Ordinance 195 Y
Section. 1: No person, firm corporaticn or association shall engage
in or manage any business, privilege or occupation mentioned in this
Ordinance in the City of Miami Beach, Floriaa, unless a City License
shall have been procured from the City Clerk of said City as is provid-
ed by this Ordinance , which license shall 'be issued to each person, firm,
corporation, or association upon the receipt of the amount herein prov-
ided for or as may be otherwise provided by law.
Section 2: That in every case not otherwise provided in this act ,
a City License tax of 50fo of the State License Tax imposed by the State
of Florida, enacted at its session in the year A. D. 19139 be and the
same is hereby levied and imposed upon such businesses , professions , or
occupations not ot-hierwise specifically named in this Ordinance, and all
of the penalties prescribed by this Ordinance for the non-payment of lic-
ense tax or for doing business without a license , shali extend anl apply
to such other cases not specifically mention herein.
Section 3: No license shall be issued for more than one year and
all licenses shall expire on the last day of October of each year unless
otherwise provided in this act. All business licenses may be transferr-
ed with the approval of the City Clerk, with the business for which t)aey
are taken out , when there is a bona fide sale and transfer of the prop-
erty used and embraced in the business so soli or transferred, but such
transfer of license shall not be held goon for any longer t1aan, or at
any other place than that for Which it eras originally issued, provided
the original license shall be submitted to the said City Clerk who shall
make note W-hereon of the transfer thereof.
Section 4: All licenses shall be payable on or before the first
day of November of each year and no licenses shall be issued for any
fractional portion of a year, except as otherwise provided in this act
and except that any license not otherwise provided in this act may be
issued C�fter tha first day of May to expire on October thirty-first ,
upon payment of one-half the amount fixed as the price for such lic-
enses for one year
Section 5: Each individual who acts as Agent , and each individ-
ual who acts as business or sales agent for a corporation engaged in
any business mentioned in this section, when his principal has not paid
a license in accordance with this Ordinance , shall be required to take
out a license as Agent in his own name. This section shall apply to
every person who seeks ,negotiates or transacts , for himself or for any
other person or corporation mentioned in this section, but not to in-
active stockholders in corporations or members of Agencies who do not
attempt to transact any business for such agency. A license tax in
the sum set opposite each of the following businesses, occupations
or professions , is hereby levied and imposed upon the business, occup-
ation or profession opposite which such sum is set:
Billiard, pool or bagatelle tables , person maintaining same for profit ,
directly or indirectly, or the proprietor thereof, for each table 10.00
Bowling Alleys, or Box Ball Alleys , per alley 10.00
Cyclorama 10.00
Circus , any performance or show given under canvas or tent ( except
dogs or trained animal exhibition) for profit , each performance , 25.00
Circus, for each parade through the streets, when performance is
given outside city, 50.00
Dance Halls and ball rooms , public , each dance hall or ball room, 25.00
Dog, or other trained animal exhibition, each performance , 10.00
Dog, or other trained animal exhibition, each parade , where perform-
ance isgiven outside city .imits , 25.00
Games and deVloes, such as ball throwing at figures , ball rolling,
cane racks, corn game , doll racks,hoop throwing, knife racks ,
and shuffle boards , or other games or devices , operated for
prod each game or device 25,00
.loving Plc ilre shows , without other attractions , 50.00
34oving Picture shows , with vaudeville or other attractions 100.00
Natatorium, 25.00
Organ grinder, per week 5.00
Rink, skating or bicycle , or others, owners or persons maintaining
same , 20.00
Shoot-...ng gallery, (to close at 11 o 'clock, P.M, ) 15.00
Theatres , 100.00
Theatrical or dramatic troupes or companies forrofit , where per-
formance is not given in a local licensed theatre , each
performance 15.00
Theatrical perfo=rmance , wholly for benevolent or charitable pur-
poses , no license required, EXEMPT
Vending machines , automatic , such as candy and chewing gum, music
playing, picture displaying, penny -- in - the - slot , vioj u
ing or other similar vending machines , operated for profi
( except machines vending drinking cups or postage stamps)
each:} machine , 5.00
PROVIDING, an o erator of more than five (5) machines shall not
pay exceeding- 25.00
Apartments, Apartment Houses, Boarding Rouses, Hotels, and Rooming
Houses, containing over five (5) bed rooms:
For each room which can be leased, not including bathrooms or kit-
chens , .25
Any Aartment House , Boarding House , Hotel or Rooming House or any
o?her place serving meals or food, requires Rcstaurant License
as follows:
Restaurant , (permitting the operation of care , cafeteria, public
dining room, tearoom or restaurant) with chairs or stools ,
each to count as one seat:
Thirty (30) seats , or under, per seat , .50
Over thirty seats , per additional seat , .15
The following businesses are classed as manufacturing, and
eacherson firm or coruoration enggaged in the o eration of any
of ouch businesses are required to take out a factory license as
follows: '
Awnings, pennants , sails, tents and tarpaulins.
