98-3107 ORD PLANNING BOARD - AL TERNA TE VElUION ORDINANCE NO. 98-3107 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 89-2665, BY: AMENDING SECTION 6, ENTITLED "SCHEDULE OF DISTRICT REGULATIONS", BY DELETING THE MAXIMUM FLOOR AREA RATIO WITH BONUS CATEGORY (AND FLOOR AREA RATIOS SPECIFIED THEREIN) AND FLOOR AREA RATIO BONUS METHODOLOGY AND M0Dl1lt~IN6'l"FJ:ERESI.1BmIN6~Ml..)TN'1RB00R. ~RE~R.AmloS FOR THE FOLLOWING SUBSECTIONS: SUBSECTION 6-2, ENTITLED "RM-l RESIDENTIAL MULTI FAMILY, LOW INTENSITY", SUBSECTION 6-2.1, ENTITLED "RM-PRD MULTI FAMILY, PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT", SUBSECTION 6-3, ENTITLED "RM-2 RESIDENTIAL MULTI FAMILY, MEDIUM INTENSITY", SUBSECTION 6-4, ENTITLED "RM-3 RESIDENTIAL MULTI FAMILY, HIGH INTENSITY", SUBSECTION 6-6, ENTITLED "CD-l COMMERCIAL, LOW INTENSITY", SUBSECTION 6-7, ENTITLED "CD-2 COMMERCIAL, MEDIUM INTENSITY", SUBSECTION 6.8, ENTITLED "CD-3 COMMERCIAL, HIGH INTENSITY", SUBSECTION 6-10, ENTITLED "CCC CIVIC, CONVENTION CENTER DISTRICT", SUBSECTION 6-11, ENTITLED "GC GOLF COURSE DISTRICT", SUBSECTION 6-14, ENTITLED "1-1 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT", SUBSECTION 6-15, ENTITLED "MR MARINE RECREATION DISTRICT", SUBSECTION 6-16, ENTITLED "MXE MIXED USE ENTERTAINMENT DISTRICT", SUBSECTION 6-17, ENTITLED "RO RESIDENTIAL/OFFICE DISTRICT", SUBSECTION 6-18, ENTITLED "TH TOWNHOME RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT", SUBSECTION 6-19, ENTITLED "WD-l WATERWAY DISTRICT", SUBSECTION 6-20, ENTITLED "WD-2 WATERWAY DISTRICT" AND SUBSECTION 6-23, ENTITLED "MAXIMUM FAR FOR CONVENTION HOTEL DEVELOPMENT CITY CENTER / HISTORIC CONVENTION VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT AND REVITALIZATION AREA"; E IDATIN GORIESSPEC CTIONS: SUBSECTI , WINTENSITY", SUBSEC I\l-'MULTlFI\MII.;Y;MpDIUMIN'Iil3NSITY", SUB ED "RM-3RESIPENTIAl-'MULTIFAMILY, >HI INT EClTION 6-8, ENTITLED "CD-3 COMMERCIAL, HIGHm Sll'Y"; AMENDING SECTION 6 ENTITLED "SCHEDULE OF DISTRICT REGULATIONS" BY DELETING SUBSECTION 6-24, ENTITLED "SCHEDULE OF DESIGN BONUSES"; AMENDING SECTION 6 ENTITLED "SCHEDULE OF DISTRICT REGULATIONS" AMENDING SUBSECTION 6-25, ENTITLED "SUPPLEMENTARY YARD REGULATIONS" BY REMOVING THE REFERENCE TO DESIGN BONUSES FOR PARKING GARAGES; AMENDING SECTION 6 ENTITLED "SCHEDULE OF DISTRICT REGULATIONS" AMENDING SUBSECTION 6-29, ENTITLED "TRANSFER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS (UNUSED FLOOR AREA)" BY REMOVING THE REFERENCE TO DESIGN BONUSES FOR THE PURPOSES OF TRANSFERRING FLOOR AREA; 1 AMENDING SECTION 16, ENTITLED "BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT" AMENDING SUBSECTION 16-8, ENTITLED "POWERS AND DUTIES" BY REMOVING THE REFERENCE TO AVERAGE UNIT SIZE BONUS FROM THE LIST OF POWERS AND DUTIES; AMENDING SECTION 18, ENTITLED "DESIGN REVIEW BOARD" AMENDING SUBSECTION 18-2, ENTITLED "DESIGN REVIEW PROCEDURES," AMENDING SUBSECTION 18-2 (A) ENTITLED "DESIGN REVIEW CRITERIA" BY REMOVING THE REFERENCE TO FLOOR AREA RATIO BONUSES AND BY ADDING NEW CRITERIA TO ADDRESS DESIGN ISSUES, AMENDING SUBSECTION 20, ENTITLED "PS PERFORMANCE STANDARD DISTRICTS" AMENDING SUBSECTION 20-4, ENTITLED "PERFORMANCE STANDARD REGULATIONS", AMENDING SUBSECTIONS 20-4, (B), (D), (G) AND (I) BY DELETING THE MAXIMUM FLOOR AREA RATIO WITH BONUS CATEGORY (AND FLOOR AREA RATIOS SPECIFIED THEREIN) AND FLOOR AREA RATIO BONUS METHODOLOGY IN ALL PERFORMANCE STANDARD DISTRICTS, DESCRIBED AS: R-PSl, RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM - LOW DENSITY, R- PS2, RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM DENSITY, R-PS3, RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM HIGH DENSITY, R-PS4, RESIDENTIAL HIGH DENSITY, C-PSl, COMMERCIAL LIMITED MIXED-USE, C-PS2, COMMERCIAL GENERAL MIXED-USE, C-PS3, COMMERCIAL INTENSIVE MIXED-USE, C-PS4, COMMERCIAL INTENSIVE MIXED-USE PHASED BA YSIDE AND RM-PSl, ENTITLED "RESIDENTIAL LIMITED MIXED USE"; AND, PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE ZONING ORDINANCE; REPEALER, SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Mayor and Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, have determined that changes relative to development regulations are necessary to ensure that new and future development is in we best interest of the City; and, WHEREAS, the Mayor and Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, have determined that increases to the base floor area ratios by utilizing the current bonus methodology are not in the best interests of the City; and, WHEREAS, the amendments set forth below are necessary to ensure all of the above objectives. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MA YOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That Sectiun 6, entitled "Schedule of District Regulations" of Zoning Ordinance 89- 2665 of the City of Miami Beach, Florida is hereby amended as follows: SECTION 6 SCHEDULE OF DISTRICT REGULATIONS * * * 2 6-2 RM-l RESIDENTIAL MULTI FAMILY, LOW INTENSITY. * * * B. Development Regulations Lot Area equal to or less than 15,000 sq.ft. Lot Area bem'eeR greater than 15.000 15,991 ftfla ~ sq.ft. Let Area greater 8t8ft 39,901 SEl.ft 1. Bftse Max. FAR Arehiteefliral Dbtriet 9 . 7 5 Arehiteeflilftl Di31riet 1.1 e8tefV.ise 1.6 west side of Collins A venue between 76th and 79th Street - 1.4 otherwise +.91.25 etftet'\vise 1.25 2. Mffi<ifflMffl FAR with h6RMS (See See. 6 24). West siae ef C611iflS ;\'leflMe hehveefl 76th afla 79th Street I A +:-6 ArehiteetMral Distriet 1.6 ethGI .. i3G 2.9 6tfterwise 1.25 * * * 6-2.1 RM-PRD MULTI F AMIL Y, PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. * * * B. Development Regulations 1. Bftse 2. Mffi<. 3. Min. 4. Min. 5. Min. 6. Avg. 7. Max. 8. Max. Max. FAR FAR wi Lot Area Lot Width Unit Size Unit Size Bldg. No. of ~ (acres) (feet) (sq. ft.) (sq. ft.) Height Stories (feet) 1.6 ~ 1 0 acres N/A New New 120 ft. 13 Constructi Constructi on - 750 on - 1000 * * * 3 6-3 RM-2 RESIDENTIAL MULTI F AMIL Y, MEDIUM INTENSITY. * * * B. Development Regulations Let .\rea betweefl. 15,991 ftfttl 39,999 SetJi:. Let !~rea betv.'een 39,991 8fl.tI 45,999 Set. ft. Lot Area over 45,99930.000 sq. ft. 1. Base Max. FAR Hz,Q +:-:t-5- %: 2.25 2. Maxilfltllfl FAR ilitk b6fl.t:I3(See See. 24). %: ~ H r:7-5- a. Floor Art:a Ratio Dorms Mt:thodology 1) Floor /~rca Ratio boftUscs arc aehic"ied in t"vV-o "vVftys. Tht: first is a bonus for design bttSed upon critcria listed in Section 6 24. Thc maximum increase in thc Floor Area Ratio abO"ie the bast: FAR aehicted b)' using the design boftUst:s is ~ 2) The second boftus is based Oft the ff'v'erage Floor Area of the Apartmeftt Units or Hott:! Units. Tht: tabks bt:!o"v"( lists the bonus Floor Arca Ratio based upon the net ftYt:rage Aptlf'tmt:nt Unit sizc or gross avcrage Hotel Unit size. For purposes of this Section, tht: gross ff'iCragc IIott:! Unit size shall be calculated by di-..iding the gross floor arca, as defined in Section 3, by the total numbcr of Hotel Units. Net A.'g. 800 900 WOO ++00 HOO HG Al'artlfleftt Uftit G Fleer Area Befttl3 FAR G-:OO G:-G5 G-:+G &:+5 G:-%: ~ C ro!!!! Ii. vI!:. IIotel ~ ~ 6GG 65G :tOO .:t5G UBit Floor Area BOBM!! FAR G-:OO G:-G5 G+ &:+5 G:-%: G:-%: 5 4 b. For JHllJ'OSCS ofth.is Seetion, the area contained in unenelosed Balconies that is illeluded in the ettlculation of Floor Area Ratio shttll be included in detennining the average Floor }..rea wmputations OftlfiitS. e. An)' number falling bet'vvccn the specified rftfiges shall be ealculatcd by intelJ'olation. d. The Maximum. Floor .Area Rtttio (F AR) 'vvith all bofttl3cS is dctcnnined by the folloviing formula: BIl:le FAR + De:ligR BeRtl:l + 1..g URit Size - MIlXiffltlffl F160r (1.5e te 2.25) (o.e te 9.25) B6ttt:ts Arell Rfttie 61l:letI eR tIe:ligR (9.0 te 0.25 ) 61l3etI t:IJ'left Let Arell eflteffit ellsetI 6R Ilverllge t:IRit size e. The unit si:ze bonus f-or mixcd hotel/residcntial dCiclopments shall be a3 set forth in Section 6 4,D.2.fl.. * * * 6-4 RM-3 RESIDENTIAL MULTI F AMIL Y, HIGH INTENSITY. * * * B. Development Regulations * * * less than 15,999 ~Q.OOO sq. ft. Let Area eetweeR 15,991 anti 39,999 s~.ft. Lot Area between Lot Area between 45,001 and 60,000 sq.ft. 1. Bftse Max. FAR ~ 2.59 2.75 3.00 Lot Area Lot Area between greater than 60,001 and 100,000 sq. 100,000 ft. sq.ft. 3.25 3.50 4.25 +.5&- 2. MIlXifflt:lffl F t.R .....itk Illl 66fl.t:ISeS (See See. 6 ~ MG- ~ 3-:-5G- 4:00- a. Floor .Area Ratio Donus Methodology 1) Floor Area Ratio bonU3es arc achieved in t'NO 'vvays. The first is a bonu3 for design based upon criteria listed in Seetion 6 24. Thc maximum. inerca3e in the Floor /\rea Ratio abo'v'e the base FAR aehie'led b)' using the design bOflli3CS is 0.50. 