2013-28221 Reso RESOLUTION NO. 2013-28221 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE TO TAKE THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS: 1) SUBMIT A GRANT APPLICATION TO FLORIDA'S SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL PROGRAM IN THE APPROXIMATE AMOUNT OF $150,000 FOR FUNDING FOR VARIOUS INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS, FOR FIENBERG-FISHER K-8 CENTER; 2) SUBMIT A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE FLORIDA'S SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL PROGRAM, FOR FUNDING, IN THE. APPROXIMATE AMOUNT OF $800,000 FOR VARIOUS INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS FOR NAUTILUS MIDDLE SCHOOL, AND NORTH BEACH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AND FOR A TRAFFIC STUDY AND VARIOUS INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS AT MIAMI BEACH SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL; 3) SUBMIT AN APPLICATION TO FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR FUNDING IN THE APPROXIMATE AMOUNT OF $1,000,000 FOR TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVES PROGRAM (TAP) FUNDS FOR THE MIDDLE BEACH RECREATIONAL CORRIDOR FROM 58TH TO 64TH STREET; AND FURTHER, RETROACTIVELY APPROVING THE FOLLOWING: 4) SUBMITTAL OF A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, OFFICE OF COMMUNITY ORIENTED POLICING SERVICES (COPS), COPS HIRING PROGRAM FOR FUNDING IN THE APPROXIMATE AMOUNT OF $1,600,000 OVER THREE YEARS FOR THE HIRING OF ADDITIONAL CAREER LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS APPROPRIATING THE ABOVE GRANTS, MATCHING FUNDS AND CITY EXPENSES, IF APPROVED AND ACCEPTED BY THE CITY; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS RELATED TO THE AFORESTATED APPLICATIONS, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, AUDITS OF SUCH GRANTS, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE TO TAKE ALL NECESSARY ACTIONS RELATED TO THESE GRANTS WHEREAS, the Florida Safe Routes to School (FLSRTS) Program is a federally funded grant program intended to help communities address their school transportation needs and encourage more students to walk or cycle to school; and WHEREAS, FLSRTS strives to enable and encourage children in grades Kindergarten through High School, including those with disabilities, to walk and cycle to school; and to facilitate the planning, development, and implementation of projects that will improve safety and reduce traffic, fuel consumption, and air pollution in the vicinity of schools, the program also seeks to address the safety needs of children already walking or biking in less than ideal conditions; and WHEREAS, the FLSRTS Program is managed through the Florida Department of Transportation and eligible infrastructure projects may include: pedestrian facilities, bicycle facilities bicycle parking facilities, traffic control devices; and traffic calming: certain non-infrastructure projects are also eligible; and WHEREAS, in 2011, the City applied for FLSRTS Program funding for various infrastructure improvements to improve the safety of students walking and bicycling to Biscayne Point Elementary and as a result of the application, the City was notified that it will be awarded funding for this project; and WHEREAS, FDOT is currently soliciting applications for funding under the FLSRTS Program for infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects for Fiscal Years 2013/14 through 2017/18; and WHEREAS, the City's Committee for Quality Education in Miami Beach approved a motion at its February 26, 2013 meeting, to nominate Fienberg-Fisher K-8 Center for this year's grant application also at the April 25, 2013 Finance and Citywide Projects Committee, the Committee approved a motion move forward with an application for Fisher Fienberg K-8 Center under the FLSRTS program; and WHEREAS, through the application process, the City will partner with the school to identify infrastructure deficiencies currently preventing children from safely walking or bicycling to and from the schools and City staff will conduct a series of inspections of the current infrastructure, including sidewalk condition, crosswalks, signalization, signage, pavement striping, traffic calming, lighting, and drainage additionally, City staff will conduct a review of all current and future projects in the school boundary area as well as interviews with the school representatives; and WHEREAS, this grant does not require matching funds and supports the key intended outcome: enhance mobility throughout the City; and WHEREAS, approval is requested to submit a grant application to the Florida Safe Routes to School (FLSRTS) Program in the approximate amount of $150,000 for Fienberg Fisher K-8 Center; and WHEREAS, in addition to Fienberg Fisher K-8 Center mentioned above, the Committee for Quality Education in Miami Beach, at its February 26, 2013 meeting, also recommended that an application be submitted for improvements at Nautilus Middle School and at the April 25, 2013 Finance and Citywide Projects Committee meeting the Committee recommended moving forward with the application for Nautilus Middle School Projects under the FLSRTS program; and WHEREAS, the FCWP Committee further directed the Administration to apply for Miami Beach Senior High School and North Beach Elementary under the FLSRTS program for FY 14/15 and this would allow time for