Ordinance 111 O:-W. L: OV ILDii CITY OF XLL11 BAiCIT, FLORIDA, 2,,UUiOR1ZI1,'1G UiE A T ESTABLISia.-ally, C01.1,31MUCTIOH, BUIL)I14-G, 1:AI1ft7'TX1QE XT-D OFOF 1.,UL , JElUT1011 i CIPAL WA 20 PL.I:TT JOR '5L13:21 SUk.1?L1 Al.D DISTR11XTIOi� OF #A�Ml WITEall ITS 1,11--aTs FOR 1,11-UVICIP.4L USES IOR T171-1,,3 USE 09 SUCH P05011S AS LILY R"UIRE AHID PAY YOR 6.ALiiq YXTH0R!ZIhG La ISS-UL 0,2 FORTY MOUSAj0 DOLL03 OF CITY BO NDS XR MM AMC HASE9 DWjMOVLv&4T9 E_-M31TS1011 L�'D KLINTE111114CE OF A WATER "t`X)RCS Sustiml WITHIN T19, CORPORATO LII-11TS OF SAID CITY, CALLING A SPEC11L ELECTION TO DEM- h-INE UW4 COliSTRUCTIOY4 OF SUCH WA T MI PIdJTT KID THE ISSUANPE OF alH' BONDS AIM ............. PROVIDING UM4 1LEMOD OF HOLDING ME SAME* DE IT ORDA1111aD 'by the City Coxric_fl of t2he 'City of Ldiiaz,.Ai Section lo That ;jarsuant to Section 43 of aai act of Vz LeUislature of Plo.tida,, approved .1,,ay 25t`-9 1917.) entitled "an act" to ab9lish. the present mu�nicipal government of the Town of Beac.`-_,, in the 131ountrr of Dade, and State of Florida, and to esta1blish,, organize and incorl_�or"-tk a City Goyer-rrient for the Cit; of Miami Beach, to define its territorial -1bo-LL-Qdaries,, to 1prescrilDe its juris.- diction, powers and privileges, wad for the exercise of same,, and to a7at--lzrize the Lr.,,position of penalties for thz violation if its ordinances,, Vrie- City of Liia-,ii Beach, 21orida, Be 9 mid it is ft hereby fully autlilorized and ei-.n to est3:bliah9 construct, build, maintain wid operiLte a mmicipJVal water plant for t2je supply and distribution of waterwithLn its limits for irunicipal use, and for t1,-e use of s-.,,Lch ;persons as may require and pay for the same, provided tle estarblis2n.ent, construc- tion,, -Erailding, maintenance and oreration of sach water plant is ratified by two- thirds of the registered voters of said city opossessing, the qualifications harein. - af4rset forth., juid voting at the sielotal election callerd and held for that purpose. Section 20 That pursuant t paragraph 2. of Section 37 of "an aet" of the Legislature of Florida, approved Yay 25thq 10./17, entitled "an act" to abolish the resent iirunicipal government of the, rbwn of Yiiw;i Beach,, in the County of i)ade, and State of Florida, and to eftablishr organir.6 . and incorporate a city government for tho City of 1,1iani Beach, to define its territotial boundaries,, to prescribe its jurisdiction, pa-viers and privileges and :Cbr the exercise of same, an1 to authorize the imposition of penalties for the violation of its ordinances,, thp said City of T-Tiani Beach, Florida, is hereby authorized to issue and sell bonds to the amunt of Porty 02ousand- Dollars, fr the parchasev develolnent, Witension and main- tenance of a water works, K-stei-ii within its corLotata lkiitst saillelaoant being less thar. ten per cent of the assessed valuation of all real w-,d personal 1woperty within' its corporate limits; for the year 1917, no bonds of said city havixg heretofore beerr issued under said section, provided the i S Sue and sale of said bonds are ratified 1);� two-thirds of the registered voters off said City possessing tljw qualifications here.- inafter set forth,, voting at the special election called a-ud held for that purpose. Section 3.& -Oiat said bonds shall be issued mid sold for the purpose of pnr- chasing, develoj*ig-, extending and maintaining a water wor:1--s system within its cor- potate to the w,,iow-it of Forty- lilioasaul Dollars, as "I'lereinbefore 1-trovided, to be called and known as water works Douds a Mat said bonds ahall be issued in one series from one to forty inclusive-o Mat all of said bonds shall be signed by the LaP4 and OlwS,- of said 0ity, and attested by the Auditor of said City, and sealed with the City 'seal, Mat said bonds shall be issued in denominations of One Thousand Dollars (, 1000 earl, a7ad sha4 bear interest at the rate of six (6) per cent per annum, with interest coupons attached, Which said interest