Ordinance 146 ORDINyZCE4146 AN ORDINITXE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, I1,20SING LICENSES AND OTHER T-UMS ON PRIVILEGES, BUSINESSES., OCCL02-ATIONS AND PROFESSIONS CARRIED ON IND MIGAG-1110 IN 01ITHIN SAID CITY, -,,.ND PRESCRIB- ' ING PENALTIES FOR TKEXERCISING OF SUCH PRIVI- EL, LEGES OR CARRYING ON SUCH BUSINESSES OCCUPATIONS OR PROFESSIONS WITHOUT A LICENSE OR OTITER FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS THEREOF, BE IT ORDAINED 'By the City of Miami Beach, Florida Section 1: No -Terson, firm or dornorn.tion shall engage in or mpnoge any business, privilege or occupation mentioned in this Ordinance in the City of Miami Beach, Flo ride., unless q, City license shell hove been -procured from the City Clerk of sa-id City as is rrovided by this Ordinance, which license shall be issued to each rerson, firm or corrorption uron the receipt of the amount herein -provided for or as mpy be otherwise provided by law. Section 2 : Thht in every case not otherwise rrovided in this act, a City License tax of 50c%o of the State License Tax im- 'nosed by the State of Florida in such eases, by Charter 6421 of the Acts of the Legislpture of Florida, enacted at its session in the year A. D, , 1913, be and the same is hereby levied and im- posed unon such businesses, rrofessions or occupations not other- wise s-oecifically named in this Ordinance, and all of the renal- ties prescribed by this Ordinance for the non-rp.yment of license tp.x or for doing business without P license, shall extend and apply to such other cpses not specifically mentioned herein* Section 3 : No license shall be issued for more than one year andpll licenses shall expire on the first day of October of eachy ear, unless otherwise rrovided in this act. All business licenses may be transferred, with the arrroval* of the City Clerk, with the business for which they are taken out, when there is a. bona fide sale and transfer of the -pronerty used and embraced in the business so sold of transferred, but such transfer of license shp-11 not be held good for any longer than or at any othe�rlace than that for which it wp.s originally issued, provided the original license shall be submitted to the said City Clerk who shall make note thereon of the transfer thereof* Section 4: All licenses shall be payable on or before the first day of October of each year and no licenses shall be issued for any fractional portion of a year, except as otherwise nrovided in this act.- and except that any license not otherwise specified in this act may be issued after the first day of A-nril to expire on October first, uron payment of one-half the amount fixed as the -price for such liqenses for one year, Section 5: -4%;ch individual who acts as Agent,, and each individual who acts as business or sales _.:1gent for a corporation engaged in any business mentioned in this section, when his prin- cipal has not -paid .9. license in accordance with this Ordinance,, shall be renuired to take out a license as Agent in his own nPme. This section shall apply to every person who seeks, negotiates or transacts, for himself or for any other person or corporation men- tioned in this section, but not to inactive stockholders in corp- orp.tions or members of Agencies who do not attempt to tranact any business for such agency. A license tRx in the sum set onro- site each of the following businesses, occuioations or professions, is heeby levied and imposed uron t- e business, occu-oation or -oro- fession o-orosite which such sum is set* . A- 'A Apmenc-7, nommerical ?10000 Agexacy for sale or exchange of ikon safes 5.00 Agency for marble or granite -iu-rry or yA-rd 5*00 x1gency for negotiating loans o:n real ekatate 10.00 Agency for negotiating loans or loAn company on -oersonal rroperty where it is not tAken into possession 16y the lender 5100 Agent, for s-,le of wpgons, carringes, etc. where same not carried under a merchant' s license 10.00 Agent for wholesale dealer or dealers in dry Malt meat hn-mq, canned meats and other racking ouse rrolacts 25,00 Abstr^ct, Ba.nd title, warranty or security companies p �;25,O Agent, Lightening Rods 100.00 agent, Insurance, for eA.ch com-nany represented 5.00 A.dvertisei�ent or trade inducement comxoa.ny or individual 100.00----' Advertising. each -person, firm or corporation advertising on the sheets, with banners, floats or cartoons, or any other means where no vehiel e is used 10.00 Advertising each vehicle advertising on the streets by mens of banners cartoons or floats or anyother means 25,00 Advertising, each person, firm, corporation or agent for