CONSULTANT shall prepare a final BOOR based on comments and revisions implemented during the reviews with the various CITY Divisions. The final BOOR will serve as the basis for development of detailed design documents as discussed in Task 2. Deliverables: - Prepare 25 copies of a final BOOR. Schedule: - Within 10 working days after completion of reviews noted in Task 1.8. TASK 2 -DESIGN SERVICES The purpose of this Task is to establish requirements for the preparation of contract documents for the Project Bid Package A only. Note that Task 2.1 requires that CONSULTANT perform a variety of forensic tasks to verify. to the extent practicable. existing conditions and the accuracy of base maps to be used for development of the contract drawings. Task 2.2 discusses requirements for the preparation of contract documents. inclusive of drawings, specifications and front-end documents. Task 2.3 establishes requirements with regard to constructability and Page 9 of 29 MB:4002C001 (No.2 North Shore).doc Corradino - NO.2 value engineering reviews to be performed by others. Task 2.4 establishes requirements for the preparation of opinions of total probable cost by the CONSULTANT. Task 2.5 specifies requirements for review of contract documents with jurisdictional permitting agencies prior to finalization. Task 2.6 establishes requirements for developing final (100%) contract documents. To facilitate the implementation of a Public Information Program. CONSULTANT shall provide electronic files of all project documents. as requested by CITY and/or PROGRAM MANAGER. It is the PROGRAM MANAGER's intent to post the 100% contract document submittals on its Program Web Page, Hence, CONSULTANT shall provide the electronic files for the front end documents, technical specifications. and construction drawings. as required. Task 2.1 - Field Verification of Existinq Conditions: CONSULTANT shall perform a detailed topographic survey of the existing right of way areas to be impacted by construction activities under the scope of this project. The survey shall be performed by a Professional Land Surveyor in the State of Florida and shall meet the minimum technical standards identified in Chapter 61 G17-6. FAC. All survey files shall be prepared in AutoCAD Version 14 format with a layering system as directed by PROGRAM MANAGER. As a minimum. the survey shall address the following: . Topographic survey shall consist of establishing a baseline with 100-foot stations. and identify right-of-way monuments and sectionalized land corners. Baseline of survey shall be tied into the right-of-way and sectionalized land monuments. CONSULTANT shall obtain right-of-way information from available records. . CONSULTANT shall set benchmarks at convenient locations along the corridor to be used during both the design and construction phases of the project. As a minimum, permanent benchmarks shall be set at 1000-foot intervals along the alignment. CONSULTANT shall tie-in at least two existing government County monuments to vertical circuit and shall take cross sections at 100-foot intervals along project corridor. The benchmarks shall be derived from existing government benchmarks and be carried into the proposed system using Second Order, Class II procedures. A full listing of benchmark locations shall accompany the survey data, . Cross section elevations shall define all grade breaks such as intersections, swale, edge of pavement. pavement centerline, curb and gutter, edges of sidewalk, driveway connections. right-of-way line. edge of a 25 foot right-of-way offset. encroachments (both natural and built-in). etc. . CONSULTANT shall locate and identify all the existing surface improvements / topographic features that are visible along the corridor. such as the following: Existing valve boxes, water / electrical meter boxes, electrical pull boxes, telephone / cable risers, fences. hydrants. etc. Aboveground and underground utilities. invert elevations of accessible underground utilities, wood / concrete utility poles, culverts, guardrails, pavement limits, headwalls, endwalls. manholes, vaults, mailboxes. driveways, side streets. trees, landscaping, traffic signage and any other noted improvements. Survey shall identify fence material I height. landscaping plant material limits and driveway construction materials; as Page 10 of 29 MB:4002COOl (No.2 North Shore).doc Corradino - No. 2 well as private property encroachments (i.e. landscaping, overhangs, improvements, etc.) Survey limits shall include the entire right-of-way and an additional overlap of 25 feet on either side of the right-of-way, . Topographic survey! base map shall be prepared in AutoCAD version 14.0 and submitted on a 3.5-inch diskette with one copy on 22-inch by 34-inch bond paper to the CITY. CAD mapping shall be performed to a scale of 1:1 in the World Coordinate System, Text size shall be 100 leroy for a final product at 1=20 units. . Indicate geometry of perimeter private property plats (inclusive of fences, landscaping and driveways). Upon completion of the survey. CONSULTANT shall forward the same to all the private utility owners! agencies with a request to mark !Identify their respective utilities on the survey base map. CONSULTANT shall coordinate this effort with each agency in an effort to identify the location of all underground utilities. CONSULTANT shall incorporate utility owner markups! edits into its survey base map file. CONSULTANT shall contact the following entities and request that they each verify locations of their existing improvements in the affected areas: . Florida Power and Light . Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Authority . Miami-Dade Public Works Department . State of Florida Department of Transportation . Charter Communications . Natural Gas . Others as deemed necessary by CONSULTANT Based on the collected data. CONSULTANT shall develop detailed design base maps for the project. The maps shall include an overall key map and partiai plans scaled at 1-inch equals 20 feet. CONSULTANT shall illustrate proposed water, wastewater and stormwater improvements on the base maps based on available planning documents provided by CITY. A subsequent review shall be scheduled with CITY and PROGRAM MANAGER staff to determine locations where additional field verifications, via "Soft-Dig" underground identification services. shall be implemented. CONSULTANT shall prepare final base maps based on the information gathered herein. Copies of base maps shall be distributed to CITY and PROGRAM MANAGER. Deliverables: - Perform forensic work as noted to develop final base maps. Deliver five (5) sets of base maps to PROGRAM MANAGER. Schedule: - Within 15 working days after Task 2 - Design Phase Notice to Proceed. Page 11 0'29 MB:4002C001 (No.2 North Shore).doc Corradino - No. 2 Task 2.2 - Detailed Desiqn: CONSULTANT shall prepare detailed design documents consisting of general. civil. mechanical. urban design. landscape architectural. electrical. landscaping. irrigation and structural drawings, as applicable. CONSULTANT shall utilize CITY standard details as provided by PROGRAM MANAGER, and as deemed appropriate by CONSULTANT, CONSULTANT shall supplement design documents its own additional details. as it deems necessary. to provide CITY with a complete work product. All drawings shall be prepared using AutoCAD Version 14 software with a layering system as provided by PROGRAM MANAGER. Technical specifications shall be prepared in conformance with Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) format. PROGRAM MANAGER shall furnish CONSULTANT with standard CITY specification outlines for Divisions 1. 