98-22916 RESO RESOLUTION NO. 98-22916 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND THE CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PROVIDING FOR A GANG ACTIVITY REDUCTION PROGRAM (GARP) AND A POLICE AND YOUTH COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (PYCAP); SAID AGREEMENT TO BE PROVIDED BY MIAMI-DADE COUNTY AND SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE THE ADMINISTRATION AND THE CITY A TIORNEY'S OFFICE; APPROPRIATING $61 ,363.00 IN GRANT FUNDS; AND, IF FUNDED, AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF SAID GRANT FUNDS. WHEREAS, the City has been awarded grant funding under the Drug Control and System Improvement Program for fiscal year 1998-1999 for continuation of the Gang Activity Reduction Program (GARP) and the Police And Youth Community Assistance Program (PYCAP). with funding being administered by Metropolitan Dade County; and WHEREAS, these two programs will continue to provide increased law enforcement to address the gang problem and to provide mentoring and positive role models to troubled youths; and WHEREAS, the City has received total grant funding, in the amount of$61 ,363.00. with the GARP program receiving $41,691.00 and the PYCAP program receiving $19,672.00, and with the City providing a cash match, in the amount of $15,341.00, for both programs, which will be derived from the Police Confiscations Account; and WHEREAS, the City and the County agree to enter into a Cooperative Agreement for the purpose of providing these programs, said Agreement to be submitted by the County and subject to review by the Administration and the City Attorney's Office. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DUL Y RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that Mayor and the City Clerk are authorized to execute a cooperative agreement between the City and Miami-Dade County providing for a Gang Activity Reduction Program (GARP) and a Police and Youth Community Assistance Program (PYCAP); said Agreement to be provided by Miami-Dade County and subject to review by the Administration and the City Attorney's Office; appropriating $61,363.00 in grant funds; and, if funded, authorizing the expenditure of said grant funds. PASSED and ADOPTED this 23rrldayof September, 1998. 1IIIt MAYOR ATTEST: ~!p~ APPROVED AS TO FORM & lANGlJ,'. [: & FOR EXECUT~.)i"~ F:\POLl\TECHSERV\POLlCIES\COM_RESO\pycap & garp 98.res.wpd 1Jj~~ 9/!1J:3y " " l.-::."; '-''''''1 . ....J.~..)..)u .i..i....;.L.i1j.1 NO. 980 P.3 PROGRAM NARRATIVE Jurisdiction Name: MIAMI BEACH Polil~e Department Contact Person; Sergeant Rtchard Weissman Address: 1100 Washington Avenue, Mi31tri Beach, FL 33139 673-7945 PH - 673-7864 FX Program Area: COMMUNTIY DRUG &. CRIME PREVENfION Program Dates: 10/1/98 -- 6/30/99 Program Name: PYCAP (PoliceIY outh Community Assistance Program) Target Population: 360 Students Ages 12-17 ~roblem Identification Recognizing existing communication problems between the police and youth, the Miami Beach Police Department (MBPD) developed the Police and Youth Community Assistance Program (PYCAP). Demolu,phic Data According to the 1990 Census, 8% of the Miami Beach population is comprised of school-age children. According to Criminal Justice data base, juveniles account for approximately 10% of all arrests in the city. As reported by the MBPD,juvenile criminal mischief incidents have been on the rise, with over 1,700 incidents reported in 1994. This trend continues at the same rate for 1995. The PYCAP program's target population is students at-risk, as identified by the school, who are enrolled in Miami Beach elementaty schools and South Beach Alternative (Elementary &. Middle School). Student ages range from 12-17 years old, male and female. The ethnic breakdowns of the school population is 65% Hispanic, 30% Black, and 5% Non-Hispanic White. Pr02ram Desc:riDtion The PYCAP program provides neighborbood clean~up drives, sports activities and field trips for the City of Miami Beach. The program will be conducted c~:y-wide with participation from each elementary school and the special alternative school. The target age enCQrnpasses those children in the exit grade levels participating in the O,A.R,E. program, In particular, emphasis is placed on the schools selecting those students who are typically recognized the least and are !!Q.t included in programs of merit or delinquency. Principals, counselors, tea.cbers, and 0 .A. R. E. officers select the student participants in each school. Students meet on Fridays with a different group of studems for each of the 18 sessions scheduled. The first year a group of20 students partiCIpated in each session. However, based upon experience, this number has been reduced to a more manageable 12 students per session. Students conduct clean-up efforts in the beach area in their neighborhood, community parks, and around the schools. In addition, the days of community service work conclude with some organized sports activities under the polic(~ officers' supervision. The program provides the children an opportunity to establish working relationships with neighborhood police officers and a sense of responsibility for ~lking care of their own neighborhood. Ye.ar One Activities - AccomDlishments & Unmet Needs,(1995-96) Due to demographic changes, it is necessary to provide organized activities, staffed by police officers, to provide a positive experience and an alternative to juvenile mischief. MBPD is committed to providing this kind of experience to at-risk students through this partnership program with Miami Beach elementary schools. Year End Data indicate that 8 sessions were conducted for a total of5 schools and 144 students. Officers took 25 most improved students on a fishing trip as an end of year celebration. Officers and teachers have observed that students have become more aware of their neighborhood, how it looks and their responsibility to take care of it. They have developed community pride and a respect for teamwork. "V. ::JOlC! l.'-l Year Two Activities - Atcomplishments[1996-97} Annual Report indicates: 5 schools have participated in PYCAP. A total of 18 sessions (18 clean-ups) have been held to clean up areas surrounding neighborhood schools. Over 120 children have participated in the program. Students have fun working together as a team., establishing good relationships with the police officers, and developing a sense of pride fur their conununities. Year Three Activities Year- T~Date (1997-98) Quarterly reports indicate: 21 sessions have been conducted with approximately 250 students participating. Students have had a major impact on cleaning up around their schools sessions. Year Four RequestlPlanned Activities fL998-99) The current program. continues in Year Feur. The City of Miami Beach is conumtted to assigning law enforcement personnel to working as partners with our schools to organize and support spec1al. activities for at-risk youth. This program under the Miami-Dade County Byrne Grant program will continue to provide support for this important program. "'LF. "'..1. :}:}O .L.L' '::>C,HI'I 1'10.'::38121 P.5 Jurisdiction Name: MIAMI BEACH Polil:e Department Contact Person: Sergeant Richard Weissman Address: 1100 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33139 673-7945 PH - 673-7864 FX Program Area: COMMUNITY DRUG &: CRIME PREVENTION Program Dates: 10/1/98 -~ 6130/99 Program Name: PYCAP (PolicelYouth Community Assistance Program) Target Population: 360 Students Ages 12-17 Proposed Activities Planned Measures Monitoring Plan 4.A.13. To provide a ~ 1 Officer 18 sessions, for 8 neighborhood clean-up campaign hc~urs per session Flequestsched~es at 5 Miami Beach schools ~ 1 Sergeant for 18 sessions, for Request copies of student Police Officer and Sergeant will 8 hours per session participant list and attendance implement a neighborhood records for each participating clean-up program at each Miami school Beach Elementary school with selected students from each Request copies of invoices for school to include: materials purchased. school clean-up sports activities Request photos of clean-up i.e. field trip pre-post services. SE~rgeant Richard Weissman, Richard W. Hanis, Jr. DHS MBPD -....., . ........... .J.J'-' .I.. .I.. . ..Jc....nl I NU.':;jtJk:I P.6 PROGRAM BUDGET Jurisdiction Name: MIAMI BEACH Contact Person: Sergeant Richard Weissm Prouam Area: COMMUNITY DRUG AND ClUtvrn PREVENTION 673-7945 ext. 5570 PH ~ 673.7864 FX Program Name: PYCAP (poliWY outh Community Assistance Program) Target Population: AT-RISK EXrr GRADE SITDENTS, MIAMI BEACH ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS &. SOUTH BEACH AUERNATIVE (A special elementmy &. middle school) Program Dates: 1011198- 0/30/99 Salaria and Benefits, Total 1 Sergeant X 8 hOUlS per session X 18 sessions X $48.&5 per hour (Overtime basis) CODtractual Services, Total 513,416 57,034 $6,382 SO 56,256 51,416 $1,992 $2,112 $400 $336 S19,672 1 Police Officer X g hours per session X 18 ses:sions X $44.32 per hour (Overtime basis) Expenses, Total Program materials and supplies, inclucling paint, rollers, buckets, gloves, shovels, plastic bags. sun block, etc. Program snacks &. cold drinks, including Lunch, :W students @ S5 X I S sessions T-shirts and shorts, @ $5.50 per set X 384 sets l'ransporrationlBus rental Miscellanous field trip and other program expenses Total Budget Dacle County will reimburse an amount not to e'XI;ced: $14, 7~4 The 25% CASH MATCH for this grant is: The source of the CASH MATCH is: Law Enforcement Trust Fund, City of Miami Beach $4,918 09/03/98, MB$CP99.WK4 PROGRAM NARRATIVE Jurisdiction Name: MIAMI BEACH Police Department Contact Person: Sgt. Angel Vasquez Address: 1100 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33139 673-79425 PH -- 673-7864 FX Program Area: LAW ENFORCEMENT & GANGS Program Dates: 10/1/98 -- 9/30/99 Program Name: GANG ACTIVITY REDUCTION PROGRAM Target Population: South Beach Gangs Problem Identification Miami Beach--and specifically the area of South Beach--has experienced a very prominent urban resurgence in the last five years becoming, in the process, a premier gathering place for tourists and the international set. The South Beach area, in particular, has become famous for its art deco architectural style as well as its many new outdoor cafes, eateries, and nightclubs. The South Beach entertainment area extends north and south along Ocean Drive and Washington Avenue from South Point, where the island begins, to about 15th Street on the north. Unfortunately, the South Beach area has also become a favorite gathering place for youth gang members coming in from all areas of Dade County. Demoeraphic Data The South Beach area becomes inundated with large groups of juvenile gang members who cruise on foot and in cars during peak hours--ll PM to 4 AM--on Friday and Saturday nights. The juveniles' specific favorite gathering areas encompass the busiest sector of the entertainment area encompassing approximately 12 square blocks: Washington Avenue to Ocean Drive, between 1st and 15th Streets. Crime statistics reveal that a large percentage of criminal activity in this area is being committed by juvenile gang members. Criminal charges involving these gang members include Armed Robbery, Aggravated Battery, Attempted Murder, Discharging of a Firearm, etc. Pro2ram Description The Gang Activity Reduction Program will be targeting the South Beach area (1 st to 15th Streets between Washington Avenue and Ocean Drive). Additional areas may be added as new night spots locate further north on the beach strip. Hours of operation for the program will be four hours each night, sometime between 2300 to 0500 hours, on Fridays and Saturdays, for a total of 8 overtime hours each weekend. Hours may fluctuate depending on intelligence received relating to gang activity. The officers assigned to this program are trained and experienced in dealing with gangs. Many are members of the Florida Gang Investigators Association, or trained juvenile investigators and members of the Multi Agency Task Force. Officers assigned to this program continue their in-service training by attending future schools and seminars on gang investigations. The program's goals are: 1) Identification and documentation of gang members in targeted area; 2) Enforcement of state and local laws violated by gang members; 3) Response and assistance to any gang-related arrest or activity in target area; 4) Periodic distribution of gang intelligence communications (flyers) to all members of the police department. A daily statistic log is maintained and the following gang criminal activities are documented: 1) Number of felonies and misdemeanor arrests; 2) Number of Gang Identification cards made; 3) Number of weapons and firearms impounded; 4) Number of vehicles impounded; 5) Number of gang-related calls answered by police. A Gang Activity Monthly Statistical Sheet provides a tally from the Gang Activity Daily Logs (see copies attached) and document the numbers of communications (flyers) on gang activity handed to other units in the police department. Year One Activities - Accomplishments & Dnmet Needs (1995-96) Due to manpower constraints, the Miami Beach Police Department has been unable to adequately address the gang problem in the South Beach area. Every weekend, dozens of juvenile gang members gather in South Beach to "cruise" the entertainment area and, in so doing, create disruptions of traffic, street fights, and other criminal mischief which requires supplementary police attention. Year End data indicate that over 400 gang members were entered into the gang intelligence information system; over 223 gang members were arrested. Also, gang members were ID'ed and photographed to add to the gang record books. As was observed by the DCA monitor, South Beach on Miami Beach is a "hot spot" of activity on the weekends, and acts as a magnet for a wide variety of people. The number of people and the growing number of clubs have attracted gang members and tourists alike. The need for constant police presence, surveillance and enforcement of state and local laws is ever-present and growing. Year Two Activities - Accomplishments (1996-97) In Year Two, additional areas are occasionally added as needed (as new night spots locate in a northern direction up the beach strip). Quarterly reports indicate that 172 gang members have been identified and 346 have been arrested. Year Three Activities Y ear- T 0- Date (1997-98) Quarterly reports indicate that 241 gang members have field identified, and 425 arrests have been made. Year Four Reauest/Planned Activities (1998-99) The City of Miami Beach is committed to assigning law enforcement personnel to the gang unit to continue its efforts. This program under the Miami-Dade County Byrne Grant program will continue to provide support for this important program. Jurisdiction Name: MIAMI BEACH Police Department Contact Person: Sgt. Angel Vasguez Address: 1100 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33139 673-7942 PH -- 673-7864 FX Program Area: LAW ENFORCEMENT & GANGS Program Dates: 10/1/98 -- 9/30/99 Program Name: GANG ACTIVITY REDUCTION PROGRAM Target Population: South Beach Gangs Proposed Activities Planned Measures Monitoring Plan 24.11 To identify, collect, document, track, maintain, and . 1 Officer 8 hours Overtime for Request schedules for Officer and distribute gang intelligence Patrol/Investigation per week for Sergeant information to law enforcement 52 weeks = 416 Hours units on 400 known gang Payroll records of hours worked members using automated data . 1 Sergeant 8 hours Overtime and paid processing equipment for Patrol/Investigation per week 24.12 To arrest 225 gang for 52 weeks = 416 hours Request Reports and other members and gang wannabes on documents of investigations, field various law violations including J.D. of gang members, and other responding and assisting law gang related intelligence reports enforcement units in gang -related arrests Police Officer and Sergeant presence during high gang activity hours. Sergeant Vinnie Campbell, Richard W. Harris, Jr. DHS MBPD PROGRAM BUDGET Jurisdiction Name: MIAMI BEACH Program Area: LAW ENFORCEMENT & GANGS Contact Person: 673-7945 ext. 5187 PH -- 673-7864 FX Sergeant Angel Vasquez Program Name: GANG ACTIVITY REDUCTION PROGRAM Program Dates: 10/1/98 - 9/30/99 Target Population: GANG MEMBERS IN SOUTH BEACH Salaries and Benefits, Total I Sergeant X 8 hours per week X 52 weeks X $53.32 per hour (Overtime Basis) Assigned Officers X 8hours per week X 52 weeks X $46.90 per hour (Overtime Basis) February Contractual Services, Total Expenses, Total Total Budget Dade County will reimburse an amount not to exceed: The 25% CASH MATCH for this grant is: The source of the CASH MATCH is: !