Ordinance 163 0w0IITYME X163
Plurnbing Permits;
Noerson� as principal, agent, manager or employee , shall place
or install, or ealase or permit to be ,.)laced or installed, any plumbing,
including pipes , connections , fixtures , apparatus and all other plumb-
ing work of any kind whatsoever; or make , or cause or permit to be
made, any alterations , change in, addyition to or repair of any such
plumbing in the City of Miami Beach, without first obtaining a written
permit for such plumbing work from the Plumbing Inspector of the City
of I' iami Beach. Such permit shall be denominated a "Pliunbing Permit"
and: shall contain a description of the wore to be done thereunder and
a statement of the place, by street and number or by description suffi-
cient to locate the same , where such work is to be done, Plumbing per-
mits shall be granted upon written applications therefor to the Plumb-
ing Inspector. The rlumbing Inspector shall investigate such appli-
cation, and applicants for plumbing permits shall furnish proof that
applications for the introduction of a supply of water into any pre-
mises or for the extension of pipe for the conveyance of such water
has been made in writing on the contract form furnished by the 4ater
Department of the City of I'iiar�i Beach; and shall furnish dra�Taings , rt
specificatio.!�s , plans and details of such conter��plated work, when re-
quired by the ;dumbing Inspector. If the ]'lum1.)ing Inspector, after
i investigation, is satisfied that the work desired can be done without
violating any of the provijions of this: ordinance or of any other or-
dinance or law governing such work in the City of I.iiami Beach, and that
d in g g .�
the applicant therefor is duly licensed to do plumbing in the City of
,,iami Beach, he shall issue a plumbing permit to such applicant; upon
payment of the fees therefor. The issuance of a plumbing permit
shall not be construed as an approval by the -lambing Ins?peetory of
the drawings , specifications , plans or details or such contemplated
work insofar as the same, or any portion thereof, may be in conflict
with the provisions of this ordinance or any other ordinance or law
governing such work in the City of Kiami Beach.
The holder of a plumbing permit shall not do or perform, or cause
or permit to be done or performed, any work other than that designated
in such plumbing permit at the place mentioned therein; and shall not
do or perform, or cause or permit to be one or performed any work de-
signated in such plumbing permit at any place other than that designat-
ed therein.
In case any plumbing is desired in the construction, alteration
or repair of any building or structure requiring bu.i-Iding permit, no
plumbing :ermit shall be issued until after a building permit for such
building or structure shall have been previously issued. No plumbing
permit shall be issued for repairing leaks in drain, soil , kiaste or
,vent pipe but should any trap, drain, soil pipe , waste or vent pipe
become so defective as to require removal or replacement with new ma-
terial , in whole or in part, or should any toilet, wash basin, lanudry
tray, sink, slop sink, slop hopper or any other fixture be taken up or
reset, or be replaced ,�rith a new fixture , a plumbing, hermit must first
be procured therefor. No person, as principal, r--:gent, manager or em-
ployee , shall ;cut in or cause or permit to be put in any septic tank
in the city of 1_iami Beach �,-iithout having first obtained from the
Blurlbing Inspector a plumbinc- permit therefor.
Such pluLabing permit for a septic tank shall be issued as here-
inbefore provided, except that the applicant therefor will not be re-
quired to have a license as required for other plumbing permits.
Fees for 21umbing -Permits.
There shall be charged and collected by the City Clerk, on certi-
fication by the Blumbing Ins-Oector, an inspection fee of fifty ( 50
cents for each fixture in new and reconstr.zcted -plumbing 1:iork, before
the issuance of a permit, 'Crhich said fee shall be placed to the credit
of the General Fund of the City of Miami Beach.
Penal Costs
Any person, as principal , agent, manager _pr empl oyes s , commencing
or doing any plumbing work for which plumbing permit is required, 13ith-
out first obtaining a plumbing permit therefor , shall pay double the
fee herein provided for a plumbing ?ermit authorising snel-i work; pro-
vided that a double fee shall not be charged in cases of emergency
work neceesary to be done in order to prevent material injury or da-
mage to property and provided that the issuance of a permit upon pay-
ment of such double .fee shall not be a. defenee Uo a prosecution for a
violation of any of the {provisions of this ordinance.