Book bindery,
Brick makers,
Cabinet makers shop,
Candy and confectionery makers,
Canning factories , canning fruits , fish, molasses, syrmp or vege-
tables , etc. ,
Carpenter shops, .
Concrete or cement manufacturers of artificial stone , brick, ce-
ment blocks, posts, ornaments , vases , or other articles
of similar nature.
Doors, sash and blinds ,
Foundries ,
Furniture makers ,
Gold, silver, or nickel plating,
Harness and saddlery,
c Cream,
Ice ,
Jelly & Preserves ,
Laboratories chemical dental, optical or X-Ray,
Lumber and planing mills , or millwork,
Musical instruments ,
Mattress, pillows or springs ,
Mosaic, terrazzo and tile ,
Mult igraphing,
Newspapers or periodicals,
Novelty work,
Paint works ,
Picture framing,
- all finds.
Rubber stamps,
Septic tanks ,
Sheet metal works and tin shops,
Stone cutters ,
Sign painters ' sro-n.
� rr
Tailor, customs or merchant ,
Tank builders,
Also all other manufacturers of products not heretofore mentioned.
Factories employing five hands or less, 10.00
Factories employing more than five and not over twenty-
wenty-five hands , 20.00
Factories employing over twenty-five hands , 35.00
All persons , firms or corporations engaged in thea business
of selling merchandise or goods of any kind, sort or description,
are required to cover their operations by taking out a merchant 's
license as follows:
Cold Drink Stands, 10.00
Gum or merchandise vending machines , per machine 5.00
Ice Cream, each person selling on streets, 25.00
Ice Cream Saloon, 5.00
Ice Delivery, retailing ice , each vehicle , 5.00
Itinerant vendor of proprietary or patent articles, from
house to house 100.00
Itinerant vendor of patent or proprietary medicines or
other solicitors from out of the city, 250.00
Dews Depot , not in connection with other business, 10.00
Oil .peddlers , each vehicle , 15.00
Pawn Brokers,
Pawnbrokers selling other than articles taken on
pledge , must take out a regular merchant 's license.
Each person or firm engaged in the business of a
pawnbroker or conducting a pawn broking shop in the
city, shall keep a record and upon demand shall make
a report to the Chief of Police or his representative
of every article or thing pawned to or purchased by
him or them. Said record and report to specify the
artidle or thing, such as number, mark, and all other
such details as will make identification of such art-
icle , or such articles, or thing, clear and. positive ;
and such person or aforesaid shall holdtheir
shop open to visitafersons
ion or inspection by the police,
a id upon refusal of any pawnbroker at any time to sub-
mit to such visitation or inspection, his or their shop
shill be immedia.6ely closed by order of the Mayor.
All licenses issued to pawnbrokers are subject to these
provisions ; any violation of which will be punished by
a revocation of their license ; and no license issued to
pawnbrokers shall be transferred from the person or firms to
whom it was issued.
Pawnbrokers selling other than articles taken on pledge ,-
License for such pawnbroker $500, in addition to his
regular merchant 's license.