-a", Enforcement Trust Fund, City of Miami Beach 08/18/98, MB$G99.WK4 $31,2~~_ _~,42~ $22,181 $19,510 $41,691 $41,691 $0 $0 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HAll 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\cl.mlaml-beach.t1.ua COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. t.v.) 5-q~ TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City C mmission DATE: September 23, 1998 FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE l\'IA YOR AND THE CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PROVIDING FOR A GANG ACTIVITY REDUCTION PROGRAM (GARP) AND A POLICE AND YOUTH COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (PYCAP); SAID AGREEMENT TO BE PROVIDED BY MIAMI-DADE COUNTY AND SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE THE ADMINISTRATION AND THE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE; APPROPRIATING $61,363 IN GRANT FUNDS AND, IF FUNDED, AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF SAID GRANT FUNDS. ADMINISTRA TION RECOMMENDATION Adopt the Resolution, BACKGROUND The City has received Grant funding for fiscal year 1998-99, under the Drug Control and System Improvement Program administered by Miami-Dade County. Upon adoption of this Resolution, Miami-Dade County will provide an Agreement that will be executed subject to the review of the Administration and the City Attorney. This procedure has been used by the City and Miami-Dade County for the last five years. The City has been awarded $46,022 in grant funds for the continuation of two (2) programs started in Fiscal Year 1995/96, These programs are the Gang Activity Reduction Program (GARP) and the Police and Youth Community Assistance Program (PYCAP). The City will match this amount with $15,341 derived from the Police Confiscations Account. The GARP program will be targeting the South Beach area (Ist to 15th Streets between Washington Avenue and Ocean Drive). Additional areas may be added at locations further north on Miami Beach as required, AGENDA ITEM DATE C-1L q - '2'3 ci -; The officers assigned to this program will be members of the Florida Gang Investigators Association, or trained juvenile investigators and members of the Multi Agency Gang Task Force. The PYCAP program will provide sports activities, field trips and neighborhood clean-up drives throughout the city. The program will be conducted citywide with participation from each elementary school and the special alternative school. The target ages of participants will be those children between ages 13 and 16. ANALYSIS The City has benefitted greatly from these two programs. Both programs provide valuable services to our community that would otherwise not be available. Should the grant funds not be accepted, the City and the community would lose two programs that have proven successful. CONCLUSION The continuations of these two programs are important to the youth of our community. SRIRB/MWD/PS/MMS T:\AGENDAISEP2398ICITYMGR\PYCAP&GA WPD MIAMI-DADE COUNTY AGREEMENT This Agreement, made and entered into this 1f11l--day or::.J)e..c... 1998, by and between Miami-Dade County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida hereinafter referred to as the "COUNTY", through its DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES and the CITY OF MIAMI BEACH located in Miami-Dade County, Florida hereinafter referred to as the "PROVIDER", provides the terms and conditions pursuant to which the PROVIDER shall provide a LAW ENFORCEMENT & GANGS PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the COUNTY has been award~d federal funds from the Drug Control and System Improvement Formula Grant Program under Public Law 100-690, the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, hereinafter referred to as the ACT, and WHEREAS, the PROVIDER warrants and represents that it possesses the legal authority to enter into this Agreement by way of resolution, motion or similar action that has been duly adopted or passed as an official act of the PROVIDER's governing body, authorizing the execution of the Agreement, including all understandings and assurances contained herein, and authorizing the person identified as the official representative of the PROVIDER to carry out on behalf of the PROVIDER all of the duties and responsibilities set forth in this Agreement, and WHEREAS, this AGREEMENT shall be deemed effective upon award of grant funds by the State of Florida, Department of Community Affairs, Division of Housing and Community Development, Bureau of Community Assistance to Miami-Dade County and being duly executed by both parties, whichever is later, and Page 1 of 11 WHEREAS, the COUNTY is desirous of supporting an expansion of the services provided by the LAW ENFORCEMENT & GANGS PROGRAM by providing a portion of the federal funds awarded to Miami-Dade County to the LAW ENFORCEMENT & GANGS PROGRAM and WHEREAS, the COUNTY as contractor/grantee for the State of Florida is authorized to purchase said services for LAW ENFORCEMENT & GANGS PROGRAM as an allowable activity under the ACT, and WHEREAS, the COUNTY requires the above-mentioned services from the PROVIDER in order to fulfill its contractual obligations under the aforementioned grant, and NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants recorded herein, the parties hereto intending to be legally bound, agree as follows: I. SCOPE OF SERVICES. The PROVIDER agrees to render services in accordance with the Scope of Services incorporated herein and attached hereto as Attachment A. n. EFFECTIVE TERM. The effective term of this Agreement shall be from October 1, 1998 through September 30, 1999. III. AMOUNT PAYABLE. Both parties agree that subject to the COUNTY's receipt of State funds, the maximum amount payable under this Agreement shall not exceed $31,268. The breakdown of this amount by budget category is included in the budget schedule found in Attachment B of this Agreement. Both parties agree that should available County funding be reduced, the amount payable under this Agreement may be proportionately reduced at the option of the County. IV. CASH MATCH REQUIREMENT. The PROVIDER shall maintain sufficient financial resources to meet the expenses incurred during the period between the provision of services and payment by the COUNTY, including the required 25% Cash Match, and provide all equipment and supplies required for the provision of services. Page 2 of 11 V. REQUIREMENTS RELATED TO USE OF ANTI-DRUG ABUSE FUNDS UNDER THE DRUG CONTROL AND SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM A. Requirements of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act. The PROVIDER agrees to abide by all of the requirements of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 under the Drug Control and System Improvement Formula Grant Program, including Rule Chapter 9B-61. Furthermore, this AGREEMENT shall incorporate by reference the provision of that certain document entitled "State of Florida, Department of Community Affairs, Division of Housing and Community Development, Bureau of Community Assistance Subgrant Application for Anti-Drug Abuse Act Funds" and all laws, rules, regulations relating thereto are incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth. B. Supplanting. The PROVIDER agrees that funds received under this Agreement shall be utilized to supplement, not supplant state or local funds, but will be used to increase the amounts of such funds that would, in the absence of grant funds, be made available for anti-drug law enforcement activities, in accordance with Rule Chapter 9B-61.006 (5) of the ACT. VI. CONTINUITY OF SERVICES. Provide optimal continuity of services by assuring that services are provided by the same person whenever possible and, if not, by a qualified replacement when necessary. VII. PROGRAM CONTACT. Designate a contract coordinator who shall be responsible for 1) monitoring the PROVIDER's compliance with the terms of this Agreement and, 2) whenever the COUNTY so requests, meeting with County staff to review such compliance. VIII. INDEMNIFICA TION BY THE PROVIDER. Any PROVIDER shall indemnify and hold harmless the COUNTY and its officers, employees, agents and instrumentalities from any and all liability, losses or damages, including attorneys' fees and costs of defense, which the COUNTY or its officers, employees, agents or instrumentalities may incur as a result of claims, demands, suits, causes of actions or proceedings of any kind or nature arising out of, relating to or resulting from the performance of this Agreement by the PROVIDER or its employees, agents, servants, partners, principals or subcontractors. PROVIDER shall pay all claims and losses in connection therewith and shall investigate and defend all claims, suits or actions of any kind or nature in the name of the COUNTY, where applicable including appellate proceedings, and shall pay all costs, judgments, and attorney's fees which may issue thereon. Provided, however, this indemnification shall only be to the extent and within the limitations of Section 768.28 Fla. Stat., subject to the provisions of that Statute whereby the PROVIDER shall not be held liable to pay a personal injury or property damage claim or judgment by anyone person which exceeds the sum of $100,000, or any claim or judgment or portions thereof, which, when totaled with all other claims or judgment paid by the PROVIDER arising out of the same incident or occurrence, exceed the sum of $200,000 from any and all personal injury or property damage claims, liabilities, losses or causes of action which may arise as a result of the negligence of the PROVIDER. Page 3 of 11 IX, INSURANCE. As a political subdivision of the State as defined by section 768.28, Florida Statutes, the PROVIDER shall furnish the COUNTY, upon request, written verification ofliability protection in accordance with section 768.28, Florida Statutes. Nothing herein shall be construed to extend any party's liability beyond that provided in section 768.28, Florida Statutes. X. LICENSURE AND CERTIFICATION. Ensure that all other licensed professionals providing LAW ENFORCEMENT & GANGS PROGRAM services shall have appropriate training and experience in the field in which he/she practices and abide by all applicable State and Federal laws and regulations and ethical standards consistent with those established for hislher profession. Ignorance on the part of the PROVIDER shall in no way relieve it from any of its responsibilities in this regard. XI. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. The PROVIDER warrants and represents that no person under the employ of the PROVIDER, who exercises any function or responsibility in connection with this Agreement, has at the time this Agreement is entered into, or shall have during the term of this Agreement, any personal financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement. XII, CIVIL RIGHTS. The PROVIDER agrees to abide by Chapter 11A, Article IV of the Code of Miami-Dade County ("County Code"), as amended, which prohibits discrimination in employment; Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended, which prohibits discrimination in employment and public accommodation; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, 42 U.s.e. as amended, which prohibits discrimination in employment because of age; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,29 US.e. Sect. 794, as amended, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability; and the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42, US.e. Sect. 12103 et. seq., which prohibits discrimination in employment and accommodation because of disability. It is expressly understood that upon receipt of evidence of discrimination under any of these laws, the County shall have the right to terminate this Agreement. It is further understood that the PROVIDER must submit an affidavit attesting that it is not in violation of the Americans with Disability Act, the Rehabilitation Act, the Federal Transit Act, 49 US.e. Sect. 1612, and the Fair Housing Act, 42 US.e. Sect. 3601 et seq. If the Provider or any owner, subsidiary, or other firm affiliated with or related to the PROVIDER, is found by the responsible enforcement agency, the Courts or the County to be in violation of these Acts, the County will conduct no further business with the PROVIDER. Any contract entered into based upon a false affidavit shall be voidable by the County. If the PROVIDER violates any of the Acts during the term of any contract the PROVIDER has with the County, such contract shall be voidable by the County, even if the PROVIDER was not in violation at the time it submitted its affidavit. XIII. NOTICES. Notice under this Agreement shall be sufficient if made in writing and delivered personally or sent by mail or by FAX to the parties at the following addresses (or to such other party and at such other address as a party may specify by notice to others): If to the COUNTY: Miami-Dade County Page 4 of 11 Department of Human Services 111 NW 1st Avenue, Suite 670 Miami, Florida 33 128 Attention: Richard W. Harris, Jr. If to the PROVIDER: MIAMI BEACH Miami Beach Police Department 1100 Washington Avenue Miami Beach, FL 33139 Attention: Sergeant Angel Vasquez XIV. AUTONOMY. Both parties agree that this Agreement recognizes the autonomy of and stipulates or implies no affiliation between the contracting parties. It is expressly understood and intended that the Provider is only a recipient of funding support and is not an agent or instrumentality of the COUNTY. Furthermore, the PROVIDER's agents and employees are not agents or employees of the COUNTY. XV. BREACH OF AGREEMENT: COUNTY REMEDIES. A. Breach. A breach by the PROVIDER shall have occurred under this Agreement if the PROVIDER shall fail to fulfill in a timely and proper manner its obligations under this Agreement, or shall violate any of the covenants, agreements, stipulations, representations or warranties contained herein. B. COUNTY Remedies. If the PROVIDER breaches this Agreement, the COUNTY may pursue any or all of the following remedies: 1. The COUNTY shall have the right to terminate this Agreement or reduce funding by giving at least five (5) days prior written notice to the PROVIDER of such intent to terminate or reduce services. 2. The COUNTY may suspend payment in whole or in part under this Agreement by providing written notice to the PROVIDER of such suspension and specifying the effective date thereof, at least five (5) days before the effective date of suspension. If payments are suspended, the COUNTY may also suspend any payments in whole or in part under any other contracts entered into between the COUNTY and the PROVIDER. The PROVIDER shall be responsible for all direct and indirect costs associated with such suspension, including attorney's fees; 3. If, for any reason, the PROVIDER should attempt to meet its obligations under this Agreement through fraud, misrepresentation or material misstatement, the County shall, whenever practicable terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to the provider of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof at least five (5) days before the effective date of such termination. The COUNTY may terminate or cancel any other contracts which such entity has with the County. Such entity shall be responsible for all direct or indirect costs associated with such termination or cancellation, including attorney's fees. Any entity who attempts to Page 5 of 11 meet is contractual obligations with the County through fraud, misrepresentation or material misstatement may be debarred from County contracting for up to five (5) years. 4. Any other remedy available at law or equity. The County Manager is authorized to terminate this Agreement on behalf of the County. C. Damages Sustained. Notwithstanding the above, the PROVIDER shall not be relieved of liability to the COUNTY for damages sustained by the COUNTY by virtue of any breach of the Agreement, and the COUNTY may withhold any payments to the PROVIDER until such time as the exact amount of damages due the COUNTY is determined and properly settled. XVI. TERMINATION BY EITHER PARTY. This Agreement may be terminated without cause by either party by giving sixty (60) days prior written notice to the other party of such intent to terminate. XVII. PROJECT BUDGET AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES. The PROVIDER agrees that all expenditures or costs shall be made in accordance with the Budget which is attached herein and incorporated hereto as Attachment B. A. Budget Variance. Funds may be shifted between approved line items, not to exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the total budget, without a written amendment. Variances greater than fifteen percent (15%) in any line approved line item shall require a written amendment approved . by the Department. B. Recapture Funds. At the conclusion of the third quarter and upon submission of the Quarterly Performance Report and Invoice, the COUNTY will review the PROVIDER's Y ear- To-Date expenditures. 1. Municipalities reporting remaining balances which exceed expenditure levels for normal program operations must submit a plan with the Third Quarter Report which documents those steps the municipality will take in the Fourth Quarter to fully expend the contract by the end of the program year. 2. This expenditure plan must be approved by the COUNTY. 3. Where the municipality does not anticipate full expenditures by the end of the program year, the COUNTY will recapture the anticipated unexpended amount for use in another program, without a formal amendment process. C. Payment Procedures. The County agrees to pay the PROVIDER for services rendered under this Agreement based on the line item budget incorporated herein and attached hereto as Attachment B. The parties agree that this is a cost-basis Agreement and the PROVIDER shall be paid through reimbursement payment for allowable expenses on the budget approved under this Agreement (see Attachment B). The PROVIDER agrees to invoice the COUNTY for each Community Drug and Crime Prevention Program using the Quarterly Project Performance Report & Invoice as it appears in Attachment C, and to do so on a quarterly basis, as stated in Section XIX. B. 1. The Quarterly Project Performance Report & Invoice shall be Page 6 of 11 prepared in a manner in accordance with the form provided in Attachment C. The final Quarterly Project Performance Report & Invoice along with the ANNUAL REPORT shall be submitted by October 15, 1999. D. The PROVIDER agrees to mail all invoices to the address listed above, Section XIII. E. The COUNTY agrees to review invoices and to inform the PROVIDER of any questions. Payments shall be mailed to the PROVIDER by the COUNTY'S Finance Department. XVIII. INVENTORY - CAPITAL EQUIPMENT AND REAL PROPERTY. A Acquisition of Property. The PROVIDER is required to be prudent in the acquisition and management of property with federal funds. Expenditure of funds for the acquisition of new property, when suitable property required for the successful execution of projects is already available within the PROVIDER organization, will be considered an unnecessary expenditure. B. Screening. Careful screening should take place before acquiring property in order to ensure that it is needed with particular consideration given to whether equipment already in the possession of the PROVIDER organization can meet identified needs. While there is no prescribed standard for such review, the PROVIDER procedures may establish levels of review dependent on factors such as the cost of the proposed equipment and the size of the PROVIDER organization. The establishment of a screening committee may facilitate the process; however, the PROVIDER may utilize other management techniques which it finds effective as a basis for determining that the property is needed and that it is not already within the PROVIDER's organization. The COUNTY must ensure that the screening referenced above takes place and that the PROVIDER has an effective system for property management. The PROVIDER is hereby informed that if the COUNTY is made aware that the PROVIDER does not employ an adequate property manageme;It system, project costs associated with the acquisition of the property may be disallowed. C. Loss. Damage or Theft of Equipment. The PROVIDER is responsible for replacing or repairing the property which is willfully or negligently lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Any loss, damage, or theft of the property must be investigated and fully documented and made part of the official project records. D. Equipment Acquired with Crime Control Act Block/Formula Funds. Equipment acquired shall be used and managed to ensure that the equipment is used for criminal justice purposes. E. Management. The PROVIDER procedures for managing equipment (including replacement), whether acquired in whole or in part with project funds, will, as a minimum, meet the following requirements: 1. Property records must be maintained which include description of property, serial number or other identification number, source of the property, identification of who holds the title, acquisition date, costs of the property, percentage of COUNTY participation in the cost of the property (Federal funds), location of property, use and condition of the property, disposition data including the date of disposal and sale price; 2. A physical inventory of the property must be taken and the results reconciled with the property records at least once every two years; 3. A control system must exist to ensure adequate safeguards to prevent loss, damage or theft of the property. Any loss, damage, or theft shall be investigated by the PROVIDER as appropriate; 4. Adequate maintenance procedures must exist to keep the property in good condition; and 5. If the PROVIDER is authorized or required to sell the property, proper sales procedures must be established to ensure the highest possible return. Page 7 of 11 F. Retention of Property Records. Records for equipment, nonexpendable personal property, and real property shall be retained for a period of three years from the date of the disposition or replacement or transfer at the discretion of the COUNTY. If any litigation, claim, or audit is started before the expiration of the three year period, the records shall be retained until all litigation, claims, or audit findings involving the records have been resolved. XIX. RECORDS. REPORTS. MONITORING AND AUDITS. EV ALUA TION STUDIES. The PROVIDER shall keep records of program services in sufficient detail to provide any reports which may be requested by the COUNTY. A. Records. AIl program records will be retained by the PROVIDER for not less than three (3) years beyond the term of this Agreement. In accordance with contract requirements from the State of Florida, records for LAW ENFORCEMENT AND GANGS PROGRAM services must reflect: 1. The names of staff providing services as described in Attachment A. 2. The dates and number of hours the staff provided services. 