Ordinance 118 All ORDINANCE OF THE CITY CC'J'.*L,iTCIL OF THE CITY OF 1V1IAkI$ BBACHt FLORIDA.- CALLING A SrECIAL ELECTION KR THE PUR-20SE OF SUBJJT'PTINC TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID CITY� FOR TH7SIR A11PROVAL OR -REJECTION THE 'J"UESTION OF 1'.=, TH'MLJR OR NOT THAT CERTAIN ORDINANCE I-PASSED AND ADOPTED the 18th L DAY OF laRCH, A.D,1919, U0 ENTITLED ffAN ORDINANCE G R.Al 1TING TO CARL G. FISHER) C. R. CUM:1INS, AR TUR C. NEa,TBY, J. H. 11cDUFFEE and GEORGE R. KLINE, THEIR SUC- IT CE��'-)'SORSO HAIRS, LEG-I.0 RE TAT IV.'-;j 3 .-'-ND ASSIGNS, ( IN- OLTROING ES,'EC'/IALLY A'C=_-O",RAtI0N N01'i` IN PROCESS OF FORMATION, WHICHIS BEIRG OL,, ANDD BY THE ABOVE NA1,00 GRANTEES ) THS, R F C HTSE I C_T'T T .,YD ZRILVILEGE 2V A L-El."LIOD GF THIRTY YEARS TO C0111STRUCT, ACQUIRE,, OWIN, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE EIECTRIC LIGHT AND POT,,,VTR LIFES,, TO IUB REASONABLE RULE1S AND RX,-,,UIRE- 12UTS FOR THEMliNAGE=qT AND CONTROL BY THEL", TO 11kka CHARGE 17E 'r1U AND COLLECT RATES FOR ELECTRIC LIGHT _`.ND POIA R I RNISHE')t AND TO H,";.VB THE RIGHT OF 71-4Y .0D US-1] OF THE PUBLIC ST__,.EETS IN THEE CITY OF MIA11v1I BEACH AND VICINITY It STLkLL BEC014E A Lk' OF THE CITY OF - JAbIT BEACH, FLCRID_ , AND -ROVIDING T[IE METHOD OF HOLDIVG SUCH ELECTION* Whereas,, the City Council of Miami Beach, Florida, on the 18th day of March, A. D. 1919, passed and adopted that certain ordinance entitled "All ORDINANCE GRAFTING TO CARL G. FISHER, C. R. Cli-12,1INS, ARTHUR C. Pte`,-:BEIAY, J. H. McDUFFEE and GEORGE RKD R. K-LIKE, THEIR SUCC '�:_ SORS,. H,:=S, 1124-GAL RESENTATIVE'S .10 ASSIGNS, (including expecially a corporation ftw in process of formation, ;,rhich is being organized by the above named grantees .d'11 F R�L NC RISE RIC-.',HT AND PRIVILEGE FOR A _1'ERIOD OF THIRTY 'TEARS, TO CCNq-TPT-TCT, ACQUIRE, OVIN, AND OIIEIATE ELECTRIC LIGHT AND PO= LINES, TO lliM REASON BLE RULES UvD RE­UIIEIFIENTS FOR THE,, hL!TAGEMENT jUTD CORTROL BY THE1.1% TO Tv=, UHARIGB AND COLLECT RAT_.jS FOR 11LECTRIC LIGHT AND 12OVIER FURNISHED, _ARD TO HAVE THE RIGHT OF -.-.-AY _;L.T.!D SE OF 7_1HE PUBLIC STREETS IN THE CITY 061 KIAKI BEACH AND VICINITY, and Whereas, under Section 29 of the Charter of said Ci of Miami Beach, Florida, it is- provided that no ordinance grunting the right to use the streats or alleys of the City of Iviiami Be.--:-_ch to any private person or corpor._�4ti6n shall become a lay.-,, -Luitil the sane has been ainproved by a majority of the qualified voters of the City of Miami Beach votii,Lg at an election hold therefor, THE.AFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, F1 ria.--,., , w Section 1. Th_-.,.t -pursuant to Section 20' of IL ilh-1.e City Ch-1-ter, the 'same being an 41'_ict of the Legislature of the AF • p y_ State of Florida, approved May 25th, 1917, knotim as Cha-c,ter 7675 of the Davis of Flao rids, 1917 , entitled ".Ar. ACT TO ABOLISH THE FR.ESENT LICTT`a IC I. AL GOVEMIT=T OF THE T011,711 MJF I A dI BEACH, IN THE� CGUN TY OF DDE AND STATE OF FLORIDA I _0D TO ESTABLISH, ORG.t�TI E AiM INCOR2 ,RATE A CITY GOVER EZENT FOR THE C I T-Y OF IMM. BEACH, RSA,TO DEF I ATE ITS TERRI- TORIAL BOUNDARIES, TO PRESCRIBE ITS JURI SDIC T IOTI, POVERS AND PRIVILEGES, AND FOR THE EMRC ISE OF THE SJX,E, I D TO 1' AUTHORIZE THE IIk OSITIO OF 2ENALTIES FOR TI-M VIOLATION OF ITS OP-DINANCES, a ap eci,.l election be and hereby is called and directed to be held at the City Council Chambers in said Oil tZ , 'from S O'clock a. m* to sunset on +�J tre of D. 1919, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified registered voters of the Citi of MiUlmi Beach, the question set forth in the election notice hereinafter contained. Section 2. That the regis tr ,tion Officer of tthe City of Iliami Beach shall open ret i stration books _Po r said election, &jich shall remain open at the Cit-; Counci3: Oh.a=:b Ars from lO O'clock a. m. until 5 O'clock 3. m. the �-- day r . o f A. D. 1919, each dad ( n ,ndays ex- .