5 2) The second bonus is based on the average Floor Area of the />.pMtment Units Of Hotel Units. The tablcg below list the bonug Floor Arca Rtttio ba3ed upon the net fFvefage Apartment Unit si:z:e Of gross avcrage Hotel Unit size. For pUl'f'oses ofthh Section, the grogs tl"lerage lIotel Unit size shall be ealculated by dividing the gross floor arca, as defincd in Seetion J, by the total number ofIlotd Unitg. !.';g. URit Hear 8e9 9W WW HW HW HG9 +400 +500 +600 Afeft BeRti:! FA.R G:-OO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 9:-59 ~ 8e9 ww ~ 9W 95G ~ 6W ~ :tW ~ b. FOf purposeg of thig Section, thc area contained in uncnelosed Dalconieg thttt ig ineluded in the eakultttion of Floor Area Ratio shall bc included in determining the fFlerage Floor Arca eomputtttion3 of tlnits. e. />.ny nmnber falling betvv'ecn the speeified ranges shall be ealeulttted by interpoltttion. d. The Maximtlm Floof Area Rtttio (FAR) ""lith all bonuses is dctermined b:,. the follo',lving formula: c. Mixed Hotel/residential Development shall ha"le the unit gizc bonus ealeulated in the following manner; thc gr03g floor area , as dcfined in Seetion 3, ghall be divided proportionally to the pcrcentage of Hotel Units to Apartment Units, thttt percentage of the gross building area corresponding to the Hotel Development shall be utilized in clctcmlining 6 the gross hotel l:lfiit size bonus. The residel'ttial unit size bonus is based solel)' on the net a..erage unit size. Da3e f/.R + De3igli B6lit:l3 + A. g Vii it Size - MltXifflt:lffl fleer (1.50 t6 3.50) (OJ) te 0.50) B6ftttft Area Rftti6 Ba3eel t:Ifl6ft Let Area Ba3eel eft aesigli (fU) te f).59) ffitefflt Baseel eft a. erage t:Iftit size * * * 6-6 CD-l COMMERCIAL, LOW INTENSITY. * * * B. Development Regulations 1. Bftse- 2.Max. fAR 3. Min. Lot 4. Min. Lot 5. Min. Apt. 6. A vg. Apt 7. Max. Max. FAR '/lith B6ftt:lS Area Width Unit Size Unit Size Bldg (See See. 6 (sq. ft.) (feet) (sq. ft.) (sq. ft.) Height ~ (feet) Q:iSi.I..Q Ul Comm. - Comm. - Comm. - N/A Comm. - N/ A 40 none none New New Res. - 5,600 Res. - 50 Construction- Construction- 550 800 Rehabilitated Rehabilitated Buildings - 400 Buildings - 550 Hotel Unit Hotel Units-N/A 15%: 300-335 85%: 335+ * * * 7 6-7 CD-2 COMMERCIAL, MEDIUM INTENSITY. * * * B. Development Regulations l.Base Max. ~f8x. FAR Min. Lot 4. Min. Lot 5. Min. Apt. 6. Avg. Apt. 7. Max. FAR "Ilith h6ftll~ Area Width Unit Size Unit Size Bldg. (See See. (sq. ft.) (feet) (sq. ft.) (sq. ft.) Height ~ (feet) .JW 2.G Comm. - Comm. - Comm. - N/A Comm. - N/A Historic none none District - Resideiitfid ResiaeRtial New Construction New Construction 50 fi aRa Al"art Res. - Res. - 50 - 550 - 800 Al'~eHt;/U ffleRt/I1etel 7,000 otherwise eteJ. De"telol"ffleR Rehabilitated Rehabilitated - 75 De'ielel'8ieHt t skall f6llovi Buildings - 400 Buildings - 550 - 1.5 the F/.R btffltts Hotel Unit Hotel Units - N/A ffletke8elegy 15%: 300-335 as set f6rtk 85%: 335+ 1R SeetieR 6 ~ * * * 6-8 CD-3 COMMERCIAL, HIGH INTENSITY. * * * B. Development Regulations Let Area hetween Lot Area between 30,001 and 45,000 sq.ft. Lot Area between 45,001 and 100,000 sq.ft. Lot Area greater than 100,000 sq.ft. 15,991 and 39,999 !ill.ft. Base Max. FAR ~UQ ~ 3.00 3.50 4.00 2!- Maxifflt:lffl F/.R .It'itk eeRt:lSeS (See See. 6 ~ 2.58 J.OO J.58 +.00- 4.50 ~ 8 a. However, the Floor Area Ratio rttnge maximum for residential development, inclusive of hotels, in the Architectural District shall be 2.50 1.25 to 3.0. The Floor }..rca Ratio befttlg ghall bc basea en the ff'v'eragc roem gil':e Mid design bofttls as get forth in Section 6 4,B.2.a and 6 24/... For all other residcntial dc...elopment, inelush.e efhotcls outside of the Architectural Digtriet, Mid hotels cast of Collifts Avenue in thc Arehiteetural Distriet the Floor Area Ratios shall bc as sct forth in Subsection 6 4,B. lIovv'c'(cr, COlYv'cntion lIotel De'(elopments shall folIo'''' the development regulatiofts as gct forth in Seetion 6 tt b. The unit gil':e bonus for mixed hotel/residcntial de-v'elopments shall be as set forth in Section 6 4,3.2.a. * * * 6-10 CCC CIVIC AND CONVENTION CENTER DISTRICT. * * * B. Development Regulations Lot Area Lot Area Lot Area be- Lot Area be- Lot Area be- Lot Area equal to or between tween 37,500 tween 45,000 tween 60,000 greater than less than 22,500 and and 44,999 and 59,999 and 74,999 75,000 sq.ft. 22,499 sq.ft. 37,499 sq.ft. sq.ft. sq.ft. sq.ft. 1 Base Max. 1.25 2.00 2.75 3.50 4.25 5.00 FAR '2- MftXimtllfl 2.25 3.00 3.75 4.50 5.25 6.00 ~ FAR ",itk B6IHi3e3 (See See. 6 ~ * * * 6-11 GC GOLF COURSE DISTRICT. * * * B. Development Regulations I.Base Max. 2. Max. FAR 3. Min. Lot 4. Min. Lot 5. Min. Apt. 6. A vg. Apt. 7. Max. FAR .. itk B8f1tt3 Area Width Unit Size Unit Size Bldg. (sq. ft.) (feet) (sq. ft.) (sq. ft.) Height (feet) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 33 * * * 9 6-14 I-I LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. * * * B. Development Regulations 1, Bftse Max. 2.Max. FAR 3. Min. Lot 4. Min. Lot 5. Min. Apt. 6. A vg. Apt 7. Max. FAR .,vit" 66/it:l3 Area Width Unit Size Unit Size Bldg (sq. ft.) (feet) (sq.ft.) (sq. ft.) Height (feet) 1.0 N/A None None N/A N/A 40 * * * 6-15 MR MARINE RECREATION DISTRICT. * * * B. Development Regulations 1. Bftse 2.MltX. FAR 3. Min. Lot 4. Min. Lot 5. Min. Apt. 6. A vg. Apt 7. Max. Max. FAR with 66/it:l3 Area Width Unit Size Unit Size Bldg (See See. 6 (sq. ft.) (feet) (sq.ft.) (sq. ft.) Height ~ (feet) 0.25 0.75 N/A N/A N/A N/A 40 * * * 10 6-16 MXE MIXED USE ENTERTAINMENT DISTRICT. * * * B. Development Regulations I. Bttse Max. 2. M6x. FAR 3Min. Lot 4Min. Lot 5. Min. Apt. 6. A vg. Apt 7. Max. FAR .....itk B6HI:I3 Area Width Unit Size Unit Size Bldg (sq. ft.) ( feet) (sq.ft.) (sq. ft.) Height (feet) All uses - H AII1:I3e3 J.g N/A N/A Existing Existing Architectura I 2m Structures: Structures: District: Except &teept Apt Units - 400 Apt Units - 550 Oceanfront - 150 Convention C6HO. eHti6H Hotel Units - in a Hotel Units - N/A Non-oceanfrt - Hotel Hetel Local Historic 50 Development Devel6fHfteHt District/Site - 200, New (as set forth otherwise construction: Ocean Drivel in Section 6- (63 3et f6rtk iH 15%: 300-335 Apt Units - 800 Collins A venue 23) - H5- Seeti6H 6 23) 85%: 335+ Hotel Units - NI A Historic District- ~ -3-:-5G:- See Section 6- New I6.E. construction: Apt Units - 550 Hotel Units - All other areas: 15%: 300 - 335 75'. 85%: 335+ * * * 6-17 RO RESIDENTIAL/OFFICE DISTRICT. * * * B. Development Regulations 1. Base- 2.MftX. FAR 3 Min. Lot 4Min. Lot 5. Min. Apt. 6. A vg. Apt 7. Max. Max. FAR .. itk B6HI:I3 Area Width Unit Size Unit Size Bldg (See See. 6 (sq. ft.) (feet) (sq.ft.) (sq. ft.) Height ~ (feet) .75 1.25 Res. - Res. - 50 Single Family - Single Family - 33 6,000 1,800 N/A Off. - none Off. - none Multi Family - 550 Multi Family - 800 Off. = N/A Off. = N/A * * * 11 6-18 TH TOWNHOME RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. * * * B. Development Regulations 1. Bftse- 2.Max. FAR 3 Min. Lot 4Min. Lot 5. Min. Apt. 6. A vg. Apt 7. Max. Max. FAR "lith 601Hl3 Area Width Unit Size Unit Size Bldg (See See. 6 (sq. ft.) (feet) (sq. ft.) (sq. ft.) Height ~ (feet) eft 0.75 1.2 5,000 50 900 1,100 40 * * * 6-19 WD-l WATERWAY DISTRICT. * * * B. Development Regulations 1. Bttse- 2. Max. FAR 3Min. Lot 4Min. Lot 5. Max. Floor. 