2. 3 and 15. By incorporating the CITY's standard specification outlines into its contract documents. CONSULTANT acknowledges that it has reviewed and accepted these specification outlines as its oWn for the purposes of this project. CITY assumes no responsibility for the contents of the master specification outlines. Hence, CONSULTANT shall review such documents and make known to CITY any requests for revisions, for review and acceptance. prior to modification of the dDcuments. CONSULTANT shall refrain from amending FOOT standard specifications and including same in the detail design documents. CONSULTANT may provide technical specification sections that CONSULTANT may require. not already provided through CITY standard outlines, subject to review and comment by CITY and/or PROGRAM MANAGER. Any Supplier listings required by specifications shall include a minimum of two named Supplier's and shall meet all applicable CITY and State of Florida procurement codes. CITY standard specification outlines shall be provided to CONSULTANT in "Microsoft MS-Word" format. CONSULTANT shall use the same software in all project related work, CONSULTANT shall utilize base front-end documents provided by CITY. CONSULTANT shall edit accordingly to result in a project specific document. Any changes / modifications to the Supplementary General Conditions shall be subject to review and acceptance by CITY. CONSULTANT shall attend monthly progress meetings with CITY and PROGRAM MANAGER staff. CONSULTANT shall prepare and maintain a design progress schedule in Primavera Project Planner, version 3.0 format or SureTrak. CONSULTANT shall update the schedule and review project status at each monthly progress meeting. Should PROGRAM MANAGER determine that a CONSULTANT has fallen behind schedule. CONSULTANT shall provide a recovery schedule that will accelerate work to get back on schedule. In addition during the design phase. CONSULTANT shall attend two meetings with applicable representatives to review the status of the design. The CITY shall schedule these meetings. For purposes of this Scope of Services, the following will be considered the minimum effort to be provided by CONSULTANT for establishing the detail design milestones: . 30% design completion shall consist of the completed survey / base map work as identified in Task 2.1 with the proposed improvements identified in plan view at a scale of 1-inch equals 20 feet. A key map shall also be provided which illustrates the relationship between the drawings and its respective location within the neighborhood. An outline identifying the anticipated technical specifications to be incorporated into the work shall also be submitted. Page 12 of 29 MB:4002COOl (No.2 North Shore).doc Corradino - No. 2 . 60% design completion shall consist of the plan and profile view of all improvements, applicable sections and construction details. Prior to the preparation of the 60% design drawings the CONSULTANT shall incorporate changes to its design based upon its underground utility verification efforts. Plan and profile sheets shall be provided for water and sewer improvements. CONSULTANT shall include the technical specifications and a draft schedule of prices bid (bid form) identifying the items to be bid by the prospective contractors with the submittal. CONSULTANT shall provide its "Budget" level opinion of probable cost as defined by the American Association of Cost Engineers with the submittal. . 90% design completion shall consist of the entire construction document set including the front end documents (general and supplemental conditions), technical specifications and construction drawings for all the work proposed to be completed. CONSULTANT shall provide the detailed construction sequencing restrictions for the PROGRAM MANAGER's review. CONSULTANT shall provide its "Definitive" level opinion of probable cost as defined by the American Association of Cost Engineers with the submittal. Deliverables: - Furnish ten (10) sets of 30.60.90 and 100 percent completion stage documents to PROGRAM MANAGER. - Prepare and update project schedule. on a monthly basis, - Attend monthly progress meetings with CITY and PROGRAM MANAGER staff. Schedule: . Complete 30 percent documents within 20 working days after the Task 2 - Design Phase Notice to Proceed . Complete 60 percent documents within 35 working days after Task 2 - Design Phase Notice to Proceed. . Complete 90 percent documents within 50 working days after Task 2 - Design Phase Notice to Proceed, . Complete 100 percent documents within 65 working days after Task 2 - Design Phase Notice to Proceed. Task 2.3 - DesiQn I Constructabilitv Review: To verify that all design review meeting comments have been incorporated and design standards have been followed. PROGRAM MANAGER shall perform reviews of all design project documents at the preliminary (30 percent completion). intermediate (60 percent completion) and near final (90 percent completion) design stages. The purpose of these reviews shall be to verify that the documents are consistent with the design intent. The PROGRAM MANAGER shall also review CONSULTANTs prepared cost estimates for the project at both the 60 and 90 percent submittal stages. These documents will be furnished as bound 8-1/2-inch by 11-inch specifications and full-size (22-inch by 34-inch) blueline drawings. PROGRAM MANAGER and applicable CITY departments shall perform reviews on these documents and provide written comments (in the form of markups of Page 13 of 29 MB:4002COOl (No.2 North Shore).doc Corradino - No.2 submitted documents) back to CONSULTANT. Following receipt of comments, a meeting shall be scheduled between CITY. CONSULTANT and PROGRAM MANAGER. to <;Jiscuss the requirements, intent and review of comments. CONSULTANT shall prepare a written memorandum to address how each comment was resolved. Such written response shall be prepared and submitted to PROGRAM MANAGER, for acceptance, within 14 calendar days after the review session. CONSULTANT shall revise documents to include review comments accordingly. In addition. PROGRAM MANAGER shall perform constructability reviews of the design documents relative to value. construction sequencing and bid format. These reviews shall be based upon the 60 and 90 percent design submittals received from the AlE consultant(s) and shall be conducted concurrently with the 60 and 90 percent design reviews. Meetings shall be held with CONSULTANT and CITY representatives to discuss review comments. as required. A detailed review of CONSULTANT's proposed construction sequencing restrictions will be performed by PROGRAM MANAGER at the 90-percent