Ordinance 1604o�zr�xcE No. i6o4 AN ORDIi�TANCE AMENDING CHAr�r�.x �-.l ��' "'�� COD� OF THE CITY OF . MIANiI BEACH, FLORID..A BY ADDING A NE�'� ARTICLE ANv NEt�T SECTIONS •: '1�HERETO, LEV�ING A TAX ON S�LES OF ELFC�'RICI TY. IUIEZ'E��1 A1� SC?'�T�ED G�AS AND '�LEP�Si�'E SERVICE; PRGVIDZNG �'GR '�E Nl�TH�D .4F �O�I��TING THF „SAME: AA►33 F�VI�:3�J�NG� �ENALTTE5 . . �: . v �. BE IT ORDAINED B�' i'�iE CITY CUUI�7CIL OF THE CTTY OF MIt�iMI BE1�CH, FL4RIDA: SECTION 1. That Chapter 41 of "The Code of the City of Miami Beach, Flori.da" be and the same is hereby amended b�r adding a new Ari:icle and new Sections there�to, the same to be nux��bered and to read as follows : "A���IC�E IVD-�AS�AND TELEPHaNEESERVICEI�' METERED SO TTLE Section 41.37 There is here��y �eviec� by the . City on each and every sa�.e, in tlze City, of electricity, meterec� or L�ottled gas � E�aturat or m��u�actu�ec�� ar�d t�l�phon� s�rvice, a ta:: o� one pez��n �: � l,�) �p�n . th�: ch�:�g� �nade k�y tne ��ller ther, of; w��.ch t��: shall, �.n every cas�, be paid by the purchaser, �or th� use of the City, to the selle= of such Electricity, metered or bottled gas or telephone sErvice, at the time of paying the charge therefor, to the seller� thereof, but not less often than monthly. Section 41.38 It shall be the duty of every seller of electri�ity, metered 4r bottled gas (natural or manufacturEd} . or telephone s�rvice ta coll.�ct from the purchaser, for thE use of the City, the tax h�reby levied at the time of collecting the selling price charged for each transaction, and to report and pay over, on or b�fore �he fiftecnth day af each calEnda� mo��h, unto the �ity Tax Coll�ctor, all such taxes levied and collected during the preceding calendar month. It shall be unlawful for any seller to collect thE price of any sal� of electricity, meter�d or bottled gas (natural or manufactured), or tel�phonE s�rvice without, at the same time, collectin+g the tax hcreby levied in respeet to sucl� sale, unless such sEll�r shall el�ct to assume and pay such tax without coll�cting the same fx•om the purchasEr. Any seller failing to collect such tax at tY�e time of collecting the price of any saler where the seller has not elected to assume and pay such taxl shail be liable to the City for the amount of such tax in like manner as if the same had been actually paid to the sel�er, and the City Tax Collector shall cause to be brought - 1 - » 0 all suits,and actions anc� to take all proceedings in the name o: the City as may be necessary for the recovery c�f such tax� provided, however, that the sell�:r shall not be lial�le for the pay- nnent of such �ax upon uncollEctec� bills. If any purchaser shall fail, neglect or refuse to pay to the seiler the seller's charge and the tax hereby imposed and as hereby required, on account of thQ sale for which such charge is mac�e, or either, t�e seiler shall have anc is hereby vested with the right�, power and authority to immediately discontinue further service to such purchaser until the tax and the seller's bill have been paid in full. SECTI�N 41.39 Each and every seller of elec- tricity, metered or bottled gas �natural or manufactured) and telephone service shall keep complete records showing all sales in the City of such commodities or service, which records shall show the price charged upon each sale, the date thereof and the date of payment therefor, and such records shall be kept open for inspection by the duly authorized agents of the City during business houxs on all business days, and such duly authorized agents of the City shall have the right, power and authority to make such transcripts thereof during such times as they may desire. �����pN 41.40 The United States of America, the State of Florida, and political subdivisions and agencies thereof, are hereby exempted from payment o� the tax herEby levied S�CTI4N 41.41 The tax hereinabove levied shall not apply to coin box telephones. SECTION 41.42 In all cas�� w��re �h� s�ller of electricity, me�ered or bottled qas tnatural or manufactured) or telephone service collects the price thereof at monthly periods, the tax hereby levied may be computed on the aggregate amount of sales during such period; provided, that the amount of tax to be collected shall be the nearest whole cent to the amount computed. SECTiON 41.43 Any purchaser wilfully failing or refusing to pay the tax hereby imposed, where the seller has not elected to assume and pay such tax, and any .. 2 _ o, . seller violating the provisions hereof, or any officer, agent or employee of any seller violating the provisions hereof shall be punished as provided by Se�tion 1.8 of this Code. SECTIQN 41.44 Al1 revenues received, collected and derived from the tax levied hereby shall be deposited by the City Tax Coll�ctor in the City's general operating account for utilization for such municipal purposes as are set forth in the annual budget estimate and appropriation ordinance of the ��.ty." SECTION 2. That all ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conf lict herewith, be and the s.ame hereby are rep�aled. SECTION 3. The health and welfar� of the City being in peril, the three readings of this ordinance shall b� had in one session and the City Council finding that this ordinance is necessary for the immediate protection of its citizens, it shall therefore go into �ffect immediately upon its passage. PASSED and ADOPTED this 28th day of September, 1966. ATTEST: City lerk lst reading - September 28, 1966 2nd reading - September 28, 1966 3rd reading - September 28, 1966 POSTED - September 28, 1966 �. 3 w _ __ _ ' ,� F a .-Ys � F—' 0 � Cf' I�' O N �t-�• rl- H �c z o � >C L� H v 0 r o ; N � O �P � r- , r