MOU with IRS 4 .Co.11� �
IRS == =Financial Investigative Strike Team
This :Memorandum -of Understanding (MOU) -is executed in �o�rder memorialize the
agreement and set forth the terms and conditions :between:the Internal 'Revenue
Service, Criminal Investigation (IRS -C1) and.the City of .Miami 'Beach, by and through
the'Miami Beach Police Department,( (hereinafter known as "the .'Department"), which
have agreed to combine :investigative efforts with the following agencies /departments -in
the Miami Field Office (herein after know as "the Field Office''),
Internal 'Reven.ue Service, Criminal .Investigation
The 'Secretary has authority to :investigate money laundering operations under 18 ,
U.S.C. Sections9.81., 19.56(e)'and .1957(e). The Secretary -delegated that.authority
to :the Commissioner.of ]RS where the underlying conduct is subject to' investigation
under the Internal Revenue .Code, or:the'Bank Secr-.ecy.Act,. as amended, 31 U.S. -C
Section .5311 5332. Treasury :Directive (T.D.) 15-42: "Delegation .of
y Commissioner to Investigate'Violations of , 8 :USC 1956 and 1957 ". The `Secretary -has
also delegated to the - Commissioner-of IRS - the authority :to investigate possible .criminal
Violations of X31 Code of Federal `Regulations (GFR) :Part 1.0.3. Treasury .Directive (T D.)
15 -41 (Dec. 1 1992).
The mission of the Task Force will-be 10 - develop and,:assist with. crim n a I investigations
and -asset forfeitures of illegal ;activities within the Field ;Office. The emphasis of -the
Task Force is to p.ursue`investi,gations on .individuals and organizations that will 'result in
criminal :prosecutions: and . large -asset forfeitures - in :investigations arising out :of .the
analysis of ,Suspicious.Activity Reports (SARs) filed :by- financial institutions - pursuant - to
Title :3.1 of the United States Code. -The .Task .Force will work =in :coordination with :the
.United 'States Attorney's Offices) within the -FieId Office to .determine the .types of
activities that merit investigation- and are .allied to investigation and - prosecution
Neithet MOU nor its contents maybe released. without authorization by IRS -Cl Headquarters.
1) 'During :the period of the assignment, the representatives remain under the:
supervision -of their respective departments. - However, the day -to -day
'sup ervision of employees shall ,rest with the Task =Force, Supervisory Special
Agent (SSA): -
2) ' RS -CI, will assign .one SSA and one or more Special Agents as needed by .he
Task : F °once: IRS -CI wi l bey responsible for the management, supervision and`
coordination "of all investigative and operational activities. The United "States
Attorney will' also designate a point of contact for consultation . regarding the
selection of targets for investigation, and for obtaining -legal assistance in such
investigations, Jncluding but not limited to:grand jury subpoenas, tax.disclosure
orders, ;ex parte'.orders (other than tax), search and seizure warrants and any
motions or pleadings- required by the Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act (CAFRA).
3) Task - Force - personnel shall - adhere to .all Department of Treasury and -IRS -CI
policies and :procedures. Where Treasury - and /or IRS -Cl policies a -in -conflict
with the ,policies and ; procedures of the . member's department, the Department
may=request in writing °to :the7ask Force SSA that its employee follow the
policies. :and procedures of the Department. `If - the .Task Force'SSA - does not'
assent to the request, - the , Special Agent ' Charge (SAC) and Chief:Law
-,Enforcement Officer of the respective department will resolve the mattes: Failure
to :adhere to established policies and procedures may be..grounds for immediate
removal of the officers'from - the Task Force:
4).- 'Personnel :assigned to Task. °Force shall .be 'designated as °full or part time in
.accordance with an -agreement.with their respective departments. 1t is
understood that:pessonnel assigned to the Task Force may continue � o have
duties (training; administrative duties, etc.) that-are .linked to their:respective
�5) It is agreed.that the Task Force SSA will contact the immediate upervisor (or
other .de artment desi nee of an ersonnel .assi ned whose performance or
p g ) any �.p g� p ,
conduct is questioned. The' will be addressed. in :coo"rd ination with :the
department supervisor /designee.'
B) During.the. period of.- assignment, each - department representative will report to
a his /her :department for. personnel, administrative matters. :Each department shall
be responsible for pay, overtime, annual: leave, performance evaluations.,
insurance coverage and other benefits of its = employees. Upon - the establishment.
of'a State and Local Overtime (SLOT) Agreement, departments will be
reimbursed for overtime - and related travel, .as well as, lease expenses for
Neither MOU nor its contents maybe released without authorization by IRS - CI. Headquarters.",
vehicles for full time task force officers from the Treasury:Forfeiture- Fund; upon
submission of Department of Treasury - Form 9972, Request for Reimbursement
of Joint'Operation Expenses. This form, with necessary documentation,,. ..will - be ,
submitted monthly to the IRS-Cl - Task Force, Coordinator.