Permit "Records
The Plumbing Ins -'lector shall keep, in proper books for that pur-
pose, a true and'4 correct account of all plumbing fees received, the
name of person paying the same , the date arid amount of each -payment;
which said book shall be kept open for public inspection during office
hours ; and the Plumbing Inspector shall check over with the City
Clerk, at the end of each calendar Meek, the plumbing fees record of
such week,
Notice to Lllurjabing Inspector
All plumbing work done shall be sgbject to inspection and notice
shall be given to the plumbing inspector by the person, firm or corpor-
a at ion doing such pliLmb ing 14-ao rk or having same done, as soon as the work
is ready for inspection. Such notices shall ne (riven for inspection
of both the rough and finished work* The person, firm or corporation
doing such plumbing work shall secure a. certificate from the Plumbing
Inspector, showing the result of such inspection and shall deliver the
said certificate to the owner of the premises , on¢ which the same is
done , or to the authorized representative of such owner,
Jork Uncovered
i All plumbing work shall be left uncovered and convenient for ex-
amination until ins??ected and approved by the Plumbing Inspector.
Floors ahall be left yap in bath-rooms and elsewhere above the plumbing,,
where there is less than twenty inches of space betdJeen the floor and.,
joist and the ground, until the plumbing pipes and other plumbing work .
_ a "'MW
SECTION VI ( Cont'd)
shall have been examined, tested C nd ap-proved by the i'lumbing Ins-)ector.
Time for Inspection
Inspection of plumbing shall ne i-na.de within forty-eight (48 )hours
after notice that the same is ready for inspection shall have been re-
ceived by the Plumbing Inspector.
'The Plumbing Inspector may apply the -rater test on all neer plumb-
ing work.
'There viater is introduced into any building a stop-cock must be
placed so tha=t eater may be shut off from the whole building and yard
hydrants , aithout closing the curb-cock.
No person shall occupy, or make use of any house, building or
other structure in ,;ihich plumbing has been installed or constructed,
until after the PlLunbing Inspector shall have issued a final certifi-
cate and approval of the plumbing work therein, or in connection there-
No person, as principal, agent, manager - o-r employee, shall con-
duct, manage or carry on the trade , business or calling of a master
plumber , or work as z journeyman plumber , or do any plumbing work of
any kind or description in the City Of Liiaml Beach, for -,rhich a plumb-
ing permit is required, without first having submitted to a practical
examination before and obtaining from the examining board of plumbers
of the City of Llia.mi Beach a certificate of cor..apeteney, shoring such
person to have sufficient practical experience and sufficient knowledge �
to do plumbing work. Any master plumber o r j ourneyrlan plumber, wh o
fails to pass examination, :rill not be allowed to appear before the
board for further examination until the expiration of a period of
thirty days from the date of such examination.
Page five I
Examining Board
The Examining Board of .lumbers of the City of 1-i�vmi Beach shall
consist of the Sanitary Committeeman, two master plumbers and two
journeymen plumbers. The personel of the Examining Board of Plumbers
of the City of 1-iami Beach shall be appointed by the Mayor, t-ihich ap-
pointments shall be�approved by the City Council and shall serve dar-
ing the pleasure of the Legislative Body of the City of 1,, iami Beach,
and shall qualify by subscribing to the oath of office regOired by the
Charter of the City of a:liami Beach.
Each member of the Examining Board, attending, shall receive a
fee of fifty cents for each applicant ex mined. Such fee to be paid
out of the funds of the City of l,'iami Beach. The City of Miami Beach
shall provide the Examining_- Board %Ath the necessary forms , books ,
blanks , tools and materials to properly conduct the examination.
Examination Fees
The fee for examination by said Examining Board of ?lumbers shall
be Ten (wAO) Dollars for each master plumber and Five ( 45 ) Dollars for
each journeyman plumber, for the first examination, payable in advance
to the secretarGT of the said board, and no fee shall be charged for
renewal of certificates and said fees collected by the Examining Board
shall be paid to the City Clerk on the first day of each calendar
Master Plumber
.For the purpose of this ordinance, a master plumber shall be deem-
ea to be the person engaged in or carrying on the business of plumbing,
or doing plumbing work*
Journeyman Plumber
For the purpose of thi : ordinance , a journeyman plumber shall be
deemed to be any person who is employed to do plumbing work for ` ages
or salary, but who does not furnish any mcaterialrS or supplies in the
execution or performance of the plumbing work.
Page 6
For the purpose of this ordinance, an apprentice shall be deemed
to be any person doing plumbing work under the direct supervision and
f, in the _presence of a certified master plumber or a certified journey-
man plumber, and such apprentice is reauired - -
._ to have a permit from the
said Examining Board of Blumbers to do such plumbing work
The Examining Board of Plumbers shall give an examination to
every applicant for a certificate.L c to to do plurfibing work In the Cite; of
L,ia.mi Beach within two weeks after the filing of the application there-
for and the payment of the fee incident thereto; and every applicant
passing such examination to the satifaction of the Examining Board
shall receive from said board 2 certificate of competency as a master
plumber or 4_ journey-man plumber, in accordance with his application;
and such certificate of competency shall a- thorize the holder there-
of to do plumbing work in the City of 1.1iami Beach, until the first day
of October next succeeding the date thereof.