Peddlers or hawkers or street vendor of medicines drugs , pat-
ent medicines or other proprietary preparations pur-
porting to have medical virtues, 250.00
Peddlers or dealers in ary goods , notions, jewelry, cloth-
ing, groceries, or other merchandise , other than
milk or water in bottles , on foot , selling at re-
tail or by sample 600.00
Peddlers or dealers in dry oods , notions , jewelry, cloth-
ing, groceries , or Aher merchandise , other than
milk or water in bottles , :from T.,ragons or motor
vehicles, per wagon or motor vehicle, selling at
retail or by sample , 600.00
Provided that peddlers of fruit, vegetables, and produce
raised by themselves shall not be required to pay
a license ; where not raised, per vehicle , 5.00
Popcorn or peanut vendors or peddlers , vending popcorn or
peanuts on streets or Sidewalk, on foot 25.00
Popcorn or peanut wagon on street , 25.UU
ropcorn or peanut wagon on sidewalk 5.00
Postcard stand, when not in connection with another bus-
Rubber Balloon peddlers, 5.00
Soda founts ; whether in connection with other business,
or not , capital invested $1,000. or more, 10.00
Soda founts ; whether in connective with other bueiness,
or not, capital over $500. and less than $1,000, 5.00
Soda founts ; Whether in connection with other business
or not, capital over X50. and less than X500. 2.50
Provided that Soda fount operated in connection with
reLmiarly licensed drug store, restaurant , or con-
fectionery store is not required to take out a lic-
All persons , firms or corporations engaged in the business
of selling merchandise or goods of any kjAa, sort or
d .sc.,=ition except those mentioned above -4nder the
title Merctants, Storekeepers and Dealers, , are re-
quired to pay a merchant 's license tax determined as
When the maximum value of stock of goods carried is as foll-
Not exceeding $500, 2.50
0500. to $10000 , 5.00
re than d,000, for each additional
,000 or fractional part rereof, 1.00
The following professional practitioners are classed as
professional, and each person, firm or corporation
engaged in the practice of any such profession are
required to cover their practice by taking out a
professional license as follows:
Professional License; to apply to each person, firm or
corporation engaged in the practice of any prof-
ession herein licensed as a ,profession, permitting
the operation of but one person, 15.00
.r,or each additional partner or person operating with the
person, firm, or corporation licensed in the preceding
clause , 10.00
Accountants and Auditors,
Analytical Chemi-st s,
Artists, including retouching, sketching, cartooning, cray-
on ferrotype= , or other similar line,
Attornes at Law.
Chiropractors ,
Christian Science Healers or Practitioners,
Civil Engineers,
Dentists ,
Detective$, including civil, commercial, corporation,
criminal, industrial, insurance , railroad, and,
other siailar investigations.
boctors , physicians and Surgeons,
Electrical Engineers ,
Engravers ,
Healers , Magnetic ,
Homeopathic physicians ,
Landscape Architects or Gardeners,
Mechanical Engineers,
Naprapaths ,
Opticians ,
Veterinarian or Veterinary Surgeon
Boat Yards and flays doing repair work9 15.00
Boat To-ting and Lightering, 25,00
Boat Livery, 10.00
Boat and Ship Storage Basins, or Sheds, 25.00
Barber Shopeach chair 2000
Baths, turkish or similar, 15.00
Bicycles , for rent and repair, 10.00
Blc.-11'3 piths, 10.00
Evot and Shoe Repair 5.00
loot-blaok stand, each chair 1.00
Beauty a. :,rlors hairdressing and manicuring, alone or
in conn.eciion with any other tusiness, 10.00
Baggage Transfer, and Drays , using Drays , trucks, or
wagons for hauling each vehicle, 5.00
Garage, (public) for sWorage, washing or repairing of
automobiles or trucks, and sale of gasoline and
oil, supplied to cars at the garage, 20.00
Filling stations (automobile) gas and oil, each gasoline
PUMP$ 7.50
Note: Garages or Filling Stations selling acces-
sories require also a Merchant 's License. Gar-
ages must pay Agent 's license for each make of
car for which they are authorized agents.
Laundries, Steam, 25.00
Laundries, Hand 10.00
Livery Stables, or Riding Academies ,
Having 1 to 10 horses or mules , 25.00
Having 11 to 20 horses or mules, 35.00
Having 21 to 30 horses or mules 50.00
Having 31 to 40 horses or iaules, 60,00
Having 41 to 50 horses or ray?les , 75.00
Having 51 to 60 ho--Lses or mules, 85.00
Having 61 to 70 horses or mules, 100.00
Provided that they shall pay an additional hack or
carriage license.