completion stage. The intent of this scope item is to advise the CONSULTANT of the PROGRAM MANAGER's role during the detail design phase. The CONSULTANT shall note that the PROGRAM MANAGER's review of the contract documents does not relieve CONSULTANT from its responsibility to the CITY with regard to the quality of its contract documents. Oeliverables: - Attend meetings with CITY and PROGRAM MANAGER staff to review and discuss design. constructability and value comments, - Prepare written responses to comments made during review sessions. Schedule: - Complete concurrently with Design Phase schedule. Task 2.4 - Cost Opinions: CONSULTANT shall prepare opinions of probable construction costs for each design submittal (60 and 90 percent) as well as the final (100 percent) completion stage. The accuracy of the cost estimate associated with the 60 percent completion stage shall be +30% to -15% "Budget" Level as defined by the American Association of Cost Engineers. The accuracy of the cost estimate associated with the 90 and 100 percent completion stage shall be a +15% to -5% "Definitive" Level Estimate as defined by the American Association of Cost Engineers, All estimates shall be submitted in Microsoft "Excel" format in accordance with the template supplied by PROGRAM MANAGER. All estimates shall be furnished bound in 8- 1/2-inch by 11-inch size. Based upon CONSULTANT's cost estimate. CITY shall advise CONSULTANT if portions of the project need to be deleted. phased and/or bid as alternate bid items to satisfy existing fiscal constraints. CONSULTANT shall revise documents to reflect such issues accordingly, Oeliverables: - Prepare opinions of probable costs at the 60, 90- and 100 percent completion stages, Schedule: - Complete concurrently with Design Phase schedule. Task 2.5 - Communitv OesiQn Review MeetinQs Page 14 of 29 MB:4002COOl (No, 2 North Shore).doc Corradino - No. 2 CONSULTANT shall attend and participate in community design review meetings to review the design progress and concept at different progress levels during the design. The CITY will schedule, find locations for, and notify residents of all such meetings. CONSULTANT shall prepare draft meeting minutes and forward them tD PROGRAM MANAGER. who shall review. provide comments and distribute. accordingly. The number of meetings per neighborhood are as follows: . Neighborhood 2 - North Shore CONSULTANT shall participate and attend up to two (2) meetings per Bid Package. Task 2.6 - Document Revisions: Based upon the input provided by the residents, CONSULTANT shall incorporate the necessary contract document revisions. as approved by the CITY. Task 2.7 - PermittinQ Reviews: CONSULTANT shall prepare applications and such documents and design data as may be required to procure approvals from all such governmental authorities that have jurisdiction over Project. CITY shall pay all permit fees. CONSULTANT shall consider the impact of permit fees in its construction opinions of probable cost. CONSULTANT shall participate in meetings. submissions, resubmissions and negotiations with such authorities. CITY will attend meetings with governmental authorities as deemed necessary by CITY. CONSULTANT shall respond to comments by such authorities through PROGRAM MANAGER within ten working days of receipt of comments unless a different time is agreed to by PROGRAM MANAGER. It is the intent of this scope of services that PROGRAM MANAGER shall be the responsible party for formally transmitting permit documents to and from the respective authorities and CONSULTANT. Hence. PROGRAM MANAGER shall track and monitor progress on the preparation and review of permits and subsequent requests for information. It is recognized by PROGRAM MANAGER that the time period for obtaining permits is beyond the control of CONSULTANT except for issues concerning the permitability of the design and CONSULTANT's ability to respond to permitting agency requests for information. At the time of the scope preparation, the following governmental authorities that have or may have jurisdiction over Project have been identified: . City of Miami Beach Building Department . Miami-Dade Department of Environmental Resource Management . Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Authority . Miami-Dade Department of Public Works . Miami-Dade Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services . South Florida Water Management District . Florida Department of Transportation . Florida Department of Environmental Protection Page 15 of 29 MB:4002C001 (No, 2 North Shore).doc Corradino - No. 2 . U,S. Army Corps of Engineers . U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Failure to identify governmental authorities that have jurisdiction over Project at the time of permitting scope preparation does not relieve CONSULTANT from responsibility to pursue the permit as described above. However, an equitable adjustment to the CONSULTANT's compensation may be negotiated if deemed appropriate by CITY. Deliverables: - Correspond with noted jurisdictional authorities to establish permitting requirements, - Revise documents and respond to permitting inquiries as required. - Attend meetings with CITY and PROGRAM MANAGER staff to review and discuss permitting status. - Complete within 43 working days after the completion of the 90 percent detail design milestone (Bid Packages A). Task 2.8 - Consultant GAlGC of Desiqn Documents: Schedule: CONSULTANT shall establish and maintain an in house Quality Assurance I Quality Control (QAlQC) program designed to verify and ensure the quality. clarity. completeness, constructability and biddability of its contract documents. CONSULTANT shall provide CITY and PROGRAM MANAGER with a written narrative detailing the QAlQC program tasks and how it is to be implemented over the course of this project. The CITY and/or PROGRAM MANAGER. at its discretion may require that CONSULTANT attend meetings to review the status and present results of its QAlQC efforts, Items to be addressed may include. but shall not be limited to, review of specifications by respective technical experts and a "Red i-check" type review of the documents to identify conflicts and inconsistencies between the various disciplines. TASK 3 -BIDDING AND AWARD SERVICES Task 3.1 - Construction Contract Document Review CONSULTANT shall assist CITY in bidding and award of the contract. PROGRAM MANAGER shall transmit contract documents prepared by the CONSULTANT to the CITY's Risk Management and Procurement Departments for verification of appropriate insurance and bonding capacity requirements for each Project prior to bid. Various departments within CITY (Risk Management, Procurement and the City Attorney's Office) have non technical review responsibility for the Construction Contract Documents. CONSULTANT shall assist PROGRAM MANAGER in this process by providing three copies of Construction Contract Documents, participating in meetings. submissions, resubmissions and discussions with these departments. CONSULTANT shall respond to CITY comments within ten calendar days of receipt of comments unless a different time schedule is agreed to by PROGRAM