3. The dates of services and activities and the names of program participants n attendance to such as described in Attachment A 4. The records of all other program services provided under this Agreement. B. Reporting Requirements. As to required reports, the PROVIDER shall: 1. Quarterly Proiect Performance Report and Invoice. Submit Quarterly Project Performance Report and Invoice to the Department of Human Services by January 15, April 15, July 15, and October 15, 1999 covering the Agreement activity for the previous quarter. The Quarterly Project Performance Report and Invoice shall be submitted in the format and using the form attached hereto as Attachment C. 2. Annual Proiect Report. The PROVIDER shall submit an ANNUAL PROJECT REPORT to the Department of Human Services for the 12 month period of the Project Operation. The ANNUAL REPORT shall be submitted in the format and using the form attached hereto as Attachment D. The ANNUAL REPORT shall be submitted with the Fourth Quarterly Project Performance Report and Invoice by October 15, 1999. 3. Other Required Reports. The PROVIDER shall submit other reports as may be required by the Department of Human Services during the program year. C. Changes to Reporting Requirements. The PROVIDER understands that the COUNTY may at any time require changes in data collected, records or reporting, as may be necessary and agrees to comply with any such modifications. D. Monitoring and Audit. Make available for review, inspection, monitoring or audit by the COUNTY without notice during normal business hours all financial records and other program records and documents which relate to or have been produced or created as a result of this Agreement. The PROVIDER shall provide assistance as may be necessary to facilitate a financial/program audit when deemed necessary by the COUNTY to ensure compliance with applicable accounting and financial standards. E. Evaluation Studies. PROVIDER agrees to participate in evaluation studies sponsored by the administrative agent for these funds from the State of Florida, Department of Community affairs, Division of Housing and Community Development, Bureau of Community Assistance. This participation shall at a minimum include access to PROVIDER's premises and records. xx. MISCELLANEOUS. Page 8 of 11 A. This Agreement is the complete and exclusive statement of all the arrangements between the COUNTY and the PROVIDER regarding the provision of the services described in Attachments A and B. B. Except as otherwise enumerated herein, no amendment to this Agreement shall be binding on either party unless in writing and signed by both parties and approved by the County Manager provided, however, that the COUNTY may effect amendments to this Agreement without the written consent of the PROVIDER, to conform this Agreement to changes in the laws, directives, guidelines, and objectives of county, state and federal governments. C. Nothing herein shall alter, affect, modify, change or extend any other agreement between the PROVIDER and the COUNTY unless specifically stated herein. D. All reports, information documents, tapes and recordings, maps and other data and procedures, developed, prepared, assembled or completed by the PROVIDER in connection with the duties and responsibilities undertaken by the PROVIDER in accordance with the terms of this Agreement shall become the property of the COUNTY without restriction, reservation or limitation of their use and shall be made available to the COUNTY by the PROVIDER at any time upon request by the COUNTY. Upon completion of all work contemplated under this Agreement, copies of all of the above data shall be delivered to the COUNTY upon request. E. Agreement Guidelines. The Provider agrees to comply with all applicable federal state and county laws, rules and regulations, which are incorporated herein by reference as set forth herein. This Agreement shall be interpreted according to the laws of the State of Florida and proper venue for this Agreement shall be Miami Dade County, Florida. F. Amendments. Any alterations, variations, amendments, or other modifications of this Agreement including but not limited to amount payable and effective term shall only be valid when they have been reduced to writing, duly approved and signed by both parties and attached to the original of this Agreement. The COUNTY and PROVIDER mutually agree that amendments of the Scope of Service, line item budget of more than fifteen percent (15%) of the total budget set forth herein and other such revisions my be negotiated as written amendment to this Agreement between the parties. The County Manager is authorized to make amendments to this Agreement as described herein on behalf of the COUNTY. G. Publicity. It is understood and agreed between the parties hereto that this PROVIDER is funded by Miami-Dade County. Further, by acceptance of these funds, the PROVIDER agrees that events and printed documents funded by this Agreement shall recognize the funding source as follows: This program was supported by a grant awarded to Miami-Dade County Department of Human Services, State of Florida Department of Community Affairs and U.S. Department ofJustice, Bureau ofJustice Assistance (BJA). H. Sub-Contracts. The Provider agrees not to enter into sub-contracts, retain consultants, or assign, transfer, convey, sublet, or otherwise dispose of this Agreement, or any or all of its rights, title or interest herein, or its power to execute such Agreement without the prior Page 9 of 11 written approval of the COUNTY and that all sub-contractors or assignees shall be governed by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. I. Total of Agreement/Severability of Provisions. The ten (10) page Agreement with its attachments as referenced below contain all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties: Attachment A: Attachment B: Attachment C: Attachment D: Attachment E. Agreement Program Review (Scope of Services) Agreement Program Budget Quarterly Project Performance Report & Invoice Annual Project Report Miami-Dade County Affidavits No other Agreement, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement shall be deemed to exist or bind any of the parties hereto. If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid or void, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby such remainder would then continue to conform to the terms and requirement of applicable law. Page 10 of 11 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective and duly authorized officers, the day and year first above written. Signature Mayor Title ~~ Neisen Kasdin Name (typed) ATTEST: ByjlkJ f~ Robert Parcher, City Clerk By: (Corporate Seal) ATTEST: MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA HARVEY RUVIN, CLERK ~ Dep ty lerk ,080(ll;b4 " IJ. ..- cO M,w I ..... "".J..~.. . .r":'.,, .t.... ~,.. .~. f ~ OOVNTY 'i: .j .0 -~ m. .. 1tt ..0 6,. .. .. . . .. * * .- e.. ... .~<<tU^."" errett R. Stierh . County Manager By: APPROVED AS TO FORM & lANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION 4t ~11 Ity Dorney ~ Page 11 of 11 A TT ACHMENT A ATTACHMENT B: A TT ACHMENT C A TT ACHMENT D ATT ACHMENT E SUMMARY OF ATTACHMENTS Agreement Program Narrative - Scope of Service Agreement Budget - Program Budget Quarterly Program Performance Report and Invoice AnnualPr~ectReport Metro-Dade County Affidavits ATTACHMENT A Agreement Program Narrative - Scope of Service PROGRAM NARRATIVE Jurisdiction Name: MIAMI BEACH Police Department Contact Person: Sgt. Angel Vasquez Address: 1100 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33139 673-79425 PH -- 673-7864 FX Program Area: LAW ENFORCEMENT & GANGS Program Dates: 10/1/98 -- 9/30/99 Program Name: GANG ACTIVITY REDUCTION PROGRAM Target Population: South Beach Gangs Problem Identification Miami Beach--and specifically the area of South Beach--has experienced a very prominent urban resurgence in the last five years becoming, in the process, a premier gathering place for tourists and the international set. The South Beach area, in particular, has become famous for its art deco architectural style as well as its many new outdoor cafes, eateries, and nightclubs. The South Beach entertainment area extends north and south along Ocean Drive and Washington Avenue from South Point, where the island begins, to about 15th Street on the north. Unfortunately, the South Beach area has also become a favorite gathering place for youth gang members coming in from all areas of Dade County. Demo2raphic Data The South Beach area becomes inundated with large groups of juvenile gang members who cruise on foot and in cars during peak hours--ll PM to 4 AM--on Friday and Saturday nights. The juveniles' specific favorite gathering areas encompass the busiest sector of the entertainment area encompassing approximately 12 square blocks: Washington Avenue to Ocean Drive, between 1st and 15th Streets. Crime statistics reveal that a large percentage of criminal activity in this area is being committed by juvenile gang members. Criminal charges involving these gang members include Armed Robbery, Aggravated Battery, Attempted Murder, Discharging ofa Firearm, etc. Pro2ram Description The Gang Activity Reduction Program will be targeting the South Beach area (1 st to 15th Streets between Washington Avenue and Ocean Drive). Additional areas may be added as new night spots locate further north on the beach strip. Hours of operation for the program will be four hours each night, sometime between 2300 to 0500 hours, on Fridays and Saturdays, for a total of 8 overtime hours each weekend. Hours may fluctuate depending on intelligence received relating to gang activity. The officers assigned to this program are trained and experienced in dealing with gangs. Many are members of the Florida Gang Investigators Association, or trained juvenile investigators and members of the Multi Agency Task Force. Officers assigned to this program continue their in-service training by attending future schools and seminars on gang investigations. The program's goals are: 1) Identification and documentation of gang members in targeted area; 2) Enforcement of state and local laws violated by gang members; 3) Response and assistance to any gang-related arrest or activity in target area; 4) Periodic distribution of gang intelligence communications (flyers) to all members of the police department. A daily statistic log is maintained and the following gang criminal activities are documented: 1) Number of felonies and misdemeanor arrests; 2) Number of Gang Identification cards made; 3) Number of weapons and firearms impounded; 4) Number of vehicles impounded; 5) Number of gang-related calls answered by police. A Gang Activity Monthly Statistical Sheet provides a tally from the Gang Activity Daily Logs (see copies attached) and document the numbers of communications (flyers) on gang activity handed to other units in the police department. Year One Activities - Accomplishments & Dnmet Needs (1995-96) Due to manpower constraints, the Miami Beach Police Department has been unable to adequately address the gang problem in the South Beach area. Every weekend, dozens of juvenile gang members gather in South Beach to "cruise" the entertainment area and, in so doing, create disruptions of traffic, street fights, and other criminal mischief which requires supplementary police attention. Year End data indicate that over 400 gang members were entered into the gang intelligence information system; over 223 gang members were arrested. Also, gang members were ID'ed and photographed to add to the gang record books. As was observed by the DCA monitor, South Beach on Miami Beach is a "hot spot" of activity on the weekends, and acts as a magnet for a wide variety of people. The number of people and the growing number of clubs have attracted gang members and tourists alike. The need for constant police presence, surveillance and enforcement of state and local laws is ever-present and growing. Year Two Activities - Accomplishments (1996-97) In Year Two, additional areas are occasionally added as needed (as new night spots locate in a northern direction up the beach strip). Quarterly reports indicate that 172 gang members have been identified and 346 have been arrested. Year Three Activities Year-To-Date (1997-98) Quarterly reports indicate that 241 gang members have field identified, and 425 arrests have been made. Year Four Reauest/Planned Activities (1998-99) The City of Miami Beach is committed to assigning law enforcement personnel to the gang unit to continue its efforts. This program under the Miami-Dade County Byrne Grant program will continue to provide support for this important program. Jurisdiction Name: MIAMI BEACH Police Department Contact Person: Sgt. Angel Vasguez Address: 1100 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33139 673-7942 PH -- 673-7864 FX Program Area: LAW ENFORCEMENT & GANGS Program Dates: 10/1/98 -- 9/30/99 Program Name: GANG ACTIVITY REDUCTION PROGRAM Target Population: South Beach Gangs Proposed Activities Planned Measures Monitoring Plan 24.11 To identify, collect, document, track, maintain, and ~ 1 Officer 8 hours Overtime for Request schedules for Officer and distribute gang intelligence PatrollInvestigation per week for Sergeant information to law enforcement 52 weeks = 416 Hours units on 400 known gang Payroll records of hours worked members using automated data ~ 1 Sergeant 8 hours Overtime and paid processing equipment for Patrol/Investigation per week 24.12 To arrest 225 gang for 52 weeks = 416 hours Request Reports and other members and gang wannabes on documents of investigations, field various law violations including I.D. of gang members, and other responding and assisting law gang related intelligence reports enforcement units in gang -related arrests Police Officer and Sergeant presence during high gang activity hours. Sergeant Vinnie Campbell, Richard W. Harris, Jr. DHS MBPD O}//J-l ('~i ./14 U( ATTACHMENT B Agreement Budget - Program Budget PROGRAM BUDGET Jurisdiction Name: MIAMI BEACH Program Area: LAW ENFORCEMENT & GANGS Program Name: GANG ACTIVITY REDUCTION PROGRAM Target Population GANG MEMBERS IN SOtITH BEACH Salaries and Benefits, Total 1 Sergeant X 8 hours per week X 52 weeks X $53.32 per hour (Overtime Basis) Assigned Officers X 8hours per week X 52 weeks X $46.90 per hour (Overtime Basis) February Contractual Services, Total Expenses, Total Total Budget Dade County will reimburse an amount not to exceed: The 25% CASH MATCH for this grant is: The sonce of the CASH MATCH is: Law Enforcement Trust Fund, City of Miami Beach 09/30/98, MB$G99WK4 $31,268 $10,423 Contact Person: 673-7945 ext. 5187 PH -- 673-7864 FX Sergeant Angel Vasquez Program Dates: 10/1/98 - 9/30/99 $22,181 $19,510 $41,691 $41,691 $0 $0 A TT ACHMENT C Quarterly Program Performance Report and Invoice Quarterly Project Performance Report Drug Control and System Improvement Formula Grant Program HIGH RISK/GANG PREVENTION PURPOSE AREA 24 (Jurisdiction Name) (project Name) (Program Area Name) (Name of Person Completing Form) (Title) (phone) STATE CONTRACT ill NUMBER: 99-CJ-9M-II-23-01-202 ":~i~i~~!fr'.::::::~~;:~::;:~~::::"""" . .' 2 3 4 1* January 1 - March 3 1 April 1 -June 30 July 1 - September 30 October 1 - December 3 1 April 15 July 15 October 15 January 15 *For example, if your project began in October, this is Report Number 1. NOTE: All jurisdictions must complete Sections I through 5. Section 6 must be completed following each jurisdiction's noted instructions. PROJECT NARRATIVE must be completed by all jurisdictions following this section's instructions. Any Report not received by April 16; July 16; October 16; and/or January 16 will result in that jurisdiction being "Out of Compliance" and their Reimbursement Request will be delayed. Miami Dade Department of Human Services Form Revised 9/98. 1. During this quarter. how many neighborhoods were involved in grant-funded project activities?