6. Max. No. of 7. Max. Max. FAR with b6ftttS Area Width Area of Bldg. Bldgs. per BIdg (sq. ft.) (feet) (sq. ft.) site Height (feet) N/A WA N/A N/A 40 1 12 - must use pitched roof * * * 6-20 WD-2 WATERWAY DISTRICT. * * * B. Development Regulations 1. BMe- Max. 2. I\fu. Fl.R 3. Min. Lot 4. Min. Lot 5. Min. Apt. 6. Avg. Apt 7. Max. Bldg FAR .. itk h81111! Area Width Unit Size Unit Size Height (gu gte. Ii 2 t) (sq. ft.) (feet) (sq.ft.) (sq. ft.) (feet) .01 ~ N/A N/A N/A N/A 15 * * * 12 6-23 MAXIMUM FAR FOR CONVENTION HOTEL DEVELOPMENT CITY CENTER/HISTORIC CONVENTION VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT AND REVITALIZATION AREA A. Convention Hotel Development as proposed in the City CenterIHistoric Convention Village Redevelopment and Revitalization Area Plan and specifically identified as Sites I-A and I-B in the Convention Hotel Development Opportunity (Request for Proposals) shall conform to the Floor Area Ratio regulations set forth in this Section regardless of the underlying zoning district. However, that portion of Convention Hotel Developments located in the MXE District shall have a bttse maximum FAR of3.50 1.75 Mid a maximum FAR not to e:xceed 3.50. B. Lot Area equal Lot Area Lot Area Lot Area Lot Area Lot Area greater to or less than between 22,500 between between 45,000 between 60,000 than 75,000 sq.ft. 22,499 sq.ft. and 37,499 sq.ft. 37,500 and and 59,999 sq.ft. and 74,999 sq.ft. 44,999 sq.ft. 1. Bft!le- Max. FAR 1.25 1.85 2.45 3.05 3.65 4.25 2. 1I1axillllllll F!.R ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 6-:W "ith all h6RtHlt~ C. F100r .^~rea Ratio Bonus Methodology 1. Floor .\rea Ratio bonuscs tife achie-v'ed in tv..o V/ft)'S. The first is a bonus fOf design based upon criterialistcd in Section 6 24. The maximum. ine:re:ase in the Floor .l\rca Ratio above the bfl:3e FAR achie-..ed by using the design bonuscs is 0.50. 2. The second bonus is bfl:3ed on the gross IIotel Unit size. For purposes of this Scction, thc gross W'v'emgc IIotel Unit sizc shall be calculated b)O di'{iding the gross Building tifea b:,. the total fttlfflbcr ofII6tel Units. The belo'vv tablc lists the bonus Floor .l\rca Ratio bfl:sed upon the gross average IIotel Unit size. BeRtls FAR 1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1 A .g. Ul'lit Fleer Area ~ 3. .l\ny number falling bct....ccn the specified rangcs shall be calculated by interpolation. 4. Thc Maximum Floor Area Ratio with all bonuscs is dctcrmined by thc folloviing formula: I=~ LJ=~ (1.25 te 4.25) (0.0 te 0.50) . ._ ~~~& Moo . ~ d"ign LJ 5 ~ :60.' ~ ==Floo, (0.B ~e 1.25) ;\rea RatIe based el'l a,eragc tll'lit sire 13 SECTION 2. That Subsection 6-24, entitled "Schedule of Design Bonuses" of Section 6, entitled "Schedule of District Regulations" of Zoning Ordinance 89-2665 of the City of Miami Beach, Florida is hereby deleted: 6 24 SCHEDULE OF DESIGN IlONUSES A. Cefteral provi3ioft3 1. The total bOftl:lSe3 3hall ftot exceed the maximum bOftl:l3 a3 3et f6rth ift the di3trict ift -.vhich the property i3 loeated. 2. All Site Plaft3 3hall bc eemsi3teftt -vVith the Compreheftsive Phm and Neighberhood Stl:ldy Phlft, if enc exi3ts fer thc neighberhood ifivoh'cd. 3. The Privatc Seetor De-ielopment Contro13 Md Cuideline3 (Ordiftanee No. 77 2099) tig mnended, shtill be l:lsed ag thc gl:lide ift determiftiftg thc amount of desigft bOftl:l3eS that tire granted. 4. Wheft a projeet is ift the ,'\.rehiteetUfal Distriet, the plMs shall be e6ftsistent v.'itft the SeerctB:!.)o of the Irtterior's StMdtlftb for Reftabilitatitm tl::ftd Cuidelines fDr R'Chtlbilitatiftg Historie Stmetures, U.S. Deptlrtmcnt of the Interior (Revised 1983) Md as tlfticftded. 5. For a projeet to reeci-;c a Floor Area Ratio bOftU3 btlscd Oft design, it ml:lst at a miftimUffi eomply viith 6ftC boftus faetor from eaeh of follo-i;iftg eateg6ries cxelm!iftg the Historie Criteria category. Ho".\'Cver this exelu3ioft does not tlpply to exigtiftg Struetmes which Me listed ift the City's Historie Properties Database Md "l.ilieh Me ftot ift the Arehiteetural District. DCidopments whieh arc loeated ift thc Natioftal Regi3ter Distriet shall be eligible f6r the dcsigft boftuses listed ift Seeticm 6 24,C; however, they must at a miftimum comply with three (3) oftn@ criteria." 6. The mttXimum Floor Area Ratio bOftU3 whieh is aehieyed through the desigft bonuses ift thc RM 3 Di3trict, MY rcsidential Uge ift the CD 3 Distriet and for Hotel Deyelopmeftts is 0.50. 1ft all other Di3triets the eap Oft the Floor Area Ratio desigft bonus 3hall bc the Maximum Floor Area Ratio permitted ift the District. 7. Desigft bOftuses for additiofts to existiftg lluildiftgs Me addecl t6 the existiftg FAR of the lluildiftg; howe-ier, the proposed FAR shall not exeeed the mttXimwn permitted FAR for the projeet a3 3et furth ift the Zoftiftg District Lot Ar@a n~glllation8. ... D. Floor Arca Ratio DOftU3eS 14 1. Cate~ory Design and PI . Mlfung a. -b:- -e:- -d -e:- 2. Building Features a. b. Bonus Faetors Areades . consIdering a~eommodation of . I'.c~estriflft fieeess CIrculation actrnt1es lin! . ' . l'attern ' ('age In areluteetural d ' rdationsfiil' ,h d' Itft Uffllll\ d ' 16 a Ing flftd cool" eSIgn featu I ' tftg eft; '" , re a!toft,hip 10 p hf eet, proteel;'''' effect' .. 'h' U Ie ond' , eeSSI Ility flftd uSfib T prIvate spaces 1 Ity. ' Open SI' ~ aee arcas shall b he amotlnt of Open S e open to the sk:y llI'Ca, lhftt ""lilts paee ,hall exceed tru; reqUIremcnts. from the setbaek Lot assemblage tl 0 B 'hi' lIS b UI Ings in the MXE D' ~nus applies for pl!rt of a 16ee11y de,i .slnel, which arc not SIte; flftd in the dis:in~ed Il1storie District or Street and the CD 1 c s located South of 6th flftd CD 2 distriets. Provision of parI . ft (,Ing sl'a 10tlnt required b' . ees be)"ond the pro , , ) thl, e d' a VISIOn does r Inance Th' i> I' ftot appl)'" h ' IS ar :(lag Impact F@@ P vi en utilizing the rogram. .. '{ T' v Iew corridors cr . through the Site eatIng a vievf" eorridor provision does n t or the Btlilding. Th' !hill eOlTC'pond I: t:pp1y for view corriao;' e reqUIred setback a s fea. Outdoor Cafc. First Floor C ommere' I of I 000 Ia Usc with .. C' 'q_e feet D' a ffllftltrlllftl Offiffi . I . lfeet ereIa Uscs and access to are eneotlf'aged full storefront mifld . vf O'vYS 15 FAR Bonus .05 .01 for e-(ery" 10% that exeeeds the Mea re:mlting from the f . eqUlred sctbaeks, not to exceed.05 .05 per 7,500 sq ft or fraetion ther~of of Let A " ..rea, not to exceed .25. "Oll'er Sl'fiec, not to exceed 0.25. .05 .005 l'er 4 scats total not to exceed :G5 .Oll'cr I 250 , sq. ft of retail sl'acc . t ' not o exceed .05 c. IIotel Units this bonus applies when a Development eontains at ka3t 25% of the unit mix a3 IIotel rooms. d. Mccting rooms, a3scmbly rooms fmd eonfcrenee rooms. c. Perfi'lrming arts spaec ineluding but not limited to museums and art galleries. f. Front porch the poreh shall be eontinuous and eompri3c at lea3t 75% ef the Lot Width. Thig bOfim applieg for projcct3 in a degignated IIigtorie Digtriet or ligted in thc National Regigter. g. Terraeeg or baleenic3 '/lith fm tl:"ierage Mea abo-(e 50 gqUMC feet per unit fer the entire building. .. Pro'ii3ion of recreational fcaturc3 3ueh ag indoor gym, indoor or outdoor Jaeuzzi, tcnnig court, 3"vvimming pool, eabanag, hot tub, court gam@s, party room, or similar f@at\:ln~s. .. h. 1. Pro'ii3ion of hvo floor Multi family unit3, 'vVhich may er mft). net bc eombined with garden gtyle apartmentg in a mtllti floor building. .. Construction of a port@ coch@r@. .. J. k. Provision of accessory Marine Dockage or Marina. .. 1. Degigning meehfmieal equipmcnt, gtair tl:ftd ele-(ator towcr3 'Nith offia:rnental cnel03urc3 or gereen3 in order to enhance the -ii3ual impaet. .. 16 .005 per IIotel room not to cxeeed ~ .01 pcr 500 g'1. ft. of publie mccting 3paee, not to cxceed 0.25. .01 pcr 500 sq. ft. of pub lie meeting space, not to exceed 0.25. .01 pcr 50 3'1. ft. or fraction thereof Rot to @xc@@d .05 .. 0.01 pcr feature, max. 0.05. 0.01 for c-iCf)o 10% or fraetion thereof oftotttl area. Not to execcd 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 m. Consideration of roof surface finishes, design and uses 'vVhieh may ha'v'e yisual aeeess from other buildings 'vVith human aeti"..ity alloeatcd to their rooftopg gundcek, tCfifiis courts, pooh, landscaping, etc. .. n. Subterrancan parking and use of berms to substantially serccn parked ',chides and parking areas from public ",i@'N. .. o. Use ofntltufal material ofpcrmancnt or semi p~mnanent color. .. 3. Site Featurcs a. Planting and landscaping a minimum of 25% of the Open Spaee contained v,ithin the Site shall be maintained fiS a landseaped area. Congideration ghall be givcn to maintenanee provisiong, il't'igation and relationship to Duildingg and Street gettf'e. Landsettf'e maturity thig bonus applies to laneheaping that hag aehieyed a minimum of 50% of mfiximtlm avcrage height at time of planting. b. e. Doarthvalk continuation any projcet that ig adjaeent to the DUfte and eontinueg or extends the Cit)"'s Deaehfront Park and Promenade in accordance "Nith the established guidelineg. d. Lighting aecent lighting of architectural and design features, lighting of planting and landscapc arcas and illumination of Signs. e. Rooftop Landscaping considcring scale, typc of plant material and maturity at time of planting. 