Ordinance 482. - , ' ORDINANCE N�. ��2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY C�UATCIL OF THE CITY OF I�IAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, A�lIIEND_ ING ORDINANCE NtJ. 2�9, BEING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF SAID CITY, sa .AS T4 CHANGE THE AREA REGULATIONS OF THE PROPERTY DEHCRIBED HEREIN. BE IT aN.�AINED BY THE �ITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF I�IAI�4I BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTI4N l: That Ordinance No. 2�9 of the City of �Iiami Beach, Florida, be and the sarne is hereb� amended as follows: �hat the Area Re�ulation on the following described property, to-�it: Subdivision of Block 11-A, Island View Addition, in the C3.ty of Miami Beach, Florida, as same ia shown on a Plat recorded in Plat Book No: 3� at Page 97, Public Records of Dade CouM�y, Florida, be and the same is hereby amended so ae to change the above des- cribed land from it8 present Area Regulation District No. 13, to what is known as Area Regulation District No, 33. �ECTION 2; A11 ordinances and parts of ordinancea in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. �ECTI4N 3; This ordinance shall take effect immediately after its passage, approval and �ogting. PASSED AND ADOPTED thiB 7th day ot ;�prfi�� A. D., 1937. r � re�ident of City ouncil ATTE�T: .. , . � y.. y�� o- ity C�.erk APPROVED BY �E this 7th Iat Reading - March 17, 1937. 2nd Reading - March 17, 1937. 3rd Readin� - A�ril 7, 1937. Posted - April 9, 1937. day of A�ril, A. D., 1937. � � �, _ ayor ; .� _ . �. .�„������:� �.a;:.,,� ; •; n� i n�. ,r� v r �C i.i V.i 11 LlL � � �OUN�'Y OF DADE ) � E I, C. �f. T��iLINSO�i, City �l�rk in a,�d for the �ity of �iami Beach, Florida, do hereby cer��ify t�at 4rdinanc� ATo. �-�2 entitled "�iN ORDI�tANCE OF THE �ITY COUNCIL 0�' THE CITY OF MIAIVII BEA�H, FL4RIDA, A�dENDING ORDINA�iCE N0. 2�9, BEIhia THE ZONINC� �RDINANCE OF �AID CITY, SO A� TO CI�AI�TGE THE �iREA REGULATI0�1�3 4F �'HE PR�PERTY DES�RIBED HER.EIAi�� , havin� been pas�ed aMd adopted by th� City Counail of �he City of . D�iami Beach, Florida, has been poeted by me in three co�spicuot�� places in the City of �tiami Beach, on� of whiel� was a� the door of t�ie Ci�y Hall in 8aid Ci�y on the 9th day oi April, A. D., 1937, ar�d that �aid ordinan�e remained pos�ed for a period of at lea�t thirty days in aacordanae with the requirements of the City Char�er oi the �aid Ci�y of �iami Beach� II� �tIT1�ESS �iH�REOF I have here�nto eet m� hand and af�'ixed t�e of fi�ial seal of th� City of �iami Beaeh, Florida, on this the 14th day of �ay, 1�, D., 1937. . /// 1 �� � • ����I � �lil City Clerk ' � � r '� �n.�. . � �Y 'S`� . '! I ' � � � �'�7 H a � •� N �d H �50 t5 U A .�- � � A -, Ha� . � o o�:� - � � N •• W � W �a� H U .r : O � A U A v z ��� H ��� � � H H