Certificate of Renewals
All certificates issued by the Examining Board of Plumbers shall
expire on the last day of September ol' each year, unless sooner revoked',
.Every master or journey-roan plumber,holding a certificate of competbncyr
issued by said Examining Board o:r"_ Plumbers , may, during the month of
September each year, make application .for extension of such certifi-
cate of competency for - an- additional year and said examining Board
of 21unlbers , if satisfied that the holder of such certificate of com-
petency is cor_rpetent to do plunlbin, work, shall grant an extension of
such certificate of competeicy for an additional year lithout exami*
nation. Ido plumber failing to make such a,l)plication and to obtain
such extended certificate of competencyi�d.uring said time, shall do any
plu ibinr, work in the Cil;y o-L iami Beach, after the expiration of the
certificate of coD pe tenc,1 then held, cgithout taping the examination
and paying the full fee herein provided for persons originally desir-
ing to do plumbing fork in the City of Beach,
Page seven
.age Limit
No person shall receive a certificate ox competency as a master
plumber t.iho has not attained the age of twenty-one , and has taif'en out
the required occupational license in the city of L.Liami 3each, 01orida.
LodECr'ION Mi.0
Thelumbing Inspector shall prepare and keep a register, showing
the name and address of every person, firm o-r' corporation, together
with the nar�les of the members of such firm and the officers of such
co-rporotion, and their addresses , carrying on the business of a rler-
chant plm'�)Iber or a plumbing bi:zsiness in the City of 1 iami Beach, shoa-
the name end address of every master plumber, every journeyman plumb-
er, and every plumb& L apprentice licensed or permitted to do plumb-
ing in the CitGi of : iami. Beach; arn.d shall keep said Register up to
date by the endorsement otill- changes therein and additions hereto.
Sewer Connections
:very building or other structure , in or for U.rhich any drainage
or plumbing arrangements are constructed, shall first be inspected and
approved by -he ���'lumbing Inspector before any such building or strtzct- .
ure sh<x.11 be confiected ,with an accepted city sewer or septic tank;
when said sewer is constrl?cted along the street, avenue or alley ad-
jacent to the property u,►ion which such building or structure is situ-
ated or ifl close proximity thereto , then such buildinsr or structure
shat_ have at least one four inch vent as provided for in this ordiliance
and all other fixtures in such building or structure shall be vented.
Septic Tanks
When any building or other structure , i,i or i'or which an.�v drain-
age or plumbing arrangements are constructed, is not sit-uatec� so as
to require ;onnection to a city setrier , then sL3_ch drainage or plzuilbing
arrangements shall be connected -,rich a septic tank. Such se��tic tank
she-•ll not be located less than Five feet �-roma any property line or
less than tern feet from any dvielling,; exceot- when it is impossible to
maintain these distances , then the ;'lumbirlg Inspector may issue a per-
mit for .2 septic tank at a less diff tance from property lines and dwell-
ings , provided the same shall n -be detrimental to health or unsanitary.
Page eight
Soil and v4aste Pipes
All soil or caste pipes , to a point two feet outside of the foii.nd-
ation line, shall be of cast- irosl of not less titan t,.Io inches in inter-
nal diameter , except in case of waste ,pipes from slater closets , 'ihich
not be les;.. tha i four inches in internal diameter, and shall be �Iaced
SO that the top thereof shall not be above the surface of the ground.
Ido veat shall terminate les: than twelve feet .from the ground
or withi i eight feet of any window, airshaft, prO-Derty line or opening
in any building or strtfcture ( except on street, alley or other public
property) and shall be farther removed if the pluriabing Ins )ec for con-
siders it necessary for sanitary reasons , and in the case of pitched
roof shall be ca.rriec. undiminished in size up and under roof rafters
and terminate through main roof eiE;hteen inches from highest point oz
roof. -provided, however, that in any building with a flat roof, vents
shall terminate above the fire-wall. In all blaildings , a, roof will be
considered flat those pitch or inclination is three inches in t:ielve
inches or less. Any roof -:rith a greater pitch than three inches in
twelve inches shall be deemed a pitch roof �-,nd all vent pipes shall be
carried to the hi`;hestpoint thereof as hereinbefore provided.
All ve1lt pipes in bath rooms shall join with a 'o-vir inch soil
pipe , where the distance is not greater than eighteen feet. Sink and
lanadry vents shall be joined together.