the City to conduct a traffic study to evaluate the feasibility of creating a bicycle boulevard along Royal Palm Avenue in the Bayshore neighborhood, including obtaining concurrence from the affected residents and the required approvals from Miami-Dade County; and WHEREAS, based on input from the community, City staff reconfirmed the FLSRTS program criteria with FDOT Central Office in Tallahassee. FDOT Central Office advised that traffic/planning studies are eligible for funding under the FLSRTS program and recommended that the City combine schools within a two-mile radius into one application; and WHEREAS, the Safe Routes to School application was again discussed at the May 28, 2013 QEC meeting and the Committee for Quality Education approved a motion requesting that the Mayor and Commission support the request that the Nautilus Safe Routes to School Application for the City of Miami Beach include Nautilus, North Beach Elementary, and Miami Beach Senior High School for the 2013/14; and WHEREAS, the Administration intends to submit an application, in the approximate amount of$800,000 to SRTS for the three schools mentioned above; and WHEREAS, through the application process, the City will partner with the schools to identify infrastructure deficiencies currently preventing children from safely walking or bicycling to and from the schools; and WHEREAS, a traffic study will be conducted to evaluate the feasibility of constructing a bicycle boulevard along Royal Palm Avenue from 28'h Street to 41 st Street; and WHEREAS, Bicycle Boulevards are streets with low motorized traffic volumes and speeds, designated and designed to give bicycle travel priority and use signs, pavement markings, and speed and volume management measures to discourage trips by motor vehicles and create safe, convenient bicycle crossings; and WHEREAS, a bicycle boulevard along Royal Palm Avenue would provide a safe corridor through the Bayshore neighborhood for children cycling to Miami Beach Senior High, Nautilus Middle, and North Beach Elementary; and WHEREAS, an extension to the proposed Par 3 Golf Course Off-Road/ Share- Use Path would provide a direct connection between the Scott Rakow Youth Center and Miami Beach Senior High; and WHEREAS, a series of inspections of the current infrastructure, including sidewalk condition, crosswalks, signalization, signage, pavement striping, traffic calming, lighting, and drainage will be conducted as well as a review of all current and future projects in the school boundary area and interviews with the school representatives; and WHEREAS, this grant does not require matching funds and supports the key intended outcome: enhance mobility throughout the City; and WHEREAS, approval is requested to submit a grant application to The Florida Safe Routes to School (FLSRTS) Program in the approximate amount of $800,000 for Nautilus Middle School, North Beach Elementary School and Miami Beach Senior High School improvements; and WHEREAS, the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) is an element of the Federal Highway Administration's Surface Transportation Program and under the new federal transportation legislation, MAP 21, TAP replaces the former Transportation Enhancement Program; and WHEREAS, if awarded, projects selected to receive TAP funds will be programmed based on the year the project phase is ready to use the funding with the understanding that funding is subject to the availability of federal funds and an annual appropriation by the legislature; and WHEREAS, the TAP is administered through Florida Department of Transportation; and WHEREAS, to date, the City has been successfully awarded $1,237,598 from the former TEP program, through FDOT for the Middle Beach Recreational Corridor (Eden Roc project and design of 46th-64th Street); and WHEREAS, in addition to this, there is currently an awarded agreement in the amount of $1 million pending issuance of an agreement programmed for State FY 2013/14 (July 2013) for the construction of 47-53rd Street, and an application pending review at FDOT(construction of 53-58th Street); and WHEREAS, the total cost of the MBRC project is $14,205,709 and in addition to the above $1,237,598 in FDOT funds received, the City has also appropriated $359,475 in Quality of Life funds and $6,415,517 in MDC CDT Interlocal funds (total of$8,012,590 in previously appropriated funds) and additional funds are programmed in future years for a total of$6,193,119, and WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the $3 million pending agreement or award, would reduce the future year funding needs to $3,193,119; and WHEREAS, the Administration intends to apply for funding in the approximate amount of $1,000,000 for the Middle Beach Recreational Corridor (MBRC) project (Phase 58th to 64th Street-construction); and WHEREAS, funding, if awarded, will be available between 2014 and 2018; and WHEREAS, this program does not require matching funds and supports the key intended outcome: enhance mobility throughout the City; and WHEREAS, approval is requested to submit an application to the Florida Department of Transportation for funding, in the approximate amount of $1,000,000, for Transportation Alternatives Program funds for the Middle Beach Recreational Corridor, 58th to 64th Street project; and WHEREAS, the COPS Hiring Program provides funding directly to law enforcement agencies to hire