same, contracting and advertising in street cars 10.00 Advertising �ents, firms associations,a. dations. corpora.tlons or any other rersons distributing circulars, xoamPhets or other advertising MRtter. this clause not to amply to merchants :advertising in this manner their own goods or merchandise = Agency, for steamboats or sailing vessels agency for nonresidents, dealers or manufacturers, includnng brokers 10.00 Agency or other. business not es-Decially mentioned, except such licenses as mpy hereafter be authorized by council 10.00 Ao ua.r ium 10.00 Auctioneer, where goods, wares and merchandise Are sold tt auction by the owner, agent, auctioneer or other Terson within the limits of the City of Miami Beach, there shall be P. license tox rer day for each day that the sale may continue of' 50.00 Awning or tent mokers 5.00 Architects 5.00 Auctioneers, rep]. estate, who sell real estate within or with- out the city Timits, at auction, and who advertise such sale in newsna.pers, placards, rosters, or other- wise in the City of 12Tiomi BeAch 250.00 -B- Billiard, pool or bagatelle tables, person maintaining same for profit, directly or indirectly, or the proprietor thereof, for each table 10000 Book Agent or canvasser for books or periodials 5.00 Broker, in futures or onions 85.00 Boot Houses or yards, with boats for hire 5.00 Brick M9=facturers, hpving a trent in the City 5.00 Bottling Works, alone or in connection with any other business 10.00 Bulding or Doan associations, domestic 10.00 Building and loanasoociations , incorporated uAder the laws of other states 50000 Boat Builders, contractors 10.00 Boat Yards 10.GO Bowling Alleys 10.00 Banks, having a capital stock of $'25,000. or less 50-,00 Banes, having a capital stack of over $25,000. and less than $100,000 75.00 Banks having a capital stdck of x'100,000. or over 100.00 Baker, steapt steam, baking not over 50 loaves per day 5.00 Baker, steam 25.00 Barber Shop, on each chair set up 2.00 Ba_ er shop, sellin.~ tobacco , cigarettes or cigars, must take out addition license therefor 5.00 Baths, 'Turkish, Russian or vapor Bill Posters 5.00 25.00 Bicyle, dealer in where goods are sold, repairs alone or in connection with any other business 10.00 Bicyle, repairing only 5CI00 Blacksmiths, show-ink; horses, one forge 5.00 Blacksmiths, more than one forge, each forge 5.00 Boarding Houses, taking transient boarders, ten lodgers or boarders or less 2,50 x Boarding houses, less than 25 and more than 10 5.00 Boot and shoe repair shop, iuhether in connection with other business or otherwise 2.50 Boot and shoe repair shop empl ying more thin two hands 5.00 Bootblack stand, each chair 1.00 Brokers or jobbers in hay, grain, provisions, etc. 25.00 Butcher shops(may sell fresh or cured meats, dressed fowl, fish ice and oysters at retail ) each meat cutter 5.00 ` Butcher wagons, selling fresh meat from wagon, exclusively at wholesale $10000 � -C_ Canvassers, solicmtors, or other persons who solicit order or sell, by sample or otherwise, for furniture, house- hold goods, musical instruments of other goods, wares and merchandise at retail, representing business houses out of the city* 100.00 Cash Registers, agent for sale or dealers in 5.00 Cane racks, knife,racks, wheels of fortune or similar boards, proprietors, of or person maintaining 250.00 Card writing, cutting or engraving 5000 Circus, any performance or slTow given under canvas or tent except dogs or trained animal exhibition) each performance 25.00 Circus, for each parade through the streets, when perfor- mance is given outside city 50000 Charcoal, dealer in 2,50 Clairvoyant, per week 150000 Cyclorama 5000 Cabinet Shops 5000 Candy Manufacturers 5.00 Carpenter shops 2.50 Carnage or wagon dealers 10000 Cigar manufacturers employing more than one and less than twenty hands 5000 Cigar Manufacturers, employing more than 20 hands 10000 Claim and collection agencies 10000 Coal Dealers 10000 Commission merchants or person doing business on commis- sion, not otherwise provided for, including local and transient 50.00 Contractors or persons or firms, defined as persons taking contracts to perform work by the job, where party or firm does the work Aassistants 10000 Cool drink stands 10000 -D- Dentists 5000 Detective agencies 50000 Dog or other trained animal exhibition, each performance 10,00 Dog or other trained animal exhibition, each parade, where the performance is given outside of the city limits 25.00 Drays, using drays or wagons for hauling, for each dray, truck or wagon 5.00 Dealers in cigars, cigarettes or tobacco (see merchants ) Dealers in second-hand goods other