Amendment 1 R510,00] AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE. CITY OF`MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA AND SOLO PRINTING, INC. CONTRACT NO. 45- 06/07, DATED JANUARY 24, 2008 FOR THE PRINTING OF THE MIAMI BEACH MAGAZINE This Amendment N 1 to the above subject Contract is made and" entered into this day. of 2010, by and between the CITY OF. MIAMI BEACH, Florida (City),, and SOLO PRINTING, INC.. (Contractor). WHEREAS, the City and Contractor enter into a Contract for the Printing of the Miami Beach Magazine, on January 24, 2008, pursuant to Invitation to Bid (ITB) No. 45- 06/07 (the Contract); and WHEREAS, the Contract is .subject to the City's Living Wage Ordinance (as K described below); and. WHEREAS, at. its meeting on June 9, 2010, the. Mayor and City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 2010 -3682 (which Ordinance, is attached as Exhibit "A" hereto), amending certain provisions of the City's Living Wage Ordinance, as codified in Sections 2 -407 through 2-410 of the City Code (the Ordinance);and WHEREAS, the primary purpose of the amendment to the Ordinance was to adjust and increase the hourly. living wage rate paid by service contractors covered under the Ordinance to their covered employees; with the proposed increases to be phased in over a three year period, .commencing on October 1,.2010; and WHEREAS, the 'amendment to the Ordinance also amended the definition of "health benefits" to define the type of health benefits plan service contractors would be required to offer their covered employees in order to be eligible to pay the (lower) hourly living wage rate (with health benefits);and WHEREAS, the _amendment to the Ordinance now also provides that the covered employee may elect, during an annual open enrollment period to be established by the employer, whether or- not to' take part in the health. benefits plan offered by the employer and, should the employee elect to opt out. and not receive the coverage; then the employee shall be paid the higher hourly living wage rate (without health benefits); and WHEREAS, in order to assure that covered service contractors. doing business . With the ,City continue to comply.with the provisions of the Ordinance, as amended, it is,...., necessary to amend. ' all the current contracts between the City and service contractors subject to and covered by the provisions of, the Ordinance; and WHEREAS, at . its meeting on . September 20, 2010, the :Mayor and City Commission adopted Resolution No: 2010 - 27514, authorizing the City Manager to amend said contracts, to the extent required to bring them into compliance with the Ordinance, as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the conditions and covenants hereinafter contained and other, good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The above recitals are true and correct and incorporated hereto by reference. 2. Pursuant to Section. 2 -408 of the Miami Beach City Code,, as same may be amended from time to time; service contractors shall be required to. all employees who provide services pursuant to this Contract, the hourly living wage rates based on the following three (3) year phase -in approach: • Commencing with City fiscal year 2010 =11 (October 1, 2010), the hourly living wage rate will be $10.16 /hr. 'with health benefits, and $'11.41/hr, without benefits; • Commencing 'with City fiscal year 2011 -12 (October 1,201-1), the hourly living wage rate will be $10.72/hr with health benefits, and $12.17/hr without benefits; and • Commencing with City_ fiscal. year 2012 -13 (October 1, 2012), the hourly living rate will be $11.28/hr with health benefits, and $12.92/hr without benefits. 3. Except as amended herein, all other terms and conditions.. of the Contract shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto. have caused this Contract to be executed by their'appropriate officials, as of the date first entered above. [REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK] F:\PURC \$ ALL \Cristina \Contract Amendments- Living Wage\AMENDMENT Solo Printing.doc . FOR CITY: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA ATTEST: By: City Clerk' City a ger a qo 1 Date. Date FOR CONTRACTOR SOLO PRINTING, INC. ATTEST:. ,�, ..... By �edre ry si `� `� I)m U6 L; 1 Print Name Print Name / Date . Date APPROVEID AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE 'FOR EXECUTION r ate F:\PURC \$ ALL \Cristina \Contract Amendments- Living Wage\AMENDMENT Solo Printing.doc RDINAP CE N0 A 1 I I II++IfAI Cit CAF THE< IAY R :AND IT ` CQI+ I MISSION OF CITY OF {[ " B EA y`y y(�r�_ y}�� +y{ .