Cast Iron pipe
Sewer , soil and waste pipe , when bring under or in any building
or other structure , shall be of tree gua.lity kno,jn to the trade as
"Standard Cast Iron pi pe" sand shall be tar coated inside and oat P . In
case of a building or other structure bein`c� built or moved over an old
sever, such sewer shall be relaid with cast iron pipe of the same size 1
as the old sewer, All terra-cotta sewer in any buidling or other
structtire shall be replaced or repaird ',.aith cast iron pipe.
All traps shall be effectively vented -with an air .pipe of .a dia-
meter not less t4an that of such trap, except in case of a trap larger
than t4;,to inches in diameter, in which case the air pipe shall not be
less than tvlo inches in diameter, y ovided that a single pipe may be
used. to vent t is traps through the same fitting when such fitting has
effective means to -,prevent the drainage from one trap entering the '
other trap and is made of one -,?iece of metal without loose or attached
Prohibited 'Tents
10 brick, sheet r.,aetal , earthenware or chimney flue shall be used
as a sevier ventilater to ventilate an-7 tr,'I_Q drain, soil or waste pipe. �
Cellar drains and showers �
Cellar drains and showers in basem-encs and in yards , directly i
connected. with the soil or waste pipe , shall be trapped by a sand
tram of not les,-_ than 12 X 12 inches by 12 inches , and constructed of
concrete. The walls and floor of every si ch trap shall be not less
than three inches thick and each trap shall have a cast iron frarge and
grate cover. The water seal of such trap shall be constructed by in-
vesting its waste pipe. A eater seal of, x3fft less ullan foie~ inches is
prohibited and the minimum ti ize of the waste pipe shall be fovzr inches
where trap is not.vented.
Closets , Efinks , etc.
Every avater clo yet, sink, slo sink, slop hopper, bath tub and
eivery tray, or set of �aash trays , or 'other fixtures con lected �iith
the drain pipe, either directly or indirectly, shall be separately,
independently and effectively trapped and vented; provided that a bath-
tub with a basin or lavatory attached to or supported by such bathtub,
_ with the waste from s-ach lavatory passing vertically into and through
the bath tub waste , shall be deemed a single fixtilre and shall require
but one tr.�Lp and vent and such trap must be as ;ear the fixture as
possible and in no case lUrther than two eet therefrom; that no ,Jood.-
en gash trays shall be connected, maintained o-J used in>�ide of any
Page ten
SEC`'ION jUVIII ( Cont'd )
building or porch; that all gash trays inside of any building shall
be of. noi-absorbent material; that no union coupling of any descrip-
tion shall be used in con lection with any .fork o z the sewer side of
any trap; that Fro rubber connection. shall be used; that rl?nning
traps shall ,rot be alloy-Jed; that full co,iplings mast be-used on all Dur-
ham .,taste lines and vent lines , ,there joints are caulked into cast
iron; and all 3)urham pipe .a,a.ste lines must be reamed,
-Plurnb ing Details
The plumbing Ins _3ector, in approving plans 0 ir}�,ece.,?ting work of
any aAd all persons car2yin, on, conducting, assuming. control of, con-
str- ctin._ or causing to be constructed any plumbing or building or
other structure drainage affecting the sanitary condition of any build-
ing or other struct-Lire in the Cite of iLiami Beach, shall be governed
by the following regulations , and ;:'t. shall be unlawfnl for any person
to rail, ne elect or refuse to comply with the sarse or anythereof, U-0-
on reasonable z1otice , in 4FJriting, fror-a the Pluralbing Ins-oector so to do.
(A) Toilets. No .-;tater closet shall be put into or upon any
property, building or other structure unless the sane be so constrilct-
ed as to be flushed by a tank containing not less than four gallons of
water , on some a-:oproved flushing valve. �lunger closets , -'hiladelphia
Hoppers , pay closet, , front washout closets and other unsanitary clo-
sets shall not be installed in the Cit,,,, of :_irmi Beach. Cell bo.Jls
shall be made to syphon.
(B) TOB 1'I17MTRE - A fix-ure that is a toy) zixtz-tre on a ver-
tical stack and not more than three feet from the inlet to the stack,
need not have 'r y • -�
Zt trU-p� revery ped, provided ovlded 1 does tot discharge into
the stack below the level o f it's seal , except water-closets whose
trap is in the bowl. All other tra-ps shall be set true to their urzter
( C ) JA STI:4 PI11B►S - Fivery soil or waste pi.-pe under or inside of
any building or other structure shall be of cast iron, lead or
brass* �
All #oints in cast iron waste pipes , whether inside or 'outside - of the
building Line of such buildings or strizctrres , shall be made of pig II
lead and oakum and shall be thoroughly a ' i
g caulked* Ido cement o� any de-
scription shall be -used in connection with cany cast iron, lead, brass i
or galvanized iron pipe. Galvanized �Jrought iron pipes and fittings i
-� Page eleven
SECTION I'Q= ( Cont 'd)
known as the Durham system shall not be used below the first floor of
any building or structure , or in the ground except in perpendicular
waste lines. ill cast iron soil pipes inside of lbroperty lines must
be laid by a licensed plumber.
