Ordinance 1537r . � .r. -�- .,- � ORDINANCE NO. 1537 AN ORDINANCE �,MENDING SECTION 6-18 OF "THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACFt, FLORIDA, 19 64 " . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: Section 6-18 of "The Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, 1964" be and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto immediately preceding the last paragraph thereof the following: "Canopy District K. This district shall consist of the property on the East side of Collins Avenue from the South property line of Lincoln Road to the North property line of Lot 14, Block 55, of FISHER'S FIRST SUBDIVISION OF ALTON BEACH, and the South side of Lincoln Road from the East property line of Collins Avenue Eastward a distance of four hundred (400) feet. In this district permanent canopies, if erected, shall be cantilevered from the ma.in building walls and shall project a uniform distance of eight (8) feet from the property line, and shall be a uniform height of nine (9) feet, six (6) inches above the sidewalk." SECTION 2: All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 3: This ordinance shall go into effect immediately upon its passage and posting as required by law. PASSED and ADOPTED this 2nd . day of �Decetr�ber�, 1964. ATTEST: ` City erk lst reading - November 18, 1964 2nd reading - November 18, 1964 3rd reading - December 2, 1g6�+ POSTED - December 3, 196�+ OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - 1130 WASHINGTON AVENUE - MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 • :• STATE OF F�ORIDA COU�iTY �F DADE � i, Ro in���a La JOH�.vSOV, Gity Clerk in and ior the Ci�y of i�iiami Beach, Florida, do hereby certify that Grd� nance i?� a 1537 enti�.led � "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 6-18 4F 'THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, 1964 "' having been �assed and ac�o�ted by the City Council of the City o�' �Zia�ni Beach, Florida, has been �osted by me in three cons�icuous places in t�he City o� lfiami �each, on� o�E which was at the door o� the Ci�ty Hall in said City on the 3rd da�' o� December, 1964, anc� tha� said Ordinance remained �osted for a�erioc� o� at least thirty days in accordance wit�.z the rec�uireme�lts of �the Cit� Charter o� the said Cit�r of P�.iami Beach o I�T Tr�zIT�TE�S WH�REOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal o�� the City or Miami Beach, Florida, on this the 20th �a1� �� January, 1965. ! , �/ / , . . ....� a. i . y � � � ,` , - s,.'' ,r' � .. . . � , � ''�"..�,sy.t`'�7�'�-�i . � .. , � r:. � -; . � � �, i f �- '� ', - ' - �:#��9 ��µs � i . ' '. _ � „ , ;� s � W �