MANAGER. CONSULTANT's compensation has been based upon one meeting with these departments. Task 3.2 - Bid Document Deliverv Page 16 of 29 MB:4002C001 (No.2 North Shore).doc Corradino - No, 2 CONSULTANT shall provide PROGRAM MANAGER with reproducible, camera ready, sets of contract documents, The CITY Procurement Department will reproduce documents and handle the advertising, distribution. sale, maintenance of plan holder lists and other aspects of bid document distribution. Task 3.3 - Pre-Bid Conference PROGRAM MANAGER shall conduct one prebid conference. CONSULTANT shall attend the pre-bid conference and bid opening for each project. Task 3.4 - Addenda Issuance CONSULTANT shall provide, through PROGRAM MANAGER. timely responses to the inquiries of prospective bidders by preparing written addenda. Format for addenda shall be as provided to CONSULTANT by PROGRAM MANAGER. These queries and responses shall be documented and a record of each shall be transmitted to PROGRAM MANAGER on a same day basis. CONSULTANT shall prepare and distribute necessary addenda as approved by PROGRAM MANAGER. Task 3.5 - Bid Evaluation Within five calendar days of receipt of bids, CONSULTANT shall evaluate the bids for completeness, full responsiveness and price. including alternative prices and unit prices, and shall make a formal recommendation to CITY regard to the award of contract. Non-technical bid requirements shall be evaluated by others. This scope of services includes no allowance for CONSULTANT's time to assist CITY in the event of a bid protest. To the proportionate extent CONSULTANT's services are required in the event of a bid protest. due to a direct action or lack thereof by CONSULTANT. CONSULTANT shall participate in such activities at no additional cost to CITY. Task 3.6 - Contract Award CONSULTANT shall provide eight sets of Construction Contract Documents for execution by COUNTY and the successful bidder within five calendar days of request by COUNTY. Task 3.7 - As- Bid Contract Documents After contract award and prior to the preconstruction conference. CONSULTANT shall prepare As-Bid construction contract documents. which incorporate the following items into the construction contract documents: . Contractor's bid submittals, including but not limited to. bid proposal, insurance, licenses, etc. . Amend I modify front end documents and I or technical specifications to incorporate changes made via contract addenda. . Revise construction contract drawings to include modifications I revisions incorporated via contract addenda. Page 17 of 29 MB:4002C001 (No.2 North Shore),doc Corradino - No.2 CONSULTANT shall prepare As-Bid construction contract documents and reproduce ten (10) sets for distribution to PROGRAM MANAGER within ten (10) calendar days after the City Commission approval I contract execution. Deliverables- - Attend and participate in Pre-bid conferences and bid openings. - Respond to questions from prospective bidders and prepare Addenda for distribution by others, - Prepare recommendation of award letter - Prepare As-Bid contract documents, reproduce ten (10) sets and forward to PROGRAM MANAGER. Schedule: - Upon receipt of Task 3 Bidding and Award Services Notice to Proceed and within 64 working days from receipt of the Notice to Proceed (Bid Packages A and B). TASK 4 -CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION SERVICES The CONSULTANT shall perform the following tasks associated with office administration activities related to the construction of the Project(s). These tasks shall be performed during the duration of all construction projects. Due to the extensive amount of detailed procedures required to properly manage construction projects. PROGRAM MANAGER has developed a Construction Management Manual (CMM) for the construction phase of the Infrastructure Improvement Program. This manual will augment the general program guidelines established in the Project Work Plan. as provided to CONSULTANT by PROGRAM MANAGER. at the commencement of the Project, and provides uniform procedures and guidelines for managing the interface between CITY. Contractors, PROGRAM MANAGER's field observation staff and CONSULTANT. CONSULTANT's level of effort is based upon a construction duration period per Bid Package as follows: Bid Package Description Bid Package A 7200 Street Improvements at North Shore Park Construction Duration (working days) 65 Bid Package B - North Shore 326 Task 4.1 - Pre-Construction Conferences: CONSULTANT shall attend a pre-construction conference for each Project. PROGRAM MANAGER shall prepare and distribute meeting minutes to all attendees and other appropriate parties. PROGRAM MANAGER shall issue a Limited Notice to Proceed at the Pre-Construction Conference. A final Notice to Proceed shall be issued upon receipt of a final schedule and procurement of all applicable construction permits from the Contractor. Oeliverables: - Attend and participate in pre-construction conferences, Page 18 of 29 MB:4002C001 (No.2 North Shore).doc Corradino - No.2 Schedule: - As scheduled by PROGRAM MANAGER after receipt of Task 4 Construction Management Services Notice to Proceed, Task 4.2 - Weekly Construction Meetinqs: CONSULTANT shall attend weekly meetings with the Contractor. PROGRAM MANAGER and applicable CITY representatives on each Project. The purpose of these meetings shall be to review the status of construction progress. Shop drawing submittals and contract document clarifications and interpretations. In addition, the Contractor shall furnish a two-week look ahead work schedule to allow for proper coordination of necessary work efforts. These meetings shall also serve as a forum for discussion of construction issues, potential changes / conflicts and any other applicable matters. PROGRAM MANAGER shall prepare and distribute meeting minutes to all attendees and other appropriate parties. Oeliverables: - Attend and participate in weekly progress meetings with Contractors. Schedule: - Weekly throughout the project duration. Task 4.3 - Requests for Information / Contract Document Clarification (RFls I COCs): PROGRAM MANAGER will receive. log and process all RFls / COCs, Whenever an RFI involves the interpretation of design issues or design intent. PROGRAM MANAGER shall forward the RFI to CONSULTANT. CONSULTANT shall prepare a response in a timely matter and return it to PROGRAM MANAGER. CONSULTANT may be requested by PROGRAM MANAGER to prepare and forward coes should certain items within the contract documents require clarification. Oeliverables: - Respond to those RFls that involve design interpretations and return to PROGRAM MANAGER's office. Issue COCs as required. Schedule: - Ongoing throughout project construction duration. Task 4.4 - Requests for Chanqes to Construction Cost and/or Schedule: PROGRAM MANAGER will receive. log and evaluate all requests for project cost and/or schedule changes from the Contractor. Changes may be the result of unforeseen conditions or interferences identified by the Contractor during the routine progress of work. inadvertent omissions (betterment) issues in the contract documents, or additional improvements