Ordinance 109 0
the Cit; of the City of T,,Uami beachI
Florida, proiridinC for ',,-',.e -.,aaii-itenance Of life saving devices
in public loath-hotlses, definirthe di, La
ti s rif bat
A h-house 1ce-o-r-
-Le violatioll of the saine,
penalties for 1
Cind providing pe, M
e It Ordained by the Ci I J
City COU'ncil 0 " the City of iffiami 7each.,
Section 1 . That from a.-,rid -,'J-'ter thLLe passage of thisthisordinance and
its pul)li c,,itior as r equi,,. ed b,,, law it slti.all be un1=31vlul 1Gr
person or person-is, firY7f or corporation, to run, operate, or con-
duct any public bathhoizse, or bathing p-V i
A innin the City of 7'i an'd
--or siich b�Fjth house or bath-
Beach, Florida) without first p"ovidim-
o r
ore dev.L e
ing pavilion C-t-I least) pullmotor, or other Si.
t ion.
-L'Ae protection of persons suffering f7rom '1.,-!, 1j strangu
J. I o r o s f
J. f an personj. or per,,
s e c t J o-n' 2 it shall be unla-,v
or corporation. to conduct any bathhouse, or loathing pavilion with-
.out first :)rovidi!'E a life line extendiextending; f ram 16.1-Le 911,Lore out into
t,,a e water opposite s,,,jjd pavilion to a depth of four feet at 1"),:;
tide; that the location sand fixii-1J- o.L said line shall 'be i-icade under.
the qij-perv-1sion of the cOrjjrrjitteeYt-.,q- n on Parks and Docl, s, �:.nd to
r-tis satisf-,actio-
the o,,,,iner, o�
Section 3 . That * t shall be tujie duty 0 perator,,
manager, or other person in ch<,-,rge of any -q*j).cjj beth-,',Louse, or
"bat'Lairc- pavilion to see that such life line is installed in accord-
ance with the provisions hereinbe-Lore riade .
Section 4. Teat it sball be the duty of- the owner, c)perator, or
,nar,,,Eer, or other person in charge of any mich 'bathhouse, or Dat1 -
to se that tlne I)III-Imotor 'j-Le.rein7s)e*j'-7ore, referred to
ink, .)avi'lion' e A,
or lbathim;,
t P.,i n ed in such. bathhouse,and required to be t a)"I d E4 J
And A.r:1 i ig
on, cl! at call JU e s J.n
,oc)d i�;orkinc- condition, ad d-,
ut the premises o-f ever-,,- sucT,
here -19- on and abo
Uathin- hours, thattU
at least, one person familiar .tit11
ratina of such -pulli-laotor, who se dut'-v it Sh,-tl 1 be
tile -�,vorkinrr and ope U
ry person, or pers',ors*
Uo use his "best endeavor to relieve C%
A in evert Of such necess ! t',-
ectlon J . It s.l,).all be the duty of the owner, operator, or
of-her person in charge o any such bathhoi.a.ser or bathing pC vilian,
to furn sh Pa. life-'.go t and gua-rd i'or each such bathhouse or b<a.tllin�;
� � that
� 1. �_ r, i � �
pcavil.ion; ha � tae type o.� oo;-`t to cue used as sucxi life-boat in
and about such b^txihouse or bat}.ling i.)avilion shall be approved by
the committee,,en o1, Par')-s a.nd TooT.s; that t'Le gur-,rd to be kept by
sucx� bathhouse or bathinc iw-,vilion shall be some person familia-ix
w].th the it a-ndlir,- cif boats and the Part of swinwiing, rrnentally nand
physic .11y capable of- assisting the patrons of any' such 'oaathlaouse
or bathing pavilion in case of accident, or in case of necessity
for ass:i.strt_rce on the part of the patron or patrons of such bath-
house or bathing l)avilion while 'oathing ; that it be the ('.laty
OIL the o.vner, operPator, or manager, or other person in chrirge of
any such bathhouse, or. 1mth_L- pavilion, to see .th<.>.t such guard is
on duty constantly during such ti!�-,e or tiri.es as such I)ataahouse, or.
bathinL; -,)avilion shall T)e open forousiness .
ectio, Any person viola�.ting a:ny ;if the provisions of this
oar finance shall be deermed guilty of a. misder'leano_r, .and upon con-
on-Viction shall be puni sT:,ed by a f i ^e not exceeding Two Hundred
Dollars 0200.00) , or by imprisonment in the City Tail not ex-
ceeding ninety dayrs .
Section 7. i'I'lat all ordinances, or parts of ordinances it con-
flict ---:rith the -provision's hereof, be and t'.-)Ie sar.le are hereby re-
Passed this
?)re4id n Citr Council - '
City Clerk.
Yo gyred thisv day of 18 .
T,Tayo r. 6
_ k
M '
y .;
ft.a Mali-imlodsi,
v C Pi