LTC 311-2015 International Baccalaureate (IB) Conference Invitation NUM
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To: Mayor Philip Levine and Members if the City Commission
From: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager
Date: August 5, 2015
Subject: International Baccalaureate (IB) Conference Invitation
The purpose of this LTC is to invite you to lunch during the International Baccalaureate (IB)
Conference sponsored by the City of Miami Beach in partnership with Miami-Dade County
Public Schools on Monday, August 17, 2015 at 11:45 a.m. at the Miami Beach Convention
Center Hall C.
Over 300 teachers, administrators, and trainers are participating in the two-day IB conference
scheduled for Monday, August 17, 2015 and Tuesday, August 18, 2015 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00
The City's acceptance by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) to receive on-site
IB training allows us to support access and excellence in all Miami Beach public schools. All of
our City schools, elementary, middle, and high school, are participating in this opportunity. The
training of our school's instructional staff members will reinforce IB best practice teaching
methodologies, and improve student achievement. Our commitment ensures a high quality
international education for all youth within our community.
The International Baccalaureate program in Miami Beach: (1) provides all students the same
access to develop into IBO diploma candidates; (2) prepares our students to become active
global citizens; (3) provides equal access throughout Miami Beach; and (4) sets criteria at the
high-school level with standards that provide ample room to promote equity.
We will continue to support our strategic outcome to achieve K-12 public school excellence
through our Education Compact.
Please let us know if you are planning to join us.
If you have any q .,stions, please feel free to contact me.
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Primary Years 1 Midd1 ars I Diploma Program
August 17 & 18, 2015 I Miami Beach C• ent n enter
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, MIAMIBEACH giving our students
the world
Philip Levine
Michael Grieco Micky Steinberg Deede Weithorn
Joy Malakoff Edward L.Tobin Jonah Wolfson
Jimmy L.Morales
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Kathie Brooks
Dr. Leslie D. Rosenfeld
Jennifer Nieves
LMs.Perla Tabares Hantman,Chair Dr.Wilbert"Tee"Holloway Ms. Lubby Navarro
District 4 District 1 District 7
Dr.Lawrence S.Feldman, Vice Chair Dr.Martin Karp Ms.Raquel A.Regalado
District 9 District 3 District 6 •
Ms.Susie V.Castillo Dr.Dorothy Bendross-Mindingall Dr.Marta Perez Wurtz
District 5 District 2 District 8
Alberto M.Carvalho
Associate Superintendent Region Superintendent Executive Director
Iraida Mendez-Cartaya Vivian Santiesteban-Pardo Dr.Lisette Rodriguez •
Assistant Superintendent Administrative Director Supervisor
Dr.Maria Armas Sally Alayon Renee Ilhardt
Drew Deutsch •
Paul Campbell
Margot Hope Hoerrner
Emily Unrue
Anne-Sophie Byers
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Registration 8:00 a.m.-8:30 a.m. Hall C Lobby
Session One 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Break 10:00 a.m.- 10:15 a.m.
Session Two 10:15 a.m.- 11:45 a.m.
Lunch &General Session 11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. Hall C Ballroom
Jimmy L. Morales, City of Miami Beach City Manager
Alberto M.Carvalho,Miami-Dade County Public Schools Superintendent
Session Three 12:45 p.m.- 2:15 p.m.
Break 2:15 p.m.-2:30 p.m.
Session Four 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Session Five 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Hall C Ballroom
Break 10:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.
Session Six 10:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
Lunch 11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. Hall C Ballroom
Session Seven 12:45 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.
Break 2:15 p.m. -2:30 p.m.
Session Eight 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Primary Years Program This period, encompassing early puberty
The International Baccalaureate Primary and mid-adolescence, is a particularly
Years Program (PYP) is designed for students critical phase of personal and intellectual
aged 3 to 12.It focuses on the total growth of development and requires a program that
the developing child, touching hearts as well helps students participate actively and
as minds and encompassing social, physical, responsibly in a changing and increasingly
emotional and cultural needs in addition to interrelated world. Learning how to learn
academic development. and how to evaluate information critically is
The PYP draws on research and best practices as important as learning facts.