requested by the CITY or CONSULTANT after the project bid date. Regardless of the source, PROGRAM MANAGER will evaluate the merit of the claim as well as the impact of the potential change in terms of project cost and the schedule. PROGRAM MANAGER will review claims and / or change order requests with CONSULTANT. No claims assistance services are included under this task. Oeliverables: - Perform independent review of request for cost increase andlor time extension. - Coordinate and participate in meetings, as required. with PROGRAM MANAGER. CITY and Contractor to resolve andlor negotiate the equitable resolution of request. Schedule: - Prepare change order documentation. - Ongoing throughout project construction duration. Page 19 of 29 MB:4002C001 (No.2 North Shore),doc Corradino - NO.2 Task 4.5 - ProcessinQ of Shop DrawinQS: PROGRAM MANAGER will receive, log and distribute shop drawings to CONSULTANT for its review. CONSULTANT shall have 14 calendar days from the time of receipt in its office, to review and return shop drawings to PROGRAM MANAGER's office. Deliverables: - Review Shop Drawings and return them to PROGRAM MANAGER's office. Schedule: - Ongoing throughout project construction duration. Task 4.6 - Field Observation Services: PROGRAM MANAGER will provide field staff to observe the construction of the work. CONSULTANT shall provide specialty site visits by various design disciplines (civil, mechanical. landscaping) on an as requested basis. For the purposes of this scope of services. it is assumed that a total of twelve (12) specialty site visits are included. Deliverables: - Provide up to twelve (12) specialty site visits. Schedule: - Ongoing throughout project construction duration. Task 4.7 - Proiect Closeout: Upon receiving notice from the PROGRAM MANAGER advising the CONSULTANT that the Project is substantially complete. CONSULTANT. in conjunction with appropriate CITY and PROGRAM MANAGER staff. shall conduct an overview of the Project. The overview shall include development of a "punch list" of items needing completion or correction prior to consideration of final acceptance. PROGRAM MANAGER shall develop the list with assistance from CITY and CONSULTANT. The iist shall be forwarded to the Contractor. For the purposes of this provision. substantial completion shall be deemed to be the stage in construction of the Project where the Project can be utilized for the purposes for which it was intended, and where minor items not be fully completed, but all items that affect the operational integrity and function of the Project are capable of continuous use. Upon notification from PROGRAM MANAGER that all remaining "punch list" items have been resolved, the CONSULTANT. in conjunction with appropriate CITY and PROGRAM MANAGER staff, shall pertorm a final review of the finished Project. Based on successful completion of all outstanding work items by the Contractor. CONSULTANT shall assist in closing out the construction contract. The contract documents shall be structured to require the Contractor to prepare the record drawings. CONSULTANT shall furnish the electronic drawing files to the CITY for the Contractor's use. PROGRAM MANAGER shall certify the record drawings to the various affected permitting authorities. Deliverables: - Attend field meetings to review substantial completion and develop "punch lists". - Certify project completion to appropriate agencies. Schedule: - At the Substantial completion of project TASK 5 - TRAFFIC STUDY Page 20 of 29 MB:4002C001 (No.2 North Shore),doc Corradino - No. 2 The study is designed to provide an analysis of traffic conditions along Harding Avenue and Collins Avenue from 72nd Avenue to 87'h Avenue in the City of Miami Beach. The main focus is to evaluate four alternatives and provide a recommendation on the most appropriate solution, while providing CITY with enough quality information to come to a consensus. This project is focused on working closely with the community, as well as FOOT. The alternatives to be evaluated are as follows: 1. DPZ Alternative 2. (A) One Way Pair. 3 lanes to 2 (with frontage road) (B) One Way Pair, 3 lanes to 2 (without frontage road) 3. Traffic Calming Alternative . Task 5.1 - Data Collection: CONSULTANT will collect all data needed to perform the proper analysis and provide adequate descriptions of existing conditions, Most of the speed data between 75'h Street and 8?,h Street will be provided by the City of Miami Beach. Corradino will collect the remaining data as detailed below. Deliverables: _ Count all signalized intersections (71S', 720d 75th 77th 815t, 85th) (12 counts) - Count a sample of non-signalized intersections (6 total 3 on Collins. 3 on Harding) Schedule: - 20 working days from Kickoff Meeting Task 5.2 - Preliminary Alternatives Analvsis: CONSULTANT will assess the alternative of making Collins and Harding two-way streets. This alternative will be further studied if it considered easily implemented. If not. the alternative will be discarded. Deliverables: Memorandum preliminarily assessing the viability of this potential alternative Schedule: - 20 working days from Kickoff Meeting Task 5.3 - Traffic CalminQ Alternative: CONSULTANT will recommend traffic calming alternatives as part of the existing conditions analysis. A variety of potentially acceptable traffic calming alternatives will be described in concept and located on a site aerial. Each alternative will be consistent with the Florida Department of Transportation's (FOOT) transportation requirements to improve their chances for FOOT approval. Deliverables: Existing conditions report Map locating traffic calming devices Description of palette of traffic calming alternatives Schedule: 40 working days from Kickoff Meeting Page 21 of 29 MB:4002COOl (No.2 North Shore).doc Corradino - No. 2 Task 5.4 - Alternatives Evaluation: Each alternative will be evaluated for its ability to be implemented using a selection matrix with six weighted, criteria. This will be used for a final recommendation on the most appropriate alternative. The goal is to provide CITY with the necessary information to select the best alternative. These evaluation criteria are as follows: 1. Cost 2. Effectiveness 3. Ability to Be Easily Implemented 4. Availability of Funding 5. Implementation Time Frame 6. Impact on Parking Deliverables : Conceptual Costs. Each alternative will be measured on its specific cost. Conceptual design and construction costs will be provided using the existing plans. - Assessment on how well each alternative fits the community's goals. Implementation Assessment of Alternatives 1 and 2 (A and B) These will detail speeds. capacities, and land uses now and in the future to determine the impact of the proposals. FSUTMS models will be run to assist in determining the impact. The third traffic calming alternative will be provided with a written and graphic description with analysis detailed in negotiations with FOOT. This effort will be done in close coordination with FOOT. Funding Availability. The availability of funds (federal. state and local) as well as possible grants will be researched and reported on. Implementation