than wearing apparel 10000 Dealer in second-hand goods wearing apparel 250.00 Delicatessen 5000 Drugs, dealer in ( see merchants ) Dynamite, dealer 10000 -E- Electric light companies - providid there is no tax upon the earnings of the company 50.00 Eating or lunch houses, stock less than 4300. ( stock may include cigars and cold drinks ) 10.00 :electrical contractor, repair or superintendence or other p6kean engaged in or in charge of electrical construction or wiring, or dlealer in 10.00 Employment agencies 10x00 Electropoise, of other similar article or agent for 5000 Express companies 200.00 Factories, doors, sash, blinds, planing mills 10000 Factories, furniture 5000 Flying Jenny, owner or operator, for each, per geek 1000 Fortune Teller or palmist, per week 150000 Foundries, alone or in connection with other businesses 25.00 Fruit stands, not connected with any other business 5000 a a =`1 ,._-.t,...lrrr. .rri �r .•+ill^'.. I Frit or vegetables, dealer in, sold from the car, per freight or express car, or other merchandise when merchant' s license not carried 5.00 Fruits, vegetables or produce, solicitor for, upon commission, when merchant' s license is not carried 5.00 Fish, oyster, or clam dealer, not in connection with butcher shop, retail or wholesale 5.00 Furniture dealer (see merchants ) Funeral director and undertaker 25.00 Ferries, each boat 5.00 Garage, public, for each location 10.00 .-as company or work 200.00 Gents' Furnishings see merchants ) Granite, marble, rock or articial stone yard 10.00 Grocer, selling fresh meat, oyster, fish or ice, must take out additional license 10.00 Gr6cers ( see merchants ) Guns, or pistols, dealers in, whether in connection with other business or not 25.00 -H- Hall for hire 5.00 Hardware (see merchanj;s ) nand Carts for hire each 1.00 Harness shop or store selling or manufacturing 5.00 Hides, wool, furs, etc. , alone or in connection with other business 5.00 Horse trader and dealer 10.00 Hotel keepers, or Apartments having accommodation for 200 or more lodgers and boarders 75.00 Hotel keepers, having accommodation for more than 100 and less than 200 lodgers or boarders 40.00 Ho-L,el keepers, having accommodation for 75 to 100 lodgers A and boarders 25.00 Hotel keepers, having acconm adation for 50 to 75 lodgers or boarders 10.00 House movers, except where hauled on wheels (must procure premit) 25.00 5 lodgers Hotel keepers, having accommodation for less than 2j or boarders 5.00 Hacks and carriages, where not run under a livery license, one horse 5.00 Hacks and carriages, not run a livery license, two horses 7.50 1 -I- Ice House or agents 25.00 Ice 1.1anufacturers, for each ton capacity 1.00 Ice wagons, retailing ice , each wagon, when not belonging to 5.00 manufacturer of ice Ice cream saloons, except where served at meals or licensed 5.00 soda fountains 5.00 I,,e cream, each person selling on the streets Insurance companies, for each agent doing business for, license to be on ��1 company and not on the agent 5.00 Itinerant vendor, of proprietary or patent articles, from 11DOoOO house to house Itinerant vendors of patent or proprietary medicines or 250 00 other solicitors from out of the city -J_ Jewelers ( see merchants ) Junk gatherers, by wagon or otherwise 5.00 Junk Shops, or dealers in old rope, iron, cop-�er, brass, or any other metal or waste, cotton or other articles of any kind 25n00 useless for their original purpose a j Dealers in Junk small hold their stock of this class of good subject to inspection of the Ch&if of Police and shall keep a record of all purchases, showing the article, price paid for, same and Marne of the party from purchased,* Jobber or broker in grain, hay, provisions, etc. 25.00 Labor agents 10.00 Land Agents or real estate brokers, each 10,00 Laundries, steam 25.00 Laundries, hand 10.00 Lawyers, each 5.00 Lithographers, each person, firm or corporation, alone or in connect with any other business 5000 Livery stable, having 1 to 10 horses or mules 25.00 Livery stable having 11 to 20 horses or mules 35.00 Livery stabile, having 21 to 30 horses or mules 50000 Livery stable, having 31 to 40 horses or mules 60.00 ulvery stable, having 41 to 50 Horses or mules 75000 livery stable, having 51 to 60 horses or mules 85.00 Livery stable, having 61 to 70 horses or mules 100000 Provided that they shall pay in addition a fixed license tax on drays, busses but shall not be required to pay. an additional hack or carriage license t lumber Merchants, operating a lumber yard alone or in connection with any other business 10.00 Lumber 1.1anufacturer, or dealer in, at wholesale, selling