and/or rehire career law enforcement officers in an effort to increase their community policing capacity and crime prevention efforts; and WHEREAS, the grant will cover up to 75% of the approved entry-level salary and fringe benefits of each newly-hired and/or rehired, full-time sworn career law enforcement officer and the grant requires a minimum 25% local cash match and the maximum amount of federal funds available is $125,000 per officer position; and WHEREAS, this grant has a non-supplanting requirement that mandates that grant funds not be used to replace state or local funds that would, in the absence of federal aid, be made available for the purpose of the grant. Instead, grant funds must be used to increase the total amount of funds that would otherwise be made available for the grant purposes; and WHEREAS, the Administration was notified of this grant at the time of printing for the May agenda, with insufficient time to include it on the agenda, as such it is being placed on the June 2013 agenda for retroactive approval; and WHEREAS, the grant will provide funding for three years (36 months) for each position awarded. At the conclusion of federal funding, grantees must retain all sworn officer positions awarded under the CHP grant for a minimum of one year (12 months), estimated to be until September 30, 2017), the retained grant funded position(s) should be added to the grantee's law enforcement budget with state and/or local funds, over and above the number of locally-funded positions that would have existed in the absence of the grant and these positions will be maintained in a separate grant-funded account; and WHEREAS, the Administration proposes applying for this grant to fund five (5) positions, which is the maximum number of positions that the grant will fund, based on population, funding in the approximate amount of $1,600,000 over three years will be requested for salaries and benefits; and WHEREAS, the match amount will be $400,000 from the FY 13/14 through FY 15/16 Police Department Operating Budget; and WHEREAS, consideration of whether the City wants to add positions or not, will be part of the budget process, after a determination is made during the budget process, the Administration can withdraw the grant application or not, based on whether new positions were approved in the budget process; and WHEREAS, this program supports the key intended outcomes: increase visibility of police and maintain crime rates at or below national trends. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH that the Mayor and City Commission hereby approve and authorize the City Manager or his designee to take the following actions: 1) Submit a grant application to the Florida Safe Routes to School Program in the approximate amount of $150,000 for Fienberg Fisher K-8 Center; 2) Submit an application to the Florida Safe Routes to School Program in the approximate amount of $800,000 for Nautilus Middle School, North Beach Elementary School and Miami Beach Senior High School; 3) Submit an application to Florida Department of Transportation for funding, in the approximate amount of $1,000,000, for Transportation Alternatives Program funds for the Middle Beach Recreational Corridor, 58th to 64th Street; and to approve retroactive submittal of an application to: 4) US Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS), Cops Hiring Program for funding in the approximate amount of $1,600,000 over three years for the hiring of additional career Law Enforcement Officers; appropriating the above grants, matching funds and City expenses, if approved and accepted by the City; authorizing the execution of all necessary documents related to these applications, including, without limitation, audits of such grants and authorizing the City Manager or his designee to take all necessary actions related to these grants. PASSED and ADOPTED this day of uM 2013. ATTEST: \P ,....... M OR .INOORP ORATED: CITY CLERK JLM/KGB/JMH TAAGENDA\2013\June 5\Grants Memo.doc APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE &FnR EXECUTION 4ate 1ty ney COMMISSION ITEM SUMMARY Condensed Title: A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to apply for and accept awards for four grants (4). Key Intended Outcomes Supported: 1)2)and 3)Enhance mobility throughout the City and,4)Increase visibility of police and maintain crime rates at or below national trends. Supporting Data: Community Satisfaction Survey 2012: 1) 2) and 3) 11% of residents use "Walking/Bicycling"as their primary mode of transportation;and, 4)Resident respondents rated"Increasing visibility of Police in neighborhoods"as the second most important area for the City to address in an effort to improve public safety throughout the City. Item Summa /Recommendation: Approval to authorize the City Manager or his designee to submit the following grant applications: 1) The Florida Safe Routes to School Program in the approximate amount of $150,000 for Fienberg Fisher K-8 Center;2) The Florida Safe Routes to School Program in the approximate amount of$800,000 for Nautilus Middle School, North Beach Elementary School and Miami Beach Senior High School; 3) The Florida Department of Transportation for funding, in the approximate amount of $1,000,000, for Transportation Alternatives Program funds for the Middle Beach Recreational Corridor,58th to 64th Street;and,retroactively, 4)US Department