�({ (per C H AP TER ' .. �[j� � (�y_ '1 l:IAII _ 1�isP:4i�rf� i�. i �'wYr� E14 �E V? E Iw ...... 1 ✓F : T� . ENTITLED: _ "A 3MlWTRATION ,!! BY :AMENDING' ARTI LE III THEREOF . NTITLEU : " BY .AMENDING DIVISION . ENTIT ED "LIVIN WAGE RE UlkE E' NTS. FOR. SERVICE CONTRACTS AND ITX ; . EI IP'L OYEES"'�. ECTIOI�1S: 4-0? 'I I"II�t�IrI I-I; �-�'I {� TI-IER IN ;. A I D PRt VIDIN FURTHEf F I ODIFICATION, SEVERABILITYC AN AID EFFETI�OE; If;��It,, HEREF RE, E IT DA t ED E�'►'' THE 'MA �}R: �ol�#1D'CIT :C �I�I l # F 'SHE !1T'F.NIA1ECI -I, ,.3I1� .S. ECTIQN 'i i That Chapter`2, Article dill, Diuis*i6n 6, .Sectipns 7407 thr ®doh - �; of tl7e Cdde the CNty f` M' ' " ' ch, Flofida, is'her�by. amended as- follcWs PIVI IO +6 LIVING ,IAC REQUI tE1�lEI T� FOR, "SERVICE CONTRACTS �iHD E PLOYEE$ Sec 2 -407 i ► nivans4 y..means ::the_ governme t cf Miami Beach car any. °authorized . agents] any' board; egeney; commission �departmeh .br lot er entity thereof, r r'a y succ ds r `therett ; Covered eMplcayee means anyone employed by the city cr 'any service car tractar as ' further defined in this division; either full car part time a an ernpleyee� wrth car r thc�ut 'benefits Covered ` err�Pipyer means the:. city ` and and and all �ervrce ' ccnlractcars, �rv�rether dahttabting directly br iridit wi h the city; ar�u subcontira�ctc�f a service ct�ntract�r: He alth ben&'fits:r hail.:,at a xminir um mean he�lth.insura�ce ccv r� a which cc�r�sists bf'` wellness :and rerentie cr`e iriciud in aterriit aria# ` then :meets .the• re uirernents' ref . a "standard :health benefit: Ibri" as::defr led. Sri Subsection ��7 f f�9 .f 2 ` b � Fl` rida Statutes° as rna . be ameh ed fedm -time to time. Service caritracr is any indrvidi, fie- eci'parat,, r vheher fQr pcQfit: or nbt, for pro it�,,partnership, .limited. liability company, jairrt venture, .or e��+l tier business er�t t, erho cbnductirig business in !'lam Beacl7' arch who .is eithei Apaid �n , w"hole or part from cite or rrtcre of the citys general fund capital. project finds,: special even' b fords, yr any athar funds;:> whether b` cC�rn e t tave iid prccs irtprral bids, Y P rg p t �jy t rya fir s�y t h rp � , +/ i c it atin, }� r y+ egrtic, 3 Srwl;l.;l&Stp,r Gt A; 7. '�ir &.�iLII,NI.n .t �✓i It.G� €. it'✓'GR - :`M✓t i1.iR, .:Vt 4.2 �8"t r d Ir! t i k rt 3c rt } , A contract tQ rpvidi4, or.a udrrtract to prbyrde, , . ; ser�rices,: # __ for the benefit :r~af 'th city.- Hb ver, this does no rapplY to contracts rebat primarily+ tc:`thrr ale preduct ar gc�s suer s ivrc s are the fiype. cif services, purchased by the crty+ .:that, ire . subpect `tc: the , requirements of - this division v�rhich' in lud e the fr llt� iin wt , service contracts. ` Ccntr�bts ipvc�I�ring �h� pity's expenditure df :fiver 1 Qt :f rJGO, per y ear and whi ch .include the : ollowing ypes :off ery cep ' Fopa prep raf ton andfcir distribution, b. ecurrtyr servie; c: Routine main services such, a� . custodial, cl ariir^g �69 F:6 refuse removal, repair-, fetinishing, and recycling; . d Ie-rrcal pr other: n cn supervisory Qf tice w rk, . whether ternporar. fir pe mar ent e, Transpdrtatio and par Trig sear cos, �f Printing end reprar action services; g Landscapong,_ lawn, end cr agrrcultural seraces, errd h. Park and ubllc rna Mtenance: (2) Should any ser~ices included in. sub'sectiQri 1 ( a l tht ire Bair a performed by i employees at the time this 'divisign *s� e 'nadted be. solicited in the future , by the city to be perfcrrned by a: s ,Vice: contractor, sud, services shall be dOered services' subject tc thi 'divislvn e . 