only to registered dealers of the city, alone or in connection# with any other business 10000 Lumber Agent, broker, firm, person, selling on commission at wholesale or retail, alone or in connection with any other busniess 10.00 Lunch stand, owner or person maintaining same 5000 Lung Tester, striking machine, weighing machine, chewing gum stand, automatic penny in the slot machine or other device of like mature, o�,ner of or person operating or maintaining the same, each machine 5.00 -IL. Machine 6hop, not connected with railroad 10.00 I'VI,nufalturers of proprietary medicines 10.00 Manufacturers not o therwide -provided for 5.00 Mattress or pillow factory, alone or in connection with any other business, where machinery is not used 1.00 Mattress factory, alone or in connection with any other business where machinery is used 1000 Marine Ways, where capital invested is more than 41tOOOI, doing business for profit 10.00 Marine !Nays, where capital invested is less than 1,000, doing business for profit 10000 Me-chants, storekeepers, druggist, furniture dealers, jewelers, hardware, or other goods or merchandise having a capital stock of �jp3 00 to $1000 5000 Or capital stock of less than $300. 2.50 Merchants, same as above, with capital stock of more than X1000, shall pay a tag of X1.00 for each additional 1000 of stock or fractional part thereof Merchants and dealers: See Section 9 for requirement of affidavit, bond, etc. , before engaging in business Millinery, not in connection with other business and operat- ing merchants license 5000 Money lender, person, firm or corpoation lending money, other than doing a legal banking business 25000 Mo-ving pictureshows, without other attractions 50000 1.1oving pictures shows, with vaudeville 100000 Music store , or agent for mus:i.cal instruments 10000 Natatorium 25.00 } News Depot, not in connection with other business 10.00 Naval stores, dealer in or agent for person, firm or corporation dealing in 20.00 -0- Osteopath, chiropractor or similar profession, each 10.00 Oils, illuminating or lubricating, wholesale dealer in or agent for such dealer 50.00 Oils, crude or fuel, dealer in 15.00 Optical goofs, knives, jewelry or articles of a similar class, when sold from stands on the street 25.00 Optician or manufacturer of eye glasses alone, where no merchant's license is paid 10.00 Organ grinders, per week 5.00 Oysters, fish or ice dealers, not to apply to retail Rrocers, markets or butcher shops 5.00 Oriental goods, dealer 25:00 Oil peddlers, each wagon 15.00 -P- Paints, dealers ( see merchants ) Palmist, or fortune tellers, per week 150.00 Pawn Brokers 500.00 Pawn brokers selling ether than articles taken on pledge must take out a regular merchant' s license .each person or firm engaging inthe business of a pawn broker or conducting a pawn broking shop in the city, shall keep a record and upon demand shall make a report to the Chief of Police of- his representative, of every - article or thing pawned to or purchased by him or them 6aid record and report to specify the article or thing such as number, mark, and all other such details, as will make identification of smch article or such articles or thing clear and positive ; and smch person or persons aforesaid shall hold their shop open to visitation or inspection by the police, and upon refusal of any pawn broker at any time to submit to such visitation or inspec- tion his or their shop shall be imr�Iediately closed by order of the Mayor* Ali _icenses issued to pawn brokers are subject to these provisions any violation of which will be punished by a revocation of their license, and no license issued to pa= brokers shall be transferred from the -oerson or firm to whom it was issued. Pawn brokers, selling other than articles taken on pledge license for such pawn broker 4500 in addition to his regular merchant' s license- Peddlers or hawkers or street vendor of medicines, drugs patent medicines or other proprietary preparations -purporting to have medical virtues 250.00 Peddlersor dealers in dry goods, notions, jewelry or clothing or othlerr merchandise on foot, selling at retail or by sample 50.00 Peddlers, same as above from wagons, per wagon 50.00 Provided that peddlers of fruit, vegetables and produce raised by themselves shall not be re- quired to pay a license; where not raised 5.00 Phonographs or talking machines, each dealer or agent for phonograrhe or talking machines for hire 5.00 Phonographs or talking machines operated for profit 5.00 :photographers, ferrotypers or crayon artists 10, 00 Popcorn or peanut vendors or peddlers, vending popcorn or peanuts on streets or sidewalks <;5.00 Popcorn or peanut wagon on. street, --,W.00; on sidewalk 5. 