of Justice COPS Hiring Program for funding in the approximate amount of$1,600,000 for salary and benefits for Entry-Level Police Officers; authorizing the execution of all necessary documents related to these applications, including, without limitation, audits of such grants and authorizing the City Manager or his designee to take all necessary actions related to these grants. Financial Information: Source # Grant Name/Project Approx Approximate Match Amount/ of Grant Amt. Source Funds 1 Safe Routes To School/ $150,000 N/A Fienberg Fisher K-8 Center 2 Safe Routes To School/ $800,000 N/A Nautilus Middle, North Beach Elementary and Miami Beach Senior High Schools 3 Transportation Alternatives/ $1,000,000 N/A MBRC 58th-64th Street 4 COPS Hiring/New Entry $1,600,000 $400,000 match required over 3 years. Level Police Officers Source: Police Department Operating Budget FY 13/14 through FY 15/16. At the conclusion of federal funding, these positions must be maintained for a minimum of one year (12 months), which is estimated to be until September 30, 2017. Financial Impact Summary: N/A City Clerk's Office Legislative Tracking: Judy Hoanshelt, Grants Manager, Office of Budget and Performance Improvement Sign-Offs: Department Director Assistant City Manager City Manager ® M I AM I B EAC GENDA ITEM 67 � � DATE 6'S- ® MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive,Miami Beach, Florida 33139,www.miamibeachfl.gov COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Me bers of the ty Commission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: June 5, 2013 SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE TO TAKE THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS: 1)SUBMIT A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE FLORIDA'S SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL PROGRAM IN THE APPROXIMATE AMOUNT OF$150,000 FOR FUNDING FOR VARIOUS INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS,FOR FIENBERG-FISHER K-8 CENTER; 2))SUBMIT A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE FLORIDA'S SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL PROGRAM, FOR FUNDING, IN THE APPROXIMATE AMOUNT OF $800,000 FOR VARIOUS INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS AT NAUTILUS MIDDLE SCHOOL AND NORTH BEACH ELEMENTARY AND FOR ATRAFFIC STUDY AND VARIOUS INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS AT MIAMI BEACH SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL; 3)SUBMIT AN APPLICATION TO FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR FUNDING IN THE APPROXIMATE AMOUNT OF $1,000,000 FOR TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVES PROGRAM (TAP) FUNDS FOR THE MIDDLE BEACH RECREATIONAL CORRIDOR FROM 58TH TO 64TH STREET; AND FURTHER, RETROACTIVELY APPROVING THE FOLLOWING: 4) SUBMITTAL OF A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, OFFICE OF COMMUNITY ORIENTED POLICING SERVICES (COPS), COPS HIRING PROGRAM FOR FUNDING IN THE APPROXIMATE AMOUNT OF $1,600,000 OVER THREE YEARS FOR THE HIRING OF ADDITIONAL CAREER LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS; APPROPRIATING THE ABOVE GRANTS, MATCHING FUNDS AND CITY EXPENSES, IF APPROVED AND ACCEPTED BY THE CITY AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS RELATED TO THE AFORESTATED APPLICATIONS, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, AUDITS OF SUCH GRANTS, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE TO TAKE ALL NECESSARY ACTIONS RELATED TO THESE GRANTS ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION Adopt the Resolution. ANALYSIS 1. Approval to submit a grant application to The Florida Safe Routes to School (FLSRTS)Program in the approximate amount of$150,000 for Fienberg Fisher K-8 Center The Florida Safe Routes to School Program is a federally funded grant program intended to help communities address their school transportation needs and encourage more students to walk or cycle to school. Commission Memorandum Page 2 FLSRTS strives to enable and encourage children in grades Kindergarten through High School, including those with disabilities, to walk and cycle to school; and to facilitate the planning, development, and implementation of projects that will improve safety and reduce traffic, fuel consumption, and air pollution in the vicinity of schools. In addition, to encouraging students to walk to school, the program also seeks to address the safety needs of children already walking or biking in less than ideal conditions. The FLSRTS Program is managed through the Florida Department of Transportation. Eligible infrastructure projects under the FLSRTS Program may include: pedestrian facilities, bicycle facilities bicycle parking facilities, traffic control devices; and traffic calming: Certain eligible non-infrastructure projects are also eligible under the FLSRTS Program. In 2011, the City applied for FLSRTS Program funding for various infrastructure improvements to improve the safety of students walking and bicycling to Biscayne Point Elementary. As a result of the application, the City was notified that it will be awarded funding for this project. FDOT is currently soliciting applications for funding under the FLSRTS Program for infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects for Fiscal Years 2013/14 through 2017/18. The City's Committee for Quality Education in Miami Beach approved a motion, at its February 26, 