LTC 263-2012 Academia de Liderazgo m MIAMI BEACH
TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission
FROM: Kathie Brooks, Interim City Manager
DATE: October 11, 2012
SUBJECT: Academia de Liderazgo!: The Leadership Academy for Spanish speakers.
The purpose of this LTC is to inform you that the City of Miami Beach Leadership Academy
will be running a Leadership Academy in Spanish.
"Academia de Liderazgo!" begins November 7, 2012 for 12 weeks. We are excited to
continue a program that will reach our Spanish speaking population and inform them of city
services. The City of Miami Beach is committed to embracing diversity for all people who
live, work and play here.
"Academia de Liderazgo!" is designed and modeled after the original Leadership Academy,
which is designed to educate Miami Beach residents and business owners about their local
government, and foster positive relationships between residents and city staff.
Many people who have completed the program have made successful application to boards
and committees, and generally, the boards compose at least 40% of graduates. Graduates
are also involved in consultation panels, review and selection committees and are
participating civically through volunteer efforts with the city and our partners.
"Academia de Liderazgo!" will be essentially the same class conducted Spanish. We are
partnering with Unidad, who will be facilitating the presentations at the new community
center at 73 street. All presentations have been successfully translated into Spanish and
Spanish speaking employees have been identified for each presentation. The timetable is
available online. Residents and business owners can apply on line or by telephone. We are
conducting outreach efforts to Spanish speaking agencies and the Spanish media.
Should you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact Caroline
DeFreze ext. 6752 or cdefreze
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cc: Max Sklar, Acting Assistant City Manager M
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