_ 2. During this quarter. what is/are the namels of the jurisdiction/s participating in grant-funded activities and what is the estimated population of each? Jurisdiction Hialeah Metro Dade (Unincorporated) Miami Miami Beach North Miami Beach Opa Locka Sweetwater Population 188,004 1,028,071 358,548 92,639 49,998 15,283 13,909 3. During this quarter, what was the estimated percentage of grant-funded activities directed toward the following: % Business % General Public % Law Enforcement % Libraries % Parks and Community Centers % Public Housing % Residential Homes % Schools % Senior Citizen Centers % TOTAL 4. During this quarter, what estimated percentage of participants were served in each of the following target groups: % Children (Under 13 years of age) % Teenagers (13 - 18 years of age) % Families of Children and Teenagers % Other Groups (Specify) % Other Groups (Specify) % TOTAL 5, During this quarter, what serious (index) crimes were targeted for project activities? [Check all that apply] Aggravated Assault Arson Burglary Drug Use Forcible Rape Gang Related Crime Larceny or Theft Motor Vehicle Theft Murder Robbery Other (Specify) see detailed reoort 6. During this quarter, what project activities were completed? [Report on types of project activities for which you use subgrant funds to create a new program, expand an existing or enhance a locally funded program. In reporting numbers below, for "programs," report them only once for the life cycle of the subt.-Tant. However, for "sessions" and "attendance," report them on a quarterly basis.] Community Senices (Hialeah/ Cadets & EPI, Miami, Sweetwater) Number of Community Service Sessions (for all sessions) Number in Attendance (for all sessions) Education/ Pre\'ention Programs (Hialeah/Cadets & EPI, Miami Dade) Number of Education and Prevention Sessions Number in Attendance (for all sessions) Family Invoh'ement (Miami) Number of Family Crisis Intervention Sessions (for all programs) Number in Attendance (for all sessions) Famil)' Prevention Education (Miami Dade, Opa Locka, Sweetwater) Number of Family Prevention Education Sessions (for all programs) Number in Attendance (for all sessions) Field Trips (Miami-Dade, Miami) Number of Field Trip Sessions for the Ropes program (Miami ) Number in Attendance for all Ropes trips (Miami) Number of Field Trip Sessions for the Sailing program (Miami) Number in Attendance for all Sailing trips (Miami) Field Trips Cont'd (Miami-Dade, Miami) Number of Field Trip Sessions for the Camping program (Miami) Number in Attendance for all Camping trips (Miami) Number of Field Trip Sessions for the Raft program (Miami) Number in Attendance for all Raft trips (Miami) Number ofField Trip Sessions for the Games attended Marlins, etc. (Miami) Number in Attendance for all Games attended Marlins, etc. (Miami) Number ofField Trip Sessions to UM Games (Miami-Dade) Number in Attendance for all UM Games (Miami-Dade) Number ofField Trip Sessions for Most Improved Student (Miami-Dade) Number in Attendance for all Most Improved Student (Miami-Dade) Individual Short Term Counseling (North Miami Beach) Number ofIndividual Short Tenn Counseling Sessions (for all programs) Number in Attendance (for all sessions) Law Enforcement (Hialeah\ Gang Unit, Miami Beach, North Miami Beach, Opa Locka, S,,'eenvater) Number of Gang Members Entered into Criminal Intelligence Information System Number of Gang Members Arrested for Gang-Related Law Violations Number of Gang Members! Wannabees Transported by Law Enforcement Officers Recreation, Sports, and Club Programs (HialeahlEPI, Miami-Dade, Miami) Number of Recreation. Sports or Activities Hockey Games (Hialeah) Number in attendance for all Hockey Games (Hialeah) Number of Recreation, Sports or Activities Games Played (Miami) Number in attendance for all Games Played (Miami) Number of Recreation. Sports or Activities Teams (Miami-Dade) Number in attendance for Teams (games, practices, etc.) (Miami-Dade) Project Narrative [All jurisdictions should attach a brief narrative--or program highlights--detailing their progress in meeting their subgrant objectives for each quarter. The narrative should allow the reader to put the numbers provided in the Quarterly Report in the context of each of their programs. You may use additional pages if necessary.] Miami-Dade County Law Enforcement and Gangs Resolution R-590-98 Grant HSB459 QINVGA Revised 09/28/98 QUARTERL Y PROJECT PERFORMANCE REPORT & INVOICE [To Be Typed on Jurisdiction's Letterhead] City: Date of Claim: Project Name: Claim Number: Costs Incurred During the Period of: FIRST QUARTER SECOND QUARTER THIRD QUARTER FOURTH QUARTER October 1 - December 31 January 1 - March 31 April 1 - June 30 July 1 - September 30 Report Due January 15 Report Due April 15 Report Due June 15 Report Due October 15 1. Total Federal Budget $ 2. Amount This :nvoice $ (75%) 3. Amount Previous Invoices $ 4. Remaining Balance $ (Sub1ra<:t Lmes 2 .to 3 from Lme I) Budget Categories Line Item Disallowed Exceeds Budget Federal Funds (75%) Local Match (25%) Total Funds ( 100%) 1. Salaries & Benefits 2. Other Personnel Services (Temporar\ Employees Contractual) 3. Expenses 4. Total Claim Costs We request payment in accordance with our contract agreement in the amount 01'75% of Total Costs for this Claim $ (75%), the balance of costs, $ (25%), to be recorded as our in-kind contribution to comply with the local cash match requirement. Attached please find the records which substantiate the above expenditures. I certify that all of the costs have been paid and none of the items have been previously reimbursed, all of the expenditures comply with the authorized budget and fall within the contractual scope of services and all of the goods and services have been received for which reimbursement is requested. Respectfully submitted, Chief of Police/Other City Official Payment Approved. Miami-Dade County Miami-Dade County Law Enforcement and Gangs Resolution R-590-98 Grant HSB459 Page 2 of 3 QUARTERL Y PROJECT PERFORMANCE REPORT & INVOICE - Payroll Expenses City: Date of Claim: Project Name: Claim Number: Costs Incurred During the Period of: FIRST QUARTER SECOND QUARTER THIRD QUARTER FOURTH QUARTER October 1 - December 31 January 1 - March 31 April 1 - June 30 July 1 - September 30 Report Due January 15 Report Due April 15 Report Due June 15 Report Due October 15 Officer/Staff Name Date of Activity Type of Activity. Total Hours .(Presentation. Parent Meeting. Field Trip, etc.) TOTAL HOURS AT$ PER HOUR = $ I CERTIFY THAT PAYMENT FOR THE AMOUNT OF $ IS CORRECT. OFFICER/ST AFF SIGNATURE OFFICER/ST AFF SOCIAL SECURITY # CHIEF OF POLICE/CITY OFFICIAL SIGNATURE I VERIFY THAT THE ABOVE SERVICES WERE PROVIDED: School Principal's Signature NOTE: Bookkeeping report documenting payroll expenses must be attached to process payment. Miami-Dade County Law Enforcement and Gangs Resolution R-590-98 Grant HSB459 Page 3 of 3 QUARTERL Y PROJECT PERFORMANCE REPORT & INVOICE (Equipment, Supplies, Material Expenses) City: Date of Claim: Project Name: Claim Number: Costs Incurred During the Period of: FIRST QUARTER SECOND QUARTER THIRD QUARTER FOURTH QUARTER October 1 - December 3 1 January 1 - March 31 April 1 - June 30 July 1 - September 30 Report Due January 15 Report Due April 15 Report Due June 15 Report Due October 15 Vendor Item Description Date Paid Check No. Amount TOTAL AMOUNT EXPENSES NOTE: Copies of all im'oices and checks for this request must be attached to process payment. Drug Control and System Improvement Formula Law Enforcement and Gangs 99-CJ-9M-1l-23-01-202 FY99 Program Objective Summary Jurisdiction Name To ensure program objectives are accomplished at the end of the year, this fonn was designed to assist you in tracking quarterly activities. Each jurisdiction is listed under the objectives as it corresponds to their project. Program data reported in your quarterly report should be recorded on this log and copies of this log is to be included in your second, third and fourth quarter reports. Instructions for completing this form ~ In the column titled "Program Objective" you will find a list of the city projects and objectives under the Law Enforcement and Gangs Program Area ~ In the column titled "Jurisdiction Objective" you would insert your program goal for each of these objectives ~ Your program goal can be found in your contract on the last page of your Program Narrative--Scope of Services, Attachment A (See column titled Proposed Activities) ~ Quarterly data should be included in the remaining columns Ql, Q2, Q3, Q4, as it is reported in your quarterly report Program Objective Jurisdiction Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 Total Objective Community Services Hialeah' Cadets & EPI, Miami, Sweetwater No. sessions No. served Education/ Prevention Hialeah/ Cadets & EPl, Miami-Dade No. Sessions No. Attended Family Involvement iMiami No. Sessions No. Attended Family Prevention Education lMiami-Dade, Gpa Lacka. Sweetwater No. Sessions No. Attended 09/28/99 Drug Control and System Improvement Formula Law Enforcement and Gangs 99-CJ-9M-11-23-01-202 99 P Db' S FY rogram Je.:hve ummary City QI Q2 Q3 Q4 Total Program Objective Objective Field Trips 'Miami-Dade, Miami No. sessions No. Attended Individual Counseling Worth Miami Beach No. Sessions No. Counseled Law Enforcement Hialeah'Gang Unit, Miami Beach, North Miami Beach, Opa Locka, Sweetwater No. ID'ed No. Arrested No. Transported Recreation, Sports, Club Programs Hialeah! EPI, Miami-Dade. Miami No. Session No. Attended An explanation is required for all unmet program objectives. Please include your explanation of quarterly activities below: 09/28/99 ATTACHMENT D Annual Project Report ANNUAL / FINAL PROJECT REPORT DRUG CONTROL AND SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT FOPMULA GRANT PROGRAM PURPOSE AREA 24 HIGH RISK / GANG PREVENTION PROGRAM AREA This Annual Report covers the subgrant period for the project completing four quarters of operation. It is to be submitted along with the Fourth Quarterly Project Performance Report and the Fourth Quarter Invoice. This report must be in our office by October 15, 1999. Final Payment will be processed upon submission of complete Quarterly and Annual Reports with all required documentation. (Jurisdiction Name) (Project Name) (Title) (Phone) (Name of Person Completing Form) State Contract ID#: 99-CJ-9M-II-23-01-202 Record Project Time Frame Start Date End Date Miami Dade Department of Human Services (Revised 9/98) The Sub grant Contract for the Drug Control and System Improvement Funds requires that projects submit an Annual Report describing project activities. Each jurisdiction must complete a separate Annual Report for each project shown on the chart in Attachment A. This Annual Report must contain the following sections: 1. Noteworthy Successes of Project Operations 2. Implementation Problems 3. Staffing 4. Training 5. Grant Budget Expenditures 1. Noteworthy Successes of the Program. In this section, you are to report on the activities of your project along with the outcomes or results of those activities implemented in your project. Describe how your project enhanced, improved, or benefited your community. In the space provided, give a description for each of the following topics (a - f). Use three to four sentences for each topic listed. You may attach additional pages. a. Describe the activities implemented in the program. b. Describe the targeted crimes. c. Describe the population types. d. Describe any special materials, curriculums, equipment etc., which enhanced the program. 1. Noteworthy Successes Continued. e. Describe the Organizations and Agencies involved. (Other than the P'llice Dept. ) f. Emphasize successes worthy of noting in this report. 2. Implementation Problems When project operations were initiated, did problems arise that needed attention? How were they resolved? Briefly describe or state any problems that occurred and discuss the steps taken to overcome those problems. For example, if your project started late due to a late award, what adjustments were made to provide the planned services? 3. Staffing a. What were the total number of Full- Time Equivalent (FTE) staff assigned to this project regardless of the funding source? b. What were the number ofFTE's funded by the Drug Control and System Improvement Formula Grant Program? NOTE: If this program budget provided funds only for expenses, the FTE's are zero (0) 4. Training Compete the following only if grant funds were used to train any staff working in your project If training was not provided with grant funds, do not complete this section and skip to Question 5. a, What type and amount of staff training was provided during this project? Record the total number of individuals who received training and total the number of hours trained. For example, if 5 employees received 8 hours of training each, record 5 employees and 40 hours of training. Training Subject Fund Raising and Grant Management Community Organizations Police Relations Number Trained Hours Trained School Relations Curriculum Development Recreational Programs Gang Enforcement / Task Force Training Other (Specify) b. Have new procedures or practices been implemented as a result of the training provided through this project? Yes No H no skip to Question 5 c. Have new procedures or practices increased the efficiency or effectiveness of crime prevention program activities? Yes No 4. Training Continued. d. What improvements resulted from Training project staff? Cbeck all that Appl)' Successful Development of Neighborhood Activities Successful Development of School Activities Successful Development Community Activities Successful Development Recreational Activities Coordination with School Officials Coordination with Local Law Enforcement Coordination with Local Government Officials Enhanced Existing Drug Education Program Enhanced Existing Human Service Program Enhanced Existing Law Enforcement Program Enhanced Existing Recreation Program Enhanced Existing Gang Enforcement/ Task Force Program Other (Specify) e. Who provided the training? Check all that appl)' Peer Assistance/ Experienced Practitioner Instructor of NatioTal Reputation Project Staff State Training Personnel (Florida Dept. of Law Enforcement) Other (Specify) 5. Grant Budget Expenditures Indicate the types of expenditures made for the operation of the project. Check all tbat Apply Audiovisual Computer Equipment Contractual Services Furniture/ Fixtures Instructional Supplies Travel Vehicles ATTACHMENT E Miami-Dade County Affidavits MIAMI-DADE COUNTY AFFIDAVITS The contracting individual or entity (governmental or otherwise) shall indicate by an "X" all affidavits that pertain to this contract and shall indicate by an "N/A" all affidavits that do not pertain to this contract. All blank spaces must be filled. The MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OWNERSHIP DISCLOSURE AFFIDAVIT; MIAMI-DADE COUNTY Erv1PLOYMENT DISCLOSURE AFFIDAVIT; MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CRIMINAL RECORD AFFIDAVIT; and DISABILITY NONDISCRIMINATION AFFIDAVIT shall not pertain to contracts with the United States or any of its departments or agencies thereof. the State or any political subdivision or agency thereof or any municipality of this State. The MIAMI-DADE COUNTY FAMILY LEAVE AFFIDAVIT shall not pertain to contracts \\ith the United States or any of its departments or agencies or the State of Florida or any political subdivision or agency thereof: it shall. however. pertain to municipalities of the State of Florida. All other contracting entities or individuals shall read carefully each affidavit to determine whether or not it pertains to this contract. 1. Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin Affiant , being first duly sworn state: The full legal name and business address of the person(s) or entity contracting or transacting business with Miami-Dade County are (post Office addresses are not acceptable): 59-6000-372-005 Federal Employer Identification Number (If none, Social Security) City of Miami Beach, Florida Name of Entity. Individual(s). Partners. or Corporation Doing Business As (if same as above. leave blank) 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami beach, FL 33139 Street Address City State ZipCode " '.'1 NA I. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY DISCLOSURE AFFIDAVIT (Sec. 2-8.1 ofthe County Code) 1. If the contract or business transaction is with a corporation. the full legal name and business address shall be provided for each officer and director and each stockholder who holds directly or indirectly five percent (5%) or more of the corporation's stock. If the contract or business transaction is with a partnership, the foregoing information shall be provided for each partner. If the contract or business transaction is with a trust, the full legal name and address shall be pro\ided for each trustee and each beneficiary. The foregoing requirements shall not pertain to contracts with publicly-traded corporations or to contracts with the United States or any department or agency thereof, the State or any political subdivision or agency thereof or any municipality of this State. All such names and addresses are (post Office addresses are not acceptable): Full Legal Name Address Ownership % % % 2. Thf' full legal names and business address of any other individual (other than subcontractors, materialmen, suppliers, laborers, or lenders) who have, or will have, any interest (legal, equitable beneficial or otherwise) in the contract or business transaction with Dade County are (post Office addresses are not acceptable): 3. Any person who willfully fails to disclose the information required herein, or who knowingly discloses false information in this regard, shall be punished by a fine of up to five hundred dollars ($500.00) or imprisonment in the County jail for up to sixty (60) days or both. NA II. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY EMPLOYMENT DISCLOSURE AFFIDAVIT (County Ordinance No. 90-133, Amending sec. 2.8-1; Subsection (d)(2) of the County Code). Except where precluded by federal or State laws or regulations, each contract or business transaction or renewal thereof which involves the expenditure of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or more shall require the entity contracting or transacting business to disclose the following information. The foregoing disclosure requirements do not apply to contracts with the United States or any department or agency thereof. the State or any political subdivision or agency thereof or any municipality of this State. I. Does your firm have a collective bargaining agreement with its employees? Yes No 2. Does your firm provide paid health care benefits for its employees? Yes No 3. Provide a current breakdown (number of persons) of your firm's work force and ownership as to race. national origin and gender: White: Males Females Asian: Males Females Black: Males Females American Indian: Males Females Hispanics: Males Females Aleut (Eskimo): Males Females Males Females Males Females NA III.MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CRIMINAL RECORD AFFIDA VlT (Section 2-8.6 of the County Code) The individual or entity entering into a contract or receiving funding from the County _ has _ has not as ofthe date of this affidavit been convicted of a felony during the past ten (10) years. An officer. director. or executive of the entity entering into a contract or receiving funding from the County _ has _ has not as of the date of this affidavit been convicted of a felony during the past ten (10) years. l IV MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CUBA AFFIDA VlT (County Resolution R-656-93) That neither the firm (individual. organization, corporation, etc.) submitting this bid or proposal or receiving this contract award or any of its O\mers, subsidiaries, or affiliated or related finns has: 1. engaged in the purchase, transport, importation or participation in any transaction involving merchandise that: a. is of Cuban origin: or b. is or has been located in or transported from or through Cuba; or c. is made or derived in whole or in part of any article which is the growth, produce or manufacture of Cuba: 2. engaged in any transaction in which a Cuban national or the government of Cuba with a Cuban national or the government of Cuba, or which involves property in which a Cuban national or the government of Cuba has any interest; 3. been a party to, or had an interest in a any franchise, license or management agreement with a Cuban national or the government of Cuba, or which involves property in which a Cuban national or the government of Cuba has any interest 4. had or held any investment. deposit, loan borrowing or credit arrangement or had any other financial dealing with a Cuban national or the government of Cuba, or which involves property in which a Cuban national or the government of Cuba has an interest; 5. subcontracted with, purchased supplies from, or performed billing or collection services for any person or entity that does business with Cuba as provided in "1" through "4" above; 6. traveled to Cuba in violation of U.S. travel restrictions during the ten year period preceding the due date for submittal. ~ V. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY EMPLOYMENT DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE AFFIDAVIT (County Ordinance No. 92-15 codified as Section 2-8.1.2 of the County Code) That in compliance with Ordinance No. 92-15 of the Code of Miami-Dade County, Florida, the above named person or entity is providing a drug-free workplace. A written statement to each employee shall inform the employee about: 1. danger of drug abuse in the workplace 2. the firm's policy of maintaining a drug-free environment at all workplaces 3. availability of drug counseling. rehabilitation and employee assistance programs 4. penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations The person or entity shall also require an employee to sign a statement, as a condition of employment that the employee will abide by the terms and notify the employer of any criminal drug conviction occurring no later than five (5) days after receiving notice of such conviction and impose appropriate personnel action against the employee up to and including termination. Compliance with Ordinance No. 92-15 may be waived if the special characteristics of the product or service offered by the person or entity make it necessary for the operation of the County or for the health. safety. welfare. economic benefits and well-being of the public. Contracts involving funding which is provided in whole or in part by the United States or the State of Florida shall be exempted from the provisions of this ordinance in those instances where those provisions are in conflict with the requirements of those governmental entities. l VI. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY EMPLOYMENT FAMILY LEA VE AFFIDAVIT (County Ordinance No. 142-91 codified as Section lIA-29~. ~ of the County Code) That in compliance \\ith Ordinance No. 142-91 of the Code of Miami-Dade County, Florida, an employer with fifty (50) or more employees working in Miami-Dade County for each working day during each of twenty (20) or more calendar work weeks, shall provide the following information in compliance with all items in the aforementioned ordinance: M- ...M.. An employee who has worked for the above firm at least one (1) year shall be entitled to ninety (90) days of family leave during any twenty-four (24) month period. for medical reasons, for the birth or adoption of a child. or for the care of a child. spouse or other close relative who has a serious health condition without risk of termination of employment or employer retaliation. The foregoing requirements shall not pertain to contracts with the United States or any department or agency thereof. or the State of Florida or any political subdivision or agency thereof. It shall, however, pertain to municipalities of this State. VII. DISABILITY NON-DISCRIMINA nON AFFIDAVIT (County Resolution R-385-95) That the above named firm, corporation or organization is in compliance with and agrees to continue to comply with. and assure that any subcontractor, or third party contractor under this project complies with all applicable requirements of the laws listed below including, but not limited to, those provisions pertaining to employment, provision of programs and services, transportation, communications. access to facilities. renovations, and new construction in the following laws: The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), Pub. L. 101-336, 104 Stat 327, 42 U.S.c. 12101-12213 and 47 U.S.c. Sections 225 and 611 including Title I, Employment; Title II, Public Seryices; Title III. Public Accommodations and Services Operated by Private Entities; Title IV, Telecommunications; and Title V, Miscellaneous Provisions; The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.c. Section 794; The Federal Transit Act, as amended 49 V.S.C. Section 1612; The Fair Housing Act as amended. 42 V.S.c. Section 3601-3631. The foregoing requirements shall not pertain to contracts with the Vnited States or any department or agency thereof, the State or any political subdivision or agency thereof or any municipality of this State. VIII. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY COUNTY REGARDING DELINQUENT AND CURRENTLY DUE FEES OR TAXES (Sec. 2-8.1(c) of the County Code) Except for small purchase orders and sole source contracts, that above named firm, corporation, organization or individual desiring to transact business or enter into a contract with the County verifies that all delinquent and currently due fees or taxes -- including but not limited to real and property taxes. utility taxes and occupational licenses -- which are collected in the normal course by the Dade County Tax Collector as well as Dade County issued parking tickets for vehicles registered in the name of the firm, corporation, organization or individual have been paid. , I have carefully read this entire four (4) page docuffi';nt entitled, "Miami-Dade County Affidavits" and have indicated by an "X" all affidavits that pertain to this contract and have indicated by an "NI A" all affidavi~~~at do not pertain to this contract. B) VI/PM 10/zQ/98 (Signature of Affiant) (Date) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO (or affirmed) before me this ~? It day of ~trog&12- 19j! by NG~~~N /(MD;,v- I /llJfHlO/L . . He/She is personally known to me or has - presented as identification. (Type of Identification) ~~ { Pw-~ (Signature of ec 5 LfVorJ (Serial Number) vFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL ROBERT E PARCHER NOfARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA COMMISSION NO. CC544055 (P . S f :<YI ,2000 nnt or tamp 0 ov~... / 3 ;1 2,-00 () xpiration Date) Notary Public - State of F L ~ PI bA-_ (State) Notary Seal APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION ~~ MIAMI-DADE COUNTY AGREEMENT This Agreement, made and entered into this ./IT/+- day of j) E L. 1998, by and between Miami-Dade County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida hereinafter referred to as the "COUNTY", through its DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES and the CITY OF MIAMI BEACH located in Miami-Dade County, Florida hereinafter referred to as the "PROVIDER", provides the terms and conditions pursuant to which the PROVIDER shall provide a COMMUNITY DRUG & CRIME PREVENTION PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the COUNTY has been awarded federal funds from the Drug Control and System Improvement Formula Grant Program under Public Law 100-690, the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, hereinafter referred to as the ACT, and WHEREAS, the PROVIDER warrants and represents that it possesses the legal authority to enter into this Agreement by way of resolution, motion or similar action that has been duly adopted or passed as an official act of the PROVIDER'S governing body, authorizing the execution of the Agreement, including all understandings and assurances contained herein, and authorizing the person identified as the official representative of the PROVIDER to carry out on behalf of the PROVIDER all of the duties and responsibilities set forth in this Agreement, and WHEREAS, this AGREEMENT shall be deemed effective upon award of grant funds by the State of Florida, Department of Community Affairs, Division of Housing and Community Development, Bureau of Community Assistance to Miami-Dade County and being duly executed by both parties, whichever is later, and Page I of II (' WHEREAS, the COUNTY is desirous of supporting an expansion of the services provided by the COMMUNITY DRUG & CRIME PREVENTION PROGRAM by providing a portion of the federal funds awarded to Miami-Dade County to the COMMUNITY DRUG & CRIME PREVENTION PROGRAM and WHEREAS, the COUNTY as contractor/grantee for the State of Florida is authorized to purchase said services for COMMUNITY DRUG & CRIME PREVENTION PROGRAM as an allowable activity under the ACT, and WHEREAS, the COUNTY requires the above-mentioned services from the PROVIDER in order to fulfill its contractual obligations under the aforementioned grant, and NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants recorded herein, the parties hereto intending to be legally bound, agree as follows: I. SCOPE OF SERVICES. The PROVIDER agrees to render services in accordance with the Scope of Services incorporated herein and attached hereto as Attachment A. II. EFFECTIVE TERM. The effective term of this Agreement shall be from October 1, 1998 through September 30, 1999. III. AMOUNT PAY ABLE. Both parties agree that subject to the COUNTY's receipt of State funds, the maximum amount payable under this Agreement shall not exceed $14,754. The breakdown of this amount by budget category is included in the budget schedule found in Attachment B of this Agreement. Both parties agree that should available County funding be reduced, the amount payable under this Agreement may be proportionately reduced at the option of the County. IV. CASH MATCH REQUIREMENT. The PROVIDER shall maintain sufficient financial resources to meet the expenses incurred during the period between the provision of services and payment by the COUNTY, including the required 25% Cash Match, and provide all equipment and supplies required for the provision of services. Page 2 of 11 V. REOUIREMENTS RELATED TO USE OF ANTI-DRUG ABUSE FUNDS UNDER THE DRUG CONTROL AND SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM A. Requirements of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act. The PROVIDER agrees to abide by all of the requirements of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 under the Drug Control and System Improvement Formula Grant Program, including Rule Chapter 9B-61. Furthermore, this AGREEMENT shall incorporate by reference the provision of that certain document entitled "State of Florida, Department of Community Affairs, Division of Housing and Community Development, Bureau of Community Assistance Subgrant Application for Anti-Drug Abuse Act Funds" and all laws, rules, regulations relating thereto are incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth. B. Supplanting. The PROVIDER agrees that funds received under this Agreement shall be utilized to supplement, not supplant state or local funds, but will be used to increase the amounts of such funds that would, in the absence of grant funds, be made available for anti-drug law enforcement activities, in accordance with Rule Chapter 9B-61.006 (5) of the ACT. VI. CONTINUITY OF SERVICES. Provide optimal continuity of services by assuring that services are provided by the same person whenever possible and, if not, by a qualified replacement when necessary. VII. PROGRAM CONTACT. Designate a contract coordinator who shall be responsible for 1) monitoring the PROVIDER's compliance with the terms of this Agreement and, 2) whenever the COUNTY so requests, meeting with County staff to review such compliance. VIII. INDEMNIFICA TION BY THE PROVIDER. Any PROVIDER shall indemnify and hold harmless the COUNTY and its officers, employees, agents and instrumentalities from any and all liability, losses or damages, including attorneys' fees and costs of defense, which the COUNTY or its officers, employees, agents or instrumentalities may incur as a result of claims, demands, suits, causes of actions or proceedings of any kind or nature arising out of, relating to or resulting from the performance of this Agreement by the PROVIDER or its employees, agents, servants, partners, principals or subcontractors. PROVIDER shall pay all claims and losses in connection therewith and shall investigate and defend all claims, suits or actions of any kind or nature in the name ofthe COUNTY, where applicable including appellate proceedings, and shall pay all costs, judgments, and attorney's fees which may issue thereon. Provided, however, this indemnification shall only be to the extent and within the limitations of Section 768.28 Fla. Stat., subject to the provisions of that Statute whereby the PROVIDER shall not be held liable to pay a personal injury or property damage claim or judgment by anyone person which exceeds the sum of $1 00,000, or any claim or judgment or portions thereof, which, when totaled with all other claims or judgment paid by the PROVIDER arising out of the same incident or occurrence, exceed the sum of $200,000 from any and all personal injury or property damage claims, liabilities, losses or causes of action which may arise as a result of the negligence of the PROVIDER. Page 3 of 11 IX. INSURANCE. As a political subdivision of the State as defined by section 768.28, Florida Statutes, the PROVIDER shall furnish the COUNTY, upon request, written verification ofliability protection in accordance with section 768.28, Florida Statutes. Nothing herein shall be construed to extend any party's liability beyond that provided in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. X. LICENSURE AND CERTIFICATION. Ensure that all other licensed professionals providing COMMUNITY DRUG & CRIME PREVENTION PROGRAM services shall have appropriate training and experience in the field in which he/she practices and abide by all applicable State and Federal laws and regulations and ethical standards consistent with those established for his/her profession. Ignorance on the part of the PROVIDER shall in no way relieve it from any of its responsibilities in this regard. XI. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. The PROVIDER warrants and represents that no person under the employ of the PROVIDER, who exercises any function or responsibility in connection with this Agreement, has at the time this Agreement is entered into, or shall have during the term of this Agreement, any personal financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement. XII. CIVIL RIGHTS. The PROVIDER agrees to abide by Chapter llA, Article IV of the Code of Miami-Dade County ("County Code"), as amended, which prohibits discrimination in employment; Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended, which prohibits discrimination in employment and public accommodation; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, 42 V.S.C. as amended, which prohibits discrimination in employment because of age; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.s.e. Sect. 794, as amended, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability; and the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42, U.S.e. Sect. 12103 et. seq., which prohibits discrimination in employment and accommodation because of disability. It is expressly understood that upon receipt of evidence of discrimination under any of these laws, the County shall have the right to terminate this Agreement. It is further understood that the PROVIDER must submit an affidavit attesting that it is not in violation of the Americans with Disability Act, the Rehabilitation Act, the Federal Transit Act, 49 U.S.e. Sect. 1612, and the Fair Housing Act, 42 U.S.c. Sect. 3601 et seq. If the Provider or any owner, subsidiary, or other firm affiliated with or related to the PROVIDER, is found by the responsible enforcement agency, the Courts or the County to be in violation of these Acts, the County will conduct no further business with the PROVIDER. Any contract entered into based upon a false affidavit shall be voidable by the County. If the PROVIDER violates any of the Acts during the term of any contract the PROVIDER has with the County, such contract shall be voidable by the County, even if the PROVIDER was not in violation at the time it submitted its affidavit. Page 4 of 11 XIII. NOTICES. Notice under this Agreement shall be sufficient if made in writing and delivered personally or sent by mail or by FAX to the parties at the following addresses (or to such other party and at such other address as a party may specify by notice to others): If to the COUNTY: Miami-Dade County Department of Human Services III NW 1 st Street, Suite 670 Miami, Florida 33128 Attention: Richard W. Harris, Jr. If to the PROVIDER: MIAMI BEACH Miami Beach Police Department 11 00 Washington Avenue Miami Beach, FL 33139 Attention: Sergeant Richard Weissman XIV. AUTONOMY. Both parties agree that this Agreement recognizes the autonomy of and stipulates or implies no affiliation between the contracting parties. It is expressly understood and intended that the Provider is only a recipient of funding support and is not an agent or instrumentality of the COUNTY. Furthermore, the PROVIDER's agents and employees are not agents or employees of the COUNTY. XV. BREACH OF AGREEMENT: COUNTY REMEDIES. A. Breach. A breach by the PROVIDER shall have occurred under this Agreement if the PROVIDER shall fail to fulfill in a timely and proper manner its obligations under this Agreement, or shall violate any of the covenants, agreements, stipulations, representations or warranties contained herein. B. COUNTY Remedies. If the PROVIDER breaches this Agreement, the COUNTY may pursue any or all of the following remedies: 1. The COUNTY shall have the right to terminate this Agreement or reduce funding by giving at least five (5) days prior written notice to the PROVIDER of such intent to terminate or reduce services. 