Ordinance 1697� . ; . � . ,• • � . •. . . � 1 �� .: . . � ORDINANCE N4. " � 1697 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 25 OF "THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA", BY REPEALING SECTIONS 25.104 THROUGH 25.107, AND ADDING NE��J SECTIONS THERETO, REGULATING THE SALE 4F FIRE�RMS: REQUIRING THEIR REGISTRATION, AND RELATED MATTERS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FI�ORIDA s SECTIoN 1: That Sections 25.104 through 25.107 of "The Code of the City of s�tiami Beach, Florida" be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 2: That Chapter 25 of "The Code of the City of �ii�:ni Beach, Florida" , be and the same is hereby ��nended by adding new sections thereto to be numbered and to read as follows: Sec. 25.104. S ale of Firearms, Generally. (a) 'Firearms' definedo The word 'firearm' as used in this section and the following sections shall be construed to mean any revolver, pistol, automatic pistol, shotgun, rifle, machine gun, sub-machine gun, m�chine pistol, or any fully automatic weapon capable of firing !nore than one shot at each pull of the trigger, or any Weapon, by whatever name known, which is designed to �xpel a projectile or projectiles by the action of an explosive, or any firearm muffler or any firearm silencer, or any part or parts of such firearms. This section and the following section, shall not apply to any automatic weapon with flint or percussion ignition using only black powder, or to modern replicas of such weapons, or to antique or replicas of cartridge pisicols, or rifles using at�nmuna.tion which is no longer manufactured or commonly sold, or to stud guns used as tools by tradesmen. (b) Application. Any person desiring to purchase or receive delivery of a revolver or other firearm shall be required to give the seller or the person fro:n whom delivery shall be obtained, whether by purchase or gift, in writing, on a for�n to be supplied by the chief of police, a duplicate statement containing true and correct information which shall be signed by the applicant and shall include the following: lo Name and any alias or aliases use3 by applicant. 2. Present address and addresses of all places where applicant has resided for the past three years. 3. Occupation, name of employer, place of employ.,ment, and address. 4. Date of birth, and name of city, state or country where born. 5o Statement that the applicant is not a convicted felon in this state or any other state of the United States of America... -1- � � . : . : . •• � � ' •. � . , � .. � .. 6, Date and time application is made �o pu�chase, borrow, lease, rent, sell ar trans f er f irearm. 7. Appli�ant's sex, weight, height, complexion, color of hair, color of eyes. 8. Purpose for which the firearm is desired. �'h� person to whom such pistol, revc��.ver or other firearm is to be sold, le�s�d, loaned, rented or o•�herwise �ransferred, shall sign the application and designate his address thereon. The application shall he accompanied with an application fee of $30 00. The chief �f police may investigate and verify all statements in the application form and reserve the right to refuse the application if the appli�ant is in violation of any provision in this section or of any provision of Sections 25.104 through 25.114. Any app�.icant who believes that his application is wrongfully refused may appeal within 60 days to the City Council the prop�iety of said retusal. Upon the filing of such appeal, the City Council shall cause a hearing to be held and, based on the evidence contained in the record of the hearing, either affirm or reverse the decision of the chief of police. The action of the City Council shall be subject to jurisdictional review in accordance with the provision� of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. �ach applicant shall be fingerprinted and photographed at the time of thE filing of his application vvith the chief of police. . If the application appears to be in order and the a�plicant appears to be lawfull� entitled, in the judgment of the chief of police, to purchase a firearm under the provisions of these sections, the chief of police shall approve said application and deliver the duplicate thereof to the applicant ar�d retain the original as a permanent record in the Police Department. '!'he chief of police shall maintain an index af every application and registr�tion which shall include the name and residence of every applicant, the descriptive date of every fireaxm, the dates of application and issuance, and the purpose for each registration. The chief of police shall have 30 days within which to approve or disapprove �aid application. Any misstatement of fact shall be cause for revocation of registration by the chief of police. Sec. 25.105. It sha�ll be unlawful for any dealer or person licensed to sell firearms, to sell, lend, lease, give or deliver any firearm to any pexson unless such person first presents to the dealer or vendor an application approved by the chief of police in the manner set forth in the preceding section. Sec. 25.106. "Any dealer or vendor of fireaarms, other than a manufacturer selling to a bona fide wholesaler or retailer, or a wholesaler selling to a bona fide retailer shall keep a register of all firearms sold, lent, leased or delivered, and shall keep an inventory of all fire�rms in stock, which inventory shall list the wholesaler or other source of � _. _ _ _. � •. � �' �� acquisition of the firearm and the date of acquisition by the seller. This regist�er_ shall be open to insp�ction at .all times �.dur�.ng business