00 Post card stand 5000 r T Picture ao-ents, soliciting orders or framing 025.00 Plating, gold, silver or nickel 5.00 Plumbing, gas ane! steam fitting 10.00 Printing office, news or job 10.00 Printing or book binding brokers, agents or agencies representing foreign firms 5.00 Proprietary medicines ( see merchants ) Pressing clubs, or cleaning and preso ing of clothes 5. 00 Packing house, wholesale, meats and meat products 50.00 -R Real Estate or renting agent ( see land agent) Repair shop not in connection with any other business 5.00 Restaurant, with 12 chairs or less 5.00 Restaurant, with more than 12 chairs and less than 21 chairs keepers of '7.50 Restaurant with more than 21 chairs, keeper of 10.00 Refrigerator cars, agent doing business in the city 5000 Rinks, skating, bicycle or others owners or persons maintaining same 10. 00 Rubber ballon peddlers, not pro rated 5.00 -S- Sanitarium, or institution of like character 10,00 School supplies, dealer i , not connected with other business 5.00 merchant Seed store, ( see Here ant , Sewing machine agents, each company or factory 5,00 Shuffle Boards, used for porfit, each board 100000 Shooting gallery ( close at 11 o ' clock P 10.00 Soda founts; whether in connection with other business or not capital invested 1,000 or more 10.00 Soda founts, whether in connection "with other business or not, capital over 0500 and less than $1000 5.00 Soda founts, whether in connection with other business or not, ca?vital invested less than p500. and more than y50. 2.50 Spring bed manufactures, each, Trrhere machinery is used 1.00 Street car, companies, for each company using tracks on streets or trackless cars 100.00 Slot machines ( see lung tester) Sign Painters, employing two or more hands 5.00 K-tX• . s _T- Taxidermist 5.00 (Telephone company) provided there is no tax on the earnings of these 100,00 (Telegraph company) companies Tailor, merchant, each shop 10.00 Tailor, merchant, where not other city license is paid, who is dealer in or agent for any person or firm, or any other person acting as agent for firm outside of city and takinF-, orders for clothing shirts, or other wearing apparel to be made outside of the city shall be cl,-:�,ssed as an agent and shall pay a license of 25.00 Ten pin alley, or box ball or other alleys of a similar character, not including alleys belon-7ing to hotels or clubs for the use of the members off` guests 10.00 Theatres 25.00 Theatrical or dramatic troupes or companies, for profit where performance is not give in a local licensed theatre each preformance 25.00 Theatrical performance, wholly for benevolent or charitable purposes, no license required { i. - Thio?=ring balls at figures, persons maintaining place for profit ; 10.00 Typewriters, dealers in or agents T©w&l Supply companies or individuals, each 5.00 5.00 V_ Vaudeville, in licensed theatre Vaudeville , or shows Of a similar character, when not 50.00 given In a regularly licensed theatre, each perforance 25.00 Veterinary surgeons, or persons charging for services as horse doctors 10.00 Vehicles or hacks, transporting passe igers by (a) each one horse hack or carriage, %5.00; (b ) each t,.-,,o horse hack or carriage �7 _,50; (c ) each omnibus, 015.00 for each t moving van 45.00 TT- Warehouse or storage room atchmaker or repairer of Jewelry, carrying stock on hand 5. 00 ( see jeweler) Watchmaker or repairer of jewelry, with no stock 5000 Section 6: Persons, firms or corporations operating p ing permanently located amusement parks within which are located and operated merry-o-o- rounds, roller coasters and other exhibition shows and perfvror other forms of diversion and amusement permanently carriedmes oncin such parks, shall pay a license tax of X100.00, provided that this shall not be construed to apply to persons operating bathing casinos or pavillions where guests are permitted to use swings and other devices without charge- And rrovided further that this shall nota 1 to an associ- ation y person or associ- ation holding a city of county fair where no charge is made to persons siting such places, and where no priviledges are sold to others for �u operation of shops or forms of amusement therein. Section 7: Any person, firm or corporation operating, or who shall operate, a merry-go-round, roller-coaster, ferric-wheel, whip, dodger, or other like or similar forms o:'F amusement shall p ice in the sum of � 1.00 for each of such forms of amusement forpeach weeknse the same is operated• Section 8: All confirmed cripples or