2. The COUNTY may suspend payment in whole or in part under this Agreement by providing written notice to the PROVIDER of such suspension and specifYing the effective date thereof, at least five (5) days before the effective date of suspension. If payments are suspended, the COUNTY may also suspend any payments in whole or in part under any other contracts entered into between the COUNTY and the PROVIDER. The PROVIDER shall be responsible for all direct and indirect costs associated with such suspension, including attorney's fees; 3. If, for any reason, the PROVIDER should attempt to meet its obligations under this Agreement through fraud, misrepresentation or material misstatement, the County shall, whenever practicable terminate this Agreement by giving written Page 5 of 11 notice to the provider of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof at least five (5) days before the effective date of such termination. The COUNTY may terminate or cancel any other contracts which such entity has with the county. Such entity shall be responsible for all direct or indirect costs associated with such termination or cancellation, including attorney's fees. Any entity who attempts to meet is contractual obligations with the County through fraud, misrepresentation or material misstatement may be debarred from County contracting for up to five (5) years. 4. Any other remedy available at law or equity. The County Manager is authorized to terminate this Agreement on behalf of the County. C. Damages Sustained. Notwithstanding the above, the PROVIDER shall not be relieved of liability to the COUNTY for damages sustained by the COUNTY by virtue of any breach of the Agreement, and the COUNTY may withhold any payments to the PROVIDER until such time as the exact amount of damages due the COUNTY is determined and properly settled. XVI. TERMINA TION BY EITHER PARTY. This Agreement may be terminated without cause by either party by giving sixty (60) days prior written notice to the other party of such intent to terminate. XVII. PROJECT BUDGET AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES. The PROVIDER agrees that all expenditures or costs shall be made in accordance with the Budget which is attached herein and incorporated hereto as Attachment B. A. Budget Variance. Funds may be shifted between approved line items, not to exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the total budget, without a written amendment. Variances greater than fifteen percent (15%) in any line approved line item shall require a written amendment approved by the Department. B. Recapture Funds. At the conclusion of the third quarter and upon submission of the Quarterly Performance Report and Invoice, the COUNTY will review the PROVIDER'S Y ear- To-Date expenditures. 1. Municipalities reporting remaining balances which exceed expenditure levels for normal program operations must submit a plan with the Third Quarter Report which documents those steps the municipality will take in the Fourth Quarter to fully expend the contract by the end of the program year. 2. This expenditure plan must be approved by the COUNTY. 3. Where the municipality does not anticipate full expenditures by the end of the program year, the COUNTY will recapture the anticipated unexpended amount for use in another program, without a formal amendment process. Page 6 of 11 C. Payment Procedures. The County agrees to pay the PROVIDER for services rendered under this Agreement based on the line item budget incorporated herein and attached hereto as Attachment B. The parties agree that this is a cost-basis Agreement and the PROVIDER shall be paid through reimbursement payment for allowable expenses on the budget approved under this Agreement (see Attachment B). The PROVIDER agrees to invoice the COUNTY for each Community Drug and Crime Prevention Program using the Quarterly Project Performance Report & Invoice as it appears in Attachment C, and to do so on a quarterly basis, as stated in Section XIX. B. 1. The Quarterly Project Performance Report & Invoice shall be prepared in a manner in accordance with the form provided in Attachment C. The final Quarterly Project Performance Report & Invoice along with the ANNUAL REPORT shall be submitted by October 15, 1999. D. The PROVIDER agrees to mail all invoices to the address listed above, Section XIII. E. The COUNTY agrees to review invoices and to inform the PROVIDER of any questions. Payments shall be mailed to the PROVIDER by the COUNTY'S Finance Department. XVIll. INVENTORY - CAPITAL EQUIPMENT AND REAL PROPERTY. A. Acquisition of Property. The PROVIDER is required to be prudent in the acquisition and management of property with federal funds. Expenditure of funds for the acquisition of new property, when suitable property required for the successful execution of projects is already available within the PROVIDER organization, will be considered an unnecessary expenditure. B. Screening. Careful screening should take place before acquiring property in order to ensure that it is needed with particular consideration given to whether equipment already in the possession of the PROVIDER organization can meet identified needs. While there is no prescribed standard for such review, the PROVIDER procedures may establish levels of review dependent on factors such as the cost of the proposed equipment and the size of the PROVIDER organization. The establishment of a screening committee may facilitate the process; however, the PROVIDER may utilize other management techniques which it finds effective as a basis for determining that the property is needed and that it is not already within the PROVIDER's organization. The COUNTY must ensure that the screening referenced above takes place and that the PROVIDER has an effective system for property management. The PROVIDER is hereby informed that if the COUNTY is made aware that the PROVIDER does not employ an adequate property management system, project costs associated with the acquisition of the property may be disallowed. C. Loss. Damage or Theft of Equipment. The PROVIDER is responsible for replacing or repairing the property which is willfully or negligently lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Any loss, damage. or theft of the property must be investigated and fully documented and made part of the official project records. D. Equipment Acquired with Crime Control Act Block/Formula Funds. Equipment acquired shall be used and managed to ensure that the equipment is used for criminal justice purposes. E. Management. The PROVIDER procedures for managing equipment (including replacement), whether acquired in whole or in part with project funds, will, as a minimum, meet the following requirements: 1. Property records must be maintained which include description of property, serial number or other identification number, source of the property, identification of who holds the title, acquisition date, costs of the property, percentage of COUNTY participation Page 7 of II in the cost of the property (Federal funds), location of property, use and condition of the property, disposition data including the date of disposal and sale price; 2. A physical inventory of the property must be taken and the results reconciled with the property records at least once every two years; 3. A control system must exist to ensure adequate safeguards to prevent loss, damage or theft of the property. Any loss, damage, or theft shall be investigated by the PROVIDER as appropriate; 4. Adequate maintenance procedures must exist to keep the property in good condition; and 5. If the PROVIDER is authorized or required to sell the property, proper sales procedures must be established to ensure the highest possible return. F. Retention of Property Records. Records for equipment, nonexpendable personal property, and real property shall be retained for a period of three years from the date of the disposition or replacement or transfer at the discretion of the COUNTY. If any litigation, claim, or audit is started before the expiration of the three-year period, the records shall be retained until all litigation, claims, or audit findings involving the records have been resolved. XIX. RECORDS. REPORTS. MONITORING AND AUDITS. EV ALUA TION STUDIES. The PROVIDER shall keep records of program services in sufficient detail to provide any reports which may be requested by the COUNTY. A. Records. All program records will be retained by the PROVIDER for not less than three (3) years beyond the term of this Agreement. In accordance with contract requirements from the State of Florida, records for COMMUNITY DRUG AND CRIME PREVENTION PROGRAM services must reflect: 1. The names of staff providing services as described in Attachment A. 2. The dates and number of hours the staff provided services. 3. The dates of services and activities and the names of program participants in attendance to such as described in Attachment A 4. The records of all other program services provided under this Agreement. B. Reporting Requirements. As to required reports, the PROVIDER shall: 1. Quarterly Proiect Performance Report and Invoice. Submit Quarterly Project Performance Report and Invoice to the Department of Human Services by January 15, April 15, July 15, and October IS, 1999 covering the Agreement activity for the previous quarter. The Quarterly Project Performance Report and Invoice shall be submitted in the format and using the form attached hereto as Attachment C. 2. Annual Proiect Report. The PROVIDER shall submit an ANNUAL PROJECT REPORT to the Department of Human Services for the 12 month period of the Project Operation. The ANNUAL REPORT shall be submitted in the format and using the form attached hereto as Attachment D. The ANNUAL REPORT shall be submitted with the Fourth Quarterly Project Performance Report and Invoice by October 15, 1999. 3. Other Required Reports. The PROVIDER shall submit other reports as may be required by the Department of Human Services during the program year. C. Changes to Reporting Requirements. The PROVIDER understands that the COUNTY may at any time require changes in data collected, records or reporting, as may be necessary and agrees to comply with any such modifications. D. Monitoring and Audit. Make available for review, inspection, monitoring or audit by the COUNTY without notice during normal business hours all financial records and other program records and documents which relate to or have been produced or created as a result of this Agreement. The PROVIDER shall provide assistance as may be necessary to facilitate a Page 8 of 11 financial/program audit when deemed necessary by the COUNTY to ensure compliance with applicable accounting and financial standards. E. Evaluation Studies. PROVIDER agrees to participate in evaluation studies sponsored by the administrative agent for these funds from the State of Florida, Department of Community affairs, Division of Housing and Community Development, Bureau of Community Assistance. This participation shall at a minimum include access to PROVIDER's premises and records. XX. MISCELLANEOUS. A. This Agreement is the complete and exclusive statement of all the arrangements between the COUNTY and the PROVIDER regarding the provision of the services described in Attachments A and B. B. Except as otherwise enumerated herein, no amendment to this Agreement shall be binding on either party unless in writing and signed by both parties and approved by the County Manager provided, however, that the COUNTY may effect amendments to this Agreement without the written consent of the PROVIDER, to conform this Agreement to changes in the laws, directives, guidelines, and objectives of county, state and federal governments. C. Nothing herein shall alter, affect, modify, change or extend any other agreement between the PROVIDER and the COUNTY unless specifically stated herein. D. All reports, information documents, tapes and recordings, maps and other data and procedures, developed, prepared, assembled or completed by the PROVIDER in connection with the duties and responsibilities undertaken by the PROVIDER in accordance with the terms of this Agreement shall become the property of the COUNTY without restriction, reservation or limitation of their use and shall be made available to the COUNTY by the PROVIDER at any time upon request by the COUNTY. Upon completion of all work contemplated under this Agreement, copies of all of the above data shall be delivered to the COUNTY upon request. E. Agreement Guidelines. The Provider agrees to comply with all applicable federal state and county laws, rules and regulations, which are incorporated herein by reference as set forth herein. This Agreement shall be interpreted according to the laws of the State of Florida and proper venue for this Agreement shall be Miami-Dade County, Florida. F. Amendments. Any alterations, variations, amendments, or other modifications of this Agreement including but not limited to amount payable and effective term shall only be valid when they have been reduced to writing, duly approved and signed by both parties and attached to the original of this Agreement. The COUNTY and PROVIDER mutually agree that amendments of the Scope of Service, line item budget of more than fifteen percent (15%) of the total budget set forth herein and other such revisions my be negotiated as written amendment to this Agreement between the parties. The County Manager is authorized to make amendments to this Agreement as described herein on behalf of the COUNTY. Page 9 of 11 G. Publicity. It is understood and agreed between the parties hereto that this PROVIDER is funded by Miami-Dade County. Further, by acceptance of these funds, the PROVIDER agrees that events and printed documents funded by this Agreement shall recognize the funding source as follows: This program was supported by a grant awarded to Miami-Dade County Department of Human Services, State of Florida Department of Community Affairs and U. S. Department ofJustice, Bureau ofJustice Assistance (BJA). H. Sub-Contracts. The Provider agrees not to enter into sub-contracts, retain consultants, or assign, transfer, convey, sublet, or otherwise dispose of this Agreement, or any or all of its rights, title or interest herein, or its power to execute such Agreement without the prior written approval of the COUNTY and that all sub-contractors or assignees shall be governed by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. I. Total of Agreement/Severability of Provisions. The ten (10) page Agreement with its attachments as referenced below contain all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties: Attachment A: Attachment B: Attachment C: Attachment D: Attachment E. Agreement Program Review (Scope of Services) Agreement Program Budget Quarterly Project Performance Report & Invoice Annual Project Report Miami-Dade County Affidavits No other Agreement, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement shall be deemed to exist or bind any of the parties hereto. If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid or void, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby such remainder would then continue to conform to the terms and requirement of applicable law. Page 10 of 11 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective and duly authorized officers, the day and year first above written. ~~ Mayor Title Signature Neisen Kasdin Name (typed) ATTEST: By ~n.~f aA~ ~parCher, City Clerk By: (Corporate Seal) ATTEST: MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA HARVEY RUVIN, CLERK .~ De ~t S~~~;""~ .. -~-.,.. ~"'..... : /.... . ~~., ".:0 ~ . <' ___n :::J co lINTY J:. j .0 - ", \\.../ : .,- 11- .. ,/ .....tJ.Il........ By ~~ errett R. Stlerh m County Manager By: APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION !~~~ Page 11 of 11 A TT ACHMENT A A TT ACHMENT B: A TT ACHMENT C A TT ACHMENT D A TT ACHMENT E SUM:MAR Y OF A TT ACHMENTS Agreement Program Narrative - Scope of Service Agreement Budget - Program Budget Quarterly Program Performance Report and Invoice Annual Project Report Metro-Dade County Affidavits ATTACHMENT A Agreement Program Narrative - Scope of Service PROGRAM NARRATIVE Jurisdiction Name: MIAMI BEACH Police Department Contact Person: Sergeant Richard Weissman Address: II 00 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33139 673-7945 PH -- 673-7864 FX Program Area: COMMUNITY DRUG & CRIME PREVENTION Program Dates: 10/1/98 -- 6/30/99 Program Name: PYCAP (PoliceN outh Community Assistance Program) Target Population: 360 Students Ages 12-17 Problem Identification Recognizing existing communication problems between the police and youth, the Miami Beach Police Department (MBPD) developed the Police and Youth Community Assistance Program (PYCAP). Demoe:raohic Data According to the 1990 Census, 8% of the Miami Beach population is comprised of school-age children. According to Criminal Justice data base, juveniles account for approximately 10% of all arrests in the city. As reported by the MBPD, juvenile criminal mischief incidents have been on the rise, with over 1,700 incidents reported in 1994. This trend continues at the same rate for 1995. The PYCAP program's target population is students at-risk, as identified by the school, who are enrolled in Miami Beach elementary schools and South Beach Alternative (Elementary & Middle School). Student ages range from 12-17 years old, male and female. The ethnic breakdowns of the school population is 65% Hispanic, 30% Black, and 5% Non-Hispanic White. Proe:ram Descriotion The PYCAP program provides neighborhood clean-up drives, sports activities and field trips for the City of Miami Beach. The program will be conducted city-wide with participation from each elementary school and the special alternative school. The target age encompasses those children in the exit grade levels participating in the D.A.R.E. program. In particular, emphasis is placed on the schools selecting those students who are typically recognized the least and are not included in programs of merit or delinquency. Principals, counselors, teachers, and D.A.R.E. officers select the student participants in each school. Students meet on Fridays with a different group of students for each of the 18 sessions scheduled. The first year a group of20 students participated in each session. However, based upon experience, this number has been reduced to a more manageable 12 students per session. Students conduct clean-up efforts in the beach area in their neighborhood, community parks, and around the schools. In addition, the days of community service work conclude with some organized sports activities under the police officers' supervision. The program provides the children an opportunity to establish working relationships with neighborhood police officers and a sense of responsibility for taking care of their own neighborhood. Year One Activities - Accomolishments & Unmet Needs (1995-96) Due to demographic changes, it is necessary to provide organized activities, staffed by police officers, to provide a positive experience and an alternative to juvenile mischief. MBPD is committed to providing this kind of experience to at-risk students through this partnership program with Miami Beach elementary schools. Year End Data indicate that 8 sessions were conducted for a total of 5 schools and 144 students. Officers took 25 most improved students on a fishing trip as an end of year celebration. Officers and teachers have observed that students have become more aware of their neighborhood, how it looks and their responsibility to take care of it. They have developed community pride and a respect for teamwork. Year Two Activities - AccomDlishments(1996-97) Annual Report indicates: 5 schools have participated in PYCAP. A total of 18 sessions (18 clean-ups) have been held to clean up areas surrounding neighborhood schools. Over 220 children have participated in the program. Students have fun working together as a team, establishing good relationships with the police officers, and developing a sense of pride for their communities. Year Three Activities Year-To-Date (1997-98) Quarterly reports indicate: 21 sessions have been conducted with approximately 250 students participating. Students have had a major impact on cleaning up around their schools sesSIOns. Year Four Reauest/Planned Activities (1998-99) The current program continues in Year Four. The City of Miami Beach is committed to assigning law enforcement personnel to working as partners with our schools to organize and support special activities for at-risk youth. This program under the Miami-Dade County Byrne Grant program will continue to provide support for this important program. ATTACHMENT B Agreement Budget - Program Budget PROGRAM BUDGET Jurisdiction Name: MIAMI BEACH 673-7945 ext. 5570 PH -- 673-7864 FX Sergeant Richard Weissm Program Area: COMMUNITY DRUG AND CRIME PREVENTION Contact Person: Program Name: PYCAP (Police/Youth Community Assistance Program) Program Dates: 10/1198- 6/30/99 Target Population: AT-RISK EXIT GRADE STUDENTS, MIAMI BEACH ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS & SOUTH BEACH ALTERNATIVE (A special elementary & middle school) Salaries and Benefits, Total I Sergeant X 8 hours per session X 18 sessions X $48.85 per hour (Overtime basis) I Police Officer X 8 hours per session X 18 sessions X $44.32 per hour (Overtime basis) Contractual Services, Total Expenses, Total Program materials and supplies, including paint, rollers, buckets, gloves, shovels, plastic bags, sun block, etc. Program snacks & cold drinks, including Lunch, 20 students @ $5 X 18 sessions T-shirts and shorts, @ $5.50 per set X 384 sets TransportationlBus rental Miscellanous field trip and other program expenses Total Budget Dade County will reimburse an amount not to exceed: $14,754 The 25% CASH MATCH for this grant is: 54,918 Tbe source of the CASH MATCH is: Law Enforcement Trust Fund, City of Miami Beach 09/30/98, MB$CP99WK4 513,416 $7,034 $6,382 50 56,256 $1,416 $1,992 $2,112 $400 $336 519,672 Jurisdiction Name: MIAMI BEACH Police Department Address: 11 00 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33139 Program Area: COMMUNITY DRUG & CRIME PREVENTION Program Name: PYCAP (PoliceN outh Community Assistance Program) Proposed Activities Planned Measures Contact Person: Sergeant Richard Weissman 673-7945 PH -- 673-7864 FX Program Dates: 10/1/98 -- 6/30/99 Target Population: 360 Students Ages 12-17 Monitoring Plan 4.A.13. To provide a ~ 1 Officer 18 sessions, for 8 neighborhood clean-up campaign hours per session at 5 Miami Beach schools Police Officer and Sergeant will implement a neighborhood clean-up program at each Miami Beach Elementary school with selected students from each school to include: school clean-up sports activities field trip ~ 1 Sergeant for 18 sessions, for 8 hours per session Request schedules Request copies of student participant list and attendance records for each participating school Request copies of invoices for materials purchased. Request photos of clean-up Le. pre-post services. Ser eant Richard Weissman, MBPD Richard W. Harris, Jr. DHS ATTACHMENT C Quarterly Program Performance Report and Invoice Quarterly Project Performance Report Drug Control and System Improvement Formula Grant Program COMMUNITY CRIME PREVENTION PROJECT PURPOSE AREA 4A (Jurisdiction Name) (project Name) (program Area Name) (Name of Person Completing Form) (Title) (phone) STATE CONTRACT ill NUMBER: 99-CJ-9M-II-23-01-197 2 3 4 January 1 - March 3 1 April 1 - June 30 July 1 - September 30 October 1 - December 31 April 15 July 15 October 15 January 15 1* *For example. if your project began in October, this is Report Number 1. Record Number. Period, and Date below: NOTE: All jurisdictions must complete Sections 1 through 5. Section 6 must be completed following each jurisdiction's noted instructions. PROJECT NARRATIVE must be completed by all jurisdictions following this section's instructions. Any Report not received by April 16; July 16; October 16; and/or January 16 will result in that jurisdiction being "Out of Compliance" and their Reimbursement Request will be delayed. Miami Dade Department of Human Services Form Revised 9/98 1. During this quarter. how many neighborhoods were involved in grant-funded project activities? - 2. During this quarter. what is/are the namels of the jurisdictionls participating in grant-funded activities and what is the estimated population of each? Jurisdiction Population Aventura 15,384 Bay Harbor Island 4,703 Biscayne Park 3,068 EI Portal 2,800 Florida City 5,806 Golden Beach 1,000 Hialeah 188,004 Hialeah-Gardens 11,305 Homestead 26,866 Key Biscayne 8,854 Metro Dade (Unincorporated) 1,028,071 Miami Beach 92,639 Miami Shores 10,084 Miami Springs 13,268 North Bay Village 5,383 Pinecrest 19,089 South Miami 10,404 Swmy Isles Beach ]4,000 Surfside 4,108 Virginia Gardens 2,212 West Miami 5,727 3. During this quarter. what was the estimated percentage of grant-funded activities directed toward the following: % Business % General Public % Law Enforcement % Libraries % Parks and Community Centers % Public Housing % Residential Homes % Schools % Senior Citizens Centers % TOTAL 4. During this quarter. what estimated percentage of participants were served in each of the following target groups: % Children (under 13 years of age) % Teenagers (13-18 years of age) % Elderly (60 years or older) % Handicapped % Other Groups (Specify) % Other Groups (Specify) % TOTAL 5. During this quarter. what serious (index) crimes were targeted for project activities? (Check all that apply] Aggravated Assault Arson Burglary Drug Abuse Forcible Rape Larceny or Theft Motor Vehicle Theft Murder Robbery Other (Specify) 6. During this quarter. what live crime prevention PRESENTATIONS were given before groups targeted and reported in Section 3 (above) in the following settings" [Live means that a project staff person or a volunteer recruited by project staff made a presentation to an audience in one of the following settings or through the media. Check those that apply and provide numbers for those that are checked.] Businesses Number of Workshops! Meetings Held Number in Attendance Churches Number of Workshops! Meetings Held Law Enforcement Agencies Number of Workshops! Meetings Held Number in Attendance Number in Attendance Libraries Number of Workshops! Meetings Held Number in Attendance Community Organizations (e.g., YMCA's, YWCA's, Big Brothers! Sisters, Red Cross, etc.) Number of Workshops! Meetings Held Number in Attend;, nce Government Agencies (including local Human Service Agencies and branch agencies of the state such as the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services) Number of Workshops/ Meetings Held Parks and Community Recreation Centers Number of Workshops! Meetings Held Public Housing Number of Workshops! Meetings Held Number in Attendance Number in Attendance Number in Attendance Radio Number of Workshops! Meetings Held Residential Homes Number in Attendance Number of Workshops! Meetings Held Number in Attendance Schools Number of Workshops! Meetings Held Senior Citizens Centers Number in Attendance Number of Workshops! Meetings Held Number in Attendance Television Number of Workshops/ Meetings Held Condominium Associations Number in Attendance Number of Workshops! Meetings Held Other Groups (Specify) Number of Workshops/ Meetings Held Number in Attendance Number in Attendance 7. During this quarter. how many media packages were developed to promote local crime prevention campaigns? (Record number for each type of media) Newspaper Advertising Newspaper Articles Magazine Advertising Magazine Articles Pamphlets Radio Public Service Announcement (PSA's) Television Public Service Announcements (PSA's) School Curriculums Video Packages (for distribution to networks and use by Public Housing. Schools. Senior Citizens Centers. etc.) TOTAL 8. During this quarter, how many times did schools present, publishers print, and broadcasters air local grant-in-aid funded and produced crime prevention campaign media described in Section 7? (Record number for each type of media] Media Curricula (Report Number of school classrooms) Magazines Newspapers Radio Television TOTAL 9. During this quarter, how many of the following activities were implemented with grant-in-aid funds? (Check and record units of measure for those activities that are checked.] Identify and Secure Property DADE COUNTY PROGRAMS: None A. Identifying Household Property DADE COUNTY PROGRAMS: None B. Installing Improved Security Devices Involve the Community DADE COUNTY PROGRAMS: Biscayne Park, El Portal, Florida City C. Starting Block Watch or Neighborhood Groups Number of watch groups implemented Number of homes receiving security surveys Number of watch group meetings held DADE COUNTY PROGRAMS: None D. Establishing Block or Safe Homes DADE COUNTY PROGRAMS: None E. Developing Citizens Patrols (to report suspicious activity in neighborhoods to police) Number of Citizen Patrols established Number of neighborhood blocks covered. DADE COUNTY PROGRAMS: None F. Initializing Hot Lines DADE COUNTY PROGRAMS: None G. Creating Citizen Escort Programs DADE COUNTY PROGRAMS: Miami Beach, North Bay Village, Pinecrest H. Organizing Neighborhood Clean-Ups (to destroy Crack houses, removing trash, covering vacant lots to neighborhood recreation sites for children etc.) Number of Clean-ups implemented DADE COUNTY PROGRAMS: Hialeah, Hialeah Gardens (Red Ribbon Week), Homestead, Miami-Dade (Diversion) Promoting Healthy Alternative Drug-Free Events for Youth and Adults Number of events held DADE COUNTY PROGRAMS: Aventura, Bay Harbor Islands, Golden Beach, Key Biscayne, Miami Shores, Miami Springs, Sunny Isles Beach, Surfside, West Miami J. Encouraging Law Enforcement Agencies to use or create Advisory Boards, Tenants Associations. Youth Groups or Small Neighborhood Groups Number of boards, associations or groups established I. Number of meetings held DADE COUNTY PROGRAMS: None K. Encouraging Communities to establish some form of Drug Coordinating Council DADE COUNTY PROGRAMS: None L. Reestablishing support within Inner City Communities DADE COUNTY PROGRAMS: Miami-Dade (BAND & Alcohol), Virginia Gardens M, Providing Prevention Education and Life Skills Curriculum to students through school personneL community leaders. and state and local agencies Number of classes for school-age children (MDPD/ Alcohol, El Portal) Number of adult education classes held (Virginia Gardens) No. No. (Miami-Dade\ BAN.D.) Pres. Served Employers Employees Implementation of Drug Screening Promotional Booth Total DADE COUNTY PROGRAMS: None N. Targeting parents and youth for High Risk population areas for Crisis Intervention DADE COUNTY PROGRAMS: South Miami (PAL) O. Starting or Expanding the Operation of Community or Neighborhood Recreation Center or Program Number of Activities offered at the Community or Neighborhood Recreation Center or Programs which offer: Sports: (Check all tbat appl~') soccer basketball volleyball tennis swimming aerobics card games baseball back packing! outdoor/ wilderness camping hiking gymnastics karate football pool other (specify) other (specify) Arts, Crafts, and Cultural Enricbment: (Cbeck all tbat apply) ceramics music dancing drawing! coloring sewing homemaking other (specify) other (specify) painting Academic or Vocational Training: ICheck all tbat apply) mathematics other (specify) other (specify) science other (specify) other (specify) Other Drug or Crime Prevention Activities: ICheck all that apply) personal hygiene AIDS education teen pregnancy programs academic tutoring family counseling other (specify) other (specify) other (specify) drug awareness/ prevention education life management skills health and nutrition job readiness training parent effectiveness training parent support groups outreach programs for youth gangs neighborhood or town hall meetings leadership or counselor-in-training (CIT) programs DADE COUNTY PROGRAMS: South Miami (PAL) P. Starting or expanding a Neighborhood Youth Athletic League Number of leagues fonned Number of games played Project Narrative IThe applicant must attach a brief narrative detailing their progress in meeting their subgrant objectives. The narrative should allow the reader to put the number provided in tbe Quarterly Report in context.) Miami-Dade County Community Drugs & Crime Prevention Resolution R-590-98 Grant HSB429 QINVCP Revised 09/28/98 QUARTERL Y PROJECT PERFORMANCE REPORT & INVOICE [To Be Typed on Jurisdiction's Letterhead] City: Date of Claim: Project Name: Claim Number: Costs Incurred During the Period of: FIRST QUARTER SECOND QUARTER THIRD QUARTER FOURTH QUARTER October I - December 31 January 1 - March 31 April 1 - June 30 July I - September 30 Report Due January 15 Report Due April 15 Report Due June 15 Report Due October 15 1. Total Federal Budget $ 2. Amount This Invoice $ (75%) 3. Amount Previous Invoices $ 4. Remaining Balance $ (Subtract Lmes 2 & 3 &om Lme }) Budget Line Item Exceeds Federal Local Total Categories Disallowed Budget Funds Match Funds (75%) (25%) (100%) 1. Salaries & Benefits 2. Other Personnel Services (Temporary Employees'Contractual) 3. Ex-penses 4. Total Claim Costs We request payment in accordance with our contract agreement in the amount of 75% of Total Costs for this Claim $ (75%). the balance of costs, $ (25%), to be recorded as our in-kind contribution to comply with the local cash match requirement. Attached please find the records which substantiate the above expenditures. I certify that all of the costs have been paid and none of the items have been previously reimbursed, all of the expenditures comply with the authorized budget and fall within the contractual scope of services and all of the goods and services have been received for which reimbursement is requested. Respectfully submitted, Chief of Police/Other City Official Payment Approved, Miami-Dade County Miami-Dade County Community Drugs & Crime Prevention Resolution R-590-98 Grant HSB429 Page 2 of 3 QUARTERLY PROJECT PERFORMANCE REPORT & INVOICE - Payroll Expenses City: Date of Claim: Project Name: Claim Number: Costs Incurred During the Period of: FIRST QUARTER SECOND QUARTER THIRD QUARTER FOURTH QUARTER October 1 - December 31 January 1 - March 31 April 1 - June 30 July 1 - September 30 Report Due January 15 Report Due April 15 Report Due June 15 Report Due October 15 Officer/Staff Name Date of Activitv Tvoe of Activity. Total Hours .