LTC 223-2012 Collins Canal Seawall Repair/Dade Boulevard Bike Path R F 0 F I v r-, n
IM MIAMI BEACH 1012 AUG 28 AM 10: 08
TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission
FROM: Kathie G. Brooks, Interim City Manager
DATE: August 23, 2012
SUBJECT: Collins Canal Seawall Repair/Dade Boulevard Bike Path
The purpose of this LTC is to provide you with information on the potential revisions to the Collins
Canal seawall/Dade Boulevard Bicycle Path project as discussed at the July 25, 2012 Finance
Committee meeting.
Certain members of the community have been advocating for landscaping over a 650-foot section of
the path that is too narrow for trees at this time. There are two possible ways to plant trees over this
section of the project, either plant mangroves in the canal or shift Dade Boulevard north to provide
additional width.
Planting Mangroves
The City met with the regulatory agencies about planting mangroves in Collins Canal during the
permitting process. At that time, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) had
indicated that it would not be allowed due to concerns over sea grass habitat and the reduction in
the navigable width of the canal.
Since that time, certain residents have put staff in contact with the County Coastal Habitat
Restoration Coordinator. After numerous meetings, he indicated that he would assist in an attempt
to obtain approval from FDEP and the Army Corps of Engineers. As a result, the City hired a
consulting firm to prepare plans and attempt to obtain permits for this work. In concert with the
County Coastal Habitat Restoration Coordinator, the City consultant was able to get FDEP and the
Army Corps of Engineers to consider allowing mangrove plantings where sea grass is not presently
growing. This is a change from the previous guidance from the regulatory agencies when they
indicated that they would not permit planting where sea grass was likely to grow.
This is an unusual project and there is no guarantee that the City will ultimately be able to obtain the
permits. However, per the latest benthic resources (Collins Canal bottom habitat) survey of the
canal, there are opportunities to plant mangroves adjacent to the 650-foot portion of the seawall
without trees.
Collins Canal Seawall Repair/Dade Boulevard Bike Path
August 23, 2012
Page 2 of 3
Given the above, staff has developed the following schedule for the potential mangrove planting:
• November 2012 — Complete the design and submit permit applications to FDEP and the
Army Corps of Engineers.
• February 2013 — Receive the regulatory responses.
• March 2013 — Return to the Finance and Citywide Project Committee for guidance
should the responses indicate a low likelihood of obtaining permits or high cost of
construction. Else, complete the permitting process.
• June—August 2013 — Complete the permitting process (if possible) and begin
construction provided present funding is not used for shifting the Dade Boulevard curb.
The City has retained an environmental consultant at a fee of$25,000 to develop the construction
plans and attempt to obtain permits. The cost could increase by another $15,000 if an additional
benthic resources survey is required and if the permitting agencies require additional studies. If
permittable, this work should not exceed $500,000. However, the final cost is highly variable due to
the unknown extent of planting that might ultimately be allowed.
Shifting Dade Boulevard
The City submitted its report to the County requesting permission to remove the left turn lane into
Publix, shift the travel lanes, and move the curb at Dade Boulevard in support of adding landscaping
along the 650-foot section of the bike path that is too narrow for trees. Following receipt of
comments, staff, City residents, and the County met to determine the steps required to move this
work forward. The County indicated that three items were required.
1. Obtain permission from Publix for the removal of the left-turn lane.
2. Obtain permission from FDOT for the additional traffic that the modeling indicates would be
making an eastbound left turn from Dade Boulevard onto Alton Road.
3. Obtain a design exception to the need for a four-foot center median,which is required on all
4-lane or greater County roads. A design exception is necessary as the inclusion of this
median would reduce the proposed width of the landscape area from eight feet to two feet,
which is not sufficient for trees. (The six-foot difference is due to the four-foot median and
the required offsets between the travel lanes and the median.)
It is estimated that this work would cost approximately$200,000 to design a reconfiguration of Dade
Boulevard. The cost for construction would be approximately $2,000,000. However, staff is
estimating that this project will be approximately $800,000 under budget at the approved scope.
Therefore, $1,400,000 was requested in the latest capital budget to fund the difference.
A representative from Publix has indicated that it will have its attorneys send a letter to the City
opposing this change. Staff will review the letter and discuss the proposed improvements with Publix
to determine if there are improvements that can be made to mitigate Publix's loss of the left turn
lane. Staff is also performing some in-house modeling to show FDOT that the increased traffic on
Alton would not be a major impact.
Collins Canal Seawall Repair/Dade Boulevard Bike Path
August 23, 2012
Page 3 of 3
Currently, the County does not have an outlined process to obtain a design exception. Using
FDOT's process as a guideline, staff has identified an estimated process duration of ninety (90)
days. This includes the preparation of a design exception package by staff and the County review
process. Based on conversations with the County, the design exception package will consist of
pavement markings, signage plans and additional traffic data. It should be noted that the County
has not approved a design exception in the past twenty (20) years.
The results and/or status of these discussions with Publix, FDOT, and the County will be reported
back to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee in October 2012.
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