Ordinance 478a��� _.�, . __ ,,,,, - . •— . ORDINANCE N0� 47� AN O�DINANCE PROHIBITII�G THE SALE, GIFT, BA�TEFc, EXCHANGE, OR DI STRIBUTIQN OF A1��TAL, LUMINAL, VERONAL, BARBITAL, ACID DIETtiYLBAR.BITURIC, AND/OR ITS DERIVATIVES, EXCEPT IN CER- TAIN CASES: PROVIDING FOR PEN- ALTIES FOR THE VTOLATION OF SAID ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION l: It shall be unl.aw.ful for any person, firm, or corporation to sell, give away, barter, exchan�e, or distribute in the City of �y�iami B�ach, amytal, luminal, veron�,l, '��rbi.tal, acid d:iethy�_b�.rbituric, or any of its salts, derivativ��s, or compounds of tl�e foregoin�; substance, or any preparation oz� compound containin� any of the foregoing sub-- stance, or its salts, derivatives, or. compounds, or any re- gistered, trade-marked, or copyrightea. preparation or compound registered in the United States patent office containing more than four �rains to the avoirdupois or fluid ounce of the above substance, except upon the written order or preseription of a physi cian, sur�;eon, denti L t, or veterinary sur�eon duly licensed to pr�,ctice in the State of Flarida, and shall not be refilled t�iithout the written orcler of the prescriber; provided, � however, that �.ny p�escrintion f or phenolb�.rbital or any pre� paration, mixture, or coin�ound o� phenol�arbital may be refilled, and said prescription or order shall be at all tim�s to the in- spection by duly �,uthorized officers of the lav�, and shall be pre�erved for at le�.st three vears from the date of the filling thereof; provided, ho�ever, th�t tne above provisions sh�,ll not apply to the s��le at ��rhoie�ale by dru� jobbers, dru� wholesal�rs, anc� drug m�,nufaeturc;rs to pharm�,eies �.s providecl by la!�T, or to physicians, dnntists, or veterin�.ry surgeons, nor to each other, or to physici��.ns and surgeons, dentists, or veterina,ry surgeons duly licensed to przcticP in this 5t�te. SE�CTION 2; An�T person violatin� any of the provisions of this Ordinanc� shall b� deemed �uilty of a misdeme�,nor, and upon canviction ther�of, sh�,ll be punished by a fine in �,ny sum not exceedin� One Hundred Dollars (�100.00}, or by imprison- ment in the City Jail �'or �. p�riod not e xc��ding thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ATTEST • '"„� .. -a � f � _ %' ity Clerk 3rd d�.v of F�;b ua,ry, A. D. , 1937. C� � . r�sident of C t Council APP�OVED BY ME this 3rd da,y lst R�ading 2nd Re€�ding 3rd Reading Po: ted - J�nuary 6, 1937. - �,T��.nu�.ry 6, 19.37 • -- Febru��.ry 3, 1937 � -- Febru�.ry 3, 19�7. � o#' Fe u�.r.y, D. , 19`37. , - - G%�-�-A � �_ ayo r . ' ►� �. �`�. �� � °`� � :.E_ . _. ,: ,..;-r a • + 3TATE OF FLORIDA ) � COUNTY OF DADE ) I, C. �. TO�LINSON , City Clerk in � and for the City of' �iami Beach, Florida, do hereby certify that Ordinance No. �7� entitled �AN OR�INANCE PROHIBITING THE 3ALE , GIF"� , BAR�ER, EXCHANGE , OR DISTRIBUTION OF �YTAL , LU�dINAL , VERaNAL , BARBI T�I, , ACI D DIETHYLBARBITURI C, AND/ OR IT� DERIVATIiTES, EX�EPT IlY CERTAIN CASES: PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF SAID ORDINANCE", having been pa8sed and adopted by the Citp Counail of the City of �iami Beach, Florida, has been poeted by me in three conspi�uoua place8 in the City of I�iami Beach, o�e of �►hich was at the door of '�he City Hall in eaid City on the 3rd day of February , A. D. , 1937, and that said ordinance remained posted for a period of at least thirty daye in accordance with tY�e require- aents o� �he City Charter of the said City oP �iami Beaeh. IN il�ITNESS �HEREOF I have hereunto set m� hand and a��ixed the official seal of the �ity of �iami Beach, Florida, on this the 5th day ot �Iarch, A. D. , 1937• City Cler� ;` . �. . J - ... . �, � r� •.0 p. t• " . � �A � t I