Time Frame Assessment The speed at which these projects can be approved and put on the appropriate (MPO and FOOT) work programs will be assessed, Impact on Parking Analysis. Brief parking analysis will be performed for each alternative. Much of the existing information will already exist with the City from the on going Parking Master Plan. Schedule: - 60 working days from the end of Task 5.3 Task 5.5 - Public Involvement: At the conclusion of the alternatives assessment the project will be brought to the public to build consensus and final approval. Meetings will be held to solicit input from the community. The culmination of the effort will be approval by City Commission, Page 22 of 29 MB:4002COOl (No.2 North Shore).doc Corradino - No. 2 Oeliverables : - 1 public workshop - 2 meetings with the Transportation and Parking Committee - 1 Commission Workshop - 1 Commission Meeting Schedule: - 40 working days from end of Task 5.4 Task 5.6 - Initiallmlementation Process: After Commission approval the goal will be to gain MPO approval and inclusion on the MPO work plan, Oeliverables: -MPO TPC meeting -MPO meeting -Inclusion on MPO Work Plan, (if approved) Schedule: - Not Applicable Task 5.7 - MeetinQs: The goal of this project is to assist in selecting the most appropriate alternative to achieve the goals of the community. In order to perform this task close coordination between the project team and with FOOT will be required. This partnership will provide the best opportunity for success. CONSULTANT to meet with the project team twice per month and with the steering committee once per month to provide updates. An FOOT representative should be included on the steering committee. All other meetings have been specified above. but the actual number of meetings included in the Consultant's anticipated level of effort are listed herein. Oeliverables : - 12 Project team meetings - 6 Steering committee meetings - 4 FOOT 06 Traffic Operations meetings - 3 FOOT 06 Planning meetings - 2 TPC meetings - 1 Commission workshop - 1 Commission meeting - 1 MPO TPC meeting - 1 MPO meeting TASK 6. REIMBURSABLES Task 6.1 - Reproduction Services: CONSULTANT shall be reimbursed at the usual and customary rate for reproduction of reports, contract documents and miscellaneous items. as may be requested by CITY. Unused amounts in this allowance shall be credited back to the CITY at the completion of the project. Page 23 of 29 MB:4002COOl (No.2 North Shore).doc Corradino - No. 2 Task 6.2 - Travel and Subsistence: CONSULTANT shall be reimbursed at the United States Internal Revenue Service established rate for travel and subsistence. up to the maximum not-to-exceed amount as noted. Unused amounts in this allowance shall be credited back to the CITY at the completion of the project. Task 6.3 - SurvevinQ: CONSULT ANT shall arrange for and coordinate the efforts of licensed surveyors to prepare a topographical survey of approximately 2,880 linear feet of right of way within the project limits which meets the requirements of sub-task 2.1. Unused amounts in this allowance shall be credited back to the CITY at the completion of the project. It is anticipated that the CONSULTANT may be able to utilize an existing survey of the North Shore Park area to assist it in its base map preparation. CITY shall provide an electronic copy of the North Shore Park survey. Task 6.4 - Geotechnical Evaluation CONSULTANT shall conduct a preliminary field exploration program to identify typical geotechnical conditions along the proposed pipeline corridor(s) and/or to ascertain the sub surface conditions with respect to its drainage design. The program will consist of up to ten shallow (5 feet depth) standard penetration borings. Asphalt pavement depth will be determined to establish the existing thickness of asphalt at key locations. Actual locations shall be as directed by CONSULTANT, as approved by the City. Task 6.5 - UnderQround Utilitv Verification: CITY shall employ the services of an underground utility location service to perform vacuum extraction excavations. in an effort to better identify existing underground conditions where work is to be performed. Actual locations shall be as directed by CONSULTANT. Page 24 of 29 MB:4002C001 (No, 2 North Shore).doc Corradino - No. 2 Minimum Design Features To Be Shown On Drawings CONSULTANT shall note that the following criteria indicate the minimum design standards to be shown on drawings. CONSULTANT is encouraged to review and recommend changes as it deems necessary, subject to the review and acceptance of the CITY and PROGRAM MANAGER. Paving, Grading and Drainage Plans . Show existing grade/topography, centerline roadway. edge of pavement, back of sidewalk. top of curb, gutter flow line . Show proposed grade along the centerline of the road at 50 centers. limits of road work. inlets, curb and gutter and sidewalk . Show limits of demolition I removal . Show limits of proposed work . Identify all surface features of all existing and proposed work . Identify driveway locations . Identify proposed structures . Identify linear footage of pipe, pipe invert elevation, diameter and material Paving, Grading and Drainage Details . Show proposed cross sections with topographical information at 50 foot stations . Identify the following minimum information on cross sections: Existing utilities Proposed road slope. lane width, sidewalk width and surface features within the right-of-way Road construction details for the sub-base and base and asphalt Proposed utility locations . Conflict manhole detail . Manhole details . Driveway replacement section . Catch basin details . Exfiltration trench details . Drainage pipe trench detail . Restoration Details - All pipes Roadway Sidewalk Curb and gutter Page 25 of 29 MB:4002COOl (No.2 North Shore).doc Corradino - No. 2 Water Distribution and Sanitary Sewer Plans General . Identify existing utilities . Show future utilities proposed by others . Identify trees / landscaping to remain in place Sanitary Sewer . Manhole details . Connection to existing manholes (precast / brick) . Connection to existing service laterals and mainline . Show sanitary sewer manhole / flow direction . Show sanitary sewer (single service) . Show sanitary sewer (double service) . Show sanitary sewer pipe diameter. linear feet, material and slope along pipe length . Show rim and pipe invert elevations on sanitary sewer manholes . Indicate sanitary sewer (existing / proposed) clean out locations . Indicate sanitary sewer service invert elevation at the right-of-way for new services Sanitary Sewer Profiles . Identify sanitary sewer manhole number, rim elevation. invert elevations of incoming and outgoing pipes . Show sanitary sewer pipe diameter, linear footage and slope . Show existing utilities. diameter. type and invert of pipe elevation Water Distribution System . Show location of single and double water meter boxes . Identify fire hydrant assembly . Identify fitting locations . Identify limits of restrained joints . Identify deflection limits . Identify water sampling points . Identify dead end blow-offs Page 26 of 29 MB:4002C001 (No.2 North Shore).doc Corradino - No. 2 . Identify air release valves . Identify pipe diameter and material . Stationing Pressure Pipe Profiles . Show top of pipe elevation . Identify location of air release valve at high points . Identify vertical I horizontal deflection and/or fittings . Identify minimum cover requirements . Provide details of major utility crossings Jack and bore Horizontal directional drilling Subaqueous crossing Aerial crossing Culvert crossing Page 27 of 29 MB:4002COOl (No, 2 North Shore).doc Corradino - No. 2 North Shore Neighborhood Bid Package A: nnd Street Improvements at North Shore Park Proposed Drawing List DESCRIPTION SCALE NO. SHEETS Key Sheet N/A 1 Typical section N/A 1 General Notes N/A 1 Summary of Quantities N/A 1 Site survey 1:20 5 Site Survey notes N/A 1 Roadway plans and profiles 1:20 5 Drainage Structures 1:5 (h&v) 10 Miscellaneous Details N/A 3 Traffic Control Plans 1:20 3, Sig, & Markings Quantities N/A 1 Signing and Marking plans 1:20 3 Lighting Quantities N/A 1 Pole Data sheet N/.A 1 Lighting plans Various 5 (maybe included on the roadway plans) Lighting details N/A 1 Page 28 of 29 MB:4002COOl (No.2 North Shore).doc Corradino - No. 2 Drawing Title Page 29 of 29 MB:4002C001 (No.2 North Shore).doc North Shore Neighborhood Bid Package B: North Shore Proposed Drawing List Corradino - No. 2 l i 1 j ! i l~. i I I I I Isl I I II I I:! :;, I I 1:;1. I ; lit 10101 :;; wl~ M .:;;I$l~l ' ill I m 0 vi I Iml Iml ~ ' 'wi Ivl ,+ vi 101 la, la,'ml w!wlm[v Iv ;1;;:::1 C"l ~,~ ~ ~..,.....wo N :;l ~ ~lool~lo:g M lo~o;;oU),~'g:olmo~ool:!lI~;!;:j!;:'!;:~oooo 0 ooiolooo I~~ NIM M I..... 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UZ~ <t_- --'<t--' fu::><t C::C::W ZW", >--1-<1: a:::<[<X:~ <t::>3=<.> Oc:::W<( ZWI-CL :::>....<J> a<t<tg "'3=3='" I ~~\\ ! \\~ \\~ \\\ \\~ I) i c z w ~ I ~=~ Sd _ :S.:l3~X - 5MVSN~V-HX3-d\;fV'i-v~-CJ\v~~lS]M3N\HJV38V'lN\HJIt38IVi\fIVi\:H - OM1H La - 'V'fd n:.../Looc;/vz:/s CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.fl.us TO: FROM: SUBJECT: COMMISSION MEMORANDUM Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of tbe City Commission Jorge M. Gonzalez \ . ,~ City Manager df'/~ U DATE: October 17, 2001 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, PURSUANT TO REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) NO. 10-00/01, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH THE FIRM OF THE CORRADINO GROUP, INC., IN THE AMOUNT OF $339,689, COMPRISED OF: $117,293 FOR THE PLANNING SERVICES FEE, $115,624 FOR THE DESIGN SERVICES FEE, $8,512 FOR BIDDING AND AWARD SERVICES FEE, $74,960 TO COVER THE TRAFFIC STUDY FEE, AND $23,300 FOR THE COST OF REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES SUCH AS SURVEY, PRINTING, AND TESTING FOR THE NORTH SHORE NEIGHBORHOOD STREETS CAPE PROJECT; AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE PROJECT IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $400,885 AS FOLLOWS: $339,689 COMPRISED OF $179,516 FROM THE SERIES 2000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND, $116,983 FROM THE WATER AND SEWER BOND AND $43,190 FROM THE QUALITY OF LIFE YEAR 3 FUND TO COVER THE PLANNING AND DESIGN FEE AND REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES; AND AN ADDITIONAL $61,196 FROM THE WATER AND SEWER BOND TO COVER THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS OFFICE (CIP) PROJECT MANAGEMENT FEE. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution. FUNDING: Funds for this project are available as follows: . $179,516 from the Series 2000 General Obligation Bond Fund. . $178,179 from the Water and Sewer Bond Fund. . $ 43,190 from Quality of Life Year 3 (North Beach Strategic Plan) AGENDA ITEM e 7.g DATE 1t'-/7-0( City Commission Memorandum North Shore Neighborhood October 17, 2001 BACKGROUND: Pursuant to Resolution No. 2001-24382 adopted by the Mayor and City Commission on May 16, 200 I, the Administration has negotiated an Agreement with The Corradino Group Inc., regarding Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 10-00/01 for Urban Design, Landscape and Engineering services for design and construction documents for the North Shore Neighborhood. The City of Miami Beach has developed various programs to improve the quality of life of its residents. On November 2, 1999, voters approved the issuance of approximately $92 million in General Obligation (GO) Bonds for Neighborhood, Parks, Beach and Fire Safety Improvements, of which $57 million is allocated for capital right-of-way infrastructure projects (the Program). In addition to this allocation, the Administration proposes that a portion of the recent Water and Sewer Bond and Stormwater Bond issues also be allocated for capital right-of-way infrastructure projects. These estimated $187 million of public right of way infrastructure improvement projects are to be implemented over the next six (6) years. Program elements include citywide water, wastewater and stormwater improvements; as well as a variety of streetscape enhancement projects. There are a total of thirteen neighborhoods within the overall Program scope. This Commission Memorandum addresses the North Shore Neighborhood. SCOPE OF SERVICES: The Scope of Services for each Project was developed as a basis for establishing the fee to be negotiated. The following scope was proposed for each neighborhood, including North Shore: North Shore Neighborhood The North Shore neighborhood is bounded by 87th Terrace on the north, the Atlantic Ocean on the east, 63'd Street on the south, and Indian Creek and Tatum Waterway on the west. The neighborhood is highly urbanized and densely populated with multifamily apartments and condominiums. The commercial district is located along Collins Avenue and 71 ,t Street. These commercial streets were recently reconstructed. The improvements intend to provide restoration and enhancements of the neighborhood's streets to meet the needs of the community. The project will coordinate streetscapes work with some renovation of the neighborhood's sanitary, water and storm water infrastructure. The scope of the work is generally as described below: . Enhanced landscaping and street lighting consistent with community preferences . Repair and widening of sidewalks to comply with the ADA requirements . Repair or rehabilitation of some existing galvanized water mains throughout community . Street resurfacing and new pavement markings Page 2 . Traffic analysis and alternatives analysis for Collins Avenue and Harding Avenue . Incorporation of traffic calming features, consistent with community preferences . Improved stormwater drainage collection and disposal infrastructure . Swale restoration and/or curb and gutter restoration or upgrades The scope of services for the neighborhood projects are each split into six (6) primary Phases including; Planning Phase (Task 1), Design Phase (Task 2), Bidding and Award Phase (Task 3), Construction Management Phase (Task 4), Additional Services (Task 5) and Reimbursable expenses (Task 6). A brief review of the components of each task follows: Planninl!: Phase: The purpose of this Task is to establish a consensus design concept for the referenced neighborhood