2-40 Luring air g :. {e Lrvt� ageparc°:,: .1 , 'S ervice, ccnfiraccrs: # service . crntractcr , ,_. enterrng, into. a` Covered. ser Ices contract rrth: the crty shall pad to all its e playees he it vide ser vices ;iw ver d l thrs rvrsisan, lii�ir ,irvage of ric leis g. than '11.2 & 4 h 'Or ith health benefits pc a fining wage ;of not less than $ 12 9 ' an hour w ithoui',healtk benefit , . M Ph as­ ► ee ; tech e ►ctdber 'I '2010: the liw h � e in subsection (a) "will `he it olementad vin a of this divisiet; c)n chase :n iasis be in : tie --- 0 23:12311 city f 1. budget ye .:increa on an. annual b asis in.crehli�ri l y 4 that th livin ` age is full im let ' e nted far 4 avere�d e' m la ees�' in the 2093 0.12- 201`1 y p p bit bYd year Y } l-1 alai erne ts; ligi�i 11 �. erinc �r`a c verei erra lc ye r :the city tc c h p y With I' the :riving uv i t� e requ rements :of this d ivision 'by choosiE , :tai'pay. the lbwer wage sc 1e a �1 E t1Ew' `1�i€heCl G�3`' er 6m.pt�3y.er a s+o provides health 1�e efit i,� "4`. h c ltl"E benefits tS h 11 T carisist cif �ayrriet�it of at`:least :1. r.hour t€ wai"d the iprovisi n of ;a health benefits ; far dovi ered • ploy 'es and their bendents. If _the health benefits plan `crf the tlMered emplayer � requires' an ihitial'perit�d, 4 ' of ern } i fi'T"iE3rlt far`a new et i loyee ;ta k3e eliitgibl6 far`' heath benefits ; {eli ility. eric d 'the living shall be deemed to s have beeh com lied ritf a _._ ire requirements oaf this division � ;; during the eligibility periad ravidd the caVeretl emlayer Gt�rrnerces to p the applicable livirc uve rate v ithiaiit ;health benefits ,:effective as.'nf' the ate of hive ,af the ` cverd et°rployee. . ' y p piavided" the he' ern la `ee, v�ill be Clpi�n pampletion ref° the: eli ibilit eridd, . arid P' _prow c�ed� health benefit 4 a' � eri�iplayer.. riay. cprntnence `ta l aY the rte. liballe liven uva a rate vlth health lei efits. r : Pri pf therevisEan of heealth benefits trust b s:iinittcl to the -1ci procurement director to qualif r fc r the=_ a' ' r°ate.for �mgloyees with healtKbenefits V c Af ual - ere Enra11rrxer�i�Ele ttari 6f �3er�el`its; lf. <a :'i i�vered erri !ra` ee i�, bein aid t'he hoi�rl li rin a rate :with.health:ber efit "and: elects _ tldri'ri such eriod of time but' na °lest `:than once tlurin the �ave et lc ` er's :fiscal ear 6n whic the` bdver d; ern 'ld er ermits `its eh'i !o ees, are arturtit to cr'ar# etheir health benefits lan cvi era hereinafter such eriod� hall be- referred . b the "annui il-a erg enro"llnier t erirad" to nQ €�h er ' "ue receivii eavera e' `urXtl£''r `the `ern is ergs he alth benefits I ti then =- notvaith tar'dih the covered em lip er,s con ihuin #o.bffer a' he filth- :benefits I an tb:'etri la ees the cavered4m la . ee ele`dtiri but bf.caveraa e duhn tile' ii^lilital ertrbll'ment ercd ;shell b: the next a eriad be: aid :the livable' hurl" liver sera` a .rsite .ithiau health 'benefita. The: covered = ere lei er r is s in tt' reasenable .'ud rnent:and: discretion det6rt' ihe the len th bf time tlsin the'. ro osed three year base -in commenc with cs# fiscal 'ear:.2l} -11 - .flctc�ber 'I. 201M, j 1he Nir wa a t`a #e wilt.:he 1i ::1.CIhr , with health benefits and� 11:41Ihr 'snrithbut benefits, corrmencin .v+�ith °cit fiscal ear. 201'112 October 1': 2011' ...the liven wage: ro a .well be i fl,72�hr .us itr :. health' :'b6n&fit�. :and 12.17 w'ithoUt.'btnefitt, .arid commencin with tit fiscal ear °2012 -13 06#6ber 1, 21 12 'the livih uVa `E' rate rill`:be` 1:1:2�1 Stith . health ene is and 12 <921 hr +without hene ts., U in the p ree 3 ear hasewin . ursiiar`i# to`Secti6n -408 2 corti'mencir �rvjth ci fisba`l ear:. 261041 ' (Qc#aber 1,, 2010) the health'. benefits rate will be. at least commencing ith : .fiscal year 201 1 -.12 ctober "1, 201 - 1 r ) , , , the healtfs .benefits rate will be at leapt 1' and b&nmenci ., UUith'ti fiscal ` e4r; t�:12-13 odtbbe ` 1 -2012' , the h ealth bi rneii:ts rate , will'at least 1:ia4lhr `3 fc�r the annual. o eri enrollment_ erio ma uire -en" lQ ees td corgi fete and return a hefits electitn form; and in:fihe e e covered' ern ic :does not corn leteand return such election fcrrn c the' cdvered: ern ee Burin fihe' rescribed fiirne cf the :annual' eri errr`cllment' eriod '�then .the covered ar t td6 er .tea treat the ..covered ern to ee ..as having elected: to: continue :viiithlhe health lan`benefits covers e then in effect and :accordin l rya continue,. tt a the covered em `It � ee the a licable hourl li In tea' e rate with health benefit . d li cie in The lien w a r:ate:and health care benefits rate E rna re' olution Y jryj - V 1 V of :fhe cif commissi