from a range of national system with a
wealth of knowledge and experience from Diploma Program
international schools to create a relevant, The International Baccalaureate Diploma
engaging, challenging and significant Program (DP) is a challenging two-year
educational framework for all children. program of international education for
students aged 16 to 19. It leads to a
Middle Years Program qualification that is widely recognized by the
The International Baccalaureate Middle world's leading universities. Students learn
Years Program (MYP) is designed for students more than collection of facts. The Diploma
aged 11 to 16. Program prepares students for college and
encourages them to:
It is a program of international education • ask challenging questions
designed to help students develop the • learn how to learn
knowledge, understanding, attitudes and • develop a strong sense of their own
skills necessary to participate actively and identity and culture
responsibly in a changing world. • develop the ability to communicate with
and understand people from other
countries and cultures
Category 2
• Enhance the understanding of the IB philosophy and program model
• Participants will make connections between the program framework and practice
• Participants will enhance their understanding of the role of assessment in IB programs
• Participants will discuss and analyze standards and practices appropriate to their roles
• Improve the quality of program delivery
• Participants will engage in discussion and activities aimed at sharing pedagogical tech-
niques such as:
o Best practice in the classroom
o Teaching and learning methodologies
o Finding, sharing, developing and using resources
Category 3
• Provide a forum for exploring educational ideas and areas of interest
• Participants will engage in detailed discussion around topics such as:
o Learning theory
o Pedagogy
o Assessment
Io Other Scholarly interests
• Provide opportunities for investigation into specific areas of expertise
• Participants will engage in detailed discussion around topics such as:
o Subject specific seminars (i.e changes to the IB curriculum)
o Subject specific content
o Administrative leadership
o Pedagogical leadership
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IB SPECIALISTS site visitor and consultant for 4 ears. Mona
is presently living in Richmond, VA.,with her
Nancy LaVier was a classroom teacher husband, and Lady, a German shepherd who
for 33 years, employed by Henrico County is not open-minded.
Schools. During that time she was the
department chair for History and Government Lynn Beer recently retired from a public
and was one of the first cadre of IB Diploma magnet school in Tampa, Florida where he
and MYP teachers at the school.She taught DP worked as the PYP coordinator for 6 years.
Theory of Knowledge and 20th century world As the coordinator, he conducted training
topics, as well as Individuals and Societies for teachers, demonstrating best practices
for level 5 MYP students. Moody Middle during summer institutes and monthly
School and Henrico High School were one of faculty meetings, organized monthly parent
the first school partnerships to be authorized evenings and established a mentoring
as an MYP school in 1996. Nancy served as program for new teachers. Lynn also worked
the first Personal Project coordinator at the as a reading specialist in a Title I program
High School until 2005. She was honored to serving students ages 8-17 in Staten Island, •
receive the REB teaching excellence award Long Island City and the Bronx, and taught
in 1999, became the County IB Specialist in English and reading in private and public
2011,and helped user in a second IB DP and schools. In his role as a curriculum specialist
MYP program at J.R. Tucker H.S., Tuckahoe at North Broward Preparatory school, he
and Fairfield Middle Schools. Since 2001, organized and implemented curriculum
she has led and continues to lead many site mapping workshops for 120 teachers in
visits for the IB MYP, both for authorization all disciplines, over a 24 month period.
and evaluation. Nancy represents IB as a He received a Master of Arts degree as a
consultant for schools seeking authorization Reading Specialist from Manhattan College,
for the MYP and attend IB workshops as is an and a Bachelor of Science degree in English
IB field representative and workshop leader. from the University of Wisconsin.
PRIMARY YEARS PROGRAM Zein Odeb holds a B.Ed. from McGill
University and M.Ed. from The University of
Mona Maruca has worked in education Ottawa. Zein taught in both the public and
for over 40 years, serving as a classroom private systems in Canada and the Middle
teacher, gifted and talented resource teacher, East. Zein has held diverse roles in the
and gifted specialist in Fairfax County, VA. field of education, primarily working with
Upon her retirement she moved to Charlotte, early and young learners. She has co-led
NC where she became coordinator for a established schools such as Toronto French
school beginning the PYP journey,taking them School- Canada's International School
through authorization and evaluation. She through an International Baccalaureate (I.B)
has been an active PYP workshop leader, Primary Years Program (PYP) authorization;
written a variety of school wide policies;and Elizabeth Doss has a teaching diploma
has helped teachers teach through inquiry from a prestigious Teachers School in Madras,
and modeling best teaching practices. She India and a B.Ed. degree Specialization in
is an active member of the International ESL from Concordia University, Canada.