17 0.025 0.025 0.025 .05 .05 .05 .05 .01 for eyery 10% of rooftop arca maintained as landseape space not to exeeed .05. f. g. h. 1. J. k. 4. Physical Criteria a. b. A pltlftting seheme that ha3 a composition of prcdominftftt material, eoler, or tcxture giving needed unity. Consideration to aeceftt material crcating needed COMrfl3t against dominant material. ... Devclopmeftt of ptYv"ing schemes (pedestriM and vehiwlttf) u3ing differeftt materials to separate and define varying us@ areas. ... Use of gradc changes and earth to form -v"ttfiet)' and ereate intcresting -v"isua:l impacts \vithin the extcrior IMdseape plan b:y using slight riscs, drops or 3teps to contrast with the norm of the surrounding areas. ... Use 5f Xeri3eape lfiftd3ettping techniques for a minimum of 50% 5ft5tallMdseapcd fireas. ... Lfiftd3eaping of balconies Md other proj@ctions (plaat@fs, @tc.) ... For ba)'front/5ccMfmnt btlildings construetion 5f retail space, re3taurMts or clubs with view of the water Md with a minimum of 1,000 sq. ft. ... Ptt"iing 1 00% of the outdoor circulation wfllk.Tv'ttys shall be dec6rati. e pfi"v"ing Md shall take iftto cc)fisideration tfan3ition -.Tiith public spaees and ereation of arrival plaza. Undergrotlfld utility line3 thi3 bonus applies when utility lines afC located underground. 18 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 .05 .05 e. d. e. f. 5. Site 1m: I'ro - 'C . meftts a.. b. e. ~lky Iml'YO-temcnt3 1ft .c~ort!llncc wilb re,llf'ftIcing ond lij;htin cstablIshcd b'" the P t.lt~e speeiftea:tions -~ IlfI<I L ' !tv IC nl .. ", tHe Cit)' Pol' ." 01",3 Depa:rt leC CrIme P _.' mcnt , ro .tfttlOft Unit .vl\cn not othel'l . . ftftd ..;astc ..lse required all out ....l...d mftHogcmelll fueirf de,", Inl3b or scr@@H@d. .. 1 1CS that ttl'C Entr)' I'la.l': v a., ..;hen not ~ ord,. oceupyi"ll' .pltl'l of tlIC req,,;rc<! mldmg '.vidth. .. mInImum of 15% of D@corati'l@ n:at@S/i: l:> ' i'@llC@S b t @ '.v@@n byil-l' ~mgs. .. .05 0.025 0.025 0.025 Signs a.nd Ora. . oricnt t' I'hlCS a IOn. rela:ting to public .05 Street Fumit life a: .. sctba: k mInIffitt f .e ttl'ca shall in I m 0 25% of the eon31dcrift~ d . e \:ldc Strcct!1 . ,c.liog pc c,Ir,ftH oritftl f I\Jftlture ,.;th capacity, vi,llIll' · 10ft, f_oft .. ttl'eh' t Iml'a: t . ' . 1 eetural and th e, mtegration Integra.tion '--ith 0 er dcsign demc t . f' . .. use of b . ft , C I (tly lU'ell3 OIl' r. . pu he """,,,' d lleft!e, , I 0",1I1y of style I .' an , 6eatlOft and .05 Public }..rt . "i 'b T eonslderift .. Sl 1 It)' [r6m the g ~cecssibility ftftd Integrati6ft with I'ubhe right of n, oetivity Ilftft . IIse of public , ,,"", ,ellle . 1 " UIlIformily of ,t J I poees, llI'ld 1% .,' . mlftimum '" ' C, locatioft ond of construetio e art work sha.ll Bftildift~ Pcrm't ft co'l ., iftdicatcd C6M great I 6f $25 GGG . Oft thc cr. Docs not i 1 ' v,:luehe-'cr' r ftC ftd . · " ttl'e lstcd in 4 b b c .later fca:tu . a. ove. res tha:t .05 19 d. MB.jor '.VB.ter feB.tures wnsidering mo';ement, s01:lfid, refleetion, reereation, cooling eff'Cet, 8fehitcetllfB.l effeet, wordination vv'ith plfl:ZB. or other speeiB.lplB.ee, publie prh'B.te trB.figition, 'v'isUB.I impact, Mid relation to ovcrB.llprojcct design. Thig factor ig onl:y B.pplicable fur 'v.'B.ter features that exeeed hB.lf of one pereent of the eogt of the Building B.g li3tcd on the Building Permit applieation. .05 e. Street trees, grateg B.fid irrigtttion lMidseB.ping on the City's right of v.'ft)' 3hall oeeur for the entire Street frontB.ge of the property Mid trees shB.ll be plB.nted no further B.wft)' than twenty feet on eenter. .05 f. Crime Preventiofl. Through EnviromncntB.1 De3igfl. (CPTED) wmpliMiee this bofl.uS B.pplieg '.vhen B. project is fuufl.d in eompliB.nce 'Nith thege guidelines, 6. I1igtorie CriteriB. De'fclopmefitg v;hieh MC listed in the City'g I1istorie Propertie3 Database and 'v..hieh Me not located in the NtttionB.1 Register Distriet Me eligible for the fi'lllo'v";ing d@8igR bORl:l8@8: .. B.. I1istorieB.1 markcrg B. mInImum of tv;o mMkcrs shB.ll be provided. b. U.S. Seeretary of the Interior Appro'fal This bonm B.pplies to projeets ifl. B. nationB.lly dcsignated ArehitecturB.l Distriet. e, Retentiofl. ()f signifieMtt interior higtorieB.1 MehiteeturB.I items, this includes but is not limited to floor and cciling treatments, fireplaces, front de3b, telephone booth3, ete. .25 d. IlistorieB.lly aeeurate fabric k.vningg This bonus B.pplieg for exigting Btlildings. e. I1igtorically aeeurttte regtored furniture in the lobby or in B.ll I10tcl rooms. 20 f. Restoration of original historic Signs, not including Signs added after the primary period of historic significance. .05 g. For multifamily Mid hotel rehabilitation projeets only ereation of rooms/unit sizes in @xc@ss ofth@ miniml:lm av@rag@ l:lnit siz@." For cach 50 sq.ft. .01, max. .05. h. Replaccmcnt of Mi exterior tll'ehiteetural f@atllf@ or fixtllf@ that has b@@n r@mov@d." ~ 1. Nftffling of structure by its original archit@ctlual RaGl@." ~ C. Dc-v'clopments vihich Me located in the National Register Distriet shall not be eligible for the design bonuses ag set forth above in sl:lbparagraph ll; rather, they shall be eligible for thc following d@sign bonuses: ... 1. !.reaae3 ifleltlaiflg ptlBlie peae3triafl aeee33, aee6ft!.ft!.6aati6fl 8f aeti. itie3, liflkage ifl eiretllati6fl pfttteffl, rdati6fl3hip t8 ftfehiteettlralMa t1rBafl ae3igfl felffil1'e3, 3haaiflg, e66liflg afla p1'8teetive effeet, relati6fl3hip t... ptlBlie afla private 3paee3, aeee33iBility Ma t13aBility. B6fltl3 availaBle ifl MXE afla e6ft!.ft!.ereial Z6fliflg ai3triet3 8fll)'. -* x 0,(;125 per 250 3f/.ft. 6f lifea6e. Shall flat exe.::ed 9:+ 2. Opefl Spaee lifea3 3hall Be 8pefl fr8ft!. gr8t1fla t8 the 3k)'. F8r the -* ptit'f'83e3 8f ealetillttiflg thi3 B6flti3, Opefl Spaee 3hall Be aeftflea a3 the 8peH area that exeeea3 1:fle ft!.iflift!.tift!. lifea re3t1ltiflg fr6ft!. reqtlirea 3etBaek3. 0.05 fer every 10% that exeeea3 the area 1'e3ti Itiflg fraft!. the reqtlired 3etBaek3. Shall ft6f ~ 9:+ 9:-5G 3. ParkiHg aeee33 t6 pa1'kiflg via the Aile)' 61' 3ide Street 38 that the -* Fraflt Yara ha3 fl6 ',i3iBle dri'"e'wa)' 81' parkiflg 3paee3. Dtlildiflg aeee33 [raft!. the F1'aflt Yara 3haIl Be at Craae, e8fl3isteflt with fleighb8riflg IIi3t6rie Btlilaiflg3. 21 4. Fr6fl.t f36reh the f36reh shall Be e6fl.tiRtl6tlS aRa e6ft1f3rise Itt lea3t ----* 75~<' 6fL6t Wiath aRa R6t exeeea f6tlr (1) feet aBave craae. This b6fl.tlS af3f3lies ta BtlilaiRgs iR the MXE aRa CO 3 :l8RiRg aistriets 6ftly-: (H 5. 8tlBteffafl:eaR ParkiRg (lfith a fiRiskea fl6ar beiRg a ftliRiftltlftl ef ----* tVl6 (2) feet beltn. Craae) aRa Hse 6fbel'ftls ta sHbst!tfitiall)' sereeR f3arkea vehieles aRa f3llrldRg area3 [rem f3tlBlie ., ie.... ~ 7. Oaar aRa WiRaeV. AligRftleRt 066r3 IlRa Wifl:a6VlS StlBstllRtiall)' ----* aligR .. ith histarie Il6HMiRg/Reighb6riRg BtlilaiRgs. Ifl:eltlaes Illl .(iRa6... s !tfia a66f3 . isiBle t6 the f3HBlie fraftl the 8treet IlHa siae-blllk. A bleek ele-;ltti6H is rel1Hirea far revie... 6fthis beHtls. 8. 8eefeta1') 6fthe IRteri6r CertifielltiaH the arehiteettlral f3IIlHS, X iHelHaiHg rehaeilitfttiaR aHa llaaiti6R(S) shall be eertifiea by the 8tate IIistarie Pre3ervltti6H Offieer as beiHg eaR3isteHt "'lith the U.8. 8eeretllr)' afthe IHterier's 8taHaar8s. 9.925 far eaeh 25 sl1.ft. 6f ftlltterial. B6HHS shall Het ~ (H ~ 6. Use 6fhistarie bHilaiHg ftlltteria13 sHeh asl(e)"st6He, aalitie ----* Iiftlest6He, vitralite, aHa 8ee6rlttive teffaZZ6 6R He ,If BHilaiHgs t6 beMer aehieve e6ft1f3lttibility. (H 9. Ref3lielttiaH 6f MissiHg IIist6rie Arehiteettlral aHa/ar Oee6rltti...e X EleftleHts e)(aet ref3lieltti6fl. Ba3ea 6H f3hat6grllJ'hs, arehiteetHral f3laHs 6f 6ther aefiHiti. e a6etlftleRtltti6R 6f arehiteetHfal aHa aeearlttive eleftleRt3 wkieh are ftlissiRg 6r aestra)'ea (existiHg elelneHts are reqtlirea t8 be rel'airea). StieR elefflel'lts iHelHae (BHt Me R6t limitea t6) Oale61'1) railiHgs, BalH3tfaae3, t6.. ers, Bas relief l"aHe13, a66f/wiRa6.. s sHff6HRas, e6m.iees, light fixtHres, firefllaee3 aHa terrllZZ6 fl66rs. ~ eaeh $19,990 ef feSf6f- ltti6H e6St. B6HHS sRall ft8t ~ G:-5- 19. Re3t6rltti6R 6f A.rtv/ark existiRg fiRe Ilrt eleftleHt3 stleh as ftlttrals, X setllflttlreS !tfia staiHea gla3s are re3tarea B)" t):tlalifiea eXf3erts. ~ eaeh $19,990 6f restar Ittiafl. east. B6fttts. shall Helt exeeea 9.3 22 11. . . Si H(3) rel'Iieati6R Ba3ea 6H. Rel'lieati6R 6f 6rigiHal BtUlal~g :ftke BHilaiHg'3 6rigiHal SigH I'k6t6gral'ks 6r 8fekiteetH~~1 : i:H: reCJHireffleHt). This B6HH3 .. est6rft 16 , 6 (if 3igH is eXl3tlHg, r.. I BHilaiHg Haffle t6 Be retalHe . "-6Hla reCJHire tke tlnglHa .. 