be a� �a - indexe d e annually far �nfl atjcan uSlrlf,� the .l�'ltarr�i . .:: . rrw....r. . PISA Ccnsum' er.Price Ind6x for W Arbon, onsurners (QpI U t �aimi /Ft. Lack ei"dale; is�ue� b the, U. S. lie artment of Labor's;. Bureau of Labor Statistics.. N Oy otWithstandin the recedih no annual :index shall exceed three arc :nt '� nor shad are annual i` ncreeae exceed th e cor'res ordin annual com 'ertsatior increase if_ rcv'ided to unre` resen `l"he cif commission may also by resolution, ` elect not to index the 'livtnc `yrage -rate: in " any pertiedlar year, _if it determines it could not be fiscally ..sou' nd, to implement sarnet � - din particular year; The: determir atit n to in or. n Vindex the livin era ` e rat shall e dons idered�annuall dur`in ` the camr fission's review acid ,j rdval of the; cit 's annual .o eratin bud et:. Jh .the;- .evenfi that the bit �comrrrission has:: determined .in an artic filar. fiscal . ear 'or ears tc not'.index the ii it vva a rate and therediter determines that mal in .all .gar n ar"t cf the riar :ear's �r earn' unindeced' accents e +auld not have ;an adverse .fisca L. rrn act u` on the fit `them the cif commissic n`shaII `also have 'the .ri ht 'but not. the c bli afiit n: to :;C uMdla .fM l index the livin era e rate to''m" a u <,� for an deficiencies in the rior ear :ar . ears 4here there Was. mere .no increases the °c at ch u " election . The `c t hwu , electio n must e a roved: b resolutibny and ma onl be considered Burn the cif cornrnissicar1's` revieri and aptroval of the peratiria bud+t. dl: Ceftwicaric�t _r� t c i ed. efdre aayrr er . spy and "all dontracts for covered services s#ama "be. vb�d and n funds rl=ragr be, rel:ased; un less riora entering am .agree rnrit: r,tl1 'ttie;. cifiy. fo'r a coverO� se rvices cQr tr, the sec € ce coritractr r certih s to `the cit y that jt;"Wi pay : each -, cf :its covered employees no less, than the livirig . Wage. described n s ection 2 - 408(a).- copy pf this certificate must b' r> ado available tc `.the public upon request, The , cart €ficate at rr in u , must t include the "folio riri ( The name; address, and phone r'urriber. cif 'the covered emplaer;, a lcd1 cdnfact pec an, and the speoiTIc project for which the covered services contract a soug (2) The er tuna of the coverer services egr�tract . a .brief : describti�ri of the reject er service. _irdVided .aired tie city d partrnent the:cantract gill genre; LL t 3 A statement of the rrvage.leve(s fir alltentplc gees, : and j A: c' mrrii rnerifi tra ply sIl covered employees ' the :living wage, a defined. bar section 2-408(a and .including, Without 'limitation, any' ahnual ihdexes :therein as' -rovided in section 2­408(d Cfe) ` bservat bn cif other -Jags. Every: cove employee shal be Paid not less than :. x; bou�reekly and without subsequrt deduction or rebate on any accc�unt as such piyoll` d0du' ctidns as �'ar+e dire t' d ar perm. i e6 b I r a' lledi ee :barc a per c r em6n ). The:: covered :employer Ishal pay covered - employees wage rates in accordance. With federal : and` all. other,.aoi livable laws sUdh. bvertirne and similar gage laws: t { q F'cistari : c?Py cf`the' st current living "wage rate shall be kept p�psted by the ccavered employer atAhe °.site of:fhe.w6rk ire a prominent place where it can easily ',be" seen; and read by the covered e plpyees$ shall elso be supplied to. ># an e ployee with iri-a: reasonable time: w ' after a r e quest to. cfo sc : Posting requr'errients will :'iflt' be requiree rere.:tl~ severed employer prints the Jo' llowing statements o n :the front of the coVered- ernplo. Yee first every six ( onths th ` r6after: "YoU ah reqUired:by it i of Miami.Beaibh leis to be paid a least dollars J NO`E Cver► er t ;insert t�oalevtn Wage ra` an haur. !f you are y y p y y y _� ye not paid this .hour!.: rate con tarot oar ern to er, ar�..attorne car the Cat :cif 1tJl ami Beach. All. natices-:Will be printed in English, Spanish, :and Creole.,. L :) �oJJective bargaining; Nothing in this .di sion ;shall be read , to require or authorize any covere d. employer to reduce wages set %by.ra collective bargaining agreement or ,a as � required under any lirevai lind wage laW i T- p;! credit; exern lion : .For a: covered em to ee: who re ularl reeves.' 