(D) ROUGH 12EST - Before fixtures are placed in connection with
the p1u71ibing of any building or structure, and before any portion of
the drainage system of any building or structure is covered or conceal-
from. view, the outlet from the soil pipe and all openings therein be-
low the top shall be hermetically sealed and the pipe shall then be
filled Frith water to the highest point in the system. Cell pipes and
fittings shown to be defective shall be removed and replaced with
sound pipes and fittings. Every part of the work shall successfully
stared such test and shall in all respects conform to the requirements
of this ;ordinance.
(E) GALVANIZED VENTS - All vent pipes shall be of galvanized
screw 'pipe or cast iron and all fittings of galvanized malleable iron
or cast iron.
(F) CLEAN OUTS - .All vertical stacks , soil_ and waste pipes
shall be provided with a trap screw ferrule at the foot and all others
places where necessary. The diameter .f trap scre r ferrules shall be
not less than one inch of the diameter of the waste, All ch&nges of
direction of soil or waste pipes shall be made with full "Y" branches
and one-eighth bends , except when the waste i,.: vertical. All cleanouts
shall be extended to outer walls or sornle point convenient of access ,
not closer than one foot to the wall. 4hen soil and waste, pipes ire
below cement or wood floors , or in places where the cleanouts are not
accessable, the said cleanouts shall be brought ug to and above the
floor or ground. An arm of two feet in any change of direction where
one-eighth bend can be used -gill be allowed.
(G) !IP-LiD JOINTS - All connections in lead piping shall be join.- I
ed by wiped joints . Connections between soil pipes and lead 'pipes
shall be made with brass ferrules or brass solder nipples , and such
joints shall be wiped,
(H) WASTE PIPE SIZES - .All waste pipes shall be of lead, cast
iron or galvanized wrought iron of the following sizes , to-wit; for
bath tubs , wash basins , and laundry trays not less than 12 inches ;
for sinks , slop hoppers and urinals , not less than two (2 ) inches.
Page twelve
SECTION IX ( Cont t d)
( I) TRANS AND VENTS - All traps and vents shall be the same a
size as the wastes , except in sinky, urinals and wash basins. Sinks
and urinals shall have 1-1 inch traps and vents , and wash basins shall
hrve one and one-quarter inch traps and vents if not more than one
fixture is vented, The s i 7 es of the pipes fpr wastes and vents shall
be as follows , to-twit; for two fixtures 12 , except as hereinbefore
provided for sinks and u:� inals ; for lore than two and not exceeding
eight fixtures 211; for more than ei.th and not exceeding sixtean fix-
tares 2 " ; for more than sixten and not more than twenty-eight fix-
tures 311; and for every additional sixteen fixtures an additonal
( J) CROWN VENTS - Crown vent pipes fromlr tiwater closets and slop
hoppers shall be not less than two inches in internal diameter, s7here
more than one -uater closet and slop hopper is vented through the same
pipe the size of the pipe shall be as fotlows , to-wit; for more than
one and not exceeding four, 2 inches; for more than four and not ex-
ceeding eight, 2inches ; for more than eight and not exceeding four-
teen 3 inches ; for more than fourteen and not exceeding twenty-four,
4 inches ; and for every additional ten closets or slop hoppers an ad-
ditional inch. Every vent pipe run at a horizontal tarn shall ,grade
toward the fixture,
(N) VENT HN,,IGHTS - "11 vents shall rise perpendicularly or at an
angle of forty-live or sixty degrees in the nearest partition or wall
to lour inches above the highest fixture, and in no case less than
three feet above the floor. fittings known as ."Y" branches shall be
used There the vent is taken off the ,caste line below the fixture.
(L ) PROHIBITED CONNECTIONS - No privy vault, cesspool, exhaust
from engine or blow-off from boiler shall be connected with the drain
of any building or other structure.