12. 6 flHBlie r66ffl3. . a fHt'HitHre iH tke 1655) aH U3e 6f aeettrate l'erl6 13. a ef'fHaHeHt Pftf'kiHg . . r6...i3i6H 6fa lafta3~ftfJe. ~., he aeffl81itiaR 8atelhte Pftf'kIHg I' f 3atellite l'!trklHg IH\ al. e3. t L6t 6r l'arkiHg garage.. I t3iee 6f a 16eally ee31gHatea . 6fa IIi3t6rie BHilaiHg I~ 6rk~~ etHral Di3triet, tkeft Htis e6ftH3 IS . t . et 6r tke are I e IIi3t6rie DIS rt H6t al'l'lieaele. 14. . r86ffl3 e6ftfereftee reefflS . . . -isi6H 6f ffleetlHg , t Iletels Hotel.....,'.e, ~ro'. .. .,..1. 'oll...I, !lftd A~""~' Il tel Iffi:a a3sefflBly. r~8ffl3. ;; ~~q<. 6f tke t6tal ftHffleer 6f HHlt3 a3 a tkat Have a ffllHlfflHffl tffltts:. 15. . 6 /6Hta6ar " . H af ift6a6r g) ffl, 1ft 6ar, . Reereati6Hal affleHities I J'lra.' IS:~r featHre. C8Hrt gftffleS !tfta I'art) . no' ift~ 1'66 6r 31ffl jaeHzzl, 3..lfflffl reaffl3 Het iftelHeea. 23 x (Hl25 fer ~ ~ 0.050 f6r Ffflt tte6ft; ffletal er ma36R') ~ O.f)75 far tMee- tHmett- sffitttM tte6ft; ffletal 6r ffl!t36H')' ~ x 9:+ --* f). I{) far eaek 30% afreC)Hirea l'arkiRg I'r~viaea (R6t iRelHalRg ereaits). x --* 9.f)25 rer ~ 6f I'HBlie ffleetiRg ~ B6Mts sHall Ret ~ G-:+ x --* x e.e25 rer ~ B6Mts 3kall Rat ~ G-:+ 16. Reef 8tirfaee impre. emeftt ef reef stirfaees visiBle te ---* fteigHB8riftg pr81'erties B)' tise sf 8eekiftg aft8 r8ef laft8seapiftg. x 9.025 per 20Q\. ef reef treated. Befttis sHall ft6t exeee80.1 17. Xeriseape tise ef xeriseal'e laft8seal'e teeHfti€ltieS ift at least 50Q<' ---* 6f 16ft8seal'e8 Mea. x G-:+ x ~ 18. Aile) Impre. emeftts resttrfaeiftg aft8 ligHtiftg ift aeeer8aftee .,..ith ---* the speeifieatiefts efthe City's PtiBlie Werks Def'artffleftt 6ftd P8liee Crime Pre. efttieft Uftit. CPTED (Crime Pre.tefttieft T Hretigh Eftvireftmefttal Desigft) staft8ar8S sHall be ltfll'lie8 te the entire streeftire. x G-:+ 19. Ptiblie Art previ8ing eX6mples efart eft privttte l'rel'erf)', visible ---* Hem the ptiblie right ef .... tty. The art shall ft8t ftegati. el)' ifflp6et the Hist8rie stmettire. THe 6l'preprittteftess ef the art sHall be aete1'fflifte8 b) the Daee C8tiftty Art ift Pttblie 8paees Trest. THe art shall eest a ffliftimtiHl 8f 1 % ef the e8ftstrttetiaft east ar $ 25,999, .. hiehe.ter is greater. This pre. isieft 8ees ftet ifteltide fetifttaifts. 29. Mtilti ftllflil) Uftits }'Jr8...isi8ft af ttftit3 exeeeaiftg tHe fflift ---* imtim/a terage tiftit size re€ltiire8 by the Zeftiftg Oraiftaftee. x 0.95 per eaeh 19% the pr8f'esed a.terage ttffit- exeee8sthe a ter6ge ~ reCjtlire8 by-tfte ~ Oraifttlflee ~ sHall ftet ~ 0.35 (See C ftftft:1 24 Ne-" C6ftstrueti6ft A vg. Uftit Size (3q.ft.) 800 88G 96G +G4G ~ HOO H89 H69 B6m:ts {} ~ e.:+9 945 ~ ~ ~ ~ Rehllhilitllti6ft l\:/g. Uftit Si~e (3q.ft.) ~ 6+5- 61-9 ~ ~ ~ 899 9# B6m:ts {} ~ 9-:9+ 945 ~ ~ ~ ~ SECTION 3. That Subsection 6-25, entitled "Supplementary Yard Regulations" of Section 6, entitled "Schedule of District Regulations" of Zoning Ordinance 89-2665 of the City of Miami Beach, Florida is hereby amended as follows: 6-25 SUPPLEMENTARY YARD REGULATIONS * * * B. Allowable Encroachments. * * * 14. Parking Garages and At-Grade Parking Lots (including those operated on a valet basis) - When a main Use, Parking Garages and At-Grade Parking Lots shall have the following setbacks: * * * e. For purposes of determining the maximum size ofthe garage, the Floor Area Ratio shall equal the maximum FAR as set forth in the underlying zoning district providing that the gttrage projeet meetg at a minimmn a total of 0.50 in design hO)'ffiges ag ligted in Section 6 24. When Commercial Uses are located on the ground floor, this Floor Area shall not be included in the Floor Area Ratio calculation. If the highest level of a garage is open to the sky, then that level shall not be included in the Floor Area Ratio calculation. SECTION 4. That Subsection 6-29, entitled "Transfer of Development Rights (Unused Floor Area)" of Section 6, entitled "Schedule of District Regulations" of Zoning Ordinance 89-2665 of the City of Miami Beach, Florida is hereby amended as follows: 25 6-29 TRANSFER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS (UNUSED FLOOR AREA) * * * C. Procedures Pertaining to the Transfer of Development Rights (Unused Floor Area) * * * 3. Development Regulations * * * d. A Receiving Property shall not exceed the maximum allowed Floor Area provisions on a Receiving Lot by more than 20%. The trflfl:3fcffCd Floor Area. 3ha.ll ol'ily be pcrmitted a.fter a. Dc',dopmel'it hag a.ehieved the maximum permitted FAR a.llo'.ved in the di3triet through the de3ign bOl'iU3e3 a.3 ligted il'i Scetiell'i 6 24. Any Floor Area that is transferred to a Receiving Property and which is used as units shall meet or exceed the average Floor Area per unit size provided in the Building. SECTION 5. That Subsection 16-8, entitled "Powers and Duties" of Section 16, entitled "Board of Adjustment" of Zoning Ordinance 89-2665 of the City of Miami Beach, Florida is hereby amended as follows: 16-8 POWERS AND DUTIES A. The Board of Adjustment shall have the following powers and duties with regard to Zoning Ordinance 89-2665: * * * 2. To authorize, upon application such Variance from the terms of this Ordinance as will not be contrary to the public interest when, owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement of a provision of this Ordinance would result in unnecessary and undue hardship. An application for a Variance for the following items is prohibited: Floor Area Ratio, required Parking (except as provided for in this Subsection), the fr\'era.ge unit 3ize v..hel'i ugcd il'i dctenninil'ig the bOftU3 fur the Floor Area. Ra.tio, requests pertaining to a waiver of off-Street parking for less than one space per Apartment Unit or a request pertaining to the reduction of an impact fee, or for Lot Area when determining floor area ratios. A variance for hotels of more than 20% of the total amount of required parking is prohibited; should the Board grant a variance pursuant to Section 7-2.A.25, the Parking Impact Fee Program shall not be required.19 In order to authorize any Variance from the terms of this Ordinance, the Board of Adjustment shall find: * * * 26 SECTION 6. That Subsection 18-2 , entitled "Design Review Procedures" of Section 18, entitled "Design Review Board" of Zoning Ordinance 89-2665 of the City of Miami Beach, Florida is hereby amended as follows: 18-2 DESIGN REVIEW PROCEDURES A. Design Review Criteria. Design Review encompasses the examination of architectural drawings for consistency with the criteria stated below, with regard to the aesthetics, appearances, safety, and function of the Structure in relation to the Site, adjacent Structures and surrounding community. The Board and the Historic Preservation and Urban Design Department shall review plans based upon the below stated criteria and criteria listed in Neighborhood Plans. Recommendations ofthe Historic Preservation and Urban Design Department shall include, but not be limited to, comments from the Planning and Zoning Department and the Public Works Department. If floor 8f'ea ratio 6offil3ell are reque3tecl and ttllo\vcd in the dilltrict in \vhieh the property ill located, eriteria li3tecl in Section 6 24I3 Ilhall af!pl)'. If the Board determines that an application is not consistent with the criteria, it shall set forth in writing the reasons substantiating its finding. * * * l6... The proposed Structure has an orientation and massing which is sensitive to and compatible with the the Building Site and surrounding area and which creates or maintains important view corridor(s ). 