Ordinance 114 AJ'T ORDI-Y!ANCE OF TTTF, C17Y 7 "'IA7�j 7*1 'PLO 7?I--,)A
,A.TT TT f1 7,1 G ",T-TE I 1�17jjT4'j r`5 "TV 7- TOT T'77
DnTLAI�S 0.71 C
ROT DS 07 -7 77-7
..,TT-r, -
77 T
PROVIDING --77'117f 1, C.17 TTOT:7)I"-
7-7 1 o r i d a"
'R E IT ORRAI1741D by tl, i t� "A y of 1'*1 a rr,i -,,each, -
Section 1, rphat the City of T,,Uami Beach, 71orida is here-
by authorized to issue ejnd sell to the amount of 757:1'L t,,,r T h o u-
ll;-�ixs for purpose ograding, paving, repavine-
k n d 7 Doof ii
rti a c,R.11 4.cri i z�
alleys, parkways- ,
001.1" elTRrds -avenue.-s, lanes,
and higrlw"ys witiCity limits of said -14he said sura of
, f -s
Fifty Thousand 'Dollars beinF than ter per. cent of tlie taxable
va IuRtion for the year 1Q18, Of all v"ki wid personal property, sit-
up ted within I.-he corporateJiMitQ f said 'ity.
Provided the issue- ,4rd sale of said 1-wid-s -Tre y tele
vote of a majority of the duly rewiste-red and alualified voters of
said City participating, in 42*94-3-ection submitted to tht-ia forthe pur-
po,-,e of detf.-rmirlkng t'llie J-q, -qi,zRnce of such bonds,
1� r the Section 2. "'hat said h��i
sll 'he issued af
and sold ohe
purpose of Er-ceding, j)Fj-,TinF7, re-paviLrg, misicadarnizine', T1e1-n!acRdR1qiziDE-
st-r-f-elF,q) bolj].ewqrdRJRvenut'!q' s jrille-os) .--illeys, parkways �irid hielliwaye
vmbbdc-d the ay-tiount of ?Fifty Thousand Dollars gas hereinbefore profiderl
to be called and 1r,-nown a-,w3 street ii-qprowrient bonrl-,q.
That said -horIQ shall be issued in one series from one to fifty
That all of said bolds shall be signed by the 11"Lkyor wnd clerk
of said City, and atte-,ste-,d bAr the Auditor of said City, arl(3 sealed
wltb 1',he City
That s;-idd bonds 1-h 1 be isp-1 J
je,j in deror(jiratior!:� of Cre 'housand
Do] Ta.rs each, and shall bear interest �t the, r,-ate of
per cent ,per annum, with interest coupons -,t-tached i i ch said inter-
est coupon--k sll".11 bear the facsimile signa'Gure of the City Clerk.
The principal Rrrl interest sha,-ll be in Gold. Coin of the
Unite. States, of st.--trdarl weight end fineness, or its eGuinal est,
::with interest �;erii-arnupliy, in some "hank or Trust Cornp-qny
in the City of New York) State of Ntbw York,
All df said bonds ed-:41.1 T)e dateri issued, siFred,
countersip-ned; and mt te-;te-_d, ;-,nd shall be. sold It not 1ess than
par value.
;'aid 1)ondg 731:;-11 ra-wtlure in numerical order, txuo lbond9 for
e.a.cdc year, after the date thr-re�of. until'; twenty of wird s:,oilyd,
shall have matured., ti�.a.t i:A, for ten 1reRrs �afte°r the raates thereof;
and there �ftcr_ , thati.
is beginning, eleve ea.ro F1.f tear the date
thereof, three -)onds for each year shall rratiir. a so hEa.t flue whole
4eriPs sha1.1 'oe retired twenty ye:ar R horn t; e date �. till of s � id
00)-1rj'A shall. "he. '.vithout option o f prior redemption, andsYiail ��e the
a'osolute, general and direct obliga.tion of the City of TRiarr�i beach,
^ection f"h a.t a special P1Pc (-.ion be sand hereby is ca1_lebd
and directed to meld >-t the- City Council Charnl�ers in s�3id City,
from eight o clock A.M. to sunset on ��!/�. , ,....the day of
A,D, 1919, yor the purpose of subrilittimE to the dUly reg.iste-rH,(d and
nu ,lifjdd voters of the Citv of Yjami Beach,- the question set f.orj
in the election notice hereinafter contained.
`?ection 4. 'khat the registr.a.tion officer Of the, City
of yia.rni nearh Shall open registration bodks for ;aid mlection,
which sh£311 remain open ��+� tY)�e r ity Council Chambers from 10 �� clock
r :J; the dnaw ,oti07&&*ket A#D, 1910 , a:nrd
A�,I��. until � o c 1 o c� I'.l . , h .2�
eac31 r� �r ( St�rjd +;� excepted) therrafte r— ull til the 2/ da;j Of
A.D. 1919, for G"Le purpose of ref7isterin , those who �jre qualified
to reJ.ste:r for -=uch election .
Vm 0.
CZE ► l
r. shat
a.re herel)y appointed and desigmPted inspectors,
Rrrl as clerk of vFlffction, and the c:L t,y clerk is
hereby directed to certify t}-,e nRmeg of such in�ectorq, -,nd clerk to
the T!ayo r. .