(M) ;ODA fOUVITAIN CONNECTIOTTS - =then waste pipe connections are
to be made to fixtures classified as follows ; soda fountains , bars ,
dentists fountains , cuspidors , lavatories in barbers shops , which in
the opinion of the Pluxilbing Inspector cannot be practically construct-
ed in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance, a special per-
mit may be issued by the Plumbing Inspector, on recommendation of the
Health Officer that said work will not be unsanitary,
Page thirteen
(N) ALTEFATIONS - Upon the removal or alteration of any build-
ing or structure, or the- making of any addition thereto , if new plumb-
ing fixtures are placed therein, either in the original or altered or
added portion thereof, such new fixtures shall be properly connected
:lith the plumbing in the origin--I psrts oI the building or structure;
and if t1le fixtures are to be reset, either in the old or any new
part of such building or structure , then both the original and addition-
al fixtures , and all altered plumbing shall be made to comply in all
respects with the provisions of this ordinance.
( 0) REFRIGERATOR. COITI ECTIONE' - The waste pipe from any refriger-
ator or other receptacle in or which provisions are stored shall not
be connected with a drain, soil pipe or other waste pipe, but shall be
arranged to waste into an open sink or tray in open sight. This sink
or tray may' be' connected with with the drainage system, which shall
have a water connection so that the trap may be sup-plied ,Vith water.
Said sink or trey shall be properly trapped and vented.. 11he waste
pipe for such refrigerq.tor or other receptacle shall not be less than
14" pipe, which shall run from an open sink or tray to the retriger-
ator and extend through the roof. Refrigerator traps shall be used.
I (F) SAFE WASTES - No safe waste pipe from any fixture shall
connect iiiith any waste pipe or sewer,.Aut such safe waste pipe shall 1
discharge into a water supplied sink or discharge outside of a building.
C( ) IxTrh lryT L5 AND RANGE CLOSETS 1S - Laterines &nd range closets l
shall nu'.-, be installed in any school , factory, apartment house or pub-
lic building within the City of Miami Beach.
(R) INDIRECT CON FECTIONS - No plumbing fixture , unless otherwise
expressly provided and except a sink in a soda fountain, shall be set
up pith an indirect connection to the drain or sewer of any building
or stracture. The waste from every such sink shall be so constructed
so as to be easily removed and cleaned, if not directly connected, may
or may not be vented b� shall be trapped and shall be so constructed
as to discharge over a properly trapped fixture located as near as
practicable to the fixture drained. Such trapped fixture shall not be �
located in an inaccessible or unventilated cellar.
(S ) CLOSET BrIMS - Cast iron closets bends shall have cast
iron or brass floor flange.
Page fourteen
Septic Tank or `ewer Vent
Every building or other otrta.cture connected to a
sewer or septic
tank shall have at least one 4 inch vent pipe carried above the roof.
Every building or structure used for human. habitation shall have in-
stalled therein at least one toilet and one sinkrop r y i
p pe l�, trapped and
connected with sewer or septic tank.
Privy vaults prohibited
No privy vault shall be dug or constructed in the City of Liami
Beach, except that the Plur11bing Inspector may permit such vaults to be
dug or constructed for temporary use , and shall specify in the permit
therefor the length of time during which the same 'may be used, and it
shall be unlawful for any person to maintain such vault a longer time
than specified in such permit.
Vaater Supply to Floor brain
Every floor drain and sand trap connected directly to any huild-
ing or other structure drain shall have a water connection -so that the
trap may be supplied with water,
Supervision of Plumbing Inspector
The Plumbing Inspector of the City of IViami Beach shall have su-
pervision over the installation, alteration arid use of waste pipes and
water fixtures , in all buildings and other structures in the City of
aiami Beach..
Service Pipes
Every service pipe from a city main tap to any building or other
structure shall be not less than three-fourths of an inch in internal
diametero The City Nater Deoartment in every instance reserves the
right to, at its oven option, designate and prescribe the size of a ser-
vice cot.inection, either upon original :installation of a new connection
or upon any renewal or replacement of any old connection and in any
case where a size of service other than that applied fog* by the tenant;
or previously existing, is so designated and prescribed by the City,
the tenant shall be bound thereby. No one but an authorized em to
p yee
Page fifteen r
3ECTiON XD[XIV ( Cont 'd. )
of the :later Department is allowed to touch any Nater main, service
pipe, Meter , stop-cock-, curb-cock or other fixture belonging to or un-
der the control of the pity. any ,,dumber finding repairs or changes
necessary gill shut off the water at the stoyo-cock at the building. In
case it is necessary to shut off the water at the curb -he will notify
the .later Department .
f in all premises where steam boilers or hot eater tams are supplied
with water from the water works, the owner must see that a suitable
safety valve, vacuums air or other valve or device isaced., to
1 prevent
damage from collapse under heavy pressure or from ex-plosion if water is
shut off. in all cases where pipes are connected direct with boilers.
feed water heaters, or other fixtures where pressure is or can be gen -
rated, there roust be a check--valve placed in the pipe between such fix-
ture and the meter. -here this is not done the consumer =-rill be held
responsible for any damage to meter or other fixture on the service pipe
and for cost of labor in repair of same.
