LTC 027-2012 Status Update of South Pointe Park IM MIAMI BEACH �1
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TO: May M Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission u ; -v <
FROM: Jor e M. onzaldz, City Mana r
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DATE: February 1, 2012
SUBJECT: Status Update Of The South Pointe Park Dog Off -Leash Area /DRB Process
The purpose of this Letter To Commission (LTC) is to provide you with a status update on the off -leash area in
South Pointe Park. As you recall, an Ordinance amending Chapter 10 of the Miami Beach City Code entitled
"Animals" that extended the pilot designated off -leash program for dogs in South Pointe Park until July 15,
2012, and relocated the designated off -leash area to the west lawn of South Pointe Park, was approved on
second reading at your January 11, 2012, commission meeting. At the time of the approval, the Commission
also directed the Administration to file an application with the Design Review Board (DRB) for the approval of a
hedge to serve as a visual boundary around the designated off -leash area, as well as to solicit input from the
DRB about the preferred location of the designated off -leash area.
As directed, and in an effort to expedite this matter that is of much interest to the community, the Parks and
Recreation Department and the Planning Department immediately began the process necessary to file the
Design Review Board application of the South Pointe Park Off -leash Dog Area for the DRB's March 6, 2012,
meeting. Initially, the application was going to include the two (2) conceptual options for the Board's
consideration that were discussed by the Commission:
• The current location for the off -leash area, as approved by the Commission on January 11' which is
an area of approximately 18,000 SF on the west lawn, south and east of the Washington Avenue entry
plaza. Using the cutwalk on the south side as a natural boundary, this location would require an
estimated 420 Linear Feet of hedge.
• The triangular area south and west of the Washington Avenue entry plaza area where the original off -
leash area was located and where the Lighthouse art piece is now. This area is slightly less than
18,000 SF and would require an estimated 320 LF of hedge.
However, since the January 11, 2012, Commission meeting there have been requests made by the residents
who take their dogs to South Pointe Park to extend the current designated off -leash area in the west lawn east
to the edge of the sidewalk that bisects the west lawn (closer to Smith and Wollensky). The request was made
for several reasons, including concerns that the trees in the current area reduce the footprint considerably.
This expansion represents approximately an additional 16,000 SF, with an estimated total 570 linear feet of
hedge required. The total square footage of the designated off -leash area would be approximately 34,000 SF.
In an effort to proceed with DRB review of the off -leash issue in March, in order to bring the recommendation
back to the Neighborhoods /Community Affairs Committee (NCAC) in a timely manner prior to the expiration of
the current approval period for the off -leash program (as directed by Commission) - and since the final
determination of the location will ultimately require the subsequent approval by the full City Commission - this
third conceptual option is also being submitted to the Design Review Board for consideration. Attached, please
find a conceptual plan including the three (3) options being submitted to the Design Review Board.
Following the March 6th DRB discussion on the three options presented, the matter will return to the NCAC
meeting for discussion, and then back to the full City Commission for final discussion and determination.
Based on this schedule, we should be able to include the recommended location in the discussion about the
future of the designated off -leash program, which would require a first reading by May /June, in order to have a
final determination prior to the expiration of the current program in July.
As always, please advise if you have any questions or require additional information.
F: \RCPA \$ALL \Previous \KEVIN \LTC's 2012 \LTC - South Pointe Park Off -Leash DRB Update 2- 1- 12.doc
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