1L The Building has. where feasible. space in that part of the ground floor fronting a street. or streets which is to be occupied for residential or Commercial Uses: likewise. the upper floors of the pedestal portion of the proposed Building fronting a street. or streets. shall have residential or Commercial spaces. shall have the appearance of being a residential or Commercial space or shall have an architectural treatment which shall buffer the appearance of the parking Structure from the surrounding area and is integrated with the overall appearance of the proiect. .l.8.:. The Building shall have an appropriate and fully integrated rooftop architectural treatment which substantially screens all mechanical equipment. stairs and elevator towers. .l.2.. An addition on a Building Site shall be designed. sited and massed in a manner which is sensitive to and compatible with the existing improvement(st SECTION 7. That Subsection 20-4, entitled "Performance Standard Regulations" of Section 20, entitled tIPS-Performance Standard District" of Zoning Ordinance 89-2665 of the City of Miami Beach, Florida is hereby amended as follows: 27 20-4 PERFORMANCE STANDARD REGULATIONS * * * B. Table of Residential Performance Standards Residential Subdistricts I Performance Standard R-PSl R-PS2 R-PS3 R-PS4 L Minimum Lot Area 5,750 sq. ft. 5,750 sq. ft. 5,750 sq. ft. 5,750 sq. ft. 2. Minimum Lot Width 50 ft 50 ft 50 ft 50 ft 3. Required Open Space Ratio .60, See Sec 20-4,J .65, See Sec 20-4,J .70, See Sec 20-4,J .70, See Sec 20-4,J 4. Maximum Building Height 45 ft 45 ft 60 ft Non-oceanfront - Lots 50' wide or Lots 50' wide or Lots 50' wide or 80 ft; less - 35 ft less - 35 ft less - 35 ft Oceanfront -100 ft Lots 50' wide or less - 35 ft 5. Base Max. FAR (.....itk8t1t -!+5 1.25 -i-:Ql.50 ~ 6:- Max FAR ( "itk 66fttlJ)" H ~ 7!-:W ~ 29-: Minimum Floor Area Per New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction Apartment Unit (square feet) 700 650 600 550 Rehabilitated Rehabilitated Rehabilitated Rehabilitated Buildings 400 Buildings 400 Buildings 400 Buildings 400 18. Minimum Average Floor Area New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction Per Apartment Unit (square 950 900 850 800 feet) Rehabilitated Rehabilitated Rehabilitated Rehabilitated Buildings 550 Buildings 550 Buildings 550 Buildings 550 .8,9. Minimum Floor Area Per N.A. N.A. 15% = 300-335 15% = 300-335 Hotel Unit (square feet) sq.ft. sq.ft. 85% = 335+ sq.ft. 85% = 335+ sq.ft. 2.. Minimum Parking Pursuant to Section 7 of Zoning Ordinance and Section 20-4,K Requirement herein. +9:- ill. Minimum Off-Street Loading Pursuant to Section 7-5 of Zoning Ordinance. ++:- lL Signs Pursuant to Section 9 of Zoning Ordinance. H-:- lb Suites Hotel Pursuant to Section 6-22 of Zoning Ordinance. H-: 28 >Ie The maximum FAR inerease above the base Floor Area Ratio is aehie,tecl by using the Design DonU3 provisions as listed in Seetion 6 24 of this Orclinanec. * * * D. Table of Commercial Performance Standards Commercial Subdistricts Performance C- PS 1 C-PS2 C- PS3 C- PS4 Standard 1. Minimum Lot 6,000 sq. ft. 6,000 sq. ft. 6,000 sq. ft. 6,000 sq. ft. Area 2. Minimum Lot 50 ft 50 ft 50 ft 50 ft Width 3. Maximum 75 ft 75 ft 250 250 Building Height Lots over 100,000 Lots over 100,000 sq. ft - 300 sq. ft - 300 Oceanfront Lots over 200,000 sq. ft. - 400 4. Bftse- Max. 1.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 FAR ~ M8xiffll:lffl FAR ~ H 3-:-5- 3-:-5- (.. ith 66fl.l:l3)'" 6. Residential and Pursuant to all R- Pursuant to all R- Pursuant to all R- Pursuant to all R- Hotel PS'2 district PS3 district PS4 district PS4 district Development regulation, except regulations, except regulations except regulations, maximum maximum building maximum Floor except maximum building height height for Area Ratio shall be Floor Area Ratio for residential and residential and 2.5 3-:-5-, no height shall be 2.5 3-:-5-, mixed use mixed use restriction and no height buildings shall be buildings shall be Open Space Ratio restriction and 75 ft. 75 ft. .60 measured at or Open Space Ratio above Grade. .60 measured at or above Grade. 7. Minimum Apt. New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction Unit Size 650 600 550 550 (sq.ft.) Rehabilitated Rehabilitated Rehabilitated Rehabilitated Buildings 400 Buildings 400 Buildings 400 Buildings 400 8. A verage Apt. New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction Unit Size 900 850 800 800 (sq. ft.) Rehabilitated Rehabilitated Rehabilitated Rehabilitated Buildings 550 Buildings 550 Buildings 550 Buildings 550 29 9. Minimum Floor Area Per Hotel 15% = 300-335 sq.ft.; 85% = 335+ sq.ft. in all districts. Unit (square feet) 10. Minimum Parking Requirements Pursuant to Section 7 of Zoning Ordinance and Section 20-4, H Requirement herein. 11. Minimum Off-Street Loading Pursuant to Section 7 of Zoning Ordinance. 12. Signs Pursuant to Section 9 of Zoning Ordinance. * The maximum FAR increase above the base Floor Area Rfttio i3 achieved by using the Design Bonug provigions as listed in Section 6 24 of this Ordinance. * * * G. Table of Residential Limited Mixed Use Performance Standards Mixed Subdistricts RM-PSl Performance Standard I. Minimum Site Area 120,000 2. Minimum Site Width 350 ft. 3. Required Open Space Ratio .60 4. Maximum Building Height 60 feet above ground or above enclosed parking. 5. Bttse Max. FAR (witk6\:1t B6ft\:lS) ~~ 6:- Mtlxiffi\:lffi FAR (vlitk B6ft\:lS) H 7. Minimum Floor Area Per Apartment Unit 600 (square feet) 8. Minimum Average Floor Area Per 1000 Apartment Unit (square feet) 9. Minimum Floor Area Per Hotel Unit N/A (square feet) 10. Minimum Parking Pursuant to Section 7 of Zoning Ordinance and Section 20-4,L.3 Requirement herein. 11. Minimum Off-Street Loading Pursuant to Section 7-5 of Zoning Ordinance. 12. Signs Pursuant to Section 9 of Zoning Ordinance. 13. Suites Hotel N/A * * * 30 I. Perfofftutfiee StMdftfd DOIiUSCS. Floor Arca Ratio bORUSCS may be aecl:1mula.ted by mectiRg ORe or more ofthc criteria as set forth in Section 6 24; prO\.ided that iR no event shall ftft)" Use be l'ennitted M inereasc in Floor }..rca Ratio so as to cxeeed the maximum Floor f..rea Rtltio speeified in the tl:l'l'lieabk Table of Rcsideffiial, Commercial PerWmiftfiee Stflfidard3 or Resideffiial Limited Mixed Use Perrormtffiee Sta:ndl:lfd3, exeel't through the Use of Trttfisfcr of DCidopment Rights as set forth in Subseetion 6 29 hercin. SECTION 8. INCLUSION IN ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 89-2665. It is the intention of the City Commission, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made part of the City of Miami Beach Zoning Ordinance No. 89-2665 as amended; that the sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention; and that the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section" or other appropriate word. SECTION 9. REPEALER. That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 10. SEVERABILITY. If any section, subsection, clause or provision of this Ordinance is held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect on the 31 s t day ,1998. SECTION 11. of January PASSED and ADOPTED this 21st day of January , 1998. Jt{~ MA YOR ATTEST: ~d' Pev-tWA CITY CLERK Underlined = new language Strikcout = deleted language APPROVED AS TO fORM & lANGUAGE & FOR execUTION F:\$CMB\TEMP\DESBONUS,AL T DJG/JGG 1st reading 12/17/97 2nd reading 1/21/98 1.,1(//:,11.: Pi:.rJ/~ ) December 9, 1997 31 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ~ITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 1ttp:\\ci.miami-beach. fl. us COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 39-9~ FROM: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission Sergio Rodriguez lli. Aj'",^ ~ City Manager ;~(D .. fj' DATE: January 21,1998 TO: SUBJECT: An Ordinance of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, Amending Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 89-2665, by: Amending Section 6, Entitled "Schedule of District Regulations", by Deleting the Maximum Floor Area Ratio With Bonus Category (And Floor Area Ratios Specified Therein) and Floor Area Ratio Bonus Methodology for the Following Subsections: Subsection 6-2, Entitled "RM-l Residential Multi Family, Low Intensity", Subsection 6-2.1, Entitled "RM-PRD Multi Family, Planned Residential Development", Subsection 6-3, Entitled "RM-2 Residential Multi Family, Medium Intensity", Subsection 