7 Task force operations shall .be .conducted .as 'oint op erations with all artici, atin
p 1 p, p P 9
agencies /departments acting as partners in the endeavor.
8). `The Task - Force SSA shall be a member of -CI. The SSA shall be
responsible for the day -to -day administration of the Task Force :and with the input
of the participating agencies/departments, shall establish the direction .and any
internal policy for1he Task Force.
. 9) All computer and related equipment assigned to the Task Force personae wi l be
used - for official °purposes :only, and remains the property of.theTask Force:
1.0) -The ]RS Task -Force Coordinator will be. responsible -for the oversig . - and
administration of.all equitable sharing distributions.
11 :The Task Force will ,be located 7795 :SVV 6 Street Plantati
t " , on, FL :33324. IRS
Cl will :provide..all necessary secretarial, clerical, automation and technical
support .(regarding IRS -C1 issued equipment) for the Task 'Force.
1.2) in - no event will the - member departments charge I - RS -C1 .for administration or
implementation of this memorandum of understandin
13) All members of the Task - Force' agree -not to knowingly act .unila y
terally on --a
matter affecting the task force Without first coordinating with he :IRS -CI SSA.
:Personnel from state and :local `law enforcement departments assigned full or
part-time to the Task Force shall be 'detailed, per 5 :U SC 3374(a)(2) as. IRS -C1
Task Force Officers.
15) No -action will be taken by any task officer, utilizing , their - a'uthor`ity, .under:26
USC 7608 b (1 ) 2 , without a royal of - theTRS -C1 SSA.
§ O O O- pp
Neither this. MOU - nor its contents may be released without authorization by IRS =CI Headquarters.
16)IRS -G will provide - the :necessary funds for the investigative expenses, and for
the,purchase of evidence - and information that relates to.investigations and_
:intelligence gathering (unless'the cost - is considered a grand jury expense)...
17) The 'Task Force.. investigative .procedures will conform tb
federal prosecutions. A1.1 .prosecutionsshall : be'in'itially referred to the United
States Attorney's• Offices) within the'Field Office. The United States Attorney's ;
Office may then recommend referral forstate'charges. Ln event that;
prosecution'.does not . with that office, or there is a to the proper
venue orjurisdiction, any dispute :shall be resolved by agreement of all parties:
`having :an -.interest, in the investigation.
18) .Access to ,and use. of - task force records will be in accordance with Federal Law
and Department of Treasury and IRS -C1- regulations and. policy, including but not
limited to the:Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts:
19)_'The. IRS is :responsible .for:tax :administratio.n and.the investigation =of criminal
violations -of :the -internal Revenue'Code,.(Title.26.,'U nited States Code). ,Internal ;
Revenue' Section 61 re restricts the disclosure- of tax or tax return
information except as :provided by Section 6103. Reports recommending the
prosecution of persons for criminal : tax violations are subject to review by IRS
`Criminal 'Tax `Counsel. 'Prosecution reports must also be referred to he
Department of Justice (Tax Divisions) for and approval prior to
20)AII' confidential and :cooperating witnesses exclusively developed through -the
Task Force will be opened as IRS -CI informants, so- urces, assets or cooperating
: :witnesses, and handled :in,accordance with :IRS -CI guidelines, :policy and
21,) 1RS =CI, as.permitted 'by`Federal law, agrees to pay reasonable :and necessary-
informant expenses incurred by the - Task 'Force. IRS- CI - must approve all.,
informant related expenses:before -they.-are incurred:
Neither this 11/i0U nor its contents maybe released without authorization by IRS -CI Headquarters.
22) Assets seized in connection with the Task, Force will be forfeited under Federal
. and /or State laws. The Agreement between the IRS -C1 and the :Department,
which have agreed Ito combine investigative efforts with the above named
agencies /departments within the Field Office, for Equitable Sharing from Asset
Seizure and Forfeiture, will be determined by agreement of all parties having an
interest in the forfeiture.
23)AII sharing. will be within the discretionary authority of the ,Department. of
Treasury, as provided by 31 U.S.C. '§ 9703 (a)(1)(G) and -(h), 18 U.S. C..
981(e)(2), and the Secretary of the Treasury's. Guidelines for;Equitable Sharing.
24) Any release of information to the media or through a press conference
concerning task force investigations will' agreed to and coordinated jointly by
the participating task force agencies /departments. No release may be made by .
any agency /department without the prior approval of the other task force
agencies /departments. Generally, the :United States Attorney's Office will be the
lead concerning press - releases pertaining to arr arrest, convictions ,or seizure
developed by..the Task Force:
25) All task force related travel will require,the approval of the agency employing the
;individual. All individuals will be responsible :for securing his /her :own
agency /.department approval for all travel.