coupons shall bear the fac� similar signature of the City Clerho 111 tprincipal and interest sh±Ll be paXble in Gold Coin of the United States, of standard vreifflit and fineness,, pg its equiv&lent,) with interest 32W,­ble semi- aymuaIly in,somq*Bad or Trust Qpmpany in the City of Uew Yo rk 9 St' of New )brk,..o *40k11 of said bonds shall be dated when issued, sigrn' ed, countersued, aiid att paid shiall be sold at not less *_,-ca par value. oacL year, after -.1d borRs 1 ^ lrt,�,Xrical order., t=- bbndofor a--- thereof. V t j"S to sl�,77.9 the first two of said bonds shall nat-L-,_re one year after j- e the date thereof, and the last two of said bonds eall mature twenty Mears after the date thereof. All of said bonds shall be without option of prior redemption, ari shall ue the absolute, general and direct obligation of the City of Irlia-ni Beach, Florida, Section 4, gat a special election be and hereby is called and directed to be held at the City Council Chambers in. said City, from eight o t clock A., I',le to Sunset on Tuesday, the lath day of November, A. D. 1918, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified registered voters of the City of Miwii Beach, the question set forth' in the election notice hereinafter contained. Each of said questions shall be voted upon seperately, Section 5. mt the registration officer of the Cita of Miami Beach, shall open registration books for laid election, which shall remain open at the City Council Cha,:nber frdm 10 o t clock A, 1.4 until 5 o t clock P. 11., the 15th day of Octo- ber, A. D. 1918, -u d. each day (Sundays excepted) thereafter, until the 12th day of November, Lo D, 1918, for the puxpo se of registering those who are qualified to register for such electiouo Section 6. That G, L, Bectu, A., L, Saxumns and Ee B, Nlorton, are hereby appointed and desi8mated inspectors, and R, A.. Coachman as clerIe of election, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to certif7, the names of such inspectors and clerk to the I:ayo r. Section To That all persons participating in said election shall possess *be _ a.Aaligications requisite to an electdrn at general State elections, and shall have resided in the City-of LIii Beach six months next preceding said election, and shall have been registered in the municipal registration books prescribed by ordinance, and said election shall be conducted aid held except as herein provided in accord- ance with the provisions of the general election .law of the State of Floridao � Section 8l That the TI Ar is hereby directed to pxiblish, by posting in three public places in the City of Tried i Beach, Florida, and by publication in a newspaper in. the City of Miami, Dade County, Florida, once a geek fo;,at least, four weeks next preceding the date of said election, a notice in substantially the following form: NICE OF BOND 1IMECTIONo i Pursuant to an ordinance ado ppted the 3rd day of September, A. ;)., 1918, and entitled "AN ORDITUNCE of the City of IvIlimi Beach, Florida, authorizing the estab- lishment, constructio=., building, maintenance, and operation of a municipal eater plant for the supply and distriVation of water within its limits for municipal use, and for tl-o use of such ;persons as may require acid pK, for th?.e same, authori-ing the issue:. -of Forty Thousand Dollars of city bonds for the plzrchase, development extension w d maintenance of a water system within the corporate limits of said City, calling a special election to determine the construction of such water plant, and the i s suan.ce of such bond s, and providing the method of holding the same",, a special election to be held on IrLluesday,, the 18th dar of November, A., D, 1918,. from 8 o'clock A, 144 to Sunset, at the City Council Chambers, at which election there will be submitted to the qualified registered voters of said City the following questions to be voted on seperately: 1, Shall the Cit�r of Miami Beach, Florida, ue authorized and empowered to i