'ti or rat cities het einafter ti .s,, as art af. his/ he ° a a .covered ern l�r er rr�iill be eXe T"i t from a ° rr�enf of :trie 'a l�cable "hour! livin+ra e rate far such •em ' lc ee rci+ide'd that the fflllflv�rit requ ir ements are met. lh``.orc er' Ao� u al i f fr r the eXce Lion, ti e covered em lfl er must cla "a'"ti credit'° under!the`federal:Fair Labor standards Act FLEA .._.:Thc. :exce tin shall onl...a l tc cfl Bred errs lb ee al d re i :a , art of their'corn ensation i:e. gaiters :bartenders hostesses busbro S . etc. 3`. The- co - vered ern to e r shall be solel res ' chsibl&for assurin that all;ti eo' cove re ern to ees meet the ei' ikpit re uirements .fflr thie .ti credit under the FLEA: 'The cove red' em b loL 6r a y r , oM crest toward satisfaction I 6f:the,*- p licable hflurly, living - .wage regu €rernentY tips up 6'naXlrUl�'t amflur"#t t"f the allowable tip credit; "and 5. The covered ern lti ee's ti s lus direct hourly wag ;corrilrined must` add :u to at least' the applicable. hour! living .vacte rate, NotWithstandin an hiss in this subsection ed covered eta to ees rr`iust r«ecoiue at" least the .:abpkable hourly living wag rate'When their direct and ti s are combined. $61. 1 r t0 rnehtatiqn. k a Pr , c�cur sped Ications The Iivincg a e shall required in the prod cements specEfctions `for all :covered service contracts .can ua+hch bids Qr' r p opnsal�s: # re solicited n €�r titter the effective. date of this uision The p C CUrerrterlt Specifications shall include; a regairernerit that. service car�trac #ors r d their aubcoritractor agree to prod oe, all do currier t r d records relattrig 'try pay 9' 1 r and compliance; with this division upgn request from the city. All covered . servibe cont awzirded:subseauent: to. th6 vwhen this division become ' effective bject : to the tequiirer ents o this division Ali r�irm . s ecifications `for. cat poue ed services coin racts shall inclu de �, �g a to riate onfgr`t at�ori I ibt�the ;r•equ iem nts cif this diui ipn . PP ; sb lily intern ce cif a rail rec ar s Each covered em lc r shall mai tair�: a rolls -fdr x { ;� p y . P __ e all covered employees a nd bask records rolat�rig there #o,� and shall. preserve them for a.perinq of three Pars sir the,,terrr f th e.co rered services cc r tract, rh�chever. is grater: The recorld shall contain. The name and - address`s f" covered :em Io e'e; 2} The- :jcb title a;r cl t�c�n' (3) The nuM er of'hou s vv6tkod Teach :',day; ( The; gross wa ges, earned :and �ded ctions made,; F ( :: nh: al Wa' ges : cp of the soc al secur t return s :and evidence -of p rnen# #hereof (7),..A record- of fringe e* n It : ajrm n ts ncludirtq cor tr but ens approved; Plans; and 8) And other dq a."or .n. ormatigr� his divisjo sli iuld. squire fir arr� tirri' tc true (dp Repotti :: a roll. Eve . sip .6 months the covered ;em lb or shall file vso th ttie p Y p Y cif .pracureme. director a :coi tpl to payroll. shov irac the co vered err�pldy r`s payrgll .rec r s far: eac i c+ v red.�er plc ee v+r ar cirig i✓►n the 'GC rered! s wises contract " t r one payroll: period t,pon :request from the city "the cduered employer shall produce i its a roll records fo an or all of :its severed em -, to ees ;fdr an ed6d': covered by. the :covered :services ` cont The city ;made rr ine aspect, ndtc r: cop dri a roll record's as - :needed to ensure ern !Tense ith the re uirement.of p y, P Sec: 241 €3 COrnp� Ance ana enforcement. 16) e�mce contractor - jo cooperate: The service contractor shall permit the city , empl ,. to observe vror beihc perforrriecl:at, nor on the;pra�e or rr.�at#e!r�fbt.Which the-: 666NibL� Gori a(A covered services contract :w6s issued. The city: septa es may .examine' the books and records: �of the :service contractor relating. to tl e - Y . employment and payroll tip : het rrnibe if, 'the service cprttrac or s in oo.mp jAnce With the ;proylsio s of this ivisio v I Cora faint .oce ures am 'sarrctrons ... } Ap covered em lo ee or former covered em alo tee who °believes: that this: y - dvsion.pplies t barn car her and that cci�rered `ern 1 . --�h -vim► not complying Grath the requ�rer�er��s of this k division `:has :a rig to: file, �a� an .adrn� i trative comp aint r0# h r due iF :cO .'s procurement director nv: individual or entity rri also file 'E Comp feint with the rncurernerit -. director s' f ..the cit :gin . behalf : -6f. covered : ern la ee for ihyesti anon by thgt it y . .' 