2013-28105 Resolution i RESOLUTION NO. , 201-3-28105 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR HER DESIGNEE TO A 'SUBMIT GRANT APPLICATION TO: 1) THE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS FY 2013 OUR TOWN PROGRAM, FOR FUNDING IN THE AMOUNT OF $25,000 FOR THE INITIAL PLANNING ANALYSIS FOR ARTIST LIVE/WORK SPACE ON MIAMI BEACH; 2) MIAMI -DADE METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (MPO), CALL FOR IDEAS PROGRAM FOR FUNDING IN THE APPROXIMATE AMOUNT OF $250,000 FOR A PRE-FEASIBILITY_ STUDY RELATED TO MASS TRANSIT CONNECTIVITY, AND, 3) RETROACTIVELY, IN THE APPROXIMATE AMOUNT OF $65,212 TO MIAMI -DADE COUNTY HOMELESS TRUST IN . RESPONSE TO THE REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS FOR INCLUSION IN THE APPLICATION TO BE SUBMITTED BY THE MIAMI -DADE COUNTY CONTINUUM OF CARE FOR THE 2012 'US HUD NOTICE OF FUNDING AVAILABILITY (NOFA) FOR THE CONTINUUM OF CARE PROGRAM COMPETITION, FOR FUNDING FOR THE CITY'S HOMELESS OUTREACH PROGRAM; APPROPRIATING THE ABOVE GRANTS IF APPROVED AND ACCEPTED BY THE CITY, AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF ALL DOCUMENTS RELATED TO THESE APPLICATIONS WHEREAS, the National Endowment for the Arts was established by Congress in 1965 as an independent agency of the federal government and to date, the NEA has awarded more than $4 billion to support artistic excellence, creativity, and .innovation for the benefit of individuals and communities; and WHEREAS, Artspace's mission is to create, foster, and preserve affordable space for artists and arts organizations. It pursues this mission through development projects, asset management activities, consulting services, and community - building activities that serve artists and arts organizations of all disciplines, cultures, and economic circumstances. By creating this space and Artspace supports the continued professional growth of artists, and enhances the cultural and economic vitality of the surrounding communities; and WHEREAS, the Administration'is considering submitting a grant application to . the NEA in partnership with Artspace, to do the initial planning analysis for artist live /work space at the Byron Carlyle Theater or at another location on Miami Beach; and WHEREAS, the project is anticipated to cost approximately $15,000 for the initial feasibility study and .$42,500 for development of the concept plan after initial feasibility; and WHEREAS, this grant requires matching funds and the grant request will be in the amount of $25,000, the required match amount is $25,000, however, the City will j contribute approximately $32,500 to cover the anticipated expenses of this project; and I WHEREAS, matching funds may be in a combination of cash and in -kind services donated to the project and matching funds will be requested, subject to award of this grant during the FY 13/14 budget cycle; and • I WHEREAS, the Collaborative Application submitted by our community will be reviewed by US HUD, which will ultimately decide which projects submitted will be funded; and NOW THEREFORE, DE IT DULY RESOLVED THAT THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH hereby approve and authorize the City Manager or her designee to support grant applications to: 1) National Endowment for the Arts FY 2013 Our Town Program, for funding in the amount of $25,000 for the initial planning analysis for artist live/work space on Miami Beach; 2) Miami-Dade Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), Call For Ideas Program for funding in the approximate amount of$250,000 for a pre-feasibility study related to Mass Transit Connectivity; and 3) Retroactive approval to submit to Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust for funding for Homeless Outreach services in the amount of $65,212 for the City's Homeless Outreach Program, appropriating the above grants, if approved and accepted by the City, and authorizing the execution of all documents related to these applications. PASSED and ADOPTED this day of 74ti4ior , 2013 ATTEST: Y MA INCORP, ORATED.: CITY CLERK ...... KGB/JMH 26 TAAGENDA\2013\1-16-13\Grants Reso final.doc APPRME®AS TO FORM &LANGUAGE &--FOR EXECUTION Attom Date COMMISSION ITEM SUMMARY Condensed Title: FA Resolution authorizing the City Manager retroactively to apply for and accept three (3)grants. Key Intended Outcomes Supported: 1) Diversify business base on Miami Beach; 2) Enhance mobility throughout the City; and, 3) Reduce the number of homeless. Supporting Data - 2009 Community Survey: 1) When asked, "Which do you feel are the most important challenges over the next several years that face your business in Miami Beach?" 17.5% of businesses stated "Lack of affordable housing in Miami Beach for labor force." 