#449 Meeting incorporating the Town of Miami Beach 03/26/1915 ■ r- . ......_ i • . . . ▪ . a) 4 1111' r 4 / 1 )" 4 e r-i ..---'1 ..." .1 , . , It E I CD rl CD 0 N Z ° • r P E-4 .ri i c .... El 4 D ,-; ,,..: F.., 0 0 i-i r-t.. I , . 1)1111 \IN:1C)/ , I - --....... - A i k I •••■;i4.4i, • ' ,-7 . : t t ,--. :•,-- '< ,,, :i 1 t \ 2 ,-■._._,_ . -P e : H ! , q : t •:( 1 ; . ., `AN . ! • ".„..... 0 \ - '4164kii..__._...„,..- , •,-1 , C" ' ' r 1 ‘N**"."'‘. •k-k.1 ,.., "", H ..1 0 V•I (I) , ■ I -If' ._ _ --• $.4 .,-i .-, -.-. — P 1,'• . (--- / / -.Z--- i t / 7 -- -- -, } oh. - .,(--• i 1 P 4 4 E' rC a) trt co e:,• 1 ...... - • i ,di _ ....,-.1, --- 0 '.77 * 4-1 k .1-4 k H )(- c I i , • ' --; :!'} if' 0 ,'' TA • ' le r N."' trio I i ""k7I ::----■ * .° ‘ ... , • t.„ t , • / r5 t• Ci ,./ I $ i , : : . .,- .1 ,,•: , : : 4 ,/ 4 . •-'-' k c6 k 1. 1 , , i \ c , • PI * cp ■ F r' 1 • 1 - , S.4 C P - c • A I 7 I' I • . - }Lr {- Ca 't • - • 0 / > t r . -- 41°1' 41.- ... ,......."...., ..-*" k ._... ,-+ • •— ;-- •r .. g ,./ ..•• -..---e t Le -, k \ ,-- . , - -- • 1- ...- ..-_, ., . c -, * co rc• 12, ...- • I / ," , \lioikt. 1 ' 1 ;--••. i a_, -. ' * ;-4 c F „. . s / ' ; • •,,--: ---. * ra '"` ,/ • f / ,---- i A c Ci r : X. 0 •,--1 - -4 ' ;--- I _......„---- ( - - / , / 4 r E 4 .`"1.) ti-, kr, -4. • ^ ) . . ,, , t ■ " - -- ,....• i---- 4- • C - -.," ---_. . . k . ...! I. ( ‘,....- * bt) F.-+ ''•;•!, .- c , , 1 ' ( • .'.\,,--- ,,,....,--• 1 E. 4 4-4 4-' eD 72 _, : : , :,,i ..■ ).". , y• /411( '... ' • , r y li ,--- ... ,1" \ ../ , ,..----■ ......,/ .,.,'"*\ 1"-' .. ,, .:., , , --( ... 4: : 7 --"t '`• ,, , or "--I 4 ' ' i o i A...,. } •,-, .r.-; f-■ M. - -.....1 .4.1 . L- ) 16( ... 1, 6., ..... ''' ... . 1 4b* %Zi P' 7 Y St- V / - c... • - ,.„0 0 0 . - r, - .-■ r, E-i rd C 0 -,k-■ . CD , H 4-4,- -----, -- '-•"' First; nedmond -B. Gautier was elected chairman and J.F.Canova clerk to { !I take down and transcribe the minuted of said meeting. Thereupon a roll of the registered and qualified voters residing in.the territory describ- • ~ ed in the notice was called aed it was found from an examination of said list,or roll,that there were thirty -three (33) registered voters resideing in the territory described by metee and bounds in the notice and that all of said parties who were liable for the payment of • poll tax has paid all poll taxes assessable against them necessary to enable them to vote, and that of said number there were Thirty registered and qualified Uoters present,that the number of registered and qualified voters present were more than twenty -five in number and constituted two - thirds of.the registered and qualified voters residing in t °e proposed cor porate 1%mi`s. Thereupon one of the notices calling said meeting, with sworn proof of pose.° ,read filed with the clerk,which said notice,with proof attached thereto,are in words and fignr.es as fo11Ows,to -wit:- NO`�^IC NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the re- .istered voters end qualified electors resi.dtng in the district hereinafter set forth and f'efinea by ;etes and bounds,is her shy called to convene t,t the office of The Ocean Beach 2enl.t ;; Company, at Ocean '?eech, . in the territory hereinafter described,on eriday,the 26th day of ;.larch 1915,at seven o'clock P.M. for the purpose of