2 Cow faints b e k ees cif alle e`d v�olatiors shall. be r�iade n viritirtci p l y .. iavithin .one gar after the alle ed - violatiaari occurred . ;lo . oo " lain't s hall lae: within:the 'urrisdiction of'the cit under the adm ni trative carp Dint ec lures in this >divi ion :if' the dorri laihq is filed more than ore 1. ear after :tho alle ff v61atioh : A;kaeioe occurred. . the °tern iant shall be si ned b tl'ie' arson rrai€n the ° orn lairt' hereinafter. the 'COPiI ' lainarit" and �f 'the ccm la lnartt r rot..tlie covered ern `'lo'ee'. :the ° dvered errt to 'ee as Drell shsll.be ::snroi °n to or affirmed- ahb`; shall, at a rninir�nurn, state the full ram. and address €f the comolainant: the full name and address of the cornered +em `io er = :a airtstihonthe.`dom faint is help ; made hereinafter, the `gyres ondenf the :facts u on which. the comp fault is : based g I&suGh other' it formation as rna :be. re uiredb ` the cit .... :The coat lain may :be.`filed' by :��ersonal deli re ordinar � rr ail or certified mail, a Idres ed�� to the c1t =s procurement director r Written Qfiafi.dal L4, q s�pilit� The °city s rocurement director shall noif th covered em to er named in the corn fault the °'res ondent7 . e rov idin :. the eri to er with .a co of° the dorri iaint b -- .certified mail s er opal tteliv+a Within thief (3Oj worki ng .da s after . a co of ::the corn fain .:has been` served u on :the_res ondent ty the. rocurernent director, the :res ondent rhay file an. answer ;thereto. If an answer, is filed L the answer' be h w =arid contain" at.a minimum, :se state ands `ecifid res onse to each and e�ie artieul6r of the corn` fault or :a denial of an kh6WIed e or''i , rrnatit i .therec�F;- wft dent: to t forma ;belief. �n `alle anon of the cc rri laint mh' his not d enied shall e oeemed`.adrriitted; If <:an answer is.filed .the rocurernerit'd rector cause .a h'e' answer to :be served .on the com `lainant: If :the res onder t ele is not to an' ever the .corgi , lariat, .then :the `matter shall roceed on `the evidence in su ort'of the.: com plairt; 7 X &' Whenever a verifiedwritten cofti i6i.nt is'-filed ursuent to:this divisidn;.the aroct re Trent direc.6r shall .make proms t ihyestigdtion -o i, allegations . df `violations 'in : g6nneetion � therewith and foi ward to the cis ry �aha er a. w ritten sumrna of the inyesti tiara -� ii~� within 3960 days after the : ' coriplaint is filed If RIP f: upon his) er: revievu.bf fih cdnt [aii t answ er (if'filed), and invest gation. city manager determines that a viol6tion -af this`.:;divisii ri has rr d; +t h % : s ll, vtirithin tl rk r days O i finding of noncom pliance, issue a: notice, of correcfiiv � abtion in vvritin�. e..th ., resprdrit specifying. :all arias bf naricc�rr pliarce grid deadliiles ftr ras,olutiohs of the identified vielakions. . Y o har the c rnanacge 's notice cif corrective action shall be sent to the :cc rri iainai t an d :;the res or derit:b certified il, return rei eit ,recuest:d orr hand:'deiiver`. 1" esa€ndn f1s t��-cenpI: Frith :6nv. dr. all of :the resolutions fi r. the identified vrolatibris: 'withii .'.the . :deadlines: ' ravided :in the: > :. ioticee the :city ianger ':. ' may issue, an order. in vvritir�g to .the , . res bndent by ;certified mail or hand.:, delivery, 'notifying, the re_ ..nn;itt toipeer et an administrativi� hearing be bre ti cane . off the city "s . si seba masters; t be . heldt a time to h fixed in such: order, co wcf the:. ider shall als&'be:senfi fib:the cor `lairiai fi b . Gertilied tmanl car hared deli e 8 .' ci . -man e r , s hall a lso p rovidi -a- wri re 'ort to the cis' ceamn fission: in foe ih them of "the corn lanes vrrrnich re ort shall` include a b`i'ief surrirtia: of the :facts at issue the results +of :the cis 's ir�iie ti atis rn _arid the recorr mended adrninistrative Adis ositidn of.the ccm lanes i'ncludin an findin of non-com, " liance and dent recommendation n for:ccrrective` acti6h Tl e heiriri roceedn s s, all be irifarmal; t affortl fihe i .,P � 9 . the, right o testifv in: hisiher . own defense, resent witnesses, be re :resented : b counsel; subunit relevant p Y e�ridenc , cross e amini witr esses an bbtect to evidence. o { 1 } The pr+ seeding `shall be: :r�:cnrded and rninUtes kept by .the city arty The . res €indent re uiriri verbatim rninutes for u icial::review may .... a . a arrange, for - the ,servidErs of ` a court reporter at the expense of .the €i#)F respandent : 141-1) � :n ys L;i i thy: sloes ref the: hen ring, tl*ie : At s ecial .:m er ;` - :shall render decision ,in �rriting deterrnining W; Nether or not the res c nder t .is in comp or Whether other actioi'n� shoi id be taken;; or �ihefiher the matter shauld :be continue : as >th� case ,i�ri�i�i t�e and stinting �he:r��sc�r�s aril �indings't�f (1 } The cit . shall send true grid correct copy ref the rier' bar certified: s rh6il,: return :recei reque=sted, br t�y� hand deliverv. -- ,the restoi dent and cbrriilinarnt _.. ( #1 ) 'The tu M:41;aq &!S- . ec al .matt is - 's findings shalFiconstItUte .the final administrative �ctior of :the dity fair. purpose judicial re lief i `under st In a" rvoo" " apt irioludin t city acinitr�tior may, ,"aa1 a final 'administrative :larder of a spec 'rmasterjoc - the cj'rcuit'cc�u�t ih accordance with ect on 3 .77 r :here6f: AY X If : :a" respondent "fails to :seek timely appellate ,review cif ( } ;ari' order Qf the s ial'rnaste oi� �,..� tt? corgi l trriel u�tith such ardirr the cit a ursue the, enfreientf saictioi: yP Y " Y.. t . et,.. orth •in se ction 241 { c �'r irate: r dh cif ofion a n,st . c verec errr f r er n co vered erriploye' ofr fgrrner coffered eiiplpyef a srviGe' intreotcr ray ,r�steiid df' but <nt in addition tpY ut €lining the o adh inist rative " cori� plaint p roced ures :; iri section Z 0 a ". , t ; :k sing :an action to enforce the .. ro�isions of,thi"s ft di id lion y filing suit•' against the :covdred emp, yer °i : any court of co peten ji tr €sdibtibh b a: court- of .con etent .: ur isdiotion that :a covered . Upon . a ..finding. Q Y" p :t�nlav�rfull ` withheld - wa es :i�rider``this divisicari such covered ?ei to 'ee shall ;be .entitled to vii=i_ award of "unpaid or.underpaid"vuaces, tQ reasonable costs and attorneys'fees grid in: addition, ,to li " uioated"darria es in a surri a u l fig vice .the amount wa es .the: covered-ern to er� js found to" have urilawfull " rithheld in " rd r :to corn ensate the covered ern to: ee`" fcr "the econo. =' losses the suffered b reasian cif - not 're teir.'a eat the tirrie it"as' due Arid in order:to, , deter: fut ire" noncom `liarice ti the covered eni to er. Thy applicable ".statute : of limitatidhsd for. such a.cl claim W ill e" years °as : :" rovic d ":in: section O5 'I,1 . c Florida StatOte's as . l� (.( same may be amended from time to tirne for an action .for:payment of ­wages.- Tl W. ice Ab P ke and: Payable - B }(d} c t?Ctions a din,st. service contract For uiolatio this division, the city, shell sariction .a ser�tice °contractor. by requiting the "seruice contracts .r to" ply viva€ e 'restitution_""at" the e contractor s: expense "'for, eaG4 'the ;�ffedted "covered 'Ompl. y. p aiad may` a so aV esi tie . take the fcallowinQ actions ( The "cify may impose ear ages & k A I eA A fc�r etch weep that the covered erriplQree uis found 'try 1�re not beenaic iii.. accc�rdarje .rtiththis division; andliar ` () The ci ma .s uspeni tei-r pyrnent under. the coveredrvoe contract: acid / or tet Ate the cor t act"vvith the service contractor.; acid /pr 3 - The sit declare the: service contractor i n+eli i I Ie for fut& _ service :coi*ae ts. f6r : thr 2 ...years or until' . oll" restitution: C has been"paid i l full .to' the covered ernplo�tee "arid all pen hies i'if any) paid . x to the - cily wh is. long andtor r a t . 1 In order to °Coat ensate' -the 'ctt for the :'costs' of :lnvestl at n and:: - .. - reined in 'the '�iolatid :the pit rr` , alt6 - 6eder.the violatin covered erh to .er to a the �cit !s reasonable costs.: , for investi` atin and defendin th'e. cOQ faint: and rered in the Violation)., ich:ftnds" shall be allocated and used to offset_ the costs'af im ler entin and enforcit :this division P rbfic record' a�`;sanctions. I ll: such sancti recc�r�tmended r�r ir�tpos�ed .shad be;a :; rriater of:�oblie record. , : . : f} Sanction - far , aid ing ;a' d abetting The s tinctions. in ,aection: 2 4 :1'0 (+ad) shill alto a apply to:any = part y :or parties aiding and'abetting in any.violation of this "division. Beta i8bor '. anc c escrrmination: barred covered employer. shall not discharge; reduce the compensation raf or .:otherwise, di5 rims' ate: or take . adverse actton;; against.. ony cove.red`,em lc yee in retaliation far` e ercisir the ri hts rotedted ender this division includin ..