Nov 16,1978 No Gambling in Flodia - Equal rights bill faces steep final hurdles PAGE Two
W. W. Schmidt
Florida had the opportun- the future of Florida," the .vill destroy the image of people overwhelmingly decid-
ity to vote on the question pros and cons of legalized Florida; 6) The profits from ed to defeat the request. A
whether gambling should be gambling filled newspapers, casinos will only go to a group which had promoted
allowed in the Gold Coast churches and TV studios. handful of promoters; 7) The the idea, and which was prim -
area, which includes the Askew gave 9 reasons for state won't be able to limit arily backed by the hotels
Miami Beach strip to just voting against the gambling casinos to South Florida; 8) on the beach, was shocked by
south of Fort Lauderdale — ; proposal 1) Tax relief from Casinos will drastically the concrete rejection. A
and Florida said No! casino gambling is a myth; 2) change the lives of Florida's spokesman for the commit -
During heated debates, in New industries and casino etirees, and 9) Florida is al- tee to legalize gambling in
which State Governor, Reu- style gambling do not mix; eady the most successful Florida told CTP that they
bin Askew, appealed to the 3) The cost of controlling ourist state in the Nation. had worked hard to prove the
people of Florida to turn crime will skyrocket; 4) Or- Obviously Askew touched advantages of the extra iil-
down the request because it ganized crime flourishes in . sensitive cord with his argu- come generated by gambling.
would mean "gambling with the casino climate, 5) Casinos ents. In a 2 to 1 vote, the Continued on Page 16
NOV 16 1978 .= � ,
largely black population were on the beach had been hop- -
somewhat in favour of gambl- ing for consent because it
ing, while the Cuban popula- would have meant a large in-
La.c, arru to create more tion of Miami appeared to flux of money for renovations
jobs. have voted against the pro- and repair, which in many
"If at all, we did not ex- posal. The Jewish commun- cases is desperately needed.
pect such a high vote against ity appeared to be split on A Miami source told CT
the issue," summed up the the issue. Liberals within the that the Eden Rock Hotel 0 MI P
feeling of the promoting community seemed to have received an offer of purchase
group. In analyzing the votes voted in favour, while many from Bob Guccione pub-
one could see the support of the retired elderly and lisher of Penthouse, on the
was mainly concentrated in conservative Jews showed dis- condition that gambling
the beach area. It appears, favour, would receive the approval of
that residential areas with a Many of the large hotels the state. It appears that --- _-
Guccione lost a deposit of enovations are in the works,
$400,000 he was willing to reported earlier.
gamble. Other properties, like the
The local newspapers Konover (the former Playboy
cheered the outcome, but Club), the Americana and
sadly predicted "that a lot of had an e thers o summer and
man on the ach
people will take the next look forward to the best win -
flight out because the money ter season ever. Whether the
needed to keep some of the profit generated will suffice
hotels afloat is just not to undertake major renova-
there." The Eden Rock had bons is questionable, but ap-
been insolvent for some time parently with the high sum-
now, and while still operat- mer traffic from Latin Am-
ing, investors are needed for erica and a good winter busi- .
Fililtatifilfa jhuptirgr h per otel. The the image of the ness from Canada and the
PHILADELPHIA, PAS did find such a money infu- northern United States, the
D. 417,206 SUN. 847,537 sion and with Hilton involv- hotels are not idle. Gamblin
or not — Canadians will find
.riG, ed in the management, major Florida still a good destina
DEC 3 1978 ` tion for a winter break and
• by Canaa din bill faces flags the flyinnum ber over of the 1 rl his stri �.�..�+ � strip, in Fort Lauderdale,
Palm Beach, Orlando, Kis-
the Pete r the e hotels are ready to receive
steep final clients and bid them a
"In Nevada we are D- E -A -D, warm" welcome.
By Jon Margolis L
ch cJ Ti p I Service
dead," conceded a chief lobbyist for
WASHINGTON — The flickering the amendment. The Nevada vote
hopes for ratification of the Equal was to advise the legislature on
Rights Amendment (ERA) now cen- whether to ratify the ERA, and its
ter on three states — Florida, Okla- result all but ensures that the le g isla-
llama and Illinois —with prospects for sure will not even consider the mat-
approval dim in all three.
Last month's legislative elections b The Florida Tr tatee was
e less d s f ri tive
ended with both supporters and opp
nents of the controversial women's proposal was just one of d se t ve e r r a e
rights proposal claiming victory in lud ngl in proposal to rejected
allow casino
several states.
But regardless of the legislative gambling, drawback for the
line -up, the elections were a blow to A bigg er
the pro -ERA forces because in two amendment in F rori da is theive leato
d -
states, Florida and Nevada, voters ing opp
turned down women's rights referen- fro, oming before a th full houses
dums on the ballot.
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