organizing and incorporati7 a municipal g)rvenrmeft,'he territory { sought to be incorporated is,described by metes and boun -'s,as follows; Beginning in Dade County,F1oriYa,at a point where the eastern boundary line of the nx'esent City of Miami,if extended north,woulti be int =rsected by a line rener l eeet and ww6st through the center of sections twenty -two (22) and twenty- -three (23) of Township fifty -three 1!)3) south, 2ange forty-two (42) :last, thence run east along said east and '.zest line through the center of sections twenty -two (:') and it•venty -three (23) to the low water mark of the Atlantic Occan,thence in a, southerly direction neend,ri g t ?:e low water mark of the Atlantic Ocean to the eastern extrem' ty of the `soverneent Out, (as not survn :: i established and constrneted,extend.ing fron the Atlantic °cean to the waters of .si;ir,ayne opposite the City of :iiami ) thence meandering the low water mark of the northerly shore of said Government Cut to the western terminus thereof, thence due we ;:t to the eestsrn bonnie. line of the present City of Mirmi,thence north along the eastern boundary line of t :e rre:.- 1 eat City of Miami to the point of beginning,the above described property embracing the scut half of fractional sections twenty -two (22) and twenty -three (23) and all of fractional sections twenty -six (26) twenty -seven (27) twenty -eight (28) thirty -three (33) and thirty four (34) in township fifty -three (53) South,::ange forty -two (42) east,and all of fractioea'_ sections three (3) and four (4) and all of fractional section ten (10) lying north of the Government Cut in township fifty -four (54) South i3angeforty -two (4:;) iiast, and all isle:as sand bars and submerged lands and waters lying between the above described lasa and the eastern boundary of the present Oity of Miami. All persons who are registered voters residing in the proposed corporate limits as above set forth are hereby required to assemble at the place above named and on the date above named to select officers and organize a municipal government. Dated this 24th day of r'eiruary A.u.1915 78..11.. Wi1lsavn The (truly :mom fierpua and says that he Posted three of the above retotices at public places i- --U e _ • at Puh 6 is Places i4 the Te ri:ory� ab�prye set forth and in immediate l SN l on the 24th of cu (y tit t. t�99 yt.ei G Qtoaat / ert: �,ai t <2 a� Feby,1916.`brle being Posted,at Ocean Beach Casino and one at .Miami Beach Pavilion. A ' .R.II.Wileon J.Y.Lummus • J.Arthur Pezncoast Cubecribed and sworn to thM 2ii" day of Mer.1915 T.E.Jamea Mitchell D.Pv e ot3ry Publio State o Fla.y om.expires 11,11,1915 J.T.Blaokman (N.P.S ) H.H.Fi].er C.H.Perry Thereupon it was toned by T.E.James and seconded by J.H.Welch that the territory described in said notice be organized and incorporated as a municipal corporation under the name of "Miami Beach ",the territory embraced in said motion being described by metes and bounds as follows,to-wit;- Beginning in Dade County,Florida,at a point where the eastern boundary 111. the present City of Mlami,if extended north, - roul5 be intersected by a line running east and west through the center of sections tisenty -two (22) and twenty- t',.ree (23) of Township fifty - three (53) 6outh,ii nge forty - two (42) :.ast,thence run east along said east and west line through the center or sections twenty -two (22) and twenty -three (23) to the low water ma:.