Ordinance 1598�` . � . f ; � ORDINANCE NO. 1598 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 14 OF "THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA" w. , �, y . S � � _ . . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY O� MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION l: That Chapter 14 of "The Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida" be, and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto a new Article and new Sections, the same to be numbered and to read as follows: "ARTICLE VIII FIRE PREVENTION AND SAFETY CODE Section 14.73 The Metrapolitan Dade County Minimurn Standards Fire Preven- tion and Safety Code, adapted by the Dade County Board of Commissioners on July 27, 1966, three copies of which are on file in the Of f ice of the City Clerk, is hereby in- corporated herein by reference, and is hereby adopted as the Fi�e Prevention and Safety Code of the City of Miami. Beach, Florida. Section 14.74 A1l persons charged with a violation of any of the pro- visions of the Fire Prevention and Safety Code of the City of Miami Beach, Flori.da, shall be tried in the Niunicipal Court and, if convicted, shall be gunished by fine, not exceeding One Thousand �$1.Ot?0.00) Dallars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail, or by both such fine and imprisonment." SECTION 2: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in con- flict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3: That this ordinance shall go into effect immediately upon its passage and posting as requi�ed by law. PASSED and ADOPTED this 21st day of September, 196b. ATTEST : C i ty C rk lst reading 2nd reading 3rd reading POS TED � September 7, 1966 September 7, 1966 September 21, 1966 September 22, 1966 � L_ T � � f ' ' ` : . ' � ` "�� . � � � . STATE OF F�,OR�DA q COU�TTY �F DADE s ; I, Re �:i�io Lo JOH�.VSON, City Clerk in and ior the City of i�tiami Beach, Florida, do hereby certif�t that Ordinance :��30 0 1.598 entitled � AN ORDIN ANC E�NIENDING C HAPTER 1� OF "THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA" having been nassea and ado��ed by �the City Council of the City of ��iami Beach, Florida, has been �osted by me in three cons�icuous plaCes in the City of i�iami �each, on� o� which was at the door o� the City Hall in said City on t�ae 22 aay of September, 1966 and that �aid Ordinance ' relnaine�. posted for a�eriod o�E at least thirty days in � accordance wit� the requirements o� �the Cit� Char�er oi the j s a i d C i ty o f P�i ami Be ach o Ii�l' Tr,�IT1�TE, , W�IFREpF I have hereunto set my hand and af�ixed the official seal o� the City of Miami Beach, Florida, on this the 9th daf� o� November, 1966. City lerk �!1 • A;' �� - '� � �t.x.y;..I r,i , ,r S�� .t �'• � a s . - ,;,�` r ,• �,;�: ._ ..: . _ _ ._ R 1 �� � � �// O r � nc �i' fD I�• � � i'� � o m � �r (D �-i ' � � � �- n m ro n m � m � � N• 0 � O � H � n r� o � 7� H O 4Z o H F-' ,'b u� r � � # �