2013 meeting, to nominate Fienberg Fisher K-8 Center for this year's grant application. At the April 25, 2013 Finance and Citywide Projects Committee,the Committee approved a motion move forward with an application for Fienberg Fisher K-8 Center under the FLSRTS program. Through the application process,the City will partner with the school to identify infrastructure deficiencies currently preventing children from safely walking or bicycling to and from the schools. City staff will conduct a series of inspections of the current infrastructure, including sidewalk condition, crosswalks, signalization, signage, pavement striping, traffic calming, lighting, and drainage. City staff will also conduct a review of all current and future projects in the school boundary area as well as interviews with the school representatives. This grant does not require matching funds and supports the key intended outcome: enhance mobility throughout the City. 2. Approval to submit a grant application to The Florida Safe Routes to School (FLSRTS)Program in the approximate amount of$800,000 for various infrastructure improvements at Nautilus Middle School and North Beach Elementary School and a Traffic Study and Various Infrastructure Improvements at Miami Beach Senior High School In addition to Fienberg Fisher K-8 Center mentioned above, the Committee for Quality Education in Miami Beach(QEC)at its February 26, 2013 meeting also recommended that an application be submitted for improvements at Nautilus Middle School. At the April 25, 2013 Finance and Citywide Projects Committee meeting, the Committee recommended moving forward with the application for Nautilus Middle School under the FLSRTS program for FY 13/14. Further, the Committee directed the Administration to apply for Miami Beach Senior High School and North Beach Elementary under the FLSRTS program for FY 14/15. This would allow time for the City to conduct a traffic study to evaluate the feasibility of creating a bicycle boulevard along Royal Palm Boulevard in the Bayshore neighborhood, including obtaining concurrence from the affected residents and the required approvals from Miami-Dade County. Subsequently, based on input from the community, City staff reconfirmed the FLSRTS program criteria with FDOT Central Office in Tallahassee. FDOT Central Office advised that traffic/planning studies are eligible for funding under the FLSRTS program and recommended that the City combine schools within a two-mile radius into one application. Commission Memorandum Page 3 The Safe Routes to School application was again discussed at the May 28, 2013 QEC meeting. The Committee for Quality Education approved a motion requesting that the Mayor and Commission support the request that the Nautilus Safe Routes to School Application for the City of Miami Beach include Nautilus, North Beach Elementary,and Miami Beach Senior High School for the 2013/14 grant cycle. As such, the Administration intends to submit an application, in the approximate amount of $800,000 to SRTS for the three schools mentioned above. Through the application process, the City will partner with the schools to identify infrastructure deficiencies currently preventing children from safely walking or bicycling to and from the schools. A traffic study will be conducted to evaluate the feasibility of constructing a bicycle boulevard along Royal Palm Boulevard from 28th Street to 41st Street. Bicycle Boulevards are streets with low motorized traffic volumes and speeds, designated and designed to give bicycle travel priority. Bicycle Boulevards use signs, pavement markings, and speed and volume management measures to discourage trips by motor vehicles and create safe, convenient bicycle crossings. A bicycle boulevard along Royal Palm Boulevard would provide a safe corridor through the Bayshore neighborhood for children cycling to Miami Beach Senior High, Nautilus Middle, and North Beach Elementary. Further, an extension to the proposed PAR 3 Golf Course Off-Road/Share-Use Path would provide a direct connection between the Scott Rakow Youth Center and Miami Beach Senior High. In addition, a series of inspections of the current infrastructure, including sidewalk condition, crosswalks, signalization, signage, pavement striping, traffic calming, lighting, and drainage will be conducted as well as a review of all current and future projects in the school boundary area and interviews with the school representatives. This grant does not require matching funds and supports the key intended outcome: enhance mobility throughout the City. 3. Approval to submit an application to the Florida Department of Transportation for funding in the approximate amount of$1,000,000, for Transportation Alternatives Program funds for the Middle Beach Recreational Corridor, 58th to 64th Street The Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) is an element of the Federal Highway Administration's Surface Transportation Program. Under the new federal transportation legislation, MAP 21, TAP replaces the former Transportation Enhancement Program. If awarded, projects selected to receive TAP funds will be programmed based on the year the project phase is ready to use the funding with the understanding that funding is subject to the availability of federal funds and an annual appropriation by the legislature. The TAP is administered through Florida Department of Transportation. To