6-4, Entitled "RM-3 Residential Multi Family, High Intensity", Subsection 6-6, Entitled" CD-l Commercial, Low Intensity", Subsection 6-7, Entitled "CD-2 Commercial, Medium Intensity", Subsection 6-8, Entitled "CD- 3 Commercial, High Intensity", Subsection 6-10, Entitled "CCC Civic, Convention Center District", Subsection 6-11, Entitled "GC Golf Course District", Subsection 6-14, Entitled "1-1 Light Industrial District", Subsection 6-15, Entitled "MR Marine Recreation District", Subsection 6-16, Entitled "MXE Mixed Use Entertainment District", Subsection 6-17, Entitled "RO Residential/Office District", Subsection 6- 18, Entitled "TH Townhome Residential District", Subsection 6-19, Entitled "WD-l Waterway District", Subsection 6-20, Entitled "WD-2 Waterway District" and Subsection 6-23, Entitled "Maximum Far for Convention Hotel Development City Center / Historic Convention Village Redevelopment and Revitalization Area"; Amending Section 6 Entitled "Schedule of District Regulations" by Deleting Subsection 6-24, Entitled "Schedule of Design Bonuses"; Amending Section 6 Entitled "Schedule of District Regulations" Amending Subsection 6-25, Entitled "Supplementary Yard Regulations" by Removing the Reference to Design Bonuses for Parking Garages; Amending Section 6 Entitled "Schedule of District Regulations" Amending Subsection 6-29, Entitled "Transfer of Development Rights (Unused Floor Area)" by Removing the Reference to Design Bonuses for the Purposes of Transferring Floor Area; AGENDA ITEM ~A \-'L\-98 DATE Amending Section 16, Entitled "Board of Adjustment" Amending Subsection 16-8, Entitled "Powers and Duties" by Removing the Reference to Average Unit Size Bonus From the List of Powers and Duties; Amending Section 18, Entitled "Design Review Board" Amending Subsection 18-2, Entitled "Design Review Procedures," Amending Subsection 18-2 (A) Entitled "Design Review Criteria" by Removing the Reference to Floor Area Ratio Bonuses and by Adding New Criteria to Address Design Issues, Amending Subsection 20, Entitled "PS Performance Standard Districts" Amending Subsection 20-4, Entitled "Performance Standard Regulations", Amending Subsections 20-4, (B), (D), (G) and (I) by Deleting the Maximum Floor Area Ratio with Bonus Category (And Floor Area Ratios Specified Therein) and Floor Area Ratio Bonus Methodology in All Performance Standard Districts, Described as: R-PSl, Residential Medium - Low Density, R-PS2, Residential Medium Density, R- PS3, Residential Medium High Density, R-PS4, Residential High Density, C-PSl, Commercial Limited Mixed-Use, C-PS2, Commercial General Mixed-Use, C-PS3, Commercial Intensive Mixed-Use, C-PS4, Commercial Intensive Mixed-Use Phased Bayside and RM-PS1, Entitled "Residential Limited Mixed Use"; and, Providing for Inclusion in the Zoning Ordinance; Repealer, Severability and an Effective Date. RECOMMENDATION The Administration recommends that the City Commission, upon holding a public hearing, adopt on second reading, the subject alternate amending ordinance (R5A.2) as proposed by the Planning Board. With regard to the MXE District, we recommend that the maximum FAR be 2.0 as proposed. Relative to the RM-3, CD-3 and CCC Districts, the proposed maximum FAR's should also be approved, but simultaneously referred back to the Planning Board for additional review and recommendations on possible further reductions. BACKGROUND The concept of eliminating the bonus system for increasing Floor Area Ratios (FAR) was referred to the Planning Board by the City Commission on November 19, 1997. The amending ordinance, was reviewed by the Planning Board at a workshop session on December 9, 1997, wherein an alternate ordinance was proposed to address adjustments to maximum Floor Area Ratios in certain districts. On December 16, 1997, the Planning Board recommended the adoption of this alternate ordinance (unanimously, by a vote of 6-0, 1 vacancy). The following day, (December 17, 1997), the City Commission proceeded with the first reading of the alternate ordinance and approved it unanimously, setting the second reading public hearing for today. It also approved, unanimously, the original amending ordinance, also setting its second reading, public hearing for today. The Commission held a workshop session on January 12, 1998 to review and discuss these ordinances further, wherein it asked for the Administration to provide further analysis of the floor areas of existing buildings in the MXEIHPD District at today's hearing. 2 The idea of lowering Floor Area Ratios was first introduced by Robert Swarthout, the City's consultant on the Comprehensive Plan. In 1992, Mr. Swarthout prepared the "City of Miami Beach Community Visions Goal, Objective and Policy Options Report" (attached). In this report, Mr. Swarthout states that the City's existing zoning regulations relate building floor area ratio to lot size, but they do not relate floor area ratio to building type. He cites several authorities which find that certain types of buildings are unsuitable for certain floor area ratios. Of particular concern was that inappropriate floor area ratio to building type result in inadequate on-site open space and inadequate access to light and air. Some of the other public purposes, mentioned in the Visions Report and also in the Data and Analysis of the Comprehensive Plan, which could be achieved through changes in the F ARs include a reduction in the amount of future traffic, to help spread residential reinvestments over a broader area and to ensure new development with increased access to light, air and views. The City's former Design Guidelines and Development Regulations Committee (also know as the Development Regulations Working Group) began to study the issue of reducing FAR's and modifying the design bonus system to achieve these reductions. The Committee began with the premise that the bonus system could be modified to include only significant bonuses. After much deliberation the committee concluded that the bonus system should be eliminated. Discussions then began on how to modify the base F ARs to better achieve compatibility with the built environment. However, prior to formulating a final position on this matter, the Committee was dissolved by the Commission. It is important to note that the function of the Design Review Board, for the most part, has effectively eliminated the need for a schedule of design bonuses. Most of the bonuses are in actuality a requirement of the design review process. Thus the importance of ensuring quality design through the bonus system has been diminished as the geographical areas under the purview of the Design Review Board and the scope of its review have increased through the years. As mentioned, the Planning Board held a workshop meeting on December 9, 1997. Upon its review, the Board suggested several changes to the original draft ordinance. These changes adjusted the resulting maximum Floor Area ratios to be more accurately reflective of the built environment, as well as to better correlate to the standards of floor area to building type as described in the "Visions Report" prepared by Robert Swarthout. ANALYSIS OF THE AMENDING ORDINANCE The following summarizes the proposed amendment, by section. Section 1. This section of the proposed amendment basically deletes the The maximum floor area ratio with bonus category and floor area ratios specified therein and it also eliminates the floor area ratio bonus methodology as specified in certain districts. 3 Section 2. This section of the amendment deletes the schedule of design bonuses. Sections 3. 