Cleaning and Pressing Clothes, 10.00
Telegraph Company)
Telephone Company) Provided there is no tag by the City
of IDUami Beach on the ear^nings of these Companies , 100.00
Tailor, merchant, each shop 10.00
Tailor, merchan , where no other city license is paid
who is dealer in or agent for any person or firm ,
or any other person acting as agent for firm out-
side of the city and taking orders for clothing,
shirts or other wearing apparel, to be made out-
side off' the city, shall be classed as an agent
and shall pay a license of 25.00
Agent , Bureau, Broker, Operator or Dealers of all kinds ,
including commercial, insurance , real estate ,
stock sales, loans , claims , transporta°t ion, man-
ufacturer, or any other business or occupation,
except pawnbroker , for each class of business
handled, each indlivi.dual 25.00
Abstract , hand Title, Warranty or Security Companies , 25.00
Advertising of all kinds, 15.00
Auctioneer, where goods ware and merchandise are sold
at auction by Le owner, agent , auctioneer or
other person within the limits of the City of
Miami Beach, there shall be a license tax per
clay for each clay that the sale may continue
of 50.00
Auctioneers, real estate, who sell real estate within or
without the, city limits, at auction, and who ad-
vertise suc�z sale in newspapers, placards posters
or otherwise in the City of Miami Beach, 250.00
Arms, including ammunition and pistols , bowie-knives ,
dirk-knives , sling shots , brass-knuckles, Spring-
field and repeating rifles, and guns, dealers in
alone , or in connection with any other business, 25.00
Building and Loan Associations, 25.00
Banks, having a capital stock of `Ub ,00(jo
5 ,000. or less, 50.00
Banks , having a capital stock of and less than
$1009000* 75.00
Banks , h�jvi ng a capital six) ck of 4100,000. or o ver, 100.00
Canvassers , Solicitors or other persons who solicit or-
ders , or sell, by sam-_)le or otherwise , for furn-
it are , household." go ods , musical instruments or
other goods , wares and merchandise at retail,
representing business houses out of the city, 100.00
Card-writin,, cutting or engraving, 5.00
Commission merchants or person doinal business on commis-
sion not otherwise provided for, 25.00
Contractors, persons or firms , defined as persons taking
contracts to erform work by the job , where party
or firm does ?he work with assistants, shall be
as follows:
Takino- contracts , any one of iti ich does not exceed
5 ,000, 10.00
Taking contracts, exceeding $5,000 , but not exceed-
ing $15,000, 15.00
Taking ccutracts exceeding $15,000 but not exceed-
ing 50,000 25.00
Taking contracts exceeding $50 ,000, 50.00
Dealers in second hand goods , other than wearing apparel, 25.00
Dealers in second hand goods-wearing apparel, 250.00
Electric bight Companies - provided there is no tax
by the City of Miami Beach upon the earnings of
the Company 50.00
Express Companies, 50.00
Fortune tellers, Palmists, Hipnot ist s , Clairvoyants , Ast-
rologers , Phrenologists, per week, 150.00
Funeral Director and Undertaker, 25.00
Guns (See Arms)
Hall for hire, 15.00
Ice cream selling on streets, per person, 25.00
Money lender, erson, firm or cor or at ion ledning mo�zey,
other than doing a legal banking business, 25,00
Plumber, 15.00
.*,znitarium or institution of like character, 10.00
Street Car Companies, 50.00
Section 6; Persons firms or corporations operating perman-
ently loc:,�ed amusement parks, within which are located
and opera�ed merry-go-rounds , roller coasters and other
exhibition :.lows and perforinane es , or other forms of
diversion and amusement permanently carried on in such
parks, shall pay a license tax of y?100.00, - provided,
that this shall not be construed to apply to persons
operating bathing casinos or pavillions where guests
are permitted to use swings and other devices without
charge. And provided further, that this shall not
applyto any person or association holding a city or
couny fair where no charge is made to persons visiting
such places, and where no privileges are sold to other
for the operation of shops or forms of amusement there-
Section 7; Any person, firm or corporation operating or who
shall operate , a merry-go-round, roller-coaster , ferris-
wheel, whip, dodger, or other like or similar forms of
amusement , shall pay a license in the sum of $25.00 for
each of such forms of amusement wnere not located in
a regularly licensed amusement park.
Section 8; All confirmed cripples or inv&lids , physically incap-
able of manual labor and all veterans ofthe Civil. War
Spanish-American and `Jorld "bars, and widows , all of tiFdy'o
are dependent upon their own exertionsshall be allow-
ed a license for any of the above mentioned occupations
without charge so long as they use their own capital and
their profits are not divided with someone else , and when,
in the opinion of the City Manager or* Collector of Taxes,
such applicants are worthy.