�� _ ceptet: i thereaftor, 1-mtil the A dery of A. D. 1919, for the Pur,00se of registering those ~= are qual- ified to re sister for such election, Section3. ThatAv/$ arld are here , appointed d and designated inspectors, und ��•_.�� _ _ ...�.., as c1Qrk of election, ' and the C.L t�y T Ei k . lerk s hereby directed to certify thle nazies of inspec tors andc•lerI to the lv.Tayo.r. Sec tion 4, That all persons participating in said election aball possess the qualifications requisite to. an !=1 elector at General State elections, and shall have �y resided in the Cit; of ' •.ami Beach six months next preceding S ' I said election, and shc-111 have been re�7istered in the municipal re�� istration books prescribed by ordinance, and said eyection shall be conducted ana held, except m herein provided, in ac- cordance with the provisions of the general elections laws of the state of Florida. Sectio,.,.. 5. That the Mayor is hereby directed to publish, by posting in. three public places iM the City of- Iiami Beach, Florida., and by publicwtion in the 1liami '111etropolis, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of IL- ami Elarida., published in the City of LUami, Florida, once a week, for at -least foz?r weeks next prece0.ing the date of said election, a notice in substantially the followin ; fora: �t ------------ t�. IC .o, F 'Sw 4 r ' ,1 -`t R { 1CT'ICE OF IM ELECTION. 1"URSUAIyT to an o rd i.�ynce adopted the %t day of nprii. A. D. 1919, and entitled "An ordinance of the' City Coune-il of the City of Lciiami Beach, Florida, calling a special election for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said r City, for their approval or rejection the question of whether or not that certain ordinance passed and adopted the 18th day of 14arch, A. 1919, and entitled "An brd finance granting to Carl G. Fisher, C. R. Cummins, Arthur C . Newby, J. H. McDnffee, and George R. Kline, their successors, heirs, legal re presenta- t .ues and a,ssigrs (including es-(.�ecia.11y a corporation *now in process of formation which is being organized by the above namaed grantees )the franchise right and privilege for a. Period of thirty years to corstruct, acquire, o`fin, maintain and operate electric light and power lines, to make reasonable rules and requirements for the management and .con trcl by them, to.make, ch�xge and col- lect rages for electric light and power furnished, and to have the right of way and use of the Public Streets to the City of .Miami Beach and. Vicinity," Shall become a law of the City of NUami Beach., Florida, and providing . themethod of holding such electionsJ. " a special election -to be held or. the day <, v. A. D. 1919, from 8 o i clod: 'a. m. to sunset, 7_77 ;. at the City CoLincit Chambers at which election there v.-ill be szb- mitted to the qualified registered voters of said. City the follow- ing question to be voted on: r "Shall an ordinance entitled "AN 0RDIN.IIXE Z Z'7T=1y, GRANTING TO CARL G. FISHER, C. R. CUIL11INS, ARTHUR C,, X'EWBY, J. H. 1Jc.DUFFEE and GEORGE R. =NE, THEIR SUCCESSORS, HEIRS, LF:G �L RL RE- SENTATIVES AND .ASSIGNS, (including expecially a corporatioo now in process of formation, ,hich is being organized by the above-named grantees) THE FR 1KCH I Z RIGHT AND PRIVILEGE FOR & _:.