4 and 5. These sections remove the references to the design bonuses from the Supplementary Yard regulations, the Transfer of Development Rights section and the Board of Adjustment "Powers and Duties" section. Sections 6. This section of the amendment adds new design review criteria to the Design Review Board's procedures section. These new criteria address the most important design related issues which might have been listed in a modified design bonus schedule; as drafted, they will provide the Design Review Board additional tools in the evaluation of a project's compatibility and the design integrity of its pedestal and roof-top architectural treatment. Sections 7. This section of the proposed amendment deletes the maximum floor area ratio with bonus category and floor area ratios specified therein, for the Performance Standard Districts (South Pointe Redevelopment Area). The last sections of the amendment provide for inclusion in the Zoning Ordinance, a repealer, a severability clause and an effective date. In reviewing a request for an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance or a change in land use, the Planning Board and City Commission are to consider 13 relevant review criteria, when applicable for such changes. Since the amending ordinance would only change the text of the Zoning Ordinance and would not constitute a use change or a change in zoning district boundaries or classification, many of the review criteria have been determined by the Administration not to be applicable to this amendment request. The following is an analysis of each review criteria: 1. Whether the proposed change is consistent and compatible with the Comprehensive Plan and any applicable neighborhood or Redevelopment Plans; Consistent - Both the original and alternate amendments would foster the goals to develop the City in an appropriate manner, although the original ordinance would, in many cases, reduce allowable densities substantially below existing development conditions. The Data and Analysis (Part I) of the Comprehensive Plan, states that amendments to the land use regulations should attempt to achieve a reduction in the amount of future traffic, help spread residential reinvestments over a broad area and to ensure development with an increased access to light, air and views. The Proposed amendments 4 would help foster these goals. Additionally, Objective 4 and policies 4.1 and 4.2 of Part II: Goals, Objectives and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan stipulate that population densities shall be reduced to better conform with County, State and Federal hurricane evacuation plans. 2. Whether the proposed change would create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent or nearby districts; Consistent - The amendments would not change the underlying zoning district for any areas within the City. The intent of both amendments is to ensure that new construction and infill developments is more consistent with the built environment. The Administration has concluded that the alternate amendment, as proposed by the Planning Board, will encourage more appropriate infill development. However, maximum densities in the RM-3, CD-3 and CCC Districts need additional study and should, as such, be referred back to the Planning Board to consider further reduction. 3. Whether the change suggested is out of scale with the needs of the neighborhood or the City; Consistent - The proposed amendments are in scale with perceived and actual need for new development to be more in scale within the historical context and pattern of the surrounding neighborhood; however, the alternate amendment is more responsive to the issue of encouraging new development which is consistent with the built pattern. 4. Whether the proposed change would tax the existing load on public facilities and infrastructure; Consistent - Both of the proposed amendments will result in a reduction on the potential future demands on infrastructure and public facilities from individual projects and will enable infrastructure capacity to be distributed to a larger number of projects. 5. Whether existing district boundaries are illogically drawn in relation to existing conditions on the property proposed for change; Not Applicable 6. Whether changed or changing conditions make the passage of the proposed change necessary; Consistent - The underdeveloped areas of the City are going through rapid changes, brought about by the private sector rehabilitation of buildings and new construction. The ability of most developments to increase the now allowed base FAR's through the bonus system has resulted in projects which are not 5 in scale with thek surrolinding neighborhoods. However, the elimination of design bonus densities across the board would result in some districts having maximum floor area rations (FAR's) which are too low; the Planning Board alternate amendment addresses this issue by adjusting the maximum FAR's. 7. Whether the proposed change will adversely influence living conditions in the neighborhood; Consistent - Both the proposed amendments will not negatively effect living conditions or the quality of life for surrounding properties. The amending ordinances would foster new developments which are more harmonious with the surrounding structures, although the Administration has concluded that the alternate ordinance would be more successful in this regard. 8. Whether the proposed change will create or excessively increase traffic congestion beyond the Level Of Service as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan or otherwise affect public safety; Consistent - The LOS will not be affected by the proposed changes. By removing the ability to increase the allowable floor area through bonuses, LOS capacity for all infrastructure will be available to a greater number of projects, under either ordinance amendment. 9. Whether the proposed change will seriously reduce light and air to adjacent properties; Consistent - Both proposed amending ordinances should encourage greater amounts of open space and thus greatly reduce the effect on light and air to adjacent properties. 10. Whether the proposed change will adversely affect property values in the adjacent area; Consistent - Staff is of the opinion that property values, in the adjacent areas would not be negatively affected by the proposed amendments. In fact, either of the amendments should help spread new residential reinvestments over a broad area and protect investments already in place. The Planning Board alternate would achieve a more equitable distribution, however. 11. Whether the proposed change will be a deterrent to the improvement or development of adjacent property in accordance with existing regulations; Consistent - Both amendments would not deter the improvement or development of agreement properties. 12. Whether there are substantial reasons why the property cannot be used in accordance with existing zoning; Not Applicable 6 13. Whether it is impossible to find other adequate Sites in the City for the proposed Use in a district already permitting such Use; Not Applicable In summary, the adjustments made by the Planning Board to the maximum FAR's reflect the analyses prepared by planning staff for various sites. Further, the FAR's within the Planning Board's alternate ordinance correlate with the building types as recommended in the "Visions Report" prepared by Robert Swarthout. Finally, the alternate proposed maximum FAR's are also in keeping with the as-built FAR character of the City's neighborhoods. While the Commission has raised a concern with regard to the maximum FAR of 2.0 proposed for the MXE District, particularly in the Ocean Drive/Collins Avenue Historic District, the Administration has concluded that this limitation would permit 13,000 square feet of building area on a typical 6,500 sq. ft. lot (50 x 130) on Ocean Drive. Such a building would be three stories, but have ground level landscaped open spaces at the rear or inside courtyards, thereby creating a more pleasant tenant/owner environment, without disrupting the historic development pattern of the area. AFAR of 2.25, on the same lot, would allow for a full build-out of three stories without any open space, other than the five feet side setbacks and a five feet setback in the front. For the Commission's further consideration, the Administration has attached, hereto, a Floor Area Ratio Analysis for selected blocks on Ocean Drive in the MXE District and a Volume Massing Analysis depicting possible building scenarios with aFAR of either 2.0 or 2.25. The Administration believes this information further supports the proposed maximum FAR of2.0. CONCLUSION Based on the above, the Administration has concluded that the City Commission should adopt on second reading, the alternate amending ordinance (R5A.2) as proposed by the Planning Board. S~ID~JGG/cat cc: Diana Grub Frieser, First Assistant City Attorney Harry Mavrogenes, Assistant City Manager F:\PLAN\SALLICC _MEMOSIDESBONUS.REClREV3 7