•k of the Atlantic Ooean,thence . .:;c 0.• ' • Theroupon,an election was duly held by the quulifi elooter t fo f t ie . of the officers above iesignati, which sui/ elootion results/ ir th tiLL nora ( officorn, J. 1. L uiu .; 2' _ . . I A -• . . . . . • . • . A 1 . • • A •. Tit • • • • . , . . . . 11 ; r H ..1, ,/ I t . 4 • A Or , ) • ,A / 4 ■? dOgr • et- ..■mottit fiala old in . . . . 2,000.00 Paid. LaSalle ft f ua1ife1vo , 7 r i n tn . aicl 10 men vliom ; ':L.1.6 for 17 to o the „ • Stamps — UV.= 111N. . otc • . lavrrers s thronLih. the •Anvil:. , - Lomol.)51os in; circmI'ves • lbC .00 Carr 0 on bov.t.c. , of . • . • 1:30.0u .; LCl Tee . . • • • 15 rece Lied. : — •••• I rece avr • • ; ) 14-.1'1 — — s, . 4.- )1 ."44 1, 1 4 . 1T... \ . II' R , , _ , ..\...... .., , I • •>,_t---) ---- '\, >- _ -‘ i ' -- il k . \y- . )/--' j r ( 1( 1. 1 , 11, , ,: ? ' ..., e , letes ., i I i . . 11 . h 1 .so ,\_, ,.-_ \ t ', ;.* . , \ ' '.) , . "S ....‘ / 40 l_ }) i r r 4 I ( \I 5 - l \ / . f - ., z , ...... TRANSCRIPT 01' PRO ^ - `" . I -•.? 0? :ETI';1 ' D IN PII33iI.4:iC:; TO :�0TIC:. AT T1E OF?ICE ^.F T14 00'''..'::4 BaJCH RiAi'Y COMP!.RY IN 2_. iCi:Ii OE YIAMt,OA THE 26 DA" 0? MARCH 1915' AT 7;30 O'CL0 ^.I P.M. FOR TH3 P7R.P0; 3 OF I ?:COP.P03AT1X TLS ^0 R 7F MIliI B^.ACti. A meeting o' the registered and rualified voters residing et Miami Beach, :u•1 in the territory hereinafter diacribed by metes and bounds,having been duly and legally call - ed.met pursuant to notioe at the time and plaoe designated in said notice,and thereupon the following proceedings were had, P� .+h . k3P , a r'rE '� i w-r" ' a` v� t ^. - ;tr A y , j�ti � z;� "Y+i�h( �F +3�" i . �� '� '� ., � .��.'�' i � . • t� ' i � ; - �.i i � it c'}�y N .� f r n r l .�j: o!f . X . .� a '4F i 4 � • J... _f 4T3 Wi•tatQfads lRl }imR3C ». f..- SLav1'.CIf'NQ <✓'. . .. - '. —.w�.. � 0. '' j r ' First; Redicaad-Ai Gautier was elected chairman and J.F.aanova clerk to take down and transcribe tie minuted of said meeting. • Thereupon a roll of the registered and qualified voters residing in.the territory describ- ed in the notice was celled and it was found from an examination of said list,or roll.,that there were thirty -three (33) registered voters resideing in the territory described by m and bounds in the notice and that all of said parties who were liable for the payment of poll tax has paid all poll taxes assessable against them necessary to enable them to vote, and that of said number there were Thirty registered and qualified }rioters present,that the number of registered and qualified voters present Jere more than twenty -five in number and constituted two - thirds of.tho registered and qualified voters residing in the proposed nor porate ltmite. Thereupon 1 said meeting, -+ .. rereupon one of the r.o? _ces ca__iro, s. i :.fe .ting. with sworn proof o ° post iraA filed with the clerk,which said notice,with proof attached treroto,are in :'cords and figures as followe -wit : - iiOTIC . NOTIC3 is hereby given that a meeting cf the re voters and qualified electors residing in the distriot hlreinaftor set forth and define? by metes and bounds,is herby called to convene tt the office