3) "The City's efforts to address homelessness"was a key driver for resident respondent in how they view the city as a place to live, view city government on meeting expectations and if they would or would not recommend the city as a place to live; 'A lot of homeless'was rated amongst the top five things that have a negative impact on the quality of life. Based on the Census Count(January 2012), the number of homeless in Miami Beach has decreased from 239 in FY 2004/05 to 177 in FY 2010/11. City of Miami Beach 2025 Comprehensive Plan: 2) Policy 4.11: Cross-Bay Alternative: "The City encourages Miami-Dade Transit and the MPO to study the feasibility of connecting Miami Beach by transit to the Airport and Downtown Miami." Item Summa /Recommendation: Approval to apply to: 1)National Endowment for the Arts for funding in the amount of$25,000 for the initial planning analysis for artist live/work space on Miami Beach; 2) Miami-Dade Metropolitan Planning Organization(MPO), Call For Ideas Program for funding in the approximate amount of$250,000 for a pre- feasibility study related to Mass Transit Connectivity;and, 3) Retroactive approval to apply to Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust for funding in the approximate amount of$65,212 for Homeless Outreach Services; appropriating the above grants, if approved and accepted by the City, and authorizing the execution of all documents related to these applications. Adopt the Resolution. Advisory Board Recommendation: N/A Financial Information: Source # Grant Name/ Grant Match Amount/City Expense/Source of Project Approx funds Amount 1 NEA/Our Town $25,000 Required match amount: $25,000. However, the ArtSpace City will contribute approximately$32,500 to cover the anticipated expenses of this project. Matching funds may be in a combination of cash and in-kind services donated to the project. Matching funds will be requested, subject to award of this grant during the FY 13/14 budget cycle. 2 MPO Call for $250,000 N/A—Match not required. Ideas/Mass Transit Connectivity 3 MDC Homeless $65,212 $16,500/ REHCD Budget Homeless Division Trust/Salaries - (Salaries) Outreach City Clerk's Office Legislative Tracking: Judy Hoanshelt, Grants Manager, Office of Budget and Performance Improvement Sign-Offs: Department Director Assistant City Manager C° Manager MIAMIBEACH AGENDA ITEM C-7 DATE 16'� MIAMI BE.ACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive,Miami Beach, Florida 33139,www.miamibeachfl.gov COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower-and Members of the City Commission FROM: Kathie G. Brooks, Interim City Manager DATE: January 16, 2013 SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR HER DESIGNEE TO A SUBMIT GRANT APPLICATION TO: 1) THE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS FY 2013 OUR TOWN PROGRAM, FOR FUNDING IN THE AMOUNT OF $25,000 FOR THE INITIAL PLANNING ANALYSIS FOR ARTIST LIVE/WORK SPACE ON MIAMI BEACH; 2) MIAMI-DADE METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (MPO), CALL FOR IDEAS PROGRAM FOR FUNDING IN THE APPROXIMATE AMOUNT OF $250,000 FOR A PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY RELATED TO MASS TRANSIT CONNECTIVITY,AND,3)RETROACTIVELY, IN THE APPROXIMATE AMOUNT OF$65,212 TO MIAMI-DADE COUNTY HOMELESS TRUST IN RESPONSE TO THE REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS FOR INCLUSION IN THE APPLICATION TO BE SUBMITTED BY THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CONTINUUM OF CARE FOR THE 2012 US HUD NOTICE OF FUNDING AVAILABILITY (NOFA) FOR THE CONTINUUM OF CARE PROGRAM COMPETITION, FOR FUNDING FOR THE CITY'S HOMELESS OUTREACH PROGRAM; APPROPRIATING THE ABOVE GRANTS IF APPROVED AND ACCEPTED BY THE CITY, AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF ALL DOCUMENTS RELATED TO THESE APPLICATIONS ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION Adopt the Resolution. ANALYSIS 1 Approval to submit a grant application to the National Endowment for the Arts FY 2013 Our Town Program,for funding in the amount of$25,000 for the initial planning analysis for artist live/work space on Miami Beach The National Endowment for the Arts was established by Congress in 1965 as an independent agency of the federal government. To date, the NEA has awarded more than $4 billion to support artistic excellence, creativity, and innovation for the benefit of individuals and communities. The NEA extends its work through partnerships with state arts agencies, local leaders, other federal agencies, and the philanthropic sector. Organizations may apply for creative placemaking projects that contribute to the livability of communities and place the arts at their core. Artspace's mission is to create, foster, and preserve affordable space for artists and arts organizations. It pursues