#1854 Miami Daily News "Beach Barbers Get Witty" May 23, 1952maxim 13
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Although Cave would not say'
what he expects to tell the Grand'
Jury, it was mdicated he will de-
mand that the members either
indict him or return a no true bill,
thus settling the matter of his con
nrcuons once and for all.
If there were any fireworks In
Cave's meeting with Smith today,
they were riot apparent to report-
ers waiting outside the office. The
two talked together from 11 a.m.
until noon, theta came out in a
friendly, if somewhat reserved, at-
titude. Both asked that no picture
be taken.
John. L. Fain. Collector of Inter•
l nal Revenue for Florida. said in
' Jacksonville today that Cave had
`• been under investigation here for,
six months but was cleared.
He was accused of accepting a
lot for his home at 1423 Alhambra
}Circle, Coral Gables as a.gtft and
for purchasing the house itself at
. a coat lower than other people BARBER CUTS PRICE AND HAIR,
"Repair" Offer Follows Rival's 25 -Cent Cut In Standard Rate
could get iL
r1 Donor of the kit was Samuel
Anderson, 235 Sarin Ave., Coral
■ 1Gables. The builder was Juhusl
Gaines, Gaines Construction Co.
"Cave was cleared." Fahs said.
"But after all the talk that goes
around where an investigation is
■ l conducted. it was felt the transfer
was justified under the circum-
stances. Such a condition to Miami
probably unpaired his usefulness
Born* Out By Felt
This was borne out by Truman
Felt, bead of the Washington Bu-
reau of The Miami Daily New to
Washington. An Internal Revenue
Bureau official who asked he be
not quoted admitted:
"We're a little to the middle, but
that's the story
He said there was a vacancy In
Jacksonville and that Cave was
transferred. ''Because we felt he
was qualified."
"Nothing was discovere7t other
than an indiscretion and probably
dssobeying of rendations in con-
nection with acceptance of gifts,"
Fah' declared.
Miami Daily News Staff Writer
Barbers in Miami Beach were clip-.
ping each other today.
The price of a haircut in one shop
dropped to 75 cents, and another bar-
ber promptly retaliated with a sign
"We Repair
75 -Cent. Haircuts."
The 75 -cent man was collecting mon-
ey and his rival was collecting laughs.
Peter Remicci, opera of the Cinema
Barber Shop at 1214 Washington ave.,
said the bargain rate haircuts would
ruin all the barbers.
He said a 51.25 rate was fair for the
winter, and the anent residents
could look forward fin that time to the
51 haircuts they would get in the sum-
Angelo Restaino, operator of the
New Yorker Shop at 1441 Collirts Ave.,
said he put in the low rate because the
other barbers were cheating on the
old SL25 charge.
"I find that they are giving bus boys
in cafeterias free haircuts to steer the
customers to them," he said. "Bell-
boys in the hotels they give free hair-
cuts to also."
Restaino said be told the other bar-
bers at a meeting that if they clipped
him anymore he would cut to 75 cents.
After he cut the price, Restaino said,
other barbers came to his shop and
asked that he go back to Si.
"Until you charge one dollar and one
quarter --- fooey,' he said.
"Somebody charge 75 cents. I charge
65 cents," he said. "I show them who's
scared around here."