Baccalaureate Organization, as a workshop She was a classroom teacher in India for
leader and trainer, she provides teacher 8 years and presently teaching ESL at the
training and evaluates I.B schools throughout elementary level for the past 22 years in
North America. Canada. Elizabeth has been involved in
improving teaching and learning from the
Charles Bowman settled in Georgia upon very first year she started teaching and
his successful matriculation at Morehouse continues doing so in Canada.She is actively
College where he earned a BA in Religion. involved in diverse roles in the Education
Mr. Bowman has also earned an MA in Early Field. She presents workshops on classroom
Childhood Education from Georgia State management and ESL. She participated in
University and is currently pursuing his PhD in preparing assessments for the school board -
Educational Leadership at Mercer University. and working on the program at the district
A fifteen year veteran educator, Mr. Bowman level. Elizabeth has been an IB practitioner
is currently an Assistant Principal at Shiloh since 1997 and an IB educator since 2003.
High School, an IB World School of the She was the Coordinator at Saint Barthelemy
Gwinnett County Public Schools. Prior to for 10 years and presently a teacher at the
entering administration Mr. Bowman has same School in Canada.
served as an IB Coordinator and Instructional
Technology teacher. Some accomplishments MIDDLE YEARS PROGRAM
of distinction include the award of the
Fulbright Memorial Teacher Fund scholarship Carol Kagi taught at Glenridge Jr High/
2003-2004, the Project GRAD Master Middle School in Orlando, FL for 30 years,
Teacher Award 2002-2003, chaperone before retiring to Longboat Key, on the Gulf
for the Atlanta contingency to the Asian- Coast. The last 10 years of his teaching
Pacific Children's Convention in Fukuoka, career, his school was an authorized MYP
Japan, and he is a member of Kappa Delta school, and has been doing workshops for IB
Pi International Education Honor Society. for 9 years. He wore many hats throughout
Serving as a community mentor for Middle his 30 year career, including department
and High School aged boys as well as a chair, team leader, IB assessment leader,
freelance musician Mr. Bowman brings a and teacher of the year. He is still passionate
variety of global experiences from touring about the Middle Years' Program which
the Volga River to performing in the Closing is why he continues to lead workshops,
Ceremonies of the 1996 Olympics, to his and enjoys seeing that passion in the math
academic resume. teachers.
professional development and curriculum
Patricia Watson was born and raised in alignment and review.She graduated college
Philadelphia, PA, and attended Cheyney with a Bachelor of Science in Education
State College and Temple University. She and Physics and a Master's of Science in
moved to Charlotte, NC in 1987 and began Mathematics. A passionate educator, Jaya
teaching Language A and coordinating firmly believes that as a teacher, there is a
the IB MYP at Davidson Middle School in lot to learn!
Davidson, NC in 1994. The program was
authorized in the spring of 1996. Over the DIPLOMA PROGRAM
past twenty years, Patricia has led Language
A (Language and Literature) workshops Dr. Sharon Vansickie Dr. Vansickle has
throughout the United States and Canada, worked for the IB educator network for 12 years.
Mexico, Switzerland, Vietnam, Thailand, She is a workshop leader for the extended
Australia, Spain, and the Czech Republic. essay, and DP/Continuum librarians; Sharon
also facilitates the extended essay workshop
Jennifer Dosher has been an educator online, serves as a Field Representative, and
for almost 24 years and an IB educator for has been trained by the IB as an online mentor/
over 10 years. She has experience as an coach for DP teachers and school programs
IB coordinator and as a classroom teacher
of primarily Individuals and Society and
Language and Literature. Jennifer became
an IB workshop leader in 2010. She
lives in Tampa, FL with her husband and
two children.
Jaya Bhavnani is currently the IB Career-
related Program Coordinator and oversees
online learning at the Dwight School in
New York City. With extensive experience
in international education, she has a long
history of teaching MYP and DP mathematics
and science. Ms. Bhavnani has been actively
involved with the International Baccalaureate
as a Face-to-Face and Online Workshop
Leader, Site Evaluator, Consultant, DP
Examiner, and MYP Moderator. She has
served as a frequent guest contributor for
Special thanks to the
Miami Beach Convention Center