of The Ocean Beach . :enit;; 2onpany, at Ocean Aer- crh,. ?lori in the territory hereinaf_t;r deserihod,or .riday,t-he 26th da, of : :1 arch 1915,x`_ seven o'clock P.M. for the purpose of or;anizing and inc:orporatii7 a iruricipal girvenrment,'2ne territory sought to be incorporated. _s,de•:cribed by :reten a-:d boun's,as folio -a; Beginning in :Aide Cou.ity,r'lori'e,at a point where the eastern boundary Line of the * *• �' present City of ltiami,if e<'.ended north,would be int±;rs.oated by a lino ruq:.ng east and . ,crest through the center of sections twenty -two (22) and twenty-threo (23) of Township fifty -three (:)3} south,(ange forty "o 1421 .a:;t,tlor.co rfn east a"onz sail east and Nest line through the center of sections t-:onty -two 1 , 1r) nn^ •t••rer.t;; -three 123; to the lo.v water mark of the Atlantic Oeern,ttenee in a, soutier'_:• : Irection mernicri 2 " low .eater mark of the Ltlrntic viceen to the eastern extrerl of the over ;::Nnt 'jut, (as no.' survey established and cons tr-rcted,extendiry "ran, the Atlantic :teas to 1. e orators of '.,iscayne c. opposite the City of : :Iirfrri ) thence meandering t :te low water mark of the northeri., shore of said t.overnrnent Cut to the western ter.linus thoreei',thenca dun -er:t to t - e eastern bourn:c: line of the present Cit;; of As north along the eastern boundary line of the preu- ert City of ;_iari to the ' eoint of beginning,tho above described property embracing the sou.': half of fractional sections twenty -two (22) and t -cnty -three (23) and all of fractional , I sections twenty -six (26) twenty -seven 127) twenty -eight (28) thirty- three (33) and thirty four (34) in township fifty -three (53) 3outh,ctange forty -two (42) s ast,and all of fractional sections three (3) and four (4) and all of fractional section ton (10) lying north of the government Cut in townsh.p fifty -four (54) :oath rtar.geforty -trio (4 ") Mast, and all ialrr.'.s sand bars and submerged :.ands and raters lying between the above described land and the eastern boundary of the present City of r1.nni. All persons who are registered voters residing in the proposed corporate limits as above set forth are heresy required to assemble at the place above named and on the date above named to select officers and organize a municipal government.. Dated this 24th day of February A.L.1915 2,..•}L.riamagra Indiaeg dingy smears tiatixesnie and says that he 2osted three of the v : k" pp .:_ . .. - - 1: _ . • ••+r5• .v'x'�^ r. e > y i y r f r A t C 1 ,1 '{ c 04 - r r �f, 1 rtZ , *Z ,s` ,k'•,rw i x , 1' r I ' .a I & ��++3' k • . dK,t ,, 1 p • I T 1 • I ?: Tt x j A Y x ' h' 2> ,�` , rl ay},. r +- r 1,to• - , s 1 1•;.4 , I . 1 "i4ir, i Y- •a i 5 -' 3-3. Y r '•, 'hilt r qr e ,(' tr v: Y y' ' 1"ttlx , i, p'�. • ,t,,r;. -. '� , x '� 1 •' . tt, r • >o: 2 a-rjt 4" s+ .s,.t 6 � , 4 ' . rd ; , t t ': eFd r ,.f ,, ,,, , w 7www ; y. N • > ". ,: 1 1 i I ' w f � d ' 2' 3 ."4 J ''� � •t4 � � s > 'r .. .�,° '�' ,. - � n A :+ wt c.r i f wv xt + u r, i t o a t+ > t a _'i r v a a i a 3.b L 7 * -a 'r a'F 7'y" ry I ,,�`��i ; # i rim i ik a � F � ' } r,+3. x M t { } ` 7F 9F'.t � `� 7 � , a +c "ic 1 • - � � c k ,� t ip 't r<� t " r r • � 7 f <t i� r 'a# s•A. 1 . ,, 3+F'« 1 x,• { t• . n a t u t e . as . t a- •3. ''f .. 