Resolution 5 { WBER S, '.e Board of County Ccrmiseior..e;c at a eeg elaa mooting held. the 6th day of July, A. D. 1918, aPPointed George. E. LTcCaukill, attorney for the Board, and Imo. Kackely of the firm of Kiyce & Kaackely, ongineors for the County on the construction of the Mimi Causeway, to ge to Washington and aPpear beforo thePri- orities Committee and u;:.e their beet efforts to convince said ooze. mittoo of the necessity of the immediate granting of a Priorities Permit for the neceoca ry stool for tbo conetru tion of tLz two Scherzor Rolling Lift Briddos in the Miami Causeway, /flD MERSAC, Thorc is a largo Pcrconta of the City aur. County 1 Th 1ation of forth theusand. PeoPlo, exclusive of a 1erge number of soldiers ani sailors, dePondout on those bridges for free Passage to the Ocean Beach for recreation and relief from summer heat, and whereas they are now required to Pair a toll of thirty-five cents. TREREFORTI, BE 12 BESOLveie, by the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, that .;t do heartily aaProve of the auction of the Board of County Commissioners of Dade County and. BE IT FURTIMR i SOLSrLD, that the Clerk of the City Cour; of Miami ;each furnish George E. McCaskill a certified con„r of this flosolution, under the seal of the said Citlr, immediately. I, J. F. Canova, Clerk of the City Council of the City of !rami\Beach, Florida, do hereby cerci e ITat the above and fore o ng is st true and correct coPy of a Resolution as Passed by the City Council of .the City of Miami Beech, at its meeting held on tie 10th day of July, A. B, 1918. t''itness my signature end the seal of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, this lith day of July, 1918. cer4,17::::. .a...„..,----ey--12L,,,. City Clerk, i:7iami Beach, Florida. s • moi. • .