Section 6. '"hat :all persons p rticipatin_v in s:a.id election
shall pes seas the r».a.a.lif icatinns requisite to �n electmm at Eeneral
atatP elections, and shall have renided in the City of NUOUni l eacicl
:� t
six months text ��rededin said election, jnd shall have been
rewi atered in thea municipal rewi At iia tion books ortscribed "by
ordinance, said election sr.21.1 T)c` conduct and held, except
R 'Herein provi,jAd,in Pccordr-nce -%ith tlni� >rnvision� of the
ffeaneral election 1wv of t}— `'tate of "l.o rids,
`~ec tion 7. `Chit tl-,e Ya;ro r is hereby directed to publish
by postin Tin t�+.gee ,:public places in Ule City of �."i"Pli 7-each, �+lorida.
and by publication in ;a x+e w� q)s3.per in tl%e City of �'°i�anli, Dade County,
Florida, once a week, for, at least, four .reeks oext preceding the
nate of said election, a notice in substantially the .f. ollowinj form;
'QTICE 0 C+TP .1-7
Pursuant to pan ordinance adopted the day of
A.D. 1919, sand entitled "A-71 ORDI3T.AJ7rl' 07 77T7 rI'"ti" _771ACH,
• AjT'T.r�T 1 ?I?IiT 'T f1T?71 I!7f�TTTn' -7 T, 1T - T(-.T T-AT'M - OLJ1PS ` �� CITY
50 ';)5 n� �'? ,I?7 rl��v (?�;, 1`,rIAT'TIE:�CH7T,nRI7x, 1 1IT:I??GV717Cr'IC'lvT
'*'1 iH TT'i'7 ry l4TT TT C,
f' 7 C�TTr T.Y T�`'777' � r�ivn ��^ST� 'r xT/T RITTT9 'F.-TT rn TT\%�
T1 T T+/ T1 1T�_1 r{C'I,_IrT J.MZ. 'T ® e j.e c t. o yeb� held on
the day of a _, A.]DO 1919 , from o ' clock A,3". to sunset
att-the Oity Council C}karribers, ;,t which «lection them! will -o- submit-
ted to the duly registered ;ono. «ualified voters of s;-+iJ City t1le
following nueztion .
Shall bonds of t1-ie City of IN+iar►li 'Beach, Florida, in the
suxn of ?,IFTY ?'r;QTjSjTTD DOTEARS be isslaed for the puvl)ose of t-,rading,
paving, repaving, rI'lacadaraizing#A e-m4cadamizing streets, boule-ve.rde,
avenues, 1 e-s, =al..le.vs, vark,:vays and highways within the City limits
of` sa id City.
The registration "Gooks of the said City will rem-ain open
in the Council Chambers f:eom 1C n ' clock .AIT, to r o ' cl dck P .H. ,
'oe ginn�,ng the 6f Ag.",D. 1919, and. each day( Sundays exempted)
thereafter until =n inrluding t .e�� day of A.D. l;'l9,
for the purpose of �;:iho are qualified to reiTiste-r ;:3
for seid. election.
�u� r e hereby
a.P _.. �/1rr1' A o"
as clerk on � itrs and. f
4f�c tion.
.All of said bonds mmhall 1)#,- ,;tri thout option of prior redemption
abd shall be the absolute, umnera.1 -i.nd d:irect obli`Ta.tion of ,he
City of 'I iami ''PFach, .,Ilorila.
NTayor of t City o. Tui7mi 7sac h
City Clerk,
"iami ''each, oridc, 1r.1G .
Vection 8, That the official ballot to be used .-lt said elec-
tion shall be in subst;a_nti:illy thw 'ollrovint� form:
(TrTake a cro ,s (x) rnark beC6-re your choice for or the
fol.lo�mir►r-- propositions :
Shall t1on is c)f tri City of T,,ILjtmi Reach, "lorida, in 1,he.
� wn of 71FTY 77CU"..,l2M DC?IL. _77`' be issued fr,r he ni.�rpase of grading,
g rin re- �<avin rcia.ca.da.r��izin , re-macs �� rd171n r street; houlPva.rde,
i , y
avenues, lanes, alleys, parkways, highways, ,ithin the City limits
of s;;�.id City,
Section 9.. That immediately after the closing of the poa /4v
ina�?ectors n ti c1_erk oma' s-i:id election shall t;r.ocr..ed -' o count the
votpd. east at so-i� election for a.nrl aEainst the proposition su'o-
mitted -�� ' ^Yza_11 ,rep.-ire dup1ic-ate lists showing the Mote fo,r-
prrin C;-a1n st an(I sh=x.11 certify the correctness of the saTtle,
a.nd one of ;paid certified lists under Leal shall he 113n(Ied by the
inspector to tie city clerk, -nd (-.lke other ce-r ified list also under
seal shall be handerl to. the, preCident of '.Yze r ity Council.
Section 10. That on the first T"onda.y after said election, or as
soon thereafter as prReticable, the City Council sha.l.l col-1veng/lanrl
proceed to c nva.ss t'r:e vote cast -.t ',511011l�etion end if it sl-� +.11
appear thatAissj'w c)fA'oonds shall hive '.,Pen .-Ind approved 10-y
the ffirx�lFy tive Sao to «f majority or the dulir registered -,nd
qualified �Toters of said City votin(`. t Q i.d elec tion, thin :such
"bond issue shall tie► deemed =:uthori?ed.
Vection 11, This ordinance shall take effect fort-v lays
f ter its passage end ppprov�.l. by the Yayor.
y p s e rI t;1 i s_...�._.--d a y o f A.D. I G 19•
Presidr.nt of City =ouncil;
City �-;lerk �
Ppprovf-1 -this dqv of A.D. 191Q. �_�t Itiami Reach,
Mayo r.