;3EC1 ivN FXV.
Galvanized Iron. '
ll water pipes and all water fittings inside of buildings and
oth r structures shall be of galvanized iron; and all other grater pipes
anall other water s fittings hall f �
�, be o- galvanized Iron.
Sized of tater Pipes
I-L'he size of water pipe shall refer to the nominal internal diameter
and shall vary with the ntLmber Of fixture s sxp-��lied thereby as follows:
for nipples and tubinC, only, not les than three-eights of an inch; for
not more than three fixtures, not less than one-half inch; fcr not more
than twenty-four fixtures, not less than three-quarter inch; for not
more than forty fixtures, not less than one inch; -for not more than
eighty fixtures, not less than one and one-quarter inches; for not more
than one hundred and fifty fixtures, not less than Ine and one-half in-
ches; for not more than three hundred fixtures , two inches, and for
every adliitional one hundred and fifty fi- tures add one-half an inch,
6ECT iON X..1VII .
Dentist ' s Cuspidors
every dentist ' s cuspidor shall be constructed so as to waste through
a drum trap and the trap shall have one and one-half inch vent pipe and
shall be placed withi4two feet of the vent pipe . �n the inlet side of the
trap an extension of one inch waste pipe shall be mn to a length not ex-
ceeding- ten feet, reckoning from the traseal to the end/o--f-' the one inch
e_.tensi on.
rage -ITT-ceen
Garage Sand Trap
Every sand trap in a garage shall be of concrete. The walls of
such trap shall be not less than three inches thick, and each said
trap shall codtain a partition not less than two inches thick, which
shall be as high as the outlet thereof. The outlet shall be con-
structed with one 4 inch quarter bend, turned down and terminating
within 4 inches of the bottom of said trap. If the outlet is of four �
inch pipe it need ne. t be vented. The size of the sand trap shall be
not less than eighteen inches by thirty-six inches and shall be not -
less than eighteen inches in depth. The sand trap shall be provided
with a cover which shall rest on an iron angle frame. Such frame shall
extend at least one inch on the floor beyond the sand trap wall. No
boiler blow-off shall connect with any sand trap but shall have a se-
parate water u3,,,-,ht sump, which shall connect with the sand trap on the
building or structure side of the partition of such sand trap.
Prohibited ilittings
Double hubs , straight crosses , straight "T's" or short turn "Lrs"
shall not be used on soil or waste pipes. Bands , saddles and sleeves
shall fit be used in any caseo rouble sanitary "T" branches and single
"T's" are prohibited, except in perpendicular stacksl. No fittings
shall be used between the bath trap. and perpendicular baste lines ,
"L's" or quarter bends will not be allo.aed on bottom of waste staclCs.
Two one-eight bends shall be usede
Trap seal
Every trap shall have a water seal with an internal diameter of
not less than that of the trap.
Pipe arrangement
All pipes shall be as straight and direct as possible , and shall
be so arranged so as to be readily inspected. Hangers shall be placed
every seven feet apart on. cast iron pipe and every ten feet apart on
galvanized iron pipe.
Page seventeen
Drainage exdavations
All exca,vc tions reaniredi for the installation of a
building or
ether structure drainage system, or any ;?art thereof, within the walls d
0112 such building or s tri-ic ture, sha.11 be open trench work; and all
such trenches shall be kept Open until the pipes th erein shall have
been ins„nec ted.
Defec_uive t":ork
Rvef,y person, firm or coporation doing any plumbing pork shall
immediately remove and replace any �_nd all defective m&terial and any
and all defective Saork, when required so to do by the °lambing Inspect-
or. . Lvery soil pipe ; drain pipe vent, tr'.�, water closet, urinal ,
sink or Other fixtures set up or any fittings laid, used or construct-
ed otherwise than in accordance with this ordinance , or any other ordi-
nance or law regulating ,such work in the City' of �_ianii Peach, or orhich
inlay become bad, defective , 'dangerous or in any way unfit for service
shall , upon notice either verbal or in ,`,Jriting from the Plumbing In-
s0ector, be removed or repaired in accordalice frith such notice or other
instructions from the 21umbing Inspector and shall be to comply -rith
the provisions of thi;: ordinance and of every other ordinance and law
regulating such ,:pork in the City of ::iami Beach, within the time fixed
in such notice or within any extension there of gr<_,rated by the Plumb-
ing Inspector,
Where a building or structure has been inspected and the
plumbing work condemned by the Plumbing Ins.)ector as being in an -
unsanitary condition, notice to that effect shall be given in writing
by the Plumbing Inspector to the owner, agent or occupant of such build-
ing or. structure , and in such notice shall designate the repairs or
improvements required to be made. If -the owner, agent or occupant ob-
jects to such condemnation or to the making; of such repairs or improve-
ments , he may, within three days after such notice , appeal to the City
the ylumbing Inspector. Such appeal shall
Council from the decision of
age eighteen
SECTION :�LIV (Cont'd)
be taken by filing with the City Cierk, and a copy with the 2lurnbing ,
Inspector, a notice, in Writing stating the objections to such con- 1
demnations or to such. repairs or improvements' and a statement that he
appeals to tree City Council.