establdsh, construct, build, maintain and operate a municipal plant for the supply m,d distribution of water within its limits for municipal use, aid for the use of such persons as may require and pag for the same. �f 2o Shall bonds of the City of Miami Beach Florida in tr_e sum of Forty Tr.,ousa A Dollars be i s sued for the purpose of purchas ink , developing,le�xn g, extending ` and maintaining a water works s�mtem within its corporate limits, 5 The registration books of the said City will retrain open in the Coiulci1 Chamber froF,I10 o s clock A: M, to 5 o=clock P. Lu 9 beginning the 15th day of October,; A. D. 19189 and each day (Sunda.l*s excepted) thereafter ujitil and including the 12th day of November, A, Do 1918, for thle purpose of registering t'wse who are qualified to register for said election. G: L, Beck, A, L. Sammons and Be B. Norton are hereby appointed and designated inspectors and R. A. CoacIman as clerk of said election. All of such bonds shall be without option of prior redemption and shall be the absolute, general and direct obligation of the Citur of Lliani Beach, Floridao MPLTror of the City of Lliani Beach, Florida s Attest: City Clerk. Miar-3i Beach, Florida,, 19180 Section 9, That tl-)e offiedal ballot to be used at said election shall be in substance t"e following form; OFFICIAL B"OT S:SECI�.L IMEC TION NOVMUM l8 th, 1918a CITY OF mill I BF&CH 9 FI ORI t', (make a cross (x) mark before your choice for or agal Inst the following, propositions Shall the City of Mi=i Beach, Florida., establish, construct, build, maintain and operate a municipal water plant for the supply and distribution of water within its limits, for municipal use and for the use of such persons as may require -;UVT pa,;r for the Ye se 1400 Shall bonds of' the City of Kiiami Beach, Florida, in the sure of Ibrty 07Lousand. Dollars oe i s s'xed for the purpose of purchasing, develo pir:,g 9 ex e1 ng acid main tai n- ing a eater worI--s system within the corporate limits of said City. fes, No 0 Section 10. That irmued.iately after the closing of the polls, ins--ectors and cler?} of said election shall proceed to covrit the votes at said election for and against the proposition submitted, and shall prepare duplicate lists shovring the vote for each, and against each respectively, amid shall certify the correctness of the same, =d one ol said certified-'_ lists under seal shall be handed by the inspector to tea City Clerk, and the other certified list, also under seal shall be handed to t-4-, Yre s ido nt of the C i t`r Council, ,vection ll.. Teat on the first Fonda=;, after said election, 'or as soon thereafter as practicable, the City Council shall convene and proceed to canvass the vote cast �"at such election., L1210 if it shall -appear that the esta lishn.ent, construction_., guild, izAg, ria.intenfmcs and operat .oi- of said grater ;pliant for- t?^.e r-Hs- tribut,ior of water vritllin the Cit I limits o-f said City, for man,ici;�al uso, and for tine 'ase of sucTm fterscils as :na,Y require and pater for the same, shall h..a�re been ratified, and approved bV the affirmative vote -of two-thirds of the qualified registered voters of said Cit; voting at said election, t^..e establishment, construction, building,, mair.ter�ance a-F.zd operation of such rnunici;­�al water plart shall be deemed authViorized, and if it shall tuxther appez:x that said issue of bonds shall have been ratified and approved by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the qualified registered voters of said City voting at said election, then such bond issue ehall be deemed authorized. Section 12, T.ais ordinan--ce shall take effect fort- da,;s after its- passage and approval by the lfat7or. i Passed this 3rd d ; of September, A. D. 191:80 S i3med RHOS. J. PCO AS 3', President of City Council. Attest: Signed J. Po CAIMV'A 9 City Clerks Approved this 3rd day of September, A* D. 1918. , at T.Iiami Beach, FloridaO Sigiied J. N* LUt,us 9 NOW t t I t. • e b"- T.ya t.