this mission through development projects, asset management activities, consulting services, and community-building activities that serve artists and arts organizations of all disciplines, cultures, and economic circumstances. Commission Memorandum Page 2 The Administration is considering submitting a grant application to the NEA in partnership with Artspace,to do the initial planning analysis for artist live/work space at the Byron Carlyle Theater or at another location on Miami Beach. The project is anticipated to cost approximately $15,000 for the initial feasibility study and $42,500 for development of the concept plan after initial feasibility. This grant requires matching funds. The grant request will be in the amount of$25,000. The required match amount is $25,000. However, the City will contribute approximately $32,500 to cover the anticipated expenses of this project. Matching funds may be in a combination of cash and in-kind services donated to the project. Matching funds will be requested, subject to award of this grant during the FY 13/14 budget cycle. This project supports the key intended outcome diversify business base in Miami Beach. 2 Approval to submit a grant application to the Miami-Dade Metropolitan Planning Organization(MPO), Call For Ideas Program for funding in the approximate amount of$250,000 for a pre-feasibility study related to Mass Transit Connectivity The Miami-Dade Metropolitan Planning Organization(MPO)is responsible for transportation planning in Miami-Dade County. The MPO's Call for Ideas Program provides funding for transportation studies that provide effective solutions that alleviate traffic congestion in. Miami Dade County. Approved transportation planning studies are incorporated into the Unified Planning Work,Program (UPWP). Preliminary exploratory work relating to mass transit connectivity from the mainland to Miami Beach has been ongoing; the Administration would like to present the concept to the MPO and the Call for Ideas is an appropriate method. The subject of mass transit connectivity has been referred to the City's Neighborhood Committee, Land Use Committee and Finance and Citywide Projects Committee. The Call for Ideas Program does not require matching funds and supports the key intended outcome enhance mobility throughout the City. 3 Retroactive approval to submit a grant application to Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust, for funding, in the approximate amount of$65,212 for the City's Supportive Housing Grant Program. - The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development(US HUD)has issued a Notice of Funding Availability(NOFA)for its continuum of Care Program Competition which is the primary Federal funding source for homeless assistance programs. All current US HUD funded projects with program funding expiring in calendar year 2013 must request renewal funding through this competitive process. The Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust (Trust serves as the Applicant for US HUD NOFA funds on behalf of the Miami-Dade County Continuum of Care system(MDCoC). The MDCoC encompasses all of Miami-Dade County, including all municipalities. All local entitlement jurisdictions are part of the MDCoC, the "Collaborative Application" will contain he projects submitted by Project Applicants (subrecipients)that are selected through the Request for Applications. The City has received these funds since 2003 to support the salaries of Homeless Outreach staff. The NOFA was released by the Homeless Trust with insufficient time for this item to be placed on the December Commission agenda. As such, in order not to lose this grant opportunity, the City has applied for continuation of funding, in the amount of $65,212, through-this collaborative application and requests retroactive approval. Commission Memorandum Page 3 CONCLUSION The Administration requests approval to authorize the City Manager or her designee retroactively to submit grant applications to: 1) National Endowment for the Arts FY 2013 Our Town Program,for funding in the amount of$25,000 for the initial planning analysis for artist live/work space on Miami Beach; 2) Miami-Dade Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), Call For Ideas Program for funding in the approximate amount of$250,000 for a pre- feasibility study related to Mass Transit Connectivity; and 3) Retroactive approval to submit to Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust for funding for Homeless Outreach services in the amount of $65,212 for the City's Homeless Outreach Program, appropriating the above grants, if approved and accepted by the City,and authorizing the execution of all documents related to these applications. KGB/JMH TAAGENDA\2012\1-16-2013\Grants Memo.doc