hours by� the chief of police or a duly appointed representative of his office. Sec. 25.107. At the time of the sale, lease, delivery or gift of any firearm, the seller shall complete a registration form, designed or approved by the c�iief of golice which shall contain the time of the sale, lease, gift or delivery of the firearm, the fu�.l name, address, age, physica.l _c�escrip�ion and occupation of the per�on to whom the firearm is sold, l�ased, given or delivered, the price of the firearm, the kind, description and serial number or other identifying marks of the firearm, the purpose for which it is purchased or o�tained, and the application number. Sec. 25.108. At the time of such sale, lease, gift or delivery the seller shall witness to the best of his knowledge that the information submitted on the application form by the purchaser is true and correct, anr� that the transaction is not in violation of law. Sec. 25.109. The completed registration form signed by �oth the seller anc� the purchaser, shall be m ailed by the seller to the chief of police no later than 24 hours after the receipt of the- _- approved application by the dealero Sec. 25.110. No firearm shall be delivered to any person until 72 hours after the sale of any firearm. Sec. 25.111. The chief of police shall fo-rward to every purchaser or recipient of a registered firearm a registration certificate within thirty days after receipt of the registration form r�quired to be delivered by the dealer in accordance with Section 25.10�'. T'he certificate shall state the full name, address, age, physical description o€ the registrant, the kind, description and serial number or other identifying marks of the individual firear�n to which it applies, and shall not be transfer.abie; shall be carried simultaneously with the fj rearm and shall be exhibited to any police officer upon his demand for inspection. The registration shall not make lawful the carrying or possession of a firearm if such carrying or possession is prohibited by any other law. The registration provisions of this section shall not apply to manu�acturers, transporters, or wholesale or retail sellers of firearms or those persons with exempt status as hereinafter set forth. Sec. 25e 112. It shall be unlawful foz any p�erson knawingly and wilfully to sell, lease, lend, give or deliver any firearm to any person under the age of 21; or to a f elony, or to any person narcotics, or to users of d depressants, or to any pers any person under the influe beverages, or to any person from a mental institution w - 3 - any person convicted of addicted to the use of rugs, stimu�ants or on of unsound mind, or to nce of into�icating who has been released ithin the past five years.. � . • � I� y � • . � � • • • ` . . Sec. 25.112a1. The follawing persons sh�l1 be exempt from the provisions of this ordinance : (a) �iembers of the militia, national guard, Florida state guard, arany, navy, air force, marine corps, coast guard, the organized reserves, and other armed forces of the state and of the United States, when on duty, or wnen training or preparing themselves for military duty, or while subject to recall or mobili.zation; (b) Sheriffs, marshals prison or jail wardens, constables, policemen, Florida highway patrolmen, game waraens, revenue o�ficers, forest officials, and other peace and law enforcement officers, their full-time paid deputies and assistants; full-time paid peace o�ficers of other states, �and of the federal govern�ment who are carrying out official duties while in Florida; (c) Officers or ernployees of the state or United States duly authorized to carry a concealed weapon. S ec . 2 5.112 . 2 e The fe 1 lowing sha 11 be exe�npt f rom the 72-hour waiting period required: {a) i+Tholesale dealers who have valid state, county or municipal licenses in their business intercourse with retail dealers for the sale of firearms; retail dealers� who have valid state, caunty or municipal licenses in their business intercourse with other retail dealers in the regular or ordinary transportation of unloaded firearmse (b� Purchasers who have been issued pistol or revolver permits by any governmental agency (United States of America, state, county or i�4unicipal) as speca.al police o�ficers. The applicant must present �n I.D. ca.rd fro�n the issuing authority. T,n�henever an identification card is utiliaed for the waiver of the 72 -hour waiting period as set forth in the foregoing provisions, the following information shall be imprinted on the application: (1) The issuing agency or authority. (2) The card number. (3) The �a�ne and address indentical to that on the carda �c) Persons who are on record with the Police Department as having previously purchased a pistol, revolver or firearm as defined in Section 25.104. � Sec. 25.113o Any sale of a firearm by a person who is not a dealer or who is otherwise exempt under the provisions of these sections shall be subject to the provisions of these sections in all respects, pravided, however, that a sale of a firearm from an individual to a dealer shall be exempt from the provisions �f said sections. _ 4 � �► • . . .. .