Ordinance 476`, ".,r.-�r— • � f . • / � ; o�z�.�rrcE No. �-76 (Repealed—See �rd.�97ii , `� AN ORDII�ANC� flF TH.� CITY COU�TCIL. OF '�HE � CI1Y OF' ��1.I.A1'�I BEACH, FLORIDA, P�.OHIBITING ' � � �� T HE OPE��AT I ON 4F C r�TAIN i��I,AC HIN�RY AND ' !� EN�AGIi�G IN BtJILDING AND GONS�'RUCTION '� OPErtA.`�IONS DURING C�TAIN �ION`�HS OF THE � � ;,� YEAR, p.N� PROVIDIN� PENALTS�S FOR THE 3 i; V I OLAT I ON T�f.�i�OF . ;� , �� �'�HFR.r�AS, the City of l�iarni Bea.ch, Florida, is ,, ;� primarily a Winter Resort containing up�ards of' one hundred fifty I, � '� ho�els, �.nd fi�re hunc�red t�venty-five apartment houses, most of '; �; , , ;; . E; �rhich are occu�ied by �int�r tourists seeking rest, �.nd recreation, ;; ` conv�.lescents aynd other persons in ill �iealth seeking recovery , � during the few months of t�ie year eommonly termed the Winter Season; and • WHEREAS, the property owners and t��ayers of City derive their principal income and revenue from said ti�inter visitors amounting to many millions of dollars annually; �.nd said : ; �) �VHEREAS, THE OPeration of eertain types of ; I. � �� machinery and building operations generally, cr:.��te offensive noise�, ; .� odor�, disturb�.nces a,nd conditions �ener��lly obnoxious to those ' ;; . �' seeking rest, recreation, and recovery frorn illness, thereby � �' greatly reducing the income, revenue and market val�.e of hotel � and apa.rtment property affectec�� thereby; and i WHEREAS dny such operations can conveniently be � 4� made during the remai�.der of the ye�r in dccordance with the l�ng � �i ;, est�:blished policy of said municipality and its inhabitants; ; ;� :3 �I � N'� �'�, TH�'REFOR.�, BE I� 0� DAI�TE� FY THE C ITY C OUNC IL j '� OF T� CITY 0�' IUIIAT!�I �EACH, FLO�ID1�_: � It shall be un�awful to operate or cause to be SECTIOlV -l: operated �vithin the cor�orate limits of the City of �iiami Beach, Florid�., withi�� one hundred f eet ( 100' ) of any building oceu�ied as a hotel or apartment 3' as definec�. in Ordin�.nce No. �89, being the Zoning Ordinance of the i� �, `' City of lliiia�i Be�.ch, any dredge, pile driver�, riveting m�.chine, ; mechanical sa�', or other like maehinery, or to engage in Q,ny r: 4� � �' a �: building or construction oper�.tions creatin� noise, vibration, ,� ,; ;' dust or smoke, during that period of the yea.r commencing December �� �.. �_..� ;: 15th and ending T�arch 15th f'���ing, exc ept ing only mir�-. r�..�pairs �; . i� � � � � �• and bui.ldin�s under construction at the time of the adoption of thi s ordinanc e . �j �ach ciay� s�rio.lation of this ordin�.nce shall I !! SECTION 2: constitute a sep�.r�ate oz"fense. i� �� Any person, firin or corporation, Qic�,ting this ' i! ; � �; SECTION 3: ordinance shall be punished by a fine not exceeding � � j; 4ne Hunared Dollax�s (�100.�0) or imprisonment in ' , �� �� the City Jail not exeeedin� th�rty ( 30) days, or both in the i� � aiscretion of the Court . ' All ordin�ces and parts of ordinances on conflict , SECTION 4: herewith axe hereby repealed. � This ordin�.nce is h r b d el y d .n e e y e a, e t o b e an I C . SE TION 5. emergency measure on �Ghe grouna of urgent public , `� need for the preserv�,tion of peace, health, �3' . safety G..nd property, �.nd shall become effective from its passage �� �., :- a.nd a��roval of such. �. - ,� '' ; ° PASSED A_ND ADOP�ED this l�h day of January, ,; „ �; �' A . D . 19 3'7 . � � �� . ,, i' �j resid.ent City Council � (. �?Attest�: _ ��=�-..,. ity Clerk APPROVED by me this l�.th day of Janu�,ry, A. D.193? . � - _____ �1 � (� I'�Ai�OR w i� 1 l I January 11, 1937. Janu�,ry 11, 1937. January 11, 1937. January 12, 1937. � lst re�,aing; "'2nd rPddin�: � 3r°d r'eadirig: ;Posted: ;; � .. _ . � � �- � w . _ ) STATE OF FL4RIDA ) � COUNTY OF DADE ) I, C. �i. TOMLINSON, City Clerk ir� and for the City of Miarni Beach, Florida, do hereby certify that Ordinance No. 476 entitl�d �AN �RDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF �IAI�I BEACH, FLORIDA, PROHIBITING THE OPER- ATI4�i OF CERTAIN MACHINERY AA1D ENE�AGING IN BUILDING AN� CON.. STRUCTION OPERATION3 DURING CERTAIN �OA1T�i3 OF THE YEAR, AND PROViDING PENALTIE� FOR THE VI4LA�ION THEREOF�, having been passed ar�d adopted by the City Council of the Ci�� of Miami Beach, �'lorida, has been poete8 by me in three conapicuou8 places in the City of Miami 8each, ane of which was at the door of the City Hall in said Cit� on the 12th da� of Januar�y, A. D., 1937, and tha� 8aid ordinar�ee remained posted for a period oP at least thirty da�e in accordance �rith the require- ments oi' the City Charter of the eaid City of �iami Beach. IN �ITNE�S �fiEREOF I have here�nto set my hand and aPfixed the official seal of the �ity of' �iami Beach, Florida, on thi8 the 15th day of February, A. D., 1937. � , . City Clerk ;