13667 RESOLUTION NO. 13667 WHEREAS, the 1972 Democratic National Convention held in the City of Miami Beach, Florida, July 10 to July 14, 1972 inclusive is now history, and WHEREAS , the City of Miami Beach has been univer- sally lauded for the manner and mode in which it provided the facilities and surroundings for said Convention whereby a peaceful, orderly and dignified National event was achieved, and WHEREAS, the attainment of such objective was the product of the preparation and planning of countless hours of preparation by innumerable trained personnel in the Nation- al, State, County and Municipal levels of Government, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, for itself and on behalf of its citizens and residents that it does hereby formally express its sincere and profound appreciation to all those persons who contributed so generously and unselfishly of their time, energies, and skills to achieve the success of the said Convention, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that particular tribute be also paid to the administration of Metropolitan Dade County, City of Miami and all other municipalities in Dade County for their generous assignment of police personnel and equipment to Convention duty, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council of Miami Beach, Florida that profound and sincere appreciation is hereby expressed to the County Manager, Director of Public Safety of Dade County, the Chiefs of Police of the Cities of Miami, Coral Gables and of all other sister municipalities in Dade County and to each and every member of their respective departments for their loyal and faithful devotion to the per- formance of their duties in connection with the said 1972 Democratic National Convention. PASSED and ADOPTED this 19th day of July, 1972. l�. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk-Finance Director OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY-1130 WASHINGTON AVENUE-MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139