'A y,L, > i L' a" r s / `•d r it-} � ,a t „y S'i4 � �1 ��� f .v I fdt ^It t4- ? �h � •y.�, �i �tr7t W kta � -r w .1 �. f r01 Y w + a-'1� �`^ b � 't I s n[ � �, a���jyyii 1 r y ''k • • + "�' - i a � t :,;,;7',,;':',,,,',-,,,,,,i-; , . 1�' ?,� S. 4 r -'4 }$' e ,f .l � . I k T`S.T ! `i .' :<. .y :'� 4 '�" F � + r r S�F � x GG I % -r, � ^�� � ¢r M Ft a" t l'v �•� .r' i < 6 ti n n '3 ,,7ka x f, �'r',; - ' a Y 'x i! Y a yw ',,„..1. 3. ,. - ° i 1 r y y i t •xxx z Rv,, r , , ' , . y h "k c # t n t < � )ak�y' t 4 '4 M1' ; 1-J r' a �'•'¢{ > ',t t :A„ ��' 'R-" 3 d : ; ". .... i` �', :< ' r ,, r t r' rl, pp g t •' F M P .' - .'!":. a w< rY ' 5 Sara R /I : 'I . c f 3r I �} s •'�r„i ;. • I I • t `F r'k . . b7 e `t r 'y h1 r r • t v ': x . , . ic r' 30 .0 ;:t o , ra e. �� }j{�� 3. a •, t� ; $',Yi• { :3.:'Y::: fkr: -. fir r . ",. G f a,, $44i;�,,s, m - ' 1,7 �' ..:`; :?r ..tMk,. �:': '.`' � . >?CC'•4o•r "", e s y �k 3• f � ': � ? i 3; d ., ., .. x , '' d' •- .. f - }r. i v � : g r.,, : i%�' +'T 4 �, :k •'• i ; ':r... . ', ' � .37.- , ' a f.� ',t''. • s x.. , s " : `ti , <A .; >, .; ,b.. S �'' ` ;k ° '.. N.>'• .x-c L'r :• i; :..t A, 0 M> a •: I ., , :� '�i.,'. �,nv • * , r ....,•„...., 'ti.r .� . .. ., .• -�-. ?;l3.`,: "t ;C.�'' !,i: �'ki_.�,�'i „r. � J..e:: . Nh�r. ° �; •w.YY .s�� t: i : *^�' + � � : . r ? =„ a -.� •,, a , } t :, ', i''` ' r , 1 ' * Q t >a r , = -a t. , r :.:.. 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F ' , +C �oc:+'r: S t i i;u et, ate r .entrenit; .c r tiff ,love tr.:ttsr.t` '3L% ( %1: wara tj G .,'s ' .. - w ,.; - - , ,. t !'.Td: t tVi:o•te3 ' -e ::;3. .'.z rc� the A +.4p.r,t.i'n Geaar• : t»:, Otts><s o' 3) Z,i1 a3 « :,,, ti . :,t , W j t'r n .:tm ?). :sta.'s ,.;.8erri.. ti «: tar :a.ri: i._ the 'uitt 1;3.- a+) , -, ,„ :C % ' Qrr�acgr• ` Cat: iv .t'�.e sEtorr< brc ; t:3•<ei tier.'-..,: t ; Ft, ._ (Aue 3 .. a :8v'a ,` h ' t ` '1 . t-a- a: ;,, ' ' ,` . ,<::, ••�� y 3. .:14.,', , irr 1 ' .' r.-'X :!: ... C .,.:' 'fi .:I'::Cr'.: bu:trn � { Y.{, I,", `144. ;• T' ' T:x+"r. ▪ :'.M . . • , ?'� �i114 ;..,�}fi;jt "v� .ii ?., ,r..tj )'a,':Y$: - .• ; - 41, • i .`, E,r;.' ',C iit..0Cin .; ,.. 2'rf •2rai.",. -, ta e ay., r 2 rJ �7 r %� .eG'r%} ..a'" >;:t «t't;.Attir.S;,.. � . - : - ::r9 R ;< �; ,.. +: 3.W, i:.' 3. . 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WITNESS in hand � �an seal �d official sea tbisa day o ads / "_,A.D.19ta? E. E. L ATHEI "MA.N CLe k Cixc mu �!r Deputy .14tk L 2 n .,. ?�. - ,; ,S .I ",. Gl' tit:_uT�S AIL u.bT. LTir:., La Iid i a1 Amount A9ALI out in gettinc; endorsements of ve ions civic 8Bociatioua . . . 2,000.00 Paid LaSalle for list of . «w.lifiod voter::, p'intin<; hand bills, etc 325.00 Psi 10 m:.whom 1 hired for a month :100 eacli 1,000.0E :'wiz. for 17 Ci:T.toc:lo`)i1ee on aleotion Day and, sneci`nl mo i to c.:o -si.tl th;m 206.00 Stamps - mE.ili;to_ circulars 160.00 Paid Pefty printing iiaml "cilia, etc 95.00 4 lox+ ?err: malt'_nr eo 1 ot: Oonnt,, 1:00.00 • a tomo' Iles d.`strii1.7.tin- cirou16.:es nronOloat the county 150.00 3.:., once poople on boats over line of ';a' erav . . . . 130.00 3Ytecial %izt'3e ent v.11. ".: cart *'.in people in various wards . . . . 500.00 ,155.00 1 reeei -ed from Oars ' . Rishe; 2,000.00 _T roasts from .Uiusi Oce;rxi view ' u 2,000.00 I ;gin pe .soii 111 out _ 1.155.00 6,166.00 e z, L. • , rn /C.' • 1 ) y --...