- �` without ]Imitation; mal ing a ggrn "plaint : to the city, under' this division,:. or informin ' :an erson about :gin - art .,s aile ed non =com liance w ith tl7,is division .or Informin art " erson `of 'his or. her �' otential r�i` h& und&`' his' division and .tt assist hirrtlher'in assertin s�ioh ri its. lrotecttiris under this sbsectibn shall 'a i to ari err who `rriistalceil but in cod' faith alle es r�on -coin ]lance 'with this dirii i son.. :Talsin adverse actin rt a ainst a erson v itliiri .Windt 9a da � of'the, ersoh's .exercise of ri his rotected under this shall raise a:rebu table oresuri< tton d6 for of ha 'Vinc ne�so in- retaliation ttie exercise of .such `rights ` go, r etaliat ion "or di criminatiion, if eiuric tr ll a h f u j shall result li order .tif rost itUtidri .and re'instatemerit of a di §charged cc�ver�;d employee with. back pale to the d'te of.the filin tf the'corn lai'nt with thie cit h} isrforcerriet 1f necessary for the enfprcerei'it of "this' division, the City . cotamiionny issi�a: suhpo�ris, crnpl the attendance an tstmn d vvitriesss and production ef� books, papers record , acid 'documents. relating to payroll .records necessary' dr 'hearing, :investigations and: roceedin s..ih case .cif° disobedience , of the sub oena, the cit {- .. .?jai ' atto n y:iroi y i pply to a'cd rt of compete ;ht j4� nsdidfion. for n order ret�uirir g the atteridarice ai d testimony ofv�ritnesses-and production 'of.bt oks,l apprs records, an do currtertts: Said .court`; iri: the- :case of. the refusal to obey' such subpoena, after notice to the persona subaenaed; and upon finding that ;the �ttendanci% or testimony cif. such witnesses of the production of such bock, papers., recerc s, :and documents has the"cas:`iay bed is relevant or necessary for hearings, ' investigations or ptoeeedings,: ;may issue an order requiring the attendance pr, testimon ` of such With esses or: the rod' ctioi of such docLiintents° �ar d 'an vi�latior of ;the -: : � i y x. Y court's cinder ;iri�y be.:p�iriishable k.y the -pou : as contempt'therepf ' remedies tie n.,n nexclusive. loo remedy.se forth in this division is intended to: °be exclusive oral prereque cite fob asserting a clairn for relief to enforce the rig its .iander;this division to a: court of lair: This division shall, rest b , corstrtied to lirr�iit an rplyeeg' right to b ring pc rnmori lbw ;tlattse pf action. "for �vrpr gful . erminatior rovided. however that if a of lairrarik :has previously. initiated . or initiates. a dull action in a court of corgi eterit'jurisdiction.alle ih a�, vic'latior of this division;: ar ether: latter with res ect to the sal ae nevance rhich is the sub` et of an administrative com faint. ursuart- to this division, then the, ad m In istrafiVia corn faint shall not b6 or".shall r o lon" er big.. as th6ecasenav be l of :the city under -the. administrative :com Taint -, rocedures establ shod.`herein.. 1 x k ECTt l '2 S EVERABILITY. if an ect n, ent rtc :cl .i e or phrase f thi and nai e �s held � b & in Mid c�i* Y unppnst .ituti6hail b an' y court of,c"'om' patent uris�ictior ; .they said hdiding' shali in .no .w�iy affia. the :validity.of.the: remain n� Pcrtior �.flf"thi -:ordinance h Ei Tl l` G Ft AT10N.> It is t ie Mnteinfidn Hof the l�lM' and City �Cbmiriission::of the City ofi (titliami i~ h, i d �t . 4. hereby ordained' -that the. pr6vitic r� 6f -this `ordinance shall' hecame and be adela part of the bodef.the �y► cif= 1[irritech; 1lorica. ".The +eoticrs of'thssrdirtartc tay'bi.rrimtared or' rele4ered.to'accom fth such intention.,: and the word "ordinance'' "••may be changec#`t6. "section'- other aprapn etewori: r SECTIO 4 E1FFECTI E'DA E';. Tts C.rdnrco shall take= ftect;ten ,iays;llou�ircdoticn. PASE�. .and- Af3.3PTE? tli�. `:� >�t'f'!�. :ATTEST:: MAYS R E Aatt0\AG )R\RES0S 0R vih;;- eta ordinance - inendmer t Reading 6'9- 10).dacx. APPROVED AS TO, ''. GE - f CUT1 1'