that meets the needs of the community and stays within established schedule and cost parameters. This intent is met through the performance of a series of Community Design Workshops designed to encourage input from affected residents and verify and validate previously developed concepts and priorities. Based on the results of the Community Design Workshops, a draft Basis of Design Report is developed on which subsequent design review committee presentations and approvals from requisite City Divisions and jurisdictional permitting agencies are procured. A final Basis of Design Report is prepared sununarizing the accepted design concept, budget level cost estimate and implementation schedule for use in the design phase of the Project. It is the intent of this contract that the Planning phase services be completed within approximately 127 calendar days of Notice to Proceed in order to expedite the implementation of the Program. Desim Phase: The purpose of this Task is to prepare contract documents for the Project. At this time, only the roadway improvements around North Shore Park have been identified and negotiated into the contract fees. The remainder of the design scope of services will be identified and negotiated after the Basis of Design Report is completed. Included in this Task is the requirement that the Consultant perform a variety of forensic tasks to verify, to the extent practicable, existing conditions and the accuracy of base maps to be used for development of the contract drawings. Detailed quality requirements for the preparation of drawings, specifications and front-end documents are specified in the contract. In addition, requirements with regard to design constructability reviews are also specified to occur during this Task. As a part of its design services, the Consultant is also required to prepare opinions of total probable cost and conduct reviews of its contract documents with jurisdictional permitting agencies prior to finalization. Biddinl!: and Award: The purpose of this Task is to assist the City in bidding and awarding the portion of the Project surrounding North Shore Park. The Program Manager shall transmit contract documents prepared by the Consultant to the City's Risk Management and Procurement Departments for verification of appropriate insurance and bonding capacity requirements for each Project prior to bid. Various departments within the City (Risk Management, Procurement and the City Attorney's Office) have non-technical review responsibilities for the Construction Contract Documents. Consultant shall assist Program Manager in this process by providing three copies of Construction Contract Documents, participating in meetings, submissions, re-submissions and Page 3 discussions with these departments. Consultant shall respond to the City within ten calendar days of receipt of comments unless a different time schedule is agreed to by Program Manager. Construction Manal!:ement Services: The purpose of this Task is to perform office administration activities related to the construction of the Project(s). These tasks shall be performed during the duration of all construction projects and includes; submittal reviews, responses to requests for information, change order review and miscellaneous meeting attendance. The Program Manager will provide full time field observation staff to augment the Consultant's construction management effort. Additional Services: The traffic study for Collins Avenue and Harding Avenue is included in this contract as additional services. This study is required by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for implementation of the two-way boulevard proposed in the 1994 North Shore Plan by Andres Duany and Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk. It will be conducted concurrently with the Planning Phase of the contract. The cost of the traffic study ($74,960) is proposed to be funded in part with $43,190 remaining in the North Beach Strategic Plan project budget from Year 3 Quality of Life funds. The additional $31,770 for the study is related to traffic calming and is allocated from the GO Bond funds. Reimbursable expenses: The Consultant will be reimbursed for the following costs: . Usual and customary rate for reproduction of reports, special graphics, contract documents and miscellaneous items, as may be requested By the City Mileage at the United States Internal Revenue Service established rate for travel and subsistence A preliminary field exploration program to identify typical geo-technical conditions along the proposed pipeline corridor(s) and/or to ascertain the sub surface conditions with respect to its drainage design . . Survey: Topographic surveys as determined. CONTRACT FORMAT: The contract is structured in a Not-to-Exceed format and a separate Notice to Proceed will be required prior to commencement of each of the noted Task Phases. Contract negotiations/scoping sessions were held with the recommended firm. Estimated fees were based upon a man-hour projection for the tasks requested. The following table illustrates the salient points and the result of the negotiation with The Corradino Group, Inc., for the provision of Planning, Design, Bidding/Award and Traffic Study Services for the North Shore Neighborhood: ~ Page 4 NORTH SHORE NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE ORIGINAL FINAL NOTE COMPONENT SUBMISSION NEGOTIATED FEE Planning Services Task I $117,104.00 $117,293.00 Design Services Task 2 $334,882.00 $115.624.00 I Bidding and A ward Services Task 3 $30,580.00 $8,512.00 2 Additional Services-Traffic Study Task 5 $97,251.00 $74,960.00 Reimbursable Expenses Task 6 $90,270.00 $23,300.00 3 TOTAL $670,087.00 $339,689.00 Notes: I. Design services represent effort for the design/permitting for Bid Package A: nnd Street improvements only. Original submission included design/permitting for Bid Packages A and B. 2. Bid and Award Services for Bid Package A: nod Street Improvements only. 3. The reimbursable expense amount is a "not to exceed sum". It includes: geo-technical tests, reproduction, and miscellaneous expenses. Expenses will be reimbursed at actual cost. 4. The estimated construction cost is $5,125,300 for Bid Packages A and B. The project contingency is $569,477. The City retained the services of Pappas & Associates to assist in fee negotiations, The overall fee was reduced during negotiations for the North Shore Neighborhood by $80,506. This amount represents the actual savings associated with the work effort for Bid Package A, nod Street improvements. Note that the proposed fee represents only the Not-to- Exceed amount for the Phase I Planning Task of the entire neighborhood. Design, Permitting, Bidding/Award services are included for Bid Package A: nod Street Improvements. The first Notice to Proceed will include the Planning Phase for the entire neighborhood, Design, Bidding/Award Services for the nod Street improvements and reimbursable expenses of the Project only, as noted in the attached fee schedule tabulation. ~~~e A ;;.~~ecommends the adoption of the attached Resolution. At ~~ F:\ 0 I$ALLIMAGMICIGOBOND\NSNEIGHB2.doc Page 5