26) For international :travel, the - IRS'will obtain . country- clearances "for: - all task force
members.. 'For domestic travel, each agency /department member will -be
responsible for appropriate notifications - within their own agency /department.
27) Upon approval of a SLOT .Agreement, reimbursement for :investigation �re'lated
and'train'ing travel will be . requested from the Treasury Asset Forfeiture Fund.
Each participating - agency /department will submit :required documentationto I:RS-
Cl. coordinator monthly fortravel reimbursement.
28) Unless specifically addressed by the terms of-this MOU, the parties'agreelo be
responsible for the negligent or wrongful acts or :omissions :of their-respective
employees..Legal representation by the .U.S. is determined by - the - Department of
.(DOJ) on a case- by- case.:basis. The IRS - cannot_ guarantee-the.U.S. will
provide legal representation Ito any Federal or "State law :enforcement .officer . r
Q) For the Limited purpose of defending claims, arising out of'TASK FORCE activity,
-state officers who have =been specifically. detailed, -and who , are - acting `within the
course and scope of ,their official duties and _assignments, .pursuant to this MOU,
Neither this MOU nor its contents may be released without authorization by IRS-:Cl Headquarters.
may be. considered an "employee" of -the, U.S.. government; as defined in 28
U.S.C., Section.2671.
30) Liability for any negligent or willful. acts .of TASK FORCE members, undertaken
outside the terms of his MOU will sbe the sole responsibility of`the respective
empl oyee and agency /department involved:
3 1) .Liability for violations :of :Federal constitutional law rests with: the individual
Federal agent or officer :pursuant to B'ivens v. Six' Unknown -- Named Agents of the
Federal Bureau of Narcotics 403 U :.S. 388 (1971) or pursuant to 42 U.&C :,
Section 1983 . for state officers or cross - detailed federal officers.
32) Task force officers may request representation , by the U:S Dep.artment of
Justice -for:. civil suits_against�them their'individual capacities for.actions taken
within the scope of employment. 28, Q. F.R., Sections 50.15, 50.16.
33) If a task - force officer is found .to ��be liable for a constitutional :tort, he /she may
request indemnification from Department of Justice .to satisfy an adverse
judgment rendered against employee in his /her individual capacity. 28
C.F.R., Section'50.15(c)(4)•
34)The'term of MOU shall :be for -a period of one year frornahe date signed.
Upon of Task'Force, or withdrawal :by a department, all
equipment and:fRS -C credentials will:be -IRS -Cl.
3 "5) The - provisions ,of the ;LIABILITY section will continue until all potential liabilities
36)To extent, , there "is :any :conflict between - Federal law ."and , the Taw :of.7he State
of Florida, Federal :law = controls. While -state law May be used to aid ' in the
interpretation of :prois'ions of , the 'MOU, which are not yspecifically,covered :by
- Federal law, it cannot,be used to the :extent it'is inconsistent with any'Federal
37) The terms of _this Agreement are not intended to alter, amend, or rescind any
current or : provision .of Federal law now '.in effect. Any. provision of this {
MOU, which conflicts. with: "Federal law, :will be -null .and void.
Neither this MOU nor its contents maybe released .without authorization by IRS- CI;Headquarters.
38) This MOU does not confer any rights or benefits on any third party.
39)This Agreement may be amended at any time by mutual written -consent. of all
.40) .Should any provision of this MOU be construed or deemed invalid or
Unenforcea .by reason of the operation of any law or be reason of the
interpretation placed thereon by any court, this MOU shall .be construed as not
'containing such provision, but.only as to such jurisdictions where such law or
:interpretation is operative. The invalidity of such, provision-shall ,not affect the
validity of any provision hereof - and all other provisions :hereof which
are otherwise lawful and valid shall remain in full force or effect.
41)The undersigned agree that their agency /department will participate in the`
-Financial Crimes Task Force, and agrees that their agency /department wil.l..abide,
by the policies set forth herein this :.agreement.
42)This memorandum of understanding may not odified, except�by addendum
with written consent of all involved agencies /departments. 'Modifications 10 - this
'MOU shall have no force'.and effect unless such - modifications_are reduced, to.
writing in an addendum and signed :by an authorized representative of each
participating agency /department.
Neither this MOU - nor its contents maybe - released without authorization by IRS -CI Headquarters.
In witness "whereof, the parties hereto cause to these presents Ato be signed on
the date specified.
CARLOS E. NORIE Title: Special Agent in Charge
`Print - .Name::
:Field Office:
Date: /? /_S_
Agency/Department: Internal Revenue Service, .
- Crimi . nal Investigation
6, bw�
Neitherthis moU nor its contents maybe. "released without authorization by IRS -CI Headquarters.