LTC 130-2013 Central Bayshore Neighborhoodm MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Ma DATE: April 16, 2013 SUBJECT: Central Bayshore Neighborhood Street rs of the CWV Commission - Prairie Avenue — 28 to 41 st The purpose of this Letter to Commission (LTC) is to address concerns raised by residents d irinn the ia�t wQPk- a� wPll a-, diirinn the Anril 15. 2013 Canital E=j+-raracr and its current accommodation of hike lanes as well as future accommodation of valley gutters. Su.r rnary As a result of discussions over the last two weeks wit respect to the current width along 'prairie Avenue and the subsequent impact to green space associated with the insta11ation of vaVey gutters on bath sides of the street, staff is proposing a third alternative which would best balance all competing interests while retaining the current integrity of the roadway width and function, as well as the safe and current comp iar.t use of the bicycle lanes can Frame Avenue. In order to achieve this alternative. the City would remove the additional four feet o� valley gutter and gain an overall credit of approximately $92,1000 into the project. By de- programming the of va ley gUtte -s, :;use City would h ave . o compensate for the efficie it transport 0' water by suppressing the current grate elevatior:s of the newly installed grates, and installing flumes where necessary. While not being the mostfavorab!'e means of drainage conveyance it would resolve the current concern associated with the loss of greenspace. This proec: continues to include the addition of a.pprox'mately 400 shade trees. .l LW\j M.r 1- V'',G IV'.