date,the City has been successfully awarded $1,237,598 from the former TEP program, through FDOT for the Middle Beach Recreational Corridor(Eden Roc project and design of 46th-64 th Street). In addition, there is currently an awarded agreement in the amount of$1 million pending issuance of an agreement programmed for State FY 2012/13(July 2013)for construction of 47th - 53Id Street and an application in the amount of $1 million pending review at FDOT for construction of 53-58th Street. The total cost of the MBRC project is $14,205,709. In addition to the above$1,237,598 in FDOT funds received,the City has also appropriated$359,475 in Quality of Life funds and $6,415,517 in MDC CDT Interlocal funds (total of$8,012,590 in previously appropriated funds). Additional funds are programmed in future years for a total of$6,193,119. It is anticipated that the$3 million pending agreement or award, would reduce future year funding needs to $3,193,119. Commission Memorandum Page 4 The Administration intends to apply for funding in the approximate amount of$1,000,000 for the Middle Beach Recreational Corridor (MBRC) project (58th to 60 Street project - construction). Funding, if awarded, will be available between the years of 2014 and 2018. This program does not require matching funds and supports the key intended outcome: enhance mobility throughout the City. 4. Retroactive approval to submit an application to the US Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services(COPS), Cops Hiring Program for funding in the approximate amount of$1,600,000 over three years for the hiring of additional career Law Enforcement Officers The COPS Hiring Program provides funding directly to law enforcement agencies to hire and/or rehire career law enforcement officers in an effort to increase their community policing capacity and crime prevention efforts. The grant will cover up to 75% of the approved entry-level salary and fringe benefits of each newly-hired and/or rehired, full-time sworn career law enforcement officer. The grant requires a minimum 25%local cash match and the maximum amount of federal funds available is $125,000 per officer position. This grant has a non-supplanting requirement that mandates that grant funds not be used to replace state or local funds that would, in the absence of federal aid, be made available for the purpose of the grant. Instead, grant funds must be used to increase the total amount of funds that would otherwise be made available for the grant purposes. The Administration was notified of this grant at the time of printing for the May agenda, with insufficient time to include it on the agenda, as such it is being placed on the June 2013 agenda for retroactive approval. The grant will provide funding for three years(36 months)for each position awarded. At the conclusion of federal funding, grantees must retain all sworn officer positions awarded under the CHP grant for a minimum of one year (12 months), estimated to be September 30, 2017). The retained grant funded position(s) should be added to the grantee's law enforcement budget with state and/or local funds, over and above the number of locally- funded positions that would have existed in the absence of the grant. These positions will be maintained in a separate grant-funded account. The Administration proposes applying for this grant to fund five (5) positions, which is the maximum number of positions that the grant will fund, based on population. Funding in the approximate amount of $1,600,000 over three years will be requested for salaries and benefits. The match amount will be $400,000 from the FY 13/14 Police Department Operating Budget. Consideration of whether the City wants to add positions or not, will be part of the budget process. After a determination is made during the budget process, the Administration can withdraw the grant application or not, based on whether new positions were approved in the budget process. This program supports the key intended outcomes: increase visibility of police and maintain crime rates at or below national trends. CONCLUSION The Administration requests approval to authorize the City Manager or his designee to submit applications to: 1)The Florida Safe Routes to School Program in the approximate amount of$150,000 for Fienberg Fisher K-8 Center; 2) The Florida Safe Routes to School Program in the approximate amount of$800,000 for Nautilus Middle School, North Beach Elementary School and Miami Beach Senior High School; 3) The Florida Department of Commission Memorandum Page 5 Transportation for funding, in the approximate amount of $1,000,000, for Transportation Alternatives Program funds for the Middle Beach Recreational Corridor, 58th to 641h Street; and to approve retroactive submittal of an application to: 4) US Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services(COPS), Cops Hiring Program for funding in the approximate amount of$1,600,000 over three years for the hiring of additional career Law Enforcement Officers; appropriating the above grants, matching funds and City expenses, if approved and accepted by the City; authorizing the execution of all necessary documents related to these applications, including, without limitation, audits of such grants and authorizing the City Manager or his designee to take all necessary actions related to these grants. JLM/ B/JMH TAAGENDA\2013\June 5\Grants Memo.doc