If an appeal is so taken by such owner agent, or occupant, the
same shall come on for hearing at the next regular meetings of the City
Council , but may be contini.ied to other meetings of said City Council
provided notice of the time to which such hearing is continued shall
be given to --,uch Owner, agent or occupant; and the City Council may
hear evidence and argument touching the issue and may affirm, reverse
or modify the order of the 2lumbin� Ins pector and the decision of the
Cit; Council on such an appeal shall be final and conclusive.
When plumbing - in any building - has been condemned as unsanitary
and no appeal taken as herein provided, or, if taken and the order: of
the rlur_,ibing Inspector is affix,-pied or modified, the l owner , agent or
occupant shall i Fimediately make such repairs and improvements as may
be required by the City Co-,uncil and, unless the same shall be commenced
within three days after notice o-P the decision of said City Council ,
it shall be the duty of the -Plumbing Inspector to post as some con-
spicuous place on such building or structure one or more notices ,
which shall be substantially in the follolvring form;
This building ( or structure ) has been condemned as u.nsani-
Lary and unfit for human habitation or occupancy and it is
unlawful for any person to live -i.-il or use the same. By order
of the City Council,
Blurabing Ins ector"
Such notice may be in typewriting and shall remain on 2,uch building or
str= oto re until the repairs Or improvements shall have been made and
the carne shall -'U-hen be removed by the 21-L ibing Ins,-!Dector , or by such
person as may be authorized by such official so to do; and it shall be
unlatirfulfor any person. to remove oL� deface same, after building or +
structure has been placarded oil account of unfit plumbing and until the
repairs or improvements required shall have been made, it shall be un-
lawful for any ;hers on to 1i v=e in or occupy such building or s truc tore ,
'- her for business or residence purposes , or to rent, let or hire the
same or any part thereof, or to collect, receive or pay any rent Mompo-
therefor, whether as agent, owner, tenant or otherwise.
sage nineteen
Display sign 1
Every person, firm or corporation doing business as a merchant
plumber in the City of l: lama_ Beach shall,at the place of such business ,
display a business sign showing the fall registered name of such per-
son, firm or cor-poration; and it shall be unlawful for any person,
firm or corporation not so registered to do business iia the Cite of
I iami Beach, of to advertise to do any plumbing pork therein.
i Every person, as principal , agent, manager or employee , violating,
failing, neglecting or refusing to comply with any of the provisions
of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and , upon
conviction thereof, shall be punished by a rine not exceeding five
hundred ( ?500) Dollars or by imprisoi Tient in the City Jail for not
more than six ( U ) months , or by both fine and imprisonment; and every
dear during any portion of which any of the provisions o-..2 this ordinance
shall be violat-ed shall constitute a misdemeanor �,.nd shall be punished
as herein providedo
Election of 211 r_bing Inspector
The 2lumbing Inspector is to be a 0pointed by the 1-:ayor and approv- .
ed by City Council ; he must be a resident of I: iami Beech and also fur-
nish a one thousand (;;'1000) :dollar bond.
Sections XII to XXI inclusive , relative to examination and regis-
tration of plumbers may be waived or remain in full force by resolution
of the City Council of the City of : iami Beach*
All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict he •eith are
hereby repealed.
Any person, the member of any firm or any officers of any corpor-
ation who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordianance shall,
upon conviction, be fined not more than
or imprisoned in the City Jail not more than
6 mor,+h4 �' or by both such fine "::nd imPrisonrient,
Page twenty
A ��-� "
PASSEED ATTR I DOP TED thi �' dad- of 'yugus t, D. , 'l 9 21.
ATTEST: `�ctilig President of City Council
Citi Ole-rk
APPROVED this 17 dauT of Aug us t, A. D. , 1 '21.
a o'r
x w�
3060, 6(o