invalids,p#ysiaally incapable of manual labor, and all veterans of the Civil Viar Spanish Ameriaan and World wars, and widows who are dependent upon � y exertions, shall be allowed to' peddle without paying a license, sowlonga they utheir ther own capital and their profits are not divided with someone else. Section 9 : It shall be the duty of the City Clerk, before issuin a license based upon prcperty valuation or capital stock or any other con- g dition, to iegaire the parties applying for such license to file under oath, duly authenticated, a statment of the value of the property, amount of the capital stock or other contingency which statment shall be kept permanently on the file, A failure on the part of the Tax Collector to require their .written said oath, shall be cause for suspension from office. Any person vvho shall make a false statement, application or oath under this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemma,nor and punished as is hereafter set forth. Section 10: Any person, firm, corporation or association that shell carry oII or conduct any privilege, business, occupation or profession, ."or whicha license is required by this ordinance,without first obtaining such license, and any person iriho sh<:11 make a false statement, application or oath, pursuant to the foregoing section, shall ` T upon conviction be punished by a fine of not more than $200. or by imprisonment not exceeding 90 days or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 11: each day that a privilege is exercised or business occupation or profession conducted or followed without having first k procured a license therefor, shall be an individual offense punishable a :in hereinbefore set forth, provided however that if a person, however defined, is punished for one such offense pays the penalty and procures a license before further conducting or carrying on such priviledge, u,siness, occupation or profession, then he shall be fined for each days failure or omission to have a license for the conduct of such priviledges, Nusinesses, occupations or professions* Section 12: It is hereby made the duty of the City Tdlarshal and other policemen of said City to inve-tigate all of the aforesaid businesses r occupations, or professions and make such inquiry as shall be necessary to determine whether they have procured a license or licenses as is hei,ein provided for, and when such licenses shall not have been procured, to make arrest of the person violating this Ordinance with or without wa__,ent, and any person refusing said Police Officer permission to investigate and inquire for the purpose of determining whether such person has such license, shall, upon conviction, be fined and imprisoned or avth fined and imprisoned as is herein provided for failure to procure such licenses* Section 13: It is hereby made the djtty of any person exercising the priviledge or conducting a business, occupation or profession, for which a license is herein required, to post his license in a conspicuous place in or about his place of business where it may be seen upon inspection by any official of said city and for his failure to do so, he shall, upon conviction, be fined or imprisoned, or both, as if he had never procured such license• r' Section 14: The payment of a license hereunder shall not a-..-orize or legalize in any manner tj,ihatsoever thecommission of any offence or crime against said city, the County of Dade of the State o= lorida or the United States of America. Section 15: x.11 of the .p rovisions of this act shall be con- strued liberally in behalf of said City. 6ection 16: All Ordinances or resolutions and parts thereof in conflict i�irith the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 17: This Ordinance shwl]. become effective immediately upon its adoption by the City Council and approval by the Mayor of said "v,y_ and posting in ac co rdanc ewi th law. PASSED and adopted this 19th day of _January A. D. 1921. CITY CCUIMIS OF MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA BY President Attest: (8igne ) C. W. Tomlinson CITY lark Approved this 19 th _ day of January • D. 1921• ( Signed) 2. i• James La)yo r . w. M1 41 y ego- c� �-rra PiP N• K (DN Fr• P. �• c� � O p N• U1 H CD w w w O fx, " O 0 9.. 9 �E � P. O P. F i. ca � CGS H N V1 ca N � � ; N O w O i D N �-,.' �1F c) H � W N O H Pi w V 0 N• CD �� CD ; (t) CD H 0 H O N n, a 0 CD JM 0 ;ur o � c+ c+ CO CD C+ CD a CO 3 z r ,� N C) 0� 3' to FA 0 1 iE O O O Eti O N• 1+ 2 fill O H Cid C� g a ►-�• Y• H " CD N';M � y 0 011-4 CO Cr ►`Y CD O ce t59 f-d co c _ C+ O F- *V Fz O CA it. H s1 (D -: CD Z - } j r. y i