Renewal of Agreement �0/0-a 73�� A AAIAMIBEACH City of Miami Beath, 1700 Convention Center Drive,Miami Beach, Florida 33139,www.miamibeachfl.gov DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT Tel: 305-673-7490, Fax: 786-394-4010 November 20, 2013 E-MAIL: mthompson(aD-mww.com Ms Marilyn Berry Thompson, Executive VP, and GM MWW Group 700 13th Street N.W. 10th Floor Washington. D.C. 2005 Subject: RENEWAL OF AGREEMENT PURSUANT RESOLUTION 2010-27363 WAIVING, BY 5/7T" VOTE, TO PROVIDE LOBBYING AND CONSULTING SERVICES IN WASHINGTON D.C. Dear Ms. Thompson: Pursuant to your firm's above referenced agreement with the City of Miami Beach, Accordingly, the City Commission has authorized the Administration to consider extending the term pursuant to the above referenced agreement and condition. The base amount for the first year of the extension shall 9 y be for the same base amount as the most recently completed year in the amount of $102,800. Year two (2) of the extension period will be for the most recent base amount plus the lesser of an adjustment based on the annual change in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI- U) of three (3) percent. Additionally the City Commission requests a quarterly report be provided. Please indicate your acceptance of extending the above referenced agreement through September 30, 2015, by executing below. Should you have any questions or need additional information please contact Kenneth Patterson at 305-673-7490; fax: 786-394-4010; or e-mail: kpatterson(a)-miamibeachfl.gov. Thank y L, Jim y L. Morale City Manager I agree to a revised term for 1rN above refere ed agreement at the same terms and conditions through Septemb r 30 1 Signature: Printed Name: Title: We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. F:\cmgr\$ALL\Accounts Payable\PO's\MWW Group\ITB-08-10-11 Renewal MWW Group.docx