Ordinance 225ORDIEANC11 NO. 225 AN ORDINANCE OF TEE CITY COUNCIL OF TIL CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION TWO OF OHDINANCE NO. 194 OF SAID CITY. 40110111111111111MoierliktilmillillilL BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL 02 BEACH, FLOIDA, That: Sectio_i 1: That Section 2 of Ordinance No. 194, adopted by the City Council of the City of eliami Beach, 21oriia, Jen-to:11)er 5th, 1923, be and is hereby amended to read as follows: "SECTION 2: That the powers and duties of the City ..ianager shall be: A. - To see that the laws and. Ordinances are enforced. B. - To appoint and remove all directprp,,41D5„ aade annoin- the departments hereinafter meationede,!,W16- tivby ointments or removals, however, shall be submitted , to and confirmed by the City Council. 0. - To exercise contr.)1 over all departmeata hee.einafter mentioned. D. - To attend all meeti]Igs o the Council with the 21. .ht to take T)art ii. tae discussion, but having no vote. E. - To recommend to the Council for adoption, such measures as he nay deem necessary orexpedient. 2. - To keep the Commission fully advised as to the financial condition and needs of the City. G. - To have 7eneral and special supervision and control, subject to the control by the City Council, over the functions of the several departments herein- after mentioned, and he shall be purchasing agent of said. City with authority to deleate such duty. H. - To 1)erform such other duties as may be pre- scribed by the City Council oy ordinance or resolution, the departments mentioned being the following: 1. - Police Department, which shall embrace all of the lice and be under the head of the City ilarshal. 2. - The Sanitary and. Health Jepartment. 3. - The Street and Sewer Department, ethich shall have the lana3ement and char;e of the construction, improvement, repair a:a main- tenance of streets, sidewalks, alleys, lanes, brides, sewers, drains, cenals, public parks, buildings and play sa:ounds. 4. - The .0'inance Department, which shall em- brace the matter of the assessment and collec- tion of taxes, the collection of all other monies due the City, and he iseuance and sale of bonds, the receipt and disbursement of the proceeds thereof, the receipt and disbursement of all taxes and all other monies received and paid by said. City and the keeping of the records of said City. 5. - The Fire Department. 6. - The Wate:: Depa:ctment. That for the purjose o designating the headaINI said de-eartments now acting, !:-Damon Lewis is head of the Police Department, ,JaeorJ-7,0 L. Beck is head of the Sanitary Department, E. R. Neff is head of the Street and Sewer Department, C. W. Tomlinson is head of the .01inance Department, J. S. Stephenson is head of the ire Department and H. H. Horn is head of the Water Department; that said City Manaa;er shall account to said. City Council for the conduct and acts of tne said several departments and he shall have supervision and control of the heads of tht said several departments, who shall be accountable to said City Manager for the coaduct and acts of their several departments; that the heads of the several departments shall have super- vision of the employment and maaas.ement of employees in their severlidepartments, subject to such limitation as may be placed thereon by the Oity Council; that said. City janas.er may at any time require the head of any depart aant to submit such report as ma:- be required by said. City Manager of the affairs of said department and said City ManaT;er ma:,, of his own accord or -aith the asaistance of any member of any depart:aent, investiate the records and works of any of said depart -lents; that saiu City Manager and said heads of said several dePartments shall at all times be amenable to the direction and supervision of the City Council; that the compensation of said City Manager shall be Seven 2housand, aive Auadred Dollars (07,500.00) per annum, it shall be divided into twelve monthly in- stallments and it shall Le payable monthly, but such fixing of said compensation at such rate per annum shall not be construed to be an emDloyement of said. City idanaer for any particular -,)eriod and said City Council may by its resolu- tion at any time remove said. City Manager." Section 2: 11hat this ordinance shall be effective immediately. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of October, a. 1)., 1925. ATTEST: 22 resid171-3?-77:57-557376-7----- PP.LiOAT22,D this day of October, 4. D., 1925. M-yor loirst reading Oct. 7, 1925. Second reading Oct. 7, 1925. Third reading October 21, 1925. Posted October 1925. '141 STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF DADE ) 1, C. W. TaULIITSON, Uity Clerk in and for the City of Miami Beach, Florida, do hereby certify that Ordinance No. 225 entitled, "AN ORDI1TANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BI1ACH, FLORIDA, ALEND- ING SECTION TWO OF 02DINANCE NO. 194 OF S/LID CITY", h0- ing been duly passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Miarni Beach, has been posted by me in three conspicuous places in the City of Miami. Beach, one of which was at the door of the City Hall in said City on the 31st day of October, 1925, and that said. Ordinance remained posted for a period of at least thirty days in accordance with the requirements of the City Charter of the said. City of Miami Beach. IN VITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Miami Beach on this the 2nd day of December, A. D., 1925. • CD I-' 12,4 Li piin P. 1;74 0 fr,u 0 CN t,-241 00 1 • ct 0 L • H t‘:.•) • r,o