(Presentation. Parent Meeting, Field Trip, etc.) TOT AL HOURS AT$ PER HOUR = $ I CERTIFY THA T PAYMENT FOR THE AMOUNT OF $ IS CORRECT. OFFICER/STAFF SIGNATURE OFFICER/STAFF SOCIAL SECURITY # CHIEF OF POLICE/CITY OFFICIAL SIGNATURE I VERIFY THAT THE ABOVE SERVICES WERE PROVIDED: School Principal's Signature NOTE: Bookkeeping report documenting payroll expenses must be attached to process payment. Miami-Dade County Community Drugs & Crime Prevention Resolution R-590-98 Grant HSB429 Page 3 of 3 QUARTERL Y PROJECT PERFORMANCE REP(,RT & INVOICE (Equipment. Supplies. Material Expenses) City: Date of Claim: Project Name: Claim Number: Costs Incurred During the Period of: FIRST QUARTER SECOND QUARTER THIRD QUARTER FOURTH QUARTER October I - December 3 I January 1 - March 31 April 1 - June 30 July 1 - September 30 Report Due January 15 Report Due April 15 Report Due June 15 Report Due October 15 Vendor Item Description Date Paid Check No. Amount TOTAL AMOUNT EXPENSES NOTE: Copies of all invoices and checks for this request must be attached to process payment. Drug Control and System Improvement Formula Community Drug and Crime Prevention 99-CJ-9M-1l-23-01-197 FY99 Program Objective Summary Jurisdiction Name To ensure program objectives are accomplished at the end of the year, this fonn was designed to assist you in tracking quarterly activities. Each jurisdiction is listed under the objectives as it corresponds to their project. Program data reported in your quarterly report should be recorded on this log and copies of this log is to be included in your second, third and fourth quarter reports. Instructions for completing this form ~ In the column titled "Program Objective" you will find a list of the city projects and objectives under the Community Drug and Crime Prevention Program Area ~ In the column titled "Jurisdiction Objective" you would insert your program goal for each of these objectives ~ Your program goal can be found in your contract on the last page of your Program Narrative--Scope of Services, Attachment A (See column titled Proposed Activities) ~ Quarterly data should be included in the remaining columns Ql, Q2, Q3, Q4, as it is reported in your quarterly report Program Objective Jurisdiction QI Q2 Q3 Q4 Total Objective Block! Neighborhood Watch Programs Biscayne Park. EI Portal, Florida City No. of watch groups No. of watch meetings No. of neighborhoods served Clean Up Campaigns IMiami Beach. l\'orth Bay IWage, Pinecrest No. of Clean Ups Drug Free Events Hialeah, Hialeah Gardens, Homestead Miami-Dade/ Diversion Red Ribbon Events At-Risk Youth Events Law Enforcement with Groups A ventura. Bay Harbor Islands, Golden Beach. Key Biscayne, Miami Shores, Miami Springs, Sunny Isles Beach, Surfsude. West Miami No. Groups No. Meetings 09/28/98 Drug Control and System Improvement Formula Community Drug and Crime Prevention 99-CJ-9M-11-23-01-197 FY99 Program Objective Summary Program Objective Jurisdiction QI Q2 Q3 Q4 Total Objective Prevention Education and Life Skills Miami-Dade, Virginia Gardens No. Classes! children No. Classes/ adults Recreation Programs South Miami No. Youth athletic leagues No. Activities No. served An explanation is required for all unmet program objectives. Please include your explanation of quarterly activities below: 09/28/98 ATTACHMENT D Annual Project Report ANNUAL/ FINAL PROJECT REPORT DRUG CONTROL AND SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT FORMULA GRANT PROGRAM PURPOSE AREA 4A COMMUNITY DRUG AND CRIME PREVENTION PROGRAM AREA This Annual Report covers the sub grant period for the project completing four quarters of operation. It is to be submitted along with the Fourth Quarterly Project Performance Report and the Fourth Quarter Invoice. This report must be in our office by October 15, 1999. Final Payment will be processed upon submission of complete Quarterly and Annual Reports with all required documentation. (Jurisdiction Name) (Project Name) (Name of Person Completing Form) (Title) (Phone) State Contract ill #: 99-CJ-9M-11-23-0 1-197 Record Project Time Frame Start Date End Date Miami Dade Department of Human Sen;ces (Revised 9/98) The Subgrant Contract for the Drug Control and System Improvement Funds requires that projects submit an Annual Report describing project activities. Each jurisdiction must complete a separate Annual Report for each project shown on the chart in Attachment A. This Annual Report must contain the following sections: 1. Noteworthy Successes of Project Operations 2. Implementation Problems 3. Staffing 4. Training 5. Grant Budget Expenditures 1. Noteworthy Successes of the Program. In this section, you are to report on the activities of your project along with the outcomes or results of those activities implemented in your project. Describe how your project enhanced, improved, or benefited your community. In the space provided, give a description for each of the following topics (a-f). Use three to four sentences for each topic listed. You may attach additional pages. a. Describe the activities implemented in the program. b. Describe the targeted crimes. c. Describe the population types. d. Describe any special materials, curriculums, equipment etc., which enhanced the program. 1. Noteworthy Successes Continued. e. Describe the urganizations and Agencies involved. (Other than the Police Dept. ) f. Emphasize successes worthy of noting in this report. 2. Implementation Problems When project operations were initiated, did problems arise that needed attention? How were they resolved? Briefly describe or state any problems that occurred and discuss the steps taken to overcome those problems. For example, if your project started late due to a late award, what adjustments were made to provide the planned services? 3. Staffing a. What were the total number of Full- Time Equivalent (FTE) staff assigned to this project regardless of the funding source? b. What were the number ofFTE's funded by the Drug Control and System Improvement Formula Grant Program? NOTE: If this program budget provided funds only for expenses, the FTE's are zero (0) 4. Training Compete the following only if grant funds were used to train any staff working in your project. If training was not provided with grant funds, do not complete this section and skip to Question 5. a. What type and amount of staff training was provided during this project? Record tbe total number of individuals who received training and total the number of bours trained. For eumple, If 5 employees received 8 boun of training each, record 5 employees and 40 bours of training. Training Subject Fund Raising and Grant Management Community Organizations Police Relations Number Trained Hours Trained School Relations Curriculum Development Recreational Programs Other (Specif)') b. Have new procedures or practices been implemented as a result of the training provided through this project? Yes No H DO skip to Question 5 c. Have new procedures or practices increased the efficiency or effectiveness of crime prevention program activities? Yes No 4. Training Continued d. What improvements resulted from Trainif,g project staff? Check all that Apply Successful Development of Neighborhood Activities Successful Development of School Activities Successful Development Community Activities Successful Development Recreational Activities Coordination with School Officials Coordination with Local Law Enforcement Coordination with Local Government Officials Enhanced Existing Drug Education Program Enhanced Existing Human Service Program Enhanced Existing Law Enforcement Program Enhanced Existing Recreation Program Other (Specit).) e. Who provided the training? Check all that apply Peer Assistance/ Experienced Practitioner Instructor of National Reputation Project Staff State Training Personnel (Florida Dept. of Law Enforcement) Other (Specit)') 5. Grant Budget Expenditures Indicate the types of expenditures made for the operation of the project. Check all that Apply Audiovisual Computer Equipment Contractual Services Furniture/ Fixtures Instructional Supplies Travel Vehicles ATTACHMENT E Miami-Dade County Affidavits MIAMI-DADE COUNTY AFFIDAVITS The contracting individual or entity (governmental or otherwise) shall indicate by an "X" all affidavits that pertain to this contract and shall indicate by an "N/A" all affidavits that do not pertain to this contralj. All blank spaces must be filled. The MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OWNERSHIP DISCLOSURE AFFIDAVIT; MIAMI-DADE COUNTY EMPLOYMENT DISCLOSURE AFFIDAVIT; MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CRIMINAL RECORD AFFIDAVIT; and DISABILITY NONDISCRIMINATION AFFIDAVIT shall not pertain to contracts with the United States or any of its departments or agencies thereof. the State or any political subdivision or agency thereof or any municipality of this State. The MIAMI-DADE COUNTY FAMILY LEAVE AFFIDAVIT shall not pertain to contracts ,"ith the United States or any of its departments or agencies or the State of Florida or any political subdi\ision or agency thereof: it shall. however. pertain to municipalities of the State of Florida. All other contracting entities or individuals shall read carefully each affidavit to determine whether or not it pertains to tillS contract. L Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin Affiant , being first du1y sworn state: The full legal name and business address of the person(s) or entity contracting or transacting business with Miami-Dade Count). are (post Office addresses are not acceptable): 59-6000-372-005 Federal Employer Identification Number (If none, Social Security) City of ~iiami Beach, Florida Name of Entity. Individual(s). Partners. or Corporation Doing Business As (if same as above. leave blank) 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami beach, FL 33139 Street Address City State ZipCode '1 NA I. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY DISCLOSURE AFFIDAVIT (Sec. 2-8.1 of the County Code) 1. If the contract or business transaction is ,"ith a corporation, the full legal name and business address shall be provided for each officer and director and each stockholder who holds directly or indirectly five percent (5%) or more of the corporation's stock. If the contract or business transaction is with a partnership. the foregoing information shall be provided for each partner. If the contract or business transaction is with a trust, the full legal name and address shall be provided for each trustee and each beneficiary. The foregoing requirements shall not pertain to contracts with publicly-traded corporations or to contracts with the United States or any department or agency thereof. the State or any political subdivision or agency thereof or any municipality of this State. All such names and addresses are (post Office addresses are not acceptable): Fu11 Legal Name Address Ownership % % % 2. The full legal names and business address of any other individual (other tltan subcontractors, materialmen. suppliers, laborers, or lenders) who have. or will have, any interest (legal, equitable beneficial or otherwise) in the contract or business transaction with Dade County are (post Office addresses are not acceptable): 3. Any person who willfully fails to disclose the information required herein, or who knowingly discloses false information in this regard, shall be punished by a fine of up to five hundred dollars ($500.00) or imprisonment in the County jail for up to sixty (60) days or both. NA II. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY EMPLOYMENT DISCLOSURE AFFIDAVIT (County Ordinance No. 90-133. Amending sec. 2.8-1; Subsection (d)(2) of the County Code). Except where precluded by federal or State laws or regulations, each contract or business transaction or renewal thereof which involves the expenditure of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or more shall require the entity contracting or transacting business to disclose the following information. The foregoing disclosure requirements do not apply to contracts with the United States or any department or agehcy thereof. the State or any political subdivision or agency thereof or any municipality of this State. 1. Does your firm have a collective bargaining agreement with its employees? Yes No 2. Does your firm provide paid health care benefits for its employees? Yes No 3. Provide a current breakdo\\-n (number of persons) of your firm's work force and ownership as to race, national origin and gender: White: Males Females Asian: Males Females Black: Males Females American Indian: Males Females Hispanics: Males Females Aleut (Eskimo): Males Females Males Females Males Females NA III.MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CRIMINAL RECORD AFFIDAVIT (Section 2-8.6 of the County Code) The individual or entity entering into a contract or receiving funding from the County _ has_ has not as ofthe date of this affidavit been convicted ofa felony during the past ten (10) years. An officer. director. or executive of the entity entering into a contract or receiving funding from the County _ has _ has not as of the date of this affidavit been convicted of a felony during the past ten (10) years. l IV. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CUBA AFFIDAVIT (County Resolution R-656-93) That neither the firm (individuaL organization. corporation, etc.) submitting this bid or proposal or receiving this contract award or any of its o\\-ners, subsidiaries, or affiliated or related firms has: I. engaged in the purchase. transport, i~portation or participation in any transaction involving merchandise that: a. is of Cuban origin~ or b. is or has been located in or transported from or through Cuba; or c. is made or derived in whole or in part of any article which is the growth, produce or manufacture of Cuba: 2. engaged in any transaction in which a Cuban national or t11e government of Cuba with a Cuban national or the government of Cuba, or which involves property in which a Cuban national or the government of Cuba has any interest; 3. been a party to, or had an interest in a any franchise, license or management agreement with a Cuban national or the government of Cuba, or which involves property in which a Cuban national or the government of Cuba has any interest 4. had or held any investment, deposit, loan borrowing or credit arrangement or had any other financial dealing with a Cuban national or the government of Cuba. or which involves property in which a Cuban national or the government of Cuba has an interest; 5. subcontracted with. purchased supplies from, or performed billing or collection services for any person or entity that does business with Cuba as provided in "1" through "4" above; 6. traveled to Cuba in violation of U.S. travel restrictions during the ten year period preceding the due date for submittal. -X- V. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY EMPLOYMENT DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE AFFIDAVIT (County Ordinance No. 92-15 codified as Section 2-8.1.2 of the County Code) That in compliance with Ordinance No. 92-15 of the Code of Miami-Dade County, Florida, the above named person or entity is providing a drug-free workplace. A written statement to each employee shall inform the employee about: I. danger of drug abuse in the workplace 2. the firm's policy of maintaining a drug-free environment at all workplaces 3. availability of drug counseling. rehabilitation and employee assistance programs 4. penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations The person or entity shall also require an employee to sign a statement, as a condition of employment that the employee will abide by the terms and notify the employer of any criminal drug conviction occurring no later than five (5) days after receiving notice of such conviction and impose appropriate personnel action against the employee up to and including termination. Compliance with Ordinance No. 92-15 may be waived if the special characteristics of the product or service offered by the person or entity make it necessary for the operation of the County or for the health. safety. welfare. economic benefits and well-being of the public. Contracts involving funding which is provided in whole or in part by the United States or the State of Florida shall be exempted from the provisions of this ordinance in those instances where those provisions are in conflict with the requirements of those governmental entities. ..x... VI. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY EMPLOYMENT FAMILY LEAVE AFFIDAVIT (County Ordinance No. 142-91 codified as Section 11A-29~. ~ of the County Code) That in compliance with Ordinance No. 142-91 of the Code of Miami-Dade County, Florida, an employer with fifty (50) or more employees working in Miami-Dade County for each working day during each of twenty (20) or more calendar work weeks. shall provide the following information in compliance with all items in the aforementioned ordinance: .-M- -.M.. An employee who has worked for the above firm at least one (1) year shall be entitled to ninety (90) days of family leave during any twenty-four (24) month period, for medical reasons, for the birth or adoption of a child. or for the care of a child, spouse or other close relative who has a serious health condition without risk of termination of employment or employer retaliation. The foregoing requirements shall not pertain to contracts with the United States or any department or agency thereof. or the State of Florida or any political subdivision or agency thereof. It shall, however, pertain to municipalities of this State. VII. DISABILITY NON-DISCRIMINA nON AFFIDAVIT (County Resolution R-385-95) That the above named firm, corporation or organization is in compliance with and agrees to continue to comply with, and assure that any subcontractor, or third party contractor under this project complies with all applicable requirements of the laws listed below including, but not limited to, those provisions pertaining to employment, provision of programs and services, transportation, communications, access to facilities, renovations, and new construction in the following laws: The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), Pub. L. 101-336, 104 Stat 327, 42 U.S.C. 12101-12213 and 47 U.S.c. Sections 225 and 611 including Title I, Employment; Title II, Public Services: Title Ill, Public Accommodations and Services Operated by Private Entities; Title IV, Telecommunications: and Title V, '1iscellaneous Provisions; The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.c. Section 794: The Federal Transit Act, as amended 49 U.S.c. Section 1612; The Fair Housing Act as amended, 42 U. S. C. Section 3601-3631. The foregoing requirements shall not pertain to contracts with the United States or any department or agency thereof, the State or any political subdivision or agency thereof or any municipality of this State. VIII. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY COUNTY REGARDING DELINQUENT AND CURRENTLY DUE FEES OR TAXES (Sec. 2-8.1(c) of the County Code) Except for small purchase orders and sole source contracts, that above named firm, corporation, organization or individual desiring to transact business or enter into a contract with the County verifies that all delinquent and currently due fees or taxes -- including but not limited to real and property taxes. utility taxes and occupational licenses -- which are collected in the normal course by the Dade County Tax Collector as well as Dade County issued parking tickets for vehicles registered in the name of the firm, corporation, organization or individual have been paid. I have carefully read this entire four (4) page document entitled, "Miami-Dade County Affidavits" and have indicated by an "X" all affidavits that pertain to this contract and have indicated by an "NIA" all affidavits that do not pertain to this contract. By (Signature of ~~ /0 jZ-CJ Ji8 , (Dale) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO (or affirmed) before me this~9 ti.. day of OC TO Bf:::f'L 1911 by IV I:? /5f.::7\I k. M () ((1/ . He/She is personally known to m~ or has presented as identification. (Type of Identification) ~r l[. p~ (Signature of No c C 5 l./-V () JJ"- (Serial Number) (Expiration Date) (Print or Stamp of N . Notal} Public - State of F Lo rz. I o-A (State) Notary Seal APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION 19 ~,tI~ ity rney JD~i /