�RIOD OF THI 1UY YEARS, TO CONSTRUCT, ACQUIRE, OWN, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE ELECTRIC LIGHT 11D POS= LINES , TO MiA E REASONABLE RULES AND R.EQUIREL�:NTS FOR THE T.WL1GESENT .AND CONTROL BY THEIN, TO KI KE, CH.A.RG_ .14D COLLECT RATES FOR Esq'G T RIC LIGHT AND POWER FURN I SHED,ATID TO HAVE THE RIGHT- OF-WAY AND USE OF THE PUBLIC STREETS INT R CITY OF laiUJI BEACH ZD VICINITY,"become a law of the City of Miami Beach, Florida. r . Section , That the official ballot to be used at said election shall be in substantially the following forma: OFF ID I AL BAA SPECIAL ELECTIO 19l 9. CITY OF ISI 8E H, .�..,,RIDA. (make a cross (X) mark before your choice for or against the following proposition: "Shall an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO CARL G, FISHER, C, R. CMVE-IIN S, ARTHUR C. NE WBY, J, H. McDUFFEE and, l GEORGE R. KLINE, THEIR SUCCESSORS, HEIRS, LEGAI, REQ 23SEUTATIVES A.1,4D ASSIGNS, (including especially a co rico ration now in process of formation, which is being organized by the above-named. grantees ) TIFE FRANCHISE AND ?RIVILEGE FOR A P]E'RI OD OF 1111IRT Y YEARS, Tu t-'' C J.�� r- _ STRIM T, AC QUIRE, OWN, IvUINT.AIN AND OPERATE ELECTRIC DIGHT AIM POWER LIVES, TO 1Vr,;M RE ,_SGFi3IE RUL {` _-;I\TD RE'1;4UIE=TS KR TI 111NAGEMENT SIM CONTROL BY Tom, TO MLKE, CHARGE AND COLLECT RATES FOR ELECTRIC LIGHT -0D PO 01ER FURNI SSD, AND TO HAVE THE RIGHT-OF* WAY AND USE OF THE PUBLIC STREETS IN THE CITY O., 1VII.11I BEACH AND VICINITY" BECG 1:E I LADY OF THE CITY 4 F MIAM BEACH 9FLORIDA, YES -- NO Section That immediately after the closing of the polls, inspectors anc? clerk of said election shall proceed to count the votes at said election for and against the proposition s,,bmitied., and shall prepare duplicate lists shoe:ing the vote for each, and against each resypectively, and shell certify the correct- ness of the same, and one of said certified lists under seal shell be handed by, the inspector to the city clerk, and the other certi- fied list also under seal shall be handed -to the president of the City Council. Sec ti 04 That on the first Monday after said election, or as s -jon thereafter as practicable, the City Council shell con- vene and proceed to c-4.nvass the vote cast at such election, arm, if it shall appear that a ala, ority of the qualified electors voting at said. election have, by a majority of their votes, ax-proved an ordinance passed on the 18th day of March, A. D. 1919 , entitled. "AN ORDINANCE G RA NT I NG TO C SRL G. F I SHER, 0. Re CU12.1IIv S, �_RTIHUR 0. TATE x YJ. H. 1deDUPPME and GEORGE Re 1 I dE,. THEIR SU0CE'SS�� RS, HAIR , LEGAL RE-,-R:�SMITAT IVES AND ASSIGNS (incji Aing esl ec�._dly a cor__ore,-t;���n I p", nO it Process of forma-au-Ion, which is being organized by the above- ` w ' i named gra x-tees The FFUUTCNISE RIGHT 14D P-PIVI.LEGB FOR w� -'L� AIGD OF THIMY YEARS, TG CONSTr UCT, AC(,UI , Olw, IGL�IRTAIii AN7.1. OIFE714TE .ELECTRIC LIGHT -.ND POWER LINES, TO 11L'E R FASO N1BLE RUL.�S j!ND .REQ LTIRMj,�U TT'S Fv R THE I�-1ANAGEjvr::jjT 2ND CONT-11,C1. BY THEA,., a CHARt E AND C,,,LLMT Ry1,TES MR LL CTR1u LIGHT xTTD P017,.ER FUR T I S�I:,D �JTD TO HAVE THE RIGHT-OF-WAY AIM USE OF THE PUBLIC STT?-QTS IN THE CITY OF 11IA-TaII BEACH rMD VICINITY' then and in such event said ordinance shall become a law of the City of Miami. Beach, Florida. e Section 9. This ordinance sha,'11 take effec t f rtF a after its -)as sage ani_ _provz-�-:3by the 1:1,yc,r. Passed thisday of7z Al. v-1�.rrd t resident of the Citi- Council ATTEST: d �t city Clerk. Approved this _ f_ da Lr o f A. YO- 0 r I r� I I I a t <2 C3 h-3 •