� .. ' � • .: . , � � Sec. 25.114. Every person owning or possessing a firearm in the City of �tia�ni Beach shall provide the chief of police with the information set forth in S ection 25.104(b) hereof on a registration form designed or approved by the chief of police and it shall be unlawful for any person to possess a firear�:n, or firearms in the City of i�iami Beach unless such firearm or firearms are duly reqistered in accordance with the provisions thereof; provided that such owner or possessor shall not be required to be fingerprinted or photographed or to pay any application feee � person �nay not possess or harbor any firearm, whether concealed or not concealed, if such person is ineligible to register such firearm with the licensing authority pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter. Sec. 25.115. No person shall engage in the business of selling firearms unless a license shall have been procured from the City Council as herein provided, and it shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of selling firearm� without first procuring such Zicense frorn the City Council. Any applicant for a license to engage in the business of selling firearms shall fi1e, under oath, duly authenticated, an application setting forth the appli- cant's full name, age, and occupation. Each applicant shall be fingerprinted and photographed by the Police Department and a print of such photograph shall be attached to the application. The City Council shall cause a full investigation to be made into the character, business integrity and past history of the appliCant. If, after such investigation, the applicant i� found to be of good char3cter and business integrity, the City Council shall approve said application. L�To license shall be issued to any person con- vict�d of a felony or to any minor. Licenses issued under the provisions of this section shall be issued only to individuals and no license shall be issued to any partnership, firm or corporation. The application shall be filed with the City Clerk and a copy thereof shall also be f�,led with the chief of police. Applicant's license under this section shall be an annual fee of 25.�0. E�ch person issued a l.icense under the provisions hereof shall post said license in a conspicuous place in the licensed premises and no sale, lease, gift or delivery of any firearm shall be made other than on the premises licen�ed hereunder. Sec. 25.116e It shall be unlawful for any licensee hereunder to place any firear�t� or ir►itation thereof in any display window of the licensed premises. Sec. 25.117. Any person staging any shall be required to obtain a. license from of police in the same manner as set forth of this Ordinance o - 5 - gun show the ch ie f in Sec . 25 .104 � ; � � 1 •� . . , � , ., � . . • - . . - . - ' . . S ec. 25.118. No lic�nse issued under the provisions of these sections shall be transferable or assignable from one person to another person, or from one location to another location. �ec. 25.119. The failure of any pers4n licensed to sell, rent, lease or deliver firearms under thes� sections shall be subject to revocation for the violation of any provision of the�e sectionso SECTION 3e Any person who carries a firearm on his person and to wham no registration certifi�ate �►as been issued pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance sh�.11, upon conviction, be sentenced to imprisonment for not less than thirty (30) dayso Any person violating any other provision of this ordinance shall �ipon conviction, be subject to a fine not exceeding one thousand dal l ars ($1 , 4�J�, 04) , or imprisonment not exceeding ninety (90 ) days, or both. SECTION 4: That a11 ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the saine are hereby repealeda SECTION 5. : The health and we1�E�re of the City being in peril, the three readings of this ordinance sh�ll be had in one session and the City Council finding that this ordinance is necessary for the immediate protection of its citizens, it shall therefore go into effect im�nedi�tely upon its passage. PASSED and ADOPTED this 26Ch day of June , 1968. ATT ES T : ity Clerk and Finance Director lst reading - June 26, 1968 2nd reading - June 26, 1968 3rd reading - June 26, 1968 POSTED - June 26, 1968 �� Ma r � r � r • �_ • • �� � y ,� � .. - _ w. • � . . STATE OF �'LORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: I, RUTH B. ROULEAU, City C lerk and Finance Director in and for the City of Miami Beach, Florida, do hereby certify that Ordinance No. 1697 entitled: "AN ORDINANCE AMENDtNG CHAPTER 25 OF 'THE CODE OF THE CtTY OF M1AM1 BEACH, FLORIDA' BY REPEALING SECTIONS 25.104 iHROUGH 25.107, AND ADDING NEW SECTIONS THERETO, REGULATiNG THE SALE OF FIREARMS; REQUIRING THEIR REGtSTRATiON, AND RELATED MATTERS"' having been passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, has been posted by me in three conspicuous places in the City of Miami Beach, one of which was at the door of the City Hall in said City on the 26th day of June, 1 g68, and that said prdinance remained posted for a period of at least thirty days in accordance with the requirements of the City Charter ; of the said City of Miami Beach. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, on this the 21 st day of August, 1968. City Clerk and Finance Director � � �, # ' r, " r . v � < - �. ... _ .. _�i ..._. ' � � a, 4-- O � N ^ L ` 01 N r � �. .' J � a ' � co z • .� — O U t7 Z � cc w 3 �J U N Z J d I Z � , � � p C9 � O '� N� N � - N �> 'v N O � c.� � s ? e . � .� � _._ '. _ . . . _.. . __ __e_� __ _.__._...M_�__,..., _._ .. m �s_. __. __ , _ . . ..._ _� _ _ _ - . ._ � . � �� � , . - � � ,�,, � ,-�= ��q-, _ , �• �a„+e� ..� �,�,}� . , .. . , $ � ¢r� :, . ., ik . _ , . . . . .. .. . . . . .+` 't�.: ., '�'' °5.�.� .. � � �'� ' �'�+* �.'�i.a+.. _ r , "�i " 'i' . . . . . .. f . '�- ' r, r � � +��'���� ;S�a1�� � `� +�r *s .fe7�""� s�.�+. i.d _ . . , . .. }i! r"�'�-:s. nf �T Sn .�, '� �R.'f .ri '�" -n�t=ti ^ i�':A . . � � . . � . . .. . .��'�'� z� #t.,5.� v, �kr+,` . E � /