Section 9j It shall be the duty of the City Clerk, before issuing
a license based upon property valuation br capital stock or any other con-
dition, to require the parties applying for suc-a license to file under oath,
duly authenticated, a statement of the value of the property, amount of the
capital stock or other contingency, which statement shall be kept permanent-
ly on the File. A failure on the part of the Tax Collector to require their
said _,-ritten oath, shall be cause for suspension from office. Any person
who shall make a false statement , application or oath under this section
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and punished as is hereafter set
Section 10: Any person, firm corporation or association that s1ha,ll
carry on or conduct any privilege , business, occupation or profession, for
w_iich a license is required by this ordinance , without first obtaining such
license , and any person who shall make a false statement , application, or
oath., pursuant to the foregoing section, shall, upon conviction,be punish-
ed by a fine of not less than $25.00 nor more thlan $200.00, or by imprison-
ment not exceeding 90 days, or by both sue.... ine and imprisonment.
uection 11: Eaoh day that a privilege is exercised, or business , occ-
upation, or profession conducted oi- follow-3 T.fithout having first --)Slop
license therefor, shall be an itdividual offence punishable as is here-
inbefore set _forth provided however, that if a person, however defined, is
punished for one 3�'c L offence , =d pays the penalty, and procures a license
before further confliction or carrying on such pr .vilege , business , occup-
ation or profession then he shall be fi -ted. for each day 's failure or oirl-
ission to h::_vve a license for the conduct of suers. privilege ,business , occ-
upation or profession.
Section 12 It shall be the duty of all officers and agents of any
corporation to see that such corporation complies with the provi s ions of
t_ is Ordinance ; and all office:°s or agents of any corp
toration required by
r is Ordinance to be limensed. which shall do business without having maid.
the license t��,x imposed and procured. succi license , shall be sub 0ect to the
penalties imposed. by the foregoing sections upon persons and members of
firms and corporations violating this -Ordinance.
Section 13: It is hereby made the duty of the City Marshall to appp-
oint a license Officer from amongst the poli cerien, said License Officer to
investigate all the aforesaid businesses occupations orrofessions, and to
make such inquiry as shall be necessary to determine whe&r they have pro-
cured a license or licenses as is herein provided for, and shall report there-
on every week to the City Marshall who must make a report every week to the
Tax Collector of each week 's investigations, and when such license or licenses
shall not have been procured, to make arrest ofthe person or persons violating
this Ordinance , and any person refusing said license officer pe�,mission to
investdggte sand. inquire 2) r the purposes of determining whet1_,er such person
has such license, shall, upon conviction, be fined or imprisoned, or both
fined or imprisoned, as is herein provided, for failure to procure such
Section 14: It is hereby made the duty of any person exercising the
privilege or conductio . a business , occupation or profession for which a lic-
ense is h:�,rein required, to post his license in a conspicuous place in or
about his -cla.ce of business where it may be seen upon inspection by any off-
icial of said city and for his failure to do so, he shall, upon convietion.
be fined or imprisoned, or both, as if he had never procured such license.
Section 15: The payment of a license hereunder shall not authorize or
legalize in ny manner Whatsoever the commission of any offence or crime ag-
ainst sail city, the County of Dade, the State of Florida, or the United
States of America.
Section 16: All of the provisions of this act shall be construed lib-
erally in behalf of said City.
Section 17: All Ordinances or Resolutions and parts thereof in con-
flict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed, except that
all licenses heretofore issued und:31r Ordinance No. 146 are hereby extended
without additional fee to October 31st , 1923, and shall be in full force
unt i 1 that date,
Dection 18: This orcIlinance shall become effective upon i-L-.s
passage,, approval, and posting in accordance with law.
PASSED AND ADOPTi-ED this 17th day of October, .4i., D* q 1923.
Pre sidenT of City o uncil ('Pro
'Ui ty, -Clerk.
ZIPPROTED this 17th day o-LI-' October, .. D* ,P 1923,
ac t in�3, 1,1 a y o r
1st reading - Oct. 3rd, 1923,
2nd